I Spent 100 Days in Palworld and Here's What Happened

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today I have a new game for you called power world a game so wacky so silly and one that gives the players everything they'd want and more in this game I learned that catching Pals with spheres was pretty important more than that I could even catch the NPCs themselves if I really wanted to to fighting my first boss Tower in the game the full VOD of this video and others like it were streamed on my other channel R pandas live links will be in the description for all other social medas as well without further Ado I spent 100 days in power world and here's what happened with a new beginning I head I quickly named my server and decided on a character I'd use during these next 100 [Music] days free to now roam the lands of power the first thing I did was jump off a cliff you know to test fall damage and all that spawning back in as quickly as I did I ran to my stuff and spotted my first p someone who would stick by my side until The Bitter End die baby I'm going get this chicken oh I leveled up but we leveled up with the oh God hide the evidence hide the evidence no where you going hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on after hiding said evidence I found myself opening up a few chests that had quite the juicy loot standing in front of what seemed to be my first NPC of the game hello can I talk to you oh you got a shotgun can I have your shotgun here take some basing supplies I'll soften you up thank you can I punch you oh oh oh oh oh no wo wo sorry that scared me I'm wanted yo what is this game oh my God look at that we have t i DF guards oh God oh God uh run this way my God j j j d D okay okay okay fine everything's fine I know cat I know I know dude I get it yo I'm being the I'm the one being chased yo stop can we stop we stop please can we no stop what if I just hide here if we're wanted this might be like Grand Theft AO 5 right beside here just stay right here just stay right here don't move don't move just take it easy it's okay we can talk about this we can talk about this hey it worked yo it worked this is like R Theft Auto 5 I love it oh that's great when you get wanted just stand still no don't stand still but like find a quiet place you know just just you got to calm down with a new day here and a handful of tools at my disposal this right here folks this was a mood depresso espresso espresso two shots of espresso Pang gulets pen more pullets okay my job now was to catch some Pals and get the ball rolling truth be told I wasn't great at my job just yet this one get this one get this one don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me oh my God they're actually using skills outside oh god I'm frozen I'm frozen I'm dead I might be dead oh come on come on come on 60% I can do it I can do it come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah W what can I say I was a quick learner oh there's an NPC skilled look at that there's a skilled Islander hello no come back okay whoa he he I didn't attack you okay uh I'm scared oh I'm really scared you've been spotted I know oh god oh no oh no level 24 being that this was still a survival game at its core I needed to get some sort of Base going what did that entail I had no idea all I knew is that these Roofing placements were going to be the death of meat for some reason they would not connect to one another I tried everything and nothing worked so with a new day here having some arrows crafted up and praying to the cheit Lords I think I did it oh my god it works like that you got to be kidding me you've got to be kidding me it's like that all right okay fine this is how we got to build the house this was definitely a weird way to have the roof built but it worked I needed to do now was focus on building this pal box sending Pals to do my bidding I mean work and then do some work myself noticing my pal unhappy the best way of fixing that was building them a bed as it said Pals without beds would get stressed but the next few days here I would go into building my first chicken coop for Gathering different resources we can do the ranch oh this day is going to be beautiful this day is going to be beautiful okay let's put it right like here is it like doing that you see that it's like it's like in the ground I'm going to have to fix it eventually building new and exciting workbenches near the pow boox and then farming up some wood nearby no hi hey whoa they're sleeping and we're going to talk because you've got items in stock hello oh my god oh whoa flame organ Venom gland like is there a snake I don't like snakes palpar oh I only have 300 gold yeah we're not come back later buddy the name of the game was using pal weed capture to work for us here let me help you out who wow okay never realized I could craft that fast on day eight things got a little interesting as I would find a purple deer out in the wild go chicken please help me can I catch you now maybe at 35% let's go let's go oh wait oh I got it I got it I got one I got one I got one I got one you're on my team now you are on my team oh you are on my team the strongest of Pal's nail set as a party leader I felt Unstoppable clearly I wasn't but let me have this okay I need you though you look like a a sheep which got who oh crap she be rolling on the front oh you just going you're just going and go hello oh my God I I'm so sorry don't roll hello little creature I don't know what you are but I want you they're still rolling they're still rolling oh my God they're going they're gone they're out of here the biggest game changer for me here was my chickens oh they're going into it yeah oh okay I wonder what they give I mean I'm sure they give me like eggs or something while things were going pretty smoothly here instead of waiting to just build the next bed I said to heck with it while taking a little peek through my technology tree I found quite a few things that would make me just the happiest camper we have the cloth outfit okay I'll take that common Shield oo what else what else what else mounted torch hech yeah Dairy Plantation oh these look good I was I was thinking too because like when you mine the trees and stone sure they do respawn at a decent rate but not good enough now what if we had these These are unlimited I'm guessing oh that is so nice this is why I loved power it was automation Made Easy catching unique creatures each one specific to the role they could use in game after that it was back to catching more Pals every 10 Pals I would catch the more experience I would gain ooh I hit a 250 holy crap I'm hitting a 255 yo no no no no no hey we got 10 out of 10 for the chickens oh that's beautiful but am I done with chickens oh heck no I also had my ik deer fighting its own in hopes of taming a new one oh my God oh my God everything's happening so fast trying my very best to catch this little Firefox pal before the end of the night come on yeah what oh I have one more ball oh do I cut it do I still catch it though come on come on come on come on come on come on oh you can catch while dead okay catch it while I'm dead with a new day here I was looking into a new unlock one called The Stone pit stone pits and logging sites were basically unlimited resources for Harvest I did also need me a Crusher something very useful but I didn't give enough credit for this game also had multiple spawn locations close to my base for eggs though I didn't know how to build an incubator at the time the next morning I had the crusher made a power statue going for upgrades and I was looking into leveling up my base all right Stone pit time I guess we could put it right here Stone Crusher for the stone pit obviously so with them it's a minute off another minute off look at that between the berry farms and primitive furnace the hardest build was going to be the hot spring another way for the pals to cool off and not feel so stressed out next thing I knew I was about to be tested and this had me terrified why am I being raided already please tell me why oh my God I don't need this right now [Music] we killed him where are you going I don't think so as you could see here a Palam mine was upset and this meant I needed a hot spring sooner than I thought now I could take my exploration to further outside these walls and see what power world had for me from these little water elephants to these celery type of Pals the fluids were really starting to pile up I would need 10 for hot spring and between all of the different kills with different water Pals I would have more than enough for two whole Hot Springs here are these bad boys I was talking about you see that cat there that little pink one no not the one on the left the right watch them for me the last thing to do now is build the next piece to another base level the new task in front of me I needed fire organs which sounded strange but I was all for it with the sun's setting there was this little guy de feating yet another pal and taking home the remains I planned on heading back to base though that's not exactly what I did next part of me wanted to go back home but Another Part Of Me found what seemed to be my first dungeon a new area with different rooms that housed multiple Pals to certain MPCs inside I found something called a Daydream I don't know this little pink floaty thing this weird cat I chased into another room called Mayu and something else that reminded me of Fiddler on the Roof this one called fuddler I don't know as I was on top of one of the tallest Hills today I saw more Pals than ever before even a new building that resembled this castle- like structure between all the upgrades that would come in I mined a bunch more Stone picking up what I could from our little Stone mine and building myself a new primitive furnace yeah don't mind that little pal to the side there okay I swear they were just sleeping on the job all I needed to do now was finish crafting up some nails and then wait for the iron bars to be done smelting new workbenches here I come a little house also felt a little too small so I need to break things down and start from scratch as you could see this is what I was going for having all the things I needed I was in a hurry to get another Chicken Coop made finally able to make my first outfit thus far Not only was my bow now stronger but we had the three shot bow at the ready I did revamp a little bit here seeing that things felt Loosey Goosey as you could also tell I did catch quite a bit more Pals my PO Box was looking stacked as fudge oh yeah look at this big fella apparently when you catch shiny Pals in the game they get a tad bigger who said I wasn't ready for another dungeon come on come on come to Daddy oh yeah oh I killed that one oh that looks bad on my resume I can get the incubator not the masturbator the incubator oh this is fancy got some nice magenta purple chests this really pretty actually what you got for me Ruby all right Ruby all right back at the base now I couldn't believe my eyes here oo look at all my eggs galaa eggs Gala of eggs G of eggs another beautiful thing that caught me by surprise was this new weapon having my little coups changed around a bit more I wanted to see what a Vixie would give us in the meantime I was ready to try out my new saddle that was being made yeah come on work on this people oh my God it's so weird having people can you tell I had more than enough food now between paler and my food chef's kiss today I was ready having all I needed and more my first boss Tower was a go this it oh boss bad what the this yo this is legit what oh my [Music] God woo damnn look at her she looks [Music] good all right this is oh this is my thumbnail that's great oh my God yo they got the Borderland style coming in I love that that's cool Zoe and Gris ball ship help woo that's not cool you got the shiny cat yeah kill him oh [Music] damn what the fudge yo hold on hold on hold on oh it's hard hitting her she keeps moving oh God my cat's going to die uh let's get another guy out oh machine gun monkey got a gun monkey killed the boss boss first kill oh my God look at her body rag doing yeah you raged all you ragged all it up oh my God it's so silly I love it oh this is beautiful what the fudge how nice it is up here why can't I oh I could just come up here here and just fly away as I plan to sleep the rest of the night away something with a purple Hue caught my eye oh I want that I want it I wanted I want it I want it I want it come on come on come on come on come on come on yeah I got my first one of these things oh looking through all of my technology there was still always something that would surprise me and so much more this was my best idea yet okay oh I think it was over there actually can I just say how cool it was to have so much Freedom with using a mount or not I honestly never stopped smiling while playing this game it was so much fun oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu come on come on come on hey I got a Pikachu with a lot of helpful tips people were talking about a Nightwing saddle the ability to fly of yeah I also had my first egg incubator going with all those we collected in the previous day sphar VA oh look at this we can get the gigos feres with another wonderful level to my base I figured the more fires the better for this next part I mean what could go wrong certain eggs not all no no no no no it's fine it's fine don't worry about it it's it's okay all the eggs and four fires is better than one finally taking flight to the skies as I did I found a little place to land funny enough this would actually become a second base for me I found what I wanted oh my God this is beautiful why did I oh I'm still on you that's fine poke hey poke don't mind the raid happening in the background but I had my little pals working for me again just in a new location with a lot more iron veins curious to see what these new types of Pals were I wanted to collect a few for my own level 17 what wait what are they trying to attack oh it's the base they're trying to go after okay come on there's another one right here going from a mount on the ground to this Majestic flying pal it changed everything I was finding new Pals left right and Center there we go oh it's a cave I want a cave I want a cave so badly Mountain stream go level 29 wait a minute wa wait a minute hold on I know I'm level 22 maybe but there like it's only because I'm catching Pokemon I'm not geared up for that yet are you kidding me on top of that my Vixie made a bunch New Pal spheres and I hat my first ever egg uh who I got a pan King from that holy crap I don't think I get that the only thing left to do was head back to my other base and give them the essentials they needed a few beds around the place with a new day here and seeing my pals work as hard as they did I needed a chest nearby in case they wanted to store anything away taking what time I had now to smelt down extra bars inside the house I had two furnaces built the wrong way so for a good amount of time certain tows would be working from the outside I know there was a better way of doing this but I was trying my my best to move a th000 plus resoures okay but that did also give me an idea for some bigger chests and a new spear for some extra melee damage focused on my pals I started moving all their beds inside this new place so they didn't have to sleep on the ground anymore with some new NPCs helping to build everything up I now had to figure out how I was going to place these walls so we have 8 9 10 11 beds in here we can get rid of these taking my journey back into the Wilds once again I was fast traveling to different points finding a new boss location ready to catch what was ahead of me all righty let's do this uh I'm going to make sure I ooh there it is I activated it oh that's hilarious look at this where you going to ever see that huh my turn come here chill it chill it Chile we got Chile boss what this a boss no way oh well I guess I could see that actually you need a break from chopping I got you this one is the pow ball thing and then oh this is where we make the arrows oh okay what fan girls who can't contain their love is invading base fan girls who what did I just read fan girl whoa hello what the fud are these Pokemon fan girls they're level 17 too that's [Music] scary so help me just the way they walk oh my God you guys are scary I need to get my strong Pokemon what am I supposed to do they're going to kill everything andan girl oh here we go seeking a night of love it is always chasing someone around at first it only showed interest in other Pals but in recent years even humans have become the target of its debauchery wait what you mean with the 69 the the number that's so dumb I love that what the hell hold on is that actually good catch I wouldn't have seen that oh my God next on my list of things to catch was this great big purple cat what the fud look at you go oh my God that thing jumps and everything oh catch [Music] Oh Come to Papa there we go oo all right I'll take it nice taking my leave back to the base I had a new Shield being built for more defense and decided on trying this breeding station out go to work buddy yeah there we go listen to the beat listen to the beat listen to the beat there's no beat but if you get it right oh you can get like a sick beat going with them and now if I wanted to breed required stopping breeding male and female not present not enough cake probably not the smartest thing to do but if I wanted to try breeding stuff out I was going to need cake and cake was hard to get right now it needed milk honey wheat bear just so many things it needed things I just didn't have while going for a swim with this next part I found it a little funny that swimming didn't have animations so everything was just running all right and that means oh that's so cool look at this look at this guys woo oh man Dragon Miss wait Dragon Cannon you well there goes that all right can we swim with this making the cake is harder than breeding it itself apparently yeah I'm just running in the water this game was in Early Access and yet I still loved every minute of it most of what I did next was mainly exploring eventually finding an area that I never thought I'd see in this game small settlement a ooh are we good here we cool reliable PF officer can you imagine catching one of these guys holy crap okay so they do have like little NPC settlements here that's cool H Merchants all right o wait let's buy uh masarina I want a masarina I need masarina in my life I don't know why but I do [Laughter] you see how annoying that is NPC stop it continuing my search forward I came across the most random NPC do you need help don't look at me like that you trying to say I've done something wrong I'm not an officer anymore not even supposed to be here I nearly died after getting hit by a truck wall on the job when I came to I was on this island when I was sure I was dead I prayed for a slice of pizza oh my God now I can make pizza up here in my hand whenever I want pretty amazing skill yeah who are you black marketeer you talking about this guy all right what do we have oh sweepa I can get a Cognito a mer and a bgrade um all right what do we want guys you got three choices we got a b-grade Cognito or a merth what do you want what do I want soon enough I'd be fighting the next boss and looking to catch them as well King Paca the Supreme fluff Commander hey nice you threw him in the air now wave it like you just don't care say hey say oh oh oh okay woo how are we so mean nice look at the Frozen skill going get him shoot with the guns ooh okay oh yeah you're the electric one go dazzy go dazzy oh God watch out dazzy I got you don't worry I can do this too I can do this too ow oh he actually got me good oh I was supposed to catch it wasn't I crap I forgot about that part I was freaking out cuz I thought I was going to die the next day I was looking into more stuff I could make anything that would catch my eye demand Humane work from pal cruel work brutal work let's go brutal come on bosses let's go let's fight I'm going to ding-dong and we're going to kill some witches I see that I see that they're coming I see it I see it don't you worry please catch this one even if you don't catch it's fine no no no no no my taco just suicide taco no oh so then there's people you don't tell me there's people with guns oh with guns yes please or not what I attempted next was fun but man did the pals cover my screen so much hi guys look at this I have three Pokemon out and then I'll have my other one all right let's join the battle this guy's just pushing him and then it goes whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I didn't sign up for this that's a big froz one can you stop pushing them to me oh my God you're [Music] super you think you got what it takes nope nice stop nice save there boss eliminated thank you you please come again I'm surpris there's no like chest in this one or anything with two new builds going a pal condenser and a weapon workbench you best believe I was about to be the happiest camper ever I also found my Penguins to be the craziest bunch of well penguin okay you guys were supposed to go over there what okay oh my God go look at look at the headbang do you see that watch this watch [Laughter] this oh that's great with more iron now being mined up I had another invasion of Raiders thankfully this location was too high up and that gave me enough time to bring all the iron we had smelted down back home this is why I needed more iron just before I was about to leave my home I could not make this up but it seemed like raids happened on The Daily heard of violent wild pal kill them all kill them all yeah buddy now what they're just going to run away yeah probably while I was out exploring I was on the hunt for yet another shiny pal oh it's a big one Hello whoa who summoned the freaking what the heck is going on I'mma catch it oh I'mma catch it don't you worry about a thing oh I'mma catch it oh I'mma catch it where you going today I decided on trying out another dungeon fingers crossed I could catch more Pals in this one too something I really wasn't used to was how much the skills would change with each level it had me changing up the pals attacks quite often making my way into a new area I had plenty to look forward to not only did I catch quite a few Pals I also found more Pals my own level can we catch this thing level five I don't know if I have enough balls for this but I'm going to try it anyways try it [Music] anyways oh we caught one holy crap we got a gory rat gor rat wait there's a shiny somewhere uh I got to kill these guys whoa I'm going to die hold on I definitely wasn't expecting a death here or even another raid wait actually I can make this over here come on on okay we got a big cat going come on big cat kill him big cat I know you're stuck but just go kill him retrieving my stuff back the next day I made certain to find more Pals riding my new mount in the coming days this one was such a fun time it was fast oh I just realized look how big I am oh my God I just realized how big my my guy is oh holy crap literally just real okay I missed that one oh my God there's a wo Bon y these are like the mammoth things I'm not killing those those are like endgame World boss types beginning my Ascent in New Territory different parts of the map slowly started to open up for me even this new area with fire Pals and lava I was definitely outclass here and I wasn't sure if I'd make it out alive it's also that time in the video and if you made it this far comment looting and shooting down below with all my pals and NPCs working on resource farming I had just enough to start up a mill full of wheat looking to upgrade more of my base level with the current missions it asked for I made sure de cleared another raid coming in hot uh no this one seems pretty close oh it might be the bridge here look how many there are look how many oh my God and they have guns I think oo die humans can't catch the devel people well I'm getting a lot of their stuff though medium pal medium pal Souls ooh day 37 and I was looking back into my monitor stand setting the workload to above average and making sure they would actually do the job this time I was at a stage in power that allowed me to harvest cut and break things faster this being one of them taking a little break from my home I started using my spear a bit more poking some Pals along the way and throwing what pal spheres I could more of what I needed had me back inside a dungeon farming this blue palum and some sulfur along the way too yes we found another shiny pal a big boy cat again too using my parag glider to get down the hillside quickly I made my way towards my other base it started to become clear to me as I looked into more of my pals and what they actually did and more Pals I needed for mining this base of mine was finally looking stacked as fudge the last thing I wanted to do was see what a masarina did or what it would give me yearning for something more this allowed me to start tearing down the big house I first started with it wasn't really being used and I did need more space while the chickens were giving me more eggs than I would ever need I was so close to this next thing that's not how you make cake you don't you're not supposed to see chicken I think people would be worried I'm being honest noticing that the cake was about to take longer than ever I needed something else to do well at least I caught one that's pretty good right that was one of the weirdest interactions I would ever have in any video game and you know what I wanted more of it my goal now was to work efficiently and that meant trying to get my best Pals suited for what I needed with charcoal being the next resource needed this opened me up to the the coarse ammo being made and the ability to use a gun shooting me in power world what a great world i' lived in look at this guys we got ammo we got ammo I got me some ammo I also found myself a new Chiller Chile this was that day the only thing left to do was to farm and make as much ammo as I could on top of that breeding was supposed to become a thing Sno snoo for the win this is going to be my first official reading session I'm so excited for this man I'm so excited Let's Do It O Okay mhm so are they going to breed at least one more time before that this is the new egg we made just now hopefully it comes out looking like the both of them I don't know cake was actually needed for breeding to happen so we did have to wait a little longer but I also needed to find out where More Cows and bees live well guess what I'm on day 42 I think so at least this is so cool look at this giant horses like steeds with like the big pincer things looked like vegan Knights and dropped Health stuff what the I love that yeah I did that's a weird way to put it but yeah man that's exactly how these little Robin Pals gave me the hardest time ever they could swim out into the open Waters and I was left chasing them back and forth while I did get my stuff back I still needed to test out this makeshift gun here we go you're ready cuz I've got a gun yeah H pretty lady let's go let's go hey Zoe and GIS Bol I love it ready kill him kill him oh god I've got a gun and you're afraid of me I love it it's so good head shot to the Pokemon boss with the gun get out of here that was sick in both ways by this point in I honestly wasn't sure what to start breeding with one another so in the meantime I left my base and decided to do a bit of selling good or not I did make some money with the new set of balls being crafted I jumped on a out with a big old smile on my face oh that looks so good it's all like it's electric it's like a legendary electric dog oh that is awesome yo the love the the the the little Co and the little awesome Umbreon Cat created that yeah whoit whoa wait wait wait I shouldn't be doing this you're Leaf I'm water oh God you're going to really hurt me I'm also level 11 holy crap now this is what I was talking about ooh this one is fast okay this is beautiful look how fast this is oh so good oh has a double jump oh look at that Glide hey you stop shooting at me taking my fight into some really pretty flowers I was Unstoppable what a perfect time too because I started finding more Pals needed for my home look how F all More Cows just what the doctor ordered oh my God cows cows literally walk out of there please don't down me buddy oh there oh I thought okay that's the Pokemon I'm supposed to be catch in I literally no no no no don't run away oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my god dude oh wait oh I actually hit I didn't think that would hit you oh it almost scared me gave me a heart attack I was so close to losing this one as well picking up more arrows that were ready for me I was about to do some more exploring new areas and all specifically to deal with more MPCs o wait actually could I catch you I could catch the the vegan cultists no one told me I could catch vegan cultists in this game I don't want them anymore hello semidigested carrots oh I want carrots you talk about food can you not talk about food right now hello it always seemed like after I saw and fought all these new things more was always right around the corner all right we're going to use a new flying Mount I'm excited I want to see how far that takes me so this is common legendary crossbow and I can craft it too oh let's go dude a legendary crossbow is sick this new pal here this was about to become my main flying M and one that did more damage than I gave a credit for More Cows oh a lot more cows I need cows in my life oh sorry buddy all right fine I see how it is got to use some great balls thr that C looks like me after Taco Bell Dude I want some Taco Bell now oh my God I died oh why can't you hit the Pokemon instead I know me too man while exploring was fun and catching a boss was even cooler this dungeon was about to become my best friend I just didn't know yet took an arrow to the knee whoa whoa whoa taking it back to 2008 are we do you stream on Twitch I stream on Twitch oh a dig toys I want a dig toys hell yeah I want a dig to oh my god look look at that thing what the fudge excuse hello Beyblade I can't see I can't yo yo give me that POV oh my God anybody else getting so hot and bothered and scared and scared and scared and scared and scared hot and bothered let's go let's go I got a dig toys man holy crap mining iron couldn't have been made easier than ever before it even looks cool oh what is happening he's spinning the winning in my game also eggs so many eggs day 48 was the day I learned about something I saw in the trailer of this game okay maybe it is increasing all of my damage of everything maybe that's what it is never mind you might actually be right about that okay okay calm down calm down you're a big Pokemon but I want all of the relaxasaurus is to relax chill are you dead yo you like one HP with the new camp ahead I learned how strong my crossbow really was and the Damage that my pal finally did by the end of the day here I was curious to check out more endgame territory closer to the volcano and this was obviously not a good idea okay uh wait wait wait they are water holy crap wait no sorry I who whoa whoa whoa whoa I don't know if he'll survive I kind of don't want to use the bird cuz I know it might die wa and when I have two on me that's scary oh oh oh oh I didn't know there was one of you there oh boy I mean good thing I got the freaking with the new morning here I picked up a green monkey type of pal and tried to pair them up with this bushy for some breeding being back at the merchant cab I was looking to see what Pals were up for purchase it always seemed like I had a boss on my radar but this one was by far the coolest oh this looks like a Dragonite almost oh I like this yo I might actually use this there's so many Pokemon I'm just like oo this is like a Dragonite oh shotgun hello hello I'm doing good man I'm doing really good nice ooh I like you got some CC there what else oh crap we got a grin too now oh wait wait let them fight Let Them Fight Let Them Fight Let Them Fight yeah yeah yeah no Let Them Fight don't fight me what yes oh it took the day here to find myself another location for another base having a high enough base level it gave me one more base to actually build sadly I didn't have the resources needed this is something you don't see every day they're fighting each other is it for territory or I don't know if I want to get into the middle of this oh my God okay we can try to catch this 8% oh I might be able to catch this wait we got the mega balls for it the Giga balls sorry oh my God we got a mamist we got a mamist we got a mamist holy crap holy crap holy crap I got to take a picture of this oh I got to take a picture of this screens shot how do you between farming more sulfur inside another dungeon and looking for another big dig toys I took what I could get while my shiny cat was finishing up the rest of the nails I was now able to build my first assembly line finding myself in new lands I wanted to catch a couple of these goblin shark looking Pals I also learned that dungeons for each region were on the same level with whatever area I was in which meant this wasn't going to be easy seeing that I was out further than ever before I did try to get a fast travel Point nothing was close so that left me taking the longer way back showing off the newest addition to my team I was thinking of a new area I could build the Basin the starting place was nice and all but it was also cramped and it didn't really have much flat land so while flying around a bunch of new eras I found the perfect spot for this new location with a pow box down I planned at the coups needed as you could imagine I moved my breeder around setting up some new Hot Springs and building a few egg incubators near some cookies are you mine you are not mine oh why are you attacking him oh I don't even have my hold on hold on yo give me a second they can he cannot move with the Frozen Penguins yo those penguins are deadly holy crap I thought that was mine they're either going to kill you or not oh you know what actually no no no no no no no hey didn't even need to do it this next part I was actually dared to fight the starting region mamist okay so m you with all this stuff all right okay um you're going to have to kill him no don't make him come up oh you oh now you're just stuck up there okay you know what we're not using the dragon anymore you're pissing me off oo I could use this guy though that should be good seriously seriously oh you are a don't get me wrong this game was a lot of fun and I loved every bit of it except for the building I'm a huge Builder and in this game I always found myself stumped there were certain things I just wasn't able to do or very limited in and being a fan of building huge colossal things being able to make stuff the way I wanted to it was kind of hard but I did try my best with more Pals needed for my farm I found the perfect one just for that and they water so fast that's insane it's already done they just they're just waiting now maybe I should have more Farms going oh my God like a lot more Farms between extra plots being built and all the beds made my new location was starting to look better than ever before one last thing I wanted to do was add some sort of Bas likee building to my iron area Stone looked to be the best so while adding some stairs to walls and so much more to the foundations this is what I came up with I know it didn't look like much but with more time spent I Started Loving the place that was coming together adding a few things that would spice the place these penguins of mine were up to the task all I had to do now was move all the beds I had to the top of the floor space was starting to finally open up and that felt so great this was about to be awesome because I had all the essentials for more breeding to happen able to clear out all these camps with MPCs and guns felt easier than ever before I cleared them out super fast and freed any pal that needed my help I may have also fell into a random level 45 pal location but what are you going to do just watching them do their thing with that a care in the world I also got my iron from time to time with one more base to my name I had just the place for this go my pals be free to do my bidding I may have also started some new production lines what I really wanted to change up was all the pals working on the iron I needed more dig toys and the place for that was this desert area ooh look at this we got more mammoths fighting dude I swear I'm not doing this on purpose they literally just love each other to death you know what I might actually use this it's too hot here what really oh crap no uhuh sir whoa they're both going for me now I know it's a 3% but hey you got to try it out sometimes you know oh that one doesn't even work all right well let's try this one got it high quality leather okay so we're going to need some hot armor which is honestly fine I could deal with that it was almost like this game was trying to tell me something with all these mams I saw fight each other n look at this I'm just killing mamis like it's no tomorrow like there's no point with all the production lines I had finally set up all I needed now was a good source of power thankfully my rayun could do just that uh I might move them I just thought I'd throw them in here oh also I made a another base kind of thing I don't know again with these Raiders having built a few more hot springs for both locations and some beds for my Palace to sleep in no more being stressed out I did also have the right armor for the desert so now it was time to look for more dig toys oh wait wait wait I didn't realize you do that much damage I didn't realize I do that much damage what the fudge come on no stop it these are Big Balls too big balls on big walls come on come on come on no yeah that's right wait yeah that's right wait is there anything to like Fast try a nubis is over there yo that's sick oh this is going to be crazy isn't it look at this guys one1 one oh the guards in that um I I do want to catch them I just need a little more metal for bigger balls what I would soon come to learn was how different these camps were within the higher levels oh there he is you see that Syndicate Crusher this is the guy I saw ridiculous okay buddy buty whoa unlimited ammo dude so dumb taking a little break to check on some people you may want to look away hi big guy come with me um oh no you can't pick them up you can't move them which means you can't put them into breed he just made that up but the fact that it's believable is crazy we out here breeding people I don't well hello pretty hello so you can feed pet command command emote I'm trying to how do I do this Ah that's what it is okay that's a me to ball eh Look Away kids oh my God Jesus oh that's juicy course and gigos spere yo that's actually sick holy crap I'm blinking I'm blinking I'm blinking I'm I'm blinking oh what the yo I don't want to pet you what am I petting sure not petting your head hope you like that cuz that's all you're getting me too man me too assault rifle ammunition don't mind if I I definitely do the next day had me legit jump in my chair uh oh there's some metal holy crap yo okay buddy I can't see anything you're my screen my screen my ice cream my screen with all the Dig toys I did have the hunt was not over on top of all that goodness I was so close to another boss that easily became one of my favorites that looks like a a mean boss sacred Realm of the winged Tyrant ew that's a big quiver that's massive am I going to be able to win oh wait those level 23 no way oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God I don't like how big it is it's really this thing's huge you see that quiver quiver you know what hold on hold up hold up hold up hold up you want you think you're big watch this let's go let's freaking go you want big I got big I got big on big on big oh that might kill it or not okay actually it seems like I'm doing most of the damage oh God it knows it knows it knows oh can I catch it let's go let's freaking go I got a big bird of a quiver oh baby sounds like a dangerous Pokemon you know what I love it I love it I love it quiv is my new quiv taking the time to craft up a bigger and better Feed Bag I took a little more time to check on my pal the difference these new Pals made was night and day so we have tons of Ingot coming in now which is awesome we just need the gunpowder from the other side and we'll be good to go there so now this is turning into factorio honestly like there's so many games happening right now seriously like there was slime Rancher then there was Ark but then there's like other games involved too like you said there is literally factorio in front of our eyes right now this is where my curiosity got got the better part of me ooh we got a big old dungeon over here ooh I want to go there first uh level 40 you know what budg it let's try if we can One V one maybe this might work I don't even want to be here there grenadiers okay this is take forever to reload um maybe we I feel like I don't do any damage buddy are you going to attack here we go here we go come on hit him hard um yeah I mean that's not bad that thing's following me no no no no okay I feel like I have to squint is that just me really like blinding see this is how a dungeon should feel like it should feel not impossible but like a real challenge did my best I still have a lot of balls with me which is good still got some ammo for this gun oh they respawn as much as I wanted to deal deal with that there was no way I could clear up more than a couple rooms for the time being all that was left to do was some fun exploration around the upper parts of the volcano I don't know what is that what level is it rep uh wait what rep Tyro repti what is that lazyy punk yo I want this the music is awesome everything gets a little too loud I'm going to be honest but yeah there's no way I'm using the other pal spheres for this this would be insane I got to zoom zoom is that lava like moving or is it just like whoa oh wait could I literally just hold on I might be close here yeah there we go yeah boy got it all right go up no up up up up up let we go down down down down down I felt ready for another boss fight and to hopefully catch this one too next was a gumas and then a univolt come on this electric zi zap univolt is going down hey let's go all right I was moving fast I was also told to find something called a ragna hawk apparently they would be the best flying Mount until the real end game yes yes yes hey I knew it I freaking knew it ragnok here we go here we go yo look at that oh my God this is like out of a FPS game or something that's hilarious I love it oh that's great oh my God a new day here and I was trying my best to keep things powered up unival would do just that but seeing that the size made it difficult to do so I needed another Pal's help I also realize how long away it was but I needed a rematch with my panda Brethren you think you're cool enough whoo you actually stopped me there nice oh hello all right I'm going to get off I feel like this Mo Manda Manda Lux feel like they should be in like some sort of ring wrestling or like I don't know WWE St it with me we' caught you I didn't think that' work but awesome you're a oh hello hold on oh if only had money with me huh taking to the sky once more I was curious to find new Pals across the waters another desert-like place but this one filled with so many new Pals waiting to be caught do it do it do it yeah you little m do it come [Music] on you think I'm done you think I'm done no D I'll keep going I'll keep going I think I need the ultra ones now these are getting up really hard maybe I should say that every time I definitely didn't plan for another death to happen but that also made me more anxious than anything else I had to find a new fast travel Point close to my spawn you aren't going to believe this but my luck was Unreal oh I using that I'm using that I'm using that I am using that I was absolutely fangirling all over this new pal of mine are you ready for this you ready for this watch this watch this watch this Gyarados so cool it's a fire and dragon you know what we might keep you on actually cooking gives you a lot of levels holy crap look at him go too woo look how fast he's cooking what the fud yo what what yo he has kindling four oh my God yo this is going to be the best thing ever oh my God oh my God oh my god dude this guy's going to level up like crazy I knew I wasn't able to fight this but I needed a nice change of pace this is so cool this is awesome I'm scared but here we go cut scene time this is sick oh wait am I fighting [Music] people oh no no what are we fighting ooh okay this is so so cool did I explore most of the volcano um a fair amount yeah Marcus and fellis Quin is awesome Woo you're a big one you have 146,000 HP oh my God can we win I do 19 damage you oh God okay we can't win there's no winning there's no winning oh my God what if I take my big boy out oh wait you're fire hold on wrong one I'll take I'll hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on there you go there you go fight him come on come on yeah you like that Marcus you oh oh no oh I can't I can't how do you escape that one okay oh I didn't die all right I'll take that we take the W's oh okay there goes the other [Music] one well I mean that was honestly cool though I love that cut scene today would be me and my quiv against the world of Pals I didn't even know there'd be like a fire Gyarados type of thing I got lucky with that man that's so cool I love how you can just fly openly like this it's it feels so good Mount obsidian huh I wonder what there is here then is there obsidian or what wait you you might kill them I don't want you to kill him I want to kill him or catch him got to catch them all ass catch him I kind of want to see this guy in action now let's go oh damn that looks good kill him this guy is so big he has to back up oh I got you buddy I got you I got you I got you hey as much as I like that guy this ah he's so good he's so I'm so sorry for put you in that let's go uh if you keep scrolling down if you keep scrolling down there is legendary sphere now this one I don't think I'm going to get to this in my playthrough oh my God I need 43 for this guy I mean I did get lucky with the the thing I have but holy crap I had to make sure that my iron was coming in because it seemed that sometimes my pals just weren't up to the task Lantern this might help me for night time let's see I can finally build it because we finally have enough metal oh and the PO Box we definitely have to check that out that's been up there for quite some time now let's see though um oh I got to take it ooh so does it oh it's just on us forever now I think is that me yeah yeah ooh I like that okay with another trip on my quiv I started to see something out in the distance another Merchant location I had no idea wonder if this is oh this might be bad people oh no no no no these are good people okay I can't mistake them again hold on I did that last time I was like I started fighting I was like wait a minute this is actually really good oh look at this okay now there other people in here or is it all just like a broken down situation this is so cool it's just in the middle of the desert we got little guys hello you did it m waking who what you did it well making in here there isn't much but take a load off and relax it's pretty cold at night so don't go too far Marcus a PD a PF Big Shot keeps this Village safe we can live in peace and quiet thanks to him that's why it's a good idea to keep your head down here don't cause a fuss if you want to live long be smart and do what I do let the P PF protect you and survive for the day something I had to worry about was how much food my dig toys needed sure they had hundreds of points into food but man did they use the majority while mining away they also ate food like crazy and I was slowly losing my mind where's the food thing I can't even see the food thing all here we go the eggs we had wasn't enough and so I was thinking berries with my new refined pick my damage while mining went from 150 a hit to over 250 damage and that was by far faster than the pals themselves my first thought was looking for more digo trying to use the the incubator to catch more Pals and then condense them down the problem was I wasn't alone waa okay all righty then this man is crazy I choose you quivver oh God no no no oh you killed him in one hit I got to run I got to run okay I didn't think okay I guess yeah the levels do matter okay level 47 don't do it because level 47 right now is like level 100 unable to fight this Beast of a boss I had to hurry on home working on getting my wheat fixed into flowers so I could start cooking more Jam filled buns now looking to to upgrade more of my base's level it was asking for new beds to be built with the last bed being made and this giving my base an additional level up I was hoping for one more base build unfortunately the only thing that went up was the pals working in each base the smart move here was taking everything I had in one base and switching it up completely removing all the pals I had and slowly getting more working Pals to build up all the plots around after that it was just setting up the proper Palace to water plant and gather for the space of mine now it was just focusing on a single area for iron because having multiple was just way too much though these jam filled buns were great in food and gave a bunch of Sanity back too it was also a real treat to watch my German tide going ham on cooking what I started searching for now was more Bron cherries they were the best for planting as they had a level three for the suitability and my base needed so much more seeing that I was nearing the end of my playthrough for the time being I knew I still had a lot to explore but also to see and catch I had to check out this new location and pray something big and bad wasn't waiting for me oh we got this the stamina does drain super fast but we have this in the bag whoa what's a war sect whoa incin room knocked oh my God jman tide hello Wombo what watch what oh my God you don't like me can we like fly over then maybe trying to make my way to this tree of life sort of thing there was no way that was happening instead I decided on a little tour to a fast travel point and then looking through this Tundra looking place by this point in I just wanted to level up or try to do as much as I could catching bosses was the next best thing it went from catris to mandra and even this big Wombo Combo with a new day here I hatched something that I had no idea would even come from an egg hold on I got to see what a kitun is I'm really curious it's a flame doggo it's a flame freaking doggo look at this thing yo that looks so good I got a kitun from an egg okay you are what are you you're fire ignis blast oh wait we have a lot of fire though I can believe you're fire dragon you're fire bird fire dog electric dog the last few days I spent taking care of each one of my bases trying to tend to the farm and get Jam filled buns made to getting all the Dig toys Fed so they could then mine like madman a lot of farming and Mining went down with only 2 days left I had to do some serious catching dungeon yes please level 30 I got this i got this war SEC oh it's the Beeton oh that's [Applause] sick oh it's kind of like the penguin okay I like that fight to the death German tide kill him or no don't don't don't kill him sorry don't kill him right I think I got this oh get in my bones I knew it I knew it yeah mhm all right look at that caught 90 kinds of Pals yes I [Music] did now we just wait the hour all right right next would be MPC Black Market someone sh M shaft whoa hello right I forgot we found one of these before but never actually went in until well now oh hold on okay oh what is that oh this is where you are oh it's like a secret cave that's actually dope dude that's so sick um if that's the case too o oo I could use quiver you're Leaf in water which is perfect okay let's go I want to get in there but I'm kind of scared whoa whoa how'd you kill him so fast o o o yeah buddy oh we got that one still pretty hello glider think my glider is broken I think my glider's broken all right don't worry I'm going to use it as a shield this time this was Daye 99 and I was smiling like a joker Hello whoa oh God that looks so cool look at this like a version of me but electric oh this would be a great place to M you know what actually I'm going to mine it what am I saying um quiver I Choose You you shouldn't have come to the ground what are you doing stay flying look at this my huge quiver oh God all right I got to choose you [Music] then o o o o yeah that's right that's what we like to see all right with my very last day here there was no way I was just going to farm or do some basic thing in such a fun game here we go free Tower Alliance I'm coming for you this is awesome oh I'm on the wrong side hello join battle you got it got to hold F all right cut scene time I love this [Music] oh D she cute what she's really pretty though oh are her eyes I got this i got this I thought it was going to be something else I got this [Music] though Lily and lilline all right you want fire I got [Music] fire oh we might actually be able to do this I just got to make sure I don't get hit oh God okay okay okay okay okay okay okay [Music] okay she's really starting to hurt like how she's chasing me like this I don't like it I don't like it help me help me yeah burn him alive actually this is this might work if I just run around like this forever this might actually work just because this is where they chase you to try to get that melee like Shield thing off if I could just run around and get my Pokemon My Pal sorry to fight but I don't have unlimited stamina [Music] [Music] either what are we looking at okay even with a mega Shield that's crazy that to be crazy though [Music] I Choose You quivver [Music] Go all right I mean we're doing a good amount of damage can we defeat this in 8 minutes I hope so we just got to really turn those corners and then we run their poke yeah our guy will attack we'll have some time to get away to get our stamina up when you come a little closer we'll do hard 60 yep yep yep yep and you just keep chasing us let's do it okay that's one way to do this actually Lily you about to die what you got to say for yourself Lily nothing okay let's reload I'm going to finish [Music] her woo boss eliminated let's go oh that's good stuff Hello boss what are you guys doing freaking out me too ah that was awesome I actually did that I am yeah I'm surprised to be honest all right fast travel Point let's go back home and just give you guys a little Rejuvenation cuz you guys dead but they actually helped so much like I didn't realize I need two fire guys like that it's been so much fun to even go and say that we finally made it to day 100 I know a lot of people been asking for this game there's going to be a lot of people worried about it there's going to be a lot of people being like o it's a it's a ripoff it it plagiarizes it does all these different things not that other V video games do that too but that said all in all I just hope you guys enjoy this video that's it I'm going to make sure I keep the comments in this video specifically clean as possible I'm GNA delete everything that just doesn't provide positive good healthy feedback fun times fun moments that's all I want that's all I've ever wanted I really appreciate you guys watching this video thank you so much for the support if you guys want to see another video on this just let me know in the comments if we can get 200 likes that would be insane that would let me know that you guys want more of this video but that said I hope you guys have a lovely day have a great night I'll see you in my live streams Endor video Until then this is Ray Panda signing out bye guys into and shrouded we go
Channel: Rayofpandas Gaming Channel
Views: 85,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rayofpandas, palworld, 100 days palworld, palworld 100 days, I spent 100 days in palworld, I survive 100 days in palworld, I spend 100 days in palworld, palworld 100 days survival, palworld 100 days survived, rayofpandas plays palworld, rayofpandas spent 100 days in palworld, 100 days, rayofpandas palworld, I Spend 100 Days in Palworld and Here's What Happened, rayofpandas gaming channel, palworld 100 days gameplay, palworld pokemon with guns, new palworld game 100 days
Id: r7XI82SKlmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 25sec (4345 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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