BOAT LOAD OF TREASURE got TAKEN AWAY from the locker we bought at the abandoned storage auction

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so we just got a call from public storage yeah and they have made a decision on the boats upper management and they've instructed us that they want us to come right away you previously on locker nuts we bought one of the most exciting lockers we've ever seen this unit had two boats and a boatload of other stuff we partnered with the superstars at treasure hunting with divas and tag team going through this massive unit things heated up when the cops were called to see if the boats were stolen but we were happy to be given the all-clear so far there was great stuff in the boxes but there's a lot more to get through let's see what else we find okay we're getting through the locker we're almost there so let's see what we got here so we have some cool license please so maybe for the boat it definitely seemed to be into Volkswagens vintage book cool we'll check that out on eBay and then he also has a check that out some other car magazines and books and that kind of old which is cool yeah no this is cool let's go symmetric restoration parts for Volkswagens a couple drawing books [Music] sort of did a little research on it on our locker guy looks like he was into interior design it's cool so here's a cool book on that I have to look that up oh yeah look that up home renovation manual kind of cool little David a little older and then looks like there's some other technical drawing books some of these are bringing fake money no tool kit here that's interesting I'm not really sure what that's for I'm I guess it's something for boats that would be my guess tell me if I'm wrong people will make sure to go through everything carefully before we sell it to make sure whatever we sell is priced in the right Oh looks like someone's taking a break over here Walker nuts I come with him and this is what happens it's actually cool is it comfortable actually really comfortable Wow so this is this is how it's gonna be okay gonna be okay so I'm getting back to work where jack takes to say yes deaths and the so vov which is kind of entry-level tools i lump in that case this looks like a multitask kit this is cool looks like a level on here I'm sure it does a couple different things that's nice I'll bring in some money then we go to take that to the flea market and then we have some odds and ends here screws things up really well my cameraman he's back okay I'm just explaining the tallest people I was actually all right comment below if you think I did a good job people of mystery hmm let's see people oh it's a brand new those nuts for a car yeah that's why yeah like puts a little like the back okay cool so keep the groceries brand new everything has been in so far really decent condition and then we have some more design vellum architectural books different things there's a he has a handbook for everything which I love sailing cards and then this is again more contextual items Porsches the Porsche yeah this is cool these Porsche books are super cool for any of you subscribers out there just bet didn't now I just wash and Jack is a massive ooh check that out that's a Porsche yes Jack loves his cars particularly that type cars I'm right here this looks like a yeah yeah Volkswagen right yes actually there's two those are in great shape that could be big one here I think all right people tell us tell us down below if it's good money and what you think yeah here's another one looks like you took them right off this farm what did I know about it that kind of second fitting like it can fit in that box you do that's how much I know all the knowledge that they have because it's super cool yeah okay so this one looks like we're on a different trail here so this is close we'll go through this more later but pretty much scarves go through a jacket that's right and then um have some really cool oh this is personal items oh this let's just take a look at this Oh coach now we're talking my love language okay so coach back huh little this is cool thing that's kind of sweet it's a little dirty it's not that is cool it's really in good shape coach bagg people in a boat locker okay well we got miss hmm canon camera will make a pixel megapixel is but it says SC five hundred seven point one really think so is that like lower I'm okay ten bucks is 10 bucks you guys planner and check them pockets on a few other you know let's just double-check so this is like some personal things I don't really want to show that and then we'll go in here that one's empty and then I'll check in here cards it looks like and some cards we love our cards listen how much they love their dad okay postcard oh it's a gift card don't get their dad's cash though I mean they usually don't be Father's Day that's so funny it says I don't have any gifts because you already bought yourself so many watches watches where's the watch is it watch out for some watches come on dad okay there's a ton of stuff up here my goodness I didn't see back there yeah so here's personal photos we want to skip on that that's cool very cool now I would say if somebody's gonna click car step Volkswagen porsche there's a good things to clay that's easy to sell and collectors do that cute one there's another bath tub for sure right there 356 that's about the extent of my knowledge mean China 1981 all right nineteen no oh no it's a 1961 is caught it's a replica instance Eastwood that's a Swiss Army knife yeah that's like a little multicolored card that's right you need the item yeah that's cool yeah there's some personal items here let's put on the table let's get it this stuff's good okay so what do we have here is that go it's a clock these are super popular in my baby's blood clocks okay it's kind of cool yeah just cool it's cute to be a little collector we don't know so it's careful with few bucks huh oh yeah that's cool that is cool what was the purpose of those at all well you did architecture so it was like for drawing and shading shouldn't like different shading and things shirt the folks that's pretty cool Reebok that might have some money to it good yeah good yeah it's a Reebok shirt too it's not just some off-brand so we like that we do that's cool okay so when we have here a Fuji film another camera it looks like 35 millimeter 35 millimeter cool yeah it's in good education probably look it up because some of them are collectible absolutely so we do have value okay so what do we have here yeah like half of coconut this is like a battery Verizon Wireless this is so much blue mama sees about she likes this is a modem card for it Oh brought it so it's about buckle for brother is that money I don't know what that Pradas money I just don't know okay so so far this box is looking good and this is cute it looks like it's made Warren that's pretty isn't that beautiful nice colors it is oh it's heavy mm-hmm so what everything it looks actually I don't know take someone's pottery class so what's this okay so right here we have some sort of box it's wrapped in plastic so I'm gonna be careful we'll take some time to unwrap this and it looks like there's a stamp here this is yeah this is stamp so that's these can be either ink or wax in there yeah so that's really cool we'll look at that later I'm interesting yeah it's very interesting I just like things that I've never found before you know when I find things for the first time I've never custom like that so this there's a cool bag first of all it's suede it's got some chargers in it it looks like okay so um two more things we haven't gone through yet everything in this so far has been like pretty awesome we're just gonna say I can't miss out that you saw this back I'm side drinking okay Yacht Club okay ray-bans let me get a rebound ooh oh yeah right there that's like they're very that's kind of everybody wants very loose though oh they have to be careful with that yes we're doing to be tightened those are really nice is this in front oh dang these are nice those are super nice I mean you just tell when you put them on they're nice yeah those are really nice are they too big for me they're humongous okay and that's called zip peril Oh like provision yeah rivo but they're really those the realest we're good what the yeah I remember those being good money would you put those back properly checking - oh yeah she says I'm taking - oh you might have to keep these because I went - sunglasses - a friend of mine everybody back my glasses were pirated okay so cool all right nice that's awesome they're so real quick though one thing when we were going through the stuff right here that we did not see until right after I clear up this this is this is like many proper things MinnKota right here see that you do really 30 pounds the throw it's like a mini prophet I think it's like a backup so if your property here you know the propeller goes out your main engine then you have this that you can looks like hook to a battery you can get back to town that's better than using oars paddling Jenna didn't need to go to the gym today right is why you don't need to go to the gym honey when you're at here plenty of work for you to do right you say young man what do you say about what this is cool life he's got super nice you found cool briefcases those briefcases the leather beautiful Italian club Patagonia yes we've got brand new equipment for kayaks boats we've got tons of part those are all parts these are parts here yes Fred Kennedy was this a carpet cars probably both well made these cars he liked cars too like all kind of stuff was that an inflatable no it's not that right this is them hair the Moriya it's just nice yeah that's cool that old car seat propeller engines enhance that a water-ski that yeah and those are water skis this is a water ski boat - oh man this looks like so much fun setting up for the garage Stan wouldn't fun in here okay what did we find right here we found a Burberry suit and the Vinci suit yeah but Burberry we'd never found anything Burberry know in any locker ever right no I have a jacket of it so you have a giant never found in the locker before this is the lock in its first for me I've never seen that before it was a peregrine falcon I believe he's got something well he's got a dove or a queen or something he just took it off oh my goodness all right take a break from the garage sale to take a little closer look at a couple items probably shouldn't go through that I don't think she liked it and these two things right here it's kind of cool brass bookends I'm assuming says main Korea I just think they're cool who's got a price tag Ron of it it says 17 no says 1199 I don't know how old that sticker is these are just cool take a closer look at this okay actually I'm coming back to this thing and showing it after the garage sale I unwrapped it during the garage sale thing got pulled away but this statue is potentially one of the nicer things that we found one of the most expensive things that we found in this locker I don't know we're gonna have to look it up but we did show it to a guy at the garage sale he was picking up some of the stuff like the fine china and anything that seemed to be from Asia that was a little bit more expensive like finer quality stuff he was picking up interested he bought a few items from us and he seemed to know stuff so Jana said hey Kim let me ask you something would you take a look at the statue for me see he looked it in and he said this is from Japan I mean he did not seem to have any uncertainty you know he looked at it very closely and said this is definitely from Japan and he said this is bone he said if his ivory you would not be able to sell it and it'd be big big money potentially big money but he said but now this is bone this is all made with pieces of bone right here and he definitely liked it he offered us $100 on the spot which we turned down just because we said no you got to take our time and take a closer look at this thing potentially I think this could be tough on a bucks it could be a several hundred bucks could be a couple thousand bucks I really don't know the only thing I know is that it is beautiful and it is an excellent condition for example like these fingers I cannot believe these are not broken off very fragile and I don't see one flaw on this entire thing all this we would think would be broken nothing appears to be broken that looks like it might be broken but it's actually very smooth so I don't think that's broken either it's gorgeous guys it's about ten o'clock and we're selling we sold a lot but here we've got our little comic book Stan you see would get kept in the shade nice and I'm still about 75 hours of comics yeah we've got a little jewelry set up over here shiri Department here we sold a couple pairs of shoes those from commerce for eight bucks and so on a few others for five or three still haven't look these parts of these if we think are not boat parts these are actually out of cars so a few things that we have from older lockers like that all this stuff here is all named tools will not let me sell a lot of tools this is not the day for tools apparently but I haven't seen thirty on that table little carts that I picked out of a garage sale trying to put that last 20 on this we haven't sold it yet had a couple people interested no one's asked about that no one's asked about the instability should setting up this red line and we now are at 75 on that and had to cook people thinking about it a really nice surprise of the day is the clothes modeling it we got Levi's galore here you go boss how many Levi's would be sold today no men amazing signs you just hold it 40 bucks keep your boss suit most most of this stuff here's Patagonia right here it's good stuff um here's a Levi's jacket it looks vintage this should be at least 20 this what I thought was telling in leather is not terribly expensive so White's on the table wool sweaters are doesn't so super good in July do we even know what some of the stuff is like I think we have some low-end stuff mixed in with high instead morning so we got it's been a little slow today but we're still selling a lot of stuff in this big ticket a lot of big tickets there all right garage sales going on outside and we pulled this little tool out I said we're gonna pluck that up and I'm putting that out sure enough looks like these sell for about sixty between sixty and seventy dollars it's a smart level and this guy works so that's nice little fun about to listen on TV right now [Music] that studying is working okay we're making deals several months okay good alright yeah that's what's left from the garage sale this right here I know you can't really tell because the tarps over it I always forget to take the photo before I tarp it but there's a this right here a few things that are tables right here the rest are all boxes and items not a whole lot if you remember this thing was stacked up well above that line there so that's all gone I just got back from the dump this thing was stacked way up to here way yep we had all kinds of junk on there stuff that just it's too bulky and thrift store wouldn't take it and not valuable enough to drag out to the flea market this is all good stuff right here a lot of clothes a lot of clothes on here so we're gonna drink drag this out try to have a yeah early morning garage sale before I make the auctions tomorrow should be fine all right lock your nuts good morning we are back in Castro Valley at the facility with heavy hearts right because we got the phone call and from public storage and they informed us that the decision came down for upper management and that we are not able to keep the boats after all Oh strings are crushed people yeah heard it here first yeah and we knew that there's a chance that we wouldn't be able to but we were hoping that since we cleared the first hurdle which was finding out if they were stolen that that would make it more possible but it doesn't seem like that's gonna happen so public stores pretty strict they are publicly owned company very large company they have policies and yeah they're not going to let us take the boats now and what's even more heartbreaking is seeing some of you guys comment on both our channel and G business channel about the potential value so we're not familiar with boats we're not voting people I've never been in the market for a bone I see you super blown away with how many people had put prices that they knew I mean it seems like a lot of people had a lot of knowledge and it was like wow that's so exciting and they were like yeah nope nope going from tens of thousands of dollars potential down to big fat goose eggs some good news I mean we did find some really cool things in the locker so I think that's the awesome part is that the things we found are definitely gonna more than pay for themselves so yeah we had a really good garage sale yesterday killer blew out a ton of stuff and I'm gonna update you guys just in a little bit we're here because we were instructed to remove our lock we got the call he said you need to get your lock off that and [Music] yeah yeah we're like we don't want someone to steal our boats wait yes names super excited no but we're going to take care of that right now and then we're going to go through a few more boxes that we still haven't gotten to and we're gonna give you a recap of the garage sale yesterday because it was off the hook all right let's get going on any any final words no no start the boat you're right they are well no one picked them up I guess well that's the goodness all right anything we're gonna say goodbye to our boats yeah Friday all the good times we could have had them on the Delta we want to do that because we get copyright violation all the dreams of sailing the hump and blue seen with our sailboats and the mahogany oh it's mahogany okay that's one of our viewers everyone seemed to know the type of the boat what was it called again man is that like I know it sounds awesome and we are right by the bay so it's the perfect place to go sailing good to get to the link yeah that's true we have a link to nostalgic for the link this one's a beauty when everybody's known across the league you know what's really incredible to get back how to say anything yeah that's true um but you know it's also really cool as the interior of the boat was so beautiful the time capsule I mean it's a it's like I used to move when I was a kid but what's amazing is how nice the interior was all right everyone let's say goodbye bye that's he's great while it lasted all right you guys see the trailer back there and what else you see empty driveway empty driveway we love that it's as if the garage he'll never even happened everything's gone away so here's the total 1,800 bucks yesterday can you believe that 1,800 bucks that was an epic garage sale we've only had a couple garage sales ever that did better than that 1,800 bucks and I would say 1500 of that came from this locker about 300 from previous Locker stuff that we had in the garage that we drug out such as the comic books and some of the jewelry and other stuff we had a few things that we sold after the garage sale did Gianna posted locally and came picked up like the furniture we gave away the marble table that round table and someone came and took that away it waited time we just have free gone patio furniture forty bucks gone that little mid-century n table 25 bucks gone as but 1800 was the total for everything through the day super super happy there's still hundreds of dollars on that trailer and here's the thing you guys we still have a few boxes here that we haven't gone through so we never got through them we got so tired that day of loading that we just said let's just put these on go later flea the garage sale we were so busy we never got around to it I only barked unbox a couple thing like the statue that you saw but there's a few more things we're gonna put that in a separate video because I know there's good stuff we peeked in at least one of them the box broke up and we transfer the box over there's good stuff in there so we're gonna take a closer look in the next video you guys are gonna want to check it out but don't forget if you didn't go to treasure hunting with Jebus there it is right there if you didn't go to their Channel go watch their video because they we tag-teamed in that locker they went through stuff that we didn't go through so be you won't see it here you'll only see it there and go check them out and if you guys don't know who they are and come on doesn't everybody know who they are they are YouTube superstars these guys are on fire we love these guys they are so inspiring to us to work harder and do better I get so many ideas from those guys they're great we love them go check them out if you haven't already all right treasure hunting with Chivas links below as well okay thanks you guys so don't forget hit the thumbs up if you would comment below subscribe and hit the notification button if you want to know when that next video is coming out with more unboxing from this locker what a great Locker right great items we love it great investment we're going to keep looking for lockers like that of course alright thanks for watching until next time good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts [Music]
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 179,534
Rating: 4.7097754 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Treasure Hunting with Jebus, Found cash, found boats, Jebus
Id: JsybTz3yY00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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