All Disney Direct to DVD Movies - Disneycember

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well every Disney cember we try to look at the best that Disney has to offer this year we're gonna go the opposite route if you're younger you might have noticed all these sequels that seem to pop up too popular Disney films that don't really seem to be as good this is because as hand-drawn films were starting to phase out and CG films were starting to phase in Disney didn't always have a lot to do for their hand-drawn department at least nothing that made that much of profit however that seemed to change though not necessarily for the best with the direct-to-dvd series for whatever reason kids just love to see what was gonna happen next in these movies that really didn't need any continuing stories and they got a reputation pretty fast of being the worst you name it Lion King Aladdin Pocahontas even The Hunchback of Notre 'adam got a sequel as they seem to make more and more money they pushed him out faster and faster and well they have a reputation for being some of Disney's worst material in recent years for a long time people have been asking me to look these over and by god I didn't want to but you know what I'm an optimist and I'm gonna hold out hope that there's at least one just one good sequel out there is it a fool's wish maybe but I'm determined to get through all of them to see if they're as bad as everybody says they are I get a feeling they're right but I should judge for myself even though there's surprisingly enough films to almost fill the entire month there's still one or two that I have available yet so I'll fill those in with not sequels but still direct-to-dvd movies that they made is there somewhere a diamond in the rough to be found well all through the month of December I'm gonna find out because you demanded it this is Disney cember direct-to-dvd sequels I hope you appreciate what I do for you so let's go to where this all started I remember I got the VHS of fox and the hound as soon as you open it up there was a little pamphlet that said one of the greatest villains was coming back you opened it up and you saw Disney's the return of Jafar holy smokes to a little kid this was amazing Aladdin was one of the biggest films that ever came out at that time and Disney never really did any sequels apart from the rescuers down under so we were beyond excited to see another Aladdin movie on the big screen as more time went by though we realized it wasn't gonna be on the big screen it was gonna be direct a VHS ok it was still an Aladdin sequel and it was done by Disney it still has to be pretty good right well then we saw the trailer for it and man there is a serious downgrade it was pretty obvious from the first frame what this was this was Disney trying to cash in on a popular movie which they've done before but not usually with a sequel and not usually with such a difference in animation so yeah the hype died down pretty quickly but I'm still kind of interested in seeing it after all it was Aladdin and we want to know what evil scheme Jafar had up his sleeve the film centers around Aladdin get used to his new palace life and apparently still unable to put on a shirt when Diago the parrot escapes from Jafar's lamp and tosses it away trying to convince Aladdin in the gang day he's changed for good even though he really just wants a new position of power on top of it the genie returns to a sort of rabble Eames didn't come back to voice in this time and it really shows they got dan Castellaneta the voice of Homer Simpson to do him instead to be fair it's not a bad choice he can do a pretty good impression but so much of the genie was Robin Williams just doing his improv and nobody's as good as him so immediately it's a little distracting but Jafar returns as well as a thief played by Jason Alexander accidentally releases him and Jafar as the genie promises to grant him his wishes if he follows through with his revenge so Jafar plans his evil scheme by framing a lead and making it look like he killed the Sultan all while locking up everybody else away the plot in general is not that bad and to its credit of Farr's revenge actually a pretty good one but nothing feels as fleshed out as the original in fact Aladdin doesn't even seem like the focus it feels more like the focuses on Diago he's the one that has the story arc he's the one that's torn between two places but in terms of what made the original Aladdin so enjoyable and continuing it here a lot of it just doesn't transfer over whether they didn't have the time or the budget or whatever it just feels really rushed aladdin and Jasmine don't have much chemistry the genies not really that funny the animation though I know they're trying just can't compete with the incredible colors and movement that the first one had even the songs aren't as hummable and yeah way too many of them are given to Gilbert Godfrey because that's a voice I want to hear put to music I remember when my brother and I first saw it we were more making fun of it than actually getting sucked into the story but again being kids we did put it on once or twice after we kind of accepted what it was just a cheap knockoff rushed out really fast and I guess achieve knockoffs go it's not the worst it's just not very good its purpose is made totally complete by the ending where it just seems to end really abruptly they just say hey we want to go see the world and it just kind of stops I remember we were scratching our heads what that was about and then a few days later the Aladdin cartoon show came out so yeah really all this was was a pilot episode for the Aladdin cartoon honestly I probably would have liked it more if it just came forward and said that's what this was if they just announced there was an Aladdin show coming out and this was going to be the first episode or a couple of episodes tied together like what they usually do with the Disney Afternoon but no they had to put it on VHS slap return of Jafar on it and thus we now have to judge it as a Disney movie not at the at record release but still a sequel to a theatrical release and in that case it's pretty bad what would have made a passable TV pilot is now the beginning of a long line of disappointing DVD sequels the only part that kind of gets a chuckle every once in a while is Jason Alexander is the thief but that's because it's Jason Alexander and anything he touches his hilarious well almost Disney did manage to crush him but even when he's saying unfunny lines he can get a little bit of a laugh out of him he's just that good as for the rest I think the word to describe it is probably awkward it's not god-awful it's not like there was no effort put into it it's just awkward looking back years later it's not that big a deal especially we know all the sequels Erica come out after but for a bunch of kids that were excited to finally see a sequel to one of the biggest Disney films they've ever seen it was pretty underwhelming I know it has a soft spot for some I was just never one to get into it but this would only be the beginning of the Disney sequels suckfest war we're on the way and there was so much more suffering to be had [Music] well with the return too far doing so well in sales and the animated series being a pretty modest hit it only made sense to wrap it all up with one more Aladdin movie Aladdin and the King of Thieves a much better sequel than the last one not only is it more cinematic in both the story and its visual style but it actually puts the focus back on Aladdin and the troubles he's going through doesn't make it good I don't know if I can go that far there are still a lot of things that don't work about it but I can at least say I was genuinely entertained and even kind of impressed aladdin and Jasmine are finally getting married yeah I guess they push that whole three days thing off a bit but like he said he's the Sultan that can change the laws so why even have a law that she has to be married ah who knows fairy tales haha but Aladdin is feeling sad because he can't invite his father to the wedding because well he never knew his father but that all changes Wade discovers his father is actually the king of the forty thieves and tries to rob the wedding he's trying to get this scepter that's in the palace that contains an Oracle that can tell him where the greatest treasure of all is the hand of Midas Oh Adhan and his father played by John rhys-davies finally meet up and don't know what to really make of each other the father is confused about how he made it to a place of royalty and a lab is confused why his father is still a thief both want a relationship to bloom but both have issues trusting the other especially a lab entrusting his father and we find out the rightfully so the father still wants to find the hand of Midas and will do anything to achieve it so Aladdin puts off his wedding and goes back and forth trying to figure out whether or not he wants to help his father and get the treasure or if he just wants his father back to be well his father and yeah this is kind of the main problem with the film I give them credit for tackling the issue of father's that aren't very good fathers as it can be a very tough issue sometimes can turn over a new leaf but other times are still caught in this selfish cycle but here's the problem Aladdin's father cycle doesn't really make sense he says they left Aladdin because he couldn't provide for him and his wife so he goes and joins the 40 thieves to get his treasure so that well he can support them they clearly fight a lot fetchers but he never comes back well okay maybe they are building him up is kind of a deadbeat dad but no they tried to give him these sympathetic moe which I'm usually for except it doesn't match at all what he was talking about anyone that talks like how this father talks about his son wouldn't do the things that he does he would be happy to go to the wedding he wouldn't give a crap about the treasure in fact there's really no point to care about the treasure he can just go and live in the palace it's all just a pride thing but then at the end he throws away the treasure even though he tried so hard to get it but wait Aladdin was helping him find the treasure - why does Aladdin suddenly care about this it's so weird to see a lad and just abandon his wedding and then be like hey let's go find this treasure that really I don't care about but he doesn't really cheerfully and the father is all okay with it and it just doesn't add up the motivations constantly go back and forth but not in a way I feel was intentional if you want to see his kind of story done so much better watch Adventure Time and Finn's connection to his father or even strangely enough Fresh Prince of bel-air and his connection with his real father these shows get it and they know how to explain it well I don't think this one really does it feels more like they want to do something with a lab in connecting to his father but they also want a treasure hunt so they just kind of smash them together and yeah given the probable short amount of time that they had on this I guess I can't be surprised what we got but that still doesn't mean that the heart and focus works and when the heart and focus doesn't work the film really suffers and it's hard to get behind it but that's not the only problem the first Aladdin was very good at balancing out the characters everybody felt like they got the appropriate amount of screen time in this one it's mostly on Aladdin which is better than return to fire whereas mostly on Iago but all Jasmine does is show some support and then mostly stays out of the picture and all the genie does is want to plan a wedding speaking of which let's talk about the genie because Robin Williams is back to voice him and that's both kind of a pro and a con it's a pro because it's Robin Williams as improvising is incredible but it's a con because unlike the first film they don't always know when to cut him off granted in the original they do leave the camera on him too long sometimes but they knew to keep the focus on Aladdin and the story and so forth in this one I actually kind of dreaded whenever the genie was gonna come on screen even when he made me laugh it just didn't connect to anything it's like he comes in and just hijacks the movie when we could be spending more time trying to get the motivations of Aladdin and his father down or give Jasmine more time or make the villain more interesting just everytime he shows up even when it's hilarious it still feels out of place at first I thought the songs were gonna be really good the first one really had me tapping my feet and kind of humming it afterwards but then outside of a do way from Aladdin and jasmine they all sound exactly like that I swear it's like the exact same song in the exact same rhythm just a few notes are missing or changed there's very little variety which is ironic because I know more than one songwriter worked on this but for all its problems like I said there are a lot of good things blames jokes though they do go on too long aren't still mostly funny I think to at least try to tie in some of the characters at the end jasmine throws a punch and the genie gets a few action scenes and like I said you can tell they're trying to go that extra mile look at some of this animation this is the same crew that brought the Aladdin TV show to life TV shows back then didn't have a big animation budget so for them to come together and pull off something that looks this good it's really impressive the angles the movement the lighting the colors you can tell they knew this was gonna be the last thing Aladdin related and they wanted to try their hardest to make it good and give them credit for all the action and singing there are a lot of times where people just sit down and talk when it's actually needed and welcomed and those scenes don't feel forced they flow very naturally it's just once again the motivations there's a difference between being intentionally complex and sloppily complex I feel like this movie had a lot of really good scenes and ideas but no concentrated narrative to have them connect or flow so it's a tough call I don't see it really working as a film but I'm also kind of happy I saw it it was visually interesting it was creative you could tell it was trying to have a real heart and soul and I give a credit that was trying to wrap up both the TV series and the movies it even ends with the merchants singing the song at the end those are kind of nice bookends I get a feeling if I was a little kid I'd be into it and as an adult there's some neat stuff it's just that now that ever really but you gotta give prop to the directors and animators who you know we're on a tough deadline for this for Disney sequels and shows they're almost never given enough time to be fleshed out this was a valiant attempt to justly wrap up another Arabian night [Music] let's get this over with Bell's magical world I can safely say that this is the first Disney sequel I've seen during this Disney cember that is clearly just doing the bare minimum help I even know if it's doing that I guess with the popularity of Beauty and the Beast enchanted Christmas they felt well why not do another one just something anything I don't know throw it out there and that's what this movie feels like they just took something anything and vomited it up before us what's the story there isn't one well no there there's like four or five it's not even really a movie it doesn't really begin it doesn't really end it starts off in a lame-ass CG library he gives us the set up again how Belle traveled to a castle and comes across all these little characters and the beasts and then it's just a few stories about when she was there there's a part where she's angry at the beasts and they fight over who's gonna apologize first that ends then there's a part about Lumiere being in love with the feather duster that ends there's one where mrs. Potts feels left out that ends and there's one with a bird with a broken wing that ends and then it all ends that was it it doesn't even wrap up the opening at least had a narrator saying hey this is going on the ending just it just stops it's pointless it's stupid there is no reason for it to exist is that a movie is that what counts as a movie talk about false advertising look at the cover it shows Belle in the yellow dress the famous yellow dress it doesn't even appear in this what does appear really sucks well the animation in enchanted Christmas wasn't phenomenal it's still pretty good again you could tell they were trying they just didn't have the budget to do as well as the first one but they were really trying to make it look like the first one well it looks like they took the budget enchanted Christmas and cut that in half again look at everybody they look awful this doesn't look like a beauty in the beasts movie it looks like Beauty and the Beast the TV show like what they do with a Ladd and the TV show was that the idea was this going to be a Beauty and the Beast TV show and then they just scrapped at the last minute but they figure it we have four or five of these already done just slap a movie title on it and say Belle's magical world what's even magical about it we seen all this before there's nothing new it's just don't worry used to this there's nothing even that match all about it what is that weird face has now become a meme magical okay it is a little magical but everything else is totally pointless if you're just gonna lazily throw these things together and expect it to be a movie expect it to be judged as a movie this is clearly just something for three or four year-olds I know what you're thinking oh is that like with the original Beauty and the Beast was no it was nominated for Best Film not this anime film that didn't even exist yet maybe it's because of this movie that that category exists come on it's Disney is there anything good in it well I like this line one thing to do we must scream like bloodless cowards this one's kind of cute I guess the cartoony animation isn't that bad but the animation went supposed to look serious like a bell of a beast is just pathetic so yeah two lines from Lumiere some cartoony stuff that because of the low bar I have to congratulate them on looking cartoony but aside from that no he's really nothing if you have a toddler that likes anything show this because they'll like anything else magical world it sucks and on to the next one bye [Music] [Music] yeah because out of all the Disney properties that people seem to love the most it was Pocahontas clearly we needed a sequel to that truth be told I don't know what's more shocking the fact that they actually made a sequel to this film that was so historically inaccurate and the majority of audiences didn't like and even many said was the beginning of the downfall of hand-drawn Disney animation or the fact that I can't believe I'm saying this I actually enjoyed this one a little bit more than the original but if you know what I think of the original that's not saying much it's still not good in fact there are seen start downright cringe-worthy to sit through but again as I'm finding out with some of these Disney sequels there was a legitimate talent going in that I have to admire on some levels sort of the film opens up as stupid as you think a movie called Pocahontas too would open up John Smith is apparently killed by the villain from the last film Ratcliffe somehow through some very confusing exposition especially for a kid's film this means that the white man can go and invade Pocahontas his tribe but one man named John Rolfe played by Billy Zane believes this is unfair so he pleads with the king to talk to the chief and see if they can work out something between the two the chief is resistant though especially seeing how the settlers on their land are not always the best haha just wait until what happens in the future but Pocahontas his daughter offers to go in his place Rolfe begrudgingly agrees but thinks there's still some way to turn this into something positive even if he's not getting the chief himself Pocahontas is thus introduced to a new world and finds out that she's gonna make any progress she has to adapt thus she learns their etiquette their way of doing things and of course puts on a pretty dress that they can mark it to all the Disney princess lines let's see where is it there she is it's borderline of my fair lady's story but keeps just interesting enough that doesn't become too clichéd and she does a good job winning the people over showing that they're not all just savages and that they can in fact be very intelligent and very peaceful but when Ratcliffe brings in a bear to torture as apparently this was some sort of entertainment in the day I'm not sure if that's true but if we allowed bullfighting guess anything's possible Pocahontas stands up for the poor creature thus driving the King insane for some reason orders her to be thrown in jail and the attack on her people to begin and we go right back into stupid territory again with swordfights John Smith returning a romance blooming even though apparently the person she fell in love with before doesn't count anymore even though he was kind of still interested but not but it's okay because her is the capable strong hero is suddenly seen doing very little in terms of saving the day all of a sudden it gets so stupid there's an immense tragedy with this film because unlike the first one I didn't always know where it was going and the way was written and the way was animated and the way it was paced it was surprisingly kind of engaging with the first film I knew every second every line every character what was going to happen it was so predictable you knew the exact message plot when things were gonna happen it was just ridiculous the only thing you really had going for it was a good color scheme and some nice music here the color scheme and music aren't quite as good obviously with the budget cut but there is still a lot of artistic merit not only some of the scenery really nice and by god I forgot what a good singer the voice actress of Pocahontas is but I felt the expressions in this were much stronger than the last one in fact a lot of scenes of pointless dialogue are taken out just replaced by how they look look at this scene where Pocahontas saying goodbye to her best friend they barely say a thing but look at that look at the emotion in their faces it's remarkable there's another great scene where she first sees the king and she freezes they never explain why they never talk about it but you just feel the moment and it's a quiet scene there's not a lot of in-your-face music it can actually be very subtle there's a real conflict between how much of Pocahontas culture does she give up to a debt and how much does she hold on to what does she sacrifice for the greater good that's ten times more interesting than what we got in the last film where you knew from begin to end what was gonna happen I really hated how at the end of the last film she didn't go to the New World she just stayed with her people and I thought why why are you closing those possibilities why are you just keeping things separate but in this one you do see the lands explored you see how she reacts to things and it's interesting and it's charming and the romance is nice and this whole side character that's following her around trying to protect her he's cool I like how all the people don't know how to accept her but they don't immediately they're just curious they're unsure and I don't know it just felt more relatable it felt more interesting which is both surprising but also a shame that it started off so terrible and it ends so terrible I've never seen a movie where the middle was the best part again for what these people had to make and what could have so easily been a phoned-in project I really felt they were trying it just didn't work whether it be because of notes from Disney or they just made the wrong choices or they didn't think the thing all the way through but yeah to its credit there were much more moments where I was sucked in with Pocahontas too than I was with the first one so I guess if you're really interested in checking out I would probably say just fast-forward to where she's going to the new world and then stop at where they're torturing the bear because anything outside of that is garbage but for some strange reason the middle part of this movie is actually pretty strong okay it's not perfect but it's Pocahontas too I was thoroughly impressed I got anything interesting at all so I guess I'm glad some parts of it worked hell actually a good chunk of it worked but it still doesn't work as a complete whole and that does really damage it the bad scenes aren't just bad they're embarrassingly bad if you're curious it's not creatively bankrupt I actually am glad I saw this movie or at least the middle anyway but the rest of the colors of the wind sadly are blowing me away [Music] [Music] I start telling people I was doing the direct-to-dvd sequels a lot of people were saying that Lion King 2 actually was okay and yeah I see what they're talking about it's probably the best way to describe okay is it the first film no but it's a bells magical world no it's not good it's not bad it's not incredible but it's not awful either it's a perfect middle-of-the-road film that you would probably expect Simba and Nala have given birth to a bouncing baby girl named Kiara voiced by Jeff Campbell simply shows her the ropes just like his father did but it turns out there's a dark shadowy place that they need to stay away from no not the hyenas now it's the outsiders a group of lions that like the leadership a scar and vowed to get the land back their leader named Zira is training a lion cub named Kovu to be a cold-blooded killer who grows up kill Simba and ultimately takes control why him well apparently he's a not descendant from scar yeah it's a little confusing he's not his son but scar took him in as his own even though there was never anything the last movie that show they did it's pretty forced and stupid but don't know it makes the message in the end so much stronger Kiara of course befriends Kovu but they're told that they're gonna grow up to be natural enemies a few years pass and seemingly it looks like Kovu wants to leave his pack having saved Kira's life and using that as leverage to join Simba what they don't know is that Kovu is actually planning to kill Simba when he has the chance but you know it the two just happened to get along and of course fall in love and that makes things really complicated will love prevail and the two warring sides see their faults is this as clear a metaphor for Romeo and Juliet as the first one was for Hamlet personally I think it's clever that they're taking from Shakespeare's second biggest play after his first biggest play apart from a few other things but that's in our story the old characters like Simba Timon Pumbaa and Zazu all feel kind of recycled even with the original voice actors coming back but the new characters and their voice actors seem to breathe this very likeable life into them I really like the people they got to play the new parts were the original actors well not all bad just kind of feel like they're doing their usual shtick Rafiki has a song that doesn't really add much simba has a cold dream sequence but outside of that he's just kind of the mean father now let's practically pointless Timon and Pumbaa well I'd even like that much in the first film so now on the sequel we get the table scraps of that comedy but everyone else really seems to care about this story even if it doesn't always make sense it's almost cruel to compare the animation of this one to the original as the original was one of the big as anime and movies ever made it's just huge it's one of the few films where they rerelease it I go to see it on the big screen every time now we have that animation budget cut in half and what do you expect it's direct-to-video as director video goes it's bit they still have some of that nice line work and try to work in some good backgrounds but yeah you're always gonna be comparing it to how good the first one looked and that's always gonna be a little distracting but honestly for what it is it's pretty decent the songs I surprisingly kind of like I even found myself humming some of them after the movie was done we are one is a nice melody in to bending while pointless is still a nice rhythm and even the song he lives in you I think that's in the Broadway version isn't it so you know that's got to be pretty solid in many respects the film doesn't need to exist the first Lion King truly was a spectacle to look at and when you do it direct-to-dvd movie that's trying to capture something similar you know you're not gonna get it so it almost seems pointless but if I was forced to make a direct-to-video sequel on the Lion King this is probably what I would turn into there is a lot of effort in what I'm sure is not a lot of time and not a lot of money at least by Disney Feature Film standards he's it awkward at times yeah but it does have enough character to it that even though I felt like I knew what was gonna happen I still wanted to see it happen if it was a feature film I'd probably be a little harder on it but since it's a direct-to-video movie I think it's okay it gave me exactly what I expected and nothing really more but I wasn't expecting more if anything I was expecting less if you want to see something on par with the first Lion King you're definitely not gonna get that here but honestly I don't know anyone do the things they're gonna get that if you want to see sort of a TV sequel with better than TV animation I think this one's fine kind of a middle-of-the-road review but it's kind of a middle-of-the-road movie pop it in and judge for yourself [Music] [Music] well after a film as 90s as a goofy movie we can go even more nineties easier with an extremely goofy movie yep because everything in the 90s was hmm a chance surprised I didn't spell this with an X because well we'll get to that in a minute I guess in a sense this is exactly what I think of when I hear direct-to-dvd sequels or at least what I thought they were gonna be before they started doing the big popular movies goofy movie was a modest success and it did pretty well on VHS so it kind of figure to do a direct-to-dvd movie that's just kind of what they did back then and honestly you get what you'd expect a movie like this would offer it opens with Max and his friends getting ready to go off to college goofy once again is having a hard time as a loving parent letting go of his kid its credit well is cramming a lot of the cool stuff at the time in your face it does take some time to actually be a little emotionally considerate but things go south when goofy is fired from his job and has to find another one he's told that the majority of jobs require college degrees nowadays so enter exactly what you think is gonna happen goofy goes to college with max and under pretty much every other thing you think is gonna happen max enters a competitive sport there's a bully that makes fun of him they're prepping cheaters who make fun of the fact that his father is there who of course makes things worse Max is embarrassed that relationship is pulled apart again and of course it ends with some sort of big sports event oh did I say some sort of event like I forgot what it was no no I remember you could forget for the life of you it's the X Games because they pound it the hell into you it's beyond obvious that Disney owns ESPN because they plaster that everywhere to Max's whole goal in this thing is to enter the X Games and win it it's so weird to see that logo without some sort of parody or satire in there but no it's all just one obvious commercial it's really weird so okay the stories about recycled as it can get is there anything good in it yeah there's a couple things like I said there's one or two emotional moments that are brief but effective I feel like the animation is trying to be funnier than it's allowed like the bully character he's an amazing actor but he's just not given a dialogue or scenes very funny but at the same time look at him you kind of want to laugh at him a little bit goofy also starts a bit of a romance with this librarian who's also low-key and awkward and again look at how she's animated you do kind of wild laugh at her but the key word is want as in they want you to laugh they want to get reaction out of you but there's just not that much substance there some things I don't even get like max and the bullies are in this beatnik coffeehouse which did those even exist anymore I mean no there's coffee houses but come on these people look like they're out of 50s not the 90s and they all start snapping that for some reason scares the bullies away I don't get it this whole movie feels like a really good joke being set up but for whatever reason we never quite get the punchline that kind of holds back it never becomes anything it just sort of falls into that mesh of typical College movies except now for kids hell did this inspire monsters you know I'm so thankful for that I don't think these are as entertaining as Disney thinks they are it just kind of feels like opportunities they're never fully taken advantage of and speaking of which I'm just gonna say it I miss Roxanne I mean I know high school going to different colleges puppy love separates you all that stuff but I'm sorry they were a really cute couple could the movie have been about that maybe about them breaking up or deciding whether or not they wanted to stay together or going to different schools you know actual interesting stuff stuff that some kids may need to know when going to college but nope it's all about being the sports star and trying not to be embarrassed by your wacky parents I'd see this only if you're a die-hard goof troop fan or I don't know an example of them will be trying to save itself despite a bad script but now that interests you it's exactly what you think of directed DVD movies gonna be take it for what's worth and see the X Games yourself die me an extremely goofy movie yourself cast a battalion [Music] [Music] so I'm not gonna lie one of the few Disney sequels that piqued my interest a little bit was Little Mermaid to us I have returned you far I never saw any of the Disney sequels they just didn't piqued my interest and I think I was a little too old for them but when I saw the commercials for this one about Ariel's daughter who is a human who wants to become a mermaid I thought yeah okay I wasn't expecting much I know it's a Disney sequel but I thought there were some possibilities in this I popped it in gave it a watch and yeah it sucked okay maybe that's too strong a word but it just felt like an hour and a half of nothing this story should be so easy to make interesting but instead you just felt like they're going through the motions the motions that we got see these characters again we got to at least five dumb kids movies cliches that you've seen everywhere and we have to in no way make the characters feel like their decisions are making the story flow doing what the story says they have to do that's a shame because like I said I thought this was a good idea Aereo and Erik have given birth to a little girl named melody she's about to be introduced to her grandfather Triton but then Ursula's crazy sister interrupts and threatens to kill melody unless Triton hands over his magic trident she's defeated but they decide to follow frozen parents logic and just keep her away from the thing that she would obviously be very drawn to instead of finding about a million other ways around this so she can never be told about merpeople or the sea or anything like that in fact they even build a wall in between the kingdoms insert some joke here but Triton tell Sebastian to keep an eye on her because yeah that makes sense and twelve years pass but everybody acts like it was just 12 minutes no really 12 years later Sebastian is like oh look after her he said but wait why do I feel like he just said that was 12 years ago also Ursula sister is trying to turn this little guppy back into a shark that was just transformed into a guppy why are you still doing this 12 years later and acting like it just happened a few minutes ago this is the kind of logic this movie runs on melody constantly sneaks under the wall and goes into the sea because she loves it so much she doesn't question that she can talk to crabs and fish and seagulls but apparently everyone else does and sees her as kind of weird when Sebastian accidentally gets loose during a party and causes a big scene she thinks she's to blame even though nobody says she's to blame and this ruins her big night that I guess could have possibly gone awkward anyway you see Ariel cross her fingers though we don't know why she's afraid to dance with this boy though we don't know why she looks down at her feet like she doesn't know how to dance but this was never addressed yeah we're not even at the meat of the story yet and nothing is adding up she finds her own magical locket that shows that the underwater city is real and this convinces her that it's totally rational to leave her home and try to find it yeah again kind of crazy she comes across Ursula sister who turns her into a mermaid but sadly says she doesn't have enough magic to keep her that way the only thing that does have enough magic is King Triton's Trident who she now says he stole from her because melody has succumbed to stupidly written kit syndrome like it all bad scripts she believes her thanks Trident is the bad guy and goes and tries to steal from him along the way she comes across see Timon and Pumbaa yeah I'm sure they have other names but it's just Timon and Pumbaa underwater and she even totally 100% betrays her mother while also simultaneously dooming the world a whole god is this movie stupid every second there's another dumb thing that doesn't add up or something that just makes a character look selfish or idiotic when melody finds out that her mother has been lying to her and that her life is a lie look at us she runs right past her dad the dad doesn't even give a [ __ ] oh hey Ariel what's up why tend to your daughter you idiot he doesn't even go with Ariel to go find her he just stays behind and says good luck even jasmine threw a punch in aladdin 3 this guy just does nothing the only character is very occasionally of interest are either melody or the evil sister once in a while they do a good expression on them and hey pet Carol's back to do the voice you can read the phone book and make it sound deliciously evil even the animation is just generic I can't say it's bad but nothing really stands out about it either I remember the incredible expressions that they gave Ariel in the first one even once you couldn't talk the animation on her face was just so passion and so well done here she just feels like a robot look kind of happy look kind of sad look kind of worried look kind of whimsical it's like talking the notes instead of singing the notes the Disney sequels that had generic animation always had something that stood out about it Pocahontas too had a lot of great expressions and some good nature shots Beauty and the Beast too has some nice winter colors and that awesome organ this just seems like it's there to do its job and that's it I can't totally blame them I'm sure they were rushed and had to get it out fast but it's just so weird that nothing freaking nothing stands out about it even the songs are forgettable I don't remember a single one I don't know I guess I shouldn't be shocked I mean it's a Disney sequel this is what we're supposed to expect but I really like this idea I wanted to see more of melody longing for the sea I wanted to see more conflict between her and the parents I wanted her when she finally gets into the ocean to see what a spectacular world it is like her life is starting anew but instead of feeling any of that you just kind of shown it you're told what's going on and not experiencing it I guess it's not awful especially compared to other Disney sequels it's just bland and not very memorable and for an idea like this especially being a sequel to such a passionate film you would think even a rushed sequel off of something so passionate with least some kind of impact I guess it's fine and corny enough for little kids but for someone who really loved the Beauty energy and elegance of the original for me this definitely flounders [Music] [Music] [Music] of all the Disney sequels I've reviewed so far lady in the [ __ ] too seems to be the closest in spirit to the original now that's not saying a ton seeing how I thought the original was only okay but to be fair I think it was meant to be kind of a smaller movie anyway as soon as its sequel starts you'd swear you were in the exact same film the animation is really top-notch and looks eerily similar to the original I don't know why they throw all their effort into these lady in the tram films I mean they're just dogs walking around why would you make them look this good but they do man it's beautiful to look at the story itself ranges from generic to actually kind of okay but again for a lady in the [ __ ] it's not like I'm expecting anything spectacular here the film takes place not even a year after the original Lady and the [ __ ] still have puppies and they seem to be a happy family but one of them seems to get into a lot of trouble that being skinned voice distractingly so by Scott wolf yeah look at this thing you expect a cute little kid voice to come out of it something high-pitched but instead what do we get but I want to run wild and free like a real dog God does that not fit I go wherever I want do whatever I please you know the only reason they went with this voice is so they could get a semi celebrity in there and it just doesn't work but thankfully the rest of the voice actors aren't that bad as he wants to run away from home and join a bunch of junkyard dogs one of them named angel played by Alyssa Milano takes him under her wing and shows him the ways of the outdoors but things get tricky when scamp doesn't know where he belongs in the home life or the outdoor life it gets even trickier when it looks like Angel wants a home life and even had a home life buzz had her heart broken many times before and even trickier when the leader of the junkyard dogs has it in for his father yeah it sounds like a semi reversal the first film and not really too interesting but actually they do quite a bit with it the pacing in this film is a lot slower than other Disney sequels and it's very welcomed much like the original there's this real elegance and color to it the backgrounds are just glowing and when a character goes through something they don't just say a line and then run away they actually kind of sit there and let the moment sink in the songs are actually rather fitting - okay there's an occasional lame lyric here and there but the style matches the time period perfectly there's even a ragtime in it and for these types of songs they're actually done pretty well does it all work no there's definitely the cliches that you can see coming and certainly a groaner line here are there and I really didn't get what age everybody was supposed to be I mean okay scamp is supposed to be a puppy but they get an adult voicing it well okay maybe he's still a little kid but Alyssa Milano voices the other maybe puppy they don't really make it clear she's a puppy maybe she's just a small dog but there's clearly a romance blooming between them so okay maybe she is a puppy but then she talks about how she's been in and out of five families five families you can't be that young and go through five families but okay give the bad for the doubt maybe she has me she is still a puppy the leader of the junkyard dogs clearly an adult has the hots for her always calling her his girl how does this work so yeah little scenes like that and kind of a phone in climax make it lame at some points but truth be told I was actually kind of impressed with how much it felt like the original Lady and the [ __ ] they do try to make you feel something they do show the dilemmas the characters are going through they do take the time for it I can't really see it's great because I don't think the first film or this one we're meant to be really great they're supposed to be small elegant pleasant little movies and okay there's definitely problems that hold me back from liking it as much as the first one I mean the first one did have a little bit more of an edge to it but I think if you're someone that actually wanted to see a sequel to Lady and the [ __ ] this'll do you find if this is a story you for some reason really want to see continue I say check it out it might be an adequate spin-off to dig your positive [Music] [Music] yeah Cinderella - dreams come true and if you think that title is unbelievably boring and generic well you just summed up this entire sequel why do people think there needs to be more than happily ever after that's a perfectly good ending it's the most popular ending of all time but no this thrilling fairy tale needs to continue with the fairy godmother now living in the palace for some reason I guess she wasn't happy just living as a pile of sparkling dust however that works but instead she likes to read to her mice friends but oh no they won't do something nice for cinderelly this is the major concern of the film so she recommends that they make a book with all the fascinating stories that happened in the castle that's right all three of them because that's all that's we're telling in an hour and a half and honestly I don't even know of those are really worth telling yep it's another one of those anthology stories where they just throw three separate stories together don't really connect them that well and well everybody suffers for it the first story is about Cinderella learning how to be a princess she has to learn how to dance ride and dress right and turn away commoners and cook boring food it's hard but it's okay some R&B pop songs help her out bibbidi-bobbidi-boo so this is love all these classic songs hell with that [ __ ] that nobody will ever remember now we have pop songs sung by pop singers whose nobodies names they remember even if they sneeze it by accident you want a real good laugh fast-forward to the credits and hear their R&B version of bibbidi-bobbidi-boo I'm not even kidding it's pretty hilarious but that's just one of the three boring-ass stories jack is apparently tired of being a mouse so the fairy godmother turns him into a human but being a human is really hard and you can guess where as [ __ ] goes from there the last story is about a stepsister Anastasia wanting to get a day for the ball the fact that any of them would go to the ball after everything that's happened is kind of funny but what's even funnier that Cinderella is totally okay with helping her out yeah all this sabotaging like you're in a room all forgiven Cinderella just wants her to discover how to be her true self the truth is hard the sequel in so many ways reminds me a bells magical journey right down to all the stories that they tried to tell and don't really tie them together is it quite as bad as that one I guess not I mean the animation is ten times better than deserves to be then give it some credit they tried to tie it together even if it was really loosely and they kept the stories really short just down to three but big shock you know that these stories are really interesting and definitely not worthy of the title Cinderella - at least Beauty and the Beast in call it Beauty and the Beast 3 this is marketed as a direct sequel and it's obviously not it's just some stories they threw together but come on haven't you ever want to hear Cinderella say this hair ooh this hair yes and haven't you ever wanted to see Lucifer wear Rastafarian hat oh my god what oh it's so stupid the only thing that's kind of likable in this whole thing again aside from the animation is surprisingly Anastasia is kind of a likable character I know I made fun of the fact that Cinderella helps her out and yet technically in the story it doesn't really make sense but the way they animate her and the way the voice acting is done I do genuinely kind of feel sorry for her it's the one thing I didn't really expect I guess it's actually done kind of okay oh no I feel they did a surprising if not sporadic job of suddenly making her kind of likable but what does it matter they still put her in the same [ __ ] stories with the same misunderstandings that suddenly make everybody turn away and go oh no he doesn't love me all that [ __ ] this movie's stupid this movie's pointless this movies dumb I enjoy the animation but that kind of makes me hated even more the same nature could gone to something so much better I feel like it's just wasted everything is wasted except the opportunity because there is no opportunity so he can't even call it a wasted opportunity I guess if you have like a little little kid and they just want to see Cinderella and a palace try on dresses spin around all that nonsense it's fine I mean there's nothing really ethically wrong form or anything but if you want show them a fairy tale that's gonna enchant and delight this shoe is definitely on the friggin for it you know [Music] [Music] ah this hurts Hunchback of Notre 'adam - of all the films that shouldn't have a sequel this is one of them and of all the films that people were telling me to beware of the most when doing these sequels it was Hunchback of Notre Dom - the sad thing about though is even though it is terrible it's terrible for different reasons than I thought it was gonna be terrible I mean don't get me wrong the story is [ __ ] a circus comes into town and an evildoer wants to steal this super ritzy Belle that just happens to be in no trade ah it looks like any ordinary Belle but on the inside it's gorgeous and beautiful and full of treasures get it get it one of the circus performers his name Medellin played by jennifer Love Hewitt she's working with the evil villain played by Michael McKean to be romantically interested with Quasimodo to lure him away from the bells so he can steal it of course a real-life romance blooms between them but why revealed it stolen before she can confess what's really going on and of course she has a tragic backstory that doesn't really make sense she was a thief and he's the only one that could look after her yet really she could move anywhere and nobody would know about there's a million other ways around this but if that seems too heavy and traumatic for you it's okay Haley Joel Osment placed the child of Phoebus and Esmeralda and this introduces us to one of the biggest problems of the movie taking mostly Academy Award nominated actors and just having him say stupid [ __ ] it's so hard seeing so many great actors just given a generic [ __ ] script to work with and that really is the biggest problem the script is awful from the initial set up you know everything that's gonna happen what every character is gonna do when they're gonna do it it's just ridiculous and why do we need an appearances can be deceiving story when the first one was already in appearances can be deceiving story but let's get to the toughest thing to talk about for me and that's the animation this was done by TMS the people behind Acura Batman the Animated Series and a maniac some of the greatest animation I've ever seen top 5 of all time in my but I'm not gonna lie they just don't seem like the right choice here not that they can't emulate the Disney style I mean they look like the characters fine it's just that this looks more like a Disney Afternoon movie and what I mean by that is TMS doesn't traditionally use a lot of CGI Disney does TMS doesn't usually use colored lines Disney does TMS is big strength is not in heartfelt emotion but more aggressive emotion Akira is aggressive batman is aggressive Disney can be aggressive but it's no more for the sentimental side for example when a character needs to be still TMS has them almost completely still every once in a while maybe a little movement with Disney they're always somehow moving they have like a million in-betweener so when you're holding on a face it still looks like there's some movement there TMS doesn't function that way it's supposed to be a little rougher so the more tough emotional scenes they do find like when Quasimodo finally reveals himself she steps back she's afraid she runs off that they did great but scenes were supposed to feel whimsical and magical and lovey dovey that's just not their strong point I keep expecting to see Wakko Warner come out and bash someone with a mallet so the animation is still good it's just not good for this which is a shame because they do sometimes make some very bad American projects so is anything good well Michael McKean as the villain is actually not that bad I mean the villain sucks he really sucks but the voice is legitimately kind of creepy and I never thought I would get that out of Michael McKean the music's nice so not the songs they suck asked these are some of the dumbest lyrics and most forgettable melodies I'm talking about the instrumental score I mean sure it's not the first hunchback but again direct-to-dvd you we get it it's gonna be down a bit but for a direct-to-dvd musical score it's pretty good and what do you expect it's Carl Johnson the guy who did gargoyles that's a great talent outside of that it's not much it's so hard to see so many great actors so many wonderful animators so many phenomenal talents thrown into just the laziest dumb a script I don't even know how to fix it what would you do with Hunchback of Notre dumb - it just seems like the first one ended perfectly I don't know maybe there's a better writer out there that can make this work but for me I'm wishing that gave this movie the broadway-style ending [Music] [Music] [Music] so what would you like to see a sequel to Disney's Tarzan one of the biggest summer hits when it came out or just the ripples of a cartoon pilot series thrown together and saying that makes it a movie well you got the goddamn ladder give Tarzan and Jane credit that's not called Tarzan - no no we get that later it's at least not pretending that this is supposed to be a flowing cinematic follow-up but with that said why even watch it this is another anthology of stories that aren't really interesting are usually pointless doesn't have the same animation doesn't have the same voice actors they couldn't even give Phil Collins back they just replay one of his songs in the opening and then have a completely different artist at the end sing about why the stories tied together about as well as Cinderella - ties them together Jane is excited because it's the one-year anniversary of Tarzan marrying her so she's trying to figure out the best way to celebrate but every idea she comes up with seems to have a really annoying story attached to it the first story is about her friends coming back from England trying to save her even though she doesn't need saving the second is about some evil guys who come to the island who trick Tarzan into trying to show them where some diamonds are no no diamonds are here the third story is about yet another [ __ ] who comes to the island just to make things hard the moral of the story is anyone who comes to the island not wearing a dress is gonna be a dick what makes these especially funny is that everybody knows the story that's being told oh I don't mean the audience though we can guess everything that's gonna happen - I'm talking about the characters they literally know everything that happens they live through it yet for some reason they're sitting down and talking about it some of them don't even end with the same storyteller one of them starts off with Jane telling the story and then as with the elephant finishing it and in between as you can tell from the animation this doesn't look especially cinematic and looks more like a TV series which it eventually became this was all just a test to see if kids would watch Tarzan and Jane in several different stories well guess what people don't want to test they want a movie they want a show pick one and be it I guess for a TV show the animation isn't that bad I mean if I saw it on TV I think it'd be totally acceptable the quality of the voice for placements though rarely sound like the original facts some even sound a little uncomfortable the only thing more annoying than Rosie O'Donnell voice is somebody impersonating Rosie O'Donnell's voice alright everybody sounds a little off that is except for a Jane well you know it's not Minnie Driver whoever does the voice act Anjali brach I have this unique energy to it on top of that Elaine's boss plays one of the villains now that's just ideal acting sometimes the friends get a little bit of a laugh too I don't know I think it's just the people doing the impersonations they're a little odd not the worst just kind of awkward it's may even more awkward by some of these lines this one woman clearly has an attraction to Tarzan and talked about how hot it would be if he was in a cage cage he's got a cage who's weird nothing about Tarzan and Jane feels big authentic or genuine if you look on the back or watch a preview you can catch on to that very quickly it is what it is a quick hash in to see if they can watch this Disney series it looks that way it plays that way is it even worth getting bad angry over it's a waste of time some kids might enjoy but I think everybody can agree is entirely pointless [Music] I don't know if it's the string of particularly bad Disney sequels I had to sit through the last few days or the fact that this might actually be a good movie but 101 dalmatians two patches London Adventure is actually kind of a good movie I dare even say on par with the original yeah I can't believe those words are leaving my mouth either really this is the one it has the spirit of the original artwork similar to the original some great update some good callbacks it's exciting I didn't always know where it was going to go it's funny adventurous oh my god I think I came across an actual good Disney sequels it begins not too shortly after the first one where we see the Dalmatian plantation is about to be put into effect so the family is about to move but one of the puppies named patch is feeling a little out of place and it's understandably so when you're the middle child of 101 you can get a little lost hungry for his chance to stand out he sees that a TV dog named Thunderbolt is holding auditions for a new dog to be on his show what he doesn't know is this current sidekick named little lightning has told him that they were about to kill off his character so he needs to find a way to prove to the public that he's a real hero patch gets roped in as he knows everything about the show but they seem to cause more chaos and misery than they do save people from it meanwhile karela oh god how do I even explain this get sucked into the art world because she sees a guy who paints a dot she admits that it feeds her crazy obsession and they just kind of paint dots together but he seems to be running out of inspiration or at least she doesn't like the work he's putting out so she once again tries to kidnap the puppies only this time she's not gonna make a coat out of him she wants to paint the canvas with him oh my god that is delightfully psychotic in fact I think she's even crazier in this movie than she was in the last one the flay thing is as I described this plot I realize it's kind of a formulaic plot well for the most part the art stuff is perfectly out there but there's a lot of callbacks to the original there's another liar reveal story another kid feeling out of place we've seen all this stuff before in fact this is about as typical at Disney sequel script as you can get but there's one thing this movie has that those other Disney sequels didn't have charm it's a charming movie the characters are so likable the comedy actually gets a few laughs out loud laughs the pacing is never too rushed the slow moments are perfectly slow the fast moments are perfectly fast the voice talent is especially good that's Martin Short as the artist he's really funny as hell Karelas voice is hilarious the hero dog is delightfully full of himself Jason Alexander is another villain that's a lot of fun and they got a real kid to play the puppy not some adult just doing a high-pitched voice like this that's just uncomfortable and weird the artwork is also really great these are some very distinct backgrounds that are very similar to the original I like the original little better because they were hand painted and these are clearly computer but by God they still look great it can be extreme and over-the-top but it can also be kind of subtle and delicate too I guess the one thing that's missing from it is it doesn't feel quite as big as the original I mean the climax is another car chase and it's just Carrillo trying to catch the puppies again there's even our scene where all the dogs bark to communicate but in my opinion the film makes up for it by having better comedy than the first the first isn't especially funny it's just cute this one has a much better sense of humor and you can tell the writing is trying much harder than it really needs to try and I love that I love taking this idea that really should only entertain your two-year-old and actually throwing in some witty dialogue so is it a great film by no means but you're talking to a guy who doesn't even think the first one was a great film but the first one what's good thank you dan handsome charm to it this is exactly the same thing I love the interaction off of these people I love that cute little pup talking to the egotistical dog I like that weird artist talking to the insane gorilla deville I like the husband and wife doing a little counterpoint duet in the opening it's just it's likable it's really likable it reminds me a lot of the Wallace and run this shorts are the Shaun the Sheep movie it's not like you're slapping your knee at the comedy but there's just something inventive about it something so delightfully innocent yet still intelligent like I said I can't act like this is any phenomenal feed of animation or cinema story tell but it's just a nice enjoyable little movie a movie that couldn't predict where it was gonna go a movie the head align or two I might actually quote out of context a movie I legitimately want to stay and watch until the very end if somebody turned it off I would go rent it and watch the rest of it I know that's how movies are supposed to work but for a lot of Disney sequels that's not what happens it's a perfectly entertaining little film and after all the stinkers I've had to watch entertaining little film to me equals amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] perhaps the biggest crime of Atlantis Milo's return is that despite a very obviously cheap animation budget and oh I don't know obvious identity as a cheap cash in which is trained see how the first end was not a huge box off his head it's that at first it actually kind of has an interesting story yeah at first I was kind of sucked in by it despite all the bad jokes and awkward drawn scenes and nary let's look at the story Milo is still living with Keita in Atlantis but all his friends returns saying that apparently some sort of a Atlantean monster is attacking a bunch of ships confused by this Keita journeys to the surface world bringing Milo along with her and they try to figure out if this monster is an actual monster or one of the Atlantean machines or maybe something else or even someone else they go on land come across this creepy village talk to all these semi creepy people and the more and more they find out about this mystery the more questions it seems to raise there's actually a lot of talking and even kind of ominous dread and I mean that in the best way even though it wasn't animated the best I was actually finding it kind of interesting but here's the thing when they do find out what's going on and what's behind it it seems to raise even more questions well that's fine but we never get the answers there's questions about where the person who's doing this came from and how he's able to do what he's doing is he even doing what he's doing is he conjoined the monsters the monster controlling him how can he possess other people is he possessing other people it looks like he has to look into their eyes wait now he doesn't need to look in their eyes how does this work and just as it's getting interesting they completely drop the story yeah they defeat the bad guy and then they go to a completely different story now it takes place in the Wild West and there are these wind coyotes and I don't know some guys [ __ ] is stolen and they have to get it back but there's this Native American who can control the winged coyotes and it's somehow connects to the ant lanty and stuff but it doesn't stop there it then goes to another story where this crazy guy thinks he's Odin and he steals the spear that has Atlantean technology which actually kind of makes him Odin now and he confuses Keita for his daughter Brunhilde and [ __ ] this is just another pilot for a TV show isn't it that explains why the animation looks this way and why all the stories don't really connect that well damnit at least what Tarzan and Jane I knew it was gonna be a pilot to a TV show of this this tried harder and fooled me into thinking it was gonna be something that tries hard throughout the whole thing I guess it does technically have an ending and yeah actually the endings not that bad it even kind of retcons the ending of the first film but it's weird when you see the choice she makes you understand her reasoning but there's also like a ton of dangers that happen throughout this film to go against her reasoning - I'm not saying what happens is the wrong choice I'm saying they never explained the actual dangers that could come along with it and that's very important to address so yeah I guess in terms of other technicals the voice actors are all replacements and they do a good job the animation like I said is a huge budget cut but for kind of TV animation I guess it's fine sometimes there's a really inventive idea like there's this annoying dog that kind of sucks but he was born in molten lava so he'll counsel II do things like just sleep in a fireplace that's not creative and again when they're actually kind of talking about this ant lanty and stuff it is kind of interesting kind of like the first film in that respect but sadly it just doesn't stay focused and I don't even know if it was actually meant to stay focused this was probably supposed to be three episodes that were gonna be connected like I said as a pilot of a TV show a TV show that never got off the ground I mean okay I don't have confirmation of this but if it wasn't then this really is the most fragmented direct-to-dvd sequel ever so I guess it's not awful it's just not needed and not that interesting through the majority of it like I said with the exception of that first third but even then that's not great it's just telling an interesting story that never really has any conclusion or answers I guess if you really liked the first Atlantis movie and you just want to see a little bit more the technology world and ideas get hints of it here but if you're looking for something more this is something that should definitely stay sunk [Music] [Music] it's funny when I first saw the movie lilo and Stitch my initial thought was I loved everything with the human characters and thought the alien stuff was only okay well now with its sequel stitch I find that strangely enough the human stuff is only okay but the aliens are actually a little bit more entertaining this time does that make for a good sequel well let's look at the story lilo and Stitch are enjoying their time ging used to their new alien family yeah remember the Russian alien and the skinny one they're all living together now but the alien kept on the guard is furious because he's lost his job and he wants revenge so he comes across this sort of strange hamster rabbit thing with a German accent how do all these aliens have birth accents anyway and he sent to get the Russian alien bring him back and find out where all the other experiments that he worked on are yeah remember stitches number 626 so where are the other 625 well it turns out he's hidden them and lilo and Stitch come across a few so it's up to them not only to discover these other experiments kind of like finding Pokemon in a sense but also to save their alien comrade so like I said before this time it's a little switched around the aliens in this actually have some really good laughs this weird rapid gerbil thing is pretty funny the captain of the guards is trying to be serious but keeps having to come across these annoyances even get this sidekick voiced by Rob Paulsen even stitch gets a few more laughs this time I also really like how the skinny alien is actually really giving used to wearing women's clothing and he's totally okay with it who knows this might be the first openly transvestite Disney character unfortunately though like I said the human characters are not as good they're not the worst they're just kind of bland and generic but for me lilo is one of my favorite kid characters and to see her just kind of be like any other Disney generic kid is really kind of a letdown even Nani who had to go through so much in the first film now it just kind of has this side role I don't know I felt like coming off the first film where those connections were so strong and so good this one is just kind of a background thing maybe that's why it was called Stitch because they just wanted to give him more attention and not as much to the humans but I like the humans I liked him a lot I wish more effort was put into him in this one but let's also be honest this isn't really meant to be a fleshed out motion picture I mean look at the animation it looks like a TV show and yeah it became a TV show it's a little difficult to be hard on it when it's pretty obvious it's just supposed to be a pilot well as pilots go it got a few laughs the aliens were needed they were creative I like the idea of trying to find more of them in fact I think that's what the show is about but yeah it is a letdown that a character as good as Nani and lilo or just reduce down to well any generic character you would see in a Disney sequel but I guess if you're just looking for a laugh or two and something relatively harmless it's fine it's fine for little kids I think that's who it was aimed at and there's nothing really insulting in it I mean we lone Nami are not done well but they're totally passable for the audience it's aiming towards it is what it is a cute little direct-to-dvd pilot for a TV show and yeah you just can't take what comes with that I wouldn't watch it again I don't really think I got much out of it even watching it the first time but for what it's trying to do we it does it okay get lost in space and see for yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] by god we've had so many Disney sequels they came and give them fold numbers anymore this is Lion King one and a half well how does that work it's because this film is a prequel kind of it's focusing more on Timon and Pumba and where they came from and all the funny ways they were interacting through the Lion King film without us even noticing it ok concept if you've liked Timon and Pumbaa which I don't hate him but I don't know if I want to watch a movie with these guys the story is not surprisingly about as generic as it gets Timon is an outsider among his group and one day he's put in charge to make sure the hyenas don't attack of course he gets distracted the hyenas attack he feels awful and he has to go find his own way he ends up leaving coming across a companion named Pumbaa they form a bond with both of them being Outsiders and yeah you just sort of see them insert themselves in random cliffs some are funny like when you see what actually ended that can't wait to be king song but a lot of them just kind of seemed pointless you've just kind of point and go teehee oh that's what was going on haha and half the time there's really no connecting story to it when the story does come back it's okay I mean there serve a nice connection with Timon and his mother once in a while there's an OK laugh but it's so strange seeing such good animation put to something that's clearly just kind of an in-between prequel like I said they call it one and a half how is a movie called one and a half given this good animation the only thing I can figure is because it is Lion King and that's one of their biggest property is a kind of figure to give them the really nice animation especially when supposed to connect back to the original film but it's Timon and Pumbaa why are these great backgrounds being used for Timon and Pumbaa that is to say if there was a good story that went with it like a really great story that surprised you like Kung Fu Panda or the lego movie or something that you didn't think was gonna be phenomenal but was then I would understand it but it's just kind of them inserting themselves into certain parts and not really flowing at all and I it just kind of seemed like a mess but not a god-awful mess it still looked nice in parts the only thing I can really say about is if you like Timon and Pumbaa you'll like this fine it's basically the Timon and Pumbaa movie I don't hate Timon and Pumbaa I just don't feel like watching an entire film dedicated to all but if you do maybe you'll like it fine one or two of the songs are surprisingly kind of catchy that's where that digging melody is gonna be my head forever and that's about it again I think that's all it was supposed to be I don't know if it's supposed to be like this grand film or this grand comedy it's just supposed to be Timon and Pumbaa being Timon and Pumbaa and if you like that you'll like this fine me I think the cartoon show was a little funnier but yeah I guess if you're looking for better animation this is the one to check out keep the watch and see if it's slimy but satisfying enough [Music] just a heads up everybody the audio on this might sound a little distorted because I was actually screaming so much I blew out the mic I'm sure you'll take that as a good sign enjoy [Music] [Music] okay so I've seen a lot of Disney sequels this year and I've hated a lot of them but for some reason some strange reason Mulan - I hate the most now that's not saying it's the worst it's not the worst animated it's not the worst story the third Beauty and the Beast probably has that distinction but something about this one just rubbed me so the wrong way and got me legitimately angry which is so strange because the first Mulan I didn't even get bad into I mean like dude I thought was fine had some good moments and stuff but something about this one just maybe appreciate it all the more when I see what it could have been how awful it could have turned out Mulan is back home training a bunch of kids how to be little warrior princesses when her boyfriend trots by and proposes she of course says yes but this looks like bad news for moo shu not voice thank god by eddie murphy this time but a much more unfunny Eddie Murphy impersonator who's going to lose his job because he no longer has to look after Mulan so it's up to him to try and split the couple apart yeah doesn't that make him incredibly likeable but come on this is the sequel to Milan this girl that went and defeated this army surely some actions got to be in here well the Emperor of China sees that the Huns are about to attack okay here we go now we're gonna get some good sword fighting he calls a Mulan and was he ever do its court these three princesses to be married yeah because a marriage will unite these two kingdoms and thus they can fight the Huns together well wait that's it that's really it I mean don't get me wrong the movie makes it very clear early on that isn't just about fighting and violence it's about the center and peace and tranquility of the mind but really this is the plot of course they bring in the comic relief from the last film and they're gonna fall in love with them there's gonna be this whole thing about Oh should they may or should they not you know choose your heart all that bla bla bla but here's the thing it isn't like being forced to marry just cause you're forced to marry because a tradition the future of China relies on this that throws in a completely different element Mulla doesn't care she just wants her girlfriend's to be happy but to make things worse Mushu is constantly trying to split up the main couple throughout the entire movie and i mean the entire movie he suddenly becomes the most despicable unlikable character in the world and what makes it even worse is that it kind of works the boyfriend just goes off on blonde in this really uncomfortable animation my god what the hell's he even doing mulan at some point through some [ __ ] realizes that wasn't true and she's gonna fall in love with him again and marry him but then he disappears so she thinks now she has to marry one of these princes to unite the two kingdoms the climate every dumb ass romantic comedy you've ever seen where the bride is gonna marry the person she doesn't want to marry and the guy has to come in confess his love and some sort of dumb comedic ass happens I'm just gonna warn you I'm gonna get into spoiler territory here but I'm sorry this is really important to talk about so Mushu tries to make everything better by telling them that they don't have to marry well okay the three princesses marry the man they wanna la marries the boyfriend but what about China they're doomed there's no Alliance the Huns are going to attack China is officially destroyed because of this but at least they're marrying for true love oh it's never addressed what happens after this I wouldn't make that make a deal out of it I know directed Disney sequel haha but they make a big deal out of it think you're talking over and over why they can't get married how thousands will die if they don't join this union and in the end I guess they just let thousands die it's it's really awful there's only one good song in the whole thing and it's the first song all the others are either hand-me-downs or repeats yeah they just repeat half the songs girl worth fighting for comes back that'll say from having to write another paycheck the animation while smooth and colorful also kind of looks out of place Milan in the original had a pretty good range of emotion but here all the animation is kind of done like they're comic relief they're too expressive they're too rubbery which like I said makes for some really awkward scenes when the boyfriend has to yell at her that's disturbing I don't know what it is because like I said I didn't get super into the first film but something about this was just so insulting and so demeaning the choices were just so bad and maybe the fact that they did put in this really good animation just made the insult greater if it had the animation of say Tarzan and Jane or one of these TV pilots I forgive it a little bit more but you know that they put in a lot of effort like yes this is the script this is gonna be Mulan - this is gonna be what everyone is gonna get behind I don't know it's just really friggin err to me and all the characters are unlikable and generic and bland and not interesting or stupid or just mean-spirited I can't believe what an [ __ ] moo shu is and the boyfriend and the lawn for letting the entire everything of trying to die because follow your heart which is like oh my god what is wrong with this movie it is a mess it is awful it just got under my skin I hated it so much like I said I can't say it's officially the worst there's definitely been worse Disney sequels but this one so far I've hated the most it sucks it really sucks if I ever had a kid and they wanted to see this I'd say no I just show him the first Mulan again I don't even know what to say about it just skip it don't check it out if you really love the movie Mulan or even just think it's okay like I do avoid this at all cost the only thing it is then made me appreciate the first one a lot more so I guess I'll give it that but for everything else this movie can friggin blow me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] one of the more boring scenes from the original Disney's Tarzan is what he seemed as a little kid that is to say it should have been interesting seeing a half boy half ape trying to figure out where he belongs should be downright fascinating but instead it's just some unfunny slapstick thrown in with distracting Rosie O'Donnell ape and aside from a scene where he put some mud on his face trying to figure out what he is it's just kind of generic so as you can imagine I wasn't especially excited to see Tarzan - which is already falsely advertised as not Tarzan - it should be called young Tarzan it's a prequel but nevertheless I put it in and I'm not gonna lie I really like this one yeah not kind of enjoyed that found okay but was legitimately charmed and entertained by this cars and - why Tarzan - in fact 101 Dalmatians - why are these the two Disney sequels so far I think are actually pretty good these films should be nothing but they're actually really delightful the story like I said focuses on Tarzan when he was a little boy he's once again finding it hard to fit in and figure out where he belongs but things get even tougher when he's separated from his family and they think he's dead convinced that his family and his mother would be better off without him he leads the tribe to try and figure out where he belongs along the way he comes across some colorful characters a pair of brothers played by Ron Perlman and Brad Garrett their mother played by Estelle Harris and an old ape pretending to be a monster played by George Carlin he befriends the old ape and makes a deal that if he keeps convincing everybody that he's a monster he'll help find out what he is while that's going on Terk the elephant and his mother all are trying to find it while also trying to escape some beautiful but deadly landscapes so the important thing to emphasize about this one is that it is a smaller story it takes place when he's a little kid so there's a lot of little kid stuff there's a lot of slapstick there's a lot of cute humor but a slapstick and little kid stuff goes it's really quite charming I like these characters I like these two brothers and their mother and how they're all kind of dim-witted but they're kind of threatening to when they kind of go back and forth I like the old Abe and the relationship he shares with Tarzan I like how they both valued the simple things and they and to do these nice little things for each other and I don't know I just really felt a nice connection between them and speaking of which that's all the movie really is it's just watching these really good connections work off of each other most of the voice actors are back except for the kid roles and that's including Rosie O'Donnell she doesn't play the younger version of herself and thank God because the voice actors they got is a million times better it sounds like a real kid and she works off a Tarzan like a real kid it doesn't feel like a forced celebrity cameo it feels like there's a real friendship the turmoil Tarzan has to go through is really well done this is the kind of stuff I wanted to see in the original movie now don't get me wrong we do get a little bit of it when he's an adult but this movie tends to dive more into it the whole film is about him trying to find his identity that's his goal that's the beginning middle and end in the other movie you got this bad guy who's trying to kill all the gorillas and you got him just doing some dumb comedic stuff with Rosie O'Donnell and yeah I liked it and it's a bigger story but it didn't always work there were a lot of times where it fell short and it felt a little forced here everything kind of flows very naturally there's no one bad guy there's no forced musical numbers there's no awkward comedy everything that needs to be done is done perfectly in serving the story even the Phil Collins songs which yes there are a few are scaled down a lot I'm thinking of a guy here I'm all throughout this movie and they're gonna piss me off but there's only a couple when the movie needs a quiet moment it has a quiet moment when Tarzan's mom needs to just sit there missing her son it lets her sit there and miss her son you don't need Phil Collins coming out say I'm sad I'm sad I'm failed Collin okay I know a lot you like Phil Collins but god I don't hate Phil Collins I'm sorry if you want the proof watch this movie the emotional scenes are so much better without his damn music I don't necessarily blame him I blame the fact that they chose to just go to a Phil Collins song instead of letting the story just flow naturally and for a small quirky kind of movie everything does really flow here I really get that Tarzan is trying to figure out who he is and that's where the focus is but that doesn't mean there aren't some funny moments or some quirky characters or something that's really delightful now does that make it better than the first one well first of all it's amazing I'm asking that at all but that's a little trickier because the first one is a bigger story it's supposed to be big and grand and epic and well this is him as a kid and supposed to be smaller and cute but it does it so well that I really wish it was in the first film and I get it time constraints you can't do this but on the other hand I have no problem believing that this is part of the story it's not like in Lion King one-and-a-half where you don't really believe Timon and Pumbaa we're really they're doing that stuff they just got shoehorned it in it really feels like this was a part of his life growing up and it's acted well and it's animated well the drawings unlike Mulan - felt like they could do the slapstick stuff well and the emotional stuff just as great in some respects I would almost rather watch this than the original again I'm not saying it's necessarily better I'm saying it screws up less than the first one there's so many times in the first film I remember rolling my eyes like oh we're doing this thing dammit we were going so well couldn't we do this instead of that but here it does everything that it's supposed to do and even taking the story that now we've kind of heard a few times before but the way they tell it it seems like you're hearing it for the first time it's like How to Train Your Dragon yeah we've seen that setup to death but when it's done in a unique and passionate way it's really enjoyable to watch I don't know I'm still a little too close to it to declare which one is better but yeah I actually did kind of like watching this one a little bit more than the first one I liked it a great deal and I have no shame in saying that I like the characters I like the animation I like the story I like the backgrounds I like the acting I like the music it's just good it's a good Disney sequel I don't know why it's this and 101 Dalmatians - but both of these I wouldn't mind seeing again I'm sure a lot of people are going to disagree with me and that's fine but from my point of view this is a movie I could swing in to watch again [Music] [Music] [Music] it's interesting how we go from a movie called lilo and stitch to its sequel stitch to its other sequel called lilo and stitch - thrown away I do kind of understand it seeing how stitch was obviously a pilot to a TV series like Tarzan and Jane was a pilot to a TV series but then they come out with Tarzan - and lilo and Stitch - which seem more like actual sequels it's also interesting that these sequels seem to fall into the slew of smaller stories they definitely connect to the first one but they're not is big or grand and well with the exception of Mulan - there's surprisingly kind of welcomed I've enjoyed Tarzan - I thought a lot of great effort was put into it and here that's what's not too bad either for the most part we'll get to the bad stuff - in this movie stitch has a glitch he starts acting all evil and attacking people and doing all sorts of terrible things but it comes and goes eventually it's discovered that this came from a glitch that happened years ago and the Russian alien is trying to figure out how to stop it well that's going on lilo has this big hula competition that she really wants to win especially seeing how her mother won eight years ago and the rest of the story focuses less on alien encounters and explosions and ray guns and more on them just trying to figure out what to do for their hula contest and keeping stitch under control like I said a much smaller movie but for what it is it's actually alright in the first film I thought the sisters really stole the show and in the second film I thought the aliens really stole the show and here it seems perfectly balanced both lilo and Stitch are a ton of fun to watch they're just adorable I love how she's written like a real little kid and that sort of spreads to stitch as well the side characters though nobody really knew I'll have fun to watch as well does that make it as good as the first well there are a couple problems there's one or two awkward moments that just come across as odd for example the Russian alien knows that stitch has a glitch and he's trying to put together this device but he keeps it a secret for some reason why would he do that should everybody know that this thing can explode at any moment and he can attack people and seriously hurt them or even kill them why is he keeping it a secret he's sneaking around trying to get household items to build this device to save him but why does he just tell people I'll tell you why cuz you have to have a scene where lilo think stitch is really bad and stitch does feel bad and there this misunderstanding and it's stupid it's so friggin stupid there's also minor things like the romance between naughty and the boyfriend is kind of bland once again I get thing never really got this right sometimes there's a read from an actor that clearly needed to be done again and even the watercolor backgrounds are a little too obvious this time I don't know I remember the first family was blended a little better but here it just looks super flat and I know that's kind of the idea of watercolor but I don't know it doesn't blend as well here oh and without giving too much away there is a huge cop-out ending there's a really emotional moment the acting is great the animation is great but then suddenly is just retcon and they never explain why it's just kind of magic I guess or is it magic is it science I don't know it just comes out of nowhere and they openly admit they don't know why it happened stuff like this that could so easily be fixed is what keeps it from being as good as the original but still I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy a lot of it again as smaller stories go most of the same actors are back with the exception of lilo who this time is replaced by Dakota Fanning and by God she does a great job impersonating her not just the voice but the heart the comedy the emotion she really gets it I don't know if they switched her out because they want a bigger celebrity or if the original actresses voice was changing but she does a great job you barely even noticed the difference so even though it's a sequel that doesn't really add much and yeah probably doesn't need to exist I still have a soft spot for lilo and Stitch and if you do - you'll probably enjoy this grab your hover ship and check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] so there's two movies everybody was warning me about when I was beginning doing these drug to DVD sequels one was the third Beauty and the Beast and you can rightfully see why and the second was Kronk's New Groove this is one of the Disney sequels everybody points to when they want to see how bad they can get yeah yeah it's not good it's just a bunch of unfunny stories with unfunny jokes I guess it's a little difficult to be offended when it's obviously not trying that hard I mean don't get me wrong there's obviously money thrown into the animation and it moves a lot but the slapstick is pretty dull the jokes all fall flat and I just felt like I watched a whole bunch of nothing the film centers around the henchmen croc played by Patrick Warburton he's nervous because his disapproving father is coming in to visit and as we go into three different stories about cat what were they again the evil villain wants him back as a henchman of romance that blooms with a counselor and him trying to convince his father but he has everything he's been looking for all of them are pretty forgettable I guess on the one hand I can see why people would be so upset because a lot of people really like the first movie I just kind of thought was okay but to its credit it had a lot more laughs than this movie does in fact half the movies just trying to catch in on those laughs again remember the devil and angel in the first one they do that like 20 times in this hell even little kids get an angel and devil and half the jokes don't make any sense the devil makes fun of the angel because he wears a dress they all wear dresses it's the time period some of these jokes have great build-up and then no payoff when Kronk is about to be reunited with the villain there's all these jokes about beware the cat I can't gonna get you and all these other feline jokes obviously they're building up that the villain is still gonna be a cat which is a funny idea this little cat bossing him around and trying to do all these evil things that's funny but no all she has is a tail how does the humorous that's not fun how much funnier would it be if this whole story happened while she was a cat a teeny tiny cat that'd be a lot more humorous on top of that there's a lot of great talent that they got for this movie patrick warburton Eartha Kitt Tracey Ullman John Mahoney John Goodman these are all funny voices that belong to fun actors yet none of them are allowed to be funny they just kind of show up save the lines and say them well they're just not funny lines to say there's even a totally pointless cameo from David Spade as the Emperor he literally just comes in to say he's in the movie nothing else and he'll come in say a few lines and then just disappear he'll the way I'm describing that sounds funnier than how they actually do it it's just kind of confusing and awkwardly done the slapstick is also kind of boring they just kind of bounce around and move in the exaggerated ways but it doesn't feel like there's any focus or control there's just big movements going on because that's what kids like to watch right right so okay obviously this is not a good movie is it god-awful oh I don't know I guess it kind of depends maybe because I've seen so many bad comedies that really hurt after a joke is told I don't see this one as offensive it's kinda like a joke you see em Family Guy or an Adam Sandler movie where when it's told and it's bad it's really bad like you're put in a bad mood here to its credit the movie seems so determined to get itself over with as quickly as possible that the jokes just kind of fly by they never linger there's no awkward pauses it just kind of joke joke joke joke joke and then the movies done it clearly doesn't have that much to say or what it does have to say it doesn't try that hard at so for me it's just one of those movies that goes in one ear and out the other yeah I wish it could have been better because the villains I thought were the best part of the first movie but for what it is it's just bad not the words not insulting just bad if you have little kids that just want to see some cartoons bouncing I guess it's fine but you're a fan of the Emperor's New Groove or even not a fan yeah I recommend just watching a funny Looney Tunes dance away from this as fast as you can [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus what is this now the fourth lilo and Stitch movie this is getting crazy well thankfully Leroy and Stitch is the last of these films and I say thankfully because it actually kind of goes out on a good note that is to say for what it is I'm finding out more and more some of these direct-to-dvd sequels have to be taken for what they are for example I'm gonna judge something like Lion King 2 which is a direct sequel different lead I am Tarzan and Jane which is obviously just supposed to be a pilot for a TV show and at the beginning of this one you can very quickly see what it's supposed to be not a pilot for the TV show but the ending of the TV show now keep in mind I didn't watch the cartoon show but I got the general gist lilo and Stitch are going around trying to collect all the other experiments turn them good and stop the bad aliens from collecting them and taking over the universe well that's exactly where this movie starts off lilo and her friends are being rewarded by the intergalactic council they're all given chances to do what they've always wanted to do whether it be go back to their evil lab or be captain of their own spaceship but lilo admits that she's really gonna miss them and doesn't want them to leave they decide to stay behind but she realizes she may have forced them to make the wrong choice and thus she finally says goodbye they all go their separate ways but hamster wheel the villain of the last kind of sequel and the villain of the show escapes and makes a clone of Stitch an evil clone of course which makes a clone of that clone and a clone of that clone and soon there's an army of Leroy's that want to collect all the experiments that were set free destroy them all and of course get back to their evil plans of conquering the universe much like the movie pilot Stitch this film focuses again on the aliens which are once again very funny below is once again given a smaller role but I feel they actually do have the emotional connection there for example I really like that she becomes friends with experiment 6 to 5 or is she now names and Reuben I like seeing these two work off each other I also really liked seeing hamster we only kept out the guard still work off each other they're still really funny and unlike a lot of the Disney sequels it actually builds up to a good climax you think it's gonna be another one of those up RuPt happy endings where it's not really that big of a climax it's just kind of a tiny one because heyy they don't have much of a budget but no they wipe out all of the clones of Leroy and have them battle all of the experiments I'm pretty sure that we're in the show and all of them look different and sound different and had these unique powers and yeah it's really creative it's funny it's energized it's a lot of fun now granted what ends up saving the day might be a little too silly I don't know it's lilo and stitch I get a kid see stuff but the battle before was so much fun I kind of wish it would just keep going that direction but that's picking for what is basically a series finale to a show it seems like it wraps up everything pretty damn good the original voice actress of lilo is back again I'm not really sure why they switched him out but it's preview and her voice again the humorous scenes are genuinely humorous and even the emotional scenes are kind of well done there's a really nice scene where everyone is saying goodbye kind of going their separate ways and then when Lila has to say goodbye to stitch all you see is him looking at the ugly duckling book putting it away and they just can't sit there in silence that's actually kind of profound it's simple but it works and maybe that's the best way to describe this simple but it works you can tell from the animation that this isn't gonna be the same cinematic quality of the first film or lilo in stage 2 where they put a lot more money into it but honestly for the budget they had I think they did a really good job does it have the emotion of the first film no is it gonna be remembered as much as the first film no but again I don't think that's what it was meant to be it's supposed to be a wrap up of lilo and Stitch yes but more the TV show than the films and truth be told this is a really fun send-off I can't act like it's phenomenal but for what they had to do I'd say it's pretty nicely accomplished again it's one of the nice things of being forced to watch some of these movies I'm a lilo and stitch fan but I never would have checked out the sequels or these TV pilots if I didn't have to do this for a job but because I have to I'm glad I checked them out well none of them quite capture the freshness or the emotion of the first one they come pretty close sometimes and we were definitely entertaining throughout the majority of them whether you enjoy the cinematics side or the television side it's nice to know that either way lilo and stitch go out on top [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm not gonna lie the idea of there being a Bambi - I surprisingly found interesting the reason I really liked the first one I think it's a unique important even groundbreaking film it's a movie that lets the art tell a lot of the story it doesn't have to over explain it doesn't have to create a bad guy it's just a little slice of life the sequel had an interesting premise at least from my point of view it takes place literally after Bambi loses his mother yes boiler alert I think most of you know that though Bambi's father requests that somebody else looks after him because he's gonna be too busy but the owl suggests that maybe he should raise him thus the rest of the film is just watching Bambi grow up with his father who has never been a parent before again no complicated stories no bad guys just a little chunk of this one life in some respects it's exactly what I was looking for it's kind of what I thought I would get kind of what I was expecting and it's well done on the other hand though it is a sequel being made years later to something that was really unique and always just kind of did its own thing so the idea of trying to recreate it years later does feel a little off it's not something you can necessarily blame the film for it's just kind of what's inevitably gonna happen the artistry is really good this movie does everything in its power to recreate the look of the original Bambi and the feel and the pacing and for the most part it does a really good job when it has to look like calming winter it looks like calming winters when those extreme colors have to come in with the heavy shadows there's some how red and blue and so forth they bring that back too and it's really effective the backgrounds are never too crisp either they're just a little blurred again like the original film but seeing how they're using artists and technology years later you can tell it doesn't quite feel I don't want to say authentic but a continuation necessarily you're always aware they're trying to capture the magic and the originality of the first one and that never ever leaves it's kinda like the sequel to 2001 it's not a terrible movie but the first one was just so incredible and just so amazing that you kinda know you're never gonna recapture it and that lingers over the entirety of the film but on top of that there are some other problems too one is there are songs of the time period thrown in and they are kind of distracting which again not to act like all the songs in the original Bambi were timeless but these really do kind of take you out of the environment not tars a imbed or return to Neverland bad but still noticeable the biggest problem or maybe I should say pet peeve is the father himself played by Patrick Stewart a Patrick Stewart is a perfect choice he sounds just like the original actor he seems strong and firm and yeah this is a really good actor but I guess the way I always imagined the father was Stern and strict and didn't really laugh that much and didn't really show much vulnerability he was the leader of the force he couldn't show weakness he had to be tough all the time so I figured that would translate over into him being a parent and while that's what they're clearly trying to do he does show a little too much vulnerability he plays it more like the confused parent the fish-out-of-water not yuk-yuk or anything like that but clearly he doesn't know what he's doing and of course eventually he lets his guard down and he goes play with Bambi and has fun and then he realizes oh he was supposed to be Stern and strict and yeah it's just kind of that thing it's not awful it's just not how I imagined that character there was so much more mystery and strength to him when he only said one or two things when he first sees Bambi in the first one just stares down at him and doesn't say a thing that is so intimidating I thought that was the father I was going to get but instead we get lines like a prince doesn't whoo-hoo me a prince does not a prince walks tall a prince doesn't show weakened is it stuff you imagined the mother from brave saying in my opinion it would have worked a lot better if they show Bambi as a child with his father and the father is strict and Stern and doesn't show much humanity and then you cut two years later when he's older then he confronts the father about why he was so Stern and strict and the effect it had on him that seems like a time that Bambi would talk about it but when he cracks at his father because he thinks he's being too mean and he's trying so hard to be everything you want it just kind of feels formulaic and of course the father feels hurt but can't show the emotion but then he has to see something that Bambi does that proves his worth and you know it but again it's not done bad it is still just sort of watching Bambi's life and it's done very similar to how the first film is a lot of playful moments a lot of nice artistry a lot of dark moments but a lot of nice stuff - any problems I have are kind of nitpicky for example there's this one dear that's kind of a bully but he's not the villain or anything is just kind of a jerky fragile kid and I think they're building up that this is the bully that then confronts him years in the future he even says at the end one day we'll meet up again and I'm thinking you didn't need to make that connection I like that this was just a jerky deer it's the forest its nature predators you just kind of get it there's also a particularly messed up scene where one of the hunters in the distance uses a deer call and it sounds like his mother mother [Music] I didn't know whether I really like this or found it really silly but it is kind of disturbing and uncomfortable but in a good way so overall it is good it just can't be the first one like I feel it's trying to be but I really give credit to the directors and artists and writers for trying to be the first one they didn't have to they could just throw them some directed DVD light animation Oh Bambi and thumper get in trouble and just all sorts of bull crap like that but they do put in the good pacing they do put in the character they do put in the artistry they do put in the suspenseful moments in some respects I didn't want to know what happened to Bambi in between those years is kinda like finding out what happened the Batman after his parents died he'd kind of liked it being a mystery but we got Batman Begins they showed everything that happened and if it's done well it's done well this is kind of the same thing if they are gonna show what happens this is not a bad version of it I'd say if you like the first film and are a little curious to see if this is a good follow up you'll get an actually okay flick you can tell a lot of effort went into trying to capture the voice of the first one and it doesn't go unappreciated if you like the first movie in or even the littlest bit curious about how this one is I think you might actually like it okay step out into the meadow and take a look [Music] [Music] [Music] why was Disney so obsessed with turning people into bears they did it in brother bear which didn't do so well it didn't brother bear - which as far as I know didn't do so well even Pixar did and brave which also didn't do so well did one of the Disney higher-ups just want to be a bear well whatever the reason we have this direct-to-dvd sequel that big shock is not very good if you saw my review of the first one you know I like everything in the beginning everything in the end and think the middle was really dumb I guess that's better than this one seeing how it's mostly dumb and pointless and forced and uncomfortable and now let's just get to it a young woman is about to marry a young man in this arranged marriage but God literally splits them apart because apparently they weren't meant for each other or at least the sassy medicine woman played by Wanda Sykes says that long ago she gave her heart to someone else when they were little kids well of course that little kid was our main character from the last one who's a bear now thus the sassy magic Wanda Sykes gives her the speech of the bear Oh after he mixed up with some other wacky animals so now she can talk with the bear and they have to work together to burn this amulet of course they do nothing but bicker and argue and act like they don't like each other and where is this going Shirley they're gonna hate each other throughout the whole thing right Oh Oh the sassy little cub from the last one point it sure is a lot sass in these movies hates the fact that he might be falling in love with her so he tries to jeopardize the relationship but oh oh the two moods also want to fall in love with these two lady Moose sis's what's the plural I don't care it's a dumb movie will they be able to show them how to win over the ladies while also acting cool at the same time oh wait a minute they're not acting cool they should just learn to be themselves and follow their heart and all sorts of other cliches you've heard a million times but doesn't add anything new to it that's all it is it's just cliches from kids movies romantic comedies bland adventure tales with nothing charming or fresh thrown on top of it you're just watching these cliches play out and nothing else cliches are fine we need them once in a while but if you're not gonna add any thing or giving unique spin on it it's just cliches and nothing else the world they inhabit doesn't even make sense like our right to be knows that the main character has turned into a bear yet at the end the cub goes into the village and they're like oh no they'll kill him well why would they kill him don't they know that he's a guy that was turned into a bear and even when he goes in there they're all trying to hunt him down and kill him but she's like no no no but wait don't they know and on top of that there's a bear wedding at the end where there's all these people and all these animals on both sides clearly they know why were they hunting each other a day ago I feel like screw you guys I'm not going to your wedding bunch of a-holes all right so yeah this movie's pretty stupid but is there anything good to it oh I guess I'll be enough a couple things one there's no Phil Collins good start - this is probably the best-looking out of the Disney sequels I've seen so far not only does the animation pretty much look identical to the first film but the backgrounds are gorgeous look at those brush strokes look at how thick they are they stand out but they also blend together just right and they really help the characters in the foreground stick out well again also kind of blending together on top of that it also kind of feels the most cinematic it's paced well and it's acted well and it's animated well and it looks great really the biggest problem is just the writing but yeah that's a really big problem it's just characters acting like they know what to do and then it turns out they don't know what to do and then they throw in some catch phrases and look the Moose says eh like Canadians do because get it they're from Canada it's just generic and dumb and doesn't add up I guess I can't say it's the worst because we have movies like Mulan too and Beauty and the Beast three and such to me those are much more offensive this is just stupid and once again not deserving of this great animation and this wonderful background work I don't know if you're a fan of the first one maybe you'll like this one but it's kind of hard for me to find people are even fans of the first one they're just kind of forgotten Disney movies that for some reason they throw a lot of effort into just not the best writing not the worst but definitely pretty bad [Music] [Music] [Music] Fox in the hound - here we go this is yet another film that you think of when you think ooh crappy direct-to-dvd Disney sequel once again going back to my original Disney cember review of Fox and the Hound I thought it was good no not great but it had some substance there it was kind of cute sheep in the same way Bambi was cutesy and it needed to be and it kind of tricks kids into thinking it's a light and fluffy story when suddenly whoa it's like a really heavy and dark story but unlike Bambi - they actually tried to keep that same spirit [ __ ] in the Hound - it's just an obvious cash-in that doesn't try at all well for the most part some of the animation is nice but yeah that's about it Todd and copper suddenly see that the CG circus is in town why is the CG there's no reason it's just a little cheaper and yeah that's just kind of how this movie works copper sees that there's a band called the singing strays and he decides he was to join so he tries to sing and they say hey you have a good voice and seeing how our other singer just left you can join our band but the other singer doesn't like that she was replaced so quickly so she joins up with Todd who wants to get his best friend back and says hey why don't we try to sabotage them so she shows that copper is not really a stray hmm and suddenly everything is thrown a wall and they'll never be able to sing in the Grand Opera and yeah what the hell does this have to do with the original I'm not gonna act like the original was a classic but by god it had some weight to it it was about prejudice it was about seeing past hatred it was about trying to care for your fellow man told through this story with a dog and a fox yeah I know that sounds crazy but because they really tried they tried to work with the medium they had in the story they had and they produce something that was actually kind of decent this is crap this is nicely animated actually too well animated much better than the original so it's kind of distracting how well animated it is crap it's just a knockoff a knockoff that's not really trying I mean even the idea Fox in the Hound unlike Bambi - where there was this large gap that could be filled in then could be interesting Bambi with his father what the hell can you do with Fox and the Hound - I mean yeah there is this gap but what's there to fill in really nothing the two main characters are separated so there's nothing that fascinating you could put in there and even if there was something fascinating to put in there this team wouldn't put it in because it doesn't care okay that's me and I shouldn't say that it acts like it doesn't care what we get as a final product just feels like this cheap corporate shell if your kids like really bouncy imagery and some music and just kind of pretty ish animation I mean it's not really phenomenal but it's better than average which again kind of makes me feel bad because why are we putting this good animation to this this crappy story this is the Mulan - a Fox and the Hound sequels I know there's only one Fox in the Hound sequel but yeah you can see where I'm going in this comparison its Mulan - all over again except with the Fox and the Hound it's this really decent but somehow misguided animation that's not given the proper direction there's not any investment in the characters honestly there's almost no reason to call it Fox in the Hound this could be any characters any characters could come across this group of singing strays actually why is it even a singing stray thing like the crowd is watching saying wow it almost sounds like those dogs are really singing but they are really saying that's really distracting one like the owner be like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I have singing dogs I have to do something with this but no does he think it's our record but they're really singing it makes no sense and I don't usually think about this but they try to explain it and they suck at it like everything in this movie sucks ah I was trying to think if there was anything anything in this film that was redeemable and I guess I thought of one and a half things what is the animation yeah it is decent the one full scene that I legitimately like is when the owner of copper and the owner of Todd are both looking for their pets now these two don't like each other but they cross paths and they legitimately wish that the other find their pets that's a nice scene that's something that actually would have been nice to see in the original it's heartwarming it's kind of decent aside from that it's fluff is pure 100% fluff and don't get me wrong if this movie just wanted to be fluff if it wanted to be something on its own and just say hey here's something for two-year-olds like baby Einsteins except without the education that'd be fine but it's not it's the Fox in the Hound too and when you have that title you have to have something that at least is trying to represent the original and this one is in trying it has no interest in being the original Fox and the hound it just wants to make some fast money look kind of cute and then disappear well you know what you did it you made some fast money you looked cute and you disappeared whoopty frigging do I guess I can give it credit that just like Mulan - it made me appreciate much more what a good film the original was now I appreciate what it was doing and what a great work of prejudice destroying art it was or maybe this one was just so bad that I suddenly think it's a masterpiece in comparison but either way I guess some good is coming out of it I'm seeing some more benefit out of the original Fox in the Hound that I did before but if you want me to legitimately save Fox in the Hound to has something good to offer I say woof [Music] [Music] [Music] Merry Christmas everybody and on their the occasion I'm gonna take a little break from the Disney sequels and instead look at something a bit more Christmas oriented but is still a direct-to-dvd movie that's Mickey's once upon a Christmas every year I see this brought out and I've never really seen it before because I think it came out a little past my time in that I love Disney but it's kind of the basic Disney cartoons it's Mickey Donald goofy Oh learning about the meaning of Christmas while high jinks ensue I kind of assumed there wasn't that much adult stuff in it and yeah it does seem mainly for kids but for a Christmas movie a mainly at kids I think it's done pretty good it's an anthology of stories each dealing with the holiday the first one centers around Huey Dewey and Louie and them all wishing that Christmas could be every day yeah you know this tale and you kind of know what comes of it they get Christmas every day at first they love it but then they find they don't and eventually a lesson is learned it's pretty standard until they throw in a little bit of a twist where once the boys get sick of it they start to act up and make things worse this results in them seeing the consequences of their actions on the rest of the family and I don't know I thought that added a little bit more at least from what you usually expect of this story it's kind of nice and there's a nice little bit about a Christmas card that you think is the throwaway joke but it makes a return to and I don't know it was actually pretty emotional Anthea I liked it the second centers around Goofy and his son Max actually a much younger version of Max which I really like I can't like the idea of seeing him at a different age but then again they pride did that because it's about his belief in Santa Claus in that he's starting to doubt next-door-neighbor Pete tells him that there's not a Santa Claus so max is bound to find out if that's true or not the one bizarre twist is that goofy believes there's a Santa Claus too it actually ends up staying out all night until he comes this one is mostly pretty good but I don't know I thought the ending was a bit of a cop-out not to give anything away but they do reveal whether he exists in this world or not and I don't know I thought you could have done this without a definitive answer like maybe they go to bed they wake up in the morning and find the gifts and then you don't really know if Goofy did it or if it was just an act I don't know I felt there was a really smart good ending to this and they just kind of do the traditional route but honestly the rest is so good especially with max trying to make his father feel better that I think it's fine the third and final one starts Mickey and Mimi re-enacting The Gift of the Magi yeah they actually call it that I really think that's cool I usually don't care from Mickey Mouse stories but honestly Mickey and Minnie are kind of the perfect people to tell this story you all know this tale Mickey wants to get a gift for Minnie Minnie wants to get a gift from Mickey but neither of them have a lot of money so Mickey has a plan involving his harmonica and Minnie has a plan involving her watch and all right I won't give it away in case you haven't seen it buddy it's a very decent telling of the story Mickey and Minnie are the epitome of wide-eyed innocence that it really does make sense to do this story with them it's a good humble telling all the stories are tied together with a narration from Kelsey Grammer the minute you hear his voice doing the whimsical inspiring thing you just kind of laugh and giggle at how corny it is but you're also kind of admire how sweet it is and that's the best way to describe this movie corny but sweet the animation is really good especially considering its just kind of the Disney cartoons I mean they didn't have to throw all this money into it but they did and they really tried to make it look nice and Christmassy there's a lot of nice little touches too if you know the Disney Universe for example one of these ornaments is from the second Beauty of the beast movie Minnie works for Mortimer's which is this classic Disney villain even all the characters are kind of tied into each other like one person one story might be the neighbor to another person in another story it's kind of clever that way there's even a couple laughs in there there's one involving goofy finally spotting Santa Claus that literally made me laugh so hard and so loud I think my neighbors walking by heard me I won't give it away but it was a really funny scene so yeah this is obviously something meant for little little kids but there's something for little little kids go it has a lot of charm and delight to it it's probably not something I would put on a lot around Christmastime but I think it's great to show your kids and kind of get in the culture and some of these classic stories and some news stories as well with your favorite Disney characters there's clearly effort that went into it and the effort pays off you get three nice gentle stories that are phenomenal but each one has a legitimately emotional moment and each one has one or two lamps in it as well definitely a nice one to check out around the holidays there's plenty more Disney sequels along the way but until then Merry Christmas and enjoy the best day of the year [Music] [Music] [Music] as I get closer to the end of watching all these Disney sequels I can say that honestly the most entertaining out of all of them is Cinderella 3 yeah I know right the third Cinderella movie that's ridiculous look at this opening it doesn't even look like it's gonna be anything it looks like a sequel even worse than the previous sequel but when I was telling people I was gonna do all these Disney sequels what I kept hearing over and over is this Cinderella 3 is good wait we get to Cinderella 3 that's a good one and for the most part they're kind of right are there problems yeah I guess that's or to be expected with any of the Disney sequels isn't my favorite no but again it's how do I put this easily the most fun like I said before it opens up kind of corny and chintzy with a goofy little song not really that impressive but suddenly the villains return the stepmother and the stepsisters they come across the fairy godmothers magic one turn her to stone and start going back in time to make it that the stepsister is the one that has the shoe that fits thus everything is altered Cinderella's left in the dust and she doesn't have her happily ever after the villains are taken to the palace they hypnotize the Prince into thinking that the sister was the one they fell in love with and it's up to Cinderella to sneak in there and convince him what's really going on without getting caught by the guards or the evil stepmother on the one hand this sounds incredibly forced and silly and yeah I guess it kind of is but for such a forced and silly idea they do everything that they can with it they realize that the most interesting characters are the villains and there's a lot of time focused on them look at the drawings on them look at these close-ups they are just so devious and they love every second that they're on-screen and so to weave I remember there's a scene where Cinderella sneaks in as a servant then she has her face covered and the stepmother is sort of looking in this reflection in the water and she can kind of see your face and I actually went oh no which is amazing I actually said oh no during a Cinderella film let alone a sequel that's insane but on top of that they actually give a lot of characters who didn't have much development in the other films a lot more development the King for example is more than just a guy who's bouncing up and down saying give me grandchildren they make him this really sentimental guy who lost his wife years ago and so he's passing on this piece of jewelry to the now daughter-in-law and it's actually really sweet one of the stepsisters has given a lot more development to and what makes us so clever is that actually ties into the second film Cinderella - yeah that's stupid sequel that nobody cared about they actually has some things that tie into it not only is her character given a lot death and a story arc but they even have characters from the second film that were introduced in this one as well remember the woman in charge of the servants of course you don't because nobody remembers the second film but she's in this what an incredible touch of detail even the prince who had maybe one line of dialogue in the first movie and I don't know maybe - in the second one he was clearly just the eye candy has a lot more character in this well okay not a lot more character but certainly there is a personality there these general nice and charming but you do get to know them a little bit more enough that you want to see him get with the right person the animation is fantastic and what's so great about is that it doesn't necessarily try to recreate the same animation from the first film baby to kind of fell into that trap and well it wasn't really bad or anything you're just constantly reminded that this isn't its own thing this even though it's a sequel does feel like its own thing the imagery gets a lot more creepy and a lot more creative there's a scene where she throws into relatives giant pumpkins all gross and disgusting inside and these vines just grab this horse and wrap around it and then she turns the cat into this evil servant who's laughing maniacally as he's gonna write it off a cliff and it's just crazy it's something that you want to see in a fairy tale sequel it gets a little darker it gets a little crazier and it gets a lot more fun it's like half Cinderella and half Tim Burton it's just so enjoyable to view so okay this movie sounds great is it great well there are a few little problems that hold it back from being a complete piece and I don't think it's just nitpicking the biggest one is Cinderella herself which is not to say the character is done horribly I mean they actually animate her very well and the pacing is good and there's even a scene when she finds out that everything's been changed where you don't even see her reaction you just see her place her hand on the door and that's kind of all you need little moments like that are really really good but the problem is in the story it's kind of like The Little Mermaid she doesn't learn anything she doesn't go through an arc she just kind of wants to get something and she gets it I guess it's just kind of a distracting contrast when you see what these other characters are going through and all the changes that they have going on on top of that some of the morals are a little weird like there's this ongoing thing that when you touch a person's hand you immediately know if you're in love and yeah I know Disney fairy tale they kind of teach even weirder lessons than that if you really think about it but I don't know that seemed particularly odd for a movie that's really trying to fix the dated problems of the first film it seems like that was something that was clearly really distracting that they maybe should have taken another look at on top of that this movie has three climaxes yeah there's one where the Prince saves her then there's one where she saves herself and then there's one where she saves him and it's just kind of all over the place but they're all kind of fun too it's like all this green stuff lying everywhere in this choir going oh it's something you can clearly tell the animators and the writers and the directors were having fun doing and we feel that fun the hard work and effort is clearly there in a project where it didn't need to be there they went a hundred and ten percent on something that clearly was just meant to be thrown out really fast but they really tried and you can tell they really tried but yeah those problems I mentioned before are still legitimate problems they do kind of focus a little too much on the side characters and yeah I know the first film you could argue that too but the center was still around her need her want her going through this endurance to get what was needed working hard and finally getting that reward here I guess it's just kind of the same thing working hard and getting that reward we already saw that so why is that interesting but in my opinion the rest is so much fun and so crazy and so enjoyable that I can kind of overlook it and I think a lot of other people overlook it too all I can say is what everyone's been saying about it is strangely right it is really entertaining and I highly recommend it I can't say it's perfect I can't say it's a Disney classic or anything but it's just a ton of surreal joy I like how they took something that was pretty pointless and even kind of a dumb idea and turned it into something that was just kind of cool and focused on the elements that were the most enjoyable from the first film if you want a Disney sequel that doesn't need to exist but it's still really really neat Cinderella 3 is bizarrely enough the one to check out [Music] [Music] [Music] The Little Mermaid Ariel's beginning okay that's good kind of be interesting I mean the animation looks pretty good and maybe we could see the backstory of some of these characters maybe we can see Ursula and how she got where she was and the interaction with the sisters and the father and the mother okay this could be interesting it starts off showing Ariel and her sisters with her mother and father and suddenly this pirate ship comes out of nowhere okay and apparently kills the mother in a very awkwardly done edit seriously can't just cut the black this is really weirdly done but okay let's keep going so the father is so discouraged by the death of his wife and the fact that she loved music so much they decides to outlaw music throughout the kingdom oh it's this stupid thing yeah this story that you've heard a million times it probably started with Footloose and yeah wasn't even really good when they did it then and like that you know every single damn thing that's gonna happen everybody said they all want to sing but they can't sing so Ariel goes and tries to find out where she can sing but that conflicts with the father and they get angry at each other and he's not really bad he just doesn't see what's really important and they're gonna butt heads and then some stupid last-minute villain is gonna come in try screw everything up Oh God no surprises nothing new even have the songs you've heard before they're just sort of reworked versions of famous conga songs in fact how do they know the song shakes in your eye if they live underwater that song won't even be recorded yet okay I'm probably thing to do hard about that but nevertheless this is not a very good movie it's not awful per se I mean it definitely has awful moments in it but again you can definitely get an idea that they're trying to put something decent together I mean the pacings not that bad it will take moments to be quiet and sort of let the emotion sink in they do try to give the sisters personalities but there are six of them so it's kind of hard to remember which ones which and like I said before the animation is damn impressive I mean okay we're not gonna see any Graham landscapes in this or anything but just look at the line work look at the expressions look at how flowing and elegant it is for a direct-to-dvd movie he'll just for an animated Disney movie in general it's really really nicely drawn it's also interesting to see a movie where not only the main characters are good-looking I mean you know how this works it's usually the male and the female and they look really pretty you're handsome and everyone else is supposed to look cartoony and over-the-top here the sisters are in a lot of the film and they're all drawn beautiful so it's kind of interesting just seeing these really good-looking characters throughout the entire thing it isn't just the main lead they allow for some nice expressions and flowing movements and it's like it's it really really nicely drawn but that doesn't excuse the fact this is just a dumb story with dumb writing there's this villain played by Sally Field who's kind of a servant of the king looks after the girls and sort of wants to be the second-in-command what's in a while she'll get a laugh I meet Sally Field can be very funny but to answer the question that everybody is thinking including myself no it's not Ursula wait a minute in the first film she describes herself that she used to be in the palace and then she did these evil things and she was thrown out that's exactly what this character does and even kind of looks like a younger skinnier version I mean why why wasn't this Ursula she even has cure eels that go after the heroes it was so obviously meant to be Ursula I was waiting the whole time to see some sort of magic zapped her she was transformed or something or they give her a new name like Ursula is actually a demeaning name and that's what you'll be called now or something but no it's just a completely different character that has Ursula's backstory come on you've got a Sally Field play a young Ursula we won't have minded so yeah the movies praise to do it but it makes no sense I guess if you just have little kids that want to see it just to see nice music and Ariel swimming around looking pretty it's fine for that it's not like Beauty and the Beast 3 or Mulan to where there's arguably bad stuff for kids in it I mean it's harmless but it's also mindless nothing in it is original every line every plot thread you can point to a million other movies that have not only done it but have done it better I guess it's fine if you just want to track your kids for an hour and a half but anyone looking for the magic of the original this one's dead in the water [Music] [Music] [Music] well I looked at the first one only figures to look at the sequel during this sequel month its Mickey's twice upon a Christmas and you know when people ask what's the difference between something that's good for kids yet not necessarily for adults or bad for kids and not necessarily for adults either this is a perfect example the first once upon a Christmas was a simple but humble and sweet story it was expressive it was kind it was a little corny but the effort really shows and pays off this is a cash-in you can smell from a mile away just look at it I mean look at it I know it's direct-to-dvd so the CGI isn't gonna be like Pixar quality but look at it the first one was direct-to-dvd - and you can see all the great drawings all the great atmosphere expressions it was impressive by its own standards this even by its own standards it's cheap looking and lame and not written well and heartless and empty and just like I said I'm obvious Kashyap okay well I guess I should go over all the stories but that almost seems pointless because we're in the first film it was only three stories that seemed reasonable enough this one it's like eight yeah they just throw a bunch of oh man - whether they make sense or not it becomes so much overload that the motivations aren't even established when the story start the very first story is just Daisy and Minnie skating well okay that's fine but for whatever reason Daisy tries to sabotage Minnie was that in her character is that something she's known for I can see Donald doing that but nothing about her has ever been established as this egotistical jealous character and that many gets really angry - and she starts fighting back and it's just this entirely pointless number here's another kind of mean-spirited story where Donald comes home from work he's really tired he just wants to relax but then Daisy and the boys all want to go Christmas shopping and they force him to come with he gets angry because Christmas is being shoved in his face a just needs a break from it but he shouldn't be he's wrong much like Christmas with the Kranks you should just accept everything about Christmas and love it all unconditionally seems like a very confused message and I can kinda see what they're going for like you're just gonna need that extra effort to make Christmas special for your kids and your loved ones and stuff but first of all there is nephews not as kids I still don't know where the damn parents are second you sympathize too much for him I wanted to be by the fireplace I wanted to have his hot chocolate I don't want to go out to the store and have all this commercialism shoved in his face somewhere there's a sweet nice idea trying to get out bites just lost there's also this lame number about max bringing his girlfriend to meet his dad and most of it's a pop song that he's not really singing yeah he never sees lips move and the song doesn't really match the atmosphere they're trying to make it sound like one of those songs you can hear on the radio but it's not even vague enough to be a song that you can hear on the radio they're obviously saying the dad's gonna embarrass me I hope he doesn't embarrass me around Christmas they can't even get whoring the fake pop song right nobody would listen to this on their own but the characters clearly not singing the song either so it's just entirely confused remember how Santa Claus was a big deal in the first one like goofy and Max were trying to believe but they didn't know if they did but they wanted to believe that was a whole big thing in this 1ue doing Louie just mail themselves to Santa yeah I guess he's not really that big a deal anymore and look at him talk about the most generic forgettable Santa you can imagine rere are there any good things about this special I guess the colors can be kind of nice and Christmasy every once in a while there is a good visual joke or a line here there but for the most part it just feels shallow I guess it seems silly to be this hard on a little Christmas special that's obviously just meant for little kids but the first one was just a little Christmas special meant for little kids and they really did a much better job they cared they took the time to write good stories and putting good animation because it felt like the respect of the audience was important they know they can show little kids anything with Donald and Goofy and Mickey and stuff but instead they tried to give something really nice and meaningful and that's felt by the adults as well as the children this just feels like what it most likely is a last-minute sequel the first one probably made a lot of money so they had to squeeze out a sequel and this is what we a cheap knockoff with little to no heart I can't say it's as bad as some of Disney's other worse anime of films I mean I can't say it's Chicken Little or home on the range or move on to but it just feels lazy and don't get me wrong I don't know how much time or money they had to put into this so I shouldn't judge but it's just how it feels it feels lazy can you show it to kids sure does it get across any mean-spirited or bad morals little debatable but none that little kids will probably get it's just a weak Christmas cash grab and nothing more if your kids really dying to see it I guess it's okay to show but in my opinion die just put on the first one again [Music] [Music] well I've already reviewed a ton of direct-to-dvd sequels why not review this one Inspector Gadget - yeah kind of an Inspector Gadget filled month isn't it this is a follow-up to the first film starring Matthew Broderick and though it's not nearly as bad hell you just subtract Matthew project from it it's immediately better it's still pretty bad this time inspector catch is played by French Stewart of third Rock from the Sun Fame at first you think it's gonna be exactly like the first one with its awkward style and weird in-your-face of facts that really really suck even more this time but as it goes on it calms down a bit as it tries to squeeze historian Inspector Gadget is having a bunch of glitches and his nice penny now in high school it's starting to notice and tells him to go get a fixed his inventor however has an even better plan make a brand new gadget Entergy - an updated version of gadget who seems to be a better officer in every way not only having no glitches but no human parts at all that's right she's 100% machine and as soon as Inspector Gadget hears that he falls immediately in love yeah that's kind of weird / creepy she does the typical robot stuff doesn't understand human emotion talks like this all the time battle jazz but give her credit it's a lot more interesting than dr. claw escaping only this time it's not played by Rupert Everett and this time you don't see his face well okay is sorta you see his mouth and his know sometimes you see his eyes actually you kinda do see his face but they at least make it attempt to hide it this time is played by some old guy with a really weird voice that sounds nothing like the original claw but he has the claw from the first movie but you don't see his face like the cartoon it's really kind of confusing but at least we see penny snooping around with her dog brain and she has the little watch and no computer book but she has the watch and they give her a kind of bigger part then it's weird because she'll tell brain to look after gadget but you know he's a dog like a real dog so he can't do anything like what he does in the cartoon and what is this movie trying to be the sad desperate souls they actually like the first film aren't gonna connect that much with it like I said gadgets differ Penny's different dr. claw is really different and the fans of the cartoon are gonna like a few things change but it's still clearly not trying hard enough to be the cartoon it's almost like the filmmakers got all these really angry notes and they said oh okay we're not supposed to see claws phase Penny supposed to snoop around brain supposed to help okay we'll do that but then for some reason they still never looked at the cartoon they didn't see how you're supposed to do it don't get me wrong the cartoons weird I think it's kind of debatable whether or not it's actually even good but it was kind of entertaining and interesting and had kind of its own unique formula and its own kind of awkward charm this doesn't well French Stuart is definitely a better gadget than Matthew Broderick he still doesn't seem like he's being told the right things to do that's to say comedic Lee his line delivery just seems off it doesn't sound like he's trying to impersonate Dada Adams or do his own thing it's just kind of weird all my years of crime-fighting gadgetmobile is that it's always the most quiet on top of that a lot of the comedy is off every once awhile I get a little bit of a giggle like I like how the bad guys are sneaking in as this band and none of the instruments they're playing matches the music that's being played behind them on an obvious recording in fact it's sitar music and there's not even a sitar in there that's funny once in a while you'll get a little moment like that the effects are really awful at the very least in the first film they tried to make some practical effects with the CG here it's all CG and it's we don't give a crap CG look at this scene where this rope is supposed to wrap around gadget what the hell am I even looking at it looks like one of those old Marvel hologram cards it doesn't even look solid the acting pretty much from everybody either ranges from bad to just off I don't know what direction they were given but it was always kind of the wrong direction everyone says their lines just a little strangely and that's already made odd by the fact that they already have strange voices the only time the acting does work a little bit is when French Stewart has to have an emotional moment I know that sounds strange and there aren't that many of them but when he genuinely seems confused or sad or it's done in such a brainless way that he's still gonna seem sympathetic I can't explain it there's something weirdly genuine about it aside from that I don't know what this film is going for it'll have the little mad logo like from the cartoon but even that looks a little different why you have the rights to Inspector Gadget just go all out there so okay is it as bad as the first one no there's very few things that are as bad as the first one the first one was painful the first one every single time a joke was made or somebody gave a weird look it hurt the first film hurt this film doesn't hurt it's just dumb it's a dumb movie it'll probably be forgotten the minute you watch it the first film leaves scars scars that will never heal this is just a lame flick so for some reason your kid wants to see it you can go ahead and show it there's nothing that's gonna screw em up but for anyone else if you have any interest in seeing this movie go-go-gadget don't [Music] [Music] [Music] ever since the movie Toy Story came out I as well as I'm assuming a lot of other people really wanted a Buzz Lightyear show everything he described about his world just sounded so much fun flying through space defeating the evil Emperor Zurg fighting aliens blasting things blowing them up it sounded like a show that practically wrote itself well Buzz Lightyear a Star Command was the pilot film to get that show going and as pilot films go it is pretty much just an hour and a half long Saturday morning cartoon but I mean that in all the best ways it opens with the Toy Story characters actually watching it on the TV as if to already set up hey this is meant to be like a Saturday morning cartoon and that's exactly how it plays out in the movie Buzz Lightyear played again by Tim Allen is off again to fight the evil Emperor Zurg Zerg wants to get this technology known as the Uni mind it's a device that the L GM's you can guess what that stands for use to communicate with one another to become the most efficient race ever but sir-- captures the device and plans to use it for evil turning everybody's minds as diabolical as his so it's up to buzz of course to go in and stop him but the one downside is they wanted to have a partner but of course he doesn't want a partner why because he lost his last partner warp and the pain was just too near and so of course he turns away the others that try to come to his side a ranger named Nova who's also a princess but doesn't like being a princess a bumbling janitor who has dreams of adventure and a nerdy robot who always has those clever one-liners this setup is of course about as stock as you can get but the thing is with the way it's written it's aware that it's doc and it has fun with it there's a lot of great comedic talent behind these characters including Nicole Sullivan Larry Miller and Wayne Knight who's practically unrecognizable as ergh I think they're distorting his voice a little bit but whatever they're doing they make it sound great it's but kind of menacing but super hilarious at the same time you're telling I already know my plan the atmosphere gives you what you're looking for with space men and women traveling through space and shooting up aliens but it also has this clever side to it Rangers condition status excellent let's roll the comedy is both mocking but kind of paying homage to these sort of 80s Saturday morning tropes like the climax is stopping xored from pointing his death ray to the planet of orphans and widows there's like a five-minute conversation decade to getting nose rigs why can't we have nose rings because nose rings of our punks little mister well if you can take on Zerg alone I don't see why XR can't get a nose ring I was just asking a question I'm not the one getting a nose ring and all these characters egos do great at working off of each other trying to show off trying to be funny and ultimately succeeding at the end but just barely it doesn't really have any twists or surprises or at least nothing you can't see coming a mile away but again it feels like that's the intention it's trying to give us that silly version of transformers or Thundercats or Silverhawks except there's a self-awareness that makes for a lot of funny comedy I'd say the one nitpick I have in the entire thing is that booster the big janitor guy he doesn't really seem to have a point the other cadets definitely proved their worth but this guy just sort of acts afraid and screams and I don't know I get what he was there as the scaredy-cat character but I didn't really get why he was there in terms of the story but again story is not a big thing here what is big is the adventure the comedy the characters and they all do great delicate in that cheesy Saturday morning way that they're obviously going for if I was a little kid I would love this this is the exact show I would want to see looking at Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story it feels like this is the show the toy was based on these were the adventures that they made him out of it say if you had even the tiniest interest in seeing this at all like I said obviously for kids but it has just the right amount of comedy Chanin charm give it a watch and have fun going to infinity and beyond [Music] [Music] Mickey Mouse in the three musketeers that is pretty much exactly what you get Mickey Donald and Goofy all going off to save princess Minnie so that evil captain Pete can't take over the crown as somehow connecting her makes him King this is a really story based the plot is wait no that was pretty much it yeah that's about as generic and old-fashioned a cartoon plot for kids goes so is it any good it's hard to pick on something that's obviously meant for like little little kids I mean it's a Mickey Mouse direct-to-dvd movie what do you expect but again I guess it's not fair Mickey's bad some really good stuff there's a great short he was in called the Prince of the pauper Fantasia is a masterpiece even that Mickey's once upon Christmas had a lot of charm to it this I don't really describe as having a lot of charm but it's a harmless every character and motivation is exactly what you think it's gonna be Mickey is optimistic but he dreams of being a Mouseketeer I really just say that you know what I mean goofy is a doofus but he wants to apply his brain Donald is a coward and wants to learn how to be brave and many as a princess oh of course he wants to fall in love there is nothing new or original in this even the songs are classical public-domain tunes that they just put lyrics to some of them already have lyrics they just add new ones I guess it's good this teaches kids classical music but it's music you're gonna hear everywhere anyway I don't know the animation is clearly trying and the backgrounds are clearly trying but nothing really stands out as great everybody does exactly what you think they do everybody reacts exactly how you think they'd react so why doesn't this work as well as say the Buzz Lightyear cartoon well that one's still through in some good laughs and it was creative it had kind of a goofy story but it also had some imagination to it the best way I can describe this one is by looking at the opening and closing credits you see this comic strip style this was very popular back in the day in fact these Mickey Mouse comics are kind of these rarities they're seen as this pure innocent artwork of more simple times they didn't have much depth in fact they had virtually no death they were so simple and colorful that kids really loved it and it's our carried over for some adults this is pretty much the same thing it's innocent it's harmless but I don't really see any reason to watch it either it's fine for kids I guess but aside from the smoothness of the animation and some of the backgrounds nothing really screams Disney top of the game but again it's a direct-to-dvd Mickey Mouse movie but again more effort has been put into those in the past but again it's not like no effort was put into this but I'm priming is more complicated than it needs to be if you're an adult it's unlikely you'll get into it at all well if you're a little little kid that just wants to see Mickey Mouse go on an adventure it's energized colorful and harmless don't expect anything great but honestly you probably weren't anyway you're probably just expecting a Mickey Mouse cartoon and that's what you get a really long Mickey Mouse cartoon five for little boys and girls but that's really about it it's all for one and one for [Music] [Music] [Music] let's finish up Disney cember with Tinker Bell yeah there's a strange while where Tinker Bell was extremely popular it's weird because the character has been around for years and years but only now did the popularity just explode was this movie the cause of it maybe it opens literally with Tinker Bell's birth which is kind of like what they say in the book where a child laughs that laughs goes to Neverland and then suddenly a fairy is born only she's not born like a little baby she's born fully grown I guess it's like Pinocchio where the personality is just intact oh why am i analyzing it it's fairy tales and this is obviously made for little kids who just want to see Tinker Bell fly around look pretty do some magic and yeah that's about it the story is pretty standard but you can tell it's written for little children Tinker Bell is looking for her place to belong and she's put with the tinker fairies yeah who would have thought Tinker Bell is really good at tinkering putting things together figuring out gears and such unfortunately the over inventions don't always work out that well and that means that she can join the group of fairies that leave Neverland and go into the other world so Tinker Bell gets a group of fairies together and tries to have them teach her how to do various other things that can get her into the other world unfortunately she doesn't seem very good at it she's only good at tinkering and making stuff and even then she's not that great either through hard work and determination she will make everything really bad yeah it's one of those stories where she screws up everything for everyone but she also finds a way to make it better in the end and a nice little compromise is made actually that is one of the few things I really admire about this movie the message of compromise that is to say Tinker Bell eventually comes to terms with her gifts but she also pushes really hard to get what she wants and what she feels is rightfully hers I Meyer films like wreck-it Ralph or Nightmare Before Christmas that sort of say just be happy with what you have but also like stories like this where it's be happy with what you have but don't be afraid to go a little further to fight for what you really want sometimes you get it sometimes you don't and sometimes it's halfway in between like what we have here but is there anything really that gripping for adults in this not especially this is something that's written for little little kids but for little little kids it's innocent enough it definitely has a visual style some of the backgrounds are very nice everyday items they use from hours and raindrops and such are pretty clever and the movie is trying to have a certain weight to it the music especially is trying to give this grand choir going on make it seem really huge and you know what it's allowed I mean look at this animation style this is clearly trying a lot harder than something like twice upon a Christmas they want it to look whimsical they wanted to feel like these characters are alive and for the most part they do a good job outside of that there's not really that much to get into for adults although I do love this one scene when she's testing her equipment oh does that crack me up so much but aside from that it's not incredibly smart but it's not incredibly dumb either it's a nice little innocent film to show your kids and they'll get some creativity there are slow moments there's times where they need the emotion to set in but there's also fast moments on their scenes where they throw in the little pop song and such I'm definitely not gonna put it on anytime soon but if I had little kids and they want to watch this I'd say it's a good thing to put on I don't have nearly enough time to look at the dozens of sequels that came out afterwards I know it's ironic seeing how this was sequel month but like the movie said compromise it's a good thing and with that said that wraps up Disney cember with the direct-to-dvd sequels was it as bad as I thought it was gonna be well in some areas it was even worse but in some areas it was actually okay and surprisingly in others I found myself having a good time you can definitely tell which films were just rushed out and they didn't really care about and which ones they wanted to put the extra time and effort into even when they didn't need to put in the extra time and effort I'm a cat like any of these were great but I was shocked to find those couple they were actually you know not only tolerable but some legitimately entertaining they were few but I've respected them and the ones that were bad like really bad well they'll bring us a lot of laughs in mockery and just how awful they are at least I can say I saw them all and I gave them a fair shot and though I was shocked with how bad some of them were I was shocked by how good some of them were I guess sometimes even when a company like Disney just wants to throw their table scraps at us you can actually take those table scraps and turn it into a good meal it doesn't happen all the time but enough times to get noticed folks I hope you enjoyed this year's Disney cember and if you're like me you're anticipating what Disney has next to offer thanks for watching and I'll see you next year you [Music] you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,312,451
Rating: 4.8136463 out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, doug walker, movie, film, disney, disney movies, disney direct to dvd movies, worst disney movies, disneycember, worst direct to dvd movie, the lion king, mulan, disney sequels, worst sequels, bad sequels, aladdin, aladdin sequel, beauty and the beast, the lion king II, pocahontas, 101 dalmatians II, stitch! the movie, atlantis, tarzan II, bambi, tinker bell, family movies, kids movies, recess movies, kim possible
Id: 0whmsW7LTCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 31sec (9571 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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