Evolving the Biggest Brain Possible! - Evolution Simulator

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hey everybody tumblin so welcome back to another episode of the game called evolution so you guys told me they like my car from the last video unfortunately I've been messing around with it today and well it's not really working it's starting to kind of crawl as you can see on this one I've tested a few different things out I also I also checked this out I updated the game if I could click on that one there you go and it shows the muscle construction and expansion now which is really neat so expansion and contraction of muscles to help it walk in move but I did get some really really good tips on this car that I wanted to check out with you guys today if we go back and we kind of have like a bad case of a bunch of mess so if we delete that and we go in and we kind of create two different wheels here this was a good suggestion by some of you guys if I create two different wheels and we combine all these bones together make a little shell we put a joint in the middle of these and we connect all of the spokes all the way around and around and around so what we have here is basically a set of two different wheels now something else I thought of doing and what you guys suggested is if I connect like that one there and then this one here it'll understand where those are and it should pull back and forth there go see is stretching out and some of them are really starting to roll like that so they're trying to think they're stretching out they're going super far look at that the fitness level up your 49% they're getting stretched really really really really far but what would happen if we put in a bone in the middle of these two now check it out hey they're starting to roll already on generation 1 some of them started to go ok let's just look at one in time and I might have put so something else you want to do in this game is put it in a starting position if that makes sense and what's happening here is this is not a starting position maybe I should move the muscles so if I move the muscles to back to like there and then to this one day here were the opposite and they're the same length it could work there it goes see some of them are starting to roll uh-huh now that's the first generation so after a few of these it should start working really well so I've changed up my design just a little bit made it a bit bigger and it seems to be working the vehicle is kind of chew chewing along like a little train I mean the tires are rotating the fitness level is really really low but it's not really doing too long I've got that I've got this time set down to five seconds but if I move this up to say 20 and we continue then we'll see what happens here so it goes it chugs chug-chug-chug there we go we're getting some that are starting to move Oh Oh catching up and going forward they're learning it's learning or other 15th generation watch these things so they're contracting it's moving backwards a little bit and then that red one contracts and then the blue one needs to pull back now you see that that blue one if the blue one pulls back then I think it'll learn really well but if we check out this map almost every one of them look identical now so that's kind of interesting if it's just thought just for a second that it needed a pull up see it pulls back and then we need to go forward there you go pulls around and then this one this one needs to fire red that would ease the fight red no and I do you guys have been wanting me to click on the brain and I've been adding more neural net layers to this so this one is 36 38 nodes and it's starting to it's it's doing all right I was thinking about messing that up a little bit since this is it oh there's red come on turn red turn right direct get direct contract no gets right at the end and it doesn't want to contract so if I go back in we can click the brain and now maybe let's add let's say 30 onto here oh we're giving the Tigers a brain we'll see if it'll work now we might also thought about moving around these muscles just a bit because they're not smart enough right now there we go okay let's see what this does I move the muscles it seems like some of them went right away look at this look at first generation already it's going it's going Oh some of them are doing really well level to contract oh I don't have that I don't have the note is on why aren't they showing contractions and expansions this is the one right here watch watch the watching go Nell so some of them yes yes the leader it's learned how do I contract and expand and contract and expand it's doing it okay let's watch that one again uh-huh and roll and roll and roll and roll contract expand get rekt contracting expanding its learning Oh some of these are doing really really well now fantastic we've got a working vehicle oh they're going pretty fast too yes yes jump chug chug now I wonder what happens in like say 30 evolutions all right we're at 21 now I thought I'd wait until 30 but check this out every one of them is getting really really really really close to the same thing and there it's keep on rolling and rolling and rolling so now if we add at the time where's my mouse if I add more time to this say 30 seconds per generation I think we're gonna get something that looks really really really cool when we get to the next generation here okay here we go so generation 23 it's gonna keep going and going and going let's go see one at a time contract and expand attract and expend it's doing it it's doing it we're getting this might be the best the best fastest bestest traveler I've ever made in the game I don't know there's been some that have traveled faster this is really cool though uh-huh keep rolling keep rolling now there's probably some that are better and I think it'll get more refined if I give it more time now I have to say that this is kind of hypnotic in a way look at the way those things move that kind of groups up and then it spins down again kind of like a helix like a double helix that it's no it's much more than a double helix look at him go isn't that coolican now these things are learning really really well and as it moves forwards some of them kind of break free maybe yup there we go we're starting to break free a little bit of that tough Bend look at that one in the back - it's kind of hanging out just waiting it's gonna catch up now nope yeah no time anyway I think that's enough playing with the Tigers today I do want to save this though I don't know what I'm gonna call it maybe just tires tires tires Oh whoo ahead Dyer's okay and we're gonna play around with some of your other suggestions know one thing you guys really liked was the random challenge so let's try a random challenge again make some bones together just randomize it a little bit okay we'll do that I'll just do that one and then there in there in there how's that look let's connect you to there okay muscles I have let's see if I make that's connected back let's connect this muscle kind of forward a few I don't know how this will go but it'll be fun and then that one two there and then this one down here and over to here okay Wow what is it oh it's creeping some of them are creeping oh that's that's weird it's alive its alive I like this end it's got like that foot down there and it's just moving all weird and wonky I think some of them might work oh it's gotten a kick starting to kick now alright forty eight three generations in it's not galloping like our horse in previous episodes it's not even really doing anything cool besides just rolling fitness at 8% it's just kind of a boring little weird thing yeah he was worth attempt it was worth an attempt now there was a suggestion a while back to make a trip of shape I don't know the best way to do this but I'm gonna try you better believe that I'm gonna try what I think would be a good idea is make a nice little platform down below so it has a little more weight down here I guess I might just link all these together so it has a good amount of weight in there okay so next thing with a tripper Shay is that they have like an apex point up top need to get that in the middle and then we connect the bones here alright so that's of course now I need to move these over one and then we'll move this over one and then it's even okay so the trebuchet we'd have to have a point over here and we'd go through all the way through here the bone would come in and then it would go out to about right here let's put in a point there and that one doesn't look right so let's move that one just a bit it's still not right now it looks good okay that one looks fine so then there's a counterweight on top of this so if we make a counterweight it needs to be a ton of bones and then I'll connect it just so we get a lot of weight here now so the question is do we connect this down here I think we probably should and we don't need any muscles there now the hard part is how far can we fling see we need to connect these like pretty heavily man that's gonna be weird those are gonna be connected I don't know how I'm doing this and then we have to create like another we have to create like the rock down here right so if I connect all of these together and attach a muscle from oh that's not gonna work so we're gonna have to make another little joint and a bone in between because you can't connect those two then we'll have to create a muscle from here to here to the center well that's good enough and then we're probably gonna have to create a muscle of there to there all right so that's technically the trebuchet and head flip itself over what okay that well it's working except that balls not getting picked up it's tip it over oh the trebuchet does not work right as expected camera click on the best the best of three so the ball doesn't move the thing does fling pretty heavily with the counterweight wow that goes really really fast okay can I can I go back just watch one yeah see that the whole arm picks up but it doesn't pick up the rock so if I delete this and then put in a bone a bone connecting that up here and evolving it it still doesn't lift up the rock Oh that said that's really sad I have no idea how I could make this work out of maybe let's a bunch of muscles on here muscle okay we'll just start with that yep propose nothing kind of wish I could take a muscle and like wrap it around a point like your like your knee muscles would be let's try that yeah it's not gonna work that's too bad it was a good suggestion you guys want to see more weird suggestions I'll definitely give it a try all right so I wanted to think today we had that brain thing right we've already been messing with the brain a little bit this is one of the default things called the spring now if we put it in the jumping it works really really well well it should after a little bit of time it doesn't work very well to begin with but some of them make it jump really really good now its objective is to go vertical so wants to go a vertical distance from the start see now they're starting to jump a little bit better and it's starting to work kind of their horizontal distance so that wouldn't got very close but it's jumping pretty nice and tall now I was thinking this kind of looks like a leg right if we were to change some things up it kind of looks like a lick sort of maybe we put that back and then bring you in it could be a kind of a leg you have the foot and then you have a kneecap here then you have like hip right so if I delete it well if we kept that one and we just duplicated like so and let's say we attached a muscle or a bone right there and then we made some sort of triangle on top now how does that look maybe we'll see now probably want to connect muscles from here to here as well and evolve that oh okay hey one of them stood up oh that's good now their objective is entirely to china jump right maybe I gave it an extra joint that we didn't need in its body right I guess I mean it's got it's got knees and hips and our hips don't expand if they did that'd be kind of weird so maybe let's remove this top segment connect that and let's put in a joint here okay connect with bones and muscles to here and let's see what happens hey so one of them stood up now this is on the jumping as well now every one of them falls over if they fall over you probably just want to start over cuz they're not gonna learn they're gonna keep doing what they did so let's move you guys out a little bit like so vertical down legs up hey whoa-ho they're standing first generation they're standing now they're having some problems it jumps one time and then tips over and it starts kicking which is what we had happening with our human now why is this that's the question do we need to move the feet a little bit different is it off-centered what's going on here cuz its objective is to jump maybe if we move the feet what happens if I move the feet down like that yeah one of them that stood up they up in level one some of these are right why is your Fitness 12% okay generation two twelve twenty point seven three percent oh it's getting less fit they all want this one I want the one that stands up like that one right there hey you standing up there is swaying that's what we want we want the sway ER nope everyone's just falling over what would happen if we gave the fella you know what we should do you guys want me to play with this brain thing and I've already tried it mess around with it a little bit if I give it 10 layers Wow and then we added say 15 to each Oh 15 there we go oh yeah it's getting it's getting more neural paths right oh boy I don't know if this is gonna work we might blow up my computer that's okay it's for science purposes okay back and now let's close it and let's do 10 seconds per generation let's drop this down to 10 just to have a little more impact hey hey they're a little bit smarter maybe I want this one to be alive still no not that one hey not the kicker houston we have a problem I might need some stabilizing arms let's just make a person let's try to make a person again connect those those look good now you guys said you wanted triangles right triangles for stability and stuff so let's do triangle down we're gonna make like a trep trapezoid here if I connect those okay and then we'll put a head on here maybe a triangle head triangle head let's do a triangle oh well this the alien an alien and then we can do like an arm if I did arms up maybe might be better let's try that out that looks good and then we combine these guys up we'll need to attach like you to the shoulder and then we'll need to keep the head on straight - maybe if I do anything in here it should extract it and now I'm thinking that this will keep it kind of balanced maybe maybe not it just tips over cuz it's too heavy so Jim you need to be slimmed down a little bit let's make you know down one down one down one like that maybe those arms are too long maybe the legs aren't far enough apart let's see if this brain works mmm brain does not work right now or my design does not work so it looks like he probably needs better hips what she didn't have at all so let's give him hips we can move the bone between here and here and then down we'll get that triangle working up and I don't know let's connect these with muscles first we could connect those together even though I won't do anything and we'll see if that does anything Oh No still tipped over at level one e tips over let's see if he can run at all running doesn't work either because he just tips over we got a lot of these neural nodes here and I've made it so it has triangle feet I thought that would help out a little bit but it seems like they aren't that smart they kind of crouched down I'm trying to think if I connect that one up if it'll help out so let's do that really quick will do this bone the problem is it's just gonna be a giant bone structure it's not gonna do anything except just stand up and then it falls down because it's crotch is very weak it's doing the splits now isn't it hey all this doing the splits this poor human now I'm thinking too if I connect like that bottom leg to the shoulder on both sides of the bottom leg which one this one up to the shoulder then that'll help it like stay up maybe not that one he dipped over hey we got one that's standing pretty well though they slowly sink mihrabs but oh man I've got one standing I got one nope that's that one this one he's actually standing up could it could they learn Oh best to generation one it almost looks like Zoidberg he that's not I mean how is this one the best we got one that's standing guys we got one that's standing there yes oh there they might work this might do it oh well I just want him to stand back up push I think he's getting a lot of fitness points for like flexing down here being crab mode I think that hope we should just show one at a time I think that's what they're trying to do is that it's like grinding on the ground and it's working I'm gonna try a couple other things I hate doing this and I'm just gonna attach here or any kind of get rid of that knee and we're gonna we're gonna bring up his brain some more we're in evolve this brain what happens if we did a hundred layers of tens the max 50 that's a 6 up 10 must be the max there let's switch it up that's kind of off a little bit it should be even but that says 10 layers and then this is 10 at the last one anyway we'll see if this brain evolution causes any difference whoa oh it's still do the splits probably because it just is slowly falling down yeah that that looks painful see that's what I want to see I want to see him stand up and then start jumping not pull their legs for other parts if they pull their legs for other part we should probably connect those two it's learning though it is learning let's connect these two and then maybe the feet now let's just hope it doesn't oh there we go there we go it's standing up they're not slinking down anymore and we're back to having the same problem of all of the complicated ones is that it just slings down oh let's go back just links down into its puddle because it can't figure out how to rock so we've overcomplicated this we need less brain okay I've got another animal here kind of a human kind of my egg my thought is that he's gonna bounce no not sure if it'll work but we'll go in here now I did increase the neural network settings to extremely high performance impact sure yep that's what's gonna happen I don't know why it's not symmetric there's ten layers that should be all symmetric in here but I don't know but see if it'll work drop population in 25 seven seconds per generations what I found to be good at the first level and we'll see if anything happens he tips over of course he does what else would it what else would a little dork do and of course they just want to fall over well this one didn't she kind of wanted to stand up he kind of wanted to stand watch oh it freezes pretty heavy on the regeneration a lot of thinking going on yeah they wanted they want to stand up they just can't quite make it plus they want to run so if I go back to the jumping you might be able to jump or tried jumping with him and they fall over even worse no why do they fall over I decided he didn't need a head so this might work hey they're not jumping I'm having a very hard time trying to make a jumping guy or at least a walking guy if they fall over right away at the beginning of the first one nobody's gonna really stand in the end so I have to say this is pretty funny now just go in a straight frog mode and by frog mode I mean that they fall into a puddle Oh would you yeah well it just slinkys down I don't want it there just slinkys down into nothing it doesn't try to jump at all it just decides to go into a puddle I don't know I don't know of a way to make human work like that to me would be the best design I could come up with maybe if I move some things around up here maybe make it like a chest but I think it's gonna do the same thing if I made the foot longer so it's stood on it and then made a triangle back to there I mean that's that's pretty much not gonna be a human anymore right I don't know we'll try that out I guess that'll be the last attempt so I'll try this out and we'll see what happens with it it might do something it's standing up some of them are swishing their arms that's what I was hoping for the arms would swish and then it would kind of lift itself up a little bit yep so our guy is just not doing anything besides just wiggling his arms Road makes sense even with the bigger brain the 422 nodes of the neural network he's not learning too just because he doesn't have up whoa there he stood up he stood up I wonder if he'd move eventually hey I think we might have succeeded on making somebody stand he's standing it doesn't have enough upward thrust in order to make these things go up speaking of what you guys want me to make a missile I might try around with some some different things off-camera between these episodes well kind of trying to stand up again but yeah I'm making a Miss would be very very difficult this guy looks kinda cool though I wonder if I gave them like longer arms that didn't quite reach the ground if he'd swing himself up but as it stands right now I think that's gonna cover it for this video so guys thank you for watching I hope you've enjoyed our little dirtiness of making the bigger brain is evolving the biggest brain so I mean there's not much more I can do for adding on brain parts maybe if I oh let's can I can I do oh wow Oh a thousand nope it goes up to a hundred okay so there's the biggest brain possible oh boy let's drop the population to maybe two and you evolve it hey that actually is functional so this should be the smartest hey you know what we should do instead of trying to mess with that guide let's go back to our horse remember this thing this was the galloping horse thing we made hey what is the first evolution Oh nope he still does this jumping we need to go running and we need to up the population okay let's see how long it takes him to run it yeah see some of them are going it's just a mess right now it looks like the biggest brain is bigger than my PC can handle it's not working it's not loading up the next generation so guys that is gonna wrap it up for today's for you hope you've enjoyed our attempt tell yep there's this circle II oh you can't even see that the mouse pointer has got encircled Oh evolution is not responding time to close it down guys thanks for watching oh it worked hey kind of that took way too long oh wow evolution won it figured out how to run so guys thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 192,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evolution, evolution simulator, neural network, machine learning, evolution game, evolution simulator game, natural selection, blitz, blitzkriegsler, 2018, evolving, may2018
Id: 0yr1OEgKfvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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