Evolving a Human! - Evolution Simulator

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hey everybody I'm Blitzen welcome to a brand new game called evolution well it's not really brand new it's been around for a little while found it on inch dot IO it's free-to-play you can donate to the developers if you want to but it is free to play and I thought it would be fun to do a video of it today also the whole objective of evolution is that you create different joints and then with the joints you put bones together and then you add muscle sin oh I forgot to mention all the link down below in the video description if you do want to check it out so we can put in bones here let's connect the different joints with the bones which people wouldn't like a regular living organism unless it's a bone free one which would be like a worm or something so we'll connect muscles now the muscles connect the bones together and we'll make this weird W thing we can also I think you can kind of mash things together a little bit differently for the sake of this test we're not gonna do that we could also check out and change the different populations per generation so if we started off we're gonna have 50 different guys all going at the same time and is using machine learning to get more points as it goes right so see these guys over here on the edge they're actually learning and some of them are moving I could show one at a time in a few of them there we go look at him go he's so smart look it he's he's wiggling like a worm the game scores itself on all of these generations and all of the models based on the smartest ones and every oh like there's some of them that are really starting to inch their way for it oh he's got his leg turned around oh they got passed go oh we don't have the time going long enough but they're they're really starting to learn now if we let it go for a lot more generations then oh wow these things are doing really well look at him go go they're jumping now let it go for about 15 generations and look at these guys they're all learning together they're all moving to the right you can see the last of the generation what they've been doing they're using the last two legs as a launching point and then the whole thing is lifting itself up whoa I wish it kept out how far it went now I can't change up this mutation rate 50% less great she was better simulating at once simulate generation I don't know what that does we could try it batch size same generation let's do 10 see what that does yeah but yeah they're they're all starting to learn and learn oh there we go so they're all kind of doing the same thing there's ten of them at the same time I got stuck in the back we've oh man these guys are doing really really well anyway let's go back out of here and we're gonna make actually the game came comes with a few different things there's Frogger which I kind of modeled my thoughts after there's also hailer which is weird there's a kangaroo and a spider and a spring oh the spring looks very similar to what I have let's see let's see what the spring does hey spring spring spring why aren't you working spring spring I guess the spring doesn't want to spring stop it there's a spring going okay so some of them are working backwards it's about the same thing as what I made with mind without you've been looking at it very very neat let's see what the ruler is a spider I like that let's try it let's try evolving with the spider so I'm gonna show one at a time they're not really understanding how to walk properly do they so I think once the game gets a little bit smarter once it goes on the generations it's gonna put these legs down and I'll scuttle across the floor rather than just kind of limping along with one leg at a time yeah it doesn't really know how to go very fast so they've actually started to learn pretty well check it out 20 generations in he's kind of walking kind of limping forward he can go up he got stuck now there might be one that's ahead of him let's check oh wow he's in the middle hey there's a few of them that are doing really really well you can see the the best of the generation before so that the middle triangle is not really even touching the ground in some cases anymore pretty cool so what I wanted to do today it was I wanted to get back to the creature I wanted to try to create a human now a human's in this game I would assumed it'd be like animation rigging if you have ever looked at animation there's kind of like a head in the middle and then it goes to the shoulders so like the head would be up and then there'd be shoulders there and then they go on their shoulders there's the arms so I'm not gonna put an elbow in but I could put a little hand in on both sides so we connect these with the bones the head would go up over this would connect there and then you'd have the hands down they're kind of a little bit long but I can move things I can turn the grid off too if I wanted to go along with that we'd have the joint at about how about the waist how's it work shoulders and then waist level that should be good and then to go along with the waist there's usually like the pelvis and then you'd have maybe the knees here and if i zoom out a little bit I can go down more and then we'd have feet I don't know this might work let's check out we'll put the bones in put that down across and then we'd have to mess up with let's see delete that one and we'd have to try to mess up the muscles that's gonna be the hardest part here I think you know what I can do we can switch the grid off or just a little bit close that and then move the feet in up where's the move button of the feet in just a little bit closer like that you also move the hands in we don't really need long pants that make sense or you might want to put that up just a little bit maybe remove this one and then connect those bones together like this all the way through very good connect this here connect the feet all right let's see how we can do now if I do a simulation it has no muscles so it's just gonna go down in a big puddle of dumb and it's just gonna sit there because it has nowhere to think I can't go anywhere so if we put some muscles in hope that's not a muscle that is a thingy and we put muscles in so even if I just connect the neck what would happen now it's starting to move a little bit let's do one at a time the heads is just the Shivering little there it goes yep it falls down and then it has no idea what to do so if I go back let's try to add some more muscles now if you think muscles in your arms you'd have muscles you're like your traps right here you connect your arms to your shoulders a little bit you'd have your hand going up like so you'd have your like your abs and then you'd have your leg muscles and if we zoom down a little bit like you'd have your knee tendons kind of and then these are you gonna connect connect you there and I don't know if that's gonna work so let's just add most of us not really like a human but let's try it and see how it works okay that didn't work that didn't work some of them start us stood up I wonder if I need to make a triangle foot yeah well he fell down he's not learning how to stand up very well yawn down he goes again okay the foot turn the other way and see the best of the last when you just kind of shuddering now what happens if I increase the population to like 50 and drop the seconds per generation of five okay let's do I wonder if that'll be enough let's try this oh there it goes it explodes and then you get a couple at the end so I'm thinking that the guys that are falling far to the right are gonna get more points and it's gonna learn more oh that one moved let's try it doing let's try removing some of these we're gonna remove those let's put on that grid again and I'm gonna give it another knee I think just a like an ankle more than a knee let's put you in here and here and then we'll put the bones in like this and like this and like that and like that and then we're gonna we're gonna make like a foot okay now if I turn this back off I think I can move these just a little bit of perfect so that's more of a foot here now and this is gonna hopefully be one container if I link them all together and we'll link the foot to the leg and then that up to there and that up to there and maybe this one to here and that one that one to here now let's see if he's strong enough to keep himself vertical dropped it down to 40 population this might work a little better hey they're standing up longer some of them are really doing well hey they're alive they're alive they're not moving the feet though so they don't have any strength I wonder if I combined this would be not right in real life but let's just see if I connect those together and like this if we're gonna create some sort of monstrosity go hey some of them earn their easily is working it fell the wrong way yeah the foot is now so the legs are really strong and tied together but the feet aren't working at all okay I added another kind of a ribs area here and added some more muscle to try to keep that top up a little bit more steady and I'm not sure still like I'm thinking I might have to connect these I'm not positive with that whoa okay oh some of them kind of move to the right that's good news some of them didn't even fall up yeah they're still collapsing but he kind of sprung to the side see that let's see how this works after about 10 generations okay so this is generation 23 and it looks like they're not working very good everything is just falling down it looks like the legs might not be strong enough to withhold them all so the game like I need to I need to connect maybe the legs down at the bottom a little bit higher cuz the game doesn't know that we're trying to stand up it wants us to run and jump and do obstacle courses which we're not really building this guy for so if I I don't know the best way to do that but I feel like if I add cross bracing to that it could work let's just try maybe that's a little bit different oh oh some of them some of them are still standing he's still up I think it can learn that guy so it's still generated the best result being the one that fell through the right first it's is relatively humorous now if we look at the best of the generation the previous one we can see it a little bit better it where's my mouse at hello Mouse there you are let's just show one at a time so their objective what they're trying to do is they're trying to like swim across rather than walking up there goes one how do you jumped a jump so they don't understand that they're supposed to pick up their legs or maybe they don't know that they can so maybe if I connect their legs to like their shoulders we can connect like one of like let's try to do muscle here to their shoulders I think that might help out we're just creating like this very extreme muscular man now and it's not oh yeah okay some of them some of them playing this guy he's just it up oh that one jump backwards that's good news the best one of the last generation isn't going very smart all that guy standing hey hey he's standing he's doing it he did it but the game's not gonna reward oh oh they're starting to walk this might be the one we might have created life so we're on generation 20 now it's not really walking they're more of more crawling than anything else it's just a big puddle it's really weird because they have no upper body strength oh that poor guy see if we can get better one in here hey see they're just kind of getting a big puddle and they they've started falling onto the ground oh that one's kind of standing up but you can see that he has no muscular structure in that middle section so I'm wondering if I connect let's go back because it's kind of working if I connect these bones here to the those things hips it might work I don't know let's just try it oh he's standing up a little bit better maybe it's gonna have to take a lot of generations to understand this one I love watching him there's always like one or two in the back they just kind of tip over oh we got one that's still standing see I'm wondering if I increase the the time now let's say 15 seconds will continue that if one of these guys will start walking or rather than they'll just tip over like I wanted to see one of those guys walk but everyone just tips over and a big puddle and then they think for a while up someone moved someone's moving he's going he could make it for the distance this is like that cue wo P game without them without the real controls of it oh oh hello why are we jumped hey he made it the farthest he made it the farthest I think so the next generation they might all start jumping Oh that'd be cool here they go oh yeah they started jumping all they're learning they're learning can you do it oh man to be so great if this they're bouncing after each other okay we're at 15 now they'll tip over except this guy in the back look at him go he's like I have I am hips I could do it and then a couple of guys over here just laughing I'm like what are you talking about we're just crawling on the ground some of them are starting to crawl pretty well I like the ones that jump right away it's like a big swan dive over and then they just kind of figure out not how to do anything with their lives I'm also recognizing if you're watching here I'm also recognizing the need for the bottom of the foot to be connected to the leg so I think I might go back he's standing up again and maybe reworking some of the muscles in here to connect it from bones up because this if I connect these is not nothing much is gonna happen because it's like an enclosed structure of bones but if I delete them all and rework it I think it might do something better I wonder if I connect the feet together what will happen let's try hey some of them are standing on the first iteration that's pretty good dad's for me yet nope you're not gonna dance you're gonna dance I need one of them to dance for me look that one is backwards oh there we go Hey he's walking well that one kind of walked he kind of walked I wonder if they're gonna learn from him oh yeah they're kind of oh oh so the knees now are not strong enough to support everything cuz the knees are buckling oh they're making it though Louie he jumps so this might have been a good idea but there's no way of locomotion now if they pulled that leg back oh they just do a swan dive so I made the kneecaps really long but I'm gonna shorten them up I think this will work to be shorting them everything shortens now we just have a kneecap that hopefully will strengthen the entire leg we'll try that why not right we're evolving that's the whole idea evolve and try to figure out if you're doing things right they didn't seem to work you know what I didn't put in the feet again hey go back I said we're gonna put in the feet down at the bottom this and then this and then this all right so the legs can't come apart but the knees should have a little more power I don't want to save it go oh it stepped I saw one actually take a step they're standing up they have support so I've decided to change the mutation rate to a hundred percent I don't know what's gonna happen this is generation 25 and there should be evolving quite heavily whatever whatever that means they should be changing a lot it does look like they're trying to more live scoot along the ground rather than trying to walk but that's kind of expected since the whole goal the game gets points and awards points with how far it goes to the side I want to try one more thing OOP no but I want that I want to try one more thing where I remove some of these things in the feet those together and I increase the muscles in the arms because I feel like he could start to crawl better if he had more muscles in his arms maybe I can try it let's put the hand up to there and that went up to there now what I could do is like scoot across the ground if it had some power let's try it and I know it's not humanly anymore but that's the whole point is to create a better human oh look that woods that one's really kind of doing up the hustle do-do-do-do-do yeah they've got they're trying to move with the arms oh maybe I like the one that stands up all the time that's kind of cool what happens if I make the arm shorter we could try that too because it looks like it's getting stuck and what it wants to do is like use that as a paddle to move I might over complicate I'm pretty sure I've overcomplicated everything here and we need to make the arm go up so the 25th generation they still haven't learned how to walk they're kind of doing like the shoulder shuffle pulls up the arm and then like there's a bunch of dead body weight on the backside I think for one more attempt let's just delete the entire bottom half of our person and they're still feet it's trying to delete all of those and just see what he will do without it oh he's got a tip upside down isn't it hey there's the pelvis it's kind of gross how it's waving up and up in this guy I think this might actually do pretty good if it can figure out oh it's Fanning itself backwards oh there they go they turned around and now they're gonna flip the right way alright I think we've done it let's show one at a time we have created the ultimate of human Hey we've got legs we've got arm things we have a head and it's working we're working the generations are going forward I all it did was to remove legs that is how to get the perfect human if we if we would have known that I guess the legs that we made contained a lot of extra parts and I mean it's not meant to walk it's not meant to be bipedal it's meant to scoot so this does make sense that it works but the ultimate human does not look anything like the humans that we have today anyway guys that's gonna wrap it up for today's video of evolution I hope you enjoyed the game if you didn't check it out in the link down below in the video description I keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 3,939,836
Rating: 4.6672139 out of 5
Keywords: evolution, evolution simulator, neural network, machine learning, evolution game, evolution simulator game, natural selection, blitz, blitzkriegsler, apr2018, 2018
Id: JY4GPPv0wks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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