Everything Wrong With Dr. Strange In 15 Minutes Or Less

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even when you speed this logo up it feels like forever maybe it is do I exist here is still a page from a book so was the ceremonial looking decapitation really necessary in order to steal the book you must first remove the head of the librarian on overnight duty on whatever knot you attack and you must do so while he suspended six feet in the air arms and legs played with two axes all that culminating in the head landing in ancient Lord du cow's favorite dead pan bucket welcome to some idiotic the first couple minutes of this movie these guys come in murder the bookkeeper and for what but they were one page out of a book when they could easily steal the whole thing they not bring enough help kind of infuriates me that this will be a big deal later in 2016 audiences were delighted to see inception - in theatres which they weirdly called dr. strange I mean strangely called dr. strange like Harry Potter this movie will never stop to explain what the motions really do or whose motion should be out wings these hologram blades do hologram damage to the bad guys why exactly are these guys allowed but just leave again can't you put them in an interdimensional jail or something they killed your bookkeeper she's definitely visible to this lady on the right so it gives you some rules maybe I bet you're gonna tell me that will come later but I have my doubts oh gee hot rich I feel so good man charted in 1978 the album is released in December of 1977 brilliant cocky charming guy who gets deeply injured then overcomes that injury to become hero that's so starkly familiar why are they alright Bruce Wayne also I don't care how good a surgeon he is I don't want my surgeon playing musical trivia with the nurses during my surgery shows a detachment from reality that suggests I'll lose my life and he won't lose any sleep is it yes W for the record doctors of the world GSW literally has two more syllables than the phrase it stands for gunshot wound just sayin yelling don't seem very smart with this particular abbreviation this is brain surgery but neither of them are wearing a mask but in that first surgery scene everyone in the goddamn room had a mask on is it the movie or the hospital that's playing fast and loose with the medical rules now they put masks on the wrists over your watch okay aside from further humiliating the CR dr. Ghana the scene exists to show how good strangers hearing is I guess but if hearing or important during surgery blasting the hips of the 70s would be grounds for malpractice suit movie wants to have its cake and eat it and have a portrait of the cake made and then eat that humiliate him in front of everyone after City's patient either GE has a point he according to the Hippocratic oath does not yeah you're right in ER we're only saving live movie not only utterly waste rachel mcadams that uses her best acting on a medical walk and talk i got a strange talk oh well good I'm glad something's named after me this movie schools Jurassic world on how to write we used to date sexual tension dialogue well still being super cliche and predictable we use today dialogue point is both movies did it poorly but Jurassic world did it even more report I should have to explain this goddamn I do love the New York scale is that the King Avengers bluej building King hell listen if you have a watch drawer if your watches inside said walk drawers are all spinning as though each is trying to get your attention to get you to pick them your Vayner than whoever Carly Simon wrote you're so vain about this watch suggest it's February around 2 p.m. even though there's no snow anywhere in this movie and a serious shortage of winter coats hats and gloves by outdoor pedestrians by the way where is this out in the middle of nowhere a mountainous region close to New York City you drive upstate no answering phone calls using your finger while driving at high speed on this road this guy's driving 80 miles an hour on a curvy road in the mountains passing people and clear no pass zones and he still looks at the x-ray how did crashing not happen well before this also he survives this so he crashed way too outside the city in the mountains but somehow his downtown New York City Hospital he works at was still the closest hospital or else they flew way out of their way to take him where he wanted to go and he was able to tell them where he wanted to go no one could try ranee shoo brain and I drove super fast and distracted and blew off equipment should be happy to be alive but still is all your fault strange asked his physical therapist sarcastically if he's ever known anyone to have this much nerve damage yet still recover and dude says yes and tells him about Benjamin Bratt and miracle and a half that the only dude to do this because he went to the temple of whatever somehow had the same physical therapist a strange movie should have just had the temple order recruits ass this oh yeah there was this one guy but was kind of insulting actually no one would be seated during the doctor strange wants to shave but decides not to shave see I'm not getting any better but still as sad as that is you drove yourself off a cliff by driving like an [ __ ] late at night in the mountains I mean exactly how much empathy is this movie expecting me to have with this entitled sourpuss there are other things that can give your life meaning why you there relationship survives this ha France Christine we were barely lovers before turning this movie into a possible inception sequel it was briefly considered for a season four episode of Grey's Anatomy so Doctor Strange went looking for Pangborn and movie skips over the part where strange was able to track him to this afternoon pickup basketball game that is apparently inside a cage underneath an interstate or some point in his movie skips over some impossible detective work to avoid showing how impossible it was in case you confused it with Katmandu génifique converse on I can see some sort of lucky break like this happening but what Mordo doing here in the marketplace today he's just standing around hoping to hear someone ask about a place where he works I guess white guy in Katmandu confronted by three attackers who punches one of them with his recently surgically reconstructed hand forget everything you think you know I'd like to forget this line of dialogue since it appears in roughly one of every six movies Thank You ancient one for seeing you're very welcome why the could you go through all this just to make a random stranger think someone else was the ancient one if you were just going to introduce yourself immediately anyway just the strange doctor actually well no not anymore surely isn't that why you're here well no actually he's probably still a doctor by degree and experience it's just his hands don't work anymore I'm quite sure he came here to get his hands working again not to become a doctor again since that label surely never left also does this mystical come through school accept all comers because he got this place's name from a dude that actually rejected their philosophy and left and he just showed up on the doorstep and yet they took him in and deemed him worthy of training because why again they just trained anyone that shows up when I started getting here one-way ticket and you're talking to me about healing through belief isn't that exactly what penguin told strange before we made this trip but getting his mind right is how he got his body to heal hell let's replay that theme my mind was elevated and my spirit deep in somehow the body healed hell you weren't even skeptical you filled in the blanks on your own oh cool a butterfly but even in this astral dimension how does the butterfly live in space or am I missing the point I'm probably missing the point oh my I just realized how Marvel intends to keep its MCU properties going perpetually using these Doctor Strange infinite universes and that's bad it opens the door to the marvel cinematic multiverse to pad the runtime the ancient ones compound goes on Fight Club for a few minutes i Silius still has the stolen pages if he deciphers them he could bring ruin upon us all how long do you think it'll take it he took that ages ago movie time are you all just hoping he has a super slow translator or something or what's this I'm not sure the Wi-Fi possibly uh-huh that's funny but why would you give him a card with a strange word on it and not tell him it's the Wi-Fi password as soon as you give it to him also that password is super hackable flash of the mystic arts is as old civilization that sentence literally means nothing I like it from here to there how did you get to reattach seven nerves and studying practice year's event the ancient one suggests it will take years years of study and practice for strange to master this art but the movie will suggest he does it in mere months because the movie is cheating why do you wait so long to do this ritual you still that book way back in the first scene and even though we don't technically know when that happened the timeline it suggested it was before all the doctor strange habit which means this guy broke in killed fools stole the book then took what months to do anything else after that which is weird right Nach Nicholson said I'll take this rule but only if I can have something up with my eyes because he Nouriel is a tremendous hit basically because of the I think they control it by surrendering control it doesn't make you must not have seen the Matrix movies or every pottery or Star Wars I just don't understand how you can be the chief librarian of a magic training complex and this is something that any [ __ ] can do if they feel like it why aren't there any other defensive measures in this place also somebody doesn't hear anything going on because they're wearing headphones cliche if I told you everything else that you don't already know you'd run from here in terror what every officiant should say to every groom in every wedding ever when you first came to life he's lost everyone he ever loved by its position it's weirder but he gets full internet access in the training dojo or the fact that he sends emails with the largest font imaginable the director said let's have your character eat an apple no make it look like even more of an [ __ ] heroes like the Avengers protect the world from physical dangers not a Marvel movie if we don't spend a lot of time talking about other Marvel movie the sorceress safeguarded against or mystical threads hmm what can't you also use your powers to protect it from physical dangers again where were you during all the times the world was until danger you don't think they could have used some magic outside of Scarlet Witch a being of infinite power and less hunker quest to invade every universe and he hungers for us most of all but somehow this being of infinite power can't crack sanctum magic okay this movie just showed us doors that transport them from their dojo to one of the three sanctums on earth now inside one of those sanctum strange find some more instant transport doors all of which it's kooky to me since we already saw that they can use a glowy horn spells they need to transport so why do they need all the magic doors the master of the sanctum shows up to defend it just as the bad guy appears but where was he while strange was wandering around this joint literally yelling hello also I mean they place one guy in charge to guard all this stuff and then they wonder why it fails these guys aren't particularly clever pan-dimensional beings they killed a master this place immediately with a sword fight but strange it was super experienced they take a bunch of time just to put it why it doesn't feel like this fight should be in any way close I know that strange has learned a lot a short amount of time this guy's been doing it for years should be able to see things differently to the point strange shouldn't even be able to escape during this fight once again people with superpowers end up making this a fist fight with a few kicks run it man is he coming a few coming the one-man e---coli butchered that rat a con quote [Laughter] wait a minute this is movie saying she can't see the two astral projections fighting so why could she clearly see strange when he was helping her operate on it this is known as playing fast and loose with the rules also I kind of find it hard to believe that the physical structure of this hospital has anything to do with the physics of these astral projections why are they slamming against walls when they should just be going through everything so physical voltage translates directly to ask for projection strength for some reason honestly this might be the most baffling thing in this movie I mean King exploded that guy's ghost and it caused the real world bad guy's forehead to smolder that's bonkers they broke up I made tons of noise during that revived him so his ghost can electrocute another ghost stuff but still all alone and I'm bothered in a New York City Hospital operating room and I talked to someone called the ancient one and they joined a cop wait a minute we can't be this dismissive about strange when you just saw him as an astral projection a minute ago he can't suddenly turn into Dana Scully after you bore witness to King magic during the entire time strange was on the operating table and beating up a low-rent magic henchman nobody walked into this closet and noticed a portal to another world also the holy thing is indefinite he has to manually shut it down why don't the movie explain this better when they spent about 15 minutes on this wait he didn't do anything to shut it down he just went through it and it shut down like it's some kind of round-trip portal when he clearly used a one-way portal back to Cal Meritage from Mount Everest earlier and that portal isn't still open at least I think it isn't right right and would make you in another comment about how wasted Rachel McAdams is in this movie but instead I'm compelled to talk about the storeroom this is a supply closet look how big it is look at how much square footage is utterly being wasted here how does this hospital not have more storage devoted to toilet paper you defended the New York sanctum from attack through sheer ping luck what is he talking about I'm talking about her long life the source of her immortality she draws power from the dark dimension to stay alive you mean he's never once wondered why the ancient one has lived so long the connection to the doctor medicine makes them more powerful in the mirror dimension they can't affect the real world but they can still tell that and why didn't Casillas do this himself earlier unless you're telling me that he doesn't have the power to make a mirror dimension which I highly doubt you know what I wish I wish these Stan Lee cameo somehow told a story over the course of many movies like if you piece them together it would be something mind-blowing instead they continue their pointlessness just so you marvel fanboy can say oh look there's Stan Lee look I know it's the mirror dimension which the movie defined as basically literally anything goes but he's folding the city supposedly but the park top left he's folding in is actually the same exact mirror opposite of the cityscape that he's folding it into here here here here these are all the same buildings he somehow doubled the city upside down and movie wants me to act like he bent Manhattan in half or some and here movie is doubling down on its lie as every building top or bottom appears different than the building it's about to impact suggesting this is literally a city fold and not an upside down city clone while I give the movie points for visual ingenuity they've basically created a finale fight where literally anything can happen which is the biggest cheat of all also it's important to note the magic cloak does virtually nothing to help save strangers life during the sequence despite its obvious ability to do so if it would I think the mirror dimension is one big middle finger to cinemasins well she certainly waited long enough to make an appearance Jesus lady what were you doing in the last 15 minutes meditating strange realizes who's shaking hands are back and finally concedes to the inferior surgeon he hated earlier this is supposed to show growth but honestly if his hands weren't shaking he'd still have insisted on doing the surgery himself he has not grown at all really see this time when strange brought in an emergency surgery patient at the hospital responded unlike last time when he and Christine basically had an unchaperoned picnic date in the operating room okay I feel like I'm getting this movie more sins removed than I should but hot Jesus at slow-motion lightning is just the coolest freakin touch in this astral projection conversation what was the cloak doing during that entire emotional relationship conversation with Christine just hanging back giving strange some space I'm guessing the filmmakers just wanted a cool draw my cloak to me shot and didn't give any more talk to it there's a web and wisely seems like these guys have multiple warriors who can protect a sanctum so why did the Manhattan branch employ one dude on the wrong side of history well or maybe dare I say it the long side of history I'll give myself five cents for that don't mom always come and right on cue the main bad guys just happened to be walking down this very street for some reason in the end is this any different from Superman flying around the world a reverse time yes yes it is but I still want to complain about it only because there are supposed to be consequences to using this power and apparently there are none so with everything going in Reverse is there any real danger here isn't this like just rewinding an old VHS tape can you actually physically be in the way of something that already happened did I just write that since there are so many space patties in these Marvel movies now like totally expect Thanos to show up during this confrontation with a completely different space patty I've come to bargain and this is what we come to see in movies completely creative humorous new way to fight the bad guy strange takes a fairly innocuous warning about time powers from earlier in the movie and turns it into pure gold I'm removing two sins for this great scene one of the more memorable of 2016 in case you confused it for now usually has something to say on shots like this we could have seen this in the Doctor Strange sequel ring I don't know this end credits scene thing has its purpose for sure get you excited about the next movie at the salesmanship I just don't know the purpose of getting excited about a movie that won't come out for hell even Marvel doesn't know when that's happening so continuing with movie theater ushers Marvel by God you need to continue this silly step add the bank account which is 80 percent spider webs at this point you make so few dollars [Music] [Applause] [Music] Simo protect would you protect them how to reprogram nerve cells to self-heal you think that's air you're breathing [ __ ] head [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 12,090,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinemasins, mistakes, dr strange, cinema sins, doctor, eww, dr. strange, review, wave jockey job, movie, everything wrong with
Id: 8ZKmRpV9OFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2017
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