We Got Robbed of Over $4000! They Got Busted! (Not Clickbait) @LunkersTV

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alright guys hey I wasn't recorded you're gonna I got a little little upset cuz I got a little bit more invested into this industry than Rob does so I got a little heated luckily he was with me he kept me calm I mean I wasn't cousin it's lady or anything but I just let her know what's gonna happen I'm a straight shooter look you do the right thing now it's gonna happen so they're going to get our money by 4 o'clock up here my 16 20 and whatever they owed him and we said look if you do the right thing we're not gonna go to the news I'm not gonna put you on blast you know it's just gotta stop you know I wasn't it they pumped up my face a little [Music] alright guys so we had a little change of plans this morning rob is already at the location Gina is taking me out here she gonna drop me off probably she's got to go get new tires for the truck they are all bald bald bald like me so anyway we are about two miles out and we're gonna go me a robber actually gonna meet up in a gas station right across the street so we can come with a game plan because you know the thing like this is we want to make sure that we we want to have an answer for everything she possibly some excuse to lie that she might try to do I mean it's already cut and clear but anyway here we go to him [Music] all right guys so Rob is going in he's got a plan he's gonna go in and just ask them questions I'm trying not to act like we're recording because I don't want to like throw her off but so anyway Rob is going in he is going to ask her questions about the previous owner again we know if she starts you know they didn't advertise as a manor unit that's what I can tell you and that's that's illegal they're selling them as lean units what I suspect is they're having a live auctions which we know they are and what they're doing is the owner we know he's been owned units because there's bad reviews of people upset that he's been only units so what I suspect is they are actually buying the units at live auction and then what they're doing after that is they're going through them and taking all the valuable stuff out the jewelry all that good stuff there was probably a gun in that case about last time they took it out so anyway what we're gonna do is this rob is going inside he's gonna get some information we're gonna kind of trap her and that information that it was a lien unit then we're gonna go over the unit we're gonna go through because if we tell her now she's probably gonna call the cops or there's a chance and just you know she's gonna get upset and we won't get to show you the unit so what we want to do is actually get over to the unit so that we can show you there's like boxes and boxes and you know this the same thing Home Depot boxes brand new saran wrap furniture anyway so we're going to go over there go through the unit get some more evidence and then we're going to approach her in the office to see if they'll do the right thing again like Rob said in his video you'll have to go over to lunker's TV to check out just some scenes you're not gonna see from here and the he's recording in there right now so you're good you'll be able to see that where you know what she says on camera about this unit so anyway Rob will be back out we're gonna go over there and we'll go from there all right guys so check it out so what did she tell you how long since you've been here six months that's strange because I bought this exact unit guys three weeks ago she is she busted so it's uh so she's but they're busted we know for a fact I've got it on yeah they're kids or so many musicians I don't know just this it was alright guys so hey without a doubt 250 billion controlling for sent their busted bring it no it is we bought the shooting I go I don't want this to have anymore look this is my industry this is my livelihood and when people do this like they take a small business like me they cheetah send a bit to bidding fifteen hundred bucks I've spent twelve sixty on this exact unit three weeks ago and so they wanted to cheat me into thinking there was more value in and then so they could put my company under like that guys they could be really ruining people's loss she just took it off and took off he didn't even want to stop she she did not even want to stop I told I told you it's alright I told you we're gonna roll the doors gonna be hard to roll I'm shaking right now cuz I take my doors gonna be hard to roll up and remember the number up there that's 230 she does that's why she took off but she did this last time last time we bought a unit she did the same thing she pulled up she didn't she didn't she didn't she didn't remove the last time in the video on this exact unit I'm a member because I was there twisting and twisting she doesn't she just wants to get out of there they always remove they wait till they get there you know what you're doing is illegal guys yo this is absolutely illegal and this really can put small businesses like mine under because they cheat you cheat you cheat hey we're getting out we're gonna go through the student watch if there's boxes and boxes I'm gonna show you this look 231 y'all remember this in the last video three weeks ago where I went like this and I scraped all those numbers off we are here at unit 2 what the heck does that say 23 same thing yep this thing was dented it's the same I'm telling you oh this is the unit I bought three weeks ago guys this place is cheating people like me where one one bad unit can can send you under guys luckily we're bigger than that and we can survive something like this and I just kind of shrugged it off but y'all saw on the last video I knew this was staged before he even bought this when we knew we knew we knew actually they've been doing this for years because I went back and looked at old auctions and so any we're gonna pop this open let's get these boxes and boxes but JD hey if you're gonna pop it open you knows you got to you got to pop it open you got to pop it open all right guys so we just got done doing some stuff hey go over to lockers TV to see the majority of how we bring this to a halt to stop people from getting cheated small businesses like me one bad unit y'all guys know it can take a company out a small company luckily we're a little bit larger we've been around so we can survive things like this but small companies can't this is for all you other storage unit buyers out there who just you know it but you can't prove it well guess what we know it and we can prove it that they've been doing it for years so just real quick I want to show you the aftermath you got to go over to lunker's to figure out what all this stuff but remember the last one boxes and boxes alright guys so I want to show you something not necessarily the contents in the box but look in here all sellable stuff you know look games tons of games down there sorry you got play-doh things like this but what you'll notice in there it's a puzzle look it's a box in a box and when I was here with lockers and I was climbing up here I open these but this tape y'all was so fresh I mean it's so fresh and the lady up front told us this this been here for a long long she operated the story for time we're just being honest junk and junk right would I teach you guys if they pay for boxes they got a little bit extra money they know that that's why they bought brand new boxes cuz they put these trashy boxes out here got like man gonna bid freakin 1200 would you win this for seventeen seventeen hundred fifty dollars they knew leaving the stuff in these boxes out only paid to win this he knew it I didn't I I only did this one reason to do ya no no no hey check it out I've got plenty of beep sensor beeps hey check it out uh hey hey we're all working progress hey check it out though so what we're doing now is we're gonna go in there I'm asking my money back he's gonna his money back you'll have to see what she said what she how we know a hundred percent sure on this one but she lied to Rob on camera he's got the audio everything go over to lockers TV check out that video that's gonna drop tomorrow night and all right maybe not hold on oh yeah but hey anyway you want to check it out they're all great videos and there's the sweet little number I told you he bought you saw a little piece of it back at me I wanted to take a tour of being dropped you it's sweet y'all it's freakin sweet yeah look guys 231 remember when I did the old did that the door hard to pull out member I reached down I could I couldn't get it up that yeah door guys this is it this is it we bought this unit three three freakin go over to Long's TV and check out how long she said this units been hearing a little story she gave behind it but look I tore that unit up be no eye and it's staying like that I'm not touching that they tried to rip me off they try to rip off people for years y'all and I know I'm hot look and everybody makes mistakes so here's the deal right I made a ton of mistakes hey when Christ saved me I was a freakin dirt ball so check it out we all make mistakes so let's just it's not if you make mistakes in life it's what you do after with that so let's just go over there let's see she doesn't write thing let's see if she calls the owner and does the right thing I don't remember what I showed you but I just want to update so remember the gun case this is the exact same unit the gun case was right there remember the cowboy autographs the cowboy autographs right here conveniently they always have a washer and dryer remember we had watching our snack over there hey remember the Nintendo game the Nintendo game same thing they had a video game system so what they do is they take the things that make people bid music instruments tools car stuff motorcycle parts video games look same thing X bug eyes same MO these fools are such ding-dongs I can even switch up their mo to freaking make it at least look a little bit real so anyways let's go bust these fools okay so we're gonna roll up to he's gonna say he's gonna show you the whole thing on his channel you gotta coach yeah I thought this thing was a Lambo pulling up for room but anyway say we're gonna head over to the office I've already got a game plan look I'm gonna handle it the same way anyone makes this mistake I'm gonna have it the way that I would want somebody to treat me if I made a mistake to give me the opportunity to make it right now if they don't want to do that then hey I told you I'm gonna call channel 4 I'm gonna call my contacts there I'm gonna put him on blast because what they are doing is absolutely 120 % e legal may or may not put them on blast about 1.6 million bro I know I've got a little 50,000 channel and look they tried to cheat him twice twice and they have cheated me several times I bought from this place five or six sounds easy yeah thank you the right thing we're not gonna put him on blast I'm still putting this out there but I'm not gonna let y'all know the facility I'm not gonna put the review link in the thing about complexes they watch these we gotta stop what we're doing because it happened to me in New York too yeah that cost you it didn't I tell you though when we were in New York when we actually talked to the guy we walked out when he was breaking eye contact my wife I am a human be s detector and in New York that comic book unit we still Hey look we were still gonna make a ton of money on that but still they cheated they burn up Touche insurance is working on it right now but hey check it out we're heading up to the office and let's go see what they do the right thing Oh how are we doing this is a game plan you record on your cell phone I'm gonna go in there and I'm gonna handle everything else and give him an option give us both our money I paid 1264 this three weeks ago so we're just gonna what I'm gonna do is say look I'm a tree like she doesn't know cuz she might not but I doubt she knows she knows show me six months but she's gonna have to call the owner and she's gonna have to get him to refund our money or we're gonna put him on blast period I do the right thing or I'm gonna put you on blast to save other companies not to put you on blast that's not the purpose is to save other people from getting cheated we're going in all right guys hey I wasn't recorded you're gonna I got a little little upset because I got a little bit more invested into this industry than Rob does so I got a little heated luckily he was with me he kept me calm I mean I wasn't cussing it's late or anything but I just let her know what's gonna happen I'm a straight shooter look you do the right thing now it's gonna happen so they're going to get our money by four o'clock up here my 16 20 and whatever they owe him and we said look if you do the right thing we're not gonna go to the news I'm not gonna put you on blast you know it's just got to stop you know and I was a little little pumped up my face a little little bit you know what was running in my head it's all these people like right now people take their social security like checks to try to get in this industry and all they can usually afford it's like one or two units that's it and so what happens is these people coming out here and they'll bid and everybody knows this in this game Social Security checks when they come out people try to get in this industry you know any of you guys on my channel comments at Grimes you know I've got some money coming in I want to bid on some units let us know like it well you because we don't have a lot this is people like it could just Rob's that check of them guys so this is about justice this is not about hurting anyone and I promise that they do the right thing you weren't you were on Tony this is the time when I was being more calm than I ever thought you were well I was like hey she like she knows she I ran her like a book she's the one doing it but she guess what she doesn't she works for the person that's doing yeah so she really has no say like does she want to lose her job she say does she want to really be a whistle we told her I don't know if it's cuz she felt bad or just because look she felt bad for what they did or they felt bad cuz they got caught look that's not for me to decide I can't read that lady's heart but here's what we hope by the end of this we hope that we get our money back and this stops we hope that we save you from getting cheated and I am I'm sorry I shouldn't got too worked up but hey if you want to see how if you want to see Grimes worked up you have to go over lockers to you I didn't cut that or anything no but okay you didn't curse but I know my wife knows my heart is like it's woven towards justice and right and wrong and look it's just wrong so but I told her the same thing I told y'all so it's not it's not if we make mistakes and do wrong things we all do hey anybody who says they don't make mistakes and do dumb stuff worldwide that's a lot so it's what you do after guys and that's what I told her right before we walked out go to Rob's and after I get all wound up like a freaking like a top man for you I'm tired on top anyway hey check that out we've got to go meet Jana Jana has been waitin bother [Music] alright guys so here's the update I'm not getting my money back lady says they don't have him back she admitted to everything and she said it's gonna stop so look the objective never really was to get my money back it was definitely gonna be a positive but that wasn't the objective effective was just to get to stop to protect other bidders from getting ripped off because I know this time of year people take their checks and they go try to get in this industry in one bad unit guys can end it all for anyone so look if I go push forward with any more punishment or trying to expose them any further knowing now that it'll stop I think that just becomes some kind of like selfish desire of mine to see someone get hurt if I truly believe that it's gonna stop and I do and I'll be watching and if they do it again she said they will we will never see them online again and I believe that and I told her that I'll be watching some people will be like well Justin you know you said you're not gonna learn the lesson I disagree with that because when I was 17 years old I stood before a DA in Rockwall Texas and that DA gave me the choice of going to prison or going to the marina I took the lesser of the punishments and I did learn my lesson and that led me to coming to know the Lord and that led me to live in a life of trying to be a good person so can she do it - absolutely she can and we're trusting that will happen so guys that's the end it's video make sure to LIKE subscribe hit that bell specially now because we're all kind of locked inside and this is really getting kind of uncertain but we know the good Lords got us and we love you see it's next [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 95,333
Rating: 4.9251299 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Unboxing, Mystery Box, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, grimes finds, caught on camera, robbery caught on camera, Lunkers Tv, Googan Squad, how to make money form home
Id: xo8tS49TzA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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