Sonalee Rashatwar on Dismantling Western Civilization for Fat Acceptance

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to end fatphobia we need to dismantle Western civilization says Philly therapist solely Ruffa thoir F your logic standards my name is Ian Roberts this is 7 a.m. day fitness like subscribe to them from right over here share my videos subscribe to my second channel Alan Roberts in my opinion course plan to blow at the end all those places thank you very much so Sonny Lee rajeshwar I she goes by the fat sex therapists on Instagram and I get tagged in just about every tagger sent just about everything this woman says I believe she's the lady that not too long ago equated like like the children shouldn't be forced workout because they're not at the age of consent like that's so illogically disqualifying lee stupid i mean that's like saying like a child shouldn't have to shouldnt have to mow the lawn because involves physical activity can't stand up to do the dishes because physical activity you know that's just really really unintelligent it just really it's it's fool does it's foolish talk it really is so when people disqualify themselves that way i can't tend not to just ignore them you know i will say this this one caught my attention it's like what she's talking about that Western civilization should be dismantled so fat people can feel better about themselves or eliminate fat phobia and I are just this statement in general is a logical and I'll explain that here in a little bit but my wife and I have sat down if you want to follow my wife's page it's at dam serenity on Instagram it'll be linked in the description box below but we sat down and read the article together and just talk through it and we're going to talk about we're all going to discuss the points did my wife and I talked about with this because I found this just be but I'm always amazed at the people that get voices they're like they get put in the news and stuff like that it's kind of amazing where we're at in society when people take [ __ ] like this seriously so let's get into the article Sonia lira hadn't planned on being a therapist growing up her career path she explained while sitting in the waiting room of the radical therapy center the practice she co-owns in Western Philadelphia just kind of happened rush Parnell 31 endured an abusive relationship in her early 20s after college she started volunteering for domestic violence response team an experience that showed her she enjoyed working with others who had lived through traumas my deepest sympathies to miss Roffe aguar and to anybody going through that's watching this that's in a domestic violence situation that's in a danger situation either physically or mentally there are gonna be links in description box below that can help you check those out get help seek help as quickly as possible and my if you know of anybody that's in a dangerous relationship have them get those links below if possible do whatever you can so my deepest deepest condolences to miss Russell are and to anybody in that situation please do get help the article goes on quotes all of my work is to better understand what I've experienced and quotes in rushed fire who graduate from Temple University in 2011 quote it's almost like I'm healing younger versions of myself by trying to find language to describe what happened end quote I am going to point out that she just admitted to approaching everything from her own viewpoint her own personal bias that is disqualifying to me that professionally I cannot see that as a counselor being in any way good she approaches every she's she's looking at it he's healing herself that is not how counseling coaching things like that at work that would be like me and my wife coaching every person that comes to us to lose weight in the same manner that I lost weight and that cannot be done some people have a lot more weight to lose just like I'm sure some people have a lot more trauma than her some people have less trauma some people have less weight tonight for me to lose some people have other issues that I didn't have or less issues than I have physically emotionally mentally you cannot approach a situation we're trying to help a person from the stance of this is what works for me every time that is not in any way good for anybody that to me her admitting that she approaches things in that way shows serious bias towards everything that is that is breaching logical thought and critical thinking that is when you approach things from an already decided angle then the rest of the thought process is very skewed well especially when it's not factual information when it's not statistical information statistic 'information is just statistics when you approach it from an emotional bias it disqualifies you from rational thought the article goes on as the fad positivity movement has gained momentum so to have debates around how that folks should lead healthy lives Russia far though considers how sighs ISM is affected by racism misogyny classism homophobia transphobia and ableism and she counsels people against intentional weight loss that is unbelievable to me she is not qualified she is not a medical doctor that is unbelievably negligent to me I would argue that if somebody was told by their medical professional by their doctor to lose weight or they're going to develop diabetes and she is telling people on an open forum to never intentionally lose weight and one of the she tells one of her clients not to intentionally lose weight and they developed type 2 diabetes that that is her fault that she could be held liable for that in my opinion of course I that is dangerous dangerous dangerous talk if your medical doctor tells you to lose weight lose weight get a second opinion if two doctors tell you lose weight lose weight I mean in in reality I understand that people want to feel good about themselves but to start telling people to not intentionally lose weight to put that out there on such an open forum okay if you have a person that's of a healthy weight and telling them not to intentionally lose weight that I understand but to just put that out there especially speaking in an obese person with a person whose majority audience is obese people too tell them not to lose weight is negligent you are going to hurt people when you do that there's no that's again like there's no logic behind this I understand people want to feel good about themselves but this is a medical thing this is like the term obese even though we're trying to asterisk out the word and make it a swear word the term obese is a medical term for people that have too much at a post tissue that is it as a medical terminology when you say morbidly obese it is a state of life that they are indeed they're endangering their life due to their weight to tell people not to intentionally lose weight is simply negligent she pointed to the work of artist activist Ashley Shackleford who has written that wearing clothes from the boys section growing up when many items for girls didn't fit altered how Shackleford experienced gender rajeshwar who noted that people may perceive feminine bodies as more masculine if they're fat feel similarly about her upbringing being big and being the eldest child she said made her feel less like a girl growing up how you look is an aesthetic thing I talk about it all the time it should not in any way affect your thought process on wanting to be healthy it just shouldn't I understand it you know there's tons of people that want to be huge bodybuilders but be real that's not necessarily healthy it's not healthy to be 300 pounds shred to the bone on stage there are many people that think Tess Holliday is a gorgeous woman let's be real it's not healthy to be 400 pounds as a model in reality what you look like is just an aesthetic thing and people are going to judge that no matter what especially for women people are going to judge it no matter what the same person it says something very very rude to an obese person about their weight with the intention of hurting their feelings is going to say rude means [ __ ] no matter what the person looks like that's just what they do they take enjoyment from it they in some way it makes them feel better about themselves does it make it right abso-fucking-lutely not but it is just the nature of things if a person is 400 pounds and somebody calls them a whale or something ridiculously ignorant and that person loses 150 or 250 pounds becomes 150 pounds they're going to find the real person is going to find something else to say what you do is not even give that person power over you and don't acknowledge it you get healthy for you and not give a [ __ ] about what the mean person says because frankly when you give that much power to somebody else you are stealing yourself away when you this woman's entire body of work seems to be based around how people look not actually how healthy they are that's my issue right now in reading this article in no way does this woman bring up anything I understand people need to be mentally healthy I really do you know what you don't make you feel bit mentally healthy not worrying about having your feet cut off from diabetes I mean not worrying about getting all the diseases and stuff like that that is that's the issue because no we're in the back of someone on the Beast person's mind are they not worried about getting sick because they don't feel good that's just the truth people like that stuff like the pandering that this woman is putting towards an audience of people that just want to feel better about themselves based off of her own personal biases is a dangerous narrative this is a and it's a dangerous narrative without logic it's literally f your logic standards because this has none the article then goes on to say her perspective one of a fat South Asian non Baron a person or as I would call a person has gained enhancement arathi through Instagram where she often posts telegram like advice to the account at the fat Ser at the fat sex therapist last July she celebrated 4,000 followers today her follower count approaches 20 times that now as a person that prides himself on their individuality on B I pride myself on being a unique individual I really really do I wonder why there's so many labels because I'm still just a person like you can I find it very very illogical so f your logic standards I find a very illogical to place so many different types of labels upon yourself when you are preaching a message of inclusivity when you are trying to represent a group that you feel is marginalized in some way then to keep putting different labels upon yourself to further you identify yourself as an individual it's just a very very confused message I really believe that this woman in my opinion of course has found her nice they talked about how her Instagram following has grown immensely it makes me wonder is she more concerned with growing her following versus actually helping people like a therapist should because when you take the key phrases that she is using just to make sure that she can identify with all different types of audiences instead of just trying to get all the audience's to be just one audience and it be very inclusive of people that makes me wonder what her motives are in general she posts advice in colorful blocks of text your body is an heirloom do you consume porn with bodies like yours then that explains those concepts and the captions rush to art races contemporary fatphobia to colonial brutality and how enslaved people were treated setting a research advocate caleb luna rajeshwar said curing anti fatness would mean dismantling society's foundation i love to talk about undoing Western civilization because it's just so romantic to me holy [ __ ] that's a lot to unpack in just a little bit first of all if you don't consume porn with people of your body type there's nothing wrong with you it's fantasy for [ __ ] reason and to compare what fat people go through to what slaves went through is just inflammatory rhetoric at best I mean that that is the most positive thing that can be said about that statement it can be seen as massively insulting to people that are actually enslaved around the world because that [ __ ] still happens to compare the life of somebody in America that is morbidly obese who has had enough access to enough food and enough you know was a sedentary lifestyle enough enough access to being able to be sedentary enough to eat enough food and get morbidly obese unless there's some sort of underlying medical issue comparing that to slaves is disgusting to me at best but I will say this if you don't want to feel like you are enslaved and you're morbidly obese lose weight because the thing that's enslaving you is the weight I find it so hard to take anything this woman says as serious because like the whole the dismantling Western civilization is romantic to me it's ignorant it Thalia is because if Western civilization were to somehow fall people would not be as overweight and obese because people would be working a hell of a life like a heart or Western civilization is why people have gotten so obese and overweight the convenience of it the ability to be sedentary in nature instead of having to working for you instead of having to work for your food the ability to pull up through a drive-thru expend one calorie player sitting on a gas pedal and he consumed 1,500 calories in drink and food like if the convenience of Western civilization is one of the reasons why people are so overweight so I find it amazing that she and somehow in some way thinks that obese people would somehow enjoy the fall of Western civilization because trust me on this if anarchy would reign obese people would have a very hard time if it's grocery stores shut down if prices of food skyrocketed which is what would happen without Western civilization obese people would have a very hard time and that to me again there's absolutely no logic behind that statement that statement honest I that statement was said for the reason I think she I think she got the reaction she wanted out of it because there's an article made about that statement and I believe that she does almost everything for that [ __ ] I believe that she seized and the more inflammatory [ __ ] she says the more popular she's getting there for them our money she's making she's I don't believe there's actually an investment in actually helping people because not only does she say conflicting things from one sentence to another thing she says stuff I think just to say [ __ ] the article goes on on the effects of that trauma happy to see we have another new phrase fat trauma what some folks think is trauma is like the event itself that happened like the car accident that I got into is the trauma but that's the event what trauma is is what gets stuck in my body and the way that I react when I'm in the car and the future in the future and it stops really quickly that's the trauma response quote and so when we internalize that phobia and we really like personally personalize of that traumatic experience it can impact our sexuality by making it uncomfortable to receive a hug because we feel like the person hugging me probably is so repulsed by touching my body let's just get the hug over with quickly and quote I am again gonna point out how everything this woman says seems to either be for inflammatory purposes or based off her own personal biases who says that the person feels that way because they're fat maybe there's some sort of other trauma that actually caused them to gain the weight that is the reason why they don't want to be hugged like the assumptions are just ridiculous maybe they they feel it that the person who won't like hugging them because the fat sex therapist presented it as there might be an issue with people hugging them if because they're overweight like this woman could actually be harming people by her [ __ ] statements just trying to get popular in my opinion of course I i have always lost at how [ __ ] like this gets said on an open forum it is so important remember when you're on social media you're talking to the dumbest person that's going to listen I mean I say that all the time you're talking to the dumbest [ __ ] in your audience but in reality I don't mean that as an insult I mean it's people might take the words you say and misconstrue them to a great degree and when you are presenting yourself as a therapist and then you say people don't leo people are upset because of hugging you because you're overweight that plants and overweight people's heads that people don't want to hug them that you know itself is negligent the article goes on how self-worth can influence sexual interaction quote when we teach someone to experience shame based on their bond your body whether it's about race body size disability and we internalized that shame we internalize the sense of our body having less self-worth than other bodies just a few things one of the things that drives me [ __ ] crazy is when people equate body size like being overweight or obese to having a disability to the struggles that people go through when they have a disability although you can be a most people that are obese are developing disabilities because their lack of mobility or only that we'll get that in just second but race like race is something race disability burn victims stuff like that you know the people that body positivity was actually meant for they can't change that [ __ ] and nor should nor should they would mean they should be proud of who they are if you are if you're an amputee you went through some struggle you should be proud that you made it through cancer survivor burn victim [ __ ] to equate something negative like where the person like the race you're born there's nothing negative about it it's just their genetics you were born with that's just [ __ ] how it is and there is nothing to be ashamed Ford for her to even it's like connotated to the negativity that can be seen with being obese because obese is actually an unhealthy state there's nothing unhealthy about your race there is unhealthy connotations with being obese to equate the two is really really ignorant that that's ignorant on a whole on a whole other level being overweight and obese is unhealthy for you it is an unhealthy state that you can change about yourself to equate it to the struggles that other people go through like earlier she claims it too you know it's slaves and being enslaved that's that [ __ ] said for inflammatory purposes to try to win sympathy for an argument nothing more the reality of it is if you are overweight or obese you should love yourself enough to get healthy who gives a [ __ ] about what you look like get healthy if you are a 400-pound person look in the mirror say I love you and find a way to get counseling enough then you can fight whatever food action you have or whatever you need do whatever you need to do to get to a healthy weight so you can live longer that is acceptance and loving yourself because in order to be accepted in order for there to be acceptance you need to accept yourself first ignoring unhealthy things you're doing to your body is not accepting yourself that is not that is self-harm that is not accepting yourself but yet to equate it to things that you know that like acting like you can't change it after your logic standards later on in the article she says when body image abuse comes from a significant other quote if we haven't received comprehensive sex education we don't know what our sexual rights are and what our rights to pleasure are the kind of treatment we deserve and oftentimes we we tolerate body image abuse from partners I work with clients who are recovering from an experience with sexual assault and a partner will say like I get you're depressed but like it's been a week since you've been in the gym and if your body changes because of this I am NOT in this I'm no longer going to be attracted to you I'm going to dump you I'm going to leave this relationship it's pressure to maintain a body size in order to maintain relationship no it is an abusive relationship if somebody says to you look into the camera and know this if somebody says to you I am NOT going to love you if you don't look a certain way that you know itself is not a healthy relationship get the [ __ ] out I'm saying that to you right now because I will tell you this right now I could go blind and lose all the touch sensation of my fingers or was that not even be able to feel my wife's skin not be able to ever see her again as long as I can hear her and talk to her I'm gonna love that woman that is a real relationship when somebody pressures you to look a certain way that is not a healthy relationship and this therapist should advise them to [ __ ] leave that is ridiculous to me when somebody says to you I loves you as long as ABCD efg hijk when all sorts of ridiculous stipulations especially when most of them are based around how you look your actions how are they gonna feel 20 years from now 30 years from now 40 years from now 50 years now when the looks are no longer a factor that relationship is not worth [ __ ] staying in if a person says to you listen you're 60 pounds overweight and we're worried about you getting diabetes let's lose weight together what kind of helped you to get healthy that is a loving relationship when a person says I don't necessarily like how your ass looks I might have to leave show that [ __ ] the [ __ ] door whether it's a male female whatever show them the [ __ ] door if they say I don't like how your hair is or I don't like how this is I might have to go they're already out of the [ __ ] relationship anyway and this [ __ ] therapist should [ __ ] say that that is an abusive relationship in my opinion and I am NOT a therapist but I will tell you this there's no [ __ ] way I put up with that there's no [ __ ] way my wife would put up with that and there's no [ __ ] way you should either being an Instagram therapist it's super overwhelming sometimes because so many followers on Instagram it feels like there's pressure to produce content all the time and I feel like I need to put to be putting out something new and super profound like no one's ever heard of this concept every day but I don't do that that's so overwhelming a lot of folks will reach out to my DMS and ask really personal questions quote it's also really gratifying so when I post really really political in a radical content where I'm talking about like being anti cop anti-government anti military folks like whoa I've never heard these ideas before end quote unbelievable we're gonna wrap it up on this um first of all she just admitted that she says [ __ ] just for inflammatory purposes so can you believe anything that this woman says if she if she just totally admitted she's in in this article she has admitted that she runs her profession off of her personal bias and she just said that she posts stuff just for inflammatory purposes how can anything she say be trusted she I mean eff your logic standards if you think she's a reputable source because in reality she has admitted in the article in direct quotes that she is biased inflammatory hey you know I understand trust me because I it's not like I'm not you sometimes a divisive person too but it's fact when I say facts it does not matter if I say it if a two-year-old says it if somebody else says it when I state facts that can be checked up upon those are facts almost her entire profession is her opinion there are no facts involved with this [ __ ] so saying it out of bias with the expressly said purpose of being radical or inflammatory how can you believe anything she [ __ ] says how can anything this woman says be taken in any way seriously because she has admitted to it can't be and to say this you when you say something it's anti cop or anti-government or anti military or whatever anti-this anti-that you say that people are like whoa I've never heard that before anti-military lady there were there have been protests about military interventions throughout history of the United States anti-cop where have you been for where have you been I mean it's a maze anti-government my god every political season they try to get us to hate each other and people hate the government it is ridiculous that this woman thinks that people live in such a box that these things are somehow new concepts and so again if she just says that stuff because she is you know doing it for inflammatory purposes so when the fat sex therapist herself admits that she's biased in inflammatory why pay or any [ __ ] attention at all that's just my two cents in matter my name is Alan Roberts hit me up on his remember to hit me up on Twitter nobody fit em off on Facebook and every damn day finish some we don't have at every damn day fitness net F your logic standards got damn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 221,997
Rating: 4.9451904 out of 5
Keywords: everydamnday, everydamndayfitness, alan roberts, weight loss, fat acceptance, body positive, body positivity, fat loss, tess holliday, eff your beauty standards, plus size, sonalee rashatwar, fatphobia, instagram influencer
Id: GDZ2yxRgsV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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