FAST and CHEAP Starter Base for ENSHROUDED

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good day everyone my name's cous pancake and today I've been taking a look at in shrouded which I probably don't need to tell you is a new Survival game that came out yesterday into Early Access as with most survival games at some point early on you need to start to build a home and it's all too easy to end up just building a boring rectangular box so today I'm going to show you what I built in case you want to do something similar it's a quick cheap easy to construct little cottage starting off with our Hammer equipped we can hit tab to enter build mode and head over next to our flame alter we want the 2 M Block type initially selected and after I place this wood down incorrectly we can hit Y to undo any build action as we go switching over to the rough Stone block with control on the scroll wheel we place a 2 m little boundary down first and then head over and change to the 4 M Block placing one there one to the side and one back over this way that's going to form what's going to be the path around the outside of the cottage we can then switch back to rough wood blocks and place three down here then back to rough stone blocks to continue our path filling out the middle of the cottage you can see where we've put the wood that's going to be the foundation for the base and back to the rough stone blocks we can finish out the edging all the way around the wood section just going to head over here this is what the foundation should look like at this point from here we're going to start adding in the walls of the cottage to do that we'll need to head back over and then we'll probably start with some windows on the side for what's going to be the bedroom of the cottage one on the front here and another on the other side around the lounge room and in the middle we're just going to put in a little doorway over this side we're just going to put a plain wall in by selecting two and the same over here also all the way along the back is just going to be plain wall this side for the side of the bedroom wall we're going to go back to Windows and put two in like this that's the main wall structure done while we're doing Wood Walls we might just do the inside as well going to put a blank wall here for the bedroom and then another doorway just to create some separation there you go that didn't take long but we're not done yet from here what we might do is start to use some of our extra pieces we'll put in the door and then some of our window frames over here here these two over here and just because I want it to look a little different what we might do then is switch back to our build tool go to the 1 M blocks and using the right click we're going to create another window in this wall here since this is going to be the loung room we just want to let in a little bit more light there we go getting there heading back inside the loue room since we've already been practicing deleting blocks what we might do now is make room for the fireplace you're going to want one of these to cook food anyway so we might as well incorporate it into our Cottage using the r key to rotate around and we can then use the mouse to try and position it I think there is going to be just fine now it looks a little odd poking out of the wall but we're going to fix that we go back to our hammer and into a build mode and grabbing the rough Stone block again we're going to switch over to our 2 m blocks my scroll wheel's a bit funny but we get there eventually and with the 2 M Block selected rotate that around we can then try and poke this through the wall when the blocks won't go exactly where you want like this and they bounce all over the place hit X to turn off snapping mode and then you can place the blocks exactly where you want with more fine grain control we want to poke it one towards us from the wall just like that on either side of the fireplace and then above it we do the same sort of thing like this we can then extend it upwards it doesn't really matter how high we'll just guesstimate it for now and we can clean it up once we've got up onto the roof coming around the other side of it you can see it's kind of chunky and sticks out a long way that's probably a little bit more than I like so going back to the one boock tool we can remove the outer layer of the chimney just to make it look a little bit nicer you can also see that there's a couple of blocks left on the other side there and if we try and fill them in with single blocks that looks a little bit weird so if I take them out again we can then switch back actually we'll delete a few more of these just so we can see what we're doing it's a little bit slow doing the one at a time but if we switch back to the 2 M Block that we were using before and what we can then do is add that in and fill up that Gap just like this that makes that all look nice and good but you can see if we try and remove the outer section using the same block it can do a little weird things like that so again we hit Y to undo those changes and we'll go back to removing the Blocks individually using the one M Cube that's mostly done now we'll leave the rest until we can get up a little bit higher in a bit actually why don't we do it now one of the really really cool things that I love in ined is this the scaffolding it's a prefabbed block that you can place down that makes it really easy to get up and work around at Heights when you're building I think most survival games out there could do with taking a lesson from Uncharted book on this one I would love to see the scaffold block be added to plenty of other games with the chimney now mostly done it's time to add a little bit of Aesthetics to the outside of the cottage base before we put the roof on what we're going to do is come here into the corner and delete the entire column that forms the corner of the base then selecting the rough Flintstone block we're going to place these instead just to make the cottage look a little neater tidier and stronger repeat this then for the other three corners and there we go tidy Stone corners for our Cottage right the tricky bit adding in the roof once again we're going to grab our scaffolding head up and then it's time to go back into build mode grab the 4 M roof blocks and use the outer Corner roof I'm using plant fiber for this one again just because we want a super quick and easy cheap Cottage to start with with to get the roof right for this Cottage it all comes down to the first two corners once you've got them in place the rest is easy what we're looking to do is rest it so that the roof overhangs on both the wall nearest to us and the wall through the chimney that's looking pretty good on both counts you can see that there's just that equal amount of overhang on both walls what we then need to do is repeat that on the other corner and from there on it should be pretty easy I'm in non-stamping mode for now you can also use the Q button and the scroll wheel to try and nudge the roof into the position that you want that looks pretty good yep that overhang is right so what we can do now is head back up again grab the first block just the sloping roof line that up which is being problematic so I'll turn snapping back on and it's a whole lot easier there we go and that fills in the Gap nicely we can then pick up our scaffold even though the animation looks like you break it you don't you grab that back pop it down again and then we can head up on the other side of course I could have just jumped up onto the roof and run around but this way feels more realistic back to the corner roof spin that around with r and with snapping on that should line straight up with the other Corner that's already there same again on the other side and then back to the middle block and of course I run out of materials you can see there the counter in the middle says I've got 16 blocks and I need 72 so I'm just going to dash over and make some extra ones there we go now that we're back we'll place that in and you can tell it's all worked perfectly when you've got the nice neat little Ridge Line running down the middle of the thatch roof if that looks all wonky and it doesn't match up exactly then at least one of your pieces is in the wrong spot okay so that's the roof done let's just have a quick ganzy not too bad heading inside though it's it's looking a little bit empty and a little bit drab on the inside so what it might be timed next for is a little bit of decoration on the outside we're going to put on a wall torch just to make sure that we can see when we're coming in and out of the base even though we've got the flame alter there that should give us a little bit of light but this will just help then we can grab our workbench bring that inside now that we've got a home to live in place that down in the corner what else do we have we've got a bed let's put our bed down in the bedroom makes sense in the corner there away from the window just like that we've got a little nightstand that can go next to it there like that we've got a small side table just in there and a little chair to sit at we've also got somewhere there it is a little candle we'll pop that on the nightstand and that's pretty much all of our decorations done we might also need some storage you can put these on the ground either next to the workbench there or there but I like to keep the floor empty so what we can do instead is build a little shelf for them coming back into the build tool we can grab our 1 M block again and come down at least a couple of blocks there maybe that leaves two above it using the rough wooden [Music] block actually I think that's a little high we'll bring it down one more and bring that across to match the workbench and out two blocks like so that gives a little shelf and if we try and place the tiny chests on top like that you'll see that it won't let us it says that the angle's wrong if you try and place it like that so what you can do instead is just jump up on top get on top of this wall and placing it works just fine as long as you're above it don't ask me why but that's how it is in the game at the moment so you can pop the chest there on the Shelf like that another one next to it and that just gets your storage nicely organized and off the floor so you can come over here grab stuff out of your chests and then use it on the workbench directly underneath so there we go that's pretty much it oh wait no it's not we've got one more block type that we need to use if I head back into the build tool we're going to grab the 4 M blocks and pick the horizontal one number five and head to our melium overgrown block I'm not even sure if that's how you say it but that's what I'm going with what we're going to use that for is just to create a little bit of a fence around the outside of our path with SNAP mode on you can place it like that and then if you just run around and point at the end of each of the fence blocks rotate it around and then place it again that will generally line it up and snap it just right one thing I don't think I've mentioned is one other really cool system of insed if you haven't seen it is the build process where it won't use more blocks than it needs so even though it might take eight blocks to build a length of eight like this if you're placing it where there's already some blocks already existing it won't rebuild the full eight blocks it might only use six if two of them overlap it's a really nice way to just make it work without using too many materials so that's our final product with all the extra decorations that we've added it's got a comfort level of 10 so that when you're fully rested you've got 15 minutes of rested buff to help you out as you adventure around in the world so that's my version of an easy quick and cheap starter base for ined but don't worry I'm hoping to get bigger and stranger bases built as I get further into the game let me know in the comments if you're playing or thinking of playing in shaded and please leave a like if you've enjoyed the video and found it useful and subscribe if you want to see more videos like this one thanks for watching and as always happy building
Channel: CautiousPancake
Views: 6,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Build Guide, Starter Base, How To, Survival, Game Guide, Cottage, Cheap build, Easy Build
Id: 4jSc1BNw-A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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