Enshrouded build -a fun starting base with grass roof, building guide

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so I started a new character a new save to be able to Showcase different parts of the game and make guides for different parts of the game which is kind of not really working well if you have a high level character for example showing a boss fight or something like that but first out is this little starter house I made you can make this really early like level five six depending on how aggressive you are uh going for the different um NPCs here um you might have to face some level seven mobs but you can also just ignore the mobs and go for for the objectives right you don't really have to fight them uh there's some interesting things here I think the grass roof uh there is no grass roof in game so obviously that's terrain instead but I will show how how I made that and how I made a little attic here as well where I have U my bed uh let's jump out I think uh the porch is also kind of different uh there's some techniques for making this porsch as well as the stuff around the windows the doors and also kind of a neat there's nothing really special about the the basement uh but there's a really neat and efficient way of doing basements that I'm going to show and what I'm thinking about doing is making another house like this over in this area uh and uh connect them through the basement underground so if I want to craft stuff I can just run in between the houses right uh but from from the ground it looks like two different houses so the first thing I want to do is do some measurements also I should mention this road here you can get dirt road material but you can't really get the Stone Road but you can still make the Stone Road so actually I will start with that because it's a need little trick to make that happen so this is another one of those occasions where the rake is really the MVP of and shouted because even though you cannot place this road if you have some road like you have over there leading down from where you start you can spread it out so you can use the rake yeah just left click here and kind of oh I didn't spre I spread the grass instead but but if you actually click the road first you can see I spread the the road out through the terrain uh so that is possible to do um so if you want more of this road just need you just need a starting point really and then you can kind of get it from there but let's get start with the building so I want to be able to walk over to the other building through the cellar I think the opening should be about here uh which means I need to place down some cubes just to know exactly where I'm going in so like I need the the walkway to be like this right so I made some measurements here I will remove these ones once I got like the build in place but when you decide where to build I will show a really neat trick how to do the basement uh you can of course use the pickaxe to kind of dig out the basement and you will get a lot of material from that but if you don't care about like getting the material there's a lot quicker way that is using building blocks so I will just place this one here um I want it this big here the area we want to actually cover uh like this and like oh I need to go one more here and then I decided on this size here no one more here as well like this just keep working outwards like this and now we remove them and they will leave a gap of course we need the basement to be a bit deeper than this so we just do like more layers right uh let's see I had double double ones here uh and now we just go for the next layer so like about there I guess am I in the correct place again not hitting exactly where I want to I have snapping turned off you do that with X because if there if I have snapping on they don't always snap where I want to actually now they do but previously they didn't so we can like experiment with having them on or off whatever I think here I actually need a snapping off to be able to not dig in towards the sides uh so next level done let's remove that and another like the last level here I think after that we're far like far enough down into the ground for a basement so you can see this is a lot faster than than digging and you also get really sharp edges here um on the sides but of course we don't get any material but we don't lose any either we get all the materials back here uh when we destroy the the different blocks here um you see it's the exact same amount of rough Stone block uh that I had previously uh for the walls here I do want to use another the roughly cut stone block I think it's a lot nicer looking uh so um let's see it looks like this oh no uh here it looks like this I think this one is a lot nicer looking uh so that's what I want to use uh this one you can't really get by just grabbing the materials you use um rubble and stone to make this one uh the problem is of course that you need kind of the recipe for it as well and you don't get it by just picking up rubble and stone so I will actually St by showing you where you can get this one um so let's uh let's get there here's the starting location and here is where you get the recipe for the roughly cut stone block it's very close to Quest you get that is called the story of rot the easiest way to get there is you go to the an ancient Spire here in the springlands that you should be unlocking really early yes jump out from the ancient Spire fly as far as you can uh I have put a waypoint there as well to keep track of the location but it's in the like trod over there towards the left okay so it's up in this building I just need to go up there we're not going to read that thing over there said just ignoring the mobs here and up here you got it so just grab this block and now you got the roughly cut stone block in your inventory and also the recipe and now we can proceed building the basement it should actually be one more out here let's say it like this and once we are done with the walls we can just add the floor as well like this see there we go I don't know if I want to keep this here could actually kind of looks a bit neat and there we go you got your basement done actually I I don't have it done yet it should be further out here like this all right that's better I think I will do the underground tunnel between my old house and the new one that will exit down here uh before I start with the rest of the build I will use the same technique for that as I did with the basement that is placing blocks and then remove them to get a really even surface digging through the ground to the other building actually took a little bit of time since I had to be really careful uh not to breach the ground above uh what I noticed though is that this floor is one block higher than the other side so I will lower this one uh by one Cube to make them well the same height uh that's fairly easy though I mean I just need to remove what I got here and I just place the floor One Step lower that should be here right yeah that's that looks about right just do that all over the place like this oh well one more in I guess okay yeah a bit of waste of materials there but who cares uh anyway so now it's uh done I need to make this one a bit um bit bigger as well so 1 2 3 for one more I guess should be about right uh and now we got the tunnel here uh we'll do some more work here on the walls as well uh but we'll leave that for later and instead start uh with the rest of this house I'll stop by removing all these cues since I just had them there for measurement I don't really need them anymore so let's do that first I want to use shroud wood for the floor because I really like the texture of that one uh shwood is really easy to get hold of it's not a recipe you have to find somewhere in the world as soon as you cut down uh trees somewhere in the Shroud uh you get this uh automatically so super easy uh as you might notice I don't leave any hole for the basement or for the stairs down to the basement uh because I think it's just easier to cut it afterwards uh so since we had our entrance here and I think I want the entrance to the house over here I think I want the stairs down about here uh which means uh what we do here is just cut a hole uh let's see we got this one here uh one 2 3 four five maybe it's enough as a little platform I can always move that one later if I want to and we just need a little hole in the ground something like this maybe one more grab the stairs uh let's see where do we have them here uh I think I want to make the stairs in um Stone though so like this is this okay maybe one more in like this yeah that's good and this continue this one down might be easy to spot the rest from below so like this is that all right no it's not okay okay sometimes that I think that can sometimes be a bit tricky yeah okay that's better like this okay so we got the stairs up uh I think we need a little bit more headro here uh so I will remove another block here I think it's a bit tight for the head uh but this should be all right so we got the basement now it's fairly empty uh and we got the walkway there I will use wood block for for the walls the same as for the other house because it looks like a Timber build uh this one is also super easy to unlock uh you use the charcoal kill that you get with the blacksmith and the blacksmith being like the first NPC you unlock for your base so you get that super early uh you might notice here I use the same type of block all the time I don't do like openings for doors and windows and that's just because I feel it's easier to just cut them out later where I want to have them so I just close everything in like this and maybe not myself at the same time and now we got the basics for our little house and I need to add a little bit here as well looks about right and here also a little missing part like this so this looks a lot like Timber I think um or the closest material so far that I found to Timber I would make a porch as well like we have here um just a little bit smaller but just to show the technique with the railings here as well uh so I think the dooran is going to be here which means we want to porch here as well uh for that I going to use yet another material that I don't have in my inventory now so just ordinary wood I was out of that material so I had to go and form some wood if you are going to gather a lot of materials early on it's good with stamina recharge uh food and you get honey early on which is really good for that so it's plus 15 into stamina recharge which is a lot if you compare for example with water dice just plus two L for 3 minutes so it's really really good to to just have some honey with you when you cut wood or Stu for that matter now when I got a bunch of wood blocks let's make the porch I actually don't really need that many I plan to make like a really small porch here mostly just showing off that technique uh and now to one of the I think really cooler building tricks you can use roofs for some roof tiles for so much more than just roofs so if you put just one Cube here of the plant fiber roof and just on top of each other like this you notice that it actually looks like a little pillar so you got um kind of a wooden pillar here um and then you can also build outwards with this so now it looks really bad but as soon as we add one more we get this really nice shape uh let's see here I'm in my way for my in the way for my own building and we got this little fence now that looks really neat and let's do the same here towards this side and we just add four on top of each other oops not like that like this and out towards the other side so both uh roofs and also terrain can be used in a lot more ways like you can just build with terrain as if it was Cubes but it will kind of blend together in a bit different way um I also want to do uh the stairs up here and I will just do them here I think also I want to add like this little pillar like this below as well uh so it looks like it goes through the construction here I think this looks really nice um so let's switch to this one and also I want to use this one right and this should be the pillar for the stairs can I fit it in correctly like this and then one more here below like this and we got our little porch here uh and we can out cut uh not C cut uh hole for the door so the door is 4X 5 3 4 5 1 2 like 2 3 4 I mean and I just remove the rest here and we got a nice space for to kind of put our door in like this uh like you see here I both for the windows and for the doors I used a little technique to get this looks really look really nice I think um with some extra detailing uh so I will do the same on this store as well as maybe two windows here uh so the windows normally are like two up uh if you want to fit them with the like standard window ones and like this 3 * 2 I think I want a double window here and then maybe a single window over here somewhere I can always move these on on like just punch a hole in the wall oh that was not good uh like this uh for the details around the windows and doors I again use roof but this time the t uh single roof block uh so we just going to do like this also not anything you need to worry about unlocking since it will unlock as soon as you get tar and wood um and we used it here as well you can see that it actually has a really distinct pattern when you put it on top of each other so you get this really nice uh pillar here that adds I think a lot of detail to to the house and if we actually continue going in like this we only get um the little uh roof here but if we add one more block above that we also get um this nice uh detail that is meant to go on the short side of the house um so this is how you do really nice decorations around doors and windows let's add it here as well I went to the Carpenter and did a bunch of Windows and Doors if you don't have the carpenter yet you can still do the build you will just have to use less goodlooking windows I guess um and then you can of course exchange them later as soon as you got the carpenter um the carpenter is not really hot to get those so you don't really have to fight when getting a lot of the NPCs or all of them you can most of the time just past the mobs instead of actually fighting them uh so now we got that inside and the second thing I did was create a bunch of scaffolding um this you can do at the normal workbench and it's really good to have when you are going to work with the roof uh let's see a bit outside here and we put one on this side as well I might have to move these ones a bit later these ones you don't like you can pick them up like any type of furniture so when you're done with them you just pick them up you don't have to to destroy them or anything like that I would start with the inner roof so that it will be easier to stand up here and I want to use ordinary rough uh wood for that the same as for the porch uh to mix a bit of materials I think that creates a better look overall to not use just the same material for everything um let's see like this oh no like yeah a bit more like this it's actually hard from this perspective to see exactly where the stuff is placed uh but this was all right uh then we'll switch to oh I didn't mean to switch there um I kind of mess up between pressing alt and control all the time uh but I want this one and I want the shwood block uh because I want to create a little overhang towards the side so like if we look at this building here you can see I have an overhang of two out towards this side and an overhang of one out towards that side so that's what I want to create here um so let's go back up to the roof first and I will actually have that one a little bit upwards as well so like this yep that looks nice just keep going here like this I am finished with the overhang here that is two on the short side of the house and one on the long side I'm not sure if it's called overhanging English I'm not native English speaker as you can probably tell so if you know the correct vocabulary just point it out in the comment section below and I will try to use it in the future anyway I used the single roof block for this not for the whole roof of course but uh for the nice details on the edges just the same one I used for the door uh so let's see if I can place this one in the correct spot I want it to align like this is that correct best way to actually look if it looks nice is from the side and that looks like it is in place let's go up on the roof again I work my way upwards like this until they meet in the middle uh I don't really need to fill up the rest of the roof here uh just uh this short side and this short side to get the details and I will actually remove most of it so uh let's see a little bit more up I also probably should figure out exactly where the center is so they actually meet in the center and not somewhere else so I place some stuff here just to measure out where the middle is and um let's place the last Parts here like this and like this does it look nice this one actually the last one should go up a little bit more I think um like one more like this maybe now that was too much right so if you put them overlapping too much you get this detail up here and we don't want that meaning I should actually go like a little bit lower with one of them um or both of them rather like this yeah now they meet nicely in the middle and there's not that um little uh weird thing happening at the top either and now we just do the same on the other side as well so I built these ones on both sides now and now it's actually time to remove like 90% of what we built just leaving one uh towards the Border here or towards the edge of the roof and the rest should be removed just one Cube left there of roof's thickness after removing everything except one block of thickness here it looks like this and we can put in some uh wood here as well uh to make that part look really nice like uh let's see here and the same on this side once we are done with that uh it's time to put the grass in although I don't really use grass because the grass or rather the dirt block if you put it for the roof it looks like this and that's not really nice looking I mean it's too Rocky for my taste however the flower soil uh stays kind of green and really nice like regardless of how much it the inclination is of the roof and it's easy to find a lot of over here so again going to the ancient Spire here we just jump out from the ancient Spire in the opposite direction we did to get the terrain block or the stone block and up here in the little Monastery there is plenty of flower soil and you can hack away at it and once we got enough flower soil we can start placing a roof uh like this you want to make sure it doesn't stick out on the side here because that won't really look good so um let's see like this just follow this one upwards until they meet in the middle oh that one wasn't good placed like see like so and then we do the same from the other side just to make sure you don't clip through you can always H go back a little bit with undo with Y but not that many steps so you have to kind of be careful because unlike the building materials terrain is a bit a pain to remove if you make too much of it so it's a lot easier if you do it correct right away there we go and now we just work our way towards this Edge from from this side I'm almost done with the roof I will cut a little hole here in the wall and both to provide myself with some way of getting out once I finish off the roof well I could teleport out but mostly to get some light and also weigh in to actually finish off the rest of the attic here once I'm done with the roof so let's see something like this I don't need that much of an exit there we go that hopefully will provide enough light to finish the rest of the roof let's grab this tile here and finish this off uh like this let's follow the same line here and same for this part yeah that looks about right and the roof should now be finished let's take a take a look from the outside uh yeah it looks nice and also from the back as well right so the grass roof is now finished or rather the flower roof uh time to do a little chimney as well of course it has no real function but I think that kind of looks nice I had planned to put the chimney as well on the short side here but I kind of think I don't really want to do that because I want the entry there and not on this side and instead I think I want to do the chimney at where this window is so this window had to go and be place somewhere else so I removed the window to have room for my chimney here and I want to make it in Flintstone block because I think the Flintstone got a really nice texture there's plenty of Flintstone everywhere in the starting area a huge amount here up on the other side of long keep anyway let's get started building so this one I do really simple I have to turn off snapping though uh let's see maybe here or a bit closer towards the right hand side yeah maybe a bit closer like this I want it five wide because um The Little Oven you can put inside is fre wide and I want to put it inside of this one and let's see so five wide here uh and let's grab another one of these like this then also move it uh one outward uh is that the right yeah it is okay uh so everything like that and then move up here so we can work uh with the chimney itself uh let's see I am going to use this one make this one really really simple so it should be three wide up here and let's see if I can actually get to stand on top of this one and do the last part I should do it with these ones like this because I don't want to clip through too much downwards so let's single block like this should maybe be a bit higher than in this I think it should be higher uh let's just work our way upwards shim is done I can always do it a bit higher later if I want to uh let's move on to the attic making the attic is actually really simple I used use roof again but this time on the ins inside of the flower soil instead of on well the outside I guess uh so let's see um snapping off often actually snapping I feel is more trouble than helpful yeah there is that's about right doesn't C through anywhere nice and then you just keep doing this on both sides for the part in the middle I will use shroud wood blocks I think they fit in rather nicely with the rest like this yeah just work my way towards the other side here and there we go the attic is done now as all that is left is really to put the leather on the outside and Furnishing it I just check just to be sure that I have nothing that is clipping through looks all right on this side and also on that side uh this means the house is pretty much done right now all that is left is actually decoration as well as making like the stove on the inside as well uh because I want the details here to kind of look like they fit with the outside so let's make our little fake fireplace to match the chimney outside uh we just have to locate it first so that's where the chimney is going uh I will remove all the blocks here so you out a little bit from the wall here maybe two cubes like this and we'll build the Rest by hand let's see one here like this I think that looks all right and we can place the chimney inside of here right now like this see that we can actually sit down all right okay nice uh maybe it actually should be a tiny bit inwards oh well I can with that later uh let's put on in some more Furnishing uh also maybe do something with the basement as well uh and grab some stuff from our Carpenter here we are with the finished build I have added some finishing touches like a bit of Illumination a bit of vegetation around the house I think that will be really nice once it grows up like a little tree over here for example a ladder up to the attic and as well let's take a quick look indoors as well um some furniture here to make it look more home obviously I probably will move some Crafters here once they get more crafting stations because the other house will be really crowded when they do uh basement still really empty but plenty of space here to do whatever and also my little walkway that I need to finish uh that is still in a very rough State hope you like this build uh if you do uh leave a comment in the comment section below also if you got other suggestions for different type of building tricks that can be nice to use on builds um well that was all cheers
Channel: KetMol
Views: 29,705
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Id: 9uZyjRfusRE
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Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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