Enshrouded Base building. Tips and tricks for indoor design

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hello and welcome to this build guide for a shrouded on how to make a medieval kitchen so this guide is not about the outside of this house I've already made a video for the grass roof as well as how to put for example flowers in the window or like I did over in the bath tube put some flowers in the bath tube I'll put a link to those guides in the description here below instead let's head inside there's a lot of small building tricks going on from everything from how I made a stove to like the Shelf with all the storage in it as well as getting uh the ch are Clos to the roof uh so let's get started first let's talk about the materials used in the floor and in the walls since I already put those up for the inside of the walls I use a regular Sandstone block you get this by mining sandstone in the Kel wases there are some parts of the K wases you can access pretty much immediately as you enter the NAD Highlands because you don't have to pulse through a higher level of shrouds you can get this material quite early for the outside of the walls so I use double layer for the walls there are several benefits of that uh not only that you can have a different look on the inside and on the outside but it allows for some trickery when it comes to how you design the windows I used a half timbered block you'll find this block in a chest in dewin I hope I didn't butcher that name it's just beside the ancient SPID of realwood and I think there's a Quest from your Carpenter actually leading you to this block for the floor I'm using the city wall block you find the Block in a silver chest in song Frontier here's the ancient Spire of realwood and here behind this Tower is the chest [Music] so let's get started on the fireplace and I will do this by actually replacing some of the walls here for Flintstone this would from a practical point of view make more sense if the walls around it were made of wood uh I mean to not risk fire but I think it's nice with the mix of material uh let's see I want them to stick out the like four cubes from from the corner here 1 2 3 4 and same here one 2 3 4 and switch to this one here uh let's see rotate and it should be placed like this is that correct yep and same on the other side and then of course we need to fill that Gap as well in the wall so like this and and this and then remove our little cubes here as well I feel like Flintstone not really need an introduction since it's one of the first blocks you get by just mining Flintstone in the starting zone but F brick blocks might uh you get these uh by putting clay and wood in the kill uh so pretty much just following your Carpenter Quest far enough and then get clay from realwood since I want this to be a practical uh kitchen one that you can use for your farmer I need to be able to fit all the different types of fireplaces we need or the stations for the farmer right uh let's start by a little storage area here uh so this space here is four in between um and then three up here uh well I should be using this one so the thing I put on the floor there is only temporary and the reason for that is let me grab two tables here um that you can place Furniture like tables everywhere and at any elevation as as long as you kind of got something to put them on that will decide elevation so if I wouldn't have the cubes there uh this one would uh stick to the floor now I get it a bit higher up and we can place it like this in between like this and then we take the second one and place that one further on like this let's see I want it to look like that and now we can remove the cubes there so let's grab our little hammer and do like this and now we got a nice storage area there and we could place storage chests there or for example uh we can PL Place uh our little grinder here that we now can easily access to craft different stuff um maybe fit some other stuff in there as well just for Cosmetics right to make it look nice moving on uh we need a spot for fireplace uh let's see uh grabbing this one again and I should be grabbing fire brick blocks and not wooden blocks this is big enough for for that and we need a place for our ovens as well or like we actually need like the first fireplace as well and not just uh the later oven like this um and then we can cut some holes here as well so let's grab the cube 1 2 3 4 that's enough for that and we also need for the oven itself I think that one is pretty high I'm not sure uh but I will grab them from the inventory and shake so this is a good spot for the little fireplace uh like I think this will be nice uh we also grab um the bigger fireplace H the reason I kind of put the small fireplace there as well and and not just the big one is that for uh some food like um the grilled Juka fruit you can actually not there's no recipe in in the big fireplace so you actually have to have uh this old one to get grilled Juka fruit and let's grab the oven as well and I should be able to fit it in here like let's see so I get it well if it doesn't end up correctly you can always like just grab it again and replace it like this now we got all the stuff here uh and I want to have something hiding here where like the shimy and the smoke would go up as well um there's another tricker we can do like we'll remove these ones um and grab a stuning torch and place one over here as close to that one as I can like this oh didn't I remove I removed something else there uh let's grab the hammer again like this and then Place Another standing torch over here let's see if I can actually get it in there so the left hand side one caused me a bit of trouble but by jumping up on the table I managed to actually find a place where I could fit it where I wanted uh after we place them we can actually put um the cubes back here so let's do that um and of course we don't have that to uh be two torches standing there it's rather as part of the fireplace right uh we want those as kind of supporting the upper part um so let's uh put this one here and can I get the perspective to put another one there uh I could put more of these here but you kind of get if you look here the arch kind of ends up in the middle so instead what I will be using is actually um rather High tier material let's see if I can find it where did I put it in my inventory here iron block right uh and um Iron Block is of course oh I'm screwing up here iron block there uh iron block is of course very late uh because you put iron in the smelter and the iron is a very late game resource but if you want to do this earlier I think copper will look absolutely fine as well and copper you find a lot earlier than iron uh so that's pretty much the fireplace done we got all the stuff we actually need for the farmer here well there's some stuff like the Beehive smoker and the almana planted seedlings but those can be placed on other places just like storage right one small detail that kind of bugs me is if you look at the fireplace up here and here it's not the same texture and that's because of the block up here um now it looks a lot nicer but now we have a gap up here if we would put a regular block here again uh we would get that texture back again but not if we put a roof block it doesn't really matter which one if we put it there it's close enough to the texture that you won't really notice it uh so we don't have the Gap and it now looks really neat and nice up there next up I will show you how to make the window and for the frame we will use the shingle roof block I hope I pronounce that correctly uh you get that just as soon as you get flint so super early uh all the uh roof blocks if you put them side by side like this they have kind of of a pattern where they once in a while have a frame or a beam like this going up so you kind of have to find if you want kind of the beams on either side of the window uh you have to place them and kind of find where that is so you kind of get your window in the correct space and they are usually five aart um so here's another beam over here so we can see this is where we need to put the window uh so I will just Mark that here 1 2 3 4 uh you have to make them double wide to actually get the beam on either side and we also want the like space for the beam so now now I can remove this because now I know where the window is and we can cut the hole here so five wide two up from the floor and actually all the way up since I will continue this pattern all the way to to the roof then I cut a hole in the outer wall as well for the window but just the size of the actual window uh so a normal double window would be um 2x3 but I have made out one a bit higher so we'll do like this as well and we got a lot of light right towards us right now so let's start placing the frame we go up like this let's see you can now see the beam goes down here on the side of the window so really nicely this of course force you to kind of make Windows in in certain places right uh over here is actually not cubes sitting on the lower side of the window frame uh it's um a wooden shelf uh so if I remove here these cubes I have to remove them first then I have to place them back it's the same trickery as with the storage here and now we can fit like our little wooden shelf here like this should be nice and then we fit the cubes back again uh so let's grab um the wool material so this one and let's move down to regular soundstone block and see if we can fit one here oh it's snapping that's why all right and now we got oh this one should have been a little bit higher I actually have to fix that that would bug me so much otherwise so back with the correct shelf I was using the carved wooden shelf over here so it would have worked with other shelf but it would have been different styles on the windows so here we go and now Place back the cubes yeah that looks better same as the other one so now it's time for the window frame and I use the iron window frame which of course is super late game but you can use a wooden frame with the same technique uh just you will get a different pattern for the window when it comes down to overlapping stuff it's all about placing stuff in the correct order so I will just put some scaffolding cubes here I will remove later something for me to stand on as well so I can just get a little bit higher perspective grab our windows place two windows here uh go back to where is it the eight uh remove these cubes now my number eight key and now I can place this one here and I can also remove this on of course as I mentioned in the beginning of the video for the flowers and the detailing on the outside of the house uh of the window uh I already have a video about that so that's in the link in the description below I will do the door in the same style as the windows uh but I'll stop by actually adding a little threshold here as you enter let's see and that was what I plan to use this shelf for um the one that didn't go for the window now we got a nice little threshold for the door here uh let's St by removing a bit of Cubes here to actually get somewhere to place our frame again all the way up and we start by placing our frame here and now we can put the door in let's see look at this we got a nice door with a nice threshold here as you enter now to my favorite part of this build the toilet shelf uh let's put a toilet here another toilet over here like this overlapping let's see like this then we have to grab a few cubes let's do it like this let put one here one here then back to the toilets fit this one as nicly as we can uh towards the lower one so they kind of melt together and the same thing on the other side and I will just keep doing that all the way to the top to get a bit of higher perspective I also add cubes to stand on as I move upwards now we can grab our chests and place them inside of the Shelf I mean for practical reasons you probably want Magic Shell uh chests are not the ones I'm using here but I think these ones look kind of nicer for this build let's see if I can place this one in here h be able to like this uh look a really nice uh storage area uh made out of toilets also want to use the black calron as a flower pot if you cannot craft that yet you can use pretty much any other furniture kind of object with the same technique I will be showing right now so I actually want this one kind of a tiny bit down into the floor and the reason for that is that I want to place dirt inside of it to be able to plant in it but that dirt needs to stick out up a little bit on top and if I wouldn't uh make it like a bit down in the floor that dirt would either not stick up on top or stick up a lot uh you won't have this problem with every type of stuff you use as as a kind of a flower pot but with a Black Cauldron you kind of do uh so first I will show you how to kind of get stuff a tiny bit into the floor first let's remove some floor where we want to place it I want to place it on top of this one uh then we need something just as scaffolding again so let's grab this one uh and I want it lower down into the there we go uh there's a lot of small trickery here to just be able to fit stuff where I want but I need something to kind of attach a shelf to uh because let's grab the Shelf there we go as long as you kind of have something to align it to uh you see here I need something back there uh to actually be able to to put put the Shelf here but I can put it at any given height so if I put it here like now it's like half a cube down right if I put the Quron on top of that one you see it actually goes down a bit into the floor so it can also be put at any height as long as it has something below that it attached to in this case uh the Shelf I put uh the Quron here and because I'm sheep I kind of want to pick up the Shelf there we go now I got the shelf and you can see the uh quadron actually clipping into the floor there now uh we can grab a floor piece um and just put it back there like this and this cauldron is actually clipping into the floor next up let's grab some Farm soil you can't place a cauldron inside of Farm soil but you can place Farm soil inside of The Cauldron so now that we don't really see The Cauldron but what we'll do is remove all of the Farm soil around The Cauldron until it's just the Farm soil that we actually now is inside of The Cauldron is left so let's do that and repair the damage floor because I misclicked a few times oh there's one left there can I get it yeah I did all right so you see it sticks up a little bit on top there let's grab um a grapple plant mostly because I really like a grapple plant are looking see if I can place that one in the center more or less and now we got a really nice flower pot and once the grapple plant is fully grown it will look really really nice I also want to beam just like on that side on this side uh it's made out of refined wood so just the same as as the roof right there and uh I want to put a table over here so it's time to start decorating a bit I think this will be a good place for the table uh let's put it like this maybe uh some shares uh if you want the shares to look a bit more organic you can actually rotate them a bit like you do with any furniture also think like it adds to the feeling a bit to actually mix and match a bit so not have exactly uh one type of shares for the table like this maybe this one someone have been sitting here we put it a bit outwards uh like this right I want a chandelier above the table problem is it hangs pretty close to the table uh but we can solve that uh so I like a lot of other stuff in this build uh I will solve that by clipping into other tiles uh I put another roof on top of the roof just for this purpose I have double roof uh I can clip stuff into it because we need to attach to something right uh let's see where's the middle of the table it should be like in that corner pretty much let's see if I'm correct about that like this well it should be more towards the left right so let's pick that one up again so like here maybe yeah that looks a lot better um and now uh once that one is in place we can just uh put the roof tiles back including the one where the chandelier is hanging like this and we now got a nice chandelier a bit uh more close to the roof so I have placed down the almanak Plant and seedlings beehive smoker a carpet on the floor some extra light sources that's always good to have more than just one Central light source in a room that goes for real life as well it just makes the room kind of feel cous here um and also a bookshelves here I don't really think placing those items calls for a guide but just a small little thing that might that you might not know and that is that you can stack stuff like plates for example is really nice if you stack them like this if you want them in a shelf for example can put them on top of each top of each other like this uh there's also another use for it like for example I want the painting here but you see how the texture is this won't really look good but we can actually solve this because if I put uh a painting here first uh let's grab some other painting yes like this maybe uh and then I take the painting I wanted which was this one and I can actually put it you see it goes on top of the first one so I'm actually stacking these ones now like this and I should be able to pick up the one in the back and now we have the painting sitting a bit outwards uh so that kind of solved the problem with that kind of texture I have added a tiny bit of extra detail now and it has gotten dark grapple plant is growing up and I am finished with the build I want to kind of finish the video uh by showing a l little trick here uh if you crouch down and you move really close to a wall um the camera will actually clip in front of your character uh this is really useful if you want to make screenshots for example for a YouTube video and you don't want your character in The screenshot hope you like this guide if you did give a thumbs up uh maybe subscribe as well because I have a lot more building guides planned for in shrouded in the future cheers
Channel: KetMol
Views: 18,520
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Id: Evrl7npwdXw
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Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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