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hello everyone and welcome to another English lesson here with me Anna English on this channel English like a native today we are covering taxis taking a taxi all the vocabulary that you will need if you are a taxi driver or if you are taking a taxi so I'm going to get started straightaway I've made six pages worth of notes and of course anyone who makes a donation towards this channel whether it be right now via a super chat which is the little dollar sign it's the Emoto sign then I will send you the notes or if you make a donation after the live lesson has finished via the link in the description box and you can request any of the notes from any of the lessons that you've seen and I will send them to you so a quick hello to my patrons hello all over the world wherever you're watching from please do feel free to comments and to talk to each other in the comments and I will chat to as many of you as I can but right now let's get straight into the lesson so taxis there are a number of different ways to describe a taxi of course we have the word taxi it can also be lengthened to taxicab or shortened to just cab so let's have a look at the pronunciation of that tak tak Zhi taxi taxi taxi easy taxi and then we have taxi cab taxi cab which we don't say very often or simply tab tab so I'm gonna get a cab and we use this in Britain as well as in America I know that cab is an American phrase quite quite used quite a lot in America and it grab a cab but we say taxi and cab as much as each other and so taxi taxi cab or simply cab this basically describes a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere and funnily enough when I was younger my mom used to say to me often Anna I'm not a taxi and not a taxi service I'm not your taxi driver because I'd often say to her mom can you give me a lift here mom when I finished can you pick me up mom I don't want to walk today can you give me a lift as you don't Anna I'm not a taxi you know so a taxi so here we go there are other words that you might hear around taxi you'd hear a taxi rank a taxi rank is the location the place where taxis wait for customers the place where taxis wait for customers and you'll normally find a taxi rank in in major cities outside train stations outside airports you'll find taxi ranks you might find them near a bus station when you have a major bus station in the centre of town you'll find some form of taxi rank usually I don't have a taxi rank near me where I live I would have to walk for about half an hour to find my nearest taxi rank actually took the train station the train station is half an hour away and there is my nearest taxi rank how far away is your closest taxi rank all right what else can we call a taxi we would call a taxi a mini cab so we have taxi cab but your ma also might hear mini cab now a mini cab is a taxi which may be booked in advance but it's not licensed to pick up passengers who hail it in the streets now just to clear up the word - hail - hail is to do this track say hello taxi so if you're in the street you haven't booked anything you haven't called or used an app on your phone to get to taxi you've just seen a taxi driving past and you're waving it trying to flag it down that's another phrase that we use to flag it down or flag it over or you hail it hello if you hail it you are not allowed to hail a mini cab well you could try but a mini cab not allowed to pick you up so they are taxi drivers who don't have a licences to just pick up people on the streets so that's a mini cab mini cabs are ones you have to phone and pre-book you might also hear about a black cab now interestingly black cabs can be black or red but these are basically black overall red I'm gonna write it here black or red black or red taxis although I don't see many red ones to be honest but mostly back taxis that operate operated or operating rather operating in London with officially tested and licensed drivers they can be hailed in the street and bless you thank you so much to Ella joseline joseline thank you so much darling you said hello Ana you make me feel much better after I've had a really bad day and will you do whether you do the feedback live stream on verba I'm so excited Oh bless you darling I'm really sorry to hear that you're not feeling great thank you so much for the super chat that's really lovely to have your contribution and that will go towards helping this channel to grow so thank you for your contribution I do hope you feel better and yes I am planning to start the feed back in the next few weeks on verba and you will definitely be included in that so you've got that to look forward to so hopefully you'll feel better very soon okay so black caps black cabs are the ICONic cabs that you see in London that you can just flag down or hail hello taxi are normally very expensive so if you're coming to London if you if you have money and money isn't a problem for you then black cabs are not a problem but generally black cabs are expensive in central London so you may want to look at other options if your budget is quite tight and restricted what else do we have of course recently uber has become very popular now the word uber has other meanings but in this context when we're talking about tax and uber is a special kind of taxi that works under the app uber so you have it on your phone and you can book it and order it instantly Ennis and anyone can be a uber driver I'm sure there's criteria they have to match but it is nor people with normal cars and they can be uber drivers and ubers are available in many countries in fact let me know in the chat whether Ebers are available in your country and are you an uber driver do we have any uber or in that post for that matter any taxi drivers do we have any taxi drivers in here today so uber drivers yes they are just taxis that operate using the uber app now when you're talking about getting a taxi there are many different verbs we can use you can say I'm going to call a taxi and need to call a taxi Oh Ahmed has just made a really good point you might also see this written kind of let me just copy this one this all that yeah paste a private car a private car is a privately or taxi - taxi that operates fire a lot a privately owned company a taxi I don't know how to how would you describe a private car it's a taxi operating via a private taxi company I guess just ones that you can phone up you'll find usually little little shop fronts that you can walk into and hire these taxis when they're privately run companies right so oh we do have some black cup drivers in hello alley Lamine is a black is a is a blahblah car of blahblah car is that a typo but you're you're you're a blahblah car I think that's a black cab driver uber exists in Egypt fantastic uber is available in India uber is available in Brazil it's gonna bring you back up so you can see my lovely face hello Uber's are available here in Indonesia fantastic and uber is not in is not there are not many ubers in your country sky reminder which country are in great fantastic so let's carry on so verbs talking about taking a ride in a taxi in fact I didn't include that one did I ride in a taxi so we call the taxi and basically calling a taxis when we're talking about phoning one so we've phone to book so you phone to book a taxi so to call the taxi so you might be as a party or a dinner party or you're about to go out and you say I'm going to call the taxi I'm just gonna call a taxi hello can I have a taxi please so you call a taxi you can also in that circumstance say get a taxi I need to get a taxi hello yes can I please order a taxi you can also use it get a taxi if you're out on the streets and so I need to get a taxi so I'm gonna go to the taxi rank or I'll put my hand out and just flag one down on the streets I'm going to get a taxi so you're it in a party they say do you want us to call you a taxi say no it's fine I'll go and get a taxi I'll go out and get a taxi or do you want to lift no no it's fine I'm going to get a taxi home don't you worry so we use the verb quite often to get a taxi which is to phone book or hail taxi phone book or even pick one up as in in a taxi rank no yeah you can also take a taxi so if someone says how you're getting home you'd say I'm going to take a taxi and so that's your mode mode of transport I'm taking a taxi I'm going to take a taxi to the airport tell me how you get to work actually and so you can give me a sentence now just want 10 cents tell me how you get to work do you take the bus do you take a taxi or do you drive or cycle or walk or something even more exotic does anyone ride an elephant does anyone take a motorbike so let me know in the comments we've also talked about this a few times you can hail a taxi or flag a taxi down so flag down a taxi so hail a taxi or flag down a taxi and this is literally when you're stood on the streets and you wave your arm wave your arm on the street to stop a taxi okay we can book a taxi which is exactly the same as what we've talked about before to call a taxi so you booked it so you call it's or perhaps you've been in a taxi on your way to your destination and then when whatever is happening has finished whether it's an event and a party a meeting you might have pre booked with that taxi driver to come and pick you up for the return journey so pretty booked order previously and we couldn't we could also in the same vein use the word arrange I've arranged a taxi for you so normally if you've ordered it for somebody else then you could say hello mr. Smith I've arranged your taxi to pick you up at 4 o'clock okay so we use this verb sometimes it sounds more posh I think and then when you're actually in the taxi you ride the taxi you ride the taxi is the same as take a taxi I'm taking a taxi ride or riding a taxi okay we don't use that as often but you can use a it's a taxi ride just a taxi ride away okay let's see what we're saying over in the patron a Skype chat room hello patrons how are you I've got Alan do Camille Olga Erik and andreas ciao hello in Kazakhstan you have uber you use it often all interesting in fact I use an uber more than I would use any other type of taxi I guess because it's more convenient it's easy to do from your phone and predominantly it's a little cheaper so Maria has said I wish I could ride an elephant but I take the bus oh I can't read your name Neelu poo so that's a very long name but you ride you ride a motorbike to campus excellent Leonel takes the tube Christine goes to school often bye-bye car you don't need to say a code safe by car I go by car and bring cos walks to work horse carts are common in some Indian cities fantastic I love it when I see horses on the roads okay so let's carry on with these notes now we're going to move into general vocabulary that you might use if you are a taxi driver or if you are taking a taxi by the way if you're here for the first time welcome is wonderful for you to join us and do feel free if learning English in general to press that subscribe button and that Vell notification button so that you don't miss any future lessons here with me I'm trying to release videos around five times a week I'm always listening to your feedback so hopefully you'll find something here that is useful to you and if you are enjoying this lesson please give it a thumb up I haven't bless Ella you just sent me another super chat bless you that is so sweet and you said a little off topic question can you use the with a long e as in V like in essence to emphasize the word that it comes after a long e like an so so we say the the just generally sir all we say Z and we use V I I see what you mean about emphasis so take the chair but we use thee only really when the following word starts with a vowel so the astronaut the orange the the emphasis okay so the with a lot of that with a long e V is for work is for going before words that begin with a vowel does that make sense hopefully I've explained that and I have done a video about it as well if I haven't explained it very well here now then there is a video the noise in the background is my lovely housemates trying to make some lunch so don't worry about it it will it will not disturb the lesson so don't you worry and if you're lucky he might come on a wave to you all oh maybe not he's peeling a bit shy today okay let's carry on so we have the vocabulary we have the word sat-nav I'm sure most of you have heard this before but if you haven't sat-nav stands for satellite navigation how do you spell satellite right is it right anyone who's good at spelling tell me it's satellite it's done correctly does it have two L's yes it does there we go Oh it just looks strange to me in satellite navigation system so basically most of us have sat-nav on our phones if you have a smartphone or you might have a specific device especially for navigation and most taxis in the UK now work via some form of sat-nav it used to be that taxi drivers had to know their way around without sat-nav but nowadays it's just as easy to use a certain air system black cab drivers it was well known that to be a back black cab driver you have to pass a test and the test was called I think the knowledge they'd have to pass the knowledge test and that was to know London completely and London is quite a big city and they would have to know all the routes the quickest routes lots of different variations of each route to get from one place to another did you notice the way I said route by the way most of you if you're learning American English would say route but in British English we say route so American route British English route something to be aware of so that's sat-nav in the old days of course we would just use a map but then you also have a map on your sat-nav on a map is simply the diagram of streets or roads meant for navigating you might also hear talk of a meter a meter is a device that will be in some taxis that calculates the fares so in some taxis you get in and they start the meter and you can see it and you can see the meter running so you get the meter running or you start the meter and it starts as soon as you get in the cab sets off and it will just keep going up and up and up and you're watching it going I didn't realize this taxi was going to be so expensive and then when the captain when the taxi stops he will turn the meter off and tell you how much you owe in some cases they don't have a meter and so there'll be a fixed price or like with ubers it's automatically it's automatically estimated we the app so yes the meters running or the meters ticking you can use those phrases the amount of money that you pay for the journey is referred to as the fair the fair that you have to pay sometimes like I said there's a fixed price and this is called a flat fee a flat fee or you can use a fixed price flat fee sometimes there might be a fine this doesn't happen often but if you damage the vehicle in some way or I know in London when they're doing their Saturday and Friday night pickups late at night and people have had a bit too much to drink if they are sick if they vomit in the car in the taxi now they may have to pay a fine which is to cover the cost of cleaning or fixing the damage so it's an additional charge or penalty for damage like I said it doesn't happen often lela lela one of my patrons is asking how can you join the Skype chat room you're a new patron I've closed it down now later just while we're live but if you drop me a message quickly on patreon once this lesson is finished I will make sure you want added you've got the link and you're added as soon as this lesson is finished ok so say yes all patrons have the opportunity to join the Skype chat room so do make sure you message me if you're not already in the chat room and I'll make sure you're added so message me on patreon okay let's carry on where were we we are ok so the person who is travelling is called the passenger passenger passenger the passenger and the person of course who is operating the vehicle is the driver the driver the driver and the passengers must wear a seat belt the seat belt is a strap to protect the occupants of the vehicle now in the UK is illegal for anybody in the car not to wear a seat belt and if you are caught by the police not wearing your seatbelt while the vehicle is in motion you will be fine and so it's very important that you wear your seatbelts okay we wouldn't really refer to the passengers as clients so Jana I see what you mean it could be a client but we never really call someone who takes a taxi of clients they are the passenger so what is a fake taxi called there's not a name perfect taxi the fake taxi is a fake taxi I guess and we have to be careful not to get into a fake taxi so let's carry on and Hugo the difference between the pronunciation of American sorry of route like the root of a plant and the the way in which you go to a destination route and route they're both the same route and route in American a wrote and rapped the root of a plant and the route which you take but in British English they're both the same route around and you wear your seat belt as well this is really important the verb for for having a seat belt on is to wear your seat belt you don't attach your seat belt or anything like that you wear your seat belt make sure you're wearing your seat belt Muslim I'll buy a tea said I sell you a message but you didn't reply to me I where did you send me a message those of you who have been messaging me whether it be on Facebook whether it's here on YouTube whether it's on Instagram you have to be aware that I have over I don't know it's got to be like ninety thousand ninety thousand followers here and so I you can imagine I get hundreds of messages every day and so I make sure that I respond always to my patrons because they're supporting this channel in a financial way they're helping this channel to grow and so they always guess what but unfortunately it's kind of hit or miss as to whether you get responses from me in other areas I never read my messages on Instagram I do read the comments but I never feed the actual messages when I log into my inbox that literally it's got hundreds of messages and so it's just if I spend all my time reading messages I have no time for doing lessons so I hope you understand okay let's carry on the boot the boot of the vehicle is the storage area in the back of the vehicle where you put your stuff now the in America this is called the trunk the trunk but in the UK in Britain we call it the boot I'll put it in the boot do you have space in the boot okay so then we also may talk about the fuel for the vehicle and your vehicle may take petrol or diesel petrol or diesel depending on the type of the car normally smaller cars take petrol and bigger more powerful cars and vans and trucks take diesel you don't want to mix them up when you're at the petrol station oh yes in America they call fuel gas as well just so you know that they call it gas but we don't so when you're at the petrol station you want to make sure if you are driving a petrol car you're using petrol and not diesel because you could break your car okay so other words we have a destination your destination is the place that you want to go to your destination is the place you're going to destination the pickup point is where your cut where you're starting your journey where you're starting your journey so we're the passenger starts the journey their pickup point so we're if I'm a taxi driver where would you like me to pick you up what is the pickup point and then what is your destination what is your destination Thank You Watty you say that I have a beautiful necklace thank you this was a gift from a student a long time ago I like it very much thank you let you like it too what is a lorry says among a lorry is my currents like a truck it's a very large vehicle with big space in the back and they use it for transporting goods so Oh Laurie is it called a trip or a journey both both a trip and a journey they're the same sort of thing you go on a journey you take a trick shall we put those in I'll put them down here go on a journey take a trip go on a dirt journey and take a trip or sorry or take a trip there we go so where were we pickup point toll a toll is a charge for using a road or a bridge a toll is a charge for using a road or a bridge Guatemala if you're late don't worry it's really not a problem with these lessons they stay on this channel forever so you can always scroll back and watch the beginning part of the lesson later so a toll in we have many toll bridges here in the UK where you have to pay to cross the bridge and we have also a number of toll roads I know the m6 part of the m6 motorway is a toll motorway and you have to pay to use it and it's normally faster because not many people do use it and so you choose whether you can afford to pay a little bit extra in order to get where you're going fast so let's carry on can we use pickup as a single word without space inside in between in between and pickup I don't think so actually let me have a quick look for you see I fight it's also pick up without a space I would think of a truck a pickup truck yes that's the ones coming up us so if you right pick up without a space between pick and up then it's referring to a type of lorry okay a type of truck so so just be aware of that okay let's carry on our taxes Nick in London expensive and they can be ubers are better or that ubers are getting more expensive as well now you may hear them talk about if you're in a taxi or if you're using the roads you may hit people talk market and a road or a dual carriageway and then I say I have to go down the a road or do you want me to use the dual carriageway and just be aware if you are going to write inappropriate messages in my chat room then you will be banned from the channel there are people of all ages here so please choose your words appropriately and if you're going to write something disgusting you'll be kicked out so just a word of warning for those of you are considering that let's carry on so an a road or a dual carriageway is a fast road it's basically a couple of lanes across and normally has a divider in the middle okay so then we also have a motorway a motorway is you the UK's fastest road is a motorway and it's usually three lanes on either side of the road okay you can go quite fast on a motorway so you may talk about cash or card when you're in a taxi now a lot of taxis take card obviously when we're talking about cash when we mean money that is in in notes or coins so money that you actually have on you if we're talking about a card I'm sure you know we mean a credit or a debit card okay and as we mentioned earlier you can go on a trip or sorry go on a journey or take a trip okay how is everybody are we all all okay Andreas you can't stay you'll watch the video later on that's a shame but I'm I'm hoping that you'll go and have a good day whatever it is you're doing and thank you for joining us for this brief time hello everyone here how about a highway we don't really talk about highways here in the UK highway is an American word we have the Highway Code we a book of rules for using the roads so that's that's using the word highway but generally we don't talk about highways we talk about streets roads a roads dual carriageways motorways we don't say highway how'd you say when a vehicle runs out of fuel what is the general phrase and just say I'm I'm out of petrol I'm out of fuel amount of petrol or I need I need to get fuel I need to get petrol that's what we generally say but bah-bah-bah so highway as a motor wait in England yes that's right highway is a motorway okay are we good to carry on till I see how many funds we have before I do dad we have 103 thumbs excellent let's see if we can get that up to 150 before we end this session all right so what is mainway we don't have anything called mainway just so you know I've never heard that phrase so we have phrases phrases are what I've done is passengers I hang on let me remove this actually passengers I've written in kind of this pinky purple color and and then drivers I've written in green so passengers when they're inquiring about taxi when you're just inquiring you maybe you haven't gotten the taxi yet so you might approach the driver and say hello I am available just means if a taxis waiting at the side of the road they might they might be waiting for someone they're picking up maybe someone's booked the taxi and you're not sure if the taxi is available for you so you just go up some it excuse me are you available and are you free oh you might say are you waiting for someone and if you say no I'm free hopping then that means you can get in okay Obed says do you have backseat driver as an expression in England yes we absolutely do a backseat driver is a passenger who likes to be in control of the car and so their concert saying all slow down Oh Oh careful or you want to speed up here or you shouldn't drive like that someone who's always giving instruction annoyingly so to the driver they're called a backseat driver and they're very irritating okay so let's carry on you could say when you phone up for a taxi perhaps or when you're in a taxi you might say can i book a taxi for 3 p.m. please or for 3 o'clock please can i book a taxi can i book a taxi or I would like to book a taxi ok you might ask a taxi how many people can you take maybe you are in a party of 10 people your group includes 10 people and you don't know how many taxis you need to get you'd like to take a taxi that can take five people so that you will need so that you all need to get to tax it's not for two taxis I'd say say how many how many people can you take the driver might say I only take four people oh okay all right we'll have to get three taxis then okay so how many people can you take or another way of saying is do you have room for five people do you have room for however many people one if he's asking what's the difference between car and mobile car I've never heard of a mobile car all cars are mobile that's the point so to be mobile is to be able to move around so you just have a car unless you mean a mobility a mobility car is a car a special car that's been changed to aid people with disabilities so perhaps if I only had one hand I would need a special car that means I can change my gears maybe on the steering wheel or maybe if I'm a much shorter person I would need the pedals thing to be raised up so I can reach them without it being a problem so a mobility car is for disabled people whereas a normal car or where a car is just for non-disabled people all right let's carry ah we have do you do airport runs do you do airport runs and this is just basically asking if they take the airport airports are normally like my nearest airport is probably at least a 40-minute to one hour drive away on the motorway and so a lot of taxis won't go that far so you have to just double check before you call them to say do do do you do trips to the airport do you do a nap do you do start again do you do airport runs and usually they'll say yes because it's good money if you are doing a trip to the airport I would always book in advance and I would always double check before you book it how much they're going to charge get a flat fee set up don't let them take you on the meter because that will cost you a fortune and how do you call the extra tire in Britain we call it the spare tire a spare tire but we also call this a spare tire so if you're if you if you have a little bit of an extra bit of skin this is a spare tire so if someone is a little has a little bit more weight on them and they have they have a little bit of a fat belly hanging out then you call it a spare tire but that's also what we'd call the extra wheel in a car a spare tire what's the age limit to get a driving licence in the UK it's 17 I think yeah 17 to drive in the UK okay let's carry on so I did actually do a lesson about driving if you want more information about actually driving in the UK I did a lesson called wood drive so do check that out can you take a wheel chair perhaps or can you take a pram can you take a pram so if you're a mother and you have a big pram or you have a wheel chair then you would need to check beforehand when you're booking the taxi that they have space for a wheelchair or a pram okay you might say if you're booking your taxi in you're going to the airport you might say we have luggage will that be okay so I might say I have three suitcases will that be okay and I guess we got plenty of room in the boot don't you worry or he might say oh no the car is too small I'll have to book you a bigger car when you get into the taxi you might say can I go via the shop can we go via Princess Street and pick up somebody else can we go via a cash point so that I can pick up some cash to pay for you okay so can we go via is what you would say if you need to make a stop on route or you can also say do you mind if we swing by a cash point so to swing by a swing by that's the same as to go via you know you're driving along in your swing by a cash point it's a strange phrasal verb that we use but we do use it often to swing by something if you just need to jump out of the car to go and grab something from the house or to go and grab some cash from the cash point you could say to the driver could you just wait here for a few moments you definitely want to say that to them actually because you don't want to drive off thinking that you're done but also don't keep a taxi driver waiting for too long especially for the meters running because that will end costing you a lot of money but always check could you just wait here for a few moments please what is a cash point a cash point is an ATM it's a machine that gives you cash you put your card in you put in your bank details and it gives you cash okay do you use via when speaking yes absolutely so it saves the taxi driver can you go via Americans saying via we say via Americans via British via via you can also say when we're talking about when you talk about a cash point you can also say a cash machine a cash machine sometimes we use that as well okay do the passenger sit on the left or the right in the UK you drive on right and so the right hand side of the cards the passenger sits on the left okay so um what else do you say you could ask a driver how long will it take if say if you've got a train you have to get the train I am and there's a certain train you have to get and you say oh my train actually leaves in 15 minutes how excuse me how long will it take to get to the station you know I said oh in this traffic it's gonna take 10 minutes new Oh Oh my train leaves in 15 minutes oh that's gonna be a bit tight it's going to be a bit difficult I'm gonna be tight for time could you please step on it I wouldn't ever really say that to a taxi driver but the word the phrase step on it means to put your foot too hard on the on the on the accelerator to move faster it means go faster could you step on it please but I wouldn't ever say that to a taxi driver so the taxi driver when setting up the journey could say to you you jump in the car II could say where do you want to go to where do you want sorry where do you want to go you could say why do you want to go to I don't want to go to or why'd you want to go you could say where are you going hello where are you going I'm going to the station please oh you don't key he could say I say he he or she obviously there's ladies and gentlemen taxi drivers but she could say or he could say where can I take you where can I take you or very formally what's your destination although that doesn't feel very human what's your destination it sounds like a machine if you're not sure if you say oh I'm going to my friend's house I'm going to my friend's house it's by it's by the old mill do you know the old mill and if you're confused as a taxi driver you might say I'm sorry do you have an address oh yes sorry it's on 33 princess street okay yes I know where that is or the taxi driver might ask for a pose code because now most days you would just put the postcode in to a sat-nav and the sat-nav will know where it is so he might say do you have the postcode or do you know the postcode if that fails they might say can you direct me could you do could you give me directions that's not often that happens but it might happen if there's a taxi driver you're having trouble understanding your passenger you might say please could you say that slowly for me please could you say that slowly for me or I didn't hear you please speak up I didn't hear you please speak up now if you're going to be very polite and help out your passenger and give them a pleasant experience if your passenger comes out of their house you you're let's pick them up they come out to the house and they've got a big suitcase as a taxi driver you might say oh let me take your case for you let me take your bag for you let me take that and you then pick it up and put it into their car into the boot of the car so let me take that for you you could say I can put that in the boot for you or would you like me to put that in the boot for you if you're talking about where you're going you might say oh I know the best route or I know where that is yeah don't worry I know where that is here we go if if the journey you're taking goes via a very busy road if it's very busy during rush hour for example you might say to your passenger oh you want to go to the train station that's going to take about half an hour at this time of day just to just to warn them because of the traffic or perhaps the route has two options so the destination the route to the destination there's two options of a route and one route takes you across a bridge but the bridge has a toll so you could say to them we could cross the bridge if you're happy to pay the toll so normally if the taxi driver has to go via a toll road or a toll bridge then they would make sure you pay for it so they wouldn't cover that so do you want me to pick you up afterwards so if you're dropping someone at a meeting or a party you can say drop me to pick you up afterwards and they book you for the return journey and then you might say to them well take my card and call me when you're ready to be picked up that's a good way to make sure you get extra business if someone's asked you to wait you might say oh please hurry I can't wait for long please hurry I can't long perhaps you're on perhaps you've pulled over in a place that you can't park I might get in trouble if I stay here for too long please hurry I can't wait for long you might have to ask your passengers to put their seat belts on could you please put on your seat belt so this is the phrasal verb that we use could you please put on your seatbelt or of course like I said earlier could you please make sure you wear your seatbelt please wear your seatbelt or could you put on your seatbelt please if someone comes to your window and says excuse me mate can you take me to the train station you might say I'm sorry I'm not available I'm sorry I'm not available maybe your shift is about to finish or you're waiting for another passenger I'm sorry I'm not available or I'm about to clock off so clock off is to finish your shift so if your shift is from six o'clock in the evening till 11 o'clock and someone's knocking on your door at 10 to 11 said oh could you take me 20 minutes down the road I'm sorry I'm about to clock off I'm about to finish that's too far I can't take you so I'm about to clock off or you could say I'm done for the day or I'm done for the night I'm sorry I'm done for the day I'm done for the night hello Julia thank you so much sweetheart you just sent me a 2 euro soup chat that's fantastic thank you and for those of you who don't know what super chaps are they are small donations to the channel to the community all donations to the channel go back into making this channel better and just so you know those of you who have been supporting me up to now with your super chaps they have gone towards the first installment of fiber optic fiber optic broadband so in about three weeks time I've got some technicians that are coming to my new flat to install fiber optic broadband which means these the signal on these sessions will be much better better quality less downtime so sometimes these videos drop in and out because of my signal but yes it means that those of you who have sensitive chats so far your money has gone towards paying for fiber optic to be installed into my new flat so thank you very much I'm sure everyone here is going to be very grateful for the results of that and thank you Julia I hope you enjoyed the lesson and of course as a thank you I will send you the notes so I'll do that after the lesson ok let's carry on how are all my patrons as well feel free to send me a message patrons in the Skype room you know I always respond alright so taxi I'm sorry passengers when you're directing you might say can you take me or can you take us - can you take me can you take us to this place or I would like to go to the train station I would like to go to the London Eye I would like to go to or you might just say the destination so you might literally jump on the taxi and say the station please or Manchester Airport please so you don't even have to give any extra words you just say the destination and always give up please ok I'll bless you lots of you saying I'd like to donate I'd like to donate don't worry if you can't donate really I really don't mind I'm happy that you're here those that can down it's such a lovely thing for you to do but those of you who can't donate don't worry I really don't expect anything from you guys apart from you just to be here and enjoy the lesson and you know if you can I love a thumb up and I love us subscribe and share and some of you have been wonderful at offering translations to my videos so that's something you can do if you want to give something to the community otherwise please don't worry I just appreciate your time and your attention okay let's carry on so if your taxi driver has now arrived on the road that you that is your destination but you live further up the road then you might just say it's just up here on the left which means go a bit further up and it's on the left it's just up here just up here on the left you might tell the taxi driver to take the next right if the taxi driver seems a little bit confused or bit lost you might say take the next right you could say we live at the top of the road or at the bottom of the road both of them pretty much seat mean the same thing I live at the end of my road so I live on the corner I live on the corner house on my Road normally if a taxi comes in at the other end of the road I would say oh I live at the I live at the bottom of the road or I live at the top of the road technically you would say top or bottom depending on if it's on it up we'll an uphill climb so if you live at the top it is on a hill you'd say I live at the top of the hill I live at the top of the road if it's at the bottom then you say I live at the bottom of the hill I live at the bottom of the road but if the road is flat you can say top or bottom and the taxi driver will know what you mean it just means at the other end or or you can say have I lost you have I lost you can anyone still see me my it's saying that my stream is offline I know I know it's back okay great okay oh I thought I'd lost you for a second there my computer was being silly okay let's carry on so you can say top or bottom or you can say I live at the other end I live at the other end of the road okay right let's carry on sorry I had a little scare there Skype Skype YouTube just said this the stream was finished okay so if your taxi is driving along your road and you're about to and pass your house you could say oh just here is fine just here is fine so if you're driving and someone says just here is fine it means stop the car I need to get out just here is fine please drop me off here drop me off here in fact I'm going to add that drop me off here that means let me out look or you could also say let me out here please is always nice and if you are in a hurry perhaps you're late for a meeting or you need to catch a train then then you'd say you just let them touch driving up I mean I'm in a bit of a hurry I'm in a hurry I'm in a rush I have a train to catch I would just let them know just so that they take the quickest route and get you there as fast as they can okay if you need to jump out of the taxi just for a second perhaps you're going to get your friend up out of the house or you're going to the cash point you can say it's alright you can keep the meter running you can so you're telling the taxi driver it's okay charge me for this time just keep the meter running they normally will anyway but you can say to them it's fine keep the meter running if the taxi drivers gone but to the wrong place if he's taken the wrong turning or you need to go back to your pickup point because you've forgotten something you could say all you need to turn around I need to go back you need to turn around I need to go back I did it recently on Saturday night I took a taxi to a party and we had taken about 15 minutes in our journey well 15 minutes down the road and we realized we'd the present for the birthday girl at home so we have to seize the taxi-driver could you please turn around we need to go back and pick up the present the taxi driver wasn't very happy oh dear never mind but he was he was fine we just gave him some extra money and he was happy so if your taxi driver again is not sir it's not so clear on the route you might say to him it's the first exit off the roundabout it's the second exit off the roundabout is the third exit off the roundabout so if there's four exits from a roundabout and it's the first one the second one or the third one or the fourth depending how many exits there are around about you could help the taxi driver by telling him which exit it is or if you're directing him down the road you can say it's just it's past the next set of traffic lights it's past the next set of traffic lights okay great so how are we doing we're nearly on an hour let's see how it went all we've got left to do not too much not too much okay so stick with me I hope everyone is all right Eric says will this video hit two thousand lights in the next twenty minutes who knows Eric what we up to now what are we up to now we are currently on 153 likes so maybe who knows how are we doing in the chatroom what's a roundabout a roundabout is like the circular bits in the middle of a road you are driving on the road you come to a big circle a big island in the middle and you drive around it and then there's a few options of different roads you can take off this circle or you can just keep driving round and round in circles if you like go round around the roundabout okay if you are new here and this is your first time you're trying to learn English and improve then please do feel free to press that subscribe button so you don't miss any future lessons and the bail notification button which will let you know every I am live so you can join me here at the right time but otherwise let's keep going so if you're a taxi driver and you are trying to explain to the passengers that you're going to take a while to get to your destination because of traffic then you could just say there's a lot of traffic at the moment there's a lot of traffic at the moment it might be the case that you're stuck in traffic so badly and you're close to your destination so you could say to your passenger it would be faster for you to walk from here it would be faster for you to walk from here or as a passenger you could say look the traffic is really bad I'm going to get out and walk from here how much do I owe you and you just give them the money they owe you and you get out okay so you'd say I'm just gonna walk from here I'm just going to walk from here as a taxi driver you might explain there is a traffic jam there is a traffic jam a traffic jam is when there's lots of cars queued up stopped on the road and they can't go anywhere a traffic jam nobody likes getting caught in a traffic jam the time that is like really busy on the roads normally before work after work so between like 7:30 and 9:00 o'clock in the morning and around 4:30 and 6 o'clock in the evening this is called rush hour when there's lots of traffic it's rush hour ok so as a taxi driver you might say we're coming into rush hour so rush hour is about to begin we are coming into rush hour or you might say our rush hours nearly over we'll get there in no time that means it's nearly finished your journey won't take so long um one of you is just asked me what does ou mean the sky says what does only into Oh someone is how much money do you need to give them so what money is owed what money do you need to pay what do I owe you how much money do you want as a taxi driver you might say to your passengers look there's lots of traffic there's a big traffic jam let me try a different route let me try a different route I think there's been an accident you could say oh I don't know why so much traffic I think there's been an accident or I think a vehicle has broken down to break down phrasal verb to break down is when a car stops when it's no not working it breaks down by the way a rush hour even though we say hour is longer than an hour just in case you're wondering a rush hour is just a period of time I don't know why we say hour because maybe it used to be just an hour but now it takes longer now it's normally a couple of hours okay so a route has the same meaning of road no a road is one specific place or the tarmacked area that the car drives on a route is is the way you get to a destination so you might take a route that goes off the road if you're cycling or if you're walking you might do a different route okay you might say there are roadworks going on at the moment that's why there's so much traffic there are roadworks going on okay so when we come to the end of a journey when we come to the end of a journey and one of you just asked me about tipping tipping in the UK is not as popular as it is in other countries is not expected you can tip a taxi driver and normally people tip because they can't be bothered to wait for the change they just want to get out and go so normally you give them a note say if it's 4 pounds 50 for the journey you give them a five-pound note if you normally would just leave them with the extra 50 P and that's a tip sometimes I'll have a little pot in the back of the taxi that says tips and you can put some tips in it um I don't know about uber can you tip on uber can you do a tip on the uber app I'm not sure if you can let me know if you know but it's not expected it's not expected for you to tip and a taxi driver so at the end of the journey let's talk about the fares we know what fares our fare is the amount of money you owe for the journey for the service so you say how much is it - so if you don't want to get into the taxi until you know how much the entire journey will be then you might ask beforehand how much is it to the station how much is it to go to Victoria Road ha when you finish the journey and you're about to get out say how much was that sorry how much was that and then they tell you it's however much you might have to say to them do you have change look I've only got a fifty pound note do you have change hopefully they will have change you might say to them do you take card which means do you take a credit card or a debit card a word of warning though I would not get into a taxi without checking if you don't have cash so if you don't have cash you've only got a credit cards check before you get into the taxi that they do take the card because not all taxis take cards yet some do but always check excuse me and do you take card and they say yes great can you take me to the station okay so you might stay more specifically do you have change for a tenner a tenner is a ten pound note or we might say do you have change for a 20 a 20 is a 20 pound note try this and then like we said you could say to them keep the change or you can say keep it don't worry about it if they're starting to pass your money now keep it don't worry if you don't have enough money if you don't have enough men in you say oh I'm a I'm a bit short I'm afraid I'm a quid short a quid as a pound or I'm fifty P short which means I don't I'm fifty P away from having the correct money so you want four pound fifty but I've only got four pounds I'm sorry I'm fifty P short I'm fifty P short and the taxi driver might say right don't worry about it or they might say well you need you owe me fifty P so we're gonna have to take you to a cash point and you're gonna have to get some more money out okay so keep the change don't worry about the change that's exactly the same as saying keep it don't worry about don't worry about the change and then of course as you're getting out it's always nice to say thank you very much thank you very much and you leave now is the taxi driver as you pull up to the passengers destination you might just tell her I say that's five pounds please that's ten pounds please if the passenger hands you twenty pounds or a fifty pound note and you don't have change or say or do you have anything smaller so if your passengers passed you fifty pounds for a four pound 50 journey you might say have you got anything smaller because I don't have that much money and change with me or if I give you all my money I'll have no change for the next passenger have you got anything smaller they might say oh I've got a 20 pound note will that do and that's better so do you have anything smaller do you have a smaller note if your passenger tips you then you might say thanks for the tip if the passenger gives you a 20 pound note and you don't have change and you say I'm afraid I don't have any change do you haven't do you have the correct money if you have only change so if the passenger clears your 20 pound note for your full pound 50 journey and you give you can't give them a 10 pound and a 5 pound note and 50 P you have to give it all in pound coins lots of lots of coins and their hands they might be like what they say look I'm sorry I've got no notes I'm sorry for all the small change sorry about that your taxi driver might warn you just be careful when you open the door as anybody who drives will know if you are opening the door onto the road you have to be careful to make sure there's no one driving past or cycling past when you open the door because they might drive into the door or you might knock a cyclist over so your taxi driver as he pulls up might say just be careful when you open the door he might even say to you it will be safer if you exit on the right or on the left depending you'll be safer if you exit on the right or left it's also nice for a taxi driver to remind you actually get out of the car do you have everything because there's nothing worse than leaving your phone or your bag or a gift that you're taking to a party in the taxi of the taxi drives away okay do you have everything you might simply say don't forget your bag if you see that they've forgotten something don't forget your bag or don't forget your hat don't forget your phone if they say thank you it's nice for you to say you're welcome you are welcome or you're welcome you could say to them have a nice day or you could say enjoy your trip if you've just dropped them at the airport they're off on holiday say enjoy your trip and you might say I hope to see you again and if you're trying to drum up business for the future you might give them a car to say here is my card in case you need me in future or in future now the very last bit we are just about to finish so I'm gonna finish here now and now take a few questions so if you've got any questions just bear with me a few more moments and we'll get there hello if you're just joining you can catch up with the rest of the lesson just by scrolling back and seeing that but we're just going to talk about some small talk so if you're in places like at the hairdressers or in a taxi especially in London or in the UK then it's expected that there's a bit of small talk and small talk refers to general chitchat to just be friendly and pass the time small talk to make small talk so we make small talk now to make small talk you might ask the following questions how are you today and you might say I'm very well thank you I'm very excited about going on holiday and then you start talking about the holiday or you could say if you're dropping someone off at the airport or at the train station you could say are you going anywhere nice are you going anywhere nice well actually I'm going off to Mumbai or I'm going off to Croatia oh that's lovely very exotic how long are you there for well I'm there for three weeks wow that's going to be a wonderful holiday for you you might say to the taxi driver have you been working in London for long and you can say yes well I've been in London all my life but I've only just started driving a taxi or yes I've been a taxi driver here in London for a very long time are you allowed to smoke in a taxi in London no you're not allowed to smoke you're not you're not allowed to smoke indoors anywhere in London and you're not allowed smoking cars obviously you can smoke in your own car but because a taxi is a public thing and it's a work space you're not allowed to smoke which I personally glad about because I don't smoke and I don't like it so I'm happy about that you could in your small talk are you working all evening so I often say this if a taxi driver picks me up the later what are you working all evening or are you about to finish they might say oh I'm working until 4:00 in the morning and I thought oh that's very late do you do that often yes every Friday ok you might say to someone have you had a good day so far Oh wonderful Sascha thank you so much so Sascha is just sent over a super chat saying hello from Poland hello I I know you are the best teacher Thank You Sasha that's very very sweet don't forget that as a thank you for your super chat you are entitled to these six pages worth of notes so those of you who sent be super chats with Julia eller Sasha Julia you're obviously I have you on my whatsapp group as a gold member so I know how to send you the notes but Ella and Sasha if you could just remind me with a little email to my email address to send you the notes and then I can forward them straight on to you as soon as the lesson is finished my email address is in the description of this video I would ask that only those who've sent me a super chat Sasha and Ella please send me an email but everybody else please don't send me an email honestly I get so many emails and as much as most of them are lovely they just slow down my work because they're normally just saying hi hello and it just takes a long time to go through them all so please if you sent me a super chat feel free to email me and I'll send you the notes but otherwise please keep your comments and everything to public forums like Facebook and YouTube and I'll try to respond to you if I can alright let's finish off this small talk we're nearly there we've got what do you think of the weather today if you've been in my lessons and any amount of time then you'll know we English like to speak about the weather it's it's almost a daily a daily routine for us to mention the weather once or twice oh it's great weather today always terrible weather what do you think of the weather the weather today is not very bright it's warm but it's not very bright there's no Sun it's all cloudy Oh overcast we would call it so when you're in a taxi it makes sense to say what do you think of the weather isn't the weather lovely at the moment or or it's hot isn't it at the moment for them so you can make conversation about the weather and finally you could say someone are you local which just means are you from around here and that's a good way to set off conversation well no actually I'm from island are you from Island I went there once what brought you to London you know so that's an easy way to start conversation of course if you are a passenger or a taxi driver and you're trying to make small talk but the other person doesn't seem to be responding with big aunt with big answers then it might be that they don't want to talk maybe they're having a bad day maybe they've got a lot on their mind maybe they need to concentrate or focus for something so if they don't seem very responsive to responsive to your small talk then maybe take the hint something I've forgotten actually which I should add a taxi driver should perhaps ask let me know if it's too hot or too cold do you mind if I put the radio on these are just little things that a taxi driver could say to passengers in order to just make sure that they're okay with the aircon on or with the windows open you might ask the taxi driver could you turn the music down or turn this down or could you could you close your window and do you mind do you mind turning the heating down perhaps or up if you're cold or hot and so anything like that you could request and the taxi driver of course wants you to have a very comfortable journey so they probably will do as you asked okay fabulous well there you go all those notes are heading over to those of you who have sent over super chats thank you so much and I do hope that you guys have found this lesson helpful don't forget to feel free to leave a comment as I am still here live now I would spend the next few minutes answering questions so if you have any questions about what we've just talked about or anything in general I will try to answer them right now so far away but if you're about to leave me then let me just say one last thing please do make sure you press subscribe and that Bell notification button don't forget I am also on social media and that is the best place to find out when my next live lessons are so if you're not already with me on Facebook or on Instagram where I do regular pronunciation posts for free then please do come and join me there the links are in the description box below there are lots of other links there are links to my other YouTube channels yes I have three other YouTube channels so feel free to explore I also have put links down there for you so get a free uber ride if you haven't already signed up for the uber app you can use the link below and get a free ride on me there's also many other links down there for you to find resources free trials things like audible trials for 30 days where you can listen to audio books for free for 30 days movies free for 30 days music lots of things down there for you as well as products that I recommend as well so lots of stuff down there go and check it out now questions what are we saying so let me scroll back a bit I always ask to turn the music down in the taxi says Janna yeah I put my music in the taxi as long as this too-loud I'd like to ask you why is the super chat not available in my area I don't know I'm afraid I'm sorry about that and if you are wanting to contribute but you can't give soup chats or you can't join the patrons my patrons are people who donate on a regular basis and in return they get rewarded if you're interested in becoming patron you can use the link below to find out more but if you can't do those things then you can always contribute your language so I'm always looking for translations in your language so you can use the link below hopefully it's working I think someone mentioned the other day it's not working but hopefully it is and you can have a look to see what needs translating whether it's titles whether it's subtitles and there are over a hundred videos on this channel so so yes oh it doesn't seem to show anything up I'll double check that I'll double check the link anyway what else do we have how should I call the taxi driver when you need to hail a taxi just shake my hand at him and let him know or yell tatty you can just shout taxi taxi yeah and that's that's what we do we just shout taxi remove it how can I join Skype you need to be a patron so if you check out the patreon campaign page then every patron gets to join the skype group okay let's Alec I love you so much thank you so much thank you for those of you send me really sweet messages thank you I do appreciate it Julia says Anna do you have a car do you drive and do prefer a taxi a bus or the underground I have a car I've always had a car I think it's important to have your independence and most of my family live a long way away like a six hour drive away so for me it's important to have a car so I can access my family when I eat too I've been a driver since I was seventeen years old do I prefer taxis bustle underground I actually prefer to cycle when I can I don't really like to take the underground but I do sometimes its nest I don't really like taking a bus either I don't mind taking the bus I just don't like waiting for bus because I'm so busy I don't like to waste time waiting so I guess a taxi is preferable but taxis are more expensive so I don't do taxis very often hope that answers your question pick and drop service what is that a pick and drop service I haven't heard this phrase often but I'm guessing it's where you phone someone up and ask them to go and pick up an item and drop it off for you so you can't do that you can do it uber I've had an uber go to my housemate to pick up keys to drop them with me where I was because I want to lost my keys so that uber went and did the delivery for me and nobody nobody rode in the taxi the taxi just picked it up and dropped it off and you pay fit up for that service is cycling safe in London safe for an F that is SAF be safe as a dutchie we cycle everywhere cycling is becoming safer there are more and more provisions being put in place for cyclists so cycle superhighways cycle lanes they're making roads wider they're making cycle pathways they're putting up more more campaigns and more awareness for drivers to be aware of cyclists so it is getting better for cyclist yes underground metro and subway can you tell me the difference mm-hmm well the underground goes underground the metro I think runs on Rails with electric but potentially is over ground and the subway is an American version of the underground that's what I think off the top of my head and that's what I think the difference is what's the difference between I could and I can I can is I am able to I can I can do a cartwheel I can cycle these are things I am able to do could tends to be more conditional so I could buy you some flowers if I had enough money but I don't have money so I could pick you up if you wanted me to so could Germany is a conditional there's usually an if I could if I can I'm able to yes I can I can okay what else I tried to translate one of the videos to Portuguese when you say you tried does that mean it didn't work for you I tell you what you can do if you if you want to translate and that translates my video link isn't working you can go to any video on my channel mm-hmm and when you visit let me just get it up when you visit the video down below the video I know let me just find it doo-doo-doo here's some filler music just wait with me just bear with me while I do this does anyone else here sing animals into music alright so um let's say I'm going to translate my fitness video I go to the fitness video mmm which I think was a good lesson if you haven't seen it go and check it out I go to my fitness video and down below where it says below the title where it says add too you can add it to a playlist you have share which you should definitely click that one then you have more if you click on more at the bottom of that drop down menu you have add translations so you can click on that and you can add translations from there so if you go to any video any video you want to translate go to more add translations that's how you can do it I will look into the translation link very soon but thank you for bringing that up and thank you for those of you who've already offered translations you guys are awesome alright further questions is there specific colors for taxis in London interesting in America they have yellow cabs so most taxis I know when I've been to New York most taxes there are yellow we don't have yellow taxis here in the UK we have black cabs which are the expensive more expensive ones in London but you find them they're more available so if you're desperate forget about the black cab so of them are have a Union Jack on have this patent on some of them have read but a lot of cars are like private cars so they're just normal colors like silver or white or black hmm I think Metro is just another version coming from another language yeah I think MIT no Metro we have a metro and like in Manchester they have a metro I think which is just a tram it's a tram it's an overground train please pronounce caramel caramel like the sweet toffee caramel for tourists in London it is interesting to use the Oyster Card yes so the Oyster card I think is going to kind of go out of fashion because now we're using pay-as-you-go so we have the chip and not the chip and pinion we have a pay-as-you-go you know you're waiting just put your card on the card reader and it scans it automatically and takes payment automatically as well as on your phone now sometimes you can use your phone to just tap so it's tap in and out you just tap in with your card if you are a visitor and you don't have a pay-as-you-go kind of card where you can just tap it with your bank card then you buy an oyster card or Easter card you top up with money at the machines and then you just tap in and out on the oyster machines it's quite easy once you know how you say notes for money is that the word yes so if you have lots of bank notes so 20-pound notes ten pound notes five pound notes 50 pound notes if you're rich that we refer to them as notes okay is American different Americans pronounce the th the same as the British accent yes they do yes they do here in my city taxes are always white oh okay and not saying oh I don't have to pass at man manor house mana us our amazon that's in Brazil sorry I probably pronounced that awfully which transport is cheaper you don't say you don't say more cheaper Julia would say cheaper which tax which transport is cheaper for tourists the most the cheapest at cheapest transport is cycling and walking you can hire bikes in central London you can use what we call Boris bikes I think we call them but you can hire bikes it's usually the cheapest way to get around or you can walk or it's quite cheap to take the underground or the bus the bus is cheaper than the underground I think the underground is faster and taking taxis is the most expensive your English is like the Queen's English thank you very much I hope you enjoy it any other questions I'm going to give a couple more minutes and then I'm gonna go patrons I hope you're all all right there and the chat rooms very quiet hope you're all well where is the London Eye the London Eye is on the south bank which is on the River Thames and it's very near it's near Big Ben and it's near Westminster or it's near Waterloo it's near Waterloo on Waterloo Bridge and that's about 20 minutes on the train from here where I am now shared biking is very popular in China I think cycling is a great way forward more people should cycle is very good for your health and it's good for the environment do you know how to say something in Portuguese um obbligato it's probably the only thing I know in Portuguese which city is more beautiful London or Manchester but I can't really compare there are beautiful places in Manchester and there are beautiful places in London I can't really choose one can I ask for an arbitration lesson I don't really know much about the subject but I will add it to the list I'll look into it for you what is the right way to pronounce Bor boring and bored or boring and bored okay all right thank you so much my darlings I'm going to leave it just there it's an hour-and-a-half I think miss lessons long enough thank you so much for joining me let's see before we go how many thumbs do we have deluged uh we have 180,000 thank you very much thank you so much for joining do feel free to have a look at some of my other lessons and I'm trying my best to producer as many as I can for you if you do have any suggestions of lessons that you would like of things that you're struggling with then please feel free to put it in the comments box and I will have a look into it I do read all of your comments I'm sorry if I can't get back to all of you it's it is just impossible to answer every single comment but I try my best and I do always read them so please do comment and know that I will take on board everything that you say and do come and join me on social media my Instagram account is very small there's only like four and a half thousand of you there when I have forty thousand of you here so come and join me on Instagram and do lots of very different things there that you won't see anywhere else so it will help you with your pronunciation can join me links are in the description box below alright my darlings take care I will hopefully see you tomorrow I'm going to try and do a lesson tomorrow I will see you there very soon here tomorrow I don't know what the lessons going about yet but I'll work it out I'm just going to have a cup of tea now I'm quite tired okay no love from London take care
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 66,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, esl crime, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, vocabulary class, taxi, taxi vocabulary, Travel, travel vocabulary, Taxi phrases, cab, minicab, take a taxi, taxi phrases, taxi driver, uber
Id: z2n5k-h2Dd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 4sec (5224 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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