ENGLISH VOCABULARY LESSON: Hair, Hairdresser and Haircut | LIVE English Lesson

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hello everyone and welcome to another lesson here with me Anna English on English like a native have you had a haircut recently have you visited the hairdresser's if so then you might be aware that there are lots of words and phrases that are very different which you need to know when visiting the hairdresser's how do you communicate what you want to the hairdresser so that you have a good haircut or a good style when you leave the salon so this is what I'm gonna go through with you today now obviously I don't normally come live to you on a Saturday and today is very special today's lesson and we have to thank our sponsors is being brought to you because of our sponsors today and they are itoki now you've heard me talk about I talking many times before I talk he are an online language learning provider so if you are interested in having private lessons or even group lessons online in order to improve your English then I talking might be for you now what I particularly like about itoki is obviously it's convenient because you just need any device that can connect to the Internet in order to take those lessons but it's also very affordable and today if you follow the link in the description box below you will get $10 credit once you make your first purchase that basically is a free lesson so you make your first purchase and you get a free lesson added on to your account so if you are interested then please use the link in the description box below and do feel free to come and tell me how your experience with them was we'd love to know so let's get straight on in there I've written notes as always for you so let's have a look at these notes right now you I have to admit that I don't think as far as I've can figure out I don't think there's a difference between a hairdressers a hair studio and a hair salon I think it's just preference as to what they want to call themselves but in the UK you will find a hairdressers a hair studio a hair salon in virtually any High Street off the high streets I think in my local area there are at least that I can think of at least 10 hairdressers in a very small area so it's a very popular it's a very popular shop a very popular salon to have in the UK is a beauty salon and a hair salon so yes if you need to get your hair done and you would say I need to go to the hairdresser's do you know of a good hairdresser locally I want to visit the hairdressers so hello everyone Wow we've got 234 of you giving up your Saturday afternoon to join me here hello it's lovely to see you all here and all sending your love fantastic so let me know in your country are hairdressers quite popular is it a popular job do people visit the hairdresser's often so let's carry on with those notes I say how quick hello to my patrons as well I can see that some of you are with me you hmm I yes I'm going to go and get my face styled I'm going to get my beard done I'm getting my hair done so we often say that I'm getting my hair done and then we could sometimes refer to our hair once it's been done as a hairdo do you like my new hairdo I don't know why we call it that some are saying what's wrong with your audio does anybody tell me what what trouble you are having you should be able to hear me can anyone hear me please let me know if you can I did check the audio and it just showed me that it's coming through hello just let me know no sound and when I'm showing the notes okay I see I see okay let me fix that that should be sorted out now okay okay goodness me hopefully that sorted out now but what I was saying was there is no difference between a hairdressers a hair salon and a Hair Studio they're all just places that you go to get your hair done for men and women and then you have the addition of a barbershop and the barbershop looks after your facial hair and your hair on your head but barbershops are just for men okay all right thank you for letting me know about the sound ah there's so much so much technical stuff that goes on at the the back end here so sometimes I do miss things so thank you alright let's get back to those notes and hopefully you'll be able to hear me this time okay so who works at the hairdresser's or the hair salon well you'll initially meet the receptionist and then you will meet the person who will be doing your haircut so the first person you meet is the receptionist but the person who is doing your hair will be the hair stylist sometimes just called a stylist or the hairdresser and these guys are ranked by junior or senior and a person who cuts the man's hair oh sorry this is these people cut men's and women's hair and if it's a barber obviously a barber works in a barber shop it's the person who cuts a man's hair okay so let me just bring you back here and we'll just talk about this briefly so so yes it's the reception receptionist who meets you at the front desk now normally you have to book an appointment when you come and have your hair done somewhere in the UK because they're usually busy or they might not have many stylists available sometimes the lady or man who is on the reception will also be a hairdresser so it might be your stylist that does meet you at the front desk but they'll be working two jobs sometimes they'll be running the reception and answering the phones and then sometimes they'll be doing hair now I actually picked up a little card from a hairdressers on my high street and it says here actually the people that you can have your hair cut by are the stylist we already know that word the senior site stylist so if you have your hair cut by a senior stylist that's even more expensive five pounds more expensive in fact you can have a premium stylist I'm guessing they're even better than a senior because that's 49 pounds that's five pounds more expensive the creative director so the director of of the of the whole store I guess who looks after the other stylist and the creative director goodness is 56 pounds for a haircut and a blow-dry it's a lot of money or you can be seen by the manager who manages the whole store so it goes up in levels now the the way they name these positions will be different in every shop but just know stylists they have a ranking order and it will be different amounts to be paid depending on the level of hairdresser if they're very experienced you'll pay more obviously or you can get a very cheap haircut from a junior stylist okay so you can call them a hairdresser or a stylist so if you cut hair for a living you are a hairdresser or you're a hairstylist or if you specialize in men's hair and beards and mustaches then you could call yourself a barber say I'm a barber fantastic all right everyone happy so far what's the difference between a hairdo and a haircut so a hairdo is refers to when your hair has been finished sometimes it doesn't mean that you've had your hair cut it might be that you've changed the color of your hair that's still a new hairdo maybe you've just hide your hair up in a special way and someone might say I like your hairdo and you say thank you so hairdo is just how you've prepared or changed the hair how it looks when you've presented it and we we generally only talk about it when it's something different so I'd only mention someone's hairdo if it's different to normal I'd say oh I like your hairdo or if I've had my hair changed I might say to someone oh look I've got a new hairdo do you like it but a haircut talks specifically about cutting the hair with scissors okay all right right so let me have a quick chat to my patrons just to make sure these guys are happy with everything that's going on hopefully the mic is still turned on here yes you were telling me about the sound that's sorted now Leila says many of my friends are hairdressers make sure you put an s on the end because you're talking plural e so you're saying many of them they are hairdressers okay now it's fine thank you Eva Remy hello Anna is it okay to eat while watching a lesson of course it is please go ahead would there be difference in quality if I go for a junior stylist instead of a senior stylist in my experience if you you can have a very good junior stylist so I would generally go with the junior they are good enough to be cutting hair so I'm happy to go for a junior if you have lots of money and you don't mind spending a little extra then you might feel more confidence with a more experienced hairdresser especially if you're doing something a bit crazy maybe you're going for a big color change or a big style change maybe you want someone who's more confident more experienced but I just go for the cheap one if I go at all I used to cut my own hair all the time okay let us carry on so arriving at the hairdresser's let's have a look at these notes most salons require you to have an appointment so like I said it's very rare that you can just walk into a hairdressers and they are available to cut your hair there and then normally you have to book in advance once you arrive for your appointment you will book in you will book in with the receptionist to book in just it means that you're letting know that you're there so they can put it on the system that you've arrived and then they can make sure that you are seen to in good time so you book in with the receptionist they will normally take your coat and hang it up for you then they will put a protective cape around you and take you to your chair which is facing a big mirror normally so you can just look at yourself and think oh I should have put makeup on today you will then be offered a drink normally they say would you like tea or coffee and they'll always have water as well and then they offer you a magazine to read while you wait so it depends on the place as to what kind of things they offer you or how they treat you but generally is the same experience in most salons although in the salon I go to they do so there's a day that I go go on a Tuesday every eight weeks or so ago on a Tuesday to have my hair done I'm can you guess what I have done but I go on a Tuesday and on Tuesday they have half price so everything is half price and that's why I go on a Tuesday because I'm free I don't have to work in an office I can go when I like I can work around it so I go on a Tuesday have my hair done it's half price and in this particular hairdressers they have truffles chocolate truffles in a big bowl at the reception so on the desk in the reception area there's a big bowl of these chocolates and they also have lots of herbal tea I like herbal tea and so they do me a pot of peppermint tea and give me some chocolates and I like that and that's why I continue to go to that hairdressers as well as the 50% discount that's a nice discount indeed okay so Leila has said she has to go now it's midnight there all goodness I didn't realize it was so late for you I have an important meeting on Sunday morning well good luck with your meeting and thanks for joining us even for a little while Andreas hello it's nice to see you too Esther says they don't even offer me a drink in my hairdressers goodness me you should ask at least for water sometimes haircuts take a long time why is it that when I go to the hairdresser when the hairdresser's go up in ranks they get more important more expensive you're paying for experience so it's the same in in every industry I think you pay more to get someone who's more qualified more experienced and I think when it's your hair and you generally don't want someone to ruin it because it's it's how you look it's important so they offer this tiered system for you to to have someone of a different level of experience if you can afford to and if you want it okay so can women who specialize in men's hair still be called barbers that's very interesting because I never visit the barbers I don't really know much about it so if anyone watching doesn't know whether you can have female barbers sure there must be some female barbers somewhere but yes I'd love to know actually so please do let us know answer that question for us Oh bless and thank you so much there's being a super chats come through I think from Poland I haven't seen your name before I won't embarrass myself by trying to say but thank you so much for your super chat you didn't leave a note but I really appreciate your contribution and of course with any super chats if you would like a copy of the notes that I have I always send them out to anyone who sends me a super chat so please drop me an email my emails at the bottom of the description box below okay let's carry on shall we so what happens after you arrive at the salon so you've sat down you've got your protective cape on and the protective cape is to protect your clothes so that they don't get hair and things on them so what happens next most visits will involve washing your hair so they take you to the basin to the sinks they take your head back and they wash it they normally ask you is the temperature okay because you don't want to be scolded and to be scolded is when it's too hot and it burns you you are scolded so you don't want to be scolded by hot water and you don't want to be freezing cold so they make sure the temperatures nice for you and then they wash your hair they will shampoo and condition your hair and so this is shampoo washes your hair it cleans your hair and conditioner they use the product conditioner the conditioner will condition your hair so it makes it nice and soft and shiny and beautiful at this point you may be asked if you want extra treatments applied to your hair these will come at an extra cost so be careful I've had it before when I'm laid back in the sink there washing my hair and they say would you like a treatment with that and I say oh sure you're gonna put treatment on my hair make my hair even nicer sure go for it and when I get to the till at the end they say oh the treatment was an extra 15 pounds and you're like what I didn't realize so be very careful if they offer you a treatment it will come at an extra cost so just ask them how much is it and they'll happily tell you okay all right let's have a quick look what your patrons are saying hi Anna is there a name you can call the hairdresser who ruins your hair I think it's just a bad hairdresser to be honest and I do have a story about a hairdresser who completely ruined my hair once but I'll save that to the end yes Andreas is right well done you've got there before me okay so let's jump back over to those notes so you've had your hair washed probably and now you're ready to have your style but let's have a look how we actually talk about our hair let's go back to these notes it's so strange being live here on a Saturday alright so hair when referring to one single hair so a strand of hair then we use an article for example there is a hair in my food oh I hate that especially if you know restaurants it's really horrid there is a hair in my food or something I say quite often these days is oh no I found a gray hair so I'm talking about one single strand of hair and therefore I'm saying a hair a hair so but you see what I mean one one hair is a hair and we can be talking about the hair from your eyebrow maybe your eyelash you could think it's just a hair if you have a mustache or a beard or body hair one a hair okay now something that's really important I see this mistake every time that this subject comes up so be aware of this let's change this and make sure we know this rule be aware that the word hair is usually used without an article when it refers to all hairs on one's head in general for example brown hair is very common in my country so you see I didn't say a brown hair because I'm talking about all my hairs so that all the hair on my head brown hair is very common in my country or if you're my junior stylist and you've come into my hairdressers I might say to you I would like you to wash hair and sweep the floors today so that's your job you're going to wash hair and sweep with the floors now if we are referring to more than one hair and I'm talking about a few hairs not all your hair but we're talking about a countable number of hairs then we it takes the plural form and this is where people get confused for example he was excited to discover four hairs had grown on his chin so here I'm imagining a teenage boy who's desperate to grow a beard and suddenly one day he was excited to discover four hairs had grown on his chin or you have a few stray hairs growing on the back of your neck so I've used the plural version because we could probably count these hairs that's why I've said a few maybe it's five a few stray hairs so do you remember that one it's generally hair when we're talking about all our hair but we would use hairs when it's a countable amount of hairs does that make sense hopefully I've made it clear I don't always explain things very well but hopefully that's a game okay but a tad deaths cause I'm so sorry I can't pronounce name says is it live yes we're live right now what are stray hairs good question ml a stray hair is a hair that isn't with all the rest of your hair maybe it's just one hair on its own for example if I found a hair growing in the middle of my forehead it shouldn't be there it's stray it's gone astray from my hairline so he would pluck it out probably and everyone will find a stray hair somewhere on their body so a hair that's growing where it probably shouldn't and I think as we get older we have more and more stray hairs popping up all over our bodies don't we well I do but let's not go into that okay so um Oh a bell has made a good point that's asked what's the meaning of the hair of the dog now if you hear the phrase have a hair of the dog this is a completely different meaning it has nothing to do with actual hair it means to drink alcohol or an alcoholic drink the morning after a heavy night so if you've had a lot to drink you've been drunk and the next morning you wake up and you feel awful someone might suggest to you to have a hair of the dog so they say if you have an alcoholic drink today you'll feel better straight away I don't think it's true and I certainly don't I don't do hairs of the dogs but that's that's what it means yes stray like a stray animal a stray hair like a stray animal okay mobian has said what do we call the hairs on our genitals we call them pubic hairs pubic hairs okay you like my earrings thank you very much okay I'm going to have a quick look what my patrons are saying and then I'll get back to the notes here in Brazil we call them pigeons so that's a bad hairdresser as a pigeon because they poop on your hair that's hilarious we don't have a name for a bad hairdresser but I think we should start calling them pigeons I love it hi Ana I just watched your video about important weak forms there was interesting example sentences I will be at work for ten o'clock why do we use for okay I'll ask that question latex it's unrelated to today's topic but thank you for your question and I will come back to it at a later stage okay so hmm nope that's what we're going to do there we go okay it just takes a little while when I'm doing everything by myself so let's discuss the areas of the head so that we can and hair of course so that we can know how to name things when we're talking to the hairdresser so the forehead the forehead is the front of your head above your eyebrows so this is my forehead so you might say I don't want any hairs like in my forehead I want I want all the hairs off my forehead or you might say I want my hair to cover my forehead maybe your you've got bad skin or you just want your hair to kind of come across like this a bit so like I like the hair to come across my forehead okay so we gonna mess my hair up a lot today but this part is your forehead nice and easy next we have the word scalp now scalp refers to the skin the skin that covers your head but it's not talking about the face so skin that covers your head basically the skin that's underneath your hair that's your scalp okay the crown the crown is the very top of your head now you can it's here it's like the top there here not not like here but at the back at the top and you can usually tell on a man particularly the hair turns at the crown so it grows out in all different directions at the crown and some people have a double crown and a double crown is where you have two swirls at the back of your head where the hair or grows in different directions if I was a man then I could then I could shown you but I can't really I can't really show you but it's right here I'm sure you you get the point so the next one we have is the nape nape and the nape is the back of your neck so it's the skin oh sorry for the mic bang is here that's the nape the neck because obviously the neck could be here or here but the nape of the neck is that bit at the back okay so you could say I would like my hair to be cut too to cut and to be cut up to my nape or I'd like it to sit on the nape of my neck or if you're a man you might say I'd like you to clean up the hair on my neck so you might want your neck to be completely shaved so it's nice and clean neat okay so the nape would be important for you let's go back to those notes we have the hairline now when you're talking about the hairline we're talking about the line where the hair starts on your forehead obviously we've already covered forehead it's this so a hairdresser once told me I have a good hairline it's nice and strong oh I tell you what I didn't on the list a receding hairline so some people suffer with a receding hairline particularly men because testosterone in your hormones in your body make you have hair loss more more predominantly than women and a receding hairline is where the hair starts to fall out and gets thinner and thinner so that your hairline looks more like this well some people have a really receding hairline yeah so the hairline is the line on your head and a receding hairline is one that's going back and back and back its receding it's going backwards okay I hope that's clear do you use the term a widow's peak yes I've heard of that is that when you have a bald patch in the middle I haven't put it on the list but that's an important one I'm sure I've heard it quite a few times so widow's peak I think is when you're bald here but you still have hair everywhere else just just check that for me or a widow's peak hairline okay I really wanted I really want to Google that now but widow's peak yes you should definitely and have a look at that one and let me just put receding in brackets on these notes because that something you will hear a lot lots of men complain about having a receding and I've spelled that wrong I think is CC oh no oh it I was single e okay receding hair line okay so let's go back to those notes shall we so that's receding hairline that's how it's spelled some people talk about their fringe now the fringe quite simply is the hair that covers the forehead so some people have their hair cut specifically so it sits forward and covers up part or all of their forehead some people have fringes that are so long you can't see their eyes because the fringe would come like like down like that you know what I mean a hair that comes all the way down and they have a friend I used to have a fringe when I was younger but um I I like my forehead so I decided not to cover it up okay next on the list is the parting now the parting is the split of the hair on the top of the head so when your hair goes in different directions the split line I mess my knot now the split line is your parting so normally when a hairdresser washes your hair and they're looking to do a style or a cut they will ask you that's my parting they will ask you where do you have your parting some people have a center parting so they part it right down the middle some people will have a side parting so the hairdresser will ask which side do you have your parting on and sometimes you might have it a really far over maybe not that far but they'll check with you where you like it before they cut your hair that's specifically for people who have quite long hair I imagine okay so let me have a quick look what my patrons think there's lots going on in the patron chat room that hairstyle was good when you did while explaining your forehead thank you very much I won't be having it like that very often is the live session over know here I don't suffer from it even though it is happening is that the the bald patch we talked about it happens to everyone and you know if you are balding or thinning then don't worry about it it means that you're full of testosterone so your extra manly if you have hair loss problems a widow's peak hair growing in the shape of a V on someone's forehead okay thank you Patricia thank you for that all this don't worry better late than never is what my mum always used to say so we've talked about the parting where do you have your parting mine's a slight side parting to the right next you might need to know especially men about your sideburns sideburns are where the hair comes down in front of your ears so gentlemen when you have a haircut or if you go to the barbers they will need to know how you like your sideburns do you like them short and cut up do you like them styled some people have huge sideburns don't they if you have huge sideburns there's a there's a name for that it's like chops or something like pork chops or something oh if there's any men watching who know what the term is when you have huge sideburns please let me know so besides sideburns we'll talk about the beard which is hair that grows on your chin and on your lower cheeks and we'll talk about the mustache now in the UK we have two ways of pronouncing this in some cases there are even more ways depending on the region but generally people either say moustache or mustache mustache or mustache so choose which way you prefer to say it okay let's have a look at those notes before I move on so you can just see how everything is spelt so the fringe the parting the sideburns the beard and the mustache sometimes a small beard if it's a very thin beard and that goes around into a very thin mustache it's called a goatee a goatee and also if the beard has been cut short but you can still see a little bit of hair that's called stubble stubble gosh when I was writing these notes I was shocked at how much vocabulary there was and even now while we're going through it I'm realizing there's even more vocabulary than the stuff I've written down muttonchops thank you mid hat for looking that up or you obviously knew it maybe but muttonchops is the name for someone who has big sideburns they've got mutton chops so funny okay so let's have a look what's next ah equipment so what equipment does a hairdresser use some of this you might know so I'll move through this quite quickly some of this you may not know so a hairdryer I'm sure most of you have come across a hairdryer normally when you're booking a hotel if you have long hair you might have a look on their website to see if they have a hair dryer in the room a hair dryer is for drying wet hair then you have scissors of course and scissors offer cutting the hair by hand I'm sure we all know what a pair of scissors look like then we have Clippers now Clippers are electric hair cutters in fact I have a pair of clippers here just bear with me yes I've got them right here I'm just gonna show you and you find my face there's my face this is this is these are clippers this is these are these are clippers they're lots of teeny tiny little cutting teeth it's electric you charge it I don't use this these are generally only used by men or women who have very very short hair okay and obviously scissors I better not get too close to my head with those so scissors and Clippers now Clippers like I said a use for very short hair but then you have trimmers trimmers now trimmers are also electric hair cutters and they're designed to get even closer to the skin so it's for you an even more precise cut and they're often actually used for shaping your beard or for doing your sideburns or for doing the edges maybe around the nape of the neck okay so what comes next ah a razor I'm sure most of you know a razor probably have one in your bathroom and a razor is a blade used to cut the hair as close to the skin as possible razors are used by barbers so you won't find a razor I don't think in a hairdressers and but you will find one in a barbers then we have straightness and I think it's obvious what straighteners do they straighten hair using heat so it's like an iron for the hair in some countries they call them hair irons or straightening irons I think I have heard that term here but it might be more of an American term we generally say straighteners then we have curling tongs curling tongs curling tongs curl your hair so I have a set of straighteners funnily enough and I do have two sets of curling tongs to give me different types of curls of course you might need a hairbrush I have two hair brushes because I have lots of hair and they do slightly different things but generally a hairbrush will be used to smooth the hair gentleman probably most of you have a comb I imagine now important notes comb the be is not pronounced it's a silent B I hear this be pronounced all the time so please try to remember silent B at the end comb comb and a comb is a stripper plastic or metal or wood with a row of narrow teeth used for untangling or arranging the hair so it's like a very thin brush and hairdressers normally use it because they have to be very accurate okay and then of course we have products that help to keep the hair in place like you'll have hair gel hair mousse hair wax or hairspray and they all have slightly different textures and I used on different hair types and different hair styles I think in my kit in my kitchen in my bathroom I have a bottle of hair spray and I probably have some hair gel somewhere which I wouldn't normally use hair gel when I'm doing my hair in a nice way but when I was working as a singer dancer on the big ships I used to have to gel my hair back into position into style so that it wouldn't move when I was dancing so I had to use gel to make sure it didn't move okay what do you have in your bathroom what do you use let me have a look I love the live lessons because I can be improving my listening a lot says Fernando I'm glad you do enjoy it and while we've just stopped for a moment if you are enjoying it please show your appreciation by giving it a thumb YouTube is making it very difficult for videos to be discovered so the only way these videos rank and can be discovered by other people is by you guys by you watching commenting giving thumbs and of course sharing so anything you can do to help me to boost these lessons a little bit would be greatly appreciated ok a quick jump to the patrons and then back to the notes patrons say Romi Ana how to use comb in a sentence how is it pronounced while using it in various tenses oh ok so if you are using a comb then you are combing your hair so you could say I need I need to comb my hair especially after this lesson finished I'll need to or if you're talking about in past tense you could say I combed my hair this morning I combed my hair this morning if I'm going to ask you us it could you comb my hair please okay does that help hopefully alright let's jump back over so back to those notes here we go what to ask for so asking for something in the hairdresser's is the same as asking for anything you start your sentence with I would like or I want and then you simply need to know what it is you want it helps to do some research and to take in a few photos maybe a screenshot on your phone so taking a few photos to show the stylist what you want so they have a clear idea in most cases you will want one or a combination of the following services so you might want a cut of some sort you might need color on your hair or maybe you want it styled in a certain way or restyled which is a complete change of style so let's have a look at these services in a little bit more detail okay so alright so with these hairstyles I will tell you generally what who the styles are used on boys or girls men or women but any of the styles can be used on either sex because obviously some men have long hair and some women have very short hair so they can be used on either sex but I will tell you in general what the girls would have or what the boys would have okay so let's jump back to them so a bob a bob is a classic short hairstyle where it's cut above the shoulders in a blunt cut with typically no layers so it's all the same length this style was most common among women so a bob if you can imagine it it's where the hair is like up to here and it's the same length all the way around so it's quite a strong haircut and it's exactly the same all the way around there's no layers or change of volume it's just straight cut okay I've got quite a few wigs actually and one of my wigs is a bob and I do quite like it what do you think I think I Souter Bob my boyfriend would go mental if I cut my hair short these days he loves my long hair so I'm not allowed to have a bob okay so other than a bob you very likely going to ask for just a trim now a man or a woman could ask for a trim I always go and have a trim every few months and a trim is just when you cut a little hair off the bottom to reduce the length so if your hair has grown quite a little bit and the ends are becoming tangled and knotty and you might have split ends where the hair breaks and splits at the ends you might want to just tidy it up with a little trim so remember that one now we heard the word layers here if your hair is layered then it means there's many different lengths cut into the hair and this gives it shape and volume so I've had layers sometimes so a layer would be where they take the hair obviously it's this long but then they might cut this I've got a few little layers they cut these bits shorter and they cut these bit shorter so the hair has more shape and it doesn't just fall into a block that makes sense I would say that most women would ask for their hair to be layered I'm guessing men can have layers too if they have long hair but typically layers are for long hair okay feathered if you have your hair feathered it means it's fine layers now I usually have my hair feathered around the front so it's not big heavy chunky layers that are like doorsteps going down but normally at the front of head you might see it I asked them to this side is better I asked them to feather it at the front so you can see how my hair gets shorter around my face getting all messy I hang it short around the face and it kind of curls in the cut and that's a feather cut it's very fine layers so you can't see where one stops and when the next one starts it's just a fine gradual change in length I hope I'm not boring you okay so what do we have next short back in sides now this is something you would ask for if you want to have your hair longer on the top but then short around the back and the sides so normally a man or a lady with very short hair would ask for a short back and sides now you might have your hair cut with a pair of clippers and if you do and you don't have any changes it's just the same all over then you could just say can I have a number two all over and this means that you know the length of the grade of the Clipper guard let me see if I can explain this a little bit better to you let me to bring my face back up hello so on the Clippers if I cut my hair with this now I would be bald it would take all my hair off because there's nothing there's nothing giving length between this and my head if I was to go in so normally there aren't any here but normally there are guards that just take this away from the skin a little more so you have more length to the hair and you'll have God one God to God three guard four guard five and it makes the hair longer when you cut it depending on the number you choose a number one is short a number four is longer so you might know already I always have a number three all over so men that's for you all ladies you might decide to have short hair all over and that's fine too and undercut now an undercut is where your hair and quite a lot of ladies in London have this actually your hair is long on the top and then at the sides it might be used you might use clippers to shave it so some ladies will have long hair but then when they flick the hair over they've got a shaved head it's quite cool it's quite funky I've always quite been quite tempted to have an undercut but I think it's quite a bold it's quite a bold haircut and I'm a bit of a wimp really I'm a bit scared to have it done but also a lot of men will have it where they have very short here and then long longer maybe a little floppy a bit of hair at the top that might cover it up if they need to okay so that's an undercut now men and when you're going to the barber or the hairdresser's you will probably talk to them about a fade and a fade is where you take short hair and you make it a gradual gradually different length so you might start with a number one at the very bottom very very short and then as you move up to the top of your head it might become a number four so you'll talk about a fade say I'd like I'd like to fade my hair okay some of you might opt to have a completely shaved head and that's when you take all the hair off completely it's a very extreme haircut all right if you generally have it short all over it's called a buzz cut so you know I said if you have a number one all over and number two all over it's a buzz cut if you want a little bit more length on the top but still it's quite short all over then it's called a crew-cut this is a fun one some of you might have heard of a mohawk now a mohawk is where your hair is long on the top of your head and it's styled straight up and it's held in place with holding product so Mohawks are quite um generally punks or punk rockers would have Mohawks you know where the hair literally just goes up and it's usually quite thin it looks like what you call it when you've got like dinosaurs that have those like big I had to call him um but yeah it's just it's quite animal like very spiky sometimes they make them like spikes as well pretty cool pretty cool too cool for me though how would I describe president Trump's hairstyle Wow we'll come back to that I think doesn't he wear a toupee a toupee is like a partial wig I'm sure he wears a bit of a toupee but anyway we does have a certain style that will cover in a minute and we'll come to that okay so colors so that was haircuts the types of cuts you might ask for but if you're going to have your hair colored then usually colors are referred to as having your hair dyed so we talked about hair dye that's the product we use hair dye and if you're having your hair colored you can either say I'd like my hair colored or I'm going to get my hair dyed okay you will ask you'll be asked whether you want a permanent color or a semi-permanent color I think it's quite clear what they mean a permanent color uses a very strong chemicals and you can't wash it out it does fade but it doesn't wash out a semi-permanent will only last for a certain amount of time eventually it washes out and needs to be renewed so I have my hair colored that's why I go to the hairdresser's on a Tuesday because it's 50% off color color is very expensive it costs over a hundred pounds so I go and have 50% off I get my hair dyed hmm and that I tend to have semi-permanent because it's less harsh on the hair it doesn't make your hair too dry and brittle because I like my hair I don't want my hair to fall out how do you usually pay for haircuts in the UK you pay with cash or card normally but they are you you do generally for me going to hairdressers is a treat and the reason I go to the hairdresser's now regularly where I never you to do is because I'm always on camera and I can see my gray hairs coming through and I can see my color fading at the roots and I feel under pressure to look good on camera especially because I'm an older youtuber so I see myself as needing to look after my image so I go to the hairdresser's in the old days I used to dye my hair myself but it was messy it was very messy I would dye my forehead I would dye my ears I'd have black ears I'd have black on my face I'd have a black neck it was a mess it was a it was very messy so now I'd have it done at the hairdresser's what is your natural color I was born with black hair but as I've gotten older it just gets it gets lighter and lighter so it's kind of like a very dull brown just just not much color in there at all really lots of people saying oh no maybe it's just one person maybe and say marry me marry me thank you but I think my boyfriend would be upset if I married someone else oh so let's carry on okay so an all-over color and all-over color colors all your hair but there are other options you can have strips of hair colored instead and these are called highlights now you will sometimes hear highlights and lowlights and highlights mean to lighten the hair so if I had highlights I would probably have red or brown or maybe blonde streaks of hair in my hair or lowlights so someone who has lighter hair would have low lights and low lights is where you darken the hair so if I had blonde hair and I decided to have streaks of brown in my hair or blue or red then I would be having low lights in order to add highlights or lowlights the stylist will use foils or a cap now foils is literally tin foil you use it in cooking tin foil they'll take a strand of hair they'll paint it with the dye and they wrap it in tinfoil and you have a head full of foils and then you wait until the color has developed and they wash it off or they have a cap now they wouldn't use a cap with long hair like mine but a cap is a big rubber cap they pull it onto your head and they get like a knitting needle and they pull strands of hair through this rubber cap and then they just paint all the bits that are hanging out of the cap you look like a doll you know the dolls that have massive hair loss half the hair has come out and they've just got these little strands of hair left on their head that's what it looks like when you have a cap to do highlights now the horror story when I had my worst hairdressing visit I used to be a hair model when I was younger I used to have my photograph taken I used to be in hair shows they loved my beautiful long hair and then one day I went to the hairdresser's and I said I want hair highlights but look after my hair and they put my long hair which was down to my bottom it was much longer than this they put it through a cap which they shouldn't have done and then they put the bleach on now bleach makes your hair blond it makes it lighter so they put the bleach on and then they put more on and they put more on and they left me for a very long time and by the time they washed it off they pulled the cap away and all the hair that was through the cap fell out so I was left with lots of bits of blonde short spiky hair sticking out all over my head completely ruined my hair modeling career and I never hair modeled after that and it took a long time to get my hair back to normal so that was my horror story I'd loved if you have a horror story please share please do share okay so let me see if you guys are all right and then I will move on to styles hair styles so Ronnie yes the B is silent in every way use the word comb you forgot to mention the pixie the pixie cut put your shirt there ass Oh many when it comes to women's haircuts there are so many cuts it's it would be impossible for me to tell them all during this session like I said I think it's better always to if you have a certain style in mind to take pictures from celebrities or whatever and take it to the hairdresser and say this is what I want oh andreas needs to leave that's sad okay let's have a look what you guys are saying over in my youtube chatroom so you almost had a bald so you almost went bald says mask yes I was almost bald I still had lots of dark hair but it was a it was a real mess could you suggest any anti hair loss medicine please do you know I don't think any of it really works there are lots of shampoos and there are lots of people who say they can prevent hair loss but I think they are just money spinners I don't think they're actually going to work I think they're just trying to get your money by preying on your weaknesses I think embrace hair loss just embrace it also if you're if you are desperate to get your hair back you can have hair transplants wayne rooney the football away Mooney has had hair transplants quite successfully I think it's probably quite expensive but but yeah I don't I don't think you should waste money on medicines or shampoos which promise to bring your hair back I think it's absolute rubbish don't waste your money hello Tony ox so hi I don't have hair in the middle just embrace it hair loss is you know it's a part of life it's a part of life right let's get on to these hairstyles let's have a look so let me bring these notes back up so a style so you might decide to get your hair permed so a perm is where they make straight hair curly I've had a perm I've had probably three perms in my life I really like having Kerr but having a perm is quite damaging for your hair so I don't do it anymore but yes a perm makes your hair permanently curly although after a little time it does end up falling out or if you have straight curly hair already you might go to the hairdresser's to have your hair straightened or relaxed straight if your hair is straightened then it's possibly done with straightening iron so it will only last until you wash it but to have your hair relaxed I think they use a chemical that takes the curls out I don't know because I've never had that done but those are options for straightening your hair very common service most people will have a wash and a blow-dry so you might go in for a cut to haircut and they'll say do you want to wash your blow-dry and that's what I have I go in I have my hair washed I have my hair colored and I have my hair blow-dried so it looks nice and I can come and film some nice lessons for you with my hair or lovely a braid so a braid is like a plat and the hair and just for those of you who don't know a braid or a plat it's where you take the hair and there's different styles of plats as well or braids but usually you get three sections and you intertwine them like this until you have a braid or a plat now you might have one big braid all the way down so you'll notice I sometimes have the halo braid which is where the braid comes all the way across the front I do that quite often a French plat or a French pleat you know a French place is different I think a French plat or braid is where the plat is stuck to your head and it goes all the way down sometimes you have two plats like this and some people have lots of braids don't they they have lots of very thin braids I did when I was younger I had loads all over then we come onto the style of corn rows now corn rows is where you have braids and plants that start on your head they go they go backwards and then they're loose at the bottom all plaited and so all your hair is really stuck to your head in braids in a pattern so you can see the lines of braids and then this braided down the front is so cool I think that's what I was trying to get when I was younger at at school but I did it wrong I just plaited my hair into lots and lots of plats and it just looked crazy lots of girls these days go for extensions and extensions away you add artificial or sometimes human hair but not your own and you attach it to your natural hair in strands so it can make your hair look longer or you might decide to add like bits of curly hair in maybe or it might just make your hair fuller so you have more volume and lots more hair which can be look very very glamorous I've never had extensions oh no I tell a lie I once was doing the show Roger Rabbit and I was playing Jessica Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit has lots of beautiful big red curly hair and for me they they gave me a wig and then into the wig they put lots of extensions as well so I had this big big wig a big heavy wig full of beautiful glamorous red curly hair I loved it I felt so glam I even nearly dyed my hair red after that so I loved it so much then you might hear of a weave and a weave is where artificial hair is put into your hair but it's it's braided in rather than with extensions extensions are usually glued in or clipped in but weaves as far as I know are braided in so they'll be they'll be tied in basically or woven into your natural hair if I'm wrong on that because I don't know much about weaves please tell me if I am wrong I don't I don't think I am but if I am them feel free to correct me you might hear people talking about a quiff now quiff are very much the style again these days and it means you've got lots of volume in the front part of the hair let me show you so most mostly men have quests rather than women but if you've got short hair but it's very long at the front and you kind of have it up quite high like Elvis had a quiff yes it's like having big volume at the front like yeah okay so that's a quiff do you have a quiff and I love that word quiff quiff it's just so much fun okay we're nearly nearly there so other than a quiff we come to Donald Trump's hairstyle he has a bit of a comb-over a comb-over now a comb-over doesn't always refer to Donald Trump's style hair but it's basic where the hair is swept over to one side lots of guys will have a comb-over style so it swept over but if you're an older man and you're losing hair in the middle perhaps or you've got a receding hairline where the hair line has moved backwards and you've got bald patches here you might decide to comb over the hair you have on the side in order to cover up those patches to hide it and this is what Donald Trump has he has this massive comb-over and sometimes when the wind blows it blows up and you can see how how much of a comb-over he has so that's a comb-over some people have it slicked back and slicked back is where your hair use product and you take all your hair backwards so you have this kind of usually it's men have slicked back hair use gel just take all the hair back out of your face quite cool let me take you back to the note so you can see these words written then you might have spiky hair so short and spiky sticking up I think that's quite self-explanatory some people have an afro and an afro is the term used for a mass of very tight curls very tight curls and they're so tight that the hair doesn't sit down words it stands up or it sticks out around the head and some people sometimes just refer to this as afro but it's an afro an afro let me know in the comments box below what kind of hairstyle you have by the way hmm yeah be interesting to know shiny hair some people might say at the end of a hairdressing session they might say would you like me to put some shine on your hair or some gloss on your hair to make it extra shiny I think that's quite self-explanatory the word bald means that you don't have any hair because it's fallen out ah a bun so a bun a bun can be worn by a man or a woman but you have to have a long hair for a bun and this is where the hair is wrapped into a ball like shape and fixed normally at the back of the head so I will show you very quickly a bun you get all the hair together sometimes you use half of it and you make a ball and then you fix it into position you can have a messy bun or a neat band but that ladies and gentlemen is a bun and some men have it some women have it a bun some men will have and women I don't know why I just said men some men or women will have a top not a top knot is very similar to a bun it's just done up on the top of your head okay I think it's samurais used to have top knots don't they did they do they my stomach is grumbling I hope you can't hear that the famous people from the 60s or the people like Amy Winehouse were famous for their beehive hairdo a beehive really only worn by women is when they made their hair the shape of a beehive it was huge like a quiff but done in a different way by like back combing their hair and making it really messy and tangled so that it would stay up like that and it would look like a beehive and that's why it's called a beehive crazy hairdo some people have wavy hair a wavy hair is halfway between straight and curly so it's not full curls it's not straight it's kind of wavy I obviously have long straight dark hair but some people might have short wavy hair shoulder length wavy hair okay so we're at wavy some people will talk about bunches or pigtails and this is where the hair is tied up on each side of your head or when it's tied up all at the back it's called a ponytail I normally have a ponytail when I go to the gym get all my hair out of my face and then some of you have mentioned already dreadlocks dreadlocks are very stylized we sometimes refer to them as dreads or locs and they are created by matting or braiding strands of the hair and I don't think you ever I don't think you have a brush dreadlocks out I believe you cut them because they stay matted forever right and then and then you just have to cut them off if you don't want them anymore what about disheveled hair says Andrew if you're talking about disheveled hair you just mean messy hair if it has like oh my hairs all disheveled it's messy okay alright so I believe oh let me just show you a ponytail if you weren't sure is that that's a ponytail pigtails lots of children little girls will have pigtails and it's when the hair is Britney Spears had pigtails when she did her oh I did it again that's all she had pigtails dressed as a schoolgirl or they could be called bunches so my my darlings the lesson has come to an end so please now just take the opportunity to ask me any questions about hair and I'll try and answer them in the next five minutes if you were here for the first time or you're here like you've been here before but you're not a subscriber please make sure you hit that subscribe button and the bail notification button now when you hit that Bell notification button it will make sure that my videos are shown to you or that you're told when I'm live which I hope that you do want to join me again in future so do make sure you do both of those and don't forget to give me a like that would be really really helpful let me have a look what my patrons are saying oh okay didn't I sue them no so the hairdresser's who ruined my hair I decided they offered lots of free treatments so I decided to take the free treatments for about twelve months to make my hair better I have to leave for a rare evening out either have a lovely evening you're probably already gone Elon Musk had some form of hair implants done okay we'd say hair implants because it would be lots of little hairs are implanted so we will always talk about hair implants with the plural S on implants I didn't know that though red hair is a very high-maintenance I love it but it's not easy to keep that rich red color you get right after dyeing it it I think it's the same with all colors though I think color I guess especially for red but I think color is very difficult to maintain okay so let me have a look at your questions its dreadlocks the same as Rastafarian hair yes lots of Rastafarians have dreadlocks it's kind of part of their culture I believe Javert says like someone say I love you thank you so much that it's very kind ariana grande has a ponytail so you'd say aa ponytail not has ponytail you have to say ah isn't it's a noun she has a ponytail great oh oh I just lost that one what do you call hair like a horse if your hair is like a horse then you would say you have thick or coarse hair so you can remember it horse like coarse so if something's course it means it's thick and it's not very smooth so if you have very thick coarse hair then your hair is probably like a horse's hair what is bang bang is not something I'd ever associate with with hair but there's lots of different things bang can be it could be a motion to bang something to hit something it could be a sound oh sorry that's a bang to make a loud on a loud noise allowed short short sound and then you have beautiful you're beautiful with nice long black hair ah thank you I love you and all of your videos thank you so much that's very kind this is done this is Daniel Pedro min thanks for teaching me new vocabulary thank you now something I want to point out vocabulary is a singular sorry vocabulary covers plural its singular and plural so it just it covers everything so never say vocabularies just say vocabulary thank you for teaching me new vocabulary and a wonderful lesson so I'd like to know if in words like false already alright also how we pronounce the L like a dark L I'm not going to go into pronunciation now but you have to hit the L faults already alright also yeah you don't go too dark with them but you do have to hit them with the tongue tip okay you promise to answer my question on patreon yes I I am a very very very very very very very busy person which is why I'm teaching today on a Saturday which should be my day off but I've worked all day I always answer all the messages on patreon so if you have some if you are a patron thank you so much I will respond to messages I just don't go on there every single day because I have a thousand things to do I don't think people believe how much work running for YouTube channels actually is but it's a lot of work so forgive my tardiness but I will respond to you okay couple more questions and then I'm gonna go blonde girl bleached her hair or highlighted it it depends some people are natural blondes some people bleach their hair some people are quite fair-haired anyway but they might put in a few highlights to make it seem a little more blonde and any more questions that I can quickly pick up I'm sorry if I've missed your question guys oh so many of your messages are coming through I will catch up with the messages after I go off live patrons I'll stay on the patron Skype room for a little while as well guys don't forget about that I talked he offer it won't be there forever so if you are interesting get those getting those extra $10 free credit which is basically like a free lesson after you bought your first lesson then do take advantage by hitting the link in the description box below otherwise I'm gonna say goodbye so lots of love from London take care oh no my computer has frozen so maybe I can't leave you okay no it's not frozen I've got it now I've got it ah alright thank you for joining me take care lots of love from London and goodbye you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 27,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, Live english lesson, hair, hairstyle, hairdresser, vocabulary lesson, haircut, hair vocabulary, english vocabulary, english vocabulary lesson, hairdresser vocabulary, haircut vocabulary, how to talk to a hairdresser, describing words, hair words, salon vocabulary, hair english, hairstyle english, vocabulary, english, english grammar
Id: snqb8w7-XUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 19sec (4519 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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