Everything GREAT About: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind

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Italian see new shots oh also attention to detail your boy and his wife have been to Italy twice and this is spot-on in both the look and the music oddly fits too so why not minami italiano [ __ ] Napoli's Napoli throw me - Annette or you are there - hold on you so they did this beautiful zoomed out shot but they also made the cars move down below even though your eyes are hardly even focusing on that also though this is exactly what Naples looks like favorite productions I love you guys this must be the work of a stud or that's it are you already giving us a better understanding of this character without exposition that transition is incredibly Jojo except that is usually visual related than this time it was audio related which is cool oh my god his baby Aaron Chan the third biggest of the three haha this is so cool super nice touch showing his stand above him and barely visible house like an awesome car hold up back it up wait just a minute lose the rest of those kinds of sayings his family member is none other than well now this just got super interesting to me never thought we would see do be dragged back into the story in some way keeping mr. Frogger sand alive it was some people confused brother George our comments I'm making my other videos when things like this happen and this is why I say it because most other animate don't tend to do stuff like rotating shots first person views and the like oh my god no the lumber no dad I've got a kid under muda muda muda muda 100 also this is a good time to remind you guys to subscribe if you're not already as going by my analytics around 85% of my viewers aren't actually subscribed so be sure to hit that button boys and few girls I should also mention I say few girls because like 90 plus percent my audience here are boys this transition and also my wife and I've been to Milan and Pisa will Shane Dakota not joy agar squash talks [ __ ] in it so did this [ __ ] over to you having Jotaro in this season if only for a little while makes me feel so goddamn happy [Music] man I love it when you at the start the new season new characters and they using their stands and stuff the first time users don't spend our man they've really tightened up this transition everything Santa Monica can't get on this car [Music] oh he's got this fight on his desk War II huh coming up King you don't in update of the law do not you stand on oil cooker cycling in optimist using this background music which just made the whole jota reverses do battle back in stardust crusaders so much more epic this rotating shot see what I mean it's judo style oh my word what the hell is going on as usual I have no idea but when I get a whole lot moto commute at all that's funny I was just about to write that myself oh it's that time again we've just seen the newsstand say [Music] we'll get your calluses can I actually seeing golden wind for the first time ok so I'll be honest normally when I first hear a song it doesn't do much for me but as I play it over and over again I start to like it or even love it I can say with this Opie right from the get-go that I absolutely loved the song it's one of those rarities where it just takes all of the boxes from my ear holes on top of this weekend unusual to be expected insanely high quality animation as well I mean seriously these guys just straight-up make some of the best looking apiece jordan oil merit our tour me horny sunday that your mail samus toe how every night it is a no cudamani today so they were doughnut off to this one another rule learning more about Paula - grr nose past ya can't show it but his stepfather was hitting him and then I can show the kids bullying him and so they're doing a great job of putting his current character into a very sympathetic frame in spite of the thievery well-played mother Jordan or douching wa conan audio can you kiss eat the orders moist you know cordoba saving this guy's life again firmly positioning him into being a protagonist of the story forgive him for any past petty crimes by us the viewer canonical you know buckaroo gotta money story non-indian thirsty carry your tzimmes above this epic scene of the gangster taking care of him has to be this even more epic Jojo stance this beautiful animation and the fact that he said what are you tricked you guessed it I don't know what's going on but I'm enjoying the heck out of it it's like David Productions is just showing off now and I'm glad they do they deserve all of the praise that they get getting to see this dude stand and that awesome equally powerful punch right there boy it doesn't fool you or given up some other similar more old okay that's just sickeningly great dude there's so much attention to detail they put freaking graffiti down the alleyways virginity like Colin O'Connell Paracon you know you go to me or kiriona cafeteria wow what a disgusting but awesome stand ability the ability to climb into someone that just have them carry you around oh that's gross dude that's so damn clever man I miss Jojo where I watch battles and I'm more like how is he gonna win this battle and it happens and all my word I love it [Music] this [Applause] so they're curing the food away this entire scene of him explaining why he stopped his attack in a super logical and well laid out way and times like this just build character insanely well by letting us the viewer in on who he is as a person brilliant doctor and avacado do Vita Coco Roy Thomas Honda ant amo beaucoup Kuro study was Jamison their David productions must have been pained to find out that pop fight took place in the beautiful Italy and thus all of the scenic views that have to construct but they did it and did a wonderful job regardless I mean look at that scenery and that's what it's like Oh also shout-out to his voice actor I personally know him as the main character from real life which is a great anime and also the indebt kid from WWE working which I adored but it's great in this all the same sorry I'll tell you what if that's not so skinny nude and through though you could look up also also shout out to your boy movin rider over there from one punch man as well yeah call oh my chill not thorn you are Martell she hasted estas can you hate thin loss yoga because can I expanding the crew whilst solidifying the mission goal than such a great way no less by having it done organically and not very exposition in the form of like flashbacks with voiceover or something [Music] I mean this eat these definitely makes me think that someone is getting lucky and has great visuals but mostly that someone is get late in the Jojo versus I write this cut ever so no can you know about it to the macoco they're equal to God dick you know guys thought it was cheney talk about amazing attention to detail they even color match these cars parked up perfectly before and during the bird's-eye view [Music] oh dear Lord so this is the thing that exists in this anime so basically I would sum up this entire interaction as something that's of course creepy and well done but most importantly there's something new as far as I can tell to Joe Joe as an anime I can't recall seeing something that was ever clearly beyond the realms of possibility in terms of the gangsta's size and also that instead of there being a battle it's a change of pace to see him be delegated to the strange task one of the many things I enjoy about Joe Joe is that it never feels stale and always doing new and different things each season and of course in the manga originally shot the mother bought a book on an animal Keaton Erica this just got way more intense and I didn't even think about this either Jojo is the absolute king of building extreme tension and how's it going together this one isms that come in on the south I was still like are cold or go to hip up there it you gotta love how they didn't just make his first plan work flawlessly now this is a real change of pace this hasn't worked out at all this like never happens really or at the very least never happens this early on he's really headed like an hour we thought Jesus so much is happening that my brain is struggling to process at all so this stand identified the old mand instead and looks like he's shot him up a stand arrow color palette change [Music] another unique an original spun dog house that if another day this battle scene where it decides to fight back and I'm definitely not hating the mood I roll I would I every time either in fact I kind of missed it this stand is so creepy in the sound effects really help out with that Timbo da Cortona canonical history the start of serotonin oh da ba da bass guitar you get another real stand battle of sorts because even when it's not outright fighting it's still highly entertaining as the enemy stand is being figured out and how to beat it is saving the life of our little baby Erin Chandler third my or Nicola Murray does it die over oh this is so very clever [Music] it's the first [Music] well boys a few girls I'm gonna go out on a limb here and safely assume that even none of you smarty Jojo pants managed to piece this particular puzzle together right hell if you did guess this on your first go going join bloody Mensa Oh this absolutely gets a win was there ever any needs a question why would you question that viewer why Mario taught that saw star look at all get to the Sun you up it's a mutator ha ha Mario hg19 a rookie that'll demo you run back on Oh Elmo singing I love this and clearly if he gets it from anyway it's not from the bloody noggin up there but instead from the glorious loins of Jonathan a true star and is equally awesome bloodline Kirino cut it on a la cama Monica toast are you sure could see that see I'm not gonna take down this oh this come on now oh you know I can't show it but he changed his banana into a gun and he shot himself in the noggin and wow that was insanely awesome [Music] they stumbled skater and after this epic reveal of his team who are all stand users themselves I think will end up a so fall above a final win not only doing this in the beautiful look of a classic ancient Italian building but laying out the whole gang structure for us water that's noble throw up token you saw their short I ordered anymore cuz I saw goody murder both Savini brothers had so no win here but just putting this out there Oh what if the boss ends up being the gang leader he saved as a kid hand-drawn characters in the scene with some of the best Loki CGI I've witnessed to just make the scene perfect and have it feel lived in so much effort went into this anime expertly setting us up in the form of this speech as to what the next big task is for their new team mondo you are dog or Madonna yes this overhead view of Rome makes me feel physically sick it looks so good it's considered illegal in several countries I'm literally gonna have to call law enforcement because you're watching this but I won't if you leave a like so I'm surprised to see date reproductions turn to CGI for scenes like this but in all honesty it's good looking clean and crisp and not overused most importantly deduct a guy never horse you don't as always I don't know what's going on but you best believe I not only love it but that that love is equal to a win introducing us to these new characters in such a light-hearted way just letting us see them going about their day and interacting with one another such a great way of doing it and I'm liking them already Nani quick this was a touch of the ingenuine the unexpected interaction of the glass windows beautiful Midori are you okay dr. Newman on the grass alone Iowa is our for my hero academia you [Music] this entire be drinking gross type of seeing the charities that Oh but jollity calm no matter which enemies multiple moving characters on screen at one time like it ain't no big deal [Music] this epic transition Doka figure Nanta [Music] the start of what will no doubt become this team's first battle against another stand user 90 attendees gone mister mister this creepy sound effects and the filters do an amazing job of building the tension this great music and everything else not gonna go hi about tomorrow night thank you here is the dollar that you are not Antofagasta tornado in this man Jojo is so epically clever in how they use stand abilities all of the time and they perfectly integrated into the story time and again corners odor in those yovan on you are you may God nozzle talk to you in the snack oh we would be plain not stupid to not how to win for this moment gee although once again proves his character more more importantly his ever-present drive to achieve his dream and risks in sacrificing his life in order to allow the fellow team member to comfortably use the stand ability without fear what a great moment dude man this sense of being overwhelmed when you first start a career like this is all too real for me since I was a prison officer for 11 years starting at 18 however the main reason for the win here is not animating him running on the spot like almost every other company would do to save money hell there's even other characters moving in the same scene loving this flashback thus far in fact I dare say and risk a little ruffled fence that historically Jojo hasn't been the best when it came to flashbacks and were better at building characters through the ongoing storyline however in this par 5 it seems to be something that's beautifully pieced together on both occasions so far to build up and then present a current character before us [Music] and then they expertly proved my last point by adding in this moment [Music] [Music] haha what a fantastic and genuinely unique standability the moniker never fails to amaze me Kuki I look at the fruit and Uyuni okay Lord that's equally unique and terrifying looking a finger in item oh man I love that so much it just looks so terrific oh I love JoJo's Bizarre Adventure [Music] is it just me or does this not feel super reminiscent of Joseph attempting to tell Joe Terry the secret behind the use while durability this entire interaction and figuring out how to beat the enemy stand also this moment stopped me from being able to add a synth alone may sense as I was initially confused as to why he asked for a boat number one and yet ended up on boat number two [Music] loving how adaptable his stand is to be useful in so many different scenarios can't wait to see how who used it down the line as well like his role of the fake typical Japanese gangster in season 3 of my hero academia helped him in this moment case a Roman added a new a consumer or best solution Jun mo Romanick ironic a toccata Morita continuing the insanely awesome tradition of giving us real world genuine information on new locations also another beautiful single shop that's just about one of the worst things I've ever seen a fishing hook through his eyelid this is an awesome amazing sounding and looking a verb which occurred during the course of this anime seriously I don't know what brought on that sudden dance by I ain't hating on it even one little bit in fact they can go ahead and take two wins right here because that was smooth as warm butter you so you are your culprit order [Music] I understand there's so much versatility as well there's not gonna out at the metaphorical Park in terms of uniqueness in the fifth part so far well often a canoe goes through my knee Nariko cos I can use your coaster so Lord of course I gotta see mother about you so they've now officially sold me on this character I like him a lot I like what he stands for him what he's trying to do so mission accomplished ordained or stunned or sick Casa pistols are uncertain look stand away unique on our yoy acrimony caco3 gonococcus to my muscle Otto Koga zucchero to call a couple it or dermatology come on a discipline that's this information in an onyx position kind of way which I must add is very rare for Jojo appreciate nonetheless [Music] Nani you're doing this is insane long enough Martha Table Rock we are no good to them one look how things in Jojo barely ever go to plan always keeps us on the edge of our seats [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh oh this is just one of the best things I've seen seriously though that animation quality in the ingenuity behind me I take to make it look like that is out bloody standing Guido mr. [ __ ] Sakawa Shonen jaycara panzini kazuto you mono da da oh yeah we're getting another origin story for another character the question is though can they uphold the quality and give us a third great story on the bounce sure Kagawa do you know - no I do like saving the woman from the car that I can't show him yeah they went real dark or what he was doing to her and trying to do their man Jojo doesn't shy away from the dark stuff never has this wait for it beautifully put together sing stall chorus 10-watt Paulding has him it'll kick end of that you may know this about me but I'm pretty cool when it comes to taking out people like this so take a win what I can almost understand up me yes your honor Wow my goodness so he figured that out quick no I didn't forget tsunami this moment have me removed still on anime since there yeah it's an order get it done then the crew to Nakota a tunnel car yet again I'm not a great stand no joke it's just great murder Gaeta Gaeta color through there these guys are amazing [Music] all my our gesture okay so not only is that obviously insanely good-looking but imagine if he fell like he's not safe busy don't go get my core tears that I did it upon each scout our dawn don't come up deeper yet another fantastic example of how the mug you can not only thought up the stand itself what it looked like how its abilities work but there's also different ways of using that stands ability oh my arm arch again occur you done three on a toy but the second itis Tucker on your honor I'm a doing this scene and it's only made all the better by having the great Stardust Crusaders battle music playing [Music] these guys are awesome just like harvest [Music] how he worked around to find a solution to this enemy in front of him and that's always in such a way that I would never have personally guessed up guy de vida kind of a pursue me no cumber PT Corazon de color me deeply intrigued boys oh my did Robo charity Kim you come boo no Jeannie Shoji Sofia it actually feels like a step forwards in the anime in the direction of the final goal and I'm loving it you know I also wanted to mention how it's nice that at least in a small way part five was taking us to another location as much as I loved part four I was kind of sad that we didn't travel around but at the very least going to this island was awesome and reminded me of the old times from Stardust also coming back to this and the recording phase is awesome that we got to see Pompeii a great deal as well the whole twist regarding the bosses the water in their mission to keep her safe adds yet another important element to the overall story that helps keep it really fresh much like the mission to obtain the old bosses for children handed over stoking anakata G bouncing and even the ho beanie stoking of the moment occur on you hawk yoga heightened [Laughter] Sugarland are getting our first look at all of the enemies our heroes will be facing off against and holy hell I really cannot wait for it now this simple to understand layout [Music] [Music] yeah boy how insane your boy midoriya is getting after having his looks damaged quite the contrast versus how he reacted to getting a fork to the face by one of his own team members earlier on geez sucking no didn't curry oh no no and stand alone I thought whoa how they're showing us his stance ability taking effect on him that's so awesome eternally no good sir this comic also had me remove ass in an anime singe pretty struggling on that one they keep cutting down my sense by addressing it in some way each time Midori is voice actor is just absolutely perfect for this role Martina yeah it's not like I'm on you ordinal no do cause you're mudsy to new bits no but some oh look 50 mudsy tell me how stands it dealt with is just the absolute height of genius in this anime I mean how awesome does it look to see him freakin platforming between the phones and the buttons being right huge it really won't be Jojo if as always there wasn't the character out right in the rating what's happening oh my god oh my MOT american-owned in Ohio Peter your is put a non kanoon delay between this guy and the boss who died earlier Ramdev really taking it next level with character designs [Music] absolutely can't show it but the bloody car came out of him and crush them both that's nuts that's Ant Man stuff and it's nuts Reed's got the God yeah it's coming in re is e it's clever editing technique I'm enjoying getting to see the enemy going through an event such as this normally in Jojo everything is being done to the heroes and that's it largely save for do threatening like whole horse back in the old days but that's it for the most part also custom artisans Corky yeah but I thought God figuring this out I could I could never be a stand you sir I can't work stuff like this out Kermode Oh Phil yet another prime example of animating some of the most unique looking things you'll see in an animate with stuff like this yet again another great backstory for one of the main crew how the hell did he do it so well every time after barely doing it at all up until this point other than Frenchie's past it's actually for me one of the saddest a story of a young kid who lost his mother left time and fell him with someone he thought he could trust only to be betrayed his story of entering the gang is wonderful and gives us a much greater understanding of why they interact with one another the way they do like attempting to teach him at for example and the whole scene is tied together wonderfully with some soulful music oh come on now this is just stupidly good-looking it also taco Toya does Catherine Duncan gonna get I or not dinner even though I personally wouldn't have risked telling them all of this it's still there's always a really SuperDuper clever technique for getting out of a seemingly impossible situation seriously that actually happened he put the fire out using the blood from his wrist and then shrinking down to the point where it had cover his whole body dude that is nuts yep just about all of this just all of it really take a win you glorious animators part five is just overflowing with style and done so with style demo soon yachts guitar oh you're more desert I walk alone that on to our deep bunny take your sausage turtle - giving mad props where props are most definitely do like a proper leader should bump a Norma's in Ohio dedicated our heroine at us stirring up a CBO cousin of cousin Nick to yoga knew damn well genuinely correct your world information also policing Rashad more classic amazing you know no yokai you are so no pompano helix is in no yet on your body robust on media which is cocoon water this actually exists in the real world and that fact is one of the many many reasons I love JoJo's Bizarre Adventure so damn much by the way for those wondering to save you Google in the two words literally translate into beware of the dog and it's well over 2,000 years old leave a cheeky like if you learned something whatever burnished immunity booth actions are neither move together oh it's another type of merest and maybe [Music] Stingo so obviously I know they had to change the stands names and that's fair enough but I'll drop a win here for all of those musical references we see along the way also if you want a laugh you should watch any video on youtube link to the songs as the comments from Joe Joe fans are hilarious and well made so now you will know coke or all you could eat or Suba sh t dunno they're seeing him making that quick choice between the knife and the pencils were so nicely done since of course symbolizes his random violent or calm life but that's no you [ __ ] feel good you know mom what you think oh damn that's what happened again they went dark guys a few cows and I never hate it they also do dark moments great they handle them so well or a total moniqua fool or ago my Eureka steer so no door Moana ekari no sword or move committed ah it does feel very rare to have an on main character getting so much time on screen but it's the right choice all of these flashbacks lead to one conclusion that the team leader is a good man who has created a team of people who both adore and trust him and it's so very interesting to see where this is heading with the main character now in tone we just work crew to new monkey look awfully cool Keuka you assisted with a titanium use to them this unique stands ability but most importantly they didn't go out of his way to kill those crows but they died by chance you're annoyed about stunned little Sophia's gonna oh that's definitely getting a win that seems mega rare forest and Google Ginny all TT mascot hi Booker's talkative artisan you know to cook at the Calliope us get a witness I'm standing his ground and refusing to leave Foucault behind you communicat [Music] Colonel Kagame no ha hallo he wrote a mini saggin didn't die oh i'm super-interested not to see if john no will be able to save these two man now make him upset Sharona na-yeon you oh my oh no carborundum dagger hiding Ocho Cassidy I have not a flippin single clue what's going on right now but I'm intrigued as hell now I get it and isn't that just about the most clever use of his stand ever that's amazing like seriously how the hell did the mug become think that up oh yeah over keynote a minute even appeal since touchdown obtain the whole stain of him being infected and then leaving the mirror which had some brilliant looking animation on them you might wonder why I didn't show the whole thing but there was a lot of risky scenes that kept flashing up so figure this best to be safe every deer tire mean game okay y'all can stop there you two go I got through this yet more fantastically unique ways to use each Stan's abilities the finale to this epic battle what's a tough beau as well we're crowing all three of them to take him down and this final attack is brilliant kind of reminds me of josuke Stan's attack a little well guys that'll do it for this video I'm dropping a double win here firstly to John not figuring out a way to win and cure himself in the process his speech was epic as well and his character is brilliant and only getting better episode by episode the second one is for the very end of the episode as well as we get enough to credit scene given us some foreshadowing for the next episode with an interesting looking new character thanks for watching everyone so glad to be back covering Joe Joe if you liked what you saw hit the like button and maybe leave a comment you can also follow me on Twitter accion this gamer and support the channel on my patreon if you wish to clickable links down below and of course as always I'll see you next time good use of CGI rocket on tonight's show an ottoman that still works I actually went back and checked in even a couple of minutes prior to this revealed they were animating this turtle with the same groove in his shell now police got a few dents about that I'll show you can SantaCon sanjak them so nowadays it takes just over two and a half hours to get from Naples to Florence by train but I'd like to reasonably assume that David Productions did their research and found that in 2001 it took three and a half hours and that's worth a win in theory [Music] another unique and I do mean genuinely unique standoff I mean look at that it's going through the door and creating the lovely effect what's not to like it at all Carmilla knows I got an audio cool house again Saturday g-god ad which donut a well this is just one of the coolest things I've seen in this anime they're inside of a key and the turtles back in a sweet louver that's actually amazing [Music] [Music] I'll never actually antiquity and then I actually ingenuity genuinely another action in yet another actually in genuine you another actually and genuinely looking another actually and genuinely you another actually a genuinely unique looking stunned honor another actually in genuine the unique looking Stangl I know something is happening I don't know why and I'm loving every second of it okay I really creeped the hell out now I don't like it so make it stop the dorste under sir no you come oh don't this come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so two wins here firstly for this horrifying scene and it's crazy good ability in general and secondly because gosh darn it does this stand not to remind me of those lovers and Return to Castle Wolfenstein [Music] uncertain AHA gacaca cheetah or no.6 the pistols then once at snow Hogan ah sonnet Orica losing with style take Eva Auto kotonoha tie your Mohan cut a kibbutz the steering auto - I've said it before and I'll say it again those of the Joestar bloodline seem to be very keen technicians yes Yahtzee Jojo has such an outstanding history of getting better and better as the season progresses it's the reason why almost every recent seasons everything great about videos are larger towards the end and so far the same can seemingly be said for golden wind this sounds crazy ability once again must have posed some level of difficulty when it came to animate in it and yet it looks great even though these little dudes aren't getting the job done everyone can admit they're super cute and they're really trying oh yeah after what I just said if you thought I was gonna skip this little segment you've got another thing coming this epic entrance was such a great build-up notice this sudden and genuinely shocking turn of events masterfully disguised by having the frank random old man grab ahold of his teammate just before it murder I can then from seven deadly sins [Music] so I can't shower obviously and I don't know if it's for real or not since you know Jojo and all but it seems like they've just shockingly killed mr. off so yeah whoa no time Tony okay no cutaway yet enough de Cody the here sonic : I know you cut it Connor my mother oh it smells ice on his chin dissimilar having her be a character showing caring compassion for those around her protecting her such a nice touch on their personality what are you kidding me right now oh you go oh my goodness be still alive and the little guy saved up and he's got ice and he's tearing also I think a second one is in order because of how they deal with death largely in the Jojo verse when someone really dies it has a huge impact it's made to be a big deal it hits you hard when it happens just felt like I had to give props for that god damn it no it really does feel like I have to add a genuinely sad win because he really is dead now and it seemingly ticked all of the boxes as well in terms of raw emotion in the very sad farewell I hope it's not true but I'm really expecting it this time [Music] [Applause] this epic battle oh that's disgustingly beautiful what a little trick that was I feel sick to my stomach with awesomeness damn I need a little caca gonna litter mee Moua scandal [Music] [Applause] not only a brilliant end to the episode with fantastic soulful music but this tells us so much about him that he's more than content to give his life to protect his crew with literally zero hesitation at all I love that bit right there boys and few girls this visual Eadie change happens and it involves lots of plants and relaxing stands related actually she home before we begin episode 16 this is probably a good opportunity to remind you to hit that subscribe button since around 70% of my viewers aren't actually subscribed so hit that button and the bell and sure you don't miss part 3 and all the other great content coming super nice touch having the train conductor come fly out no miss streak the camera as it were [Music] Oh Manny saved him at the last second they almost fell off first and grabbed him I can take much more this anymore dude an opioid today oh my Oh a monolith or build or new handgun Dickie to alter would assume in Allah Almighty Marc Accetta muy to understand a lot todo Susan dug it up dude this guy seems to be another in a short line of unique villains capable of honoring their opponents heart dating back to the first season and wamu people like to talk about Araki forgot I hope I pronounced that right and I'll admit I haven't looked into that as of yet however the fact that he continuously comes up with stuff like this is astonishing to me he gave the villains a stand ability then part of that stands ability aimed towards whoever is being attacked is made known to the heroes and then that same ability is used against the villains later on it's like a brilliant puzzle he put together for the end to this enemy and his incredibly powerful standability easily worth a blood spattering Lee great win do you the season never stop surprising me dammit I feel like this is worthy of a win because once again it goes back to his character that I mentioned that win number 224 he's in such a state moments away from passing and yet still true to his earlier word he's continuing to use his ability on the train to the end getting to see these two insanely unique stand powers go head-to-head in the Battle of weird and randomness my Kumi daytime como esto no naka de compañía que no Noah no castor theorem or EO can although gonna hold even a guitar I couldn't agree more with that assessment now that we know he can wield the hook towards a person's heart without most people being able to resist at all also we gotta add that I'm loving mr. stan chatting away and helping him that's so awesome that is so damn clever I love that it really wouldn't be an episode of Georgia if there wasn't someone actively narrating what's happening in front of them oh that was too close you're under my bubble tape you see even though it's Villa character progression it's still character progression and with that message and inspiring music it's almost as though this moment is aimed at promoting the villain being able to live up to his bros higher estimations and complete his mission which is just nuts [Music] epic color palette change big kudos sphericity for what bigger are you Mendoza nice little cool back there towards bro told him on the platform earlier on and then fantastic end to a great battle between these two very powerful foes sake oh my no men on akane diamund rani cat I could see you mods cherica's Amida this is so amazing because it's something I actually mentioned that win number 237 and it almost feels right to have his character devolve quickly into that of a petty scumbag after that noble build-up before since it'll make his demise much easier on us the viewer and makes sense given his character [Music] go right on ahead and take two wins for your trouble right there what a great way to finish this up [Music] getting that staple of a Jojo death notification and also seeing that everyone else is back young and healthy again 9 Iman another no no my girl just develop the standability what's this mean this scene with this weed dude doing with creepy stuff and I ain't hatin even a moment of it babyface well something weird just happened [Music] probably a good time having just seen the thing on the back of her neck and seeing how he's programming it to say another unique artist and occur but in all seriousness how's that not unique he made a PC baby trained to mess up his non-pc father and his friends [Music] fantastic use of CGI in all honesty for this great newsstand yup not gonna lie once again I didn't have a clue what they're do I didn't even get it whilst he was doing it and now I do and it's so clever it's making me smile as I write this cake away when you think you know what's out here Kumar gallo Dickie must are love moments like this in Joe Joe not only the whole funny peeing in the other dimension that he opens up bit but seeing a ginormous John knowing stuff to a journal Masson know is it we're cool Apollo I ain't got thought of toys yeah hey hey when the guy talked about how powerful the baby stand was I was suspect but I didn't realize don't be able to gain the upper hand so quickly like this and is remote-controlled that transition though [Music] that's amazing Jimmy O Lord applause mutator Jimmy thought Vulcan or Gordo a kiss opinion well I'll admit I was close to talking about his near death or as the anime will want us to believe his actual death at the time but I held off because well it's Jojo and that was alive and I must admit I hadn't been nervous sweat going on but I'm happy now [Music] well now this character is rather intense goes on z ki Daniel either I'm glad I can show this it's not too bad at all but looks fantastic [Music] loving that music kicking in and how they're not ending the battle in quite such an easy fashion after the build-up of this powerful stand my vanity I must say when I first saw his ability I thought it'd be quite weak compared to the others in the Joestar family line however now episode 18 and having seen it being used multiple times it definitely comes across as being very adaptable and strong this brilliant finale to the battle way better than where I thought it might end before him what a great looking shot of these two is the flames embers rise around them [Music] this sentence is very funny in this also back ago and that's of course a win I was very curious as to how they were going to deal with this character as you can't really have him constantly creating new stand PC Windows Vista babies all the time and they not only did it in a way that made sense but in a way that was creative as well that's so clever can't say much else it's so so clever to use a stand like that comes in the poor thing Logan's Fisher the third atta boy nice little added touch right there showing us this as it kind of throws things into a bit of confusion this is the boss but he appears more like someone who is a recluse perhaps I've in life depressed or lonely I don't know it's not a lot to go on yet but it's very intriguing and again nicely added this map before the second half begins showing us their key locations thus far across Italy somewhere no naka muka boo chi so you'll say Toshi Bennet's here beautiful scenery shot also this information is as always very true Akua I saw what that ecstatically this is indeed what the train station actually looks like Nima coach Peterson a killer norm some of the heel sorry there another original paladar [Music] okay so 90% of this witness for how awesome this looks that he's encased in ice and the other cheeky 10% is because I like how it's almost opposite to back he goes quick and minor academia d [Music] stunning levels of CGI right there boys I mean he's not wrong suit your lights out finding an amazingly original way of that seemingly impossible scenario this awesome a strategic shot [Music] I seriously love these little guys so far in golden wind they're probably my favorite stand actually Jesus this guy's absolutely freakin relentless they just got rid of him twice already I know he's back for a third attempt damn you better go using stardust crusaders music to build up the amazing tension it's always worth an easy win once again I'm just blown away by the sheer volume of creative stand battles in this part 5 so far corner me out all I can figure mostly booty I think that's the day up da na sai yuk anonymous lips in a hold on the team as a whole means so much to all of these characters and how was that reinforced in us all along that's right bye excellent fleshed out flashback sequences everyone had back in part one I talked so much about after saying all of that it actually makes sense why they strive to complete their mission and strive to keep each other alive this is such a powerful standard since st. both in terms of its roar ability but also in how it can fully protect its user and make as well you know I gotta say I like how resolved is playing such an important part in their struggle it had a big impact during the Train section with zippy man as well it's just a different and nice character trait brought about by giorno seemingly I didn't think we would be gifted even more flashbacks giving us an even greater understanding of what the leader in the team in general means to each other what a treat Vado canina kikuri das a ninja Noah Sora's order Sodom at Omega Ottoman idato Misawa Miranda if anyone knows this crew solidifying highly emotional music tuned I'll be very grateful if you'd stick in them comments for me what a lovely trick but you miss God could I have eaten here today absolutely incredible and artistic looking moments as his stand and he himself appears to evolve for this turn of events leading to yet another turn of events as the battle is fought against this incredible Baku fo first-person perspective suddenly as I'm sure you've guessed I can't show the back-and-forth shooting bit so I'll simply say that was a fantastic moment that given the enemy was thoroughly deserving of the long-lasting battle you could I did that so cold as it s you know you we go come on over do Carter here more cuddly coverage that meets your tennis team [Music] okay I changed my mind this was the best way to end it with his teammate being able to join in and save him at the last moment and deliver this brilliant final attack leading to an even more epic finish beautiful scene number two this little juicy negated the end of the episode they're holding up an onion no Katya no car Kimmy - you know team ago none knew is she not the girl I started really enjoyed these moments where everyone gathers around to gain next piece of cryptic information from the boss pushing them to the next part of their journey Corey already touching a mu cone over san giorgio maggiore at all this is what it looks like Cosima order thought you know an imam or Koko they were worried on a same boozy that [ __ ] yoga dr. Berger just wanted to take this opportunity to add that I'm giving a win here purely for the rising expectations inside of me since clearly we're only now just slightly over halfway through the season so what's coming next is a great ever building source of excitement within me right now Kannada to me soda Jordan all Saigon on EMU go home okay peony a solo a memorial curtain a car how he was able to effectively communicate what he meant virus slightly coded sentence no no no I shown acolytes Cyrano to Quran it's a decorator it's great to see her raise these questions and concerns since we've seen very little like this from her up till this point but their genuine feelings that make sense in this situation [Music] Bethenny LuAnn toca Sun and Johnny Royalle [Music] okay that's toots adorbs after the previous I'm not nervous shirking his hand moment 32 [Music] beaucoup - Sam please Johnny kurosu [Music] Carson what Celie don't go didn't we got thank you demo oh man that's a genuinely lovely reason to make that incredibly hard decision but he knows his mother will be okay but doesn't think his father would be taught me genuinely choked up actually sorry Madonna Daaga Moscato kikuchiyo casa gautam a schema Naja c'mon Scotty can coke Acquia silicic oh honey no Cydia when you not baked also I feel like a shout out the fact that they worked in character development for his fine even though it's likely not that relevant to his character now or a story in that he worked to overcome his difficulty dealing with people in order to expand his business so he could earn more incentive son to a good school I love stuff like that Connie mo mu Sarafina to our eta Oh Torito me Nana hasta maana jus da betta normal 16 it's not ironic otaku Toya giving the latter reason to care about drugs in this country given how I almost killed his father is such a pointless fashion Oh all of this most definitely one lad protecting his old man Iacono bye bye me Jamila say Guiteau sinister susukino Bosna mrs. Garret else Amma tarakudo's Shiro giving him a fantastic back story and the reason to hate the drug trade like Juno in a way that makes sense this God Tyr transition both more - through tour such a motorcy funny enough I actually mentioned wanting more of this very thing and everything great about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OVH from the 1990s when we see a great scene of Jotaro using an invisible star platinum to break a wall inside the earth mansion to allow light in and suddenly we get that very thing pretty much here by the way that video is for patrons only in case you were wondering but if you'd like it you can purchase it for a mere $1 and get multiple other videos at the same time for the same price linked down below [Music] [Music] this is way better than anything I could have predicted happening in the story what an intense build up a brief amazing first interaction against what is clearly an incredibly powerful phone whose Dominical to all my anyone no no come on no come on ye I love this bloody ability Omega whoa creamy so no noryeok chicken okay so data requested no this is just crazy and I really think he may now be on the cusp of death but goodness made this is setting up the villain and the main story in such an epic fashion and I'm super intrigued by the notion of yet another powerful time-related stand so evil they took it you know it no you know means it took them out there oh this is so good just tell they're going to masterfully set up this new in st. stands abilities oh my god I don't want it to time is fighting back oh my god stand oh I can't take this anymore it's too much for me what additional minute ago is it just dropping winds right now the tension the intensity the looming death of a main character so many twists and turns being thrown at us it's unbelievably great surely O'Donovan you know every tokenizer Hasina you seem like Kamakura Jericho to attire see good god damn just take another one will you get it can you achieve your head for our boy being super intelligent during a battle and despite being so badly wounded still finds a way past this incredible enemy it's getting many please please just tell me he's going to be okay I can't take it in Jojo you almost never know for sure when someone is going to be killed off and it's driving me insane I've really said farewell to him three times in my head already sorry and there it is there uh Turley heartbreaking way of letting us know he's gone as his stand abilities undo and his eyes grow dark dusty soon de I don't know how to thank you feel anymore what's going on [Music] muscle walking Allah knows it 30 simple fit at the kaity number okay I'm more calm now he did save his life and I'm not sure how because he didn't have a pulse but I don't mind and then he gain their attention throwing the laptop which made the boss stay away briefly man take two wins for the near constant twists and turns I just experienced which has left my heart injured okay so nobody panicking again my heart no yeah she's don't forget I saw no koto you were sitting with her whatever color seat or mock taqueria thunder cool paper night again if anyone knows this song let me know it's so damn inspiring just like his speech itself is right here duck it or I'll kill you I said him what her son named dr. Bolton you know Damon or you know your now this this was unexpected and in all honesty it's probably the best way to go about it even after a rousing speech like that it would be strange if everyone immediately said yes we're all born or I know it's scary talk Aurora no charity and that we show no kita kita yes unexpected twists her charity Muhammad aji katsumi Camino night Ithaca was she know you oughta gotta say mister directing these words that you all know at first confused me but now I believe it's to do with him believing he should convince him to come along since they've bonded after fighting back fo and evolving together his friends and comrades and that's a super nice touch [Music] honking uncle cockadoodle started you know I think ultimately this is a great scenario the team is split it's unexpected and I cannot wait to see what direction the enemy goes in now and how all the characters will play a part moving forward on different sides oh that's hit me as hard as Sam was rushing out to Frodo despite being unable to swim as he didn't want to leave his side what a beautiful and powerful moment as he realizes how closely his own past matches hers and that the only people that never abandoned him was this very crew good I'll get him on our data core no Bennett see our data we would argue teaming on an hour okay this sing Rashad in the end of this episode just has to get one I absolutely cannot wait to see what's next oh this all day long well if you thought somehow missed this new Opie you're a silly goose leave a like on the video to show your goosey goose this anyway great new track for me even better than the first and goodness be if the visuals aren't absolutely outstanding they've clearly tied in the characters past with that present what has brought them to this point and such and we also got the treat of briefly seeing Trisha SH stands as well so - spoilers but it's no big deal I suppose overall absolutely fantastic and I'm seriously impressed by that [Music] [Laughter] they okay just a few more kids ooh good scary take note C Mon now got a delicate another I don't want to think about any of that Gianna okay he's fine just drop it those de Mesilla die sieben the nanny monochromatic Alec oh no she has an illustrator not my big Amendola giving her a genuinely compelling reason to want to find her father after what just happened sorry Daniel Connell Bennett Co dodge system Koba swastika oh yeah we're heading for another location creepy music and creepy wait visuals help this thing to become very creepy and weird no what is your coming on like any how about um you me stack you'll know what it don't go down on top this is dirt an intense yet another standoff you stuck a pen in his throat I want no part of this yeah how do you groaning cut could use an exam it doesn't really get much more Jojo than this really does it Chico yeah and ja call it could I Kyle whoa so follow me curiously intrigued boys and few girls karateka cannot cut overcome your you acetate or such they can you stop who you started to get along now you can conquer them ha ha ha Yokosuka holiday [Music] [Applause] what's an outstanding IDI very simple imagery but a great song like a really good song and I enjoyed how the entire pillar moving up was made of all of the stands we've seen so far also site low I used to listen to enigmas album cross of changes 25 years ago when I was like 6 years old and so finding this song and the band or back a ton of memories super grateful to Jojo for that so taking the hood with da da da once again the varied and unique stands requires super inventive animation techniques like this and I just adore it on the whole whole Carcano Nagar Martina tents annotators office this is so damn clever and super intense and even though I think it's likely the crew box I would have heard the commotion and come back inside to check it out I think it's the right call to have made this battle to versa - nice touch having these two scared waitresses in the corner watching everything unfold definitely not showing the propeller attack from his bomber but man that was amazing how he changed tactics so quickly and once again gain the upper hand I get the distinct feeling that Jon knows presence in the group is actually going to lead them to all perhaps become stronger people themselves yet still corny to the Paula but even you know cook today Oh middle neuron tada giving an actual plausible explanation as to why he didn't immediately finish off Jon know by having Decker champ rush hour in pursuit [Music] I wish I could show it what a great moment without awesome music no less color palette change in an epic turn of events Oh pity your teeth or do you on that burger sort in your cardigan eh well this is totally unexpected as he essentially gives his life to create a way for him to attack back once again Jojo always excels at giving both parties seemingly inescapable scenarios and then a sudden twist occurs giving them a way out like okay so obviously there's so much blood but I'll try editing around it to show the best bits but khan tami wasn't a great enter his battle and he ended up taking them both out like a legend murder this you though so no your new your keyboard go come on sit in there yes yes I was right I bloody know it he's pulling them all together as a team and as individuals and this moment is nothing short of beautiful as its openly acknowledged I'd love it execute sadhu Dini at all good I told you can wear kinesic under epic I can't wait let's do this boys first time on a plane in a while maybe since Stardust there's in Rio or Connie could hats on a sea deep in the coffe corn they gone that IR this epic view my God why can't my enemy do stuff like this it's so original [Music] [Applause] [Music] this even though we did down to your no initially it's nice to see him actually pull out his gun ready to attack regardless come on oh they're young pay Humvees order Jojo is known for his unique enemies and stance and those stands abilities but this this is very different though almost opens up for brand new types of stands since this one specifically works after the user is dead this is like the third super intense non you from this episode and I'm absolutely loving it fantastic use of cgi right there boys you know is made of such tough stuff taking off his own arm like that it's just insane Gordo a curse very NCR sticky fingers la Corbusier at Ithaca Friedrich estate nobody cool Hopkins first win here is for this incredible scene where we're told that his injuries cannot be healed and now he's out of this fight for good likely not true but for now that's devastating to hear second win is because even though we aren't shown him using his ability we see his arms being zipped up to stop the blood flow down here the reveal of the stand still posing them a threat and how amazingly was handled in terms of the revealed [Music] getting to see her become a true member of the team seeing their sacrifices and in turn starting to want to do more herself including protecting the arms y'all know managed to make just in time yeah buddy who knows if any equal to the last one is probably showing her to be afraid in this moment doubting herself and wanting to selfishly hide instead it's great character development even better than the previous window is how she just reactive about even really thinking about it [Music] this damn stand is insane and extremely powerful in my god she got lucky just now did the my economist another goes on I touch Karami oh yeah it's her stand another in extender kotiga up and Loic oh man that's awesome I cannot wait to see how this ability is going to get used now moving forward but a savanna then Hugo can I get elite dangerous boots erythema you cook pick the morning the governor can imagine loving how this stand is one much like baby Aaron chance in that she can actively communicate with it and it with her although this one is even more capable of communication kick isn't it alright I'm officially all on board with this new epic stand especially if he can just do stuff while she does stuff that's nuts oh how the hell are you meant to beat that it's still alive what the hell happens now trees being awesome yes for Trish thinking up this last-minute plan to get rid of what was arguably one of the greatest enemy stands they've ever faced or we've ever seen in general really [Music] courtesy od forget all right you know what that whole scene was awesome she's grown so much as a character she saved G on those hand and thus his ability to heal the others she saved their lives she's awesome and everything now some domain notorious a bhikkhu Kansas at sky Carol tokidoki Nami no Guccione Hayakawa KU Tauranga cardinal sin Paco bogus see symbols ascetic autumn are learning what eventually came of this abomination of a stand Gino caco3 said Sileo that this ordinary people como vas a tangible in my canoe Akeno ha ho in a portrait also faced an ogre what was there to you but oh it's you can't even not a nice starting us out in the next leg of our story in this season as the boss makes his way to the same island in an attempt to stop his daughter in the crew and giving us a logical reason why he must go himself though less it's this you must uh motto they did no sticky also I wanted to add in here that I think it's very clever to still keep his identity a mystery to us I like it that way personally the heck is even going on we get this great backstory for this kid who I assume is the boss and he was born from an immaculate birth so I can't wait to find out what this means for the Jojo verse job well cool more we could do more Kimi old services any Sunday oka they are ou not landing on mr. frog urchin dead external what Josie yo sista carry on da ha ha we're data this this just got extremely creepy I honestly cannot express how much I meant during the season guys a few girls this guy is solidified himself as one of the worst villains in the entire series one last win for an epically huge panic series shot from heaven that must have taken forever to create whoa this just got doubly exciting I knew the kid who was kind to the Frog and tried to save the kid in the road couldn't possibly be the woman burned down his entire town darker waters news to Manny Coto a c'mon cone or two core diesel we are getting monotone Jonathan Joestar Kimmy and we're not through gotta this version of him who by the way is tots me from a combi kill is basically me so you don't forget about yours I love the fact that this guy is still after the possum we don't know his stand ability yet and he's clearly very powerful having him still be in the mixes a stroke of damn genius what is going on right now mommy huh today with the stereo oh my oh hold on dope you owe me they have the first clue as to what's going on but the fact that this guy has now arrived has got me feeling so hyped right now I just hope it's concluded before the end of the episode does I'll be tackling seven deadly sins season 2 part 1 of 2 next before I finish up golden wind entirely sorta Scott's got a car don't you don't know Nene or do all my [ __ ] gonna I've decided this guy is awesome from how he looks to how he sounds he's great I'm sorry can you told me in our unique our Kristen Simoes hilarious new casino stange Auto Jonica you already know I can't show it but the entire scene was brilliant as this awesome guy figured out that there was more to the lad that meets the eye and then somehow had razor blades and pins i think stream from his mouth it was crazy this transition of Awesomeness and as the Japanese would say just as expected from an episode of Jojo Saudagar diesel you're a nun look on the whole this thing at all cuckoo state just when I was already in a state of finding his characters to be incredibly cold I find out that he can also hide his appearance which is even more insanely cold for the last time of golden winds let's give a round of impression metaphorical applause by doing our own Nami and giving our thanks to the gods of nanny ism you know what I've got you here I just want to say the vast majority of viewers aren't actually subscribed it's around sixty percent so if you enjoy what you're seeing be sure to hit that subscribe button and now back to it called I cut all my no no Tony Haas let me go make water into a pasta dough gonna meet your meal god I'm loving this kind of battle slash military style music playing is he frets to coming attack oh my lord you clean up show me or not are you this guy and this stand man I'm like a broken record I like this dude and now I don't want him to be dealt with but you know it's gonna happen most likely as he's a bad guy of the season sad face caught ecology seigneur couldn't look to you know showing us more of this characters traits such as his sudden bravery here is he's basically accepting an attack that will forever change his life and yet does so with confidence in order to understand the enemy is facing corner toyou can also a moan or coming here yet soon be state under most lethal don't peel they were more cuddly oh ho boy getting to see him inside reacting in this way like a split personality is how it comes across at this early stage him figuring this one out a genuinely shocking revelation to yours truly just a shame sir Frog Osteen xi had to die one like equals one fly in heaven for His Highness and for one last time also check out the phone shaped iris in that frog's eye Google may take these up doors Tundra yachts in tiny I need you seen same dude also a ditch up his fourth it was a great scene no I can't show it but this view works nicely for YouTube so more courts human Lander my sword in the middle and they Marta D study you know coming order but boy noticing this and also how his eyes have clearly changed [Music] Hilda Stamford there's a chance my boy might live after all he's so cool Josh did you unlock worried about doing activity to ease your knees ordering on more tomato [ __ ] morning amazing he's realized he's basically fighting the boss in one way or another right now and then there's this music also Jojo stance oh my god I'm really not sure what the eyes mean at this early point but I'll definitely highlight his eye right here and the main reason for the win is this voice actors performance he's bloody brilliant to listen to dropping another win here purely for getting to see all of these lads who've been taken out by our lads rip lads but not our lads is that still alive thankfully but rip these lads right lads and few girls of course [Music] this good tea transition is stunning [Music] [Music] he's doing it he's doing it install no less and in terms of David productions nicely animated my son yeah it's no Cody curious or sound look at those arms in action no wonder he wants to get within two meters that's some bloody insane levels of power why don't know the writer may do this kind of stuff yo so money the boys are back in town and buy back in town I mean they're on the scene earth at the place in their back in the story and what happens next sorry we are at all take plot twist [Music] Wow okay I'm half impressed and half sad I like this dude so that sucks but I'm very impressed by the bait-and-switch of having someone from our main group and I've taken him out rather than the boss finding a southern way out of the situation okay then I guess in a way it was kind of him by using this insanely clever plan like only Jojo could come up with this many freaking twists and turns of this story I swear well Maya's Savini moody Buddhist there do you put any twenty cookin it Tony coo coo coo coo any now H do another may you know something I've enjoyed more in this season than the others more so Stardust then diamond is unbreakable and not always the case just more of the time in golden wind is how situations are dealt with as being deadly and important back in Stardust I think because the heroes didn't have a stand capable of healing any damage was just fixed the following episode and stuff like that when the last two seasons death has been much more of a real looming threat and I'm glad to see it being treated as such and scenes like this oh my gosh even Kokomo do they took at all come on Jim no ddosed a ho Corrine Easter Cindy good picked up honestly didn't expect water I'm going to phrase as a why move moments right here from the boss but credit where credit is due he's giving him a level of respect that was unexpected don't do her tinder aricema snippet of a certain eco [Music] oh this is just oh it's so good I feel ill I feel physically ill I can't take it I'm really glad they had the guy do one final attempt and take him down the boss and it would have worked he was truly a super formidable enemy and so on I will not forget but then the boss turns up and this happened to me huh who could use no no doctor we'll see what I mean yet another compliment what is now defeated foe he sought-- to me huh who could've always knows me you know tanta also one fun to win for that dude because he was an amazing character whilst he was in it but oh I Jeanne figuring out that it wasn't Decker Chen who took out the foe by using his intelligence based on the fact that the enemy didn't have scorch marks on his foot so seeing us at Saratoga Zhuge on a minor local authority uh Tony ceccacci acoustic hit it off needs his mother all woke up tonight I seriously seriously enough all of the different users of each stand it's so clever don't show it but the boss did something really bad to one of the young tourists jeez [Music] even though he's a gangster I liked that for a moment it looked like he enjoyed helping two kids ow as he smiles like back in the day as a police officer when he was wide-eyed and innocent and wanted to just help people oh god no this happens the absolutely heartbreaking way they dealt with his demise no ifs buts or maybes he's gone just like that and just as quick as that it's not JoJo's usual style it's so out of left field it's got me proper shakin take a win an incredibly sad win oh this is so obviously beautifully put together it's clearly blasting us of the memory of a young police officer attempting to uphold justice and help people instead being swept under the wave of corruption I'm sensing some amazing moments coming soon and the emotional punch is made all the stronger by the excellent flashback sequences back in part one this is so this is so sad I get the feeling right now that this is the officer who lost his life protecting him when he was hesitating in the arresting the criminal the red dirt on him like it's Sol something maybe helping him to pass along Jesus how did he do this time and time again it feel so real so I'm telling you no I thought as much so now he's on the verge of tears as well I'm a cure all my IV Pena tunnel ale what I sing a ho Cody no more cry beep uh Nina take one more I have to be careful with Y show but everyone's reactions so far to the passing was Dec who's been the most real even threatening violence against Your Honor for my healing him even though he's gone already then they'll put that idea in our buck y'all never made a thought see that guy are you gonna cook up there lock it up there these words [Music] music the reaction the animation quality it's stunningly beautiful and soulful man oh man they can take two wins for this [Music] this could not have been done any better that damn voice acting perfection and to this moment biting his lip until he bleeds just to try and keep his composure from going off the edge of a cliff and losing himself in despair and anger and potentially losing someone else close to him [Music] take more more extremely well deserve to win for this final reaction to the order to move out kourin un médico amigo this sudden and very much unexpected twist boy me - ahh Judy per day was sued you're stood a Madonna fantastic end to this moment he managed to finish in time and use the last of his life's energy to quickly give them a clue as to the boss's face Pacquiao oh my re Pena tunnel de a tone on one attaching a can't articulate a Lisa I can't see that and not think of those we've lost before along the way it gets me every time [Music] final moments of episode 28 rest in peace hell yeah we're off to another location boys a few girl squad what bringing back the stand arrow in a super meaningful way by teasing us with the notion of an additional use for it I feel like I just have to give a win for him using a quickly melting ice cream as a phone on often telling you you could sue and guess the one we'll just cut okay what curry took a look at double your mooing so the boss regards these two new people as filth this just got super intriguing Sequoia in second no coup D état order you may not talk so mundane mind you - the toy you what a team sadly I couldn't find anything about the crater sorry they think that's real but the meteor is spot on and is absolutely huge oh my god at long last they're actually genuinely giving us a reason for stones to exist this is amazing so stay with us one Aman you go home in Ione I thought she's him an audio core tired at or you know so it was saline show miss at a table I'm not gonna lie to you I'm absolutely loving this we got the old-school tunes rocking and I can see French in Jotaro when everyone else's follow me intrigued with extreme prejudice I see you or your casting since too soon you can join is that mr sadýk remote yet babe uh that's absolutely terrifying and the thing which occurred during the course of this episode all jokes aside though even though it's absolutely not a joke and is genuinely terrifying at least this flashback is doing a stand-up job of justifying the boss's statement of this guy being filth Oh Maya Kazoku Nikhil Arora Tehran that mu'minin' captain okona is oh oh man this guy really is filth they're expertly building up this villa the best way possible via this excellent fash back and how about silent round of applause for this season's masterful flashbacks a chocolate Animoto ganja to you guy Suzu is a whom a steady wa not a cocky guy Sakura Sakura to know you kudos calculi oh oh I thought this was a stand just now I didn't know he's a bloody former patient also his face of all that is covered so now I'm insanely intrigued I love the season or module metal tarnished in Mordor balsa City though you go to discard dark Hado um I know it's gonna help you I feel like by this statement that the boss isn't actually a truly evil person like he doesn't want the world to burn like Joker for example and he still has limits he wouldn't cross or at least a path he wouldn't take simply because it's senseless violence [Music] now God he was to the gonna make you my dear this Joker's official Missa e QD f ki jaya oh and love bits like this it's so inventive with original it looks so great this is absolutely insane that I love it him managing to figure this out once again how unbelievably clever it is to come up with yet another stand its user his background his personality the stands design how it works what its abilities are in total the multi car is a damn genius in my eyes leave cycle the video of you agree what does she know you need a Venus you see him another firm one at the final time koneko dust under Donna [Music] doing this and everything and it looks super amazing and it was super intense and amazing [Music] [Music] oh man this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen really glad to see a lot of their former attitude fall by the wayside er she naturally grows closer to everyone else in the group there's also a good chance that she does genuinely care for the man who saved her from her father and thus cares about his change of persona recently which is a nice touch to have her character bring up ultimately even if it doesn't lead to much in the end this into the same and must be the work of an enemy's fandom just stay tuned up oh and by the way with a serious note what's an absolutely incredible stand ability to have backing up the Green Day 1 or green tea I suppose it's also a nice added touch that makes sense as to why he'd let this one former patient live and join him given how well the stands weren't together I love these [ __ ] guys so much it hurts [Music] they actually animated the background moving closer to them rather than having them running on the spot Hasegawa spinner or a no pistol smoke poker you as a Sonia now this one is yet another incredibly strong stand ability you know what I find crazy is how genuinely great the Monica became a creating stands as the series progressed Joe and Stardust they were interesting but very limited than the ability but moving into diamonds doesn't breakable they expanded massively both in terms of abilities but also in how they used in battle to complement other stands and such golden wind is no exception to this rule and I wager he took it even further in this season in such amazing ways honestly and I do mean honestly absolutely cannot wait to see what part six will bring us and I'm sure David productions were massively piece it all together once again this also moment where our crews mum takes matters into his own sticky fingers and finds a way to gain the upper hand against this powerful enemy in such a glorious fashion ending the first half of the episode with his epic stand cried with a lovely little farewell I'll leave her dead she such a nice moment as his stuff basically oh dear we just realized exactly what it is he's asking him about he seems to think butch alot cheese is not living and this is confirming something we all know about from part 2 and 3 now this is going to be very interesting because clearly he did fall and the mold didn't grow on him just now super dick coming here buddy to eat on car now his persona does seem to be slightly changing indeed becoming colder even though his words just before taking the die for a very much in favor of not wanting to lose anyone else in his team perhaps it's more to do with admitting either to them or himself what could be happening to him since he clearly noticed himself this reveal and I said I didn't want to entertain the thought and now I'm about to find out everything will myung I could have done see me in it even more so Stuckey you all could all you to stick with I all done oh man so that's what it was in the end a dead man walking as it were but because they could kill mommy she quit as a discovery degree Mauro Zucca Jeff leader good this scene is edited so damn perfectly and smooth to really add to the tension wrought by the return of this sick and twisted enemy [Music] also another win right here for butter dirt cheese quick thinking roll in the car and using his ability to allow everyone to escape the car proving his amazing worth of the leader even in his increasingly failing physical state overall you know he's a character I'm going to be desperately sad to see go very soon and just hope he can hold on and help his beloved crew for a few more episodes yet Norma Jean come here come on being very careful what I show but the effects of this very deadly stand on the general population is by far the worst we've ever seen that wager where do versus Jotaro being a very close second especially when you mix the older over yeas with the newer series which you can see if you pledge any amount on my picture on a request the video is made on the joejoebee A's [Music] this beautiful RB a brief rotating shot of Awesomeness oh that is so damn awesome I'm diggin that we're finally getting to see Chittoor no standability and battle once again J Dilla how soon every sir yeah I think one last when is in the order for what I'd likely assumed was a panel in the manga and for this great looking ending complete with Jojo stalled poses irani actually attacking him was the scene distracted by his camera even if it didn't work she may move Daniel adamancy full of Honda audio strip hello must see you yet again the market didn't simply say his ability is to traverse the solid ground and speed but instead gave him additional powers thus making this battle that much more intense I love love love how his ability is used in the real world just like this your biology you know honestly I was sat there going I know he's going to escape and then they do this and I'm just left smiling because in this season and the last things don't just always go to plan for the enemy when they happen to mention a change in tactics or something these little guys are so amazing and where the heck in heck is he disappeared - I have absolutely no clue what's happening but I'm almost literally on the edge of my seat writing this what the bloody heck is going on Oh for a change this little guy isn't making me chuckle or laugh but instead get a little sad as he wants to go bring back like his brothers and help mr. okay yeah it's getting to me a little bit more now okay I'll pull myself together take away four yet again giving us a scenario just like on the train whereby one of these little dudes can back up a different member of the team I love that more than any other big stand change between diamond is unbreakable in this season oh my goodness Mira and a plot twist as he fires back at this horrible enemy with a shockingly quick attack dear beauty and a no paradise hits that may want to never come I get any nothing what you design your okay to see that is one of the most weird and creepy things I've seen anyone doing this entire anime [Music] number five helping out your boy Chiana with this last minute bullet save and the subsequent regrowth of safety that comes as a result so many twists and turns within this one battle is just nuts and again I feel so happy to point out number five actually helping geo know at the request of mr. and how amazing that is you know in our Covey Anita da Jie all know again managing to turn the situation around and fifty percent of the wind is definitely for the fact that they had him fallen actually showed him falling by moving the background which is such a nice added touch for overall realism in the sink yes oh my Cinderella he's still alive I can't take much more of this boys a few cows squad he'll help actually showing us an awesome visual representation of the extreme amount of damage he's taken during their battle mister thank you I went back and had a look in the absolutely do not once show us his other hidden arm so that's very clever and totally unexpected by yours truly now we all know he'd make it through this battle but I dig the exploration all the same of course attaboy [Music] Oh God the longest our matter fitting into a horrible creature this guy still easily wins the award for weirdest guy in the Joe Joe verse which let's face it is already filled with wieners oh my god is it me or is a friggin Frenchie right there showing us the wrong wide reaction to all of the deaths caused by Green Day stand effects this weird guy in some ways is even worse than the other guy not saying he's worse overall but simply because of how quickly he turned on his master as it were when he found him to be week crazy guy is very crazy hey you know carries a tomato vacuo a little mock data dagger murder de terre Castilla this guy is super strong and quick thinking kind of ironic given his kind of idiotic former persona when in the presence of his also former master Oh also this guy voiced by thinks from hunter hunter I know I've heard it before [Music] whenever butch ort is fighting someone we always get such creative looking battles that come mixed without standing levels of animation quality I've gotta also admit I adore how the enemy is just as confused as anyone elses by the leaders strange and ever-changing body and feel like a few seasons ago this wouldn't have been mentioned and to include several instances of it being questioned by the enemy is legendary for no doubt one of the last times I just have to once again shout out how inventive and creative visibility is its outstanding it's fun in this face during part two or three levels about standing in how he uses it should be your Chimere duty on here you've got to admire how brilliant it is that they're both having a race underground like this just how many down abilities does this one guy actually have this is insane he's now spitting dirt and having it fall to the ground like knives every girl that oh no it makes sense and even though it's an enemy I'm about to braise but mainly the monka curve that's absolutely bloody brilliant levels of coming to come up with corn or you know mortars for corridor got cooked or oh I'm so so happy that the time jump slowed down as the seasons progressed it was painful to me when Speedwagon lasted such a short amount of time in the anime as a whole and knowing that Frenchy is just 36 in this season makes me genuinely feel amazing and smile ear to damned ear also I know it was Frenchie I cannot tell you all listening right now how pleased I am to see him in this season it brings me so much genuine joy and simply because he was someone I've not seen for a very long time I've said this before and I'll say it again one of JoJo's most unique attributes on top of everything else it does so well is its time leaping story how it goes from the 19th century to the 21st century it's amazing and honestly makes Jojo one of my favorite anime were mixed with everything else I can't show it obviously but his fingers and everything I'm melting essentially what a horrible stand power [Music] okay this time I really tried hard to figure out how he could escape this situation and as always I came up short even though using something to definition have been a little obvious to me super clever turn of the tables has always regardless though oh this is fantastic and I get to show it because it's all melty as opposed to red goo from the body your decision mother Monica that da Gujarati finding a way to finally take down this foe once and for all and the boss making his way onto the scene only serving to further up the ante as we move on to episode 33 oh man it's so sad to see him going downhill slowly and essentially dying as time goes on she's in another good old king of study yet skater a dino car get us all pseudo commuting alrighty then after my previously very sad statement he seems oddly better in that nor can he see but he kids see under his clothing [Music] Teresa mother thought of Atilla now it's all finally coming to a head they roll right by the meeting place you've got a hidden boss and they leave Oberto dead cheese and now both sides have the information that the boss is very close by and I absolutely am on the edge of my seat right now who did you what cheated you know what a machine no energy no to the god we know you wanna breathe through a mirror she noticed almost mirror thomasino Cudicini retain it on you you moods finally giving us a solid and logical explanation as to exactly what is going on with him you mean what's kinda coconut oh my god this is what the inside of the Colosseum actually looks like oh no are you okay I found the way out the bully situations come fringy what was how to do a little more mutant away until you Doberman yodeled skycat OSI recording Nam bone code CC 3 dictum bring in this old lady back into the story is such a blast from the past of Stardust Crusaders and at the same time getting a chance to learn more about the history of the arrows and how they came to be used in more modern times by do and crew and then of course Kyra's old man after Shawn in Jordan on Miyoko hands later sit on our new zoo by user when you honey hang up the iana cheekiest should I be on you definitely deserve a win for a Frenchie backstory I seriously cannot show him on the rocks just now but that was hard to see from a main character I liked so much from the old days it's nice and then he survived such a horrific set of injuries but at least he's still with us right now this amazing buildup is so damn iconic with just the echoing slowly approaching footsteps of the boss all mine will soar double jump Europe or another our first proper look at the man inside talking okay stoned Oh soon come see no Caesar could aim you okay - ho-ho no cousin Luis you know him I wish I understood more of how his ability works but it's far more complicated than Deewar jotaro's time-related abilities but working in this blood drops factor was smart as hell and it's fantastic to me personally to get to see Frenchy taking on the enemy again after all this time [Music] King Crimson's stand in action is like a work of art not Iko Iko unreal guns in your system Monica Cano your system on upon Mary Jesus looking good for him so soon after re-entering the anime that's just the worst and that image of the crew all those years ago also I'm just going to quickly shout out the CD it's changed due to the addition of multiple stands over the course of the last few episodes [Music] [Music] I love stuff like this that David productions doesn't Jojo so there's various changes in the opie as a whole is beyond stunning how stylish and smooth it's animated like it's seriously beautiful but then we get to this moment and I'm just instantly reminded of do stopping time and Kiro reversing time yeah now that Opie change is just amazing I think actually I'll go on the limb here and say JoJo's Opie's as a whole are my favorite of any anime also the end is great as they clearly focusing more on the arrow now and that's changed as well as a bunch of other things fantastic telling me extremely confused but intrigued all the same boys a few girls squad okay that was straight-up only the coldest things I've ever seen don't go got me like at all so Sokka [Music] what [Music] you gotta love how well they are voicing what is clearly meant to be the other characters oh yeah this all day long most not kingu cream is on xarna north of i90 monocot how many what a doll - a singer you talked on da this method of showing us that its jono inside him and he's thinking something we shouldn't do what was happening but I just feel in my soul that something incredibly awesome giggles Betty's they are paranoia steel people my word it's even more crazy than my first ever dreamed possible this is absolutely beyond insane Chubbuck do you know what I should do cinder what does she not know her jumpier pornography oh dear Lord he's still alive at least in some way but he said he's in pain so who knows for how long lovely little helpful chart yo I say no no I don't wanna curse thunderous Donna Sonia Sonia this humble sinner cannot stand Oh power and your sake Arturo de mi already most surah nisa Chiara this amazing revelation making me so excited for the future of stands given all I've seen her in this video about how they're already way more expansive in abilities then during Stardust yo stated off [Music] diello between that military-style battle music and the boss seemingly reappearing and Frenchie yelling instructions and then but the dead she stands coming out of the boss it's all too much for me to handle Vasa Manta terracotta Diablo ah pistol is no number seven got me hot Gator at first I was gonna sit on anime sins that no one is watching the body I'm really glad they added this to avoid it just when I thought the anime had shown me everything they come up with this brilliant scene further confusing me as it now appears that Frenchie stand is controlling other people stands by the guard and the stuff the little guys mostly her girls Nia da Gama very tame etapa connoisseur in Omaha Keiko Akana huh cure no cannot smoke better I'm adding this moment but I'm not entirely sure it's as cut and dry as it seems right now of course they have to hit me with this sad scene right now after making me laugh and then feel tense and all this what a wild mixture of emotions Hayaku muy but both Muslims I own as a continent and then this revealed that I can't fully show I don't know what it means but I have a gut feeling that it's something that can't be undone I just hope I'm wrong it is not the movie no end up to him I don't I don't even know what to say to this after his joyful proclamation of returning to his home and eating his favorite food this goes and happens to him and ultimately we lose another one [Music] how they did this scene and respectfully putting no music afterwards I adore views like this just adds to the overall style of the anime also take another win here for Frenchy figuring out the situation with the bosses two personalities go back to our Connor Ithaca [Music] that moment is so poignant and beautiful that for me it rivals the passing of black mind and Iggy in front of Frenchy and Stardust can't show it but mr. in Trish's body taken out every red beast is the best [Music] a seriously fantastic end to episode 35 intense well animated great voice acting all around and still lovely I'll be a fleeting to see Paulo Eve helping the crew out and working alongside them arnica con la baritone in not a male but tidy your cap Tara this quick thinking and twist that mistress used the fake cops gun to save our friend shirt or friend the new foe is quickly becoming one of the most deadly to the crew and I honestly didn't anticipate this honestly speaking boys and few girls this is was the best season of all to me regardless of how it ends I'm a huge fan of twists and turns making me feel shocked consistently and golden windows have more than I can ever handle this is yet another epic twist that makes no sense until they explain it but yeah when you add in all of the factors for me it's the greatest I don't think I can get away with showing the mutants these people are turning into but I'm sure you can remember it very well it's some creepy shizzle well I think back to anime like darling in the frames and the latest season of highschool DxD I'm always so impressed by David productions taking animations so seriously at moments like these as opposed to the former doing things like having characters walking and running on the spot all the time I call Jojo as an anime clever all the time but in fairness that's because it constantly surprises me how the Monica thinks and adds twists consistently for example it never once occurred to me that the boss was hiding inside one of them due to the fact that he's a split personality and how that just works ball can you thought it through to cuddle Theo a night so sorry oh my oh my oh you didn't you have cocoon is your gonna okay this deserves a shout out because mister is making a lot of sense world trusting Gianna right is worth watching this / as things stand there's no confirmation at all that the boss isn't inside him that's super well thought out story told ah that's amazing after all of that it was indeed inside miss Tricia all along it's oh my god do it again absolutely stunning levels of animation quality right here as he continues running whilst I'm leaping to avoid miss Trish's bullets oratory experience well it's unbelievable to me that ever since I mentioned outright the sheer volume of fantastic twists in the story then it's almost as though the Monica ups the ante another twist another one this fantastic looking scene ID or how his head moves as he flies past as well to really give that look of speed Taco another one the entire scene of returning everyone souls to their rightful bodies although I have this terrible feeling that I now know full well what is going to happen to crew mama and I'm now just waiting to confirm that cool you know I'll call you back Quoddy she needs to know I know it I just do it he's seriously a character I will miss so much he gave everything in the end to protect his crew most importantly as friends he worked alongside Giorno to achieve a large goal but ended up succeeding in taking part in something so much bigger he'll be really missed by me Jamieson George saw motivated a bikini model Takenaga more tiny model data Oh they managed to get me and making this finale so much more of an emotional farewell now that's a true Jojo farewell to a character so many sudden twists it's hard to keep up with when writing a wind script safe to say I'm beyond confused and excited about what this could possibly mean oh oh yes version 2.0 but more than that who knows what this means in terms of his overall power this isn't exactly like baby Aaron Chan the third evolution of his stand this is something much more meaningful [Music] a much much more powerful standard than Islamic as a period having mr. choose to attack in this instance instead of just laying on the grounds is a nice added element this entire scene was stunning [Music] cool this is so good it's making my head hurt this is one of the best things ever [Music] policymaker anonymity nice [Music] the most powerful machine guns mm have another ever token since Italy taught a circuit or Justin making the boss attempt to hit back after that powerful attack giving credit to his strength as the main enemy of the season this epic change in the opie to signify the change in G or no and then the coming of Requiem at the end of it in absolutely predictable insanely high quality animation throughout and again I'll state in a different way I'm glad he's still alive at this point as a strong main villain you can't wipe them out in one single attack so by doing this they are lending credence to his overall strength and validity as the villain okay well that was one of the most horrifying images I've ever seen oh my god I just fully understood what's going to happen and allow me to frame it beforehand the entire story has ultimately been about ridding Italy the cruise home of the boss and his drugs destroying their beloved country and affecting most of their lives in some way now here at the end this incredibly powerful man is seemingly about to be potentially brought down by someone off his nut on his own drugs just like Keira being ironically killed by an ambulance on its way to help him after all that talk of fate we may now be about to see something equally poetic in his demise and it's one of the most clever things I've seen in how the moniker gives a fitting and poetic end to his villains like this so I don't know why this is happening of course when I'm very much enjoying the fact that such an evil guy like this is finding such an unpleasant end to his life what a shame that's one more doko a moment Koko tonight token yet scarce injures any total physical talk Kista okay I had to wait until the full explanation to comment on it but what's an absolutely terrifying ability if that's what the boss will be going through forever just constantly having his life ended and feeling scared and pain can't say he doesn't deserve that I suppose but down that's cold I guess you could say omotola name Marilla Derrida what it at your foreo Tuteja let's go to that data our final look at these three souls lovingly placed above in the clouds joining our heroes who lost their lives along the way even though I'm sure it's a flashback or something it's still really nice to see all of these guys together again one more time exactly a total my new cleaner Mary Catherine you are new cook till clam Medina Naruto kakushita pierrot corner what the hell is going on in this episode uniquor the Sunnis bundle love upon us mr the hell am i right boy you saw [Music] don't twist yeah okay sister being mr. with extreme prejudice Seussical car re wa suki mo kawaranai car boo charity watch karijini Soria testing is that true then is that how we ended up actually dying because of this incident way back when I'm very interested to know your thoughts on that because I feel I'm not quite right I know minute was an anthem Ikuo Carly coke addict ah I'm glad to see this change in his dealing with the guy in nicely showcases his feelings towards his leader in wanting to save him this was super intense and I'm still just so massively curious as to what this has to do with the main story and how it linked its episode 39 and we've never seen the season end like this please Luther did take over at 9:00 yoga to you gonna drop one last win for mr. stand it did indeed end up being my favorite of golden wind and I've loved every scene with them especially when they help out a team member he's your hockey City biola cutlets yokai to cook a lot bigger they buy your yet another moment showing off his love for his leader oh man happy to give his life to save his in return no no Takashi don't anger cut it up quitted her Conan or meet your uni sock with a 19 Caillou no Chiodos good oh yeah I see now I believe so it's like the incident with the rock was kind of like fate it started the whole journey but for the right reasons it ended up becoming something positive in the end I'd love to know your opinions in the comments though since this can now be fully discussed of course [Music] butI su semana con o6 Tuesday and I wa so no huggy well does she think you know Kimmy done you got a Torah I seriously don't understand but the fact that Frenchy is still alive is amazing like beyond amazing um gonna need some solid time to process this entire season soon it's all very emotional for me right now right okay she was inside the key thank God they really had me with the bloody stone the crafty gets cocky got a sort on you I didn't ignore you realist this Shiva rock was snores it immoral to nice table obviously it's incredibly Jojo but honestly this is the happiest I've been in a long time watching this knowing he's still gonna be around for a while it means a great deal to me your charity Corinne will Thomas you up to school I suppose the purpose here is leaving these two with some hope for a little while longer to enjoy their hard-fought victory in peace oh no more hen may you be [Laughter] course oh I like that a lot take a win yeah why not let's go ahead and drop a final win for all of the stands of this season and the final Edie they were absolutely incredibly well designed individual unique and bloody brilliant and I got a shout out the rock we see in the first second of the first Opie nicely tying together the start with the very end [Music] loving that this is the very start of newer Opie [Music] goddamn my boy is looking solid in those new clothes no the leader of the gang himself well there we have it thanks so much to each and every damn one of you who joined me for this long journey like seriously it was long this video alone took around 22 hours to make fully so I like to think I own my patreon support as always it was a massive undertaking to write record and edit all of these many many videos but I did it for each and every one of you who told me how much you enjoy the videos as I was making them Jojo will always hold a very special place in my heart now and I can't believe I initially didn't like it golden wind was a fantastic part five of my favorite so far I cannot wait to see part six as soon as it's made and of course I'll happily cover it for all of you upon its completion as well for the last time feel free to join up to my Twitter discord etc using the links below you can also help support my work by pledging anything you'd like on my patreon again the link is down below if they interest you I like to think I work hard enough to warrant any support and of course I also offer loot of rewards including exclusive videos thanks again for watching liking and commenting and spreading these videos to those who might also enjoy them I did this for you and I look forward to seeing you in the next video or at least in Jojo again in the future [Music] nathan byrne without word arises alley bar even wait pkf an alley 15 by Madison is a caldera oh man Josue tell Chris Harris youngish car but no no Saucedo minutes bananas don't you Yuki Ali man you are my brother's dock lord bloody salt sentiment on Java 6-2 6-3 Silva master tank loogie in DeMuth they are Aurora Kevin Delta Sofia Brendan creo install John 17 spirits minute mr. what will 64 Theodore crack at his car's balls on my Jordans amulets gabbeec I'm young yet crimson shadows for you Obama buzz bomb 3000 Java 6-2 6-3
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 545,202
Rating: 4.8746896 out of 5
Keywords: anime wins, animewins, jojo, jojo wins, golden wind, golden wind wins, everything great about, everything great about jojo, everything great about golden wind, ega, ega jojo, everything right with, everything right with jojo, jojos bizarre adventure, jojos bizarre adventure golden wind, everything great about jojos bizarre adventure, jojo golden wind, anime wins jojo
Id: _uuOeu8z4sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 8sec (8168 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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