I Bid $21,000 on a Locker at the abandoned storage unit auction. Real life Storage Wars to the MAX!

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jacket 17 jacket 21 all right let's see what this looks like remember it so ah man actually worse you right all right lock your nuts we are outside see the name right there public storage we're waiting for the first live auction won't live is loosely defined I'll tell you about that in a second we're waiting for the first auction since all this quarantine nonsense began Gianna's here walking around getting some of her exercise out getting some of her energy out I mean getting some exercise we're waiting of course I insisted on getting here an hour early when she's not real happy about but I just thought man if I got a flat tire or something happened but well maybe you understand a little more you understand the gravity of this auction this isn't just some back to normal auction yay we're celebrating there's something different so if you remember that train Locker that we bought when we bought two units but what we haven't told you guys is that there actually is a third unit that was coming up was supposed to be a month later that was way back in April I think we bought that no March we bought that in March full two months ago the third Locker was supposed to come up a month later and of course then all this coronavirus stuff hint so anyways that postponed it all so it it meant more people I guess the words out more and more people found out more and more people are tying it to our videos watching our videos seeing how fantastic it was and they're coming I think they're gonna come hard today but you know what I'm coming hard to so I don't think we're gonna get this one but I am sure it's not gonna try and I sure as heck hope that we do so anyways we're gonna start the action here pretty soon public store's been testing out a new way of doing auctions worthy it's gonna be digital so you're gonna see me I've got the GoPro set up in here you're gonna see me we basically have to go in the office check in then we have to come back to our cars dark in our cars we can't sit on the curb in the parking lot but have to be in our cars on our devices the managers going to walk around and take a video live video of what's the you know what the units look like we're gonna watch from our phones or tablets hopefully my tablet works and try to get a good enough view of it so we can feel comfortable bidding but you're gonna see how it's gonna work out here just very very soon I'm excited guys I'm excited I'm nervous and I don't know big day big big day so there's weird stuff about half an hour before the show starts and there's only like two other two other bidders here but I expect that things get pretty crowded this at parking lot in just a few minutes it's going to get interesting yes Jack Jack 12/5 Jack 12/5 Jack is 17 jacket 21 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so I realized afterwards I did not get very good footage of that of it it was a big event that's a big event Locker sold for 25 grand I'll tell you everyone's buzzing about it I got phone calls later I've met the auctions today talking to people about it people have heard news is making his way through the grapevine but not the most expensive Locker that's ever sold in this area okay there's one that's sold for 45,000 I wasn't there but it was up in Richmond and there's some it was filled with like bronze statues 45 grand okay so this is not record book stuff but by all means this is a big deal and it's the biggest Locker I've ever seen and it's obviously I had a part in it because I drove the bid up to 25 I don't know where I would have gone without me but it seemed to be settling in just over $10,000 I when did this went into this day with a full-on plan I've been thinking about this planning this eye floor saw how this all was gonna come together I discussed it with Jana and you can ask her I'm basically outlined about 90% of what I said was gonna happen happen exactly the way I said it was who was gonna bid how they were going to jump the bid say how they're going to you know do their little tricks and things to try to get it you know and but I did also say I don't think I'm gonna get it because I know but my max is and I'm looking at it as I know what the risk is I know what the potential reward is I know all of it but I'm also a business person and I don't want to take on too much risk and I don't want to overpay for something that's where my number is 25 is different for everyone okay but I am also thinking about taxes cost of shipping items all this stuff comes into play but I mean come on that's like those are some great lockers and this third one is as good as the first two it's going to be such a fun time going through it and I know I'll be chasing lockers for a long time to find another one like that so I definitely wanted it I'm just willing to overpay and I'm not saying that was overpaying I'm just saying for me it was my limit so I went to my limit and here's the thing when they first rolled the door open it didn't look that good honestly like he saw furniture he saw cinderblock she saw junk and that gave me some hesitation but I had a plan and I did not want to deviate and I just say that you know I'm just happy I stuck to my plan because that's all I planned to do no pun intended but I went to it I didn't like get soft and go oh I don't know you know 20 grand what if I get it for 20 I don't know if I know I already said my max 25 and I ran it right to that I mean obviously my high bid was 21 the next bid was 25 and that was the winning bid but if there is more to that story because the cost of that locker have wound up being not just 25 for the other party because he last-minute decided to partner up with somebody and then later that day bought out the partner that buyout cost him another $9,500 and that one that means that unit wound up costing him $34,500 thirty four thousand five hundred dollars that is a lot of money 25 s a lot of money thirty four or five guys that's a lot of money by almost any means even if you're a rich that's a lot of money that's the cost of a brand-new car a nice car I paid 21 for this car so um it was brand-new it still was a nice truck when I bought it and there's a lot of money right I mean for a lot of America that's a years okay well anyways I bought two other lockers let's see how those turned out and there's going to be a lot more auctions here in the near future so I'm on beyond the hunt if I'm I took my own treasures I bought two today - can't say I'm excited about either one but this one was 50 bucks it's a 10 by 15 let me pop it right now and show you I don't have a tripod today I don't plan on doing long drawn-out unboxings I don't have a lot of time quite frankly I need to do this quick and get in and get out hey if I could do it all today that'd be great but it's 3:30 so not likely I'll be back this weekend but let's take the first peeks right now let's see what this looks like oh man actually it's hecka worse why did why do people throw everything around like this ah looks like the lights part burned out okay can you guys see this this is terrible why did I buy this I can't say that I saw anything that I liked this was interesting this Red Bull looks to be like a big refrigerator or maybe on its side and it's not a good sign um there's furniture unfortunately I do see bins okay I do see bins I see bins I always see some bins see that bin right there cracked open I did not see that in their film that's terrible what that means to me is likely someone's crawling up on here and putting their hand there for bracing and crack through it but we do see bins okay so maybe there's potential something in there looks to me like toys and clothes that sucks alright 50 bucks 50 bucks all right I know 50 bucks sounds cheap but right now I'm regretting it I do not think this was a good purchase but it won't take much to change that around but I do see this being a lot of work and a few trips so they don't I'm probably enough to come back with my trailer quite frankly but thrift stores literally around the corner the one that we donate to all the time the one that benefits epilepsy so I'm gonna be very free-spirited with taking the stuff and donating it and not looking to squeeze out the profit here I'm just gonna be looking for stuff that we could put in our auctions and hopefully quit flipping everything else the furniture is a problem though they don't take furniture right now so yeah maybe put up free on Facebook or something but anyways that's enough of this now I got to get to this okay guys I've been working on this for a while I've got a few bins here of thrift store stuff donations I've got a lot of trash I got a few things to take home maybe with some of this literally this box right here some maybes maybes for our and a little bit more trash and then some personal stuff to get back to the owner trash I know that trash hey at least we got a handcart um I have not been able to make very much progress in here this thing weighs a ton right here I can barely even scoot it so um I'm getting a little overwhelmed because I don't have a place to put all the trash out here and this is mostly trash like look at this this furniture and stuff is just tossed in here maybe maybe it's too bad too it looks like it's brand new but um it's not it's not very new it's all backed up so yeah I don't know what this is probably a tree and these don't appear to have really much good stuff a little bit toys closed but look guys this this looks really terrible but I can at least get in here now this looks like a massage table or something earth light for oh well you can't even see halo thing there we go all right got the light on that's much better okay so yeah this looks like a massage table right here if that is and it's in good condition it looks like it is I don't that might be a hundred bucks big deal all right so this really looks straight up a hot garbage in here this is a melamine desk or something drawers what's in here really I think they just left me with all their trash let them so boo me this is like a back of a whiteboard right here alright guys I just stopped that film real quick cuz of the manager lady came over and she replaced the bulb how nice is that and that's much better or I should say maybe not because now I can see just how terrible it is and it's pretty bad it's pretty bad yeah look at this junkie junkie junkie junkie and I didn't make this mess this way King but I did make this mess out here and this one's not getting any better but we're getting close to closing time here so I'm actually gonna have to start loading the car up unfortunately because I have not made very much progress at all I'm just trying to dig in this right here and see if I can make some of this a little more orderly looks like a Christmas tree rat daddy so yeah alright well terrible investment 50 bucks well oh no let me back up a second this right here okay this is super heavy I can barely even nudge it I mean you need help to move this tomorrow I think but this I just looked up on Craigslist and I found one for $2,000 now of course as a working tested everything works including the bills slot and all that kind of stuff works okay but it's 2 grand so I'm not maybe I take this home plug it in make sure it like you know lights up and the condenser fires up and everything is I don't think great to be storing it on its back like this but we'll see if it starts up and if we can test it to some extent I don't know guys 500 bucks maybe 400 bucks I'd be happy with that alright there is the load for the thrift store unfortunately they were closed already and there's got a few bins in here as well that's a lot of stuff yeah it's the decent stuff it's not great but it's not bad it's definitely not garbage all right locker nuts this day-to-day - I'm getting ridiculous ridiculously late start today I had some work done on my truck this morning for a good reason I'll share that with you soon enough but it's like after three o'clock and I just got here sucks I've been sold far behind today and I just found out they close at 5:00 today not 6:00 I thought we're working on a six o'clock deadline five o'clock so I think I pretty much wasted my Saturday in I'm gonna see how much I can get done today but I haven't feel I'm going back tomorrow on Sunday to finish this job and get the other locker I was hoping just come on Sunday and get the good stuff but I don't know I don't know but anyways I got to get to it I'm not gonna feel much today because I have very limited time but I'm gonna work fast work hard let's get going okay five seconds in five seconds in I'm already like wait what this I thought was a Christmas tree over in the corner I knew it was heavy I knew this heavy I don't think this Christmas tree I think this is a jumpy house I think there's a huge hole jumpy house firm all right well that could be worth a few bucks if I could test it how do you test it I don't even know but uh well anyways I just want to make mention of that okay you guys I'm running it down to the last few minutes and that's what I got left that thing weighs a ton in this jumpy house super heavy i put this up for free I can't even budget barely I just can't let somebody come and get it so hopefully they do tomorrow and I just have a couple boxes a couple things to go through got a couple boxes here I haven't been through this is uh to go to the donation the charity center and I got a couple things on my on my car this all keeps right here and that's keeps right there so not a lot of good stuff in this one but almost done alright guys I'm back at the house and I'll tell you I brought a couple pins home I started going through this bin right here not great I mean terrible terrible it's just it's mostly garbage it's amazing how just how bad it could it could really be you know just hey I just wanted to show you a little bit I went through most that unit today I was on a really tight time line so I had to hurry look at this I brought home a couple bins two bins to go through at home this is the kind of stuff a Betty Crocker cheap plastic in it's all dirty see that's dirty here's a little very cheap light plastic vase sticker residue there it kind of scuffed up like where's this bin so bad little piece of cloth shampoo conditioner body wash all right well maybe I keep that but I mean it's worth a couple bucks to me but because I'm getting low here's an RCA remote this is not worth anything I mean maybe it's worth a couple bucks I'm just gonna give it to the donation center they can sell it believe in miracles little wall peace they can sell that to all donate that but this is like it's really disappointing this was for a Sonicare it's an old one the new ones you just placed on the base this one goes in the slot it's all crusty the actual Sonicare toothbrush if you're not familiar with Sonicare toothbrush it was actually moldy because it is just gross this gross gross gross gross gross paper very scrunchies this is what this has been like this actually is a little bucket it should go in the recycle because maybe they can recycle the plastic little photo dirty towel bent wire coat hanger I don't plan showing you guys a little photo okay that's a nice little wall plaque again donation center stuff is depressing I just want to show you guys a little bit I think I'm gonna eat either fast-forward this or fight or something because it's going to get heck [Music] all right next [Music] all right locking us we just finished unloading this and then I realized dangit forgot to get the video here's a little unit we bought it's in five by ten it is very easy to empty out it took us about all of about eight minutes let me show you what we got on the trailer alright that's what we bought or I bought here's the canopy we got all these patio chairs and look at this there's a brand new so these are they look pretty nice to you especially these brown ones they look very nice did you count how many she's going so we also have these here two sets of plastic shelving which is great these are lightweight that's gonna be critical here in the very very near future and you'll see why you'll see what I'm talking about what do we got here one two three four five ten brown ones eight red and black ones and ten red and white ones ten ten and eight that's outstanding I figure each of those probably cost 25 to 30 bucks at the store maybe much more and then the canopy is usually about 100 bucks so we got a good little score here we paid $100 not bad alright check it out I thought these were some horses because they have these yellow things on there it's a shelf unit you know I'm look at all these trains and stuff I got out here all this stuff needs to be put on eBay and shelved and I'm running out of space only have a little bit right here so that's going to come in handy and actually there were two shells so there's another one right there how do you like that alright there it is look at that is actually beautiful beauty for I'm gonna push that little one in a little bit move the boxes behind it and we'll push it in a little bit get it tight and this is creating tons more space for us tons more usable space because see this is hard to access this is easy all right this makes me really excited the only negative thing the only sad thing I knock this off I knocked the soft accident and now it won't turn on so hopefully I didn't mess it up this is a little boombox that I gave my grandma and then she passed away I got it back so yeah I kind of sat on me and obviously been dropped before the buttons missing is scuffed up but I still listen to this I could click it on the am I listen the radio sometimes in the morning so yeah I'm sad about that I'll put some new batteries in Oh Danielle look at that shoot that's hurt I mean alright well that might be the end of that so here I'm catching the that radio for all its glory perhaps for the last time [Music] [Music] all right just like that it is different yeah that was it that one was the sucker move to buy this one but a little sweaty I needed the exercise but sitting around too long so uh yeah but at least the other one was a good move great move actually 100 bucks for twenty eight patio chairs mostly brand-new two plastic shelves one of them very nice and large and an awning canopy whatever so that was it good that was a great investment this one was terrible but only cost me thirty six bucks at the dump so mostly it was time some time wasted but you know what it's all good feels good to be working close to home not much driving it's done I got this to go to the savers the donation center up the street that to go home actually we have one full box and another partial box of good stuff to bring home and look out a little bit closer and then yeah so not a complete scratch but uh hopefully I got 86 bucks worth of junk so I can at least say I could break even all right locker nuts I'm back in my unit here I came to drop off a few things like well that canopy right there I came to drop that off I had a an empty bin this tarp and I don't know an extra dolly so I came here to drop it off and I thought I'm here why don't I do some unboxing you know it'd be nice to unbox some really good stuff right or better stuff what seems to be really good after that last Locker so this is all the stuff that came from that moving and storage company that we went to we went up north a while back and there are the vaults of big wood boxes I did a I started videoing recently going through some of the stuff and then I just kind of left and I didn't finish it so I'm back to it I tell you there's some there's a few interesting things here not really there's one lady there's multiple people that we bought this stuff like a little bit out of this vault and a little bit out of that vault they're all mixed up at this point but there's one lady she's a I ran and I found Iranian books and stuff and she had a little bit nicer stuff very exotic stuff um some silver or silver plated stuff some really nice glassware and things sculptures she had some taste so anyways but not not like great-great-great-great-great so but let me just show you something that got me excited right here alright so if you remember one of the things that we bought that we paid a lot of money for this auction with some paintings I still haven't looked at them but this box right here I don't even know which one this came from but check this out Bentley okay that's like some kind of booklet for purchasing a Bentley like is this a car book or whatever Emanuel and whatever you call it you know like a sales book get you interested I've never seen one because well I've never been in the market for a Bentley so it is a beautiful book it's like super high quality printing look at this amazing right amazing so it's like okay either someone's a dreamer but where they actually have some bucks then I pulled this one out and look at this blowing blowing art auction this is a magazine of some sort dedicated to you an art auction May of 2016 and yeah look like mmm there we go take this stuff out I mean this is cool this is high-end that pages are stuck together get some water damaged but this is a book on art auctions and then what else we got here okay okay what's this for yeah for for really pricey antiques and such so what do we have back here cuz now I'm interested I haven't gone through this stuff yet I kind of like to see the best for last you guys watch my videos you know that like kind of like dessert and haven't even peeked in these really do you see this is a painting of like a legit painting it's big and it has a signature at least some of these pieces have signatures Oh where's the other one what is it almost there's 102 right here this one nope that's empty bugs Oh back here okay three four two three four four boxes of them so I don't know if that's four paintings or more there might be two in a couple of those boxes I forget that's a little paint here but oh I hope this bin is from from the same locker that we got those pieces from I really don't remember I could probably go back to the video and watch it maybe try to piece it together but this has got me a little excited guys it's a little bit of Hope right here that we have actually maybe something valuable because so far it's mostly kitchen stuff bedding clothes a little bit nicely like glassware porcelain china type stuff but I'm just donating all of it I got too much stuff the flea markets still aren't open I'm just donating it and only putting aside a few pieces so anyways that's that's something different all right another big load going to the charity donation it's a decent stuff too
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 20,093
Rating: 4.8960075 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, safe opening, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, train collection, vintage trains, slot cars, 1983 vintage, time capsule, cash, cash box, Lionel, die cast, matchbox
Id: m9gEc6S0zdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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