Enshrouded- All base locations with 10+ Comfort built-in!

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hey there it's monkey I want to show you most if not all of the buildings with a comfort of 10 or higher spread throughout the area we currently have access to and shrouded I I think this may be valuable for a couple reasons let's say maybe you want to spend more time exploring crafting fighting Etc and less time building or maybe no time building because you just don't enjoy it or maybe you like building and you want to embellish places that already start with a good Comfort score either way I've got a lot of locations to show you I hope you'll like this video in more ways than one let's get to it we're going to cover locations starting in springlands that's kind of the starting area and then we're going to work our way clockwise around the map uh mostly we we'll talk about low Meadows at the end uh we're here in our sort of starter base uh basically because we want to set you know what our default Comfort level is we we just come out of the center Vault and you have a quest to go and set up your base down at the the foot of that hill right there and once you've got your workbench up you can usually put together about six Comfort worth of you know items from the from the surrounding area now once you've added your flame alter in like we have you know set up here you're going to get another five comfort from that flame alter but the default if this was just a location without the flame alter the default Comfort would be a six all of the locations that we're going to look at out in the game start with a default of 10 not including the alter so uh you're getting at least of a bump of four comfort and most of the locations have a 15 or higher so more than double what you can kind of scrape together from the surrounding area the first location we're going to look at is just west of the ancient Spire for the springlands Fast Travel and I wanted to kind of cover this physically if you will U just with the basic glider because I wanted to make sure that like people who are kind of just starting out and shrouded know that this is you know relatively easily accessible base um it's too far to get with a default glider you know even if you have a lot of endurance you might not have enough to get all the way to that building over there that's like right above my head that's where we're headed but you could simply you know Glide down to this Tower here take a quick stop get your endurance back up and same thing just you know Glide down to this Cliff here these are easily reachable I'm using the base glider right now just you know just to give you a sense that it this this is totally you know easily doable and then you can either hit the trees down there on the right or the top of this um building right down here which is what I'm aiming for now when you get down here there's going to be a lot of wolves and stuff like that but that's that's not really what we're here for we're here for the comfort and you know I just wanted to explain again just to kind of get this out of the way early in this recording that when you take your flame alter and you want to put it down if you look down here you'll see there's like this outline this build outline uh I want to point that out because there are some locations like this one in particular where you can see you know over in this direction over here there's a lot of mushrooms a couple tomatoes and stuff like that if you're building outline where you can you know where you can change things around your flame alter if it overlaps those mushrooms once you've harvested them they won't respawn they're basically just like animals uh you know every half an hour everything outside of your Bas line will respawn or reset to to the way the world was originally so if you make sure that your flame alter is you know for example this far away from those mushrooms and tomatoes that line is not overlapping them anymore they will respawn every half an hour so that's a really good source particularly if you want a lot of mushroom a really good source of mushrooms without you needing the uh to rescue the farmer build the seed bed and and and go through all of that work to do it same applies for the corn that's out in that field out there there's a whole bunch of corn out there so just keep those uh you know that basic understanding in mind now when you do set down your flame alter you're going to have to clear out like I said all of the all the wolves and any rats and stuff like that that might be inside there um but for this location again like you know you knock down these benches whatever that's here you'd be able to put the flame alter right in that location wouldn't overlap the mushrooms you'd have in this spot particular an 11 Comfort plus the five for your flame alter just keep that in mind whenever I talk about comfort from now on it's going to be the default Comfort level not including this five from the flame alter the next location I'm going to talk about is going to be just actually east of this Harvest Homestead and it'll be a spot just north of Woodard it's basically a broken down in there's you know like I said there's tomatoes and mushrooms right outside you know inside it's going to have this one's going to have a comfort of 10 the you know up above you're going to find camomile and tomato also in a garden again these would be things that could respawn for you and then really close you're going to have some Flint like right on the hill outside and then also you know likewise close by you're going to have some Flint along the hills that are going to lead down into the salt mine a lot of resources nearby that's why this is kind of a nice area to have for you know building up your stockpile and whatnot the next location we're going to look at is peaceful Acres it's to the south of these two locations they do share a lot of common area a lot of you know access to uh you know this this sort of quest area in the map peaceful Lakers has a 12 comfort that's going to be the highest you're going to find in springlands there's one other location that also has a 12 this place has corn mushrooms Flint as well it also has a salt mine really close by in the Shroud you know there's going to be wolves there's wolves everywhere pretty much in this area but there's a salt mine in the Shroud that's like really close by easily accessible and it kind of makes this a a a good location particularly for for getting those materials up it's also pretty easily accessible from your home base like you can easily Traverse across the land to get over to Peaceful Acres without necessarily having to jump from the Tower or you could come from the north from Woodard and work your way down to it but any of these three locations are pretty solid the last location we're going to look at in the springlands area is going to be north of the ancient Spire for springlands pretty far far north it's up here just one of the buildings in the the the westcot town now we're going to jump from the tower again and this is with a better than the default glider if you had the default glider you'd be landing pretty much about down below where I am right now so you'd have to work your way pretty far north but uh it's not really that far you're going to pass through this one little small sort of uh Inn that doesn't really have a great comfort cuz the the Scavengers have messed it up you know there's an Elixir well nearby there's the place where you're going to rescue the farmer from nearby and then this building right here that we're landing on it's going to come in with a comfort level of 12 you're going to have a flint mine that's going to be just to the North like a dedicated mine there's you know some shroud nodes and stuff like that but there's no salt in them or whatever and you know if you there's there is an Elixir well like as I mentioned if you you want to pop down to fen's farm you can get more veggies there this area itself like really close by only has like chamomile scavengers which are good for you know metal scraps and stuff and wolves and being that there's a few buildings around there's a good amount of like breakable items that you can you know smash for uh you know resources and whatnot now moving North into the revelwood area this is kind of like on the border between revelwood and springlands is going to be a place called Willow Crush that's actually just a little bit north Northeast of westcot revelwood you could get at if you had a you know top-notch glider and some good endurance but most likely you're either going to be crossing the bridge from the north you can see that on the right there or you're going to be coming up from the south to get to the town so this building here is going to have a 17 Comfort that's the best that you can get in Willow Crush I figure if you're you're going to occupy a base in here you might as well go for the 17 there is a 12 and a 13 the building next door is a 13 the building next to that is a 12 so you could take any of those three buildings you're going to have for resources you're going to have Clay there's copper that's also nearby but you're going to have to do some upward mining to kind of get at the Copper it's up you know up in the hills above here there's also a couple Forest beats around and obviously lots of scavengers and their their hounds so the typical mats you can get off of them and and a good number of chests in some of these buildings that are around here so obviously you could do a lot of upgrading on these buildings If you're sort of a builder who wanted to occupy a space with lots of you know things but you know if you just wanted that juicy 17 Comfort this is a good location for it the next location is going to be just west of the revelwood ancient Spire now it's not a location that's marked on the map but I've got a base there actually so if you just kind of make a note of where it at where it's at it's on the road uh between sort of the cave passage and the mark of sth you you can find it if you tend to stick to the roads particularly like Northwest of died one now you can see it a little bit if you look like just above my helmet through the trees there that's the building right there that we're going to get to you actually can do a pretty good job of getting to it just from the default glider well I might make a fool of myself here but you jump down to this Cliff here and then if you're going to run on West you can get to it that way so you take this crossroads right here up into the hills and that would get you to it now here's the inside of the end I already have my flame alter down so the Comfort level you're seeing of 25 you got to take five off of that to get to the base of 20 but 20 Comfort is pretty amazing the inside of the end is really nice too all of this stuff that's here was just already built in so you know it's a a fantastic site to just already have a really sweet looking base to begin with with lots of rooms lots of you know places you can you know put down your crafters and whatnot like I said it's not that far from the ancient Spire for Rubble wood you've got a big huge copper mine off to the West that's the mark of samoth there's clay that's going to be nearby around the back you can see there's a large node on the hill like right up behind the in there's going to be some you know beets and strawberries that you can find as well so you can you know either pick those up occasionally when they respawn uh you to throw them in your seed uh your seed starter they're typically probably going to be outside the build area of your base even if you expand it a couple times so overall a great location I like the blue goblet in moving on North from the blue goblet we have glenwoods end now glenwoods end is a large Castle Town there's going to be a building just outside on the right hand that is going to have a comfort of 10 and that's pretty good although you know we did just pass that 20 Comfort blue goblet in so you know you've got that but if you go up inside the town just inside the walls there's going to be another inn that's going to have a comfort of anywhere from 17 to 21 that's this Green Goblet in right here that I'm in side now you're going to have to fight some of the mobs to clean them out before you can put down your altar that makes this a a little bit of a rougher location than the uh you know the blue goblin that was back down the road but this location has a lot of things going for it in terms of you know the resources that are nearby you know you've got a flame Shrine for a few Sparks occasionally you're going to have strawberries clay flint and a lot of fighting there's a lot of chests to be had inside Glen Wood's end there's also a matron who will uh you know you can Farm her for you know whatever drops she has and and the the trophy obviously now the drawback I would say that Glenn Woods End has is that it's kind of tucked out of the way and also obviously if you don't want a lot of fighting then maybe it's not for you but if you want a total sort of you know rehab town to work with then Glen Wood's end is going to be it because you know it's got a lot of like I said Castle town to it from there we're going to head south east of the revelwood ancient Spire down to thornhold thornhold is another inn it's got a base comfort of 22 so it should come as no surprise ins tend to have really good Comfort levels it's going to be full of scavengers to begin with but once you clear those out and you clear out the basement for the location you can put down your flame alter as you can see here it's a 27 with a flame alter so again that base level is a 22 which is almost the highest for the revelwood area resource-wise this base has copper like pretty much on site um you know there's a lot of materials you could break down if you wanted to or a lot of scavengers you could Farm if you wanted to you know keep your base from being fully expanded once you fully expand the boundaries of your base you can block off all of the scavenger spawns so you don't have to deal with them at all right out the backside there is a clay mine that as long as you don't fully expand the footprint of your base you will be able to like Farm the clay from it indefinitely now my base is fully expanded I didn't need the clay anymore at the point the play through that I'm in so it doesn't matter to me but as long as you don't go to max level base size or as long as you maybe move your flame alter over a little bit you might be able to get the keep the clay like sort of outside your bases footprint but overall I like thornhold it wound up being the main base for you know the the first big playthrough that I did however if you want something a little less Spidey if you want something where you don't have to necessarily work so hard to clear it out you're actually gonna want to maybe look just Northeast of thornhold to what I would say is probably the best base location in revelwood this location is going to be another inn it's got lots of resources nearby there's some you know Clay that's going to be right on site popping inside the building you can see it's sort of got that standard in layout minus the basement though but it's got a 23 comfort you may need to clear out the spiders that are in the barn there's like three spiders in the barn but there's really not a lot of enemies in the area so it's a much more chill location you know you just have the two building so you don't have a lot of chest to loot but you can see that there's some copper right there really close by in addition to all this Wildlife boards and stuff like that there is a Fisher in the ground an enshrouded Fisher but this location has very little in the way of enemies in fact there's no like default mobs built into this area during the day and it also happens to be loaded with Amber and you can just sort of you know pop down inside get down to where the Amber is it's really easy to get down to it mine out a whole bunch of it and poke your head out when you you know if your timer runs low or you know if your axe breaks it's really close to really easy to just get your head out of the Shroud and either fast travel back to home or even just run back to home it's such a close location and while we're talking about resources here's the barn there's the Shroud mine for the Amber if you run a little bit to the south of there you're going to find this Tower and at the base of the tower there's just a bunch of copper so you can mine out all of that copper that gives you clay Amber and copper and that's in addition to obviously the the the wildlife you're going to find in this area you know bore and whatnot but it's a really good like I said a really good peaceful location as far as this this goes like thornhold it's really Central to the map as far as the the current playable area really close to The Pillars of Creation which is the next level of Zone really close to Pike me's reach just a good location overall uh and it will probably be the main base that I use for my next playr now once you've defeated the F wisp wyvern and upgraded the the strength of your flame again you're going to be able to get through into the pillar of creation and that will move us into the Nomad highlands now n's Highland kind of stretches all the way from the north end of what we have access to that's where the ancient Spire actually is but the highlands actually goes all the the way down pretty much to where surat's rest is you need to you can only access surat's rest Through The Nomad Highlands but we're going to start back up in the north by the ancient Spire for the highlands and to the west of it is going to be a location called rattle Bleak rattle Bleak is a small compound there's only a handful of buildings in it but it's got a built-in well you've got peppers and Sage already growing in containers on site you can just you know keep your base profile from blocking them respawning and it comes with a 21 comfort so you can see I've got a 26 there including my flame alter close by also you can see fossil bones and the ancient Spire right there so you can get the fossilized bones copper and Tin are close by as well and so it's got a lot going for it now it is relatively close to the ancient Spire you know so as a fast travel Point not very necessary but it it does kind of get you a good location and it might be a base that you want want to come back to uh again and again just because it's got a nice sort of uh vibe to it and not a lot of creatures to have to clear out or fend off in that area now the only other location in The Nomad Highlands that has a comfort higher than 10 is in surat's rest there's actually a few locations in surat's rest that have a ten or higher but the best one really is going to be the Inn that is like kind of at the center of town this is a big scavenger Camp so you're going to have to end up clearing out a lot of scavengers and stuff like that now just south of the in you're going to find like a 10 Comfort building and down south down at the end of the road there you're going to find a 14 but 19 is going to be the best you can do inside Sarat there are a lot of buildings in Sarat so there's going to be a lot of breakables for resources don't ever discount that when you're thinking about locations a lot of breakables a lot of scavengers to fight so a lot of loot that you can get off of them which for the ranged ones includes arrows if you're a a ranger that might be a nice thing to get Beyond copper there's no clay or anything like that at least that I could find but generally speaking I think it's an interesting location overall now aside from soret rust in the South and rattle Bak in the north there's no other locations in The Nomad Highlands itself that has a 10 or higher Comfort there is a down though right on the border between what I would say that the Gman Highlands and the Kindle waste just inside of the Kindle waste called brittle Bush we're going to head there now because that has some of the best Comfort levels in the game and a lot of buildings to choose from as far as that goes in brittle Bush you're going to find buildings that have a comfort of anywhere from 24 up to 33 I'm actually standing on top of the farway freight Tavern right now that's got the 33 Comfort baked into it if you pop over here where the respawn orb is you're going to find that there's going to be a 32 to the south of it so that's pretty dang close to 33 and a 24 to the north of it but really you know you've either got this 32 Comfort building here or you have the far away freay Tavern that's got a 33 in it there's a lot of other great buildings you can occupy in brittle Bush if you're not looking really to maximize comfort and also there's going to be a lot of chests around gold even things you can break scavengers to fight all that you know all that manner of stuff and this is really just the main part of brittle Bush there's also a Southeast brittle Bush where you're going to find Comforts of between 18 and 24 I mean those are okay they're not really going to compete with the far away Freight Tavern however in Northeast brittle Bush you're going to find Comfort levels of up to 32 so again again pretty close you kind of have your pick of buildings being that these places have a comfort of around 30 or so you know that they already have good built-in tables and chairs and you know all that manner of things but it's a great location going to it's going to offer you lots of fighting lots of loot lots of chests the minable resources that are nearby there's going to be some lapis lazuli in the area and also sulfur that you can easily you know get to however you're going to be traveling a little bit more to get to any of those minable resources just because brittle Bush itself is a a fairly large town There's No mines that I could find built into the town itself jumping up to the ancient Spire for the Kindle way there is a small building located Northeast of it now this building I'm going to I'll Glide down to it while I talk about it it only has a 14 Comfort to it so it's not as amazing as a lot of the other locations are in the Kindle waste itself um but maybe you'll like it for you know what's around there is you know sulfur right there in the area just drop down on there now this is a small location I decided to include it because it does fit the criteria of having at least a comfort of 10 uh I certainly wouldn't pick it even though it doesn't have a lot of fighting you know there's a couple scavengers across the way there there is a sun temple nearby and you've got sulfur pretty much on site so there is that but otherwise it's not uh not really my favorite uh among the contenders and it's certainly not a strong Contender for really high comfort in the Kindle waste itself and that's going to bring us up to East lapis now East lapis has a large number of buildings and a good range of comfort it also has the highest comfort in the you know area that we have available to us right now in Early Access now where I'm standing is actually Ocean's heart this is a scavenger base that is just connected to East lapis if you clear out the matron and the bugs and whatnot from this area you can get a 27 Comfort there but heading into East lapis itself in this southwest most corner there's a range of comfort from 25 anywhere up to 32 which is pretty solid like the the crane right there that you see in front of me there that South crane is on top of a 32 Comfort building the best comfort that you can find in the game we have access to right now baked into a building is a 35 and that's going to be in the northwest corner of East lapis right next to this respawn orb it's this building that I'm landing on right now you will have to do a lot of fighting in East lapis I'm not kidding you there's scavengers there's shroud beetles exploding shroud beetles it's flying shroud beetles it's you know a lot of combat to sort of clear out the area but once you settle in and expand your base you know it shouldn't be much of an issue here's a shot from the northeast of East lapis looking out across the all the buildings that are in the west the the best building is all the way on the right in this in this view you can get some good comfort in the Northeast area here this building that I'm on top of right now has a 28 Comfort down inside now even though East lapis is kind of the northeast corner of the playable area that we have access to it has so many minable resources nearby that you know it it makes it a really great location for hauling up all of those sort of endgame materials it's got lapis lauli of course that's what the city is named after it has tin sulfur really close by and this cave passage just down to the South has a bunch of iron barely in the Shroud you can you know just mine this whole area out and you know profits right okay let's talk about low Meadows low Meadows is one of the early zones that you run into pretty much around shortly after springlands it's where you're going to rescue the Carpenter and you know maybe get your one of your Eternal spells from the thing about low Meadows is it feels like a really small Zone You've Got The Pillars of Creation Heming you in on the northeast you've got deadly shroud to the east of you shroud all to the north of you shroud to the west of you there's one tiny little house Southwest of here called Moren that's that little tiny village right there there's an in there but it's only got a comfort of 12 so not really Stellar even in terms of starting zones in fact this location is just east of your starting location um so you know maybe a good early on forward base and stuff like that I don't know that you necessarily would feel like making it your Forever base there's just there's not a lot of resources around Moren I couldn't find any Flint uh there there may be some salt in the Shroud but even the Shroud that's right next to Moren you have to have leveled up your flame strength to be able to enter and even when you've done that most of the area around you is covered with shroud river which means you can't walk on it anyway without dying so not a lot of resources a lot of death you know I did have a couple honorable mentions I wanted to mention Fort Kelvin which is southwest of thornhold it's in that revelwood region and while it did not have any buildings with a comfort higher than 10 the highest I could find was nine it does have a good location cuz it's close to some mines you've got some vuka there you've got you know a couple buildings with chests that you can pull out and you know and it's kind of a fort that you can expand and build on if you want to but it just didn't have enough Comfort to make the cut the other honorable mention I wanted to give was the sun simmer sudon this is sort of a uh you know Star Wars Episode 4 location right you've got so you youve got your living area down below where uh anaru and Uncle Owen are hanging out and you've got tons of things that you can loot down down in here including you know right here we got some grapple plant and we've got some saffron and these Gardens are on either side so wherever you put your uh flame alter you know you'll know that you can still get plants from the other side and it's got a well in the middle it's got lots of internal locations for you to you know check out and inhabit so so it's kind of cool it only comes in at that the highest I could get out of it would be like an eight default but as far as an interesting sort of base or a farm to be able to pop to it it's not bad obviously being inside the Kindle waste you've got lots of fossilized bone there's sulfur nearby you've got a twig Hut right behind you there if you take your pick you can just get L it's got lots of character and lots of resources nearby you'll find the sunsummer suon it actually has an icon on the map it's just on the border between The Nomad Highlands and the Kindle was on the Kindle was side that's going to wrap it up for this video let me know your thoughts down in the comments which location do you like the best is there a location that didn't make the cut that you think should deserve an honorable mention or did you find a location that I actually didn't get on the list because I'd like to know that too I want to thank you again for your time and your support don't forget to tap that like button down below to let me know you like the video there's a monkey down there in the corner if you haven't subscribed yet and I'll see you next time take care bye
Channel: GameMnke
Views: 12,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded
Id: eodn1wB_8q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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