Everything Wrong With Wreck-It Ralph In 15 Minutes Or Less

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Look, no one loves this movie more thanme. No one.

This is how you make enemies, man.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/borticus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ah, I've been waiting for this one since the movie came out. This is great.

"Sometimes dishes need onions." That is a really good line right there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Castriff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

So the programmers of Sugar Rush were planning some Sugar-Free Bonus Level, and decided not to include it at the last minute, but just left the code sitting there?

This happens all the time in video game development. The most famous of which is probably the GTA sex minigame, which was left in the game but completely disabled until the "Hot Coffee" mod was applied, causing a media shitstorm.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/twobithacker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was literally looking for this last night

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MemeMaster629 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Only sin I can think of is its sequel. It looks like Emoji Movie 2.0.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ROBOT_B9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm honestly surprised they didn't give much mention to that mustached prick who antagonized Ralph so much. I mean, he was basically the biggest reason Ralph left in the first place!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VictorClark πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m still surprised they never made a movie out of β€˜Paperboy’.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Coug-Ra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fewer sins here than I expected.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MDMCrab πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Twinkie Klinky made me laugh so loud I woke my cat up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Minifig81 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] forty-two seconds of Disney logos my name's Ralph narration so the plot of this videogame is that Ralph Fiennes stumps to sleep in and a bulldozer comes by they remove this one stump for some stupid reason and then Ralph who apparently has very specific sleeping needs gets angry and destroys entire apartment buildings but the coke everybody was doing in the 80s this is exactly what I used to yell at my college girlfriend shortly before ruining sex if he was a regular contractor carpenter you would not be able to fix the damage that I do as quickly wreck-it Ralph would be amazing at cinema since the movie speeds up time during the sequence to show how much everything's changed over the years but hardly anything changes he'll a realistic time lapse would be to show this arcade going out of business for a few years of becoming a Ruby Tuesday it's certainly better than keeping all these outdated games in the same spot for 30 years without any turnover also if you look closely the fix-it felix game apparently only has one level there's apparently nowhere to go after this I see you got some Toy Story in my wreckit-ralph once again there's virtually no way these game characters could do this on scene but hey I just beliefs been drunk before so maybe I can accept at the start since everybody in the video game universe realizes this is all a show why is Ralph ostracize what this movie is saying is that our human projection of Ralph's villainy translates to the characters in the video game world but meanwhile ruined Ken can be battling and decide to get a drink together after the arcade is closed because they know it's all make-believe I am Zangief I'm bad guy is he though in the original Street Fighter 2 zingy was just another character you could play just like guile or E Honda or Blanca it was one of those boss characters that you couldn't play until a champion edition came out what makes an gif a bigger bad guy than say Ken chun-li or dhalsim dhalsim I am bad honestly when and why did we convince ourselves that addiction recovery just had to include unison group chants so they were all in the pac-man game for that bad anon meeting but in just a few moments everyone's gonna act like going into a game not your own AKA game jumping is a bad thing but clearly the act itself is okay if the circumstances are right so this video game subway travels through a surge protector where all the videogame characters can go back to their homes but what happens if the game is plugged in elsewhere surely not every game in the arcade hooks up to this one surge protector also even though that can't be all the games in the arcade it's too many plugs holy hell this is a fire hazard if ever I saw one how is this place not burned down already named Lera Croft haha but how does ralph know about Laura Croft a character who was never an arcade fixture yeah bring any fruit with you no no no fruit this works I like how the creatures here run away from Ralph because he's a bad guy but that t-rex back there isn't scaring anyone he spent so much time on Easter eggs you forgot about consistency you don't regenerate I have no doubt about this but it does raise this question there are multiple copies of these arcade games all around the world right there are thousands of other record roms pac-man's etc and did they all go through existential crises the nice landers know how to party they even got Skrillex but I'm still left wondering why are there so many of them there are a finite number of windows in the felix game and way more citizens here at this party than windows granted there's half a boiled egg and a piece of bacon at the Stan's so maybe we've got some cross game celebrating going on here which I would then sin for just being more game jumping being casually overlooked by a movie that screams about how bad game jumping is you're just the bad guy who wrecks the bill view again what are all these people pissed about are they the only video game characters who don't know they're in a game do they really live their lives inside this machine and get upset when ralph comes in to wreck their home do they not realize that it all goes back to normal once the game is over cuz with these [ __ ] oh come on this is the lost and found inside the Tempur machine if you lose your life outside of the game you don't regenerate but apparently you can lose your tempers place and just get it right back the scene of eight quarters to play doesn't exaggerate enough this is burnt of arcades diet by the way it's made your mama's Popeyes him lasting even this long without being found out it's kind of ridiculous yep there were two big-budget movies in 2012 that made weird Mother Hubbard references this and the Amazing Spiderman how did that even happen I guess this is her first time playing this game good thing too because what if a hero's duty expert was playing right now wouldn't that person report this strange bizarre weirdness alright pussywillows Howard Stern called he's pretty sure you're stealing his bit I'm mostly just wondering why a family movie from Disney felt the need to make this joke at all go away you have to go pretty far out of your way and money seeking activities to end up drawing product placement where's Ralph you should be wrecking the building okay so now you're telling me that the innocent apartment dwellers do know Ralph is supposed to wreck the building and that's his job because you can't have these same characters pissed off when he doesn't do it Ralph probably fell asleep in the washroom of tappers again so when Ralph falls asleep of tappers does he usually not show up does this Ralph not showing up in the game thing happen all the time and if so why panic at all Felix speaking Qbert it's the single biggest view this movie has to offer Qbert as a game was so infuriating I can't even enjoy this guy he's climbing this wall almost like he totally forgot that if he dies in this game he dies forever and can't respawn at his own game again I'm just saying I'd be nervous about basically everything but especially free climbing skyscrapers they only played one game they just open the arcade before this one game that was this being arcade already closed grace under pressure and above all dignity wow I admit the things this game narrator is listing make for hilarious juxtaposition with the actual actions of Ralph they aren't things a game like this would consider virtues in its best player dignity it's a halo ripoff dignity cartoon character flying in the air and screaming in slow motion cliche how did the metal get all the way back here when Ralph ejected he went backwards but that means the metal had to come off his neck and fly an additional thousand feet or so and magically hook higher up onto another candy cane tree now it's my let the record show that in Ralph's defense vanellope was pretty much a selfish jerk to him right from the start yes she does want a gold coin so she could race but stealing is stealing cybus would chew up that game faster than a chicken hawk and a Koopa crippled roosters force simile aside no you're wrong it takes ages for the side bugs to become an actual threat and sugar rush without a beacon to stop them they'll consume sugar rush sounds I really began programming to me it's not her fault she's programmed with the most tragic backstory ever if the program is aware of the fact that it's a program and its actions are dictated by the code isn't that the definition of AI is this the singularity you die outside your game you don't regenerate you keep telling us that but we haven't seen it once segregated seating imagine a world where you go to a NASCAR race and are forced to sit with only the people who taste exactly like you do oh hell rightful ruler Mac Eric tur somehow went back in time from the emoji movie and inspired itself and now it's its own grandpa casual cannibalism this gold medal from an entirely different game works as a gold coin in this game there's no way that I am racing with a glitch that's glitch estates gone you know it's it's nothing but code now so now video game code makes a difference in this world it really hasn't up until this point I'll lock you in my function function fun dungeon you know it's a play on words in a candy beast race game though wasn't a sweet space jail pun make more sense like the pecan can or the jail cell or the Twinkie clinky holy the bullying is so over the top in this movie I'm wondering if Stephen King did an uncredited rewrite Robin and sugar rush for half a day and is already speaking and setting appropriate metaphors and insults the vibe there Laffy Taffy they're attracted to whatever makes them laugh no one knows why they were programmed into this game but they're perfect decks mocking us in fact what the hell is all this in a game where the objective is to race and the thing that is lost in all this is what statistically it's these Laffy Taffy's are i would send this sleeping guard at the kart bakery but then what upsets me more is the bakery needs agar in the first place it's almost like sugar rush is the most realized video game in the entire arcade they built the whole world inside here that has nothing to do with the game itself so if another people it's nothing but trash into the mixing bowl but when Ralph goes to fix everything the trash magically disappears except for the TV hello you can have magically disappearing trash because it's a video game but you cannot keep the TV if all the trash is going to disappear once you get the right ingredients okay yes this is a terrible race card but I don't see how that book we just went through could ever yield a car more Road worthy than this one diet cola in a game called sugar rush I really want to I know I'm a racer I can feel it in my color she's right of course and unfortunately because in the context of what has happened so far to this point Ralph is also right the movies diet coke and mentos gank is super interesting to me it's both inspired as hell yet simultaneously dated if anything it's a lesson to take time to make certain you want to write off our video into your hopefully timeless movie they just left in the game so the programmers of sugar rush we're planning some sugar free bonus level and decided not to include it at the last minute but just let the code sitting there by yourself it's almost garbage around you yeah I mean everyone here says I'm just a mistake and that I wasn't even supposed to exist what do you expect movie has balls man balls part 1 - punching me here with Ralph's realization and how similar his situation is to hers and then her spelling out how I and probably most kids felt at some point during childhood - sins removal for the fields movie but you're you really don't know anything do you glitches can't leave their games whoa no need for the attitude since you seem to understand his relative naivete his ignorance shouldn't bring score also learning this about glitches makes me supremely happy knowing swordless link is forever stuck in n64 ocarina of time earlier he jumped slightly into the air and landed and that caused the Mentos to drop into the diet coke pit but this man no vibrations at all here I'm just gonna call this in Konami code pandering you want to get people unreasonably excited about something showed knowledge of the Konami code it's now the secret handshake for people who played the original contra and likely have nothing else in common one of the things it's not like the others okay now that we've broken this game down to its very code how though did this metal get accepted into the winners Cup it's Barty Crouch jr. behind this you know like a verb what vomit in a burp together no one will be seated during the Adam Sandler portion of the movie will be put out of all I forgot all my subjects will be homeless how would they even leave the game before the arcade unplugs the machine think about this for a second if they unplug the machine immediately there's no way for the characters to escape to the surge protector but if they're left plugged in long enough to leave before the unplugging who's to say the machine wouldn't get plugged back in does the game now have no characters after that and what about all those times there's a power outage or someone unplug the machine waits for 30 seconds and plugs it back in where's this movie saying that being in a machine when it's unplug would essentially be like death because then they wouldn't have any of their old memories when the machine got plugged back in I don't think you can present unplugging as a woman outcome situation can we talk for a second character has something important to tell another character but is interrupted for some stupid that will make the discussion impossible cliche I'm moving ass in here but only because somebody is cutting onions your mind is probably doing so for good intentions I'm really not okay about it but I still recognize the quality storytelling and emotional beats or the fact that sometimes dishes need onions why are you telling me that metal is an actual physical thing that can actually physically affect the outside world this is like when neo stop the sentence with his mind in the real world only carrots presented as just a yeah that can happen kind of thing attendant decide spoopy yada yada as computer code worse than the 90s film hackers did because she crosses the finish line the game will reset and she won't be a glitch anymore that seems arbitrary is that how programs work a glitch crosses the finish line and the whole game resets and all that damage King candy did somehow magically comes undone first world problems is this society forcing all these spectators to sleep inside the grandstands every night god this place is oh here's the thing movies always do with races where the hero starts out so looking far behind that there's literally no way they could ever catch up let alone win and yet of course they always do they cannot hear each other damn it even if their engines are made out of candy they still make noise damn it that's I bub you brought with you multiplied of all the things in this movie that could have been cut it's the psy bug subplot sure we could a bit of fun with Felix and Calhoun out of it but the main story of vanellope trying to get reinstated into sugar rush is so much more interesting that could have simply made this about getting the metal back and it would've been fine sweet mother monkey milk it's almost like that mindless bug new king candy was a bad guy much in need of a comeuppance without a beacon there's no way to stop these monsters because we're all gonna tell Calhoun what he plans to do here and maybe they should set a timetable in case they need to blow the exit Oh two ladies go I would just like to know how turbo got eaten by a SCI bug and that somehow turned him into a mutant let's not forget the turbo is like 30 year-old programming code and the SCI bugs are fairly new so how does their programming mesh together at all also Agent Smith moth movie just the fact that he's the villain and he's code that has grown too strong inside a computer that to be enough but there's also the parallel of inexplicable existence and powers Agent Smith just refused to die according to the sequel's so he got to stay in or come back to the matrix only now he's got duplication superpowers is that all about neo could have a realization about himself and his abilities and then grow stronger because he is human but Smith is just cold and cold that's all I mean wait movie are we talking about again I'm bad that's good look no one loves this movie more than me no one but this is still a discount Iron Giant Superman moment here and denying it only makes you a passionate liar also it was one thing to have a sort of reference to the whole Mentos coke thing but to base your entire climax around it what does a sudden grimace sound like because that's the sound I'm making phallic symbols after all the destruction and the violence and death and that race ending abruptly this should probably not work right code may say I'm a princess but I know who I really am Ralph I'm a racer with the greatest superpower I like the idea that Penelope isn't the character the game programmed her to be there's a lot of nature versus nurture type of arguments we could get into in that kind of line but if she was programmed to be the princess why does the arcade cabinet show her as a racer someone on the marketing team disagreed with the programmers on that did this our bill say that once vanellope crossed the finish line everything would be reset and she'd stop being a glitch how is she able to still do this glitch if that's the case we asked them to help us out on the bonus levels Jesus to the humans who play these ever wonder why characters from other video games suddenly show up in a thirty-year-old machine you know there's got to be a Billy Mitchell here who knows fix-it Felix inside and out and the inclusion of Qbert characters would be so strange that it would immediately be newsworthy like aliens landing on earth newsworthy I'm telling you guys we haven't been this popular in years the idea that a thirty-year-old game would suddenly surge in popularity just because cuber characters are in it is goddamn silly [Music] no no no God put our mouths on her head no well what's that new what are you thick you know what I used to eat for breakfast cocaine you know what I used to eat for lunch cocaine Oh Jeff for dinner was it cocaine completely illegal in a no way we'll cap it that was you have pitched in the rock of virtue a legacy beyond compare that's Allstate's stand find you and I will kill you taffeta darling taffeta sweetheart winter hingle mccringleberry penn state university
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 6,556,838
Rating: 4.8128877 out of 5
Keywords: movie, wreck it ralph, cinema sins, wreck-it ralph, cinemasins, eww, everything wrong with, review, mistakes, disney, ralph, wave jockey job
Id: pYRpwXHkl3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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