I Bought A Storage Auction Locker For $140 ... LOOK What Was Inside!

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all righty welcome back everyone welcome back to the channel another day another storage auction Locker I picked up here I spent a total of a hundred and forty bucks so the most money ever spent on a locker previous is I think $55 this is easily the most expensive Locker I've ever bought previous owner owed six hundred forty seven dollars and did not pay for the last three months that's why this Locker went up for sale there was seven total lockers available for auction today six of them sold all right so every single Locker sold except for one every Locker also sold for over a hundred bucks so there wasn't anything going for five or ten dollars like you might have seen on other storage auction videos that I have lots of competition out here but I think I did all right I don't know what's in the locker I know there seemed to be a lot of primitives I had an older antique store kind of thing it didn't seem like it was high-end primitives but it had that kind of vibe that that's kind of what the locker was about so I spent 140 bucks haven't been inside but let's see we picked up let's do it [Music] so arguably the nicest Locker I've never bought that cleanest and I see probably the most valuable in terms of actual sell ability if that's a part of a wash when you wash it for left now it's upside down dip that's exciting to floor mop so we got a telephone in here it doesn't look like an old one looks like one of those reproduction ones but you know although a lot of this stuff does look like reproduction so like that is reproduction that's reproduction although it is reproduction stuff it's stuff that sells there's a lot of stuff that's reproduction that you know you just don't sell because people want the authentic one but there's definitely a lot of good stuff here so even when the auction started you know I definitely saw some number ones in terms of stuff that would bring ten twenty thirty bucks that little still right there will bring about 15 20 flea market you know you got stuff in here this phone right here will bring 10 15 bucks leave market didn't even see these weights here here are some vintage antique weights sometimes these are filled with sand but looks like they're solid cast iron this sled as well well you guys can see it as a consignor number so it came from an auction it's got a load jingle to it I do know the local auctioneer who uses those those as well you got a nice wood box there it's about an hour 10 15 bucks so you know you start hanging up these 10 20 times and you get yourself a nice lot also saw tableau mold I did not like how it was backwards because you can't see the front when she looks to be in good shape so not very familiar with the Halloween decor some of these you can get fifty to a hundred on eBay there is a there's a quite a few that you can and the bench one of the most sought-after style benches fetch about thirty to fifty dollars flea market price so you know just off like five six items you have a hundred dollars so for a hundred and forty it's not a bad Locker I did bring a trash can so let's start figuring out what gets donated what gets trashed what gets ate so I do have another all Technic pieces lately technics here's the box it's not a box full of Turin so I guess that would go with this all these pieces show you guys looks like yet all the older late Legos make sure not Duplo they are Lego this I'll note that guy is that's mega Blok so some are Lego some are mega block alright so I chucked this this was in the front it was broken that's not supposed to be like that there is a piece there and I just completely cracked but stuff like a random hanger we got here it's a nice piece of advertisement maybe 1980 well you know we'll go now you know it we'll put it here hairdryer that will not be fun to grab so if I put that over here it's a good piece as well my sister's garbage do you have some scrap metal random bobblehead already nice so this is going to be stuff that's going to be kept by mistake what is this guy it's broken there you probably knew that back it's kind of cool what is this an alarm clock kind of thing I hope this map looks like radio iPod auxilary it's awesome probably going to be flea market items another one as well rocking alarm clock I don't know these might be Formica Target or something little birdhouse dollar 98 it's about $2 item anyway at the flea market people like birdhouses there's in our birdhouse right here this one's all done up kind of like a church it's got lights on it see that some paper check out this kind of stuff Oh like vintage skateboard kind of stuff some hip-hop stuff they're just clippings kind of like posters as Metallica think guess we'll go through this box this I think is for artwork I don't know the correct term for it the drafting box maybe maybe I don't know it's got a nice lip right there you probably put your paper down put something else inside here this kind needs in decent shape I guess these are two arrowheads broadhead arrow heads this I don't need was that bell atlantic so it's a reproduction but people still like them for decoration you have another one right here rotary style looks like some more cell phone not cell phone telephone parts at the bottom kind of like the receiver port we got up here Old Spice just when I go on a limit say it's probably not valuable Jurassic world dinosaur what else we got what is this whoa huh demon see that alright I'll get to that in a second these cell extremely well I don't know this brand Tama stage sir stage star was that welded together is that why it's like that doesn't look welded these so very very well solid brass as well but this is probably an eBay item hopefully you can pick up 20 50 bucks off this I don't know I'm just going off my top of my head on prices what is this Ritt set you know yeah it's all in there the whole set whatever that is [Music] that's a married guy who've been on the locker so everyone who bought lockers pretty much here at the same time Hoover vac good ol fever back it's all stickered up no idea so this is what I've seen just a while ago oh wow that's got some weight holy wine it's out wait it's a weight it's got some weight how much is that Oh thirty pounds no wonder it weighs so much barely can lift 10 made by Jackson Jackson bran what is this much more my style made in USA 5 I think these are seven and a half or 15 that Jackson one might be worth some money hopefully it doesn't roll off nice piece of concrete no way you would say that four but hey it's just tied on nuts in there so you got a West Coast custom speaker so looks like I don't really ever check my phone when it comes to eBay prices on stuff that I buy at storage lockers especially not immediately but Jackson barbell rare 30 pound looks exactly it says Jax on the left has 30 on the right 317 dollars sold seems like they're they're a little valuable so that looks exactly like it got Jax on the left Jackson on the left and they have a 30 on the right looks like we got a winner folks looks like the Locker was paid off of based on one piece of scrap metal no idea this thing is worth - West Coast custom speaker but I feel like even if it's like that's a little broken on the bottom you can see it deteriorating they had still flea market it I think somebody would just be interested just cuz there's West Coast Customs you guys might remember that from the very famous TV show nat mm I I watched that show a lot with exhibit it will exhibit X gonna give it to you kind of want to see what's in this basket here looks like it's all wrapped up but maybe we can find some things out of it span out little seashells it looks like manna Philippines all sorts of little things ceramics pottery kind of things like that you got a looks like a wooden mug this is I think for there's a pink depression there's usually a bottom piece thanks for lipstick you're supposed to put the lipstick right there or something I don't know let's unwrap one thing some splatter a kind of paint I don't let that be a jar of something what's this thing all about well there is Ryan Howard's head and the other one warm clock another Lego piece some more goodies in there got what might be a Rusty Wallace soon at your hat Granite graphite object sculptor angel battle badly that's might be an eBay item index cards other things I just like the box Rio Vineyards mystery boxes in the back always fun this one feels really light so got a random shirt what's all this stuff AirLife kind unfortunate part about this is I don't know this might be some medical things that they might have had some of the stuff you can sell on Amazon something you can saw on eBay some of you can't who knows this looks like all decoration stuff these are these are newer made to look old some more that stuff just you know decorative pretends possible Legos that's still sealed so that's good yet the lego police boat business Lego it is Lego both a minifig not bad not bad this could have some value to it it's not an empty box it's empty what wasn't there but W Samantha size 7 maybe I'll be in here that's nice well that's a shame that I was hopeful for didn't even see it for the beginning so that's something like I'm a I guess some I would save this box maybe just cause it's such a weird box but if you bid on lockers I mean there to be a stack of these in the corner if you think all you know you got $607 and shoes and they're all empty boxes part of that draw up storage lockers storage auctions so it's a nice little side table kind of thing X and table you put next to your couch put your ashtray on there smoke whatever you want smoke drink whatever really you're into artwork this is like a Hobby Lobby thing don't know if this is real it's real but it's not that's not a painting it's a print 1896 it's kind of cool I think some I would buy that these are nice ones and that's a really nice piece right there just step still on it man do you probably get yeah that's nice 20 25 for that the market maybe I'll Facebook marketplace that it's vintage maybe I'll get 40 out of that yeah Admiral standard broadcast standard broadcast look at the wiring on it Wow so stuff like that's weird we got a bunch of clothes it looks like I get this this bad boys gotta come out aside from that wait this bench is probably the most valuable thing in here yep looks like a bunch of clothes Oh lay it down there vintage Barbie Barbie townhouse over three feet tall hmm Buddha bean never heard them but guess I'll whip that up it's like all women's clothes oh oh oh motorcycle stuff motorcycle pants guessing jerseys Reggie Bush good old Reggie Bush all right there's all this stuff no no I've seen some hats for people who follow the channel though I sell a lot of hats no no it's in there I thought the whole thing was all hats whoa look at all those autographs so somebody collected NASCAR got a bunch of Rusty Wallace got an older t-shirt in there as well looks like a mattress Barbie figurines technics action figures [Music] and that's Dragonball Z oh we got a chord here nope the whole bomb this is all Legos like probably four or five inches deep so you probably got I don't know ten pounds of Legos down there that's a whole mattress Barbies up there I can feel it she's heavy oh wait wait skateboarding meet some heels I have no idea my skateboard guy looks like all clothes Oh a bunch of clothes you got it right and I'm Elvis DVD I feel that's in there they what closes you have to go through every pocket make sure there's nothing else extra money something like that what is this O'Neil graduations on choosing O'Neal might be heaven some might have some value to it yeah Jersey here it's bills Giants Patriots Flutie good old Doug Flutie looks like a like a knockoff Jersey so some decent clothes in here that might be a little sketchy all sorts of stuff all right so almost clean out the locker in its entirety it's uh we're almost there did just see that completely missed that piece looks like a small mirror signed one-sided oh five dollar item you might be I'll throw in an antique long get ten fifteen it's very very scratched up know what those things for it looks like this is kind of nice it's kind of like a wicker no got a mirror what appears to be a couple couple doors shutters barn shutters maybe the top half of them painted and there's some plywood behind there so almost done almost clearing out almost cleaned out completely spent an awesome Locker that is for sure all right so that's when I kind of wrap it up here been a very very long day clean out the entire locker so it's all cleaned out it's kind of weird how there's a door in the back but guess some walkers are just a little bit different but all cleared out it's been a very very fun day of treasure picking picked up a lot of great items out in Locker probably my most profitable Locker to date it's you know you spend a little bit more money but you don't buy loft garbage I filled up one garbage can and this box here I probably will try sell this if somebody would want that but there's no name on it but so really only like a box in a garbage can of garbage from an entire locker is extremely good and it's extremely hard to kind of get lockers that you don't have a lot of garbage in them but it has been fun hopefully you guys have enjoyed this if you guys are interested in seeing more storage auction videos just like this cleaning out storage lockers real life no staged stuff the actual real deal then make sure and go ahead and subscribe to the channel there will be more videos in the future I know the spring and summer might try to really nail this on the nail this on the head cuz there's a lot of good items we found and it's a great treasure hunt I know a lot of people seem to enjoy this series so make sure to subscribe if you haven't already and if you enjoyed the video smash that like button as always have a great day keep living the dream whose [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 364,151
Rating: 4.8308353 out of 5
Keywords: Buy Storage Locker, Won Storage Locker, Won Storage Auction, Won Storage Auction Locker, Won Storage Auction Unit, abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, buying abandoned storage locker, storage auction, storage wars, storagewars, inside storage locker, inside storage auction, real storage auction, real storage locker, found it, resell, reselling, buying, selling, found, treasure hunting, make money, find, haul, ebay, storage locker find, episode
Id: hOFAlw8Bxck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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