Everything GREAT About: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean | Part 3/3

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I'm not gonna mince words this channel was in the state 2022 was harsh copyright claims Galore YouTube copyright box where claims didn't expire as they should have and a poor majority of the year for exciting and popular content you insane not job JoJo fans have arguably been my greatest support for the past five years you rallied and essentially lobbied to get JoJo voted in relentlessly when you found out I had a patreon and together you made three of my four JoJo compilations break the top 10 and currently hold the number one and number two spots 2022 has been rough I ask you now please subscribe please like and comment watch as much of the video as possible and if you can support me on patreon or via tipping on YouTube 2023 will either be a rebound year or the year I sadly need to find other work to provide for my wife and two pups thank you so much for listening thank you so much for joining me for all of these years and I am honored to now present you with everything great about JoJo's Stone ocean part 303 foreign [Music] such simple things outside like this secondly is for us seeing the outside again just the very start of episode one was outside so this is oddly amazing to me easily the best most intense removing of a coat scene in anime I'm so glad they decided to do a new OP it didn't bother me so much but I know it did many fans but this one was great seriously reminded me of the first ever Op with the CGI which looked outstanding by the buy and a ballad kind of fits considering the Epic final tone being set for this entire stories combination also I have a separate win for the final end of the op where she runs at him don't think I've forgotten how that's basically the same as the first ever Op with Jonathan johnstar Services I really appreciate how the main group is currently split so as to allow for different enemy encounters and building storylines and character progression away from one another for now foreign [Music] I believe I mentioned this during part two but for me a favorite element to Stone ocean has been how the main antagonist hasn't had an easy drought he struggled to stay one step ahead [Music] [Applause] David Productions does such a great job of mixing together both CGI and then hand animated stuff like vehicles foreign [Music] [Applause] 482 and then this happens [Music] I'm over here with my jaw slack after he got impaired with the sisters did it to himself it's weird man take a confused the hype twin honestly what a fantastic song for this moment mixed with the sound of a church maybe with a serious tinge of Epic Danger foreign the studio has also pretty much mastered weather effects since the days of diamond is unbreakable where I first noticed a big improvement over past seasons [Music] one of my favorite parts of Jojo really has to be the encountering of the new enemy stand it's really weird wonderful and often for me personally confusing but exciting stuff for likely one of the final times ever I adore these art style changes this for me is two Max wins and you might be saying really for that it's because I love that music it's from last season with Nero vs doppio and of course the scene will get a win anyway too [Music] are basically automatic always get a win it's very unique and there's not a great many of them this is so unique yet another unique standard oh man I'm gonna miss saying that that dates back to like maybe Stardust where I Did It For the First Time good times man where this one of the video goes to making references I actually fully understand you see I'm not a huge music guy I know Queen and stuff obviously but not most of it [Music] I swear I'm not dumb but JoJo is the only anime where I'm always scratching my head until everything is revealed bruh I'd love being lost in the midst of them figuring out a new stand Ard Kawaii foreign [Music] [Music] so many references this is insane City scenery shot looks pretty detailed too and Landing though also not running on the spot s it seems like this is brilliant watching a stand that is user work together in such a simple but effective way [Music] that legit made me laugh harder than they probably intended it to but yet another great use of his stand ards I'm so confused by what reference these creepy looking little goats are meant to represent ative I legit cannot believe they're even mentioning artists this is such a wild episode I love it [Music] Again David production was it when it comes to comes to style changes oh the main kind of deal [Music] great voice acting but also incredibly creepy Goodness Me City scenery shot that probably took someone ages to create [Music] his own voice acting was superb there they always take the role so seriously it's great [Music] I've talked about this maybe a dozen times over the past five years but JoJo is also the only anime where I never have any clue how they're going to win the day how can he possibly also get out of this alarm the reveal that their deal is weird offspring foreign to ensure there's some amount of realism such as right here literally one of the greatest of all-time JoJo starred Narnia moments foreign [Music] you could have given me several very long years to try and figure out how this would have gone and I still don't think I'd have thought of this in fact it's so creative and well animated it gets two Max wins foreign as always take a win for these end cars just explaining what ultimately ended up happening big fan of that putting actual pictures in picture frames sorry it's tough to express my love for Jojo poses it's an easy win with a JoJo pose but in reality it's so synonymous with the specific anime it's actually a big deal to me for me just represented how far she has come as a character it all means nothing to her anymore she's been through so much other stuff that matters her father and everything else foreign [Music] twists in the entire anime in all honesty foreign from one punch man is the sound effects here are so good I actually thought the wind was somehow coming from my house [Music] [Applause] he produces some of the best nannies in the whole thing [Music] foreign not only did that look awesome but what an equally awesome use of the standor [Music] Stone ocean really has some of the most out there wacky but incredible looking character designs more so than any other part to My Mind great scene both doing some cracking voice acting especially Dio's son but the father also has an air of caring about him which makes him very different to all prior villains foreign [Music] I won't keep on doing it just felt like another win should be dropped for three back-to-back Joe poses several of the enemy have had backstories this season I'll admit it's been a few years since I started JoJo but I don't recall too many of them having that so that's a season win foreign I might be misremembering but I swear in earlier Seasons the battles were always on one side of the fair as well until then it wasn't but in stone ocean several of them have been up against it from the start foreign [Music] felt like his own character growth which I can of course appreciate [Music] yet another new and totally unique standoff [Music] ah I had wondered when the first proper outbreak Stan's skill chart would appear I'm over here literally learning stuff boys [Music] she's entered total badass territory now she's in her father's League yeah foreign a great example of the earlier mentioned character growth he didn't just give up he thought of his importance he derived from his bloodline shared with Dio and it sparked him into actions how can you hate that um been waiting for it all at this time but it's the first color palette change foreign that music is so stupidly good it should be ashamed of itself but I bet it isn't it dear Lord look at that quality animation right there lots of frames to make it as smooth as possible and as cool and stylish as can be [Music] hold on actually between this Onslaught and the last whim of The Gorgeous animation it tips the scale to two Max wins we already knew this but I'll be damned if it doesn't feel amazing to hear it spelled out as well makes me very happy [Music] feels like this is just a decent explanation of their side of the battle why they're fighting I like that too rather than it merely being someone who happens to be fighting for Dio Porto I'm in awe of them giving the characters far more depth than they've ever had before don't get me wrong there are many examples of deep prior characters but it just feels more across the board here plot twist ERS goodness me there's so much more to these characters than before her pushing her forwards when she saw that doubt was seeping in I just learned something else new bikers don't legally have to wear helmets in Florida I mean they have to be over 21 and have medical insurance but still the anime was right and I love to learn also take one more here for skipping the Ed for extra juicy and Saucy content to go alongside my main dish not gonna lie sing the whole plan so far since the Escape happened on the map is pretty sweet his determination and how he wears a lot of his emotions on this sleeve creating some genuinely real looking food for this scene [Music] with not only unique stands but many creepy ones as well since this may be the final time depending upon David Productions doing future adaptations or not take a win for these effects they really make the anime feel like it came from a manga and are so Jojo foreign [Music] key to force the story forwards or strip away seemingly logical alternative options the heroes could take [Music] easiest another unique standard of the third part [Music] some of the best looking CGI and animation David Productions has pumped out this season right here I'm so nervous right now [Music] I'm so very confused someone sent help not showing it but the woman on the plane just went all Total Recall like with the dude who's living in the tongue of the other dude that it was gross take a second win here again not showing it as YouTube would punch me in the thigh but the passengers have their skin falling off and they're drinking through their cheeks and JoJo really leaning into its dark side I can't believe it this is the reason why I mentioned I was happy that team was split up earlier right now coming into play as they might arrive in order to rescue them I'm loving it too much must be such a pain to have to bring life to such a vivid manga like the details on their clothing I can imagine it being very difficult to animate that for every scene but they do it okay realism like this is excellent not physically but in the situation because she starts off doubting her friend but as soon as she sees that the upper hand is ready for the taking she switches to support right away [Music] that's really got to be up there with some of the most unique stands I've ever witnessed foreign [Music] [Music] it's also worth pointing out that the backstories aren't in any way similar to one another they're very different and in this instance got me feeling truly sorry for his past just as I was saying recently this kind of friction is new normally the enemies love the love the enemies but here it's yet again different massive props for making them so distinctive [Music] unexpected JoJo humor he's so awesome and smart and what a clever way as well to kind of rewrite yourself out of the past [Music] that was sick [Music] this is genius both for the story and the twist but also for his intellect what an absolutely mind-blowingly great twist to use against your enemy foreign [Music] for him to reach his goal but he he looked happy with the tactics when slowed down the animation looked fantastic during the explosion stupidly smart how on Earth does he think this stuff up [Music] how come he's such a disgustingly unique villain though she said the thing is [Music] I won't keep banging all about it but definitely have another win here for this turn of events two enemies facing off like this just never happens in JoJo really epic plot twist I can't believe how it's gone down foreign [Music] having the voice actor changed the voice was brilliant sounds way more evil now [Music] what can only really be described as being brilliant sound effects for this moment [Music] I'm struggling to express how in love I am with this part of the story because it would be a first that the good guys have to sideline their mission literally letting the Badoo get away because something more important has now come along I love it [Music] I hate you this is so weird [Music] also no moving multiple characters within one scene so awesome how Stans give the studio the ability to create great looking moments like this foreign [Music] [Applause] ability it should be praised that he totally didn't predict the correct action he would take and basically got lucky I did mention it in the previous win but it still deserves another for this moment poor lad [Music] IES I'm so pleasantly shocked by the consistent looking animation and effects they've just gotten better over the years I'm so confused what's going on foreign they picked the best most intense epic sounding songs for these battles they're Legends [Music] it's a testament to their work that genuinely I'm angered by him holding that disc it's like you don't get to do that to him isn't that weird [Music] finding that path to Victory and always managing to have it make sense within the bounds of their stance abilities no making up extra stuff they can suddenly do it's just awesome it's a fairly small thing easy to miss but the level of detail on the characters now that they're infected by the snails is amazing to be frank brilliant to think this up to have this be his mission in life meanwhile he's destroying the world essentially and now he has new enemies it's brilliant American number I think it's very fair to state that narration dialogue has become far better over the many years the manga has been running too foreign [Music] also take another win for skipping another opioid for more content Funko foreign would do in his more eccentric phase [Music] the voice actor has always done such an amazingly consistent and professional job voicing Dio super impressed with all of the backstory being shown not only this episode but in part two out of three as well I believe it's really helped to build him up as a character okay [Music] [Music] such a beautiful song if anyone knows it please stick it in the comments it's very rare that I hear a song I click with so fast [Music] that is fifty percent of the winners for the gorgeous animation on his head movement but the other 50 is for how unique he is I'm minor in all honesty one of the best villains so far I've seen um [Music] out of all of the anime I've seen the many movies TV shows and games that I've played very few times have I felt sick to my stomach watching a scene I did hear very emotional moment um [Music] take another one here for choosing one of the best most emotional songs they have for this scene foreign [Music] foreign wow outstanding voice acting but also that animation makes for a perfect scene is they are nailing the choices for their music matching it amazingly well every damn time foreign [Music] but now his as well and it's such a good story too even if it's only briefly I loved seeing them do battle quickly take a final win for a brilliant episode for how it transitioned from the past to the present so seamlessly it just set everything up the characters the story and what's happening now so well oh my um [Music] it's funny you know because of the last episode he now has become a much greater character in my mind like I find myself caring far more for him than ever before because of it they really didn't have to animate them moving through the shop but they did it anyway because they're Legends epic plot twist take cover s writing into the story a fantastic reason why he would logically keep his brother alive for this moment [ __ ] clever bro s [Music] credibility an explanation of said [Music] yes this gets me so hyped it's insane man I cannot express how perfect their music pics have been [Music] not only do you make him so non-wond-dimensional but he's now like four-dimensional or something because you give him an aim that isn't entirely bad in any way he's doing what he thinks must be the right thing it's great this might be the strongest dance since the world maybe even more powerful than that I just adore how clever it is and how genius the mangaker is to have come up with it foreign 's abilities to do so thank you [Music] yet another amazing counter-attack oh it's so good get out of it stunning looking moment right there [Music] that was far too good to not wind up getting two Max wins I loved that so much you have no idea doing it in black and white with only the hardened blood showing was pure magic too [Music] music I can't believe it what a choice [Music] I can't show much due to lots of tomato passata everywhere but what a scene The Escape of the priest the use of their stance to enable the escape the feeling of Hope being lost and potentially weather report too foreign [Music] [Music] yeah two Max wins for that extremely sad with that haunting music everyone's painful reactions especially knowing their arrival may have caused it too made me tear up and purely because of the extent of character building he'd just gone through what a wonderful but painful way to write a story amazing foreign [Music] take one here as well for his statement I felt that was really poignant this was how much he respected him in the end and how he conducted himself at the end also one for skipping the Ed to give us this moment I choose to believe here that she did this to feel like he was with her again one more time foreign hearing all of her very well written and voiced internal monologue struggling to know what to do next it's very sweet to see these emotions are still with him he's really become such a big part of the team since she was introduced I'd almost forgotten he was still in love with her foreign foreign [Music] laying everything out on this map for us giving a better understanding of where they're heading now [Music] find it difficult to stop at no just leave him alone he's so original excuse me for the final time as well maybe one more win for showing how much he struggled to get here it really and truly hasn't been easy on him in any way [Music] as always you've come to expect this from me I am so confused right now it's one of the first proper scenery shots since getting out of the prison most everything else were cities back to back incredibly detailed looks at her foreign how every season has sought to take the stakes higher than before culminating in this moment where now potentially thousands of people are affected by these events just feels ever more Grand absolutely mind-blowing plot twist [Music] the whole escape from the cast scene she is such a great voice actor they really did pick a great one [Music] foreign [Music] so impressed with how they've handled the gravity aspect must have been a bit of a challenge but they've excelled yet another kind of new and totally unique and weird looking stung the llama [Music] awesome way to end the episode with the stakes higher than they've ever been before and faced with a seemingly Unstoppable foe the pacing of a JoJo season cannot be underestimated [Applause] [Music] kicking off Episode 34 with even smoother animation than we're used to getting from David Productions you must be bored of hearing me go on about how unique these stands always are but you gotta admit there's some truly unique ones out there over the many years and his wit and intelligence are legendary probably my favorite JoJo post from her yet this season [Music] getting her own first attack off and also those effects Goodness Me times like this are where I truly feel like you can see the effort put into making her look and act just like her father would in the same instance [Music] the fact that I can't tell if this is CGI or not is a massive win I swear for the final time the impact I feel from these battles due to their voice actor performances and the well incredible music is off the charts every single time it gets my heart pounding I'm a foot pumping I think that's the most clever attack I've seen her use her stand for thus far because it also combines with a saving of him falling down below it's crazy good the building teamwork and JoJo always seems to occur outside of my knowledge it's like it's a cheat without really having to put much on screen to demonstrate it and then here you get that distinct feeling as he someone who previously cared nothing for others is willing to give up his life for her foreign taking into consideration realistic outside interests for one of the first times as it reminds me that when jotaro and Dio messed up a city basically no one arrived till the end in any meaningful way but obviously here the attack hasn't been going on for long and the military is straight up on route [Music] forever the current into their battle but mostly the winners for how they're now starting the process of bringing the entire story back into Focus not just this season but all of the prior seasons [Music] I'm totally fine with this and it excites me greatly for me it's so much better than him being a Powerhouse at the start instead I've spent all this time highlighting his failings and struggles to get here disorder [Music] in showing the info because she's been so well built upon over 34 episodes I felt straight up horrible watching her get attacked like that I feel terrible even now as much as I hate him for what he did I boilerplate villain he's mindful of his true goal not to gain strength but for the happiness of all as he sees it [Music] some amazing and despair-filled voice acting there from her foreign [Music] cannot even tell you how hyped I am to hear his voice again after like 20 or so episodes have passed by and that he's now okay again let's go [Music] goodness me how he went from a normal pose to an iconic Joe pose hey everybody it's not walking on the spot foreign he's going on the attack and the battles never cease to be entertaining in their weird nature [Music] come on now that is insane dude he can turn his face inside out to avoid a direct attack we should [Music] who returned and the way they did it silently building up the tension for him as he felt a touch then they went first person on it to show off her arm absolutely brilliant and well worth Max wins [Music] using those attacks with just Limbs and her cornered angry wolf face turning into a hunter in this moment was a very smart move for her character pushed to the edge [Music] thank you [Music] this is yeah [Music] foreign it feels like he's gotten more praise than her but I love it he's refusing to be drawn into a position where he'd be disadvantaged and so denies her and continues his thought process damn him but also wow [Music] most excellent development for him like I said he used to care not for anyone now he's saving the boy before I go any further as soon as this happened massive legit smile on my face in real time let's go it's JoJo's arm and he's doing this thing and he saved her I'm so happy it's style platinum and he's doing his thing and I'm so very overjoyed she's back anime just got even better I'm losing my damn mind and there he is take two Max wins I'm so happy he's one of my favorite characters of all time the plot twist of his attempt to forward the new moon to right now is excellent it means a nonsense last second Escape isn't needed while he hides for a final showdown and it can instead happen now Jody [Music] it's like she finally got what she had been yearning for for so long now to have her father back and she understood that it happened now amongst all of the chaos [Music] see you the world and its sound effect and him shouting it out will never not be incredibly awesome to me [Music] feels oddly poetic that in the final battle they face he comes across someone who is able to do what he did against Dio moving slightly during the time stop makes the following episodes all the more final and Epic [Music] in the same vein this is also poetic because it makes the entire season's long story come full circle in a big way the very likely one of the final ever times yet another unique standoff can't believe he got three variations foreign [Music] the pure and simple fact that he's still alive got this moment a win really didn't want to lose another um oh how I missed his nature and how he stays calm at basically all times no matter what so good to have him back foreign [Music] you've heard it dozens of times across dozens of videos covering hundreds of episodes of Jojo but here we are again what's going on the super confused all of a sudden um Prime extra example of a prior win detailing how these events are for one of the first times greatly shown to be affecting The Wider World rather than their group and those around them the weather just doing its thing rather than only starting up when someone says something poignant oh my God after this a baseball takes her guys lower jar off genuinely shocked me [Music] due to his persistent prior mentioned calmness when he does talk like this you know it's bad music this was the Perfect final boss kind of enemy stand for him to have to face off against foreign from a few episodes ago when handled like this and for me is the best Showcase of his growth he is serious about it and the anime lets us know that honestly [Music] the music choices have been stupidly great from start to finish using this just adds emotion to the moment gives it Credence makes it real her own feelings coming across without words lovely pulling off a rotating shot like it's no big deal beautifully edited as well [Music] this is the one downside of legit having so much love in my heart for my boy jotaro is when I see him badly hurt like he just was and I'm not joking I get an anxious stomach that's crazy [Music] he's still hurt but this helped and my tongue hurts and I'm so excited I'm shaking I'm just throwing a win at the screen [Music] such a nice touch to quickly add his actual shock at Joe tarot suddenly appearing in front of him just makes him come across as not an invincible God In This Moment stunning CGI surrounding him how are you gonna keep on keeping him humbled to the very end with his true goal at the front of his mind excellent villain foreign definitely in my top 10 most clever use of their stands within combat this season [Music] oh it's so incredibly intense timings [Music] his growth has hit its peak he went from caring for no one to loving Jolene to protecting Emporio and now to jointly attempting to protect Everyone by potentially risking his life in a very real way he's even using his dad to protect literally everyone else aside from himself in case they're attacked instead I'm worried this really has the feeling of finality about it but her reaction was amazing and true [Music] this plot twist but half the win is for her outstanding voice acting just knowing she had to put so much into what she was seeing on the screen and in the process brought the character so vividly to life is inspiring take another win for all of their performances as well from the old crew to the new outstanding nice reference I knew it was too good to be true but I was still shocked so much he's the best of blot twists [Music] same person [Music] using that music again for this pivotal moment and another plot twist of that two Max wins for that entire beautifully done and shocking scene foreign [Music] cannot tell you how this affects me turns my stomach into knots but on topic the sound effects of the new stand are extremely well done sounding powerful and fast and the shock is palpable [Music] I was gonna put a meat over him but in reality I'm more tearing up than screaming and that's the truth in that moment [Music] try your eyes boys and girls it's not over yet throwing another win at the screen for that much extremely clever to take this into account during the plan but also that she noticed animals being unaffected by the change in the time and thus using them to her Advantage too this comment because he's basically refusing to make the same mistake as Dio long ago and that's amazing to put that into his frame of mind right here What's Happening Here is inherently beautiful they understand they cannot cement his power they want to band together to save an innocent child now as a result and it's bloody beautiful [Music] absolutely stunning animation the single best set of ramifications for the events unfolding because it now officially affects the world [Music] I watched this with my jaw slack with worry seeing Our Heroes melt away the seasons change the land mass of the world altering makes me feel ill foreign than before let's interlock our fingers join hands and progress forward and Grant the anime a timid win [Music] s [Music] such massive Stakes for Our Heroes I'm in awe of this writing and storytelling and how it's panned out also for the last time skipping that op for extra content is a win in my book [Music] they made it up to fans by not having a new OP for part two by having two versions of it here and what a second version it is chock full of really great references easy Max 2 wins loved it giving a nice visual representation of what he's referring to you know [Music] oh so much emotion you can feel it such a great job done take a win for his full rant the full understanding of his actions and why he did what he did and have shown more but he had a leaky eye the entire time foreign [Music] what an absolute Masterpiece of a third part this has ended up becoming 14 amazing episodes [Music] brilliant plot twist sadly again loads of tomato juice being spilled everywhere so I'm being careful but it was an amazing wind worthy sight to see him panicking over potentially losing there [Music] foreign [Music] worthy of crushing the greatest foe they've ever faced smashed into Oblivion and Justice Done by having it be completed by weather reports stand a smile on my face when she finally turned around and I knew it was really her because foreign [Music] this Factor still being true for them even now [Music] this is [Music] music hits hard man feels like the end of an era [Music] goodness me using that music here they're all together ah the tears man [Music] take one final win for the last DD I can't believe it's over I'm shocked in all honesty as it didn't go down how I thought it would but it was amazing to see everyone by the end I just wish I could have seen Joseph one more time ultimately a fantastic final season for the Joe Stars unreal plot twists and New Heights the series had never seen were reached on a personal note thank you all so much for watching I've made 21 anime wins videos covering all 190 episodes I believe what a journey what a bizarre one too please consider subscribing helping out on patreon or by leaving a tip if you enjoyed my work it took a long time to cover this so it would mean a lot of course you can also like and comment and share the video it means a great deal to me thank you again for watching my work I appreciate you I love Jojo I love my followers JoJo means the world to me so do you and if they cover the next season I I'll be here to cover it if I'm still lucky enough to be able to do this line of work by then bless you and hopefully see you in another video on the channel and in the future [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chris Harris lifty Corey Bosh here to come here water Manuel Morales Marquez Nick Windham or keeper Steelers the Epic Commander adelitsk bird no matter what Blitz Cloud Brandon Korea Deliverance Emmanuel Gonzalez cake in 2000 Jessica starts kaban come Frick Magnus Nathan Burke red moon Sean Sebastian Ramirez Wesley tabuk Wiccan Faye only 50 clear lonely jellyfish dark lord bloody Soul Guru Guru Israel Caldera you are Edwardson Jonah style Jordan Samuels jaffa6263 Karen Robinson keld knock Kevin NATA konito Laxus Luis Cruz Matthew Blanchett 1928 all of us while he reacts Saint flow 25 sentimento storm 970 the elemental Wars
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 60,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stone ocean, jojo, jojos stone ocean, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean, everything great about, EGA, everything great about stone ocean, jojo wins, stone ocean wins, anime wins stone ocean, anime wins jojo, anime wins jojo stone ocean, ega stone ocean, everything right with, everything right with stone ocean, jotaro, jolyne, everything great about jojos bizarre adventure, everything great about jojos bizarre adventure stone ocean, made in heaven, stone ocean part 3, pucci
Id: qmFz5X5rphM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 45sec (3945 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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