Everything Wrong With Rick and Morty - "Mortynight Run"

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[Music] we got some business to attend to a few late minutes south of here oh you still use south in spain oh jesus jerry what the hell are you doing here being excellent at tv sends for one thing also i'm done with shows pretending like people have zero spatial awareness even if you don't have the hyper vigilance gene where you're always checking your surroundings one of your five senses is going to clue you into the fact that someone's sitting just outside your peripheral vision and since we're talking jerry i'm gonna go with smell you can park in a handicapped spot morty anything with less than eight limbs is considered disabled here of course no one knows where to park because they apparently don't even mark the spaces also not having some sort of hover vehicle parking is just inefficient planning there should be roof parking with boxed areas for vertical takeoff vehicles that don't need all the extra space to drive around the ferproc design committee sucks also also looks like you've got glizzcut over here and then puisiza two doors down and that's more poor strip mall planning to have two pizza places that close to each other and honestly it might be three because i could be convinced a place called dumpy stump sells pizza as well this works help me what the hell i know right even though we know there are multiple versions of all our characters i'm counting at least 25 jerry's in here is the show suggesting that a couple dozen ricks need to ditch jerry's at the same time when we know most ricks aren't going to watch jerry around in the first place and yes i know the asteroid is cross temporal which is just rick and morty's for we wanted to make a joke here so maybe this will make it okay you know what those guys do in in their fancy boardrooms they take their balls and they dip them in cocaine and wipe them all over each other rick is a liar eight balling is a myth and he should know that those pictures of me were clearly fakes including a period in your hashtag also when your vocation is life extermination i'm guessing you're gonna just go ahead and leave the geo tracker feature off of the business card for exactly the reasons the show later confirms yeah sure i mean if you spend all day shuffling words around you can make anything sound bad my theory for when i'm trying to force us in on a show that probably isn't really a sin but damn the joke would be so funny and meta somehow makes it into this episode here check this out this all full life simulation game is exactly the kind of thing that makes rick and morty such a pleasure it treats the concept with enough respect to give it all the time it needs to be fully felt while at the same time not letting the joke get stale take your sin off rick and roy parsons i mean morty not a single member of this entire crowd is cheering during this spectacular play also none of them have faces and most are clearly copies of other people in the stands they literally control seed these four in the front rolling control veed them to the next row over i'd get it if this were a cheaply animated tv show but this is a high-tech game that simulates an entire life so convincingly that it becomes your reality hey you sold a gun to a guy that kills people yelling this in a public place yeah that's the difference between you and me morty i never go back to the carpet store all right since rick is taking a turn now we have to talk more about this game because how can he have awareness of both the world around him and the living simulation if it's fully encompassing also is this game only for humans the character is human and that helmet wouldn't fit 90 of the other clients at this discount dave and busters there's no way that this would be profitable and finally if the game simulates a 55 year life how is it also showing the players decisions in real time on the screen wouldn't that mean it would take 55 actual years to play who wants to come watch midnight run with directors commentary on martin brest has never recorded a commentary for midnight run that's a sin for the show getting its facts wrong a sin for the collector's edition blu-ray for not making it happen and a sin for the universe getting me all horned up for something that doesn't even exist in my world don't engage him press play if you can't finish the job damn it okay michael must either have precognition or the ability to see through solid objects neither of which is mentioned or explained so sin how is this big guy unaware that a hole was cut in the floor right beside him and his co-worker was taken out does peripheral vision not even exist for these creatures with 72.4 percent of their head being eyes oh man what have i done crashed into a heavily guarded fortress that apparently didn't have a single bit of exterior spacecraft deterrent i guess portal transport that somehow knows exactly where to bisect this chesticle mantis threat for reasons ex machina we can't get him out of here he's gaseous he's not gonna make it through a portal morty oh sure now the portal has rules open fire oh i see my mistake now i did some fake research and apparently the company that makes the portal gun is literally titled ex-machina inc it's like the whole purpose of this gun apparently fair enough i'll take back all the portal sins we've ever done and by take back i obviously mean double also this room fills up with water even though there's a giant hole in the wall where morty drove the ship through a few minutes ago yeah yeah these guards apparently attended the promethean nebula school of just standing around and not shooting your guns even though you're about to die or you know if you still have that gun k michael dropped we could finish the job and go home you do understand i'm telepathic right not sure why this matters since rick is saying everything out loud and not with his mind it's how things should be it's how they could be i could not agree more this psychedelic unity musical number that is like the doctor strange's open your eye scene but less about the astral projection and more about butts goes on for some time we now interrupt this masturbatory reference to a different episode with some news position news position a tv crutch so useful even rick and morty can't help but do it sorry rick the reward on your head is too high higher than access to a creature that's gold seems like he could have dished out some raisin bran gotten a few bars out of the deal and let rick and morty be on their way how are cogs that big fitting through mouth holes that small gear troopers are apparently this world's version of stormtroopers put these guys on a milk carton cause they've been missing this whole time i can't figure out where the main pot starts and where the jerry pots begin but if those three coins in front of our jerry is all he has left then he shouldn't fold even with ace high these pot odds are way too good to not play and i don't expect jerry to know that but i just can't let that kind of bad poker go unsinned i'm now way more curious about how gear people sex works than i'm comfortable with i've been grinding my gears trying to figure it out so to speak i'm gonna find some fuel and take a big fat morty that's my new word for because of today's events explaining your jokes which is hilarious because we also do it which also makes it meta and honestly the more we explain it the more meta it gets get it telepathic being that rube goldberg the destruction of an entire police force to escape somehow didn't see this coming interesting somehow didn't see this coming it's also the title of my why would all the ricks and mortys be picking up their jerrys at the exact same time and so help me if it's just so we can set up a hilarious taking home the wrong jerry joke i'm gonna laugh my ass off but also still add the sin hey kids get a load of this [Music] they take their balls and they dip them in cocaine i wanna dip my balls are you chrombopulus michael's target very good man the world can be one together cause mouse without hatred starts [Music] you know what those guys do in in their fancy board rooms i take quaaludes 10 to 15 times a day for my back pain adderall to stay focused xanax to take the edge off pot to mellow me alco came to wake me back up again you do understand i'm telepathic right pick a color blue pick a number 17. all right i'll call the two grand i'll gamble don't splash the pot and in my club i will splash the pot whenever the i please
Channel: TVSins
Views: 136,813
Rating: 4.9058213 out of 5
Keywords: tv, television, tele, tvsins, tv sins, quickest beef owl, eww, everything wrong with, cinemasins tvsins, parody, commentary, reaction, recap, bloopers, tv show sins, rick and morty season 2 episode 2, rick and morty, rick and morty season 2 episode 2 reaction, rick and morty season 2, rick and morty season 2 reaction, rick and morty reaction, tvsins rick and morty, everything wrong with rick and morty, tvsins everything wrong with, tvsins rick and morty season 2
Id: fVapaSgtZgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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