Everything Wrong With Loki - "For All Time. Always."

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I was expecting this one for a long time just to see how they'd sin the "character eats an apple just to look more like an asshole cliché"...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cambiro 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] as a dog returns to its vomit so a fool repeats his scenes in a previously on segment or something it's basically in the bible and that thing's full of sins you wouldn't have heard of me dance off bro he's a friend from work these opening self blogos accompanied by the marvel quote all-stars or like that guy from work that can't quit talking about his weekend to buy we get it shane you did some cool stuff now can you please get back to work those crew neck tees aren't going to fold themselves throwing in the moon landing in greta thunder at the end of 30 full seconds of marvel miasma to make your opening feel more important than it actually is i know disney feels like they own everything but it seems a little ballsy to put a post-apocalyptic hogwarts in your tv show without even getting permission from warner brothers man i hope we get to find out all the cool things about this castle like what kind of stone it's made of with those awesome cracks or maybe it was a monster that did them my money's on the kraken but i'm sure the show will let us know soon enough there's no way this episode will just be scenes of people having conversations the entire time good thing that would never happen already okay yeah just need a moment no you take your moments in episodes three or four at the latest by the time you're at the final episode you don't take moments you do the thing that the show's been building up to for the past five episodes damn it loki i'm tired of taking moments i'm really sick and tired of it phew sorry about that i'm clearly the one wearing the horns today i was pruned before you even existed were you though i thought pruning was when they officially zapped you with a rainbow baton of existential nothingness which literally just happened before that weren't you just kidnapped also how do you know who existed first just because you got yoinked into the tva first doesn't mean they didn't pull you from a time that postdated this loki your words matter sylvie i have been waiting for this moment my entire life i just need a second to get my head straight okay castle door is addicted to people needing a second once at a wedding reception i requested a van halen song but the tj almost put a crisscross track on instead anyhow i hate jump scares he's impressed who's impressed hey who remains either playing the pronoun game when it's not needed or self nicknaming via the pronoun game i'm actually so annoyed right now i'm not going to pick i'm just going to give two sins and sort it out later you can kill thanos hiddleston's reaction here is great but would he really have that much emotion just from seeing a highlight reel earlier of what thanos did in reality he was never even really part of you want the infinity gauntlet yours i get that if you're gonna keep an antagonist around in this kind of capacity humanizing him is just part of the process look what star trek eventually did to the borg that doesn't mean i have to like it loki would take this deal or at least the interesting version of loki would take this deal the not deal taking loki is a loki of lies i mean all loki's are bookies of lies but this one is a loki of different lies two loki's in the same place someone hasn't studied their time cop shooting video in portrait mode checking for dust without a white glove on most of dust is human skin loki and now you're basically wearing someone else's skin on your skin you creep oh this is wild what that the villain eats an apple thing is so mainstream now that marvel's just whipping it out front and center instead of doing it on the sly and hiding their shame agree come on marvel don't you realize how naked your cliche is here if only there were a metaphor for the moment you wake up become aware of your sin and feel ashamed well either way come on let's talk from my office spending any amount of time in a marvel tv show talking in an office two sugars thinking the two sugars can fix the nastiness that is tea or coffee or whatever drink you've convinced yourself is actually good even though it's so bitter it's primarily responsible for keeping the sweetener industry in business oh well you know one man's void is another man's piece of cake title of my sex tape why is the coat drive poster in rinslayer's office wouldn't that be better served out in the hallway or even on the outside school walls so more people were aware of it happening there will be kids without coats this winter because school doesn't know how to advertise correctly calling your school the ohio state university you're not special but guys no matter how many articles you insert before your title everything that's uh that's going to happen there's only one way this can go does it involve disney making anus loads of money i bet it involves disney making anus loads of money no you can't get to the end until you've been changed by the journey this stuff it needs to happen to get us all in the in the right mindset to finish the quest jonathan majors is not my dm in this scene free will free will i give all the sins back right now if the fresh prince suddenly leapt over rinslayer from behind and she trailed her fingers on his skin as he passed above her and then swam to freedom eons of friendship and you threw it all away on a couple of loki's as interesting a character she's become i'm kind of starting to wish this show was called rinslayer instead of loki but it is not and just who are you i've been dubbed many names by many people a ruler a conqueror we'll get back to your regularly scheduled sinning here in a bit but damn i gotta take some sins off the fact that marvel reveals a major villain sure to have a huge impact on the mcu in one of their tv shows the sign the game's completely changed take some real shonen ads to put this much faith in your plan and i've gotta give some respect also jonathan majors is absolutely pulverizing this role he's so brilliant compelling and charismatic that i forgot my job here is to sin things not fan slobber all over him i'm sorry won't let it happen again eons ago before the tva exposition via some sort of mercury theater is still exposition i bet you didn't even get permission from orson welles he discovered that there were universes stacked on top of the zone those look more like solar systems than universes but whatever king the expositioner you do you i love your shoes i love your hair oh man nice nose thanks man [Laughter] oh it happened again didn't it however not every version of me was so so pure of heart and the director said remember that obvious apple metaphor from earlier let's pat it home even more and have him take another bite right in the middle of talking about the versions of himself because subtlety am i right god the way the music is in harmony with his vocal performance and the general amazingness of this natalie holt soundtrack is blowing my mind nope not again um pretentiously singing it almond when we all know it's amen saved it once i isolated our timeline all i have to do is manage the flow of time and prevent any further branches oh is that all tva it works or you're a liar there are so many more possibilities than that let's get some gray in there marvel not every scenario is black or white marvel or dc laverne or shirley also side note it's totally shirley oh villains here one's been a bit neutered but sure oh now how you use magic i haven't been this annoyed with mythical creatures relying on modern weaponry since underworld hot leather pants glad to see the mtu isn't faltering on their stabby stabby pew pew finale resolutions there's something to be said about being consistently predictable with the final battles stop stop she already did somehow in the midst of a ferocious kill swing despite you not saying this till after you appeared in the direct line of that kill shot that somehow did not kill you is i don't want to hurt you i don't want to close my eyes i don't wanna fall asleep cause i miss you baby and i don't wanna miss a thing sorry i black out and sing aerosmith when i get bored by what's going on in front of me there's a reason people have stopped inviting me to weddings and funerals it's masturbation but i'm not you wait you mean not you you or like not you at all like not a loki or not this loki if you think making me wait a year to find out the answer to this isn't gonna get you a sin you're right because you're getting five i'm turning back now hey remember these important characters that were developed so nicely through the last five episodes and then given to do in the finale yeah me either i should probably start a sidekick's anonymous support group with taurus from falcon and sharon and todd davis from wand division with an emphasis on the anonymous for all time always roll king mercials who are you what's your name nice twist you got there be a shame if someone came along and questioned the logic of it but why would sylvia programmed him to go to an alternate timeline or universe why would that timeline or universe be in the exact same time and with the same people as he left it and why would those people not know who he is when the timelines didn't diverge till after he left how would there even be a tva in a different timeline or universe i'm sure you'll explain it to me in the comments and marvel will pretend to answer some of these questions but i'm guessing it comes down mostly to it's complicated okay and that ain't enough breaking the fourth dimensional wall go back to then when now now no i can't why we missed it when just now and what have we always wanted the whole place organized by style cross-referenced by size and reverse indexed by fabric she'll be able to find anything in three seconds flat it was some of my best work pay no attention to that man behind the curtain and just who are you i am king do not be frightened we mean you no harm you you speak english i am actually speaking right by an astonishing coincidence both of our languages are exactly the same you came to kill the devil right we beat the devil with our rock i've lived a million lifetimes a million dollars isn't cool you know what's cool a billion dollars [Music] hold it hold it what is this is this a kissing book
Channel: TVSins
Views: 89,093
Rating: 4.8464255 out of 5
Keywords: tv, television, tele, tvsins, tv sins, quickest beef owl, eww, everything wrong with, cinemasins tvsins, parody, commentary, reaction, recap, bloopers, tv show sins, loki, loki season 1, loki season 1 episode 6, loki for all time alyways, everything wrong with loki, eww loki, tvsins loki, cinemasins loki
Id: 3p11V-t1QsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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