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hello everyone my name is Anna this is English like a native and today's English lesson is all about the subject of cooking that's right we're getting into the kitchen and we're going to learn some vocabulary we're also going to learn some British English pronunciation we're going to be looking at some idioms and we're going to be doing a little quiz about food culture in the UK so if you are here please say hello tell me where in the world you are and I'll give you a shout out so already I have in WoW so many of you you must have been waiting for me I have Douglas high I have Eric hello how are you I have a Leena's ear ornacia I have a gala from Sudan mmm hi how are you every lesson you're here I have Ambreen from Pakistan hello I have a wallet from Dubai lovely I bet it's nicer weather in Dubai than it is here I have all how to pronounce this hi oh Sh from India I have the della TIFF in Tunisia I'm sorry if I pronounced your name incorrectly hi you yar in Sydney is the weather nice there you might be able to see outside no you can't really see but it's gray and horrible here overcast and I'm wearing my sunglasses to try and encourage the Sun to come out because it is summertime and we should have sunshine so before I start this lesson which has been fully planned out I must let you know that this lesson is sponsored by itoki now if you're not familiar with itoki I talked he is a fantastic website that connects students with language teachers all over the world and when I say language teachers were not just talking about English teachers here we are talking about any language you're trying to learn you'll be able to find a teacher on I Torquay now I really do believe that learning one-to-one with a person is the most effective route to fluency human teachers really are the best way in order to learn and you'll definitely get the most out of a one-to-one session with a teacher and if you are a subscriber here at English like a native then I have a special offer for you if you visit the itoki website via the link in the description box below then you'll get ten dollars in credit that basically will buy you a lesson only once you've bought your first lesson so you basically buy one you get one free so if you are interested then follow that link have a few lessons and let me know how you got on okay so let's get started with the lesson shall we we have 87 people here or wanting to know about cooking so I have prepared as I have before a worksheet and we're going to cover I've got quite a lot of stuff to go through here and cover lots of vocabulary and we're going to do this quiz at the end as well now just to let you know anyone who is kind enough to send a super chat over to donate towards this channel then you will get a copy of these notes emailed over to you so if you are interested in donating to the channel and you want to send a super chat just include your email address and all the email addresses at the end I will send these notes over to also I've been looking into buying a microphone because obviously some of you tell me that this is irritating and I can't wear my nice earrings when I'm wearing this mic so any donations that I receive over the next few sessions towards the channel will go directly towards buying a microphone set up for this particular software so um shall we start are you feeling hungry are you sitting comfortably great alright we'll get going right so meals so the three main meals you'll hear us talk about in the UK in English even our breakfast breakfast and notice that I don't say break fast it's brick first it's almost like that eh doesn't exist so we have breakfast breakfast breakfast is the first meal of the day so when I wake up in the morning one of the first things I will eat is breakfast and I like to have something called musi musi so I is a type of cereal with oats and dried fruit and I have that with milk so I have my muse li in the morning for breakfast what do you have for breakfast let's have a look fiers says I love cooking let's cook spicy sour fish oh thank you so I've had my first super chat Kim Thomas thank you very much you're always such a kind supporter of this community thank you so much for sending that over I will put that in the saving pot especially for a microphone for this for these broadcasts thank you but if you want the notes Kim just drop me a message up at your patron aren't you so if you drop me a message on patreon and I'll remember to send then it's over to you okay what do you guys have for breakfast let me know it's funny says Sardar I've just ordered food great so you can eat while you while you watch and Muzz says yes I'm feeling hungry what else we have Oh some of you are fasting I'm sorry if you're fasting and we're talking about food that's not very polite is it I'm so sorry please forgive me you can always watch this letter later when you've had something to eat and you're not feeling hungry okay so eggs Mohammad has eggs for breakfast David also has mutely for breakfast and breakfast over here is normally accompanied by either a glass of fruit juice orange juice traditionally a cup of tea and you'll notice it's in a normal mug today my other mug needs cleaning tea or coffee so what else what else do we have we have lunch lunch is the second meal of the day on a traditional sense lunch is the meal that you'll have in the of the day and normally depending what time we wake up we might have lunch around noon or one o'clock interestingly if you go to a school in the UK they would call sometimes they call lunchtime dinnertime dinnertime in a school is still the middle of the day and they have dinner ladies they don't have lunch ladies the people who help the adults you help to serve the food to the children to keep the children in order during the lunch break they are called dinner ladies even though dinner is not the meal you have in the middle of the day it's very confusing in the north of England we call lunch dinner but in southern England lunch is lunch so it's a confusing confusing few words there for you but lunch traditionally is the meal in the middle of the day if you use the word lunch you are not going to go wrong and then to refer to the evening meal we would say dinner but sometimes people say tea I'm having my tea this is typically quite northern but if you say it's tea time people would know it's the same as dinner time so you have breakfast lunch time dinner time or tea time now there are some additional meals that you might have during a day some people will talk about having brunch so if you wake up late or you've decided that you're going to meet someone later in the morning to have a meal maybe you will skip breakfast so if you miss a meal we use the word skip I skipped breakfast today you should never skip breakfast breakfast is the most important meal of the day I don't skip breakfast so we use skip to talk about missing a meal so if you you're having a mid-morning meal with a friend it's going to be a big meal so you decide to skip breakfast and because it's going to be a big meal around 11 o'clock in the morning you probably won't eat lunch so this covers both Bret first and lunch so we call it brunch brunch and then also you may hear people having afternoon tea from here people having afternoon tea afternoon tea is a small a mini meal to keep you going until your evening meal so perhaps you got up very early you had breakfast at 7:30 you had lunch at 12 o'clock an early lunch and then you're not going to have your evening meal your dinner until 8 o'clock that's a long time to wait so you might have afternoon tea afternoon tea though traditionally it is traditionally composed of this means it's made up of what it consists of it's traditionally composed of sandwiches and usually these sandwiches are delicately cut into fingers that means they are long and thin nice little long thin slices of sandwich and they also come with scones with clotted cream and jam sweet pastries and cakes and then of course a cup of tea so another meal that you may hear of is supper supper and supper is a late meal it's what you have after dinner so if I've had dinner at 6 o'clock and then I'm working quite late after that which I tend to I might have something else to eat at 10 o'clock I know it's naughty to eat late at night but I tend to so I have supper I might just have a little sand wedge or sometimes I have a bowl of cereal at 10 o'clock at night very bad of me I know but if I'm hungry I should eat so there we go we have breakfast lunch dinner or tea additional meals brunch afternoon tea and supper let's see what you guys are saying oh I have 155 of you here watching if you are here and you're not a subscriber please do press that subscribe button I'm actually on the count on the count up to 30,000 subscribers I'm only a few hundred off so if you're here and you're not to subscribe it and help me get to the next milestone just click the subscribe button and the bail notification button next to subscribe so you don't miss out on future lessons I'm going live virtually every day so it's nice to know when I'm live so click that button and join us and if you are here you know how much I like a thumb show me your thumb let's see if we can get up to 300 thumbs for this one today if you like food if you like food let's give it a thumb I love food I would give it as many thumbs as I have only two okay so um um um Rin dollar says dinner and supper are the same no they're different so dinner dinner is your typical evening meal your normal evening meal is dinner supper is later and usually in addition to so you would have dinner and supper sometimes you might skip dinner and have a very late meal so you might call it supper but supper I would assume that someone's had dinner if they're having supper it's an additional meal after dinner feos says I'm supposed to revise for my exam tomorrow so I'll leave for now bye well good luck for your examine and revise well Mukesh does I missed your morning class can you please send me the link for the same so that I can watch it offline yes any of the any of the classes that I've previously done are available here on the channel so if you have missed them all you have to do is click on the channel and click videos and you'll see all the previous videos that I've done and you can watch them to your heart's content and greetings from Italy is there a difference between dinner and supper yes like I said so dinner is your evening meal maybe six o'clock and supper might be a smaller meal just before you go to bed or very very late okay let's carry on I'm eating I'm eating lunch lunch doesn't have an A in it hello just be aware of that great scones on brain says what are scones scones are like it's like a bread and it's very thick but sweet and it has raisins in it or sultanas it's delicious you put cream on it or butter and some jam it's delicious it's very nice very nice little snack all right let's continue so we have these meals that we've mentioned now meals are prepared we make our meals in the kitchen kitchen kitchen just say that for me kitchen kitchen so we make our meals in the kitchen and that a kitchen exists in the home you have a kitchen this is the kitchen here in my home and you have a kitchen in a restaurant as well so the place where food is prepared in a restaurant is the kitchen and normally customers diners would not go into the kitchen in a restaurant it is only for the kitchen staff Phillipe says love you Anna making my mornings better with your lessons making me feel closer to the UK than ever than ever not than never but thank you I'm glad you're with me and I'm glad you're enjoying it Anna which is the main and most abundant meal of the day um well the main the main meal I think for most people would be dinner most people put more thought and effort into dinner I know a lot of people in the UK who skip breakfast some people can't eat early they feel sick in the mornings some people don't feel it's very important so I think dinner is the biggest most important meal for most people in the UK not for me though I I think every meal is important I love breakfast I can never go a day without having breakfast in fact I feel ill if I don't eat breakfast okay some of you are saying you have exams tomorrow if you do best of luck I've got my fingers crossed for you and hopefully everyone else will wish you luck as well so a meal what is a meal a meal is a plate of food so a pizza is a meal pasta is a meal a sandwich is a meal so it's a a serving of food hello those of you joining us Martin says you look very intelligent with those glasses well they're sunglasses so I mean do I look cool now I literally just put them on so that I could encourage the sunshine to come out because it's a horrible gray day in London all right let's carry on so meals are prepared in the kitchen you may eat at home or in a restaurant a cafeteria which is also known as a CAF there are other names for places you can eat out like Bistro but these are the main ones you might eat in a cat who might have lunch in the careful breakfast in a CAF a cafeteria but an evening meal would typically be had in a restaurant or restaurant if you decide to have dinner at a restaurant then you could say I am eating out meaning you're eating out of the home so if we work together and you say hey Anna are you eating at home tonight are you cooking a meal tonight I might say no tonight is a special night I'm eating out and that means I'm eating in a restaurant so special night tonight I'm eating out what are you doing you say now I'm eating at home so to eat out is to eat out of your home if you're going to buy food from a restaurant and take it home then you are getting a takeaway you're getting a takeaway and takeaway just describes that particular meal that you are taking from a restaurant to your home so I might say to you you know I can't be bothered to cook tonight I'm so tired I think I will just order a takeaway I'll just get a takeaway in in the UK takeaways are very popular we even have apps now lots of apps on our phones when we can literally just go I want a burger or a curry or whatever it is we're ordering and you pay automatically on your phone and it gets delivered to your house so we love our takeaways when was the last time you had take away and is takeaway popular in your country I can't remember the last time I had take away because take away is a little bit more expensive than then cooking at home it's cheaper to cook at home and so for me ordering a takeaway is what I consider to be a luxury it's something special a treat and obviously I have to be careful with money so I have to decide when is a special occasion to have a takeaway maybe if I've done something me if I pass an exam I might treat myself to a takeaway so I see takeaway as a treat other people use takeaway as a means to live because maybe they don't cook or they're too busy to cook so they have to have a takeaway do you have takeaways in your country lots of people talking about my sunglasses thank you I'm glad you like them some of you are now hungry and cabbie says we usually eat out lovely very posh sometimes we get takeaway sometimes we get takeaway our lunch so sometimes we take away our lunch so you get takeaway for lunch you get takeaway for lunch takeaway for dinner I really like the way you explain stuff you made English you you made my English improve day to day you helped my English to improve day to day thank you very much you're very welcome hi Anna I just come home from school I'm so late Oh Anna Marie well welcome I hope you had a good day at school and Wow we have 200 people watching that's amazing if all of you press the thumb button then that means we'll easily easily get to our 300 Thums before the end of this lesson if you think this lesson would be good for any of your friends then feel free to share this on social media and yeah let's share our love of food but welcome everyone if you're not subscribed please do subscribe today is my sister's birthday so my brother is bringing takeaway fantastic so there you go you're having takeaway as a special treat because it's a birthday celebration I enjoy cooking at homes as Louie good I have little time for cooking unfortunately but when I do commit to cooking I enjoy it I baked a cake recently first time and it tasted really nice so um her Zeus is it has ooze is that how i pronounce it says take away versus take out I have a feeling that take out might be American I think they say should we or should we order takeout do you want to take out tonight I think takeaway is more British and take out is American I may be wrong but I think that's the case Roger says I hate cooking sometimes I hate cooking too but only if I feel like I'm too busy I'm an English teacher says periwinkle blue and I'm watching amazing welcome feel free to input thank you for being here Carrie says USA take out we never say take away so there we go that's the difference take away British take out American great all right so let's carry on what else have I written down here take aways can be ordered over the phone which is typical and then delivered to your home so that's what we normally do sometimes you can just walk in to a restaurant and say do you do takeaway I want to buy something to take away but most of the time people just phone take away or do it on their app they order on the app and it gets delivered directly to your door so an idiom around the word meal that you might hear is to make a meal of it so I might say to you ah don't make a meal of it and to make a meal of something is to spend more time and energy on some tasks then it warrants to make something overly complicated so if I'm telling a story about something that happened and and I elaborate I add details that you don't need to know and I get very dramatic I was walking down the street it was dark and cloudy then I'm making a meal out of it or if you ask me to do something very basic like make a paper aeroplane you say Anna make a paper aeroplane and I start doing this and getting more paper and doing lots of things and lots of folds that I don't need to do and drawing on it and coloring it in adding ribbons making little stick men out of matchsticks to fly the plane and you'll be like Anna I just asked you to make a paper airplane you don't have to make a meal out of it okay so this is something you might hear as an idiom with the word meal and high mihail how are you glad you could make it in our culture we say the shortest way to a man's heart is through his stomach we say that too the quickest way to a man's heart is in his stomach should we add this right oh this isn't going to mess up the oh it might mess up the formatting yeah let me add this so we have the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach and this means um feed a man and he will love you basically feed a man and he will love you okay I do like that idea actually that's quite quite a good one and actually I hear it often I hear it often Pedro says I'm learning to cook a lot because I live alone in London welcome hello in London awful weather isn't it so I have to cook by myself I think it's very important because you can choose and control what you're eating yes absolutely right you have complete control when you cook you know exactly what's gone into your food and exactly what you're putting in your body and another thing I hear often actually I'm going to add this as well is you oh no oh no let's do it here like this you are what type oh you are what you eat how to explain this it just means you are a or your health even is a reflection of the food you eat so if you eat good food you will be healthy if you eat bad food then you'll be tired and you'll feel ill maybe you'll have bad skin so you are what you eat if you eat Mars bars then you will have rotting teeth from sugar and you will probably bit probably be overweight and you may end up with health problems so you are what you eat if you eat healthy you will look healthy and be healthy oh gosh you're coming up with so many good ones that I hadn't even thought of a minute on the lips a lifetime on the hips that's a great one Callie this is what I love about this community is that we all join in to help each other to learn obviously these are ones that I have completely forgotten about a minute on the lips a lifetime on the hips and it means it only takes a minute only takes a minute to eat something but it will stay longer in your body as fat yes my mum always used to say that to me when I was taking an extra portion of cake she be like Ana a minute on the lips a lifetime on the hips like oh I know mum I know umm okay one of you has asked what is cooking cooking is the process of preparing food usually by heating and I think I've actually written that down for you somewhere by the way if you have just joined and you are interested in getting hold of the notes that I've written for this class the ones I keep showing up then I'm giving the notes away for free to anyone who donates and supports this channel so if you are interested in helping this channel to grow help in this community then you're free to add a soup chat to this live stream you can do a soup chat with the dollar sign which is next to the emoji sign and all you have to do is send me your email address with the super chat and I will send you the notes as soon as this lesson has finished all donations to this channel are going towards a new microphone so that I can give you some better sound for these lessons and then I can also wear my nice earrings and they won't hit on the microphone so there you go let's carry on here we go so how to cook so now we're going to talk about some vocabulary that you will use when talking about preparing food so you may bake and if you were listening earlier you would have heard I said I recently baked a cake I recently baked a cake and to bake is to cook something in the oven so we normally talk about baking cakes or baking bread so it has to be prepared in the oven and you either bake a cake or you bake bread there's not many other things you bake you bake cookies you bake sweet things and there's a big difference between bake and roast and I'll come to that when we get down to row so remind me hello if you're just joining me do remember to press the subscribe button if you're here for the first and do give me a thumb let's see how many thumbs we've got do we have a look um oh only 124 124 thumbs we can do better than that if you're watching now and you haven't clicked to thumb click of thumb you know how much I love a thumb let's get it up to 200 okay and while you're doing that while you're thumbing while you're thumbing the screen I will carry on so we have baked so I baked a carrot cake recently and it actually tasted great and you might also barbeque you don't tend to barbeque indoors barbeque normally will happen outdoors and to barbecue normally you'll see it written BB q but we'd always say barbecue we barbecue using a grill with fire or hot coals so typically here in the UK we'll use coal and we'll barbecue as soon as we see any little glimmer of sunshine you'll see the Brits out in their gardens actually even if it's raining sometimes we are dedicated to getting those barbecues going because we love to eat outdoors and we love a barbecue normally on a barbecue you'll eat things like sausages burgers sometimes you'll do like a chicken like chicken drumsticks or if you're vegetarian like me you might have a corn sausage a vegetarian sausage okie dokie what are you guys saying I clicked the thumb twice thanks Kim and although if you click it twice does that unlike it I'm not sure I don't know if so if I click this once and then click no all so if you've clicked it once and it's blue then that's good if you click it twice it goes gray again then you need to click it again so just click it once just one thumb from each of you will make many thumb's one thumb will make mini thumbs so I should have 217 thumbs by now hmm okay so barbecue and cat you can barbecue everything vegetables also yes I used to do a kebab Zeca Bob and so you should've skewers a vegetable so you put vegetables on a long skewer a long piece of metal you put like pepper onion and then some banana on as well and then put that on the barbecue and heat it up it was delicious absolutely delicious and her Zeus says barbecue is in my exam but I didn't know what it meant well now you know a barbecue to cook outdoors on coal or fire yes jamie's saying if you click twice on the thumb it undoes it so don't click twice just once just one thumb is enough and yes don't take upside-down thumbs I think some people come on just to click up like upside down thumbs I think I have some haters who just like to hate on me but who cares I don't mind let's carry on so we have a boil I boil things often and to boil is to cook something in hot bubbling water hot bubbling water so when the water is hot and it's bubbling it is boiling so you boil the kettle for example so if I want a cup of tea I might say could you boil the kettle has the kettle boiled yet and you'll say no the kettle hasn't boiled but it is on and say oh good and I would boil eggs I would boil vegetables maybe and boil some potatoes Abdi says why are you vegetarian well that's a conversation for another time if we have time at the end I might talk about that but I'll I try and keep on topic from the moment otherwise I just start talking about myself and it gets really boring um Noel says barbecue with banana interesting honestly is the best thing ever have banana with things like onion garlic pepper even if you roast it it's amazing trust me try it Tomas Kim Thomas says what's the difference between kettle and pitcher and a kettle is electric and heats at water a picture is just a jug so you can't heat up water in a picture okay let's continue so we boil and you might burn sometimes I burn things and to burn something is to overcook it so if it sets on fire you burnt it if it goes black and smells and tastes bad then you've overcooked it it is burnt and someone asked earlier what does cook mean to cook is just the word we use to prepare food by heating it then we have the word fry you fry in a frying pan and frying you could shallow fry or deep fry and it just means to cook something in hot oil normally you would deep fry chips so potato chips like with fish and chips you would deep fry them or you might shallow fry a steak you might just put that in a frying pan and fry it off another common word that we use is the word grill I like to grill fish I might grill or cheese on toast I would put under the grill and you put it under the grill because the heat comes from above normally so to grill is to cook with heat radiating downwards so the grill element is on the top you put the food underneath and it cooks from the top through obviously it's different on a barbecue you would grill food on a barbecue but the heat is coming from underneath but normally a grill is when the heat comes from above and then for those of you who don't like cooking you might use the microwave now if you do like a quick meal this we would refer to as a microwave meal or a ready-made meal a ready-made meal I must admit sometimes I buy ready meals sometimes we shortened it to ready meals they're not very good for you because they're full of chemicals but I sometimes need to rely on a ready meal which I just stick in the microwave for two minutes ping and then I can eat but also we can call it a microwave meal a microwave meal harder have you ever eaten Pierrot G Anna this is a Polish meal with dumplings oh I mean no I haven't ever had it but it sounds yummy have you ever tried Tom Yum Koong from Thailand I've got I've eaten a lot of Thai food but I couldn't tell you what it was I ate i like it I'm generally I'm not great with spicy food but um but yes I do like Thai food I like Thai green curry mmm okay let's move on um a man says I've burned a lot of cakes oh dear you don't want to burn a cake that's so sad you want to eat the cake okay let's carry on we have roast roast is to cook in an oven or over a fire so you might spit roast a pig a suckling pig you would spit roast where you roast it over a fire but most things that you put in the oven you roast like we have a roast dinner traditionally in the UK where we put the main meat into the oven and cook it for a long time so maybe like roast chicken or roast beef and you roast the potato so you cook the potatoes in the oven now I did say there was usually confusion between baked because we bake in the oven and roast because we also roast in the oven so what's the difference the technical difference is that roasting is cooking in the oven and you cover the food with fat or oil so you're roasting it if it's covered with fat or oil you bake it without covering it it might have fat in the mix so you might put butter in the mix but you don't drench it in oil you don't cover it in oil to bake it so you bake bread to bake a cake but you roast a chicken or you roast potatoes okay I hope that makes sense to be honest I didn't know the difference until a few months ago when I was teaching a similar subject so if you're eating in a posh restaurant then you might have saute potatoes which is something I quite like you might saute something so this is to quickly fry food by placing it in hot oil in a frying pan to saute short a then we also have steam where you cook by placing food above boiling water and then the hot steam will cook it it's a very healthy thing to do if you're on a health kick and you're trying to eat healthily then you might steam your food because there's no oil involved and then you might also hear stir fry I eat stir fry once a week stir fry is quite a popular way to cook and it's cooking food by moving it quickly around a pan in hot oil so you will normally stir fry in a wok is what I would normally use to stir fry Pedro says what's the difference between roast and rotisserie I'm not a hundred percent sure on the actual definition but from what I know off the top of my head remember the same off the top of my head means without checking off the top of my head I think a rotisserie is when you turn it constantly so it cooks evenly on all sides whereas a roast it just stays still in a hot oven but a rotisserie I think the heat element is on one side and it just goes round and round and round have you ever eaten Iranian food like kebabs that yes I have kebabs are very popular in the UK broiled David David dave says broad don't forget broiled I thought about adding royal to the list but I to be honest I've never heard broiled being used in in in conversation in the UK I've never heard anyone saying royal so I decided to leave it off the list and perhaps if you work as a chef then you would need that word but I think generally the general conversation many natives wouldn't know what broil is okay how it over time all 40 minutes in let's carry on through moving down let's have a look at some cooking idioms so if this down there we go that's nice there isn't it I hate it when it straddles the page like that to straddle is to to step across so you straddle a horse so you might hear the idiom too many cooks spoil the broth or too many cooks spoil the soup so many too many cooks spoil the broth this means if too many people try to control influence or work on something the final product will be worse off so imagine we are putting on a show we are going to do a big show in a theater and I say I'll be the director I'm going to lead I'll be the director and I'll decide what we do and then Kim Thomas says I'll be the director - and I said okay we'll be directors together and then Thomas Thomas says hi I I can direct a little bit I would like to be a director Teleca okay come join us Thomas and then Kitty says I'm going to be director too so I don't know why you talk like that kitty says I want to be a director too and so we have four directors and then the play ends up being dreadful the show is bad because even though individually we're all very good together it's hard to work things out because you need one leader so that's what it means too many cooks spoil the broth and you can refer that to anything it doesn't have to be about cooking it could be about absolutely anything too many cooks spoil the broth let's just choose one person okay so that's a good one to remember I have heard that quite a few times so then we have what's cooking and this just means what's happening I guess I should add a question mark to that actually to make that sit correctly so hey what's cooking so much come over something's going on again hey guys what's cooking and you'll say well we're busy doing this this this Oh interesting good and you might hear cooking on gas or we're cooking on gas now this means we're doing very well things are working and it's likely to be successful so I might say to you hey how is that project coming on at work or how's the new website how's the new business going you say yes we're cooking on gas means it's working or if my car is broken my motorcar is broken and you are trying to fix it and your your your achieving good things you're getting there you've nearly fixed it and I'll say how's it going is my car is it is it okay is it going to be okay and you'll say yeah we're cooking on gas like oh good that means things are working it's going to be fine so cooking on gas let's have a look at the other ones what do we have and somebody's goose is cooked Oh so if I say your goose is cooked talking to you your goose is cooked this means it's over for you it's finished so perhaps perhaps someone has been doing something they shouldn't have been doing perhaps someone is perhaps someone is stealing from their company someone has been stealing money from their company and they think it's a secret but someone has found out and they confront you and say your goose is cooked that means it's over you're in trouble it's finished your goose is cooked done some of you are saying can you smell what The Rock is cooking so that's something to do with American wrestling right the the rock is an American wrestler and that's his his catchphrase I think correct me if I'm wrong I don't watch American wrestling to be honest but I am familiar with that phrase in Brazil we say his potatoes are baking for somebody's goose is cooked ah interesting interesting in the US we say now you're cooking with gas yeah yeah we could say with gas as well now we're cooking with gas yeah I mean it we would completely understand it kind of translates really well ah great ok shall I see how many thumbs we've got now are we cooking on gas with the thumbs over here let's have a look should know we're still not 200 come on guys give me your thumb give me and we have no thumbs down thank you no haters here today that's nice but let's get those thumbs up to 200 so if you haven't yet click the thumb click the thumb alright so let's see we had one more I think on the list oh yes we do cook the books if somebody cooks the books it means they keep false financial records for a company so if you own a company or you are an accountant for a company and you change all the numbers and keep false records maybe so you don't have to pay tax then you are cooking the books and you have to be very careful because you might get into a lot of trouble so to cook the books good and Kim Thomas says your thumbs are cooked they're not cooked yet not till I get to 200 Umbreon please can you do a live lesson on birds animals and plants yes oh that's the list I'll do it now and birds and animals and plants I have a very long list of things that I want to do for you so if I put things on the list it will happen it just might not happen for a few weeks and Leslie says I was watching your cockney video excellent I hope you were enjoying it a bit of cockney bit of cockney accent ok I'm going to stop with the accents so that's carry on so let's have a look at the actions of cooking ok so we have a nice long list of vocabulary here so we have you might be told in a recipe a recipe and lots of people asked for the pronunciation recipe recipe a recipe is a base of a set of instructions for how to cook something so if you don't know how to cook a lasagna you will follow follow a recipe you'll follow a recipe a set of instructions which tell you how to cook a lasagna so in your recipe you might come across words like this you might be told to add something this is very easy to put one ingredient with the others so you might be asked to add flour to your mix or add a little bit of basil to your mix Oh basil is a herb did you know that basil is a herb and in America they say basil and in some places in America they say herb so they won't say the H not all of course the accents very vastly over America but they usually say basil and herb but we say basil basil and herb then you might also hear the instruction to beat now normally if I say beat it or I beat him it means that you hit someone I was beaten up I was punched and hit and kicked I was beaten up but to beat in cooking is to quickly mix something up so you'll normally see some with a mixing bowl and they'll put eggs or things in the util anair you normally beat an egg and you'll take a whisk or a fork and you'll do this and this is beating the egg so you're whisking it hard to mix it up quickly so to beat an egg to beat an egg you might hear break and this is to separate into smaller parts by four so you might break an egg you might hear the word to carve to carve is to cut meat into slices so you carve the meat you carve the meat and you carve a meat with a carving knife you carve the meat with a carving knife Bosko Chang says do you like basil I hate it I like white like basil actually I like basil where mozzarella and tomatoes and a bit of olive oil it's absolutely delicious I think that's an Italian dish actually hi if you're just joining hello all we have 236 people I think this is the most in one concurrent stream thank you welcome make sure you're subscribed and make sure you click the thumb button and anyone who donates a super chat to this lesson will get these notes sent to them so if you do super chat please include your email address okay Camille says Anna I like Gordon as in Gordon Ramsay Jamie as in Jamie Oliver well and Heston Heston Blumenthal bloom tine I'm not sure which surname is I learned cooking with their shows yes so they are famous chefs here in the UK Gordon Ramsay Jamie Jamie Oliver and Heston Blumenthal okay it's blue and Celine I don't know okay let's carry on so we have to chop so two chopped up vegetables to chop an onion if you chop an onion it will make you cry and you will chop on a chopping board with a knife and that's exactly the noise that it makes okay so then we also have to combine to combine is to join or to bring two things together and then you have to crush you'd normally hear someone asking you to crush the garlic and this is to flatten with extreme force you might have a garlic crusher which is a little a little tool you put the garlic inside and crush out the garlic the other side but if you don't have a garlic crusher you would normally put the garlic on the side or on a chopping board and crush it with something hit it hard with something so it breaks apart so to crush different to chop so carrying on we have to cut that's quite easy to separate or divide things so you hopefully you won't cut yourself be careful you don't cut your fingers off you don't want to lose the end of your finger if you use a sharp knife so be very careful great here it was hard to describe this but to divide into small parts by rubbing on a serrated surface usually use the cheese so basically a grater cheese grater cheese you rub it up and down and all the little bits then fall through the middle and you gather the grated cheese and then you can sprinkle the cheese on top of things so grated so the action is too great you grate on a grater and the result is grated cheese grated cheese so you grate on a grater to produce grated cheese you can grate other things of course and the pronunciation is exactly the same as the word hey great so slightly different spelling but same pronunciation it's great to grate cheese on a grater because I love grated cheese okay that was very cheesy I'm sorry all right then we have grease to grease something is to coat it with oil or butter I might if I'm baking I might ask you to help me to grease the pan so before I put my mixture of cake mix in the pan I might need to oil it so so I will ask you to grease the surface for me grease the surface of the pan or pot in which you're going to cook you may hear knead knead and that's the the motion of oh sorry I moved off to press and stretch dough so if you're making bread you will need the dough knead the dough and that's exactly the same pronunciation of this word it's the same need and need okay how are we doing shall I have a quick look at your your comments here please I like to watch on I'd like clocks what's your next live lesson from the start what times it starts so I'm actually doing a pronunciation lesson they'd stay at 5:40 that will only be 10 minutes 5:40 and then tomorrow I may not be able to do a live session tomorrow because I am filming all day at YouTube if I find a moment to come alive then I will but tomorrow is probably not going to be a live session they're probably not going to be a live session on Friday I'm going live at 3:30 3:30 for 10 minutes and then at 4 o'clock on Friday I'm doing a long grammar lesson but that's for patrons only so if you want to get involved in those grammar lessons which I do each week then you need to look at becoming a patron and there's lots of rewards for joining the patreon team use need to look in link at the link in the description box and below okay miss Shari says can we have this handout I'm giving this handout as a reward to anyone who contributes a super chat so if you would like to get involved with donating towards this channel then I will gladly send you out the handout that I've written up alright let's carry them so we have a few more here we have to mix that's quite easy if I ask you to mix something you will combine two or more things using a spoon a spatula or an electric mixer so to mix things together I might ask you to measure measure out a hundred mill of oil and this is to obtain the exact quantity so to measure it you may be asked to melt some butter to melt is to make something become liquid through heating so if you melt the butter you heat up the butter until it becomes a liquid melt and we do have to get that dark L in there mell melt helped melt you may be asked to mince something or you may have to buy mince meat mincemeat and this is to grind food normally used with meat you grind it into small pieces and often you have a mincer and mincer machine that will do this in the UK we just buy it ready-made normally mince meat and we use mince meat to make things like spaghetti bolognese or chili chili con carne something that I hate doing and that's peel I hate peeling potatoes peeling potatoes is not fun and to peel is to take the skin off fruits or vegetable so you peel an orange you peel a banana and you peel potatoes when I was a child the person who had been the most naughty so the child that was the most naughty was punished by being made to peel potatoes um a bead says you didn't put your lipstick on I have got lipstick on it's just a different shade I wasn't feeling red today I don't have my red top on I haven't got my red lips so I went a lighter shade and I know you've reached 213 thumbs woo yeah thanks guys thank you so much you know I love a thumb awesome you guys are amazing thank you so much and someone has click the dislike button doesn't matter what I do someone always hates me oh well never mind if you pop the butter in the sunshine it will melt if you pop the bottom in the sunshine it will melt that's right yes that's a good way to do it so good way to do it Eva says peeling potatoes is a pain in the neck for almost everyone yeah I'm feeling you I don't think anyone really likes peeling potatoes so to finish off these actions we also have - pour - pour is to transfer liquid from one container to another so I would pour myself a drink so I might say um would you like a drink and you say yes please then go oh sorry I'm I'm busy at the moment you can pour yourself one so you pour yourself a drink or I could pour something for you or I might say could you pour that water into the sink pour the water into the sink then we have to scramble I might say I would like scrambled eggs please could you scramble the eggs I've only ever really heard this used with scramble with X sorry I've never heard it used for any other food but this is to mix it and the white and the yellow part of the eggs together so you scramble it by mixing it together while you're cooking them in a pan so it makes a lumpy bumpy mess that tastes delicious to slice if you slice something you cut it into thin wide portions so for example you would typically slice cheese you'd slice cheese or slice a tomato into long segments you might be asked to stir stir and be be aware that this R is not pronounced we do a long vowel for the end of this word stir stir and you stir with a spoon it's the action of turning so you move in a circular motion the liquid around you stir it so normally you have to stir a pan you stir rice when it's cooking to make sure the rice doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan and then finally weh-weh so I so could you weigh that and it's to measure the weight to find out how heavy it is so could you just weigh that that mixture for me okay I'm way look how pronounced that way way it's like a Y ending instead of a G way way no way you way your food no way exact same pronunciation is w ay y way great so let me have a look at comments and then we're going to do a quiz we're going to do a quiz before we finish on British food culture may be sliced bread says Hippolyta yes we slice bread so you buy breads you buy a loaf of bread a loaf of bread and normally you will buy pre-sliced so you brought you buy sliced bread but if you go to the baker to buy bread and they've just baked a big loaf they'll say do you want it sliced or not you say yes please sliced bread please sliced loaf slice is also a noun right yes it is I would say would you like a slice would you like a slice a slice of cake or a slice of quiche if you're having quiche I'm a boy and I don't cook so you wouldn't say I don't cooking you'd say I don't cook I do cook I don't cook I don't cook and so what am i learning here I mean I don't I don't get your lesson properly if you don't cook it's still important to know what all the instruments are and all the words for cooking are and because for example stir the word stir is used for many things not just cooking to stir something is to turn something in a circular motion so you might have to stir the paint you might have to stir your tea you might have to you might stir things up and to stir things up is it's like a phrasal verb to stir up it means to if I stir things up I I bring up emotions or I create a problem with my friends I stir things up I create trouble so these words are important to learn whether you are someone who cooks or not I mean if you don't cook and you could say I don't cook I have taken I eat microwave meals so it's still important to learn all right and I can't slice beautifully but why I asked to give me sliced bread I'm sorry Kelly I don't I don't understand your question my girlfriend couldn't cook but she thought she could and I had to cook just for surviving now I'm a good cook it's cheaper and more delicious I saw your cooking video good good excellent practice makes perfect you look shiny today yes I didn't put enough powder on because I got the bright light on because a lot of people were saying it's too dark so I brought a light down and now I look shiny good okay are you ready for a quiz should we do a quiz yeah let's do a quiz all right so here we go number one which of these do the British eat more most of in Europe so which of these foods do the British out of all of Europe what do the British eat most do the British eat crisps and chocolate most the eat fresh fruit and vegetables most or do they eat sausages most so put your answers down there which of these do the British eat most of in Europe so which do you think hi Dima you just joined us welcome if you are just joining and you're not subscriber please do press that subscribe button and make sure you've pressed the big thumb button we're going to try and push this up to 300 likes the first time ever ok so some answers coming through now lots of you saying see sausages couple saying eh actually mostly a and C a and C crisps and chocolate well I can tell you that the answer is crisps and chocolate so if you said a you are correct the correct answer here is crisps and chocolate which is terrible all right it would be better if the answer was fresh fruit and vegetables so the British after all of Europe mostly eat crisps and chocolate naughty okay so second question what is the most popular food in Britain fish and chips Pizza or curry now all of these I can tell you are popular that which is the most popular which of these foods is the most popular in Britain today I have to say I love every single one of those dishes myself they'd be interesting to see what you guys think so I've got someone saying curry and fire zone is saying fish and chips well I can tell you that the answer is that uh curry see curry the most popular food in Britain today is curry we absolutely love it and I do too I enjoy Thai green curry I enjoy a masala he's to enjoy chicken tikka masala but I don't eat chicken anymore so I have a vegetable masala all right let's have a look at the next one so we have what oh no this is all split down here okay oh dear let me see if I can pull this up one because I added I added earlier didn't I so here we go that's better what is haggis what is haggis is it a a cocktail made from whiskey and fruit juice is it be a type of fish eaten in Scotland or is it see a Scottish dish made from sheep's stomach and innards if you don't know innards innards are like your guts if you don't know what innards means so what is haggis a cocktail a type of fish or a dish made of sheeps stomach and innards well what do you think guys what is a haggis can tell you that I have had haggis myself actually tastes very very nice or lots of comments coming through here now goodness me wow they just all came through really quickly so lots of you saying see lots of you saying see and I can tell you that most of you are correct it is a Scottish dish made from sheep's stomach and innards and it is actually very nice okay I'm going to come back to this so let's carry on with the quiz because it's fun so Stilton cheddar and Double Gloucester are all kinds of what Stilton cheddar and Double Gloucester are all kinds of a Apple B pig C cheese write your answers down now okay I've got a few people saying B types of pig I've got a few people saying C planet Earth is going see see see see see see see see see you well I can tell you that Stilton cheddar and Double Gloucester are all kinds of cheese so if you said C then you are correct it is a type of cheese well done let's move on the next question what do most British people have for breakfast so we started talking about breakfast at the very beginning of this video but what most British people eat for breakfast obviously I'm not typical of most British people or an I do we normally eat toast and cereal the most British people have cappuccino and quests on quests on French word so we say with a French accent or do most British people have fried eggs and bacon Oh mix on this a lot of you saying see some of you saying a and C most British people eat beans on toast I certainly do but not for breakfast and a couple saying be all real mix okay I can tell you that the answer is toast and cereal so a toast and cereal well done if you got that right the next question who invented the sandwich and why is it a the Earl of Sandwich he wanted his food he wanted food which he could eat with just one hand while gambling is it B Lord sandwich he wanted food which he could take for a picnic in the countryside oh let me take that back man or is it C Queen Elizabeth the first she wanted food which could be prepared quickly for the guests so that's like me and more tricky one actually so which one do you think it is and kind of most of the answers are C so you're guessing CR u bar or ban I'm not sure how you pronounce your name but which one are you going for a couple of C's couple of A's all of these three sound delicious making my mouth water Kim Thomas thinks it's Lord sandwich bbbbb okay well I can tell you that the answer is del a it was the Earl of Sandwich created the sandwich he created this new form of meal that we eat regularly and he created it because he wanted food which he could eat with one hand while gambling interesting all right let's move on what is a kebab is it a type of pop is it Turkish fast food or is it a hot drink I have a feeling that this one will be easy for most of you and we did mention it earlier as well so what is a kebab okay and the answer is Turkish fast food Turkish fast-food so we we have a lot of kebabs here in the UK and particularly after a night out if a group of friends has gone on a night out they've had a few drinks you can almost guarantee that someone in the group of friends will want to get a kebab on the way home it's kind of like a tradition you go out you have a few beers on the way home you pick up a kebab and you eat a kebab on the way home or once you get home so we do enjoy our kebabs here ok so the next question which of the following gradient which of the following ingredients would not be a possible ingredient of a British pudding so what what is a British pudding and what what could we not possibly have in a pudding is it a pig's blood would you cook pudding with pig's blood is it be chocolate I mean would you have chocolate and a pudding is it sea lettuce do you put lettuce in pudding which one do you think is the answer some of you are saying pudding question mark mmm interesting we didn't cover pudding did we so this kind of will be decided on whether or not you know what pudding is well I can tell you that a pudding is typically a sweet dish that you have at the end of a meal or it can be something made with suet and we would not have lettuce in a pudding because it's also usually a cooked thing or a sweet thing so lettuce would not work so the answer is lettuce well done if you've got that one right next question which of these do you find in a pub in Britain which of these do you find in a pub in Britain a lager B cider or C bitter which of these do you find in a pub in Britain mmm interesting I wonder what answers we're going to get for this one I think I found this a bit confusing when I read it too anybody know the answer well I can tell you that this is a trick question because actually you will have lager cider and bitter in a pub so these are all types of alcoholic drinks that you would find in a pub so that was a trick question so sorry if that one caught you out but if you've ever been to a pub in Britain you will know that lager cider and bitter all drinks you would find in in every pub I think if a pub didn't sell one of these drinks then they're not worthy of being called a pub and probably not doing very well all right so carrying on we're nearly at the end of the quiz what is a chicken tikka masala is it a type of salad is it a type of Chinese food or is it a curry so what is chicken tikka masala if you were paying attention earlier in the lesson then you'll know I said that I really used to enjoy this particular dish very much so but I can't eat it anymore because I'm a vegetarian so what is a chicken tikka masala most of you have it right that's right it's a curry fantastic next question how many vegetarians are there in the UK today how many vegetarians are there in the UK today so vegetarian is somebody who doesn't eat meat or fish a strict vegetarian doesn't eat meat or fish or how many in the UK anybody I'm a vegetarian I'm one of them but am i one of three to four thousand am i one of three hundred to four hundred thousand or am i one of three to four million people in the UK who's a vegetarian I can tell you that the answer is three to four million okay next question where do people eat deep fried chocolate bars do you remember earlier I said that to fry something is to cook it in oil and if you deep fry it's a deep pot with oil in and you put things deep into the oil so it's surrounded by oil and you cook it that way so some people in the UK will put chocolate bars into a deep fry and fried chocolate bars who does that is it the people of Scotland is it people in Japan is it people in Wales put your answers down now who do you think fries chocolate bars well I have tried this I had a deep-fried Mars bar and I can tell you it was delicious it was absolutely delicious and I had it in Scotland so it's the Scottish you typically deep-fry their chocolate bars and yes it might sound strange but it's a very very tasty treat and just looking at your comments one of you is saying who was it my Mikey Mike my AK mayic make says Anna could you please share the sheet with me with us I'm holding the sheet to give as a reward to anyone who donates towards the channel and what I'm trying to do is raise some money to get a proper microphone so that I can broadcast to you without any sound issues and have a better quality broadcast for everybody but I can't afford to do that so anyone who donates that will go towards making these lessons better for everybody and as a reward for your donation then I am giving away these lesson notes so if you would like these notes sent over to you then all I ask in return is for a small super chat super chat can be achieved by hitting the dollar sign next to the emoji it doesn't matter how much you donate it could be just $1 and in return you'll have my gratitude and of course it will help to make these lessons better and I will send you the notes for this particular lesson all right so if you do send a super chat I'm going to be going offline very shortly so you have to do it soon and and you must put your email address in the comments box as you as you comment so that I know who to send it to okay let's carry on with the quiz we're nearly at the end so when our toffee apples eaten in the UK when our toffee apples eaten in the UK are the Ethernet Christmas are they traditional for Halloween or is it tradition to have toffee apples at Easter if you don't know how to talk the Apple is is an apple covered in hard toffee so it's crunchy on the outside soft the sweet on the inside in fact it's all sweet but it's very hard on the outside because the toffee goes hard and obviously the Apple is I so soft so when the toffee apples eaten well they're eaten at Halloween so toffee apples are traditional for Halloween okay or how many questions two more so what is the common difference between these things what is the common difference between chips and french fries crisps and chips fizzy drinks and soda so I'm actually looking for a description here so the answer needs to be written tell me what is the common difference between all of these things this isn't multiple choice in fact I probably shouldn't have put these as confusing ooh this way no and so what are the common difference between chips and french fries crisps and chips fizzy drinks and soda anybody know the answer to this one anybody at all and while I'm just waiting for you to see if you can figure out what the common difference is between all those pairs it's going to check how many thumbs we've got how many thumbs do we now have de globo 240 241 fabulous 241 or goodness and we're getting very close to that thirty thousand subscriber mark will we reach thirty thousand subscribers by the end of the day I need about 150 subscribes in order to so if you're watching and you're not already subscribed please do press that subscribe button and help us to get to 30,000 that would be awesome an awesome way to finish the day so the common difference a couple of you have given the right answer some of you do know this the common difference is one is American and one is British English so British English chips crisps and fizzy drinks chips are hot but American colum french fries crisps are a snack but Americans call them chips and a fizzy drink obviously is a drink that's fizzy like coca-cola but Americans call it soda so we have chips french fries crisps chips fizzy drinks and soda so there we go oh one more last one when did the first curry house open in Britain and a curry house is a careerist a restaurant that sells curry so when did the first curry house open in Britain was it 1809 was it 1919 or was it 1969 what do you think is the answer when to be open the first curry house you know that curry is our favorite food but when did we first open a restaurant in the UK dedicated to curry mmm I'm getting hungry now well a mix a mix from you guys are the answers I can tell you that the answer is 1809 so long ago so we've had a love affair for a very long time with curry we absolutely love it so well done if you if you've got most of those rights and did you keep did you keep a tab on it how many did you get how many did you get right did anybody get more than ten I think if you got more than 10 then amazing I give you a thumbs up if I can thumb you up I give you a thumb so well done did anyone get 15 you'd anyone get all of them right hmm okay let's let's just do the final little bit which is to look at some of the utensils that you might use and then I'm going to wrap up and I will need to finish very shortly so five minutes and I'll have to be done because I have a student and I have a student to teach in a very short space of time so here we go let's have a look at some utensils so some of utensils that you might need to be aware of in the UK we have a potato peeler and this is remember we said peel is to remove the skin so you have a peeler this here is listed as vegetable peeler but we would just call it a peeler or a potato peeler perhaps do you have a peel I'd have a potato peeler I talked about a grater for grating cheese this is the particular grater we don't tend to say box grater that's technically what it is but we say grater and you might also have a small grater for grating things like lemon zest the skin off a lemon a garlic press remember I talked about crushing a garlic well and I talked about the tools that you use to crush the garlic out of the other side well you use a garlic press and that's what it looks like if you want to get the juice out of a lemon or something similar then you would use a juicer very handy saves you getting juice in your eye I've done that before you cut a lemon in half and you're squeezing it and then it's quits open your eye not ah just terrible blind you so you use a juicer instead it's much more practical if you need to time anything then you would use a timer I just use the timer on my phone but you time with a timer or here's something masher a potato masher to mash up your potatoes to make them nice and smooth and we don't need to I don't really talk about this in my day-to-day life I guess because I don't make pastries but that is a pastry scraper but I wouldn't have known that otherwise a thermometer you might have typically in your kitchen to test the temperature of meat if you're cooking meat you definitely need mixing bowls in the kitchen if you're if you're cooking most dishes you'll need to mix some stuff up mix some ingredients together prep bowls yeah I don't really talk about those I think they're for professional chefs Oh a strainer so you would need a strainer if you're boiling anything if you're baking you'd need a strainer sometimes it's known as a sieve a sieve and you put flour and things through a sieve to stop all the limp all the lumps from coming through one of em and set a sifter yeah a sifter is also a word we can use for that Kalia says all you really need to know is menu number one and McDonald's ah Callie Callie Oh Oh you shouldn't eat too many McDonald's should get home and cook some healthy food okay so then you have a colander colander that's just a DEP Annunciation a colander colander I use calendars all the time because I cook pasta a lot so I need to drain the water off so I put it through a colander and then we have some chopping boards sometimes we call them cutting boards I call it a chopping board for chopping on you can have plastic ones or wooden ones I have wooden chopping boards if you're mixing things together you'll need a whisk I never say balloon whisk I just say whisk whisk the H is silent what whisk again if you are baking I used a spatula this this weekend when I was baking my cake I use the spatula to put the icing on top a spat I don't say silicone that's just a material I just say spatula no kitchen is complete without a set of tongues tongues pronunciation is tongue tongues tongues could you pass me the tongues please for grabbing things and then we have if you're making soup or a stew you will need a ladle ladle ladle then these things I don't call them a slotted spoon I just call it a spoon a spoon with holes in I normally call it so a ladle and a spoon a metal spoon or a serving spoon to serve up vegetables a wooden spoon and a spatula spatula spatula oh dear I think I need to get my housemates on cough medicine okay and then we have a rolling pin if you're going to be baking and you might need all making pasta or anything like that you'll need a rolling pin sometimes they're good for hitting people not their hitting people is a good thing but if you need a rolling pin a self-defense then it's a good is a good tool to have and here is another type of tongues and then you might have an ice cream scoop an ice cream scoop and a cake server for serving out those lovely slices of cake and that brings us to the end of our lesson so guys thank you very much for joining me here and being so amazing just going to have a look at your comments here and some of you saying it's blurring sorry about that if it was blowing and Jana says is it calendar or calendar calendar is different so calendar is you have a calendar to keep track of the date in the month so a calendar has all the months of the year January through to December and a colander cap colander is the tool you use in the kitchen calendar for the date calendar cat can Coxon if you're just tuning in now you're like what is this girl doing cat cat car this is an English the did the derp so um caddy says I received my first rubber spatula from my English friend amazing um mush Ari says tongues are like forceps yes very much but forceps our tongues used in a medical scenario so use forceps is a medical thing tons in the kitchen you wouldn't ask for forceps in the kitchen that does that be strange what's the difference with a strain a strainer and a colander I don't think there is a difference to be honest obviously there's a difference in the size of holes but for me it's all the same thing it does the same job when there was a student we used a bottle from a bottle of beer as a potato masher so you'd get your potatoes and you squash it with beer with a beer bottle amazing amazing that's them that's ingenious good idea hi Anna what's a different string of boiled and a poached egg a boiled egg is an egg boiled in hot water with the shell on so you don't take off the shell you boil it in its shell in the water a poached egg you remove it from the shell you break it very gently into boiling water and the egg boils in the water without the shell so that's a poached egg in the shell as a boiled egg hello the Picts a bit blurry yeah sorry about that the pick was a bit blurry it's because I made it big so that you could see it but by making it big it pixelated but hopefully you still got the point I always bruise my hand while I'm grating cheese so I particularly hate this chore well yeah me too either but I grate cheese every day because I like grated cheese but yeah I feel your pain is a mould a tool used to make desserts yes so if you're making jelly for example then you might put the jelly into a mold maybe it's the mold of a face and you put the jelly into the mold and it sets in that shape so a mold is a shape type rubber thing and you set things in the mold and then when it dries it's that shape it takes that shape of the mold my auntie sometimes uses a glass bottles a rolling pin amazing amazing inventive creative I love it mushara says your fabulous Anna thank you so much you're fabulous too you stuck with me for the whole hour and a half that's amazing all right guys well it's getting time for me to go and teach my private students so I want to say a huge thank you for everyone who has joined me thank you if you contributed and helped to make this lesson a wonderful experience for everybody involved thank you to Kim Thomas for your super chat that donation will go into the savings pot and when I have enough money I will buy a new microphone so that you have a much better sound experience and thank you to all of my patrons as well who support this channel overall I can't do it without you and also don't forget about those I talking credits so if you do want private lessons and you want affordable lessons I promise you it's a really great it's a really great website and a really good offer get your $10 credit for by using the link below and let me know how you get on let me know your experience don't forget I am doing Lion daily videos for pronunciation on Instagram every day that's what daily means so come and join me on instagram if you haven't already and i'm also on facebook and if you don't know where i'm going live facebook and instagram are the best places to be because i'll always announce it there i will be live again in about and two hours mmm no in about an hour I'll be live again and now for the 10 minute pronunciation class so do remember to join me then if you're not a subscriber press the subscribe button right now and if you haven't given me a thumb only a thumb up then give me a thumb and take care of yourself lots of love from London you've been amazing nah see you soon goodbye
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 111,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, English grammar, Grammar, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, british english pronunciation, english pronunciation practice, learning english pronunciation, phonetics pronunciation, accent, Sound english, Cooking, Cook English, Cooking vocabulary, Cooking ESL lesson, Cooking English Lesson, Learn Cooking Vocabulary, Cooking Words
Id: 0dBiq66Qr1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 29sec (5609 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.