BIT By SNAKE While Melting STERLING SILVER With LOTS of FIRE! I Buy Abandoned Storage Units.

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[Music] we have to go to walmart and home depot to get some supplies so we can melt down 10 pounds of silver today's video is different it's not like that little crappy silver video i made before i've been up all morning like right since like 4 30 she don't know i'm just asking her to confirm what you don't know now y'all so i'm gonna have to go spend like a hundred and fifty dollars are we focused hey man how you doing i just said that because i just read a comment where guys said you still using that girl voice i was until you just said something or i wasn't i was almost done with it whatnot it was fading off but now you brought it back i'm gonna see what your name is blame it on you are we focused remember all that sterling silver let me show you remember this stuff guys oh well look i put it in pans y'all think we can make a silver round that big all right guys so here's the plan look at this this is all silver look remember these little 925 things so look i still have a ton in here look more than enough our goal in this video is to see if we can make silver coins as big as these freaking little pants so let's go to walmart and get what we need y'all hey check it out remember last time i did that like little uh video what were we doing we're like putting stuff in hot oil and stuff what was the point of that oh look at the baby lizard oh my god hold on you got to see him he's cute there's a snake trapped in the pool yeah you want to put him in there with jeff hold on yeah this morning when i was having coffee and i was praying i saw a snake for real see if we can find him see if he's in here is he in there no he's not in there he was trying to swim out of the wall and i was gonna put him in there with jeff because jeff needs a friend right there hi little guys [Music] all right [Music] jeff i got you a friend open the tank hurry hey you bit me hurry [Music] hey y'all remember that battle royale did i promise y'all yo i'm breathing so hard look he's in there he's trying to get out what's jeff going to do jeff buddy i got 10 bucks on you that you take this full out we got to go get silver stuff you keep an eye on him okay look there he is there he is [Music] no he can't get out he couldn't get out of the swimming pool how's he gonna get out of the tank [Music] [Music] did i drop him in the pool again damn another neighbors [Music] oh yeah spot on my camera oh man [Music] is that better [Music] [Music] full area for the propane connections i'm gonna look for a torch need some borax it helps clean and uh raise the temperature of the silver [Music] i really like this i might get this stuff right there [Music] foreign i went with this 65 torch with map gas i got two different ones i'm gonna go get a propane thing because i want to be able to burn it and keep the pan hot from underneath while i spray it with the mask yes set up right here yeah we're gonna go ahead and get this and it's that one right there all right guys so check it out i'm kind of doing this my own way i did my own research i got some tools got a little stir stick got a little pot one look i'm trying to take safety precautions this time last time i was a little reckless uh so look okay so look this is a mixture of earring backs look at these big chunky 925 uh weights so look there is some plastic in here but i do believe this is all silver so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna try to make them exactly this size i'm gonna do one first if this works y'all i'm gonna be so freaking happy you think it's gonna work in the chitchat in the comments let me know do you think this is gonna work so we're gonna go upset or go outside and get the station set up but here's what i'm gonna do i didn't learn this online i just freaking thought of it so i was gonna preheat my pan right because i think silver starts melting like 800 and something 90 80 degrees something like that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to preheat the oven bake how hot does this go i don't know let's see it needs to go as high as it can here's what i'm thinking right because if that pan is cold the colder that pan is the longer it's gonna take that gas and i got map gas this time last time i used propane i got map gases tom uh let's see how high if i could get that pan okay 550. okay so we're going to go ahead and bake wait start no no no you don't you just that's it you i don't know what the bait did yeah now it's blinking um oh i think it blinks till it gets to that degrees no are you sure yeah look oh there we go okay okay so look oven preheat 550 here's what i'm gonna do y'all i'm going to preheat this pan with the gold or the silver in it so i'm going to preheat the silver because i figure if i the quicker i can get it hotter right up to the 800 whatever degrees to melt i figure if i grab it straight out of the oven take it and i'm gonna put it straight down on that um that propane thing right and then it should be hot so i got the bottom one because i want to feed the heat constantly to the bottom to keep it melting and i'm gonna try to start i don't know if this is gonna work y'all this should be fun though this is for real this has been my dream to do this video betty crocker ain't it all right y'all and then you got to put this what is it you put to something on this is it oh no maybe that's bill cosby that i don't even know where that came from all right y'all look we're about to bake some silver i'm gonna try to get this up to 550 degrees that way i can take it straight out and i'm gonna put it straight on the bottom propane burner and then we're gonna i'm gonna uh get a stand and i'm gonna put i got the map gas thing with the hose because like when you turn it upside down you know it doesn't go so i got the hose that way i can keep the bottle down and i've got propane tanks outside but i got map gas because it's hotter so let's pre-heat this okay we're going to preheat our silver y'all this is like it almost feels like i know what i'm doing but i have no clue all right guys before we go outside and set up let's go check on the battle royale jeff's still he's still alive [Music] uh-oh where is he sneaky snake he's right here the sneaky snake hey y'all look check it out me and gina we're going to try to see if jeff could survive on his own and for real like i'm not being mean i'm like man this is a test on my head i'm like if he can handle this snake he can handle anything in the creek [Music] y'all aren't y'all proud of me like up stepping my safety and stuff like i'm gonna do this outside last time i did a fire video inside and it did not go well so check it out try to keep it down all right so look i got two extra cans of map gas okay okay uh i didn't do all of this in there because my phone was done uh i got i don't know if this is gonna work but oh it says with boric acid what does that mean i just need a straight boric acid i got roach killing with boric acid in it i need a straight border it helps clean and it helps burn hotter i'm gonna try roach powder on it one i got the map gas one this was 65 i think for 69 uh it's got the hose so i got that that way i can put the canister down on the ground and we'll go ahead and mount the thing on something that way we use all the propane and then what we're going to do is after we preheat the pan of silver i'm going to bring it out here and we're going to set it on actually on top of the burner i've got propane tanks outside so we'll go get a propane tank we're gonna hook this up that way once our thing is uh preheated to 550 i'm gonna leave it in there for like an hour right and then we'll bring it out here we'll put it on this and then we'll set the map gas to go straight down on it and i'm hoping at the end of this if i watched it right if i can pop that thing out before it sticks to the pan we might have a big old chunky piece of silver all right cut this bad boy open yo i wish i still had the one you bought me at walmart remember when i tried this the first time it got burnt burnt y'all but look we're gonna have a big old cooking pot oh i forgot i had to put that other thing together this sucks all right y'all let me get this thing out and get it together go ahead you going yep y'all it's stinky plastic smoke sucks so i just opened this up we're checking on us we got that hooked up it's ready to go so we're ready to take this out let's see our preheated silver yo i can't breathe my eyes are burning so bad did it smoke come out i got the big whiff of it okay look the plastic's burning in there so we have preheated silver so we're going to go throw this on the burner now we're going to write a light the propane underneath it to keep the bottom warm and then i'm going to start trying to melt it with the theme of jiggy and jun is going to film all right yo yo it's almost kind of melting something oh yo this is hot oh hold on hold on too hot yeah too high y'all so we preheated the silver to 550 degrees yeah look at all that plastic [Music] okay so uh we got it lit but this thing you're supposed to hold it down for 10 seconds and then it's supposed to stay on but it's going out do we not have enough propane no no we do but that's not staying lit okay guys so let us get this fixed out we'll grab it ready all right let's watch this so how are you supposed to use that other stuff i don't know it looks like it's melting did you see that is all right uh is hey guys okay we're gonna let this heat up as much as possible so let's set up a time lapse we'll set up our phone the time lapse right here you guys check this out and then we'll come back and we'll add as much as we can is oh it's so hard to get it closer all right i think i'm about to turn that map gas back on it i don't know i think let's let that run for 10 minutes all right guys our propane tank went in so gina just left another one so as soon as we get the propane back on the bottom all right guys i figured why gina is running up to u-haul to get the propane tank refilled we would do a battle royale checkup on jeff versus the snake all right y'all it looks like jeff's holding his ground he's not like freaking out the snake is oh look hey hey man oh yeah he's alive he's afraid of jeff should we poke him out now let's wait oh jeff's gonna go over there jeff this is your test to see if you can live in the wild you must defeat the snake defeat the snake you earn your freedom got it okay think about it guys i'm sorry little girls does the snake scare you let me put him in here i know y'all would tear him up all right guys so we got a new propane hooked up i'm going to switch this bottle out right now i think i'm going to go with a different method i think i'm going to go a little i'm going to hold this in there tilted i'm not going to hold it but i'm going to tilt it in there and then we're going to sprinkle let's see i've got this bag and we'll sprinkle in there a little at a time that way they get all of the heat that's my backup plate all right guys so i'm going to pour a little bit in here just a little bit okay oh look there's necklaces what oh that's broke yeah he put all his scrap in here okay so we put this here then we're gonna try to keep it like this don't you think yeah just don't want it to fall you know what i mean you should do it like like that yeah just like there you go okay so here's what we're gonna do let's try to melt this down i was the eager beaver and i thought we'd go with the full pan so let's crank this bad boy up actually let's do that right now hopefully it's gonna work do you need my help let me see oh yeah okay so we're good there i feel like i can light it with this you ready ready okay that's the way that smells ready okay so you gotta hold this down for 10 seconds all right guys so we're not going to get too close don't melt that all right so look we've got this going the plastics mount now we're going to add the forging to the top this should work a lot faster so when i was watching online it said it takes about two minutes to get there that's about most of the videos i watched about two minutes before it started maybe i'll come in from this side um so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna let this heat up uh i'm gonna let this heat up on its own for a few more minutes and then i'll come and turn this off and then i'll take the torch so that heat coming up is just good all right guys let me see if i can get this to melt down and when it starts melting will turn back on all right check it out a little bit you can see it's kind of deep i decided to try some of that it uh so okay so what's that so so okay so are you on my silver thing or my freaking my thing malfunction look you hear that it's still been burning i took it off that's with no canister i took it off the canister because the mechanism i got to turn it off once i didn't screw it and throw the hose but anyway look we did make something so i'm gonna try to turn this back on open i do want to try this one out okay i think i might be able to get it oh [Music] ah yeah pretty quick i did make a silver nugget i know what i did y'all i broke my burner uh the plastic thing i had too close i guess from the heat coming up so that it won't turn off anymore like the thing where it makes it come off and on like it burnt so yo look at that that is a silver nugget but look it's still got some of that sticky stuff on it is that cool actually here let's do this let's see if it sizzles you wanna see if it sizzles under the water yeah oh that's how hot that is whoa we still made a nugget i know y'all i'm keeping this silver nugget this is my first silver nugget but look i know where they sell borax at so i'm gonna go get for real borax i was worried about that roach stuff because i was like we're gonna pass out so i'm gonna get some more borax oh whoa oh that's heavy okay so look oh no that is that is silver look that's cool actually that's cool it's solid look so look that's a big old chunk of silver i can see a 925 on the earring thing y'all but that's a silver freaking nugget i can do this i'm going back to the store i'm going to get more we're going to make more silver nuggets i know how to do it now i got the borax was the trick wasn't it so i needed straight borax because when we were putting that borax on it it was freaking sizzling wouldn't it but i'm worried about the roach stuff so i think if i go get borax and mix some in there i think it's going to melt quick so but look we got a silver nugget should we weigh it yeah yeah let me get a scale and let's measure uh let's you know all right guys check it out let's turn it on y'all that's cool it's heavy it just needs to be melted more but i kind of like that that you can tell what i was doing for my first silver nugget you ready wait what's it on that's on pounds oh it should that's right is that right ounces okay y'all so that's one and a half ounces uh-huh one and a half ounces one and a half ounces of silver that's a one and a half ounce nugget all right guys so hey check it out i'm sorry that i don't know here let's dump this out i don't see it oh this pants oh whoa okay hold on yeah i wanna see if there's some chunks oh look there was a cow head earring in there oh man look at all these you can see where it says 925. yeah oh look here's a nugget i figured we had to make some kind of nugget in it we didn't put any borax in this yeah we didn't put any borax in this show you can tell where it started look at that big chunk of silver it just kind of sunk down yeah that's kind of cool look see the big chunk that's probably that big old honker i melted down so ah see now i want to go get borac acid and melt all this stuff down like this one because this right here that's a solid freaking chunky nugget so hey guys make sure to come back tomorrow night i don't know i don't know do y'all want to see the silver i got to get a storage unit i don't know what we're going to do just be back here 7 p.m central tomorrow night [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 15,044
Rating: 4.8427138 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, how to make money, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, lunkers tv, Googan squad, Googan baits, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, estate sales, garage sales, sourcing, eBay seller, funny videos, duck dynasty, family videos, silver, melting silver, dumpster diving, bad wolves, bit, bit by snake, garage clothing
Id: U2N00O-kxMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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