Poly Bridge Is The Easiest Game in The History Of Easy Games...

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oh hey look it's Pauly bridge with Kevin driving his little moped across the letters yes I wish you could fall in that water Kevin because you don't like me in this game if you guys remember back would you stop let that is an annoying sound I just wish that was the entire video just annoying though okay and stop thank you anyway we're back and we need to go through and beat all of the levels if you guys remember right if you beat all the levels if you make all these circles blue instead of green and yellow you get to unlock the secret levels that have aliens and UFOs and weird junk like that that just means I've got a lot to do so we go back we go way back to the swing back wow that was that that was not planned like no joke that was not planned and if I load up this really that was wait hold up oh wow that guy he falls just backwards that's all I need to do is make it so that thing doesn't break are you for real I can do this I'm so good at this game and if I just take this and I delete it then I go like this and then go Oh bingo bango I think I think this is it I'm a certified genius if this works if this oh nice nice hahaha I'm still good at this game I should be a professional engineer again yeah if you haven't heard I actually do have an engineering license but now I get to do the swing jumps and I I didn't do this in engineering school I wish I would have Wow what did I do here hot dig this is actually pretty remarkable here okay if I didn't mean that thing's not doing much maybe it'll just work altogether nope totally didn't work that time okay we'll just I'm still over budget balls how do I get it I'm not over budget oh okay great if I delete this and then I go and of course not good job Kevin so I think what the problem here is is that there's a problem pretty sure that's what problem is hey kind of worked oh yeah look at it go watch ray and he goes and he goes sip flashed out that was that's a thing of beauty right there but it's 14,000 or budget how do I make it not over budget is that gonna work does that do anything special hey oh oh this would be amazing I'm under budget huh somehow this has gotten more expensive don't ask me why it's more expensive I didn't think that far ahead but I just need to know if nothing breaks why are you breaking why did you break over there now and you just jumped over the flag yeah dork won't lay this please watch this one it's it works it Lance it didn't break this one it didn't break it I'm under budget lookit now I need to figure out why you want to break all the time why do you want to break I don't like it when you break maybe if I add some ropes all right just don't go get your dork would you be nice now well you want to play nice you don't want a body you break right you fly upside down I didn't do anything different except put one rope in and you wanted and you just want to die you just want to fall off and die in the in the river on your own that was actually a thing of beauty right there pretty impressed with that yes this was actually pretty funny but it does a barrel roll and lands right on the flag no it's awesome oh yeah [Music] so wonder if I replace this structure here with like wood if it'll it'll work and delete it I just announced the amount of existence ready and then in like that and then down here and then we did like a little triangle thing here and then we'll pretend like it's mother loves them perfect that's there's no way that's gonna work it's gonna just shatter yeah that'll do the trick that'll that'll that'll fix them real hard there's the meme team making the dreams no no way Oh eighty-five dollars over no no how do I make it not eighty-five dog okay here we go and then and then this is it this is it right here this is it this is it Yas yes yes I'm so good at this game Oh hot day now is awesome that only took me 22 minutes somebody asked me in the last video how am I so good at this game and the answer is enormous amounts of time I had already beaten that level but it still took me 22 minutes to figure out how to beat it oh this one looks cool I like this one you gotta go under the dumb hot-air balloon because evidently it doesn't know how to go higher it's like hey I'm gonna pilot a hot-air balloon right through here so please make the bridge more expensive I have a feeling this one's gonna be a really SuperDuper easy peasy lemon squeezy if I delete that one and so that one camp and to pretend that this one was my friend and then what we're here get rid of that one then we can just kind of be in and perfect it'll work it'll it'll it'll work it'll work real well you it didn't work it did not I promise just like there's two extra times I took thermodynamics in college yeah that's why I had to take it a third time oh hey white that's actually decent I was much better with trusses and structures and it was with thermodynamics let's see if just making everything smaller works not quite it did not work so I'm just gonna make everything bigger again and make these two things at the edge smaller oh no no way now but maybe through a little bit of teeny-tiny massaging I think it'll work just a little bit oh it is hit like 85% ah yes stupid air balloons I hate you dump down dump up huh doesn't even make sense look at all these little penguins looking at the polar Yeti this is the poet what is that thing that is Yeti there's polar bears over it if you figured that little one it's like hey guys I want to eat you in this boy this little penguins lega whatever dude I'm just gonna walk away cuz you don't know how to climb down cliffs Oh a dump this is literally dump up and been the Yeti staring you're great thanks Yeti bro okay I gotta load this pile of what no what oh this ain't so bad oh man why is all the fun have to get broken this is actually pretty easy but you just figure out how to make it not so expensive there it is we got it makes me wonder just oh really yeah dork nugget you break I swear I don't even know what I'm gonna do to you okay good it didn't break look at the little little walrus walrus and then that works I wonder if I can just shrink these down just a little bit just see if that little bit of change does anything I can go down oh so close yes okay that was fine we can make these go down a little bit and I did change this to wood I felt that was a good compromise yeah yeah we got this I wonder if I can toggle the stress on and off and if I can replace any of these like this one here with wood it's all I need is 900 money difference but there's not much stress in here biggest dress is up there what happens if I replace this one with wood it's still a little expensive and let's do this one too we'll just try it except you can't it's a little bit too long oh well this one is dead yeah really game why do you do this to me now I got a weird make a weird diamond thing that I'm still over budget I thought it said 40,000 Oh No Oh now and then hey that still works nice so I can maybe expand that a little bit put this back metal alright we're $18 under budget I'm a little bit scared right it's working I'm gonna do it we're gonna get it done we're gonna do it right oh yes I'm so good at this game I'm the best there ever was oh wow achievements completed snow drift under budget completed and snow drift under budget and 100% I'm so good yes it's all done so that one's all done that one's all done that one's all done but this thing is a complete mess so let's just do drop me off what is this oh man so those easy levels at the beginning still take like 30 minutes to refine these take like two hours I don't even know what's going on I just want to see this thing oh my just fall down you deserve that you deserve that you dumb car I don't know I don't have any idea what this is why do they drive upside down and stuff and junk what is going on here 25,000 money what's the objectives I should really look at this a 1 and a 2 where do they have to go a 2's here a ones there what so they drive something hits this and stops it I only have 5 can I go all the way across 2 3 4 5 ok so we know that's right this will work this will work real good ok that one stops oh there uh-huh yeah I figured it out so that things got it no it's not driving right now so a1 goes down here it needs to hit that star so what I needed to do is I needed to separate right at this spot I really don't know what I'm doing right now I'm just pretending at you that's what half the job of being a youtuber is all about please fall off please just please just tip over and fall off and die oh no don't go back up that's against the rules oh there goes back down again you having so much fun there car ok he's got those air brakes on so he can't drive in space what is H why is there an H so this got to go up and then we'll attach like that hydraulic up to here can tracked it down will delete that probably won't need these actually something's gonna be weird we'll see we'll see what will happen here that's gonna go through uh-huh then we just want that to tip down and it'll fall off right yes okay it's not the right falling angle but you can go back up that's cool how do you get it to not fall out how do you do that oh yeah keep this is fun this is good job rich you're dumb you got to talk nice to it and call it nice names that didn't make much sense maybe if I don't contract it as far I just needed to go over there there go there go oh oh hope mbuto I accidentally did that I accidentally got it to work now go back up nope just stop and go back up no way no way well that was brain using the brain good job blitz I'm gonna Pat myself on that that's like on half the money's to 380 people did better than me I feel like I want to do this one says can't take the sky from me so oh maybe I don't maybe I don't want it wait hold up okay we got steel cables steel beams and roads and it's gotta go just gotta give her 110 % you gotta try hard and do other things hard and just generally win you can't there's no way it can drive up that what how is it how is the dumb supposed to get up there I know is there an elevator what did it what was the name of it can't take the sky from me it's an interesting idea what happens if we did like a loop that would get it up to here and then it would drive up oh that sounds like a lot of work think about loops in this game is there never really easy to complete properly so put so much stress right in here there's not even an anchor point ah shoot cuz that can will hold if it does this little blue car has got some juice to him know that actually we're pretty good land it oh oh so close oh that worked hey finally okay Wow so I've got to get another ramp up here weird see this is the one these are the levels that take those multiple hours cuz it's just a little bit of fine-tuning every single time you just move one little thing and then it's like I don't want to play nice I want to drive and go into the water all by myself see you lookin he lands is perfect and then he drives up and everything breaks and then he falls in the ocean because I don't have that big Tower made yet okay change of ideas I'm thinking if I can get up here and then make the Circle up here somewhere right in here we might just have enough energy to go around a bend we'll see about this I can't believe this is actually under budget still oh so close oh then it broke it you broke my beautiful bridge yeah dork nugget oh just because he wanted to go swimming it's not swimming date I hope you knew that buddy that's not the objective point that's not it that's not where you want to go it's not quite right just we got to go slow motion hits the side he bounces off the bottom he gets a little bit ah splashdown I'm kidding I do you want to do it because it's fun watching them crash and I'm almost getting there I've almost got this completed I don't know if I am telling the truth right now but I'm gonna pretend like I yeah I gotta make sure I know where it's contacting see oh I got stuck it's kidding it just gets off just a little bit somewhere in here and I really want it to be on the road at all times but you saw that right and here's some where it just like decided to jump off the edge well that was pretty good hey that actually worked pretty well but I feel like if I can just get them upside down here it'll work out great I just want him to touch those tires right up oh not quite he hit this car now you hit that you don't want you to hit that one yet oh whoa you see how fast he sped up around that corner check this out watch he just goes you're gonna hit right here I got too big of a corners in here and it's not loving me like it needs to love me whoa we got a Red Alert something's actually going on right now that's good for us I can't promise that this will work but there's potential of working happening oh one small step for man one giant splash for mankind we have we have justice look at that that was actually really cool now the question is can it drive up this thing on its own or did all of this in vain oh that was so close that's the wrong way he wants to restart you can do I really don't want to mess with this weird construction I just want to mess with this to see if I can get it to work he's getting up there but it is that back wheel I think if I can get both wheels just to touch right away I think it'll be good now he's just gonna go in the hamster wheel until he stops this is how my dreams feel right now really really high expectations I get so high up in the air and then everything crashes back down to reality yeah and then you just kind of try again and the second time it's not nearly good of attempt and then you feel like you're underwater I think this might be it I know we're 20,000 oh really I didn't touch that I literally didn't touch this thing at all I didn't do anything there why did you break once and get working a second dog just realize something I need to get it actually back little ways there you go get up oh well you just get a let's get a crane and then this stupid penguin up here Pollak what a koala bear that thing the stupid marsupial has extinct yeah we need to fix this you're just staring at it wondering why you can't drive the car because you don't have thumbs that's why actually do they have thumbs I feel like they do but they don't have brains that are work like really koalas their brains are the only animal that doesn't have a brain oh that what would what is it called they have like when you have like ripoli things in your brain I don't even know what they are but koala brains are just like a marble or smooth and they're dumb science with blitz smooth dumb brain animals watches men fail at car driving for an hour Oh disgusting dude this one right there and then I think we got it monster alright this is it this is the one this is the one this is the one this is the what really I have a strong feeling that I need to adjust something right in here it drops a little bit of speed oh so close if I can raise that I can just raise this up just a nugget I think it'll work oh boy that's probably not good is it gonna work now oh oh and see you just move things just a hair just a small piece and everything breaks mm-hmm that one see now it doesn't even want to get up to the top of the circle like I promised I didn't really it didn't I didn't do anything hey I didn't I didn't do it there see I didn't I promise I didn't make any change that's so dumb I moved back it works great they just don't have enough horsepower to get up that ramp nope what are you looking at what are you looking at you dork like oh hey zoom in on his face I feel like my brain is gone come on [Music] all right so I added a couple things here check this out check it out check it out check it out then it goes around the circle's and drives up yes who's left and now you dumb koala huh who's that I know it's 44,000 over-budget nothing broke though so I did get a yellow marker I guess we've got that going for us it's that right sheep yeah so I guess we'll do more next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,476,022
Rating: 4.8681593 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Poly Bridge, Poly Bridge Game, Poly Bridge Gameplay, poly bridges, poly bridge ep 1, poly bridge part 1, poly bridge update, bridge building simulator, poly bridge guide, bridge building game, poly bridge jump, poly bridge jumps, funny moments, bridge builder, bridge simulator, simulation, simulation game, polybridge, PBS01, March2020
Id: 3kqsIwCyC7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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