Everything Wrong With Inside Out In 10 Minutes Or Less

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There is a very well regarded pizza place in Berkeley (just over the bay from SF, and right next door to Emeryville, home of Pixar) that only sells one kind of pizza per day.


👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/SlickShughes 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

Jeremy's laughter cracks me up everytime, holy shit

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/JedWasTaken 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

Every guy lost their shit in that scene (9:40). So accurate.

👍︎︎ 74 👤︎︎ u/smileistheway 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

The final sin knocked off has the adding sin ding.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/stefonio 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

Regal Cinemas pre-roll intro

Fucking inspired.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/borticus 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

The credits with different minds was one of the best parts of the movie.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/esoteric_coyote 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

"Eat me, I'm organic" needs to be a T-shirt.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

Wow, that is a damn low sin count for a recent movie. Really kind of shows the quality, in my opinion.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Isaac_Chade 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

I laugh every time they use the candy apple island joke, and this is about the 9088th time they've used it

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/rhodrir 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2015 🗫︎ replies
45 seconds of two freakin logos as usual darkness instantly tells me there's going to be some narration in this [ __ ] you ever look at someone and wonder narration this baby memory should have fallen off the track and smashed on the floor thereby giving us a good reason for why we can't remember baby stuff or or how about a memory troll with 18 million hit points and infinite mana discount marble man Dez that's fear he's really good at keeping Riley safe at that age Riley would have ran right over that power cord and wouldn't have given to its about it also movie steals its entire premise from Herman's head how did this child's brand new emotions know they hate broccoli let alone what it even is this is disgust that's anger okay so far we have joy sadness fear disgust and anger and that's it the rest of the movie no love no loyalty no competitive spirit no logic no Riley if you don't eat your dinner you're not going to get any dessert how is anger already reading a newspaper about no dessert before Riley's dad said anything about it great newspaper by the way but we're still sending this because we're [ __ ] right after you eat none of the other emotions have any control over anger even though they are all within stopping anger from pulling these levers distance these are Riley's memories which are somehow not shot from her POV but I guess we get the point goofball Island is my personal favor Riley's memory storage system is a discount Pinterest well I'm definitely on some kind of watch list now thanks Pixar I love honesty Island Louie creates a series of islands that all seem worthy of their own emotion character thing but whatever the islands of personality are what make Riley Riley and we five main emotions with direct access to an action control board have no say in the matter whatsoever let's get those memories down a long-term dam is a lot of long-term memory she's supposedly gonna hold on to forever apparently this is the first time Riley is noticing the house going up for sale or given any warning they're going to move also Pixar dips into the Toy Story well for a cheap family is moving plot starter neither eats nor mutants are attacking the Golden Gate Bridge in the scene Riley clearly has no understanding of the real estate market in San Francisco or she'd be freaking out over how much money her parents are gonna earn when they flip this thing see this is the problem with choosing for negative emotions and only one positive one is the five main Riley emotions she's constantly gonna be fighting for any scrap of happiness err and a desk over there hockey let goes there put your chair there well the traffic over there there I would anger sadness fear and disgust have some sort of weird say and how this room looks movie van won't be here until Thursday why does the movie band status cause more than 10 memories to occur he makes a move she's closing in Hey hockey once again saves America what the heck is Rockley on pizza movie continues its assault on broccoli congratulations San Francisco you've ruined beets up oh no Chicago did that what kind of a pizza place only serves one kind of pizza the non-existent movie kind the one you find in screenplays that drive the emotions of the plot movie does some kind of explaining but things are going weird with the memories and core memories and the emotions but does such a poor job of it that I'm left thinking just about anything might happen which is exactly the case we only got capital to last a month man to parent openly discusses family financial trouble in full auditory view of concerned child cliche somebody order a broccoli pizza hey love this dream but apparently dreams are mind-numbing lis literal directly referenced things that happen during the day eat me I'm organic is my new pick-up line considering you five emotions literally control Riley's actions during a week time it's crazy you have no control over dream time make sure that all the sadness stays in the circle sadness imprisonment since we moved well crying on your first day of school while introducing yourself to your classmates it's basically the worst day of school ever way to go slack ass emotions you're not in headquarters without you Riley can't be happy apparently she can't be sad either because you're also not there but that's something we'll gloss over also this is why you don't make four of your five core emotions negative ones will be puts a whole bunch of bull between joy and Riley's brain just for the sake of the runtime of the film Riley's headquarters looks an awful lot like the CN tower I'd be great to be back out on the ice here's an interesting quandary the movie is into this point supposedly joy and sadness are in a place where they're physically stuck until they can figure out how to get back to headquarters but what apper parents suddenly moved back to Minnesota she reunited with all her friends and everything but back to normal what a magic back eyo Manor Riley's head and suck them back into headquarters this in itself is sad as mom's head appears to be captained by sadness more than any of the other emotions but also and more importantly why are all of mom's emotions females and Riley's emotions live in a co-ed door the father is thinking about a full game of hockey while eating that's racist but also in practical unfortunately for joined sadness they just happened to be walking across the goofball Island bridge at the very moment it decided it was going to collapse training from the Prometheus school of running away from things actually helps these emotional gals are we getting close yeah just another ride why sadness pretending to know which way to go phone numbers we don't need all these they're in her phone but this movie is genuinely clever and we love it so take our sins as a function of us just being dumb guerrillas but Riley is a millennial and it's doubtful she ever memorized phone numbers this is more of a joke for people in their 30s who grew up memorizing numbers but when the cellphone age began suddenly didn't have to you know Riley definitely ain't happy here but isn't she kind of happy singing the song she's dentally not disgusted scared or angry so how do these emotions stay happy merrily Riley's long-lost imaginary friend goes around stealing long-term memories I mean one is he the guy responsible for losing socks in the dryer two also guy who can certainly help out is kind of embarrassed about his Riley memory stealing and thereby takes off running instead of helping because horton hears a who enjoy the joy how does news about the various emotions travel outside of headquarters to imaginary friends or employees of a human head is that the weirdest thing I've ever written yes it is just want to be clear the imaginary friend inside of Riley's head just sprained his leg wha why not walking we're takin that train of thought movie just keeps inventing ways out of the bull scenarios it puts its characters into strategy there are four stages this is the first Riley's own joy and sadness are now in her abstract thought and I just lost the battle with my own existentialism I was Riley talked into playing hockey again especially since she's completely shut down since joy left headquarters apparently one's ability to play hockey is dependent upon the ability to keep memory balls in a thing perhaps this is an exploration of Riley's heart but the heart never really makes an appearance in this movie physically speaking here you go Diggle monster tickle monster Riley's dreams are truly the weirdest thing ever because they're all based on earlier events does she ever have that dream where she's trying to get somewhere but no matter how far she travels she never gets any closer what how did the cops and bing-bong get that freaking far that quickly it's where they keep Riley's darkest years ah apparently there is no room for happy thoughts in the subconscious and couldn't some of the darkest fears popped up in Imaginationland I guess that would have ruin the production design that's broccoli goddamn I know it's common for kids to dislike vegetables but this assault on broccoli is offensive that is delicious and nutritious what is this a cat subconscious how is a vacuum cleaner a subconscious thing something we're barely aware of but not quite sure is real I guess this is why the hairs on our neck stand up every time we walk into a Sears instead of lifting up the bloom cage joint tries to do this I mean we see her do this with a different balloon down here so it's not like balloons are super heavy in this place honesty eyeline crashes into the train of thought and so the train gets derailed but doesn't she still have a train of thought about running away if we're making physical representations of abstract things does this mean she's not thinking anymore am i overthinking this I'm pretty sure I am but it's amazing how convenient all these physical interruptions are to the clock well what would have happen if it had missed and just fall it could emotions die see look how convenient it all is you say who cares it's a kids movie about the inside of a brain but I say I care damn it because cheap tension does not equate as real tension joy is a dick in brain land this is basically manslaughter I mean see there's an unseen villain at work in this movie something that knows joy is trying to get back to headquarters but is doing everything in its power to keep her from doing so is it the nothing I think it's the nothing and now that joy is falling down here with Bing bong it means it's a harmless fall because this movie is not going to kill joy which then undercuts the earlier cheap tension train bolt feeding further how could this kid have forgotten this first day of school sadness in the few days since it happened that's literally not possible listen her stories all day I guess this is a tear-jerking scene but doesn't really make sense if you consider how off and the movie showed us these five emotion controlling Riley's actions so the stories were probably made up by you [ __ ] too you flip-top all over this movie from acting parental and protective of Riley to actually being Riley I just want Ryan to be happy and sadness wants her to be sad and anger once her to be how could this have ended any other way the deck was stacked against happiness from the start imaginary Rock and wagon ex machina why is there a ramp in the middle of all these Forgotten memories and it looks like it's a giant book did that get down here imaginary hero sacrifices himself to save the mind cliche why does he need to disappear all of a sudden also why did he disappear so quickly his hand evaporated as soon as they got down here and now he's completely gone but Joey's okey-dokey what's up with that they fell into the forgotten at the same time right Oh bing-bong oh sorry I was getting sad about his death there for real but then she said his name again Joey gets the idea to follow the trail of sadness balls to find sadness but why can't this be from earlier when she was being dragged all over the place and touching the bottom row I reject this notion that sadness can just make every single one of these memories sad by just touching them and if you tell me certain memories are gonna be looked back upon with sadness just because of all that she's going through and I'm gonna tell you all these other memories on the higher shelf should be affected too you can't just pick and choose that yo funny how all the other islands immediately crashed but this one is staying up because family I guess if it's that strong does its survival really depend on whether or not Riley gets on that bus I am positive this is crazy indeed but that rainbow wagon rocket worked so just get on with it already well we've been dicks to this movie and this is the type of quality Pixar was hammering out almost every year until Disney decided to make them turn out sequels to everything this is a return to form and will not to sins off like tragic vampire romance island yes Twilight Island Oh everyone shut up we banned Island poop that's just phase say what amazing that could sum up an 11-year old girl with five ping Islands but a year later there's a whole Caribbean out there because the age of 12 is Magic sorry what now you're controlling her every move again you weren't doing that while she walked for her parents to the ice or interacted with that boy but way to make hockey a video game basically movie but we still love our girl you are that girl this entire end credits sequence is inspired and awesome and evil Island what do they got there apes but they're not so big I'd flip through catalogs and wonder what kind of dining set defines me as a person anybody give you dog it's triple na quadruple system her life I wonder what that means is funny this smell just like tortoise me it's good it's like it's like has been erased erased from existence
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 15,023,911
Rating: 4.8354168 out of 5
Keywords: cinemasins, eww, everything wrong with, review, wave jockey job, inside out review, everything wrong with inside out, cinema sins, Inside Out (Film), pixar
Id: 07isJX3XTBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2015
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