Nabela Noor vs The Fatllip Podcast | Clothing Sizes W/Sonalee Rashatwar

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so I tell people the factual truth about obesity and how it can negatively affect your life and I'm the evil one but calling somebody infinite fat is empowering my name is Alan Roberts this is 71 day fitness like subscribe don't forget for right over there share my videos subscribe to my second channel Alan Roberts in my opinion it's above blow at the end also bubble at the end if you need to lose 50 pounds or more we have the damn collective coaching special we've just brought on other team members so we do have more spots available that's where myself my wife and our team are in daily communication with person help teaching the person the skills to hold themselves accountable teaching them about food giving them suggested macros or just an activity built around the lifestyle that they want to have if they'd like to do a certain activity that's what we go to we don't tell them to do stuff they're not gonna want to do so we help this person lose weight keep it off and develop the skills to hold themselves accountable and keep it off for the rest of their lives so they don't need us anymore so check that out if you need to lose 50 pounds more above and below at the end damn collective coaching special anyway I talked a lot about fat acceptance because obesity kills that's it's just fat and the thing is I give facts about the obesity pandemic and I give facts about what it does your body I give facts about the diseases that can lead to I'll give a facts about the increased risk of diabetes heart disease kidney failure fatty liver all these things osteoarthritis so many things come along with being obese I give them a factual information I don't insult anybody I don't use these slurs around obese people and I am the angry bald man I'm the evil person but we have people that can literally call somebody super fat and infinite that and somehow that's empowering I am lost I really am I consider myself a man of logic and facts and I am completely completely lost in this to go down the fat acceptance rabbit hole if you ever really have like 20 hours of time where you would like to mentally torture yourself go onto Instagram and type in acceptance and 20 hours later you will be looking for a therapist and you will realize the importance of what I say because we have people trying to convince others that being obese is not only healthy but a positive thing and it's just absolutely not I have done a video on the fat 6 therapist Sonya Lee Roth aguar and that's how I found this other lady she used terminology in calling people somebody super fat and Infini fat she also by the way Sonya Lee Rajeshwari licensed licensed social worker in New Jersey in mpa made this statement saying that it is ok to physically disabled yourself by becoming obese that it's okay to do that I don't know how she still has her license just in my opinion of course because that's to me sounds like advocating self harm it is not okay to voluntarily knowingly and you know disable yourself by becoming obese it is not okay to do that I don't understand how that's a thing I really really don't but I saw her anyway I saw her using the term super fat and infini fat so I wondered where it came from and I looked it up and it's from the fat lip podcasts lady her name is ash and she has this chart that I'm gonna show right here it is called the fatness spectrum and it labels up small fat people 1 X 2 2 X 18 or lower dress size towards double zero to one finds clothes that fit at mainstream brands and can shop at many stores mid fat 2x - 3 X 22 24 this is dress size tour in two to three shop at some mainstream brands but mostly dedicated Plus brands and online super fat which is 4 X - 5 X 26 to 32 toward 4 to 6 where the highest size at plus brands can often only shop online and in thin effete 6 X and higher 34 and higher toward some toward 6:00 very difficult to find anything that fits even online often requires custom sizing by the way I posted that chart to my Instagram asking the question how it is okay to call somebody in fit if that how that is not shaming when myself and others list off the facts the medical facts about obesity we are fat shaming but it is okay to call someone infant if that I'd I would never call somebody infinite that infinite that sounds like hopelessly fat your fat is so much that it is infinite that is not a compliment that is not that should not even be used as a descriptor it really shouldn't that it to me IIIi would I would be upset if somebody called one of my clients infinite fat right I would be upset if somebody called when my friends infinite that like that that to me is a super derogatory term that somehow is okay I just I don't get it I really don't get it she by the way was very upset that I just asked the question how is okay to do that Irie grant it which if you aren't familiar with that that means you actually take their entire post and you put it on your Instagram and you can add your comments but it tags and I wrote that and I used her picture I gave her credit for it and she found a copyright claim on me and then blocked me yeah I I'm lost for words here like I am all for having having conversation I want to have conversation with people about this I really do I want to have people from the fat acceptance immunity I want to have real conversation because I don't want people to feel bad about themselves I don't want people to feel shame about themselves but I also don't want people putting themselves in the ground by thinking it is perfectly okay to disable yourself by becoming obese when you are in thin of fat you should worry less about your dress size fitting into a dress and what size coffin you are going to fit into because Infini fat by her terminology sounds like your death's door that that sounds in those 600-pound range that is not in any way healthy your focus needs to be on your health your focus needs to be on escaping the prison of obesity that you have put yourself in that people like this somehow enable people like this somehow make it seem like it's okay to anti quote from slightly rougher disable yourself by becoming that obese that to me is horrific now I did find this young lady who actually has a different idea of things to rename the sizes the average size of a woman in America today is a size 16 if that is the standard then where is she being catered to where she's being serviced where is she being accepted and embraced and told that she's enough we're not accepting those labels anymore extra small/small medium/large xl/1x 2 X 2 X 4 X whatever it is we're not accepting that as the standard we're creating a new standard and this standard is one where we are proud and confident of our side now that was nabela Noir she is the founder of ziba which is she's basically trying to rewrite what stamp the clothing standards are called now I will say this I do believe that people need to feel positively about themselves as I mentioned in our what I talked about our coaching one of the things we do in our coaching is to get the person's opinion if there are morbidly obese to try to change their opinion about themselves that they are worth saving that they are worthy of love that they are worthy of their health that they deserve good health that they owe it to themselves not anybody else that is one thing we try to do so I do appreciate this woman's efforts I don't agree with the labeling of some of that's for extra-large as independent because the chances are they're not very independent I don't you know with a few statements you made where we are enough and we are worth it you are worth loved at any size you are worth loved you are worth loving yourself enough to get healthy I say that all the time I really mean that we need to decouple aesthetics and health because you are somebody's going to find you beautiful and if calling a dress size you're a piece of clothing size is negative impact on your mental health call it whatever you want that's a thing you can change the name of something you can't change the meaning of what that is like a for extra large if you want to change the change it to the word independent which I again don't agree with because I think that's kind of very misleading from that lifestation but if you want to call Forex independent you absolutely can that doesn't change the fact that you are wearing a four extra large piece of clothing and there's some really really really strong chances that the effects of obesity have already impacted you and are definitely impacting your life that type 2 diabetes is in your immediate future that you need help in losing weight you need in some way to lose size because you cannot be healthy at any size just I've done this before if you're for extra-large the damage you're causing to your load bearing joints every time you take a step which I'm imagining art is not that many at that size and that is not to be mean that is just saying that if somebody has four extra large and there's a very strong chance daily a pretty set in Terry life style and if they do not they are beating their joints the [ __ ] up just fact you can call yourself whatever you want you just can't no matter what you call yourself you're not gonna be able to escape the facts of health that's the thing like these I still don't understand I and elite in the comments section below please let me know because if somebody given you the facts of like the actual statistical proven scientifically tested meta study and Alice analysis facts that obesity kills and obesity is leading to early demise like the generation coming up is going to be the first generation where the lifespan goes down because they're becoming more and more and more obese it's directly correlated to it if some that somehow shaming but calling somebody Infini fat isn't I don't somebody needs to explain it to me because I for the first time ever am at a loss for words and that's just my two cents no matter my name's Alan Robertson every fitness hit me up on Twitter every bit of also my Facebook and every fitness and I'm on the internet that every day i'm dafe it is not net god damn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 193,729
Rating: 4.9420028 out of 5
Keywords: everydamnday, everydamndayfitness, alan roberts, weight loss, fat loss, body positive, fat acceptance, body positivity, plus size, sonalee rashatwar, thefatlippodcast, clothing sizes, plus sized clothing, clothing haul, torrid haul, torrid sizes, torrid size, neba, nabela noor
Id: EQMM7_Rm5ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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