When Apes Evolve Into Humans in Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey

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so if your new viewer to the channel or a longtime viewer you might recognize that I like playing a lot of evolution games and if you have recognized that then this game might be one for you it's called ancestors and the whole idea is that you're an ape clan or a monkey clan of some sort and you're trying to open up neural pathways to evolve to being more and more and more human-like as your generations go along your monkeys get older the age they might get attacked by wild animals and they die and if they die then you get to be another new little monkey you travel out the world exploring your surroundings finding new things and then mixing and matching them together to open up more neural pathways in your brain to evolve pretty cool concept well anyway it comes out tomorrow on the 27th to thank the developers for sending a very interesting game I hope you guys will enjoy this oh dang man we just fell out of the tree gate Oh what is that what was that that was like some creepy thing we gotta find a place to hide there we go what's that thing that's that focus let's focus on it okay and identify a hiding spot let's quick little monkey man let's get over there I think I can find it I think I see it is that it is that an leaves there oh here it is I found my hiding spot let's go good inside oh you'll be all right little buddy you'll be all right oh I feel bad for him whoa what is this okay oh it's like you to find the lost child of my clan there's Mike there's me a big now so if I look around there's other things to explore here what is this I can focus on that and identify it we don't know what it is clurel growing neutrons though let's uh grab this thing then there we go I just picked the thing I just picked a log and now I could inspect it what is this thing it's just you really don't know monkey man that you found some leaves oh it's a new tool nettle grass psych head okay oh there's more monkeys in here hello monkey dude what are you doing can I inspect you oh there's more things what's this oh it's rocks argh like rocks I picked up a rock I'm gonna inspect the rock so I felt like a bush and a rock now you smell it yeah the rock doesn't smell it looks dangerous no a new tool discovered I'm sitting it oh I can make flint nabbed arrows now we'll just leave that here oh I felt more grasses over there hello friend what are you doing hey talking to each other nice look at this it's a tree branch can i grab the tree bridge oh yeah it's something to look at here quick grab the tree branch let's inspect this to you to smell it oh yeah definitely smell it okay this berry bush quick grab a berry let's try to eat it give you eat it oh look at that it's kind of cool he doesn't even know what it is I guess that's why he's grown brain juice nice it's a bearing of some sort okay so do I have this is my house I'm guessing since the more the other monkeys live oh yeah there we go right there let's focus on this current clans settlement and I'm gonna memorize it so I know where to go aha so we know everything about our current home we're gonna go find ourselves a baby monkey that fell out of a tree you can do it buddy accept it listen to him I hear like squawking going on oh here we go follow the yellow brick road I see it I see it in my sounds let's spread to him see if I can pinpoint it oh here we go is it over there okay can I focus over there focus my hearing identify it oh yeah it's a little deer to monkey join the the small child oh I'm gonna jump onto a drape ah oh that was cool oh man I'm like a monkey swinging from bridges and stuff whatever he is I don't see him right now can I just slide down whoo oh that hurt nope we're good where are you little dude whoa what's that noise it was like a snake over there he's up there I definitely heard a snake somewhere thought I heard like a growl - there's a lot of creepy things in this game there are where are you are you down in this little rock buddy oh yes I think so yeah time come for the kid where are you buddy oh I heard a snake comfort him before the snake gets us oh he's so cute shouting come here little buddy oh there yes join a clan in your settlement oh come on little dude we'll be best pals it looks just like me now I get to bring you home hopefully we don't die by some snake oh there's a snake right there I'm gonna can i intimidate it or something hey snake bro huh well dodging attacks oh ho well I got bit by a snake oh no this was a bad idea how did she do that intimidate there we go yeah get out of here snake Oh new wildlife yeah the eastern Green Mamba this is maybe a bad idea okay we got to make it back up to our clan before we die of a snake poisoning haha don't worry friends I have brought the boy child back oh it's so cute look at him he's such an adorable little guy what do you got to say oh he's playing with his friends you better not get eaten again I definitely don't want to have to rescue you again Oh Mama's happy oh this isn't good you smell the snake poisoning on me are you thinking me Oh No what's going on I am NOT well versed in the monkey languages it looks like they were happy you can evolve your lineage faster than the ancestors didn't I you know what I get to do it I gotta sleep off the snake poisoning let's go lay down here in the bedding area lie down and sleep feel like I was sleeping all night long that's okay because I no longer have snake poisoning whoa what was that oh but now I can drop the child there we go and I can evolve whoa neural network progression okay nice we're getting some more nodes on here when there's different ones there's generational and regular evolution okay explore Oh a few species nice so you got to go explore and find more new stuff we can do that oh wow the world is big and exciting there's more things to explore what is this I don't even know let's go identify it Oh looks like at large rock tonight can I pick it up oh let's expect that beast Oh big rock or like big rock yes a liftable rock we have done it so there's some diamonds over there along with this thing what is this I don't know let's go check out one of these diamonds see what we can find with it I memorize this location so I can just run to it quicker okay monkey in a tree oh wow yes swinging between branches oh okay I'm okay I seem to have lived oh there's something there's another animal I don't know what it was I want to intimidate it too huh scream at my problems and they all go away whatever that is it's a long ways way it was sort of closer one oh yeah that one's much closer oh oh oh ding it's a war hug and a mama are they gonna fight each other and if they do can I eat one of the losers oh oh whoa buddy new wildlife discovered a giant Pumbaa where are you bud maybe I don't want to mess with Pumbaa let's go figure out what this triangle is there we go can I eat this I need to eat something I can't eat it right okay inspect it then if I inspect it can I eat it well it's a new type of berry yes a new food discovered cat here I'm gonna eat that shove that in your mouth you little monkey man nice now I have a broken leg I don't know why what this is maybe a bedding area because I know like Apes like having big tree forts okay let's oh no whoa made it haha yes okay can I inspect this thing now I came straight up eat up here oh is this a feeding area I'm discovering it what did I find Oh new landmark has been discovered the sister arches is this where we can sleep as a family guessing it's called the sister arches because there's arches and they're probably sisters and they have the same mother earth okay so memorable location we can smell it what I got a new you neuron to intelligence ha ha ha it's my jam right there getting brain smart Oh what is this thing grab it inspect it it's like a green fern thing oh you don't like that one what is it a new food nice a horse tail ok if I eat that do I get like super benefits from it oh look he's eating it like corn that's awesome we have another thing up at our house let's go let's go look at that oh I'm I'm waiting fast like I'm getting super tired or hungry or both I'm not actually sure what I need right now get up there monkey bro got to go home oh there's some plants let's see if he's quick there we go if I just eat this I get a bunch back ok good good need that vitality yep why is the bulkan broan thing in the bottom left corner going up I don't know is that good gonna break a bone by just binge eating on these berries nope I'm full now now it's raining I don't want to be in here they're in the rain it's gross on the side makes my first smell bed it's a fight can I discover that now II what did I get ah Oh what just happened okay the jungle hidden waterfall oasis Mina was here this is where our our family lives but it makes me smarter so I'm glad I identified it uh-oh what is that what meteorites monkeys no light meteorites interesting he's running for it where am I going oh it crashed down in there did you know learn about fire buddy he's all wet yeah growl let it intimidate it Oh there that thing what is that a dead person oh no should we go look at it oh nice jump my dude oh yeah there's a dip oh it ain't bird Oh No okay alright okay this is uh not as going as planned oh is that like that now what is this I need to grab this thing grab it was it like a pinecone Oh coconut maybe some sort of fruit yes new totes a new tool a fiber apply what am I gonna do with that is it getting the wetness off of me okay oh great now I've got some other tool that I need to do maybe I should have stayed dumb okay we're back in the tree okay we got to figure out what these eggs are I definitely want to eat one can I eat an egg hey let go let go eat the eggs grab it nice inspect it I'm guessing this as a giant Hawk thing we're to get revenge on eating the first monkey that I was oh I don't know what that was but I got rid of it Oh dodging attacks what an eagle egg I know try to attack me okay this was not good we're getting out okay oh oh no this is not good okay now I need to get some of that that sponge thing again feel like I've spent all day trying to find more of these fibers like close to him that I can grab I can't oh okay there's two up there Oh maybe and maybe I'll onto it now where is one Oh grab it yes I don't even know what it does but I'd like it apply that yes rub it all over it's deodorant of the jungle okay fibers application least twice I still don't know what it does thanks Gabe I appreciate your direction oh no I'm dying it might be because I I might have fallen and broke my leg huh okay I made it in my house call mate wait hold on hold on hey Oh what communication oh hello hello mate of mine oh wow looks like right now forget the D monetization code on this one well that's um some nice sound effects there we just do it again I guess so that's one way to get rid of a broken bone and we have evolution now ah interesting oh my neural pathways they're opening up a lot nice I can initiate okay let's initiate this learning a new ability Oh Ranger detection of ink is enhanced it intelligence nice so if I click on all of these oh wow perception I can smell farther I can switch hands with an item okay motor skills what's this one Oh gather all clan members okay gather all climbers and have them follow you oh so we can move ah morning time beautiful dawn nice food we got plenty of food can I bring the baby monkey with me piggyback time baby monkey haha they're going with dad today or your new stepdad good night I just want to eat all this up to get a nice breakfast in yes okay okay you don't need to eat 300 berries we're good drink up some water that's not water still a berry keep Oh scoop it up but our clerk clerk nice and now we got to go explore that meteorite because I've spent all day like working on fibery things what was that my cold is it a cold day today oh whoa ho whoa I did I dodge away I don't think I dodge fast enough whoa I did not see him oh that was bad run for your little life boogeymen well there's the meteorite I think we have smoke down here whoa can i intimidate a giant anaconda oh yeah yeah is it oh it's not emanated it's not imitating run away oh it's coming after me get up that tree I bet that thank you climb trees oh oh no no no no okay am I good am i good everything's good okay smell it yeah let's focus on that thing what is it I don't want to memorize I want to stab it haha poke it in the tail oh intimidated chip it Oh dodging attacks oh no whoa whoa Oh African rock python oh that's so cool this is still after me it's still after me it's still after me I want to go look at that that thing now there's a fighter warthog oh no whoa whoa fear of my senses there's this is no creepy what's going on oh there's a big shiny bright light I need it in my life get up I don't know what's going on dopamine dopamine rush avoid hysteria am i okay well there's still a big rock python here we go here we go running running or bleeding his stuff ho that was awesome I didn't really want to go figure out what that giant thing was down there did I get rid of all the rock pythons still after me whoa what's it love to have some items may be altered with bare hands or crafted what hold up waiting crap things I got the coconuts in my hands though Oh II didn't eat it new food Coco's what I wonder now hold up can I use like rocks and stuff I can alter it I'm gonna rip it open oh nice probably need a rock instead oh wow ripping the arms off of it rip rip off the shelf yeah nice I'm getting it dexterity there we go get that coconut over there yes I got a new I got ice tripping I learned how to strip things all right I can throw a coconut okay switch hands now if I eat it you know oh nice I don't think coconuts normally have those bowling ball holes in it do they don't think so okay definitely want to eat it though can I eat it eat it eat it you don't know how you don't know how to eat a coconut oh so we got to go find a rock now let's pick up the thing again now we're an altar it ready got it Oh Oh hitting things I learned how to hit things now can I eat it Oh inspect it oh I'm the smartest monkey in the history of smart monkeys now what you're gonna do with it you know poop on it probably throw it open coconut no eat it yes sorry little monkey bro my back you can't have any of that that's all mine I have the first monkey in the history of monkeys to learn how to eat a coconut Oh what is this a mushroom oh oh this is not gonna be good bread we're to inspect the mushroom I don't think you want to eat these like I'm not a mushroom ologist but I know that you're not supposed to eat mushrooms never mind we're gonna eat it African fungus eat it eat it eat it oh yeah I knew it wait what happened did I get poisoned well there's a frog gonna eat the Frog what happens if I eat like a bunch of them oh that was a bad idea I like it though things are happening to my digestive system it's like eating Taco Bell there's something around here some sort of large animal oh no that's my fear what is going on is it paranoia or something from eating those mushrooms no there we go we evolved some more I think let's see can I can I use these points so I can initiate a sign neural energy okay let's do that can I learn it spatial perception oh okay can I learn it and maybe I don't want to get all of the cat infection odor increased okay what one that I kids like make item manipulation that's what I want come on come on yes yes learning ability abilities okay I did that more dexterity okay cool oh now now can I make items can I make tools what is this one more dexterity handling.we possible to drop an item while moving oh wow big big ones there acute stress response oh yeah reaction time we need this because cuz it might have been a slight problem no ice connected oh wow warthogs all the dudes got a stick can I sharpen a stick wait can I go sharpen a stick like you dead branch give me you I need you you a dead branch I can eat it oh I still had a monkey in my hand there we go grab a branch nice switch hands I can't use that on the walk oh do I have two sticks I only want one stick yep we're good okay oh wow stripping stripped a branch can I alter the big rock here maybe let's see no it's still the other one they're gonna lift it whoa whoa oh I broke my stick oh no oh that was interesting no that was interesting I feel like I feel like I'm learning things here go get another stick grab stick switch answer it altar this beast yeah strip it for all it's good strip it for all it's good you did a good job now are these rocks I can play with they are maybe those are the barracks a different type of little rock though can a little rock is this one just smells things what have we got Oh a new tool discovery basalt why didn't my am I getting older or something let's see if I can alter Oh No Oh what oh I'm sharpening a stick I am sharpening his thick no way oh you're the best monkey how long does it take how long does it take I'm losing energy this is a young monkeys game oh oh I kid myself can hit a stick nice okay we're gonna drop that rug we got to eat something here have a baby monkey likes it okay here we go here we go you know right now I got a big pokey stick we got to go attack something let's go find something to eat we must look at her stick to what kind of stick had we made he's like what have I done it is sharp and pokey a new tool discovered a sharpened stick a man I feel like I'm in the Stone Age is all over again okay so that's where the meteorite fell this is where bad things worse is that something bad what are you are you just this is where the rock python lived what is this switch hands I'm gonna grab it there we go inspect this it's a rock python egg I think so new food snake eggs I'm gonna eat this I'm gonna eat this like nobody ate a snake before oh that's disgusting but I love it oh I got poison now I should have cooked it that was dumb I totally want to go down there even though I know this is in fear zone yeah this is where creepy things happen okay we gotta go look at what this thing is oh boy I heard an animal Oh Dutch okay oh shoot oh whoa whoa the croc just ate the warthog oh man I got saved by the dinner bill oh he just ripped his leg off uh-oh hi crack ho oh no whoa Oh can I poke you with my pokey stick where my pokey stick oh did you steal it give me this whatever this is intimidate inspect I don't know what's happening here new wildlife discovered Oh a croc yeah I knew that would be a croc is this a crux no what is this thing like whatever it is I stole it where's my pokey stick head there it is switch hands I need this grab my stick back yeah Oh swamps meteorite site okay you gotta get out of here go back to the light No Wow attack Oh Bad Monkey oh oh my word I'm getting destroyed by all the animals in the world and I'm injured no I have my stick I can't touch me I'm dodging like a boss I'm gonna eat no Oh bad mug oh oh he's gonna eat my friend uh-huh I'm so bad at this right now no no no no no get out of the way get out of the way oh you guys stuck in a tree Bad Kitty Oh Becky I'm back get in there go get you the light I need it Oh No wait what yes he got a snake would in the world Oh No he's after me still Oh roll up the tree yes go up the tree tree maybe the cat come cabinetry Oh a kid oh oh this is the worst the bad history of bad worse things am i okay oh I need to go that way maybe if I just lay down for a little bit I'm intimidated just scream at it I'll find my stick be alright okay I got to go that way ah oh wow he was waiting for me oh no no no monkey man no he died oh man is he gonna get eaten by the cat now I guess something a little baby that has to go hide again oh I am the little baby that has to go hide again Oh run little guy by the tree little guy Oh God you bad monster cat I definitely need to go hide somewhere I don't even know where I'm supposed to be haunted back into a hiding hole baby oh no hi buddy hi little a little dude hi okay Wow I guess that's the life cycle of a monkey shoot man it was quite the adventure right there Wow and now I start over again as a different monkey that's amazing what a cool game anyway that'll do it for today hope you enjoyed it let me know bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 615,484
Rating: 4.6985865 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, ancestors the humankind odyssey, ancestors game, ancestors gameplay, ancestors the humankind odyssey gameplay, the humankind odyssey, ancestors: the humankind odyssey, Evolution, Evolution game, human evolution, download ancestors, Aug2019, AHOS01
Id: cr3GUoiWfL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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