Everything GREAT About: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable

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well here we are boys and few gals back with another set of Jojo videos this time you'll be getting three sends and three wins video is covering all 39 episodes 13 apiece thank you to everyone who joined my patreon expressly to get part for voted in by an insane 22 votes to the nearest other animate which had just two votes you're amazing I do this for you and please be sure to leave a like and a comment and maybe help out on patreon since YouTube pays me diddly-squat on both channels for Jojo videos and now let's get into it right off the bat immediately I'm hit with what looks like a really different art style to the previous parts and I ain't hating it oh why do advocacy are not an old engine Kylie hearted ah see I saw this man this beautiful twisting panning shot is so Jojo it physically hurts me I mean it doesn't but I think it's great [Music] plot twist not CG Ike Nanako coca-cola chicken to go Jotaro senior shots to almost always Corwin tastic wind I can't go figure and almost dog I learned that all walking on a my wife she does that Koichi I do believe these styles of introductions may be new and I like it used to this Simona captain I thought God I love his character his voice actor and his stunned or [Music] the style change it looks really good I'm incredibly impressed thus far and yo can you move God's canola como I'm the who knew Saturday all good on their item at least he cares about the Porto each name being me Hugo's Dada Jules Geddes no need seriously that style well this really is unique and the total got better too and I knew Jojo wouldn't let me down so take two wins damn it I'm happy I'm making these videos sharanam over joseph adjuster gains oh no not you hussy Joe Stafford or son knows saw shudder oh my god he's still okay you guys have no idea how long I've been waiting to find that out I've been patient though and kept away from spoilers and I'm so happy right now or do you feel it's all of this dead boy sorta mater just putting out there into the world that I like this new character he fixed up the turtle he seems like a really cool dude with a really cool voice actor very cool okay this rotating view why can't other anime do stuff like this man [Music] oh my god is he stopping time Yasu all them host on the guts tuna and some things never change look Steven oh come on everyone plus to the rookie joseph you cheese you good muskan all my own there's just you two stirred up quite nicely setting up the story and doing so by including old man Jojo stand abilities is a great touch [Music] whoa yeah it's a conversational jigging new Hong Kong's H is your Satan muñeca saw a token whoo hums a shot or not deacon Jesus this got dark here I am about to praise the introduction of this villain in this cool new ston they show him running up to some guy H 212 and hitting them with a baseball bat to the face and then I want monetization on this video so let's just say being the worst human alive to the guy's girlfriend man I love when Jojo can so randomly go from being light-hearted to incredibly dark so quickly they don't even use CGI in the distance shot like this this was an event which took place during the episode KidCo continues under Geneva Beijing their work activity no of crucem will resume this may be one of the worst villains in the entire anime a case that I cannot be in Jinan this sunny middle show never con emotion or thought of it in terms of a stylistic change I absolutely have to shout out the narration and sing transitioning as we hear Joe Torre speak about this see you next Tuesday and then move straight back into the act of them flowing and progressing scene that's so impressive to up and change the style like that and to do it so successfully no less okay I can't show just anything that just happened oh my god okay I'm going on the lemon saying this this is my personal favorite piece so far out of all of them really also in super catchy tune I loved that a lot and the style change was extremely noticeable and the dance moves and everything else [Music] the doc music change and finding a way to link his past to the families huh no style kumbaya you're in Oslo Jamaica keeping with the toys by having him play with an n64 now that was clever code Academy okay me this entire interaction the CGI effect on the bomber the stand and the amazingly intense action theme music solo naka de la mode on order cook oh no you're not done let go do anymore yes is she lever same echo what Oliver kicking off the second episode with a very genuinely sad moment for his grandfather's passing mother or my daughter oh my no of course I'm all caught up stick on a bottle opener ah this and the music it's killing me then they go ahead and really drive it home by talking about the guy's wardrobe I mean it sounds lame when I say it but yeah it's emotional as hell Luther the field Shinzon no sir no let us say I'm liking this personality where he's super common suddenly really loses it whether effects in animate much like in video games seems to be getting better and better all the time [Music] Joker oh god yes and Jeremiah Sudan Yanni none customer no Orca didn't destroy that so Tony do i buy to your coupon it wouldn't be Jojo if it wasn't full of seemingly inescapable scenarios loving getting to see star platinum back in action and shusuke stand also has a great attacking sound ji Chang no mono da cunha master a huge shouldn'ta yeah I can get all the way on board with that man a magenta feel each other in the base of my spine G like a chicken cherry cola [Music] the et is one of the strangest I've ever seen I'm in or absolutely in or it's beautiful and had a fantastic song I'm in love with it Legolas stand on Oracle are tired are Iranian ganglia to stir all for one Oris kya has no slate O'Connell not on you that's person perspective each tooth aa vomit at all oh my knee was so she cannot get over shindaita in terms of a powerful ability for an enemy to have they just manage to take it next level well cuts the deal to you to cast under too young they just sign or the wait deal don't even watch it's good in the car driving away hand-drawn your reflection in the mirror also hand-drawn and then changing to a reflection of himself that's beautiful [Music] another unique stand or [Music] that's a really nice touch using what sounds to me like the same sound effect used when vanilla ice erase things with his stand Tim inaudible tells me a great deal about his character that he'd take damage in order to save this enemy from being killed and this tells me just about everything else I needed to know I like this dude a lot it kind of reminds me of Joseph when he was young give you could still go motion is or or Timmy it'll take you nothing god I hope he joins the crew full-time I love the voice actor in case you didn't know what win 53 was fought when I said knuckle that's the character he voiced in Hunter hunter such a nice guy in that animal over to like me Cujo he's so joining the crew knuckles joining the crew none because I always say it as a joke but also mix them with being a genuine wind but let's be honest this really is another unique stand it's freaking toy soldiers what's up Amy Dino the one stuff already took it off yep this is one of the coolest things I've ever seen get out of here with that [Music] another excellent stander Oh God in my eyes they're very much making it look my battles are being taken to a whole other level I'm just loving the entire vibe of them thus far I can't get over how awesome it is that they frequently changed the color styles it used to mean nothing to me but now I'm more like hah look his head's now white instead of brunt you know I still see - the more you look at look at this goddamned dust particles because the sun is shining through and the wall is broken yup didn't see that coming at all I can never figure out these paddles cuckoo needle buggers don't must admit I'm liking baby Aaron and why he brings - they're currently two main group [Music] what the bloody hell nothing ever or is you gonna do - you're gonna save a commodity you tilt it'll go yeah yeah he did or it is your do único yo Kenard he'll fleshed-out backstories about pretty much everyone is so pretty and butter for Jojo [Music] oh man I knew it was that I can't show up in the anime absolutely deserves a win for him saving his younger brother even after the threat of killing him if he didn't stand down this that Yatta Yatta sir I literally and I do mean literally said this in Japanese right before him just gonna be honest and tell you all I've got a huge smile on my face right now ha Joker all my ladies joining the crew my knuckle another unique but incredibly odd standoff like really weird isn't it [Laughter] [Music] this is such a weird spend no his healing ability just comes in handy like all the time what a great stand this glorious looking at it like it came right out of love is war on something ever in China increased his coolness level by 100% now he's gotta stand pretty much the same way mob does when he uses his power seriously a mob cycle 100 just when I think I've seen all of the weirdest and wildest stands they could ever be they go and have baby Aaron chance be like this Mitch supers are and just like that well I'm utterly clueless as to how he can win he goes and pulls that out of this hat like he's been using it stands for years it's clearly a fast learner old and up big yeah I officially like this kid a lot can't show everybody jams the damn pen into his eye his crew when we get moments like these I think stands are so very varied and abilities in Jojo that there's basically no end to them which is obviously great for a series which runs as long as this one has Ichigo connubial tokyo tomato reddit or kita it needs to get a standard scaler what it does no no come on you were actually having an enemy openly acknowledged this is an incredible way of cementing not only do power in the universe but also jotaro's many times anime can have someone super strong and then they'll just replace them in the next season to up the game much like Dragon Ball super to be honest and the way they handled Star Platinum's power and abilities is like a homogeneous strength ever enchant saving his buddy and believe it or not but they actually guessed it correctly for once super nice touch having him kick him when he gets up and we had the wood effect of the doll [Music] that is sooo damn cool no CT daddy told him I'm here that I uh multiple moving characters on screen this is even more clever she's just so insanely clever I love the moniker for coming up with all of this genius storytelling dude oh three throw years they're tossed Canyon and now coming together is one of my favorite parts of Jojo as an anime is the crew element everyone interacting and reacting to one another the dynamic is always expertly crafted through extensive character development oh my god it's a hair attacking related stand similar mean by seemingly infinite options in the future help if they keep back in the up of interesting characters using those stands inside a larger even more interesting overall story then they'll gain for the long run these two row bros hope and out the rather bro walls my damn heart oh dear Lord even I wouldn't be able to put up with this [Music] damn Aaron's voice actor is capable of so much impressive range do uncle the hussy own I don't think that was a very clever use of his Stan's abilities better chords good it is increasingly awesome to see how he fights someone with his self skills and abilities especially given that the last season essentially add all of the main heroes fighting with a tech related stands [Applause] this absolutely wouldn't be Jojo if a character wasn't the rating exactly what's happening on screen got a give mad props to the voice actress for this chick she's done a stunningly great job of this crazy woman those days are talking him saving her life despite everything she put him through is another great way to tell us just about everything we need to know about his character yeah I got this ending and in case you can't recall is because she tortured him when he got the answers wrong water drinking enjoyment sir new audiences okay much okay I like how they gave this guy and obviously one key Japanese voice since he's Italian [Music] I wish I could have shown the actual teeth thing but goodness me that was crazy first-person perspective fuss the added dark filter just really adds to the creepy tension it's pretty damn rare for an art style changing Jojo but I like this a lot that's a fantastic paint switch of an episode all based on the genuinely nice dude helping people with Stan's abilities the effects used on the stand are amazing it's really bright seeing the effect this news had on his friend given the death of his brother is a great reminder to us the viewer of what the coming battle means to him that's gonna ask you are you working up the sousou-dono Nina Moini turns the key chocolate sauce the street I actually can't take this build up to seeing him again they're playing with me they're toying with my feelings like they don't even care by the way I just want to make this clear this is a good twister okay but for once I genuinely figured it out when I first saw the bike that he was inside the bike and I'm so proud right now even though it was likely obvious to all of you [Music] at first I was poised to add a synonym anime since but now knowing that he's able to attack this freely a distance I definitely have no need to yeah okay god I handed to them yet again I thought all about the cables above them didn't occurred to me about the ones under the ground though whoa Joe this is great news but I did tackle this moment on anime since I may be checked out if you're interested in that means in general but also a breakdown of this event [Music] such a nice added touch to have him actually looking at his hand in the background at the same time so good to see him gonna say this a different way so be prepared a unique stand user not much to say but this is pretty cool man that's so clever and I'm so glad he switched on enough to his boys thought pattern that he could figure this out without any help [Music] my word those sound effects are awesome I think they've really stepped it up in part four to tell you oh oh I really know this is extra clever because rubber and electricity don't mix thank you eat great in science dug it in low or miss another failed on an epic end to this fantastic battle tank I owe you guns or [Laughter] snow City Genesis story Masada oh god I love how he's really trying his best to understand the situation we're giving his limited IQ he's kind of struggling to make a decision Terry Tom abundance more adept and aaaah oh yeah Temari Grail I absolutely cannot not give a win for this this is sad to see what I no tenia scum on the crazy diamante no Zima cool guy got it oh my god ah in Jamaica Turkey don't deal well literally all of us understand why and that's the main thing showing us flashback scenes to give us some closure oh my no way Theresa Oh God oh oh I remember years ago when he said Japanese coffee was terrible with any found out he was drinking American at least they think that was the same what is your now we're good - yeah my nan kajima zeona it's more incredibly sad but yeah [Music] stubbornness fondles going on I know you're scared for literally not taking him seriously but seeing him like this alerting to danger just like the old days absolutely warms my heart and it hurts even more knowing his time in this universe is coming to an end and I can feel it oh my god oh my god oh my god ooh you took it to purple okay I can die happily now this entire scene fundation Osasuna Takano torrid each day you're done oh and by the way the whole notion of him caring for a baby in front of his young son isn't lost on me it's very sweet actually [Music] this is so incredibly clever and animating around the stands must have been a nightmare so clever Jimmy no ghazini euros could stay to Ethiopia na na nichijou to singer to see jacket enormous kitty [Music] [Music] [Applause] that scene with that music playing and it being Joseph god damn take two wins the continuous effort to make the environments feel real such a talented voice actor got a state I again this transition is incredibly Jojo again corner height that's more yours your card about cone picking you told ok ah Tito system wha did that once again using tank from the era mother been posted a Google listen it's true oh wow it's a rare hot style change in the Jojo anime oh my god so do your mouth how many Kimmy touch your horn you Qaeda kiss you in your car got a date in there super nice touch having his eyes be deep because it's the surface of the book [Music] at first I thought this dude Stan seemed fairly useless but as is always the case it seemingly quite powerful with his building abilities whoa they're actually throwing a few hearts our changes are asked this episode an extreme variety and by the way what I'm talking about are style changes when referring to the kind of stuff we see in mops like a 100 and not when they changed the color palette and Jojo for example okay so I'm just going to throw down two wins for all of the references will be seeing two real-life in these stands names throughout Tokyo Nagoya quarterly noodle shibuya yoy mano is your marital money goes to stay keep on enjoying the fact that an evil kid like this can be so easily exposed with the stands like his toes no dude I got I just got a shout these two changes out Jesus this has to be the work of an enemy stand user known your tonight sir director that's Kyle these two posing in classic joe joestar poses and coming to the rescue of their boy yet again these sick has transitions my god they spend no damn expense and time and effort to make each episode look as glorious as humanly possible do they once again it absolutely wouldn't be a Jojo episode if someone was an outright in the rating out loud what's happening in front of them second opieop the season people this is not a drill so straight away I like the style and his ten billion percent bear because it's good Joseph here I also freaking love this moment with everyone together like I said in part one the crew element is one of my favorite things about Jojo every time the song is up my particular jamber you absolutely cannot deny the unbelievably smooth as butter style of animation and gorgeous editing completely stunning oh yeah super nice times having him go check the window they could have more than easily just had a still image of them at the door and save time [Music] oh now that's beautiful this happens in this episode oh wow he actually came back a soldier with Roose boy could she could Los Angeles hotel zeros this is cool it was actually something I was thinking about earlier on and thought might be a plot hole but I'm really glad they didn't make any mistake I know kicker source has an item in your mind you said some news didn't they once again this whole Stan's power must have been difficult for them to anime massive props as always to the amazing team this I don't understand what's happening right now but I like him a lot the fact that his love of his precious and consequently awesome hair won in that bowel dude they linked it to Stardust Crusaders [Music] man I love that music so much makes any scene instantly incredibly emotional dorkon Oh Daria cos you're done end Agatha or whatever no on you I'll call got it there when are you coming you out on your skin they are giving him a genuinely great reason to be so protective over the hairstyle Dobin is Amir Yoko yogi doe ponytail Sunni non-thermal Koo I googled it this is also very true very ill I see - Latoya I don't know Connie - Ziggy - so much elegance and Stalin part for me just like in Star those Crusaders I really enjoy the notion of having some animal stand users so that'll tell 90 still got really glad they took a moment to show him attempting to gain Joe Torre's attention picking your me to see math in this second or so that a journey it's the multi [Music] you got snowed oh no it's completely awesome getting to see these to take on the stand user oh my god he used to Waldo oh now this is just one of the most incredible freakin things I've ever seen in Jojo dear Lord I don't like seeing chitara get hurt but he's such a badass even when injured issuing orders to keep Josie on task and doing so while something exactly if I go in from attack on Titan there's a mega bonus it's great how they're also demonstrating both the incredible power of the world and also how I even still has limitations against a stand user with a ranged ability [Music] josuke and in this battle in such an epic fashion kawaii artists Anala Kasturi adore gonna be Sarah so CT there's always so many cheaper less aggravating less time-consuming ways they can adapt this anime but time and again they proved to be so dedicated and thus we get moments like these seriously such an amazing company kami although volcano Madoka Dutch is showing how cool Mario Chosun symbol look at it you can wonder of you John Oh y'all look at it Jamie Lee talaga telling you nothing dose a little naughty Monica nice tanto como como even though he was a nasty dude I'm forever pretty okay who have bad guys joining the good guys team even if it's just for a short Wallas it's very interesting to see how dynamics makes as well as stands working together potentially getting to see what his stand actually looks like also if anything so quick to attack someone which let's be honest is quite rare in Jojo his absolute credit he really tried to literally save him just now me tiny on idea now you start the you know you're this bait-and-switch seems to be something powerful is employing quite a lot since a fantastically great effect again and again we're so used to the Stardust Crusaders an earlier Jojo whereby every person is an enemy at least the vast majority of the time but he'll ready on episode 17 we've seen the Italian cook who was just a cook and on this girl who is similarly just a friendly ghost and I adore that then cook hey keno hottie might be Cassio Oh Jane toy you and I kiddo he's 32 kudos elevator linking this into the newspaper articles that baby Aaron Chan read and much earlier episode is genius okay let's go up this beautiful and trippy effect is wild this is unexpectedly intense [Music] yeah he's saved him this is exactly what I was talking about earlier it was his unique stand his poise and character that saved the day so he was very lucky to be there with him in the end each day turning in not I mean II totally do Connecticut a total honor well I just made me damn sad name I own a Changa mother Karen Augusta Creta Donna finding a cameo meets Keira my name is Sangha kobato Jenna oh my god has made me damn sad kimi no namae wa nan de taco marie de zanja yeah I've definitely seen this guy before in YouTube thumbnails and stuff so I'm guessing this is the main bad dude and I can't wait to see more of this [Music] a stand user [Applause] [Music] this could use of CGI 1/3 beaten switch I can already tell this kid and his understanding of things is gonna lead to some hilarious stuff going down beldar Kannada usual course none at all and as you call it over josuke continues to rise in my estimations all the time everyone's reactions to harvest do it in Fang this is such a weird episode but gosh - I love seeing their reactions to all of this they really use filters and additional effects to great effect I guess in this season Oh Oh color palette change everything yellow she's secure you stupid okay Mort on your mother's this quick thinking I don't think I could find such odd episodes there haven't much to do with the main story this interesting yes absolutely deserved okay I was enjoying this episode already but now it's way more interesting [Music] this is so clever and also looking crazy diamond well this is actually a thing this epic ass turnaround curve is a yokai rebus no guy must stick with the kawaii so neck ache in a fedora so Noah I must admit I'm really enjoying how they're consistently bringing back former enemies into this anime I think this is like the fourth time now whereas obviously am for good reason stardust crusaders the majority of the time had the heroes defeat their foes and move on other than a lost me a new stand or its attitude well I can't show pretty much anything happening right now but it's pretty okay yeah Joseph is Bank I'm gonna have to wait ages to see him again great study creo love the lads all willing to help one another out this shocking reveal and also the awesome panning shots almost under there it goes more milky let's get it muginami anion you stick it outside cool guys you know go diddle get all the music the entire scene his statement have been willing to lose his sight if he chooses the wrong face because he's now in love with her that's some super intense stuff and I love it Melanie anarchistic own you know your new comedy I guess once again this absolutely counts as a bait and switch of sorts she's not a bad woman she's definitely got old methods but she's not an enemy the frame that this dude is so casual about the whole seven hand thing makes for a pretty cool villain introduction not in a bad a poem or yellow cape and a hey this guy's freaking weird this music fits insanely well yeah hey boys hang there hi Hayek's hunting me Gazi Richmond how these weren't these characters paths crossing so well thought it more kids about as any person a pudding or how best under them this entire scene with its multiple changing perspectives intense music and sound effects and how good of a job they're doing pushing this dude is a villain okay so I'm positive he's gonna make it away with the hands before it's seen but goodness me if they are working super diligently to make me think otherwise also I've gotta say I'm enjoying the bad guy actually being forced to sneak around and almost get caught by the heroes first it Kamiya connect about the Titanic old audio could they pay so sorry bad oh I also go shout out this dude to tune it's really cool fits his characters vibe perfectly so far so stick causal sir mammal what I store and as you know your calm or they do no cup that's cool this dude also did the voice with Dante from Devil May Cry which I literally just got finished sinning it's got a great voice for both characters to be honest Oh God he also voiced the original Griffith in berserk oh come on now take another word for that that's insane I freaking love the anime vote a suet na no kokoro no hey mo negative sterling NPO Koto's head smashed a donut io catchy mechanical artery oh this guy looks really powerful gotta be careful how much I show you but oh my god also unique stand is incredibly unique great design on there as well oh my god this is so intensely actually managed to make an escape attempt this is insane [Music] just chuck it out wins now once again they use this damn music and his speech is so damn heartfelt in his love for his parents and wanting to protect them and the way he describes it so simplistically is beautiful good there's really something emotional about someone being desperately in need but unable to find assistance in times like these I don't know what it is but it makes it so much worse having helped just be fleeting when you need it most and it's just out of reach [Music] okay I really thought he was gonna make it man so damn sad I know he was irritating in his greed and that but ultimately he was a kid who wanted to protect his parents from this monster he came across and then failed at the very end and that's worth a heavy win right at the end he still managed to spend his last remaining power to do this [Applause] [Music] at the cinema ocarina now they needed don't know who they could afford Anika everyone turning up for this moment at this point in time Yasuda iron ingot a demonic aura harvest alleged ticket dick telecom shooter Jotaro being intelligent no non communicable disease odd CTO pursue energy his own way of showing his feelings about the loss of his friend Joshua or me Cindy could Olga castaño choice you must show who it's any good at the oh my neck I adore how they've brought these two into the mix even if it's just for a short time it's a real first for a season of Jojo as far as I can tell [Applause] and there it is the official death notification been a long time since we've had one also man they do such a great job of building the villains character through scenes like these scenery shot by the way this is one such scene I was referring to it we see a strangely affectionate side to him for these extremities the ammonal took coordinator for discuss pretty cool how his wardrobe is slightly changed don't ever recall that happening in stardust cured skill KOICA sade just over choo choooo is always so cool really enjoying sitting is to interact with each other one-on-one haven't seen that yet [Music] Wow it's office before Allah for this season [Music] double wow this one definitely put the first one to shame auntie you so Wilder at the same time crew boat okay oh I'm so finding this particular soundtrack right now and commenting under it your boy is here as always [Music] having the enemy possess a stand power this strong and unique [Music] [Music] Iman oh bugger huh - an engine to me j-hope this is not the West and ever it's still coming you know coming here both who got me could be coke I stay ever in baby term regaining his confidence and his badass confidence related look as well yep I called it pretty much what I came up with I think I'm getting better at this slowly just saying what everyone is desperately shouting oh this all day every Chang growing as a character and the fact that Stan's continued to grow in this part 400 genuinely so great to see this guy struggling now against a stand Oh summer [Music] can't show it but his money bond his fingers off she's the kind of jeans they all could he tell you couldn't kid are you asking her how are you not dissimilar do consistently learning more about his character is pretty new for Jojo as usually the villains are pretty simplistic other than do of course if we follow it for so long what does that your theater song do sir so y'all can opt on this I like how they're making it so this stand can speak back to him I can't recall but I think that may also potentially be a first no I had no idea I could enjoyed it so damn much but here they are face to face and I can't control my excitement are you the ones I used to come off with on you hate dinner yeah it's in a chimp oh is it dr. Wong as your dumb little more too young at 30 and super casually they yet again reveal more information about him and that he is clearly OCD like me Joe Pesci no it's great am i how they be eautifully times his mannerisms and what he was saying with his sudden attack and that amazing music with us you're meaner a mic man this guy is insanely awful but seriously what a great time villain am i right [Music] him being sneaking and learning his name in his reaction to it is yet again so telling of his character in that he values his privacy and insanely I amount spoken ox it company Nam I got para testing of Thunder Bay guy you spoke in a bikini him showing so much courage in the face of such evil and danger Cristo denies the Hadean area jibon Dakini neuron O'Connor another great example showcasing his OCD I can't even take this anymore I don't even know what to do with myself Jotaro is still ok and he's up in a bow and he's saved him Jotaro still is tough as titanium nails and again I love how his stand and himself were treated by the story at large was so much respect this-this-this degree Hayaku doctor at origami Tomoko system unicorn orange yes yes I'm so glad this was picked up on so quickly how can any normal student heal them up this is outstanding jóska so it's our Toyota McCotter could have buckled under them scrub or kissed a blue corner right now guys and gals I am so so happy that jotaro's okay I'm actually as happy right now as I was during Stardust Crusaders when Joseph was brought back by Jotaro I love feeling this way makes me feel so connected to the characters yeah I could feel no still feel I thought the last thing was clever and then he did this thing and now I'm just an utter adoration of Jos game is awesome brained but the very end to this absolutely incredible episode and the notion that the villain has now changed his face and this once again completely unknown to the crew getting this first look at what the newly faced Kyra is up to annoy annoy ah well that's completely grossed me out thanks for that Jojo [Music] classic because just like that a pretty chilled out scene gets turned all the way up on the old intensity meter and it's chewy mmm I know you're new you cousin Yee Thomas you know I need a key to an update sweetie to tickle to the heart you to see this beauty of a panning shot huh I was just about to send them for not hearing all of the commotion and here they go wandering in well played Oh I don't know what's going on but I like it a lot Boyd sadaqa comment a little bit story docking is today by Kokomo ok I didn't see the solution coming 100 miles off and I'm confident Lee guessing none of you did as well did you I swear Jojo just gets weirder and weirder but honestly that's what keeps it so endlessly entertaining or at least one of the many things I should say she was cool souvenirs oh yes this is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure it's so good do that you another time she caught me alright okay no cuz no standard sky you out tomato Attica coated ever got that Oh actually yeah this now makes a ton of sense wow I'm glad they put that out there into the law another great team review getting to see even more what Kiera is doing this is wild the cat's instant reaction to the intruder yeah so beauty bug very deep or a gorgeous through my hands good night a uni this together even though I hate this dude I don't know if love seeing stand users put one over on non stand users you killed you or stood up to walk on you dunzo couldn't what it's against to you can wash it in Adi a must there and now we continue to see the varied mix of characters interacting with each other expand as my man Joseph seems to brief me at least team up with manga boy I adore this aspect of his personality this is now twice that he's immediately attacked first before asking questions no idea who this kid is and he's obviously a stand user or going to be soon but he's very much injecting a lot of humorous reroll into this final episode of part two I didn't expect that at all another original set or seriously he does think very quickly on his feet once again acted fast to win the battle and he gets major props for that because most anime just don't have characters acting this way this is a nice touch because I noticed he was there in the background a couple of minutes ago before they revealed it how they edit this into an epic looking matchup when is actually rock-paper-scissors Oh what the hell I don't even know but what the hell I love it he won manga style it's like if annoying you us you know you tell us so lost under our chaos to denial and once again was shown how a stand user can come around to the good guys way of living or at least I hope that's what happens but sadly I know I have to wait a couple of weeks before I can start the third and final part I'll also drop another win for how he won the battle with his own changing character and subsequent luck and how fantastic the entire scene looked this dude is different and he's also a straight-up elf out the Lord of the Rings and I dig that in many ways also another win for the deceiving appearance this dude looked hardcore and then when he gets hurt he comes out with a sweetheart voice reaction like that it uh dudes it's a new opium to be quite frank I'm terrified I'm gonna miss something and get yelled at so very gingerly I'll say it's as always got sick ass visuals and an awesome song which nicely fits the theme and here the anime is set in but then when we get to this point I think it's really nice they showcased to us then they'll deceased and users we've met along the way plus the ghost girl and ghosty dog did I do good do you be more soul Costa mom are you sure Thor 31 or dog-walker firstly for keeping me ever curious about his character since we see his nails grow incredibly quickly but aren't sure exactly why just yet secondly because once again I have to shout out how awesome of a villain this guy is and how psyched I am again that it's quiver from the original berserk voicing him he's got such a great voice oh and just an interesting fact about Roja and is actually voiced by the guy who is now doing the voice of Griffith in berserk kawaii skinny nah whoa hold the phone and push back my 11 o'clock because color me intrigued please go I love his character so much Oh bless you knuckle for being in this war GQ this cop what the hell did they just take this intergalactic gotta say I love this view where it shows off all of their faces at the same time I'll be it's a little confusing to my brain [Music] their reaction but I should know for sure mother done soon yeah you must then we'll MIT supposed to Shui Master oh my god I think they call it's galactic show the new home optimus nah Zack you noticed Chateau Co Kanto you cut all that god damn I love this new character already he's so interesting like for real the most interesting side character so far and this season is full of them in my eyes what a chanela Luke Nikita kazoo uncie taurima's nan lian how could you docksiders this is just straight-up insane we've never seen anything like this before then again cars was out of this world remember seriously he's unique as well nein nein Yakuza rocks hmm it's guy's hilarious in the pasture that wrongly sent this moment but thank goodness I now know about Stan - talking [Applause] well this is just absolutely outstanding [Music] Corrigan miracle Jerry's case test is actually super clever Nanako Kiera no Jordan what's condom okay oh yeah get on here Oh number two I love that they're doing this in part for choosing their I must say whatever Jojo takes a rare breed though it's always just as interesting to me as the usual episodes they did this sometimes in Stardust Crusaders between stand battles and I always loved it I still do here hi oh come on Korsak are you in cuz he ever since courtesy but I've always found it funny when characters an anime speak over one another in on you pseudo veteran Scott keen or circle psycho Tony meet Sameera TD his face is a nervous work of art oh my god this guy's back healthy use your paws into Matawai own zoom ano this auto it guides the service take us mo means it's just incredibly an unexpectedly intense this transition oh no this is unexpectedly insanely intense times - not gonna lie that's a little bit creepy but color be intrigued indeed my dad even though you too gene that okay he doesn't like Erica parent and I just shown that kanojo pocus in those day let's go that omoide comma stay on this even though it's so much tougher they hand animate the bus like a bunch of legends you know I haven't done it before so I should really shout out these landmark moments they've done eight now and I didn't really think about them but they really do out the world-building in much the same way as the outbreaks do in the tech on time eats the more you coconuts you know oh my no your nose thoughts King uh kamaboko obscure body Sudan okay not only is this clever because it at least temporarily gives them time to investigate this alone but also aids in character building since most character building is usually based upon getting over the bad times together yep I'm out no honey are on you neither are you talking about casa da da da see I knew he'd come back and help out this is what I was talking about in terms of overcoming adversity in order to grow together north on the bike shop by cutting up this comment made me remove a signal animations yeah you guys know it's coming come on now say with me in the comments 3 2 1 another unique son door oh the first of pop3 yes love this little added affection and his bones and veins and stuff Tasker correct [Music] she's dying oka they straight up kill it with these moments in terms of building intensity and excitement and the music my word Jojo has some of the best tunes that's my dude tell me that didn't just so loud the guy from the SCP game that follows you forever once he locks onto you man that was the key inspired by the manga back in the day coach Dale do you know reshot mouth is absolutely incredible freakin moment the most natural way to answer a phone classic Jojo first-person perspective [Music] [Applause] [Music] come do you wanna how are they making this so intense non-stop [Music] shoving his bike on the hospital lawn for some reason oh there's no way that's my dad win [Music] this is insane if only Lily seen that dude and quite frankly these ladies oh my gr13 uh yeah all right by now you all know about me you know I didn't have a clue how it down that one didn't you didn't you did you get it no I don't know tell me did you [Music] we're eating him up in order to beat the hell out of him and what a fantastic enter this part of story so yeah so I got a cube another I thought I see pan fill height about going on this view tsunami knee she don't say konichiwa I know I thought you know somepony but the entire end to this episode including the important information about dog walking coddle of this anime so much turkey so like go straight - yes I said if I you know huh this woman is crazy yeah just sort of an Okanagan between the rain and the lightning Jojo is once again cracking out some awesome looking weather effects Coco Arbuckle de miel well this is different and really weird now the Coconino kana we are near to carry Wow hilarious cat thoughts an excellent narration including the addition of inner monologue meows [Music] how they made it look like a cat's body is an amazing attention to detail especially since a lot of people might not even notice it here yeah how do you do this one actually be a first potentially whereby we get to witness an enemy the main villain in fact take on an unrelated foe to the main group and I like that korekiyo you're skinny you're thirsty No Osaka Kyoto municipal de mogi necessary new character growth for the main villain of the story minion okay combining just you you want to cook yourself to the door this is true but you know don't do it thinking of this destruction for the last time apart for it really wouldn't be Jojo about someone the rating out that what's happening right in front of them the kid who might Brutus who thought was a girl acting quick and covering his tricks like a smart little dude he had a more kuma tuna kudo our children Joe Joseph and yes him being back in it again there's a wind even though it's without a doubt more hassle they show the clouds passing through the holes on the photos edge this card returning since he's very cool and him randomly game bashful at their comments hey so bizarre and no pun intended there my love it must give it up to them for the level of detail on that pylon it's insane super enjoying how they're featuring multiple characters experiencing multiple different events in different areas don't think they've done that before now to say that I'm intrigued by the fact that they've run into multiple new people and that they just keep cutting away to another event before I can find out what's happening would be a gross understatement the alerts don't cut away and tell me what's going on honey terminator sorting stand in this you okay this is brilliant not only did I forget about him being there but then his rescue and how he did it so calmly and everything and I love this dude he's amazing and he's an alien did you know that sorry oh I thought she that dorm updater you're this girl sorry more much you guys don't we must break just be cool another win for the end of this amazing episode he's attacking first again it's a stove it's so original for an anime I love it it gets a win every damn time Junkin cuz i'll not talking oh dear Morgana and then no time it Konoha new equality there you know it okay of course now he was smart enough to write this in after what happened with the kid is seriously and I do mean seriously great writing because there would be something I'll have mentioned right away on the other channel less the monkey was hard for real Genie Sinead across a virtue say no naka no yo mulatto boy ba kick go hero so lush this guy is just amazing what's an amazing personality and character oh my I noticed someone as great to hero as the old Balian is this guy is also original in my mind since he's clearly been trying to actually not kill these guys in fact he even specifically mentioned healing herbs in the nearby garden to heal their wounds and that's definitely unique for an enemy in this anime i in such the could have a little yield I washed it she looks good of us really cool such a tweetable can't show a but josuke winning this battle in epic style this change of character yet again totally unexpected in the honesty not sure why is hanging out with him bow assume it's a nice reason and I liked our whole lot what this that's a tie that now he's just desperate to see his back and quite frankly so am I now [Music] this just got real one unbelievably great last few episodes they just blow me away with this one and the last two especially with the slow build-up and look at that classic Joe Joe stell pose right there get your chair he can also take a win here for yet again having a former enemy team up with them for even a short amount of time loving that their season this happens and this enemy actually seems genuinely concerned for jerski which is wild again absolutely cannot show it by his back opened up but he seemingly died after his back we're saying that it's crazy and what the hell is going on another stance so soon oh my goodness Sonny you serious y'all know you took up more in they didn't have to but they went the extra mile I'll actually put pictures and writing on the paper he's looking through oh my word you wouldn't you stand up go get further expanding the world by having another stand that operates of its own accord although this one goes even further by being completely independent as it were kind of anyway the incredible art style change which is a big park there's new stands abilities juice keys showing even boys the incredible character and his absolute resolved when it comes to his friends and I like the reaction from the former biker gang member to this as well I'm guessing is perhaps a reaction based on maybe never having a friend who would go that far for him Kirito your corner much the Castillo cannot cat dude another bait-and-switch pop for Jojo will forever go down in my mind that's one of the greatest well actually for me right now all but the greatest and a big part of that is seeing the ever-expanding crew it's just impossible for it to feel stale because of stuff like this yeah chocolate you cut it together always great to see previously seemingly unbeatable enemy stands go up against new enemy stands DS our thanks after that masterful build-up it's all going to a badly for the heroes but Jesus if this stand doesn't just look amazing in its abilities and what an outstanding scene oh this is just disgustingly amazingly great makes me sick to my stomach how awesome par fours god damn took three baby Aaron jump three threes the end to this epic episode and battle humanity that all came near thought more dick stick clever casters kisi o crew but definitely fitting in I was actually thinking to myself that idiot filler be weird for him to have a Redemption and join them in the future so this was a great way to end of story who never notice the changes they made near the end of the IDI in what was a previously Blanc tunnel in the very early episodes [Music] though I feel it's extremely out of character to not believe him and this was represented on the since version I do enjoy seeing him getting super fired up right now nice touch having these two in the scene after they showed up in Jota Rose paperwork during episode 33 keynote almost huzzah you are you know kept on using his standing gets more ingenious ways that I can get through this insane situation well at least he went and did that much still think it was out of character for both him and the accusation against rohan but yeah glad he saved him here oh it's good Hugh I just took a little toss the book on doors to see definitely called sure it but his back was coming upon you and everything oh my god I forgot about this I'm a kite I do that was brilliant but upon seeing her in sir bells and Steen again once again can't sherbets epic music thing was perfectly timed beforehand and then he exploded the dude [Music] today this amazing turn of offences is faked life is finally starting to catch up to him this check out the shadow nice touch [Music] extremely careful while I'm showing not sure why they had a fully naked scene but a great scene all the same just just wish several towns were involved soak a hoarder watch your and a little bit on the shore having her actively participate in finding her killer was a great idea [Music] oh man no way no way is he gone something's up combi intrigued boys this is different it's not touching your Bakugan oku keiichi staccato Kapoeta judaism Boqueria maman you told us gotta take in I thought I genuinely have the single clue what's happening right now but rest assured I'm loving every minute of it in fact this is probably a good time to tell you I've made my way through both scripts in just two days I found loads of time to watch it and whenever I'm truly enjoying what I'm writing about I get it done quick and hopefully to a high quality once again I want to thank all of you so much for watching and supporting these videos it means the world to me seen your kind comments and such as always if you want to ensure golden wind gets made I could use all of the picture and support in the world right now since I've lost several large donors in the last couple of months so if you have any spare funds or with hate to see anime winds go away please consider pledging and now let's get back to episode day 5 [Music] epic hairstyle change what happened yeah your buddy buckle coral sticker corals what does you know him it's always the Karaka he definitely dropping away for his newfound confidence even happily spoiling his old name to the boy Jimmy cause you da hai otaku dye your neck another new outfit dude that's unheard of also for the team finally meeting up with this boy at long last must walk out of it together I just can't take this anymore what just happened is Rohan okay god damn and how they played out what was maybe but hopefully not his final moments was yet another work of art that's view did our Queen bite dust up a you and ebony Dido techno artists Yamamoto decorated remember dude great season and now with strange ability it's time to make a lot more sense starting at she'd our queen bites a dust by your dad anymore Sabrina this is insane how the hell are they going to be able to fight against a power like this even Jotaro doesn't have something this powerful or I don't know it's hard to quantify their time-related abilities really ok I'm dropping 2 wins for the changing Edie is I'm deeply impressed by how many of the characters we've met are now a part of it so big shout out to all of the changes as we near the end I like how they included this element to him in that he knows this stranger this murderer is not his dad and thus is now trying to keep his mother away from him that was a good addition Ichigo oh man ok car car Dino you know you oh that's just unreal you lot must be so happy that I actually watched this Opie and saw this change to the opening normally I skip them in order to crack on with writing but people on my discord won't meet without spoilers to watch the last few episodes Opie's for a change so thanks very much to them if you'd like to join you can use the clickable link in the description to actually you know what David Productions is so awesome and they change so much they can go ahead and take a second extremely rare win for the opaque corrugated or have millions now bucks you sort of don't go to more Kim but such take her case I get it are you okay Donna oh god no this is awful I assumed he would now be safe [Music] [Applause] seriously having Jotaro being in the scene as stunts become a clear win in my eyes he's so cool I'm guessing this is maybe the death notification done in another form no no II can only part four has become the master of all of Jojo in terms of expertly building genuine tension in his episodes not only is it backed up by one of the best musical scores of the entire anime but it's now edited to a degree that I would consider next level as well your touch turn 90 gosh someone started acquittal so did you take on as equal to tomorrow Jotaro is so amazing he's slowly figuring out this puzzle as well I adore how stoichea is just watching and towering over the crew observing silently he's amazing and quickly becoming a favour of mine the reaction to see nearly me standing out this what the heck happens now [Music] obviously there's no way in hell they're all dead I can confidently say that but all the same it's an epic scene as we're forced to watch our heroes be killed and now this amazing sad music plays the boat my gosh Tina go see if I'm caught up cause tonight pocket alright kid I'm on board now let's go do this I really enjoy stuff like Groundhog Day where the day is repeating over and over again also like edge of tomorrow so I dig this so do that so I can die once again this tension build up is absolutely insane I don't even anymore how can they win I don't know I can't figure out it's all too much for my head than their hurts but I'm captive a beyond belief and must begin episode 37 right away [Music] this kid figuring out how to do this [Music] sometta I'll make us a knock on your hide Rotom being safe yes there may be so damn sad before it's an extreme rarity in previous seasons of Jojo but actually seeing multiple main characters take on an enemy together is awesome to see in all honesty it kind of bugged me and starters how they'd stand around waiting for someone else to finish writing the news to us think I could email juice them disappear not be the end of knuckle that's all I can say I'm gonna need josuke to go right on ahead and heal em up now thank god this kid is here and has been paying so much attention to his fake dad in the current situation oh this moment what a brave little kids risk his life like that she's no knock on the door just game much like joy Toro is seemingly a bloody tactical genius oh man please tell me that it's not real and that he's not really dead but it definitely seems that way right now god damn well that's no kokoro no hear when you talk their modem also radio pick it up to know what's your title day or night for the final time of this season I'm giving one last win one last time for the story praising jotaro's incredible abilities and strength rather than just trying to look past him [Music] no not really just messing around oh gosh god damn just what I was afraid of and that's so sad he was my favorite side character in the season yeah that'll make you stop this terrible situation they find themselves in and now with Joe skate badly injured and his attack failed the monkey who continues to do his most excellent job of filling us full of worry and desperately trying to figure out how he's going to make it out of this oh my god that's freakin amazing for someone though Reese like genuinely for he was burning a simple phone in his pocket naturally I now feel so dumb is beyond belief but anyway that was great totally forgot about his nasty head Joe skill some method of sucking immediate aid [Music] that was unreal epic severely injured jojo pose is incredibly epic dropping a first win here for this entire scene I did think it would be really anti climactic if it ended with the second piece of rubble to his back [Music] secondly for placing a bait-and-switch during the final battle involving yet another piece of the puzzle I'd forgotten about is amazing are you kidding me right now the fact that he's still alive or in awesome down you can out under or a war on you can you think it we are dare sister Alana QR oh my want him erupt day in day or or clear sir it's like you came here under all my dart in our now it's beyond beautiful [Music] warping out dangerous kitty-chan [Music] stardust crusaders music this is no drill call him up you made it Kona water smell the world okay [Music] [Music] [Music] and for the end to this battle that I literally wished for just now before he even thought he had made it back one hour into the past I wished and hoped that we were getting ending we're in an awesome fashion we both got an epic finish to the battle and got to see such an amazing hero like Joe Teru use his the world one more time to get the win and I have not been disappointed whatsoever they can take an extremely rare two wins right here yeah Tokio Lucas I cannot show the moment of impact but this final amazing attack and he added extra earlier and time has begun to move again such a nice touch you know what boys and few girls I like this end to him it means none of them had to be murderous as well although I can't recall if Jotaro had actually killed someone or not in Stardust I will admit it's also kind of ironic that a man who thought fate was forever on his side got ran over by an ambulance coming to help him not Papa doe it's Nina Coyotes john acardo kiddo boku no papa hi it's a Nakuru Sarita genuinely great touch having this moment occurred because his poor father was almost forgotten about glad they didn't make that mistake he'll push the corner basura fully Morita way can I talk are you by sojourn I don't know man he's so annoyingly smart a completely beautiful end to his horrible nasty character an amazing character all the same like the best villain so far in my eyes because of how fleshed out he was but a truly great and fitting end and hey you know what take an extra win for the monocot having a dog be such an important part saving his owners life in the afterlife god I love dogs so much makes me really sad actually [Music] for the last time this gorgeous and painstakingly put together scenery shot cut by oh sorry but I got a hole see wait till sabe cereal in the air enforcing some honestly out oven man if that isn't evidence of lovely character growth I don't know what is or me ocarina keymaster getting to see everyone from the story back together again the mission finally completed this is so emotional so well done take two again this final stunning and wonderful farewell oh come on material oh come on bugger cutta cutta a video and now they add this which just attaches lovely on to what I mentioned it win number 528 they lost his father and she lost her husband no he has to process this and it's just done so well she gets you cannot kazakh Muskoka Chiron or doormats not at all Hideyoshi Coggan oh sorry Thomas Samia cured I know Kyrie or Kazakhstan korekara Watts Tom what's an incredibly sad sentiment and one that once again I'm so happy there bring it up as it's really important in my eyes Jim Giotto when I'm not your son disunity monocot door this cocina I am so very very happy that these two survived through to the end of this season I really convinced myself that they would both die so naturally I'm over the bloody moon a year to go to musica tell you wanna watch you know I'll come on over one loss is she normal Teeter to you but although I also don't know how he came to be so with it again compared to when he first arrived in Port but I don't hate it one iota [Music] they're amazing final goodbyes to one another that made me genuinely smile from ear to ear in fact I like to believe they may be took him to the chef and his stands power may be fixing bits and pieces in him I don't know just a nice theory maybe poor man or Gotama how I got using nuclear human on my mother kick your courage or something your stop explaining what's happened with the baby before the very end as I had wondered if they'd actually address why it happened with trying to find the mother and such Kujo Jotaro Zola audio tonal how they to Nisha Peter Stoffer Judy taro is a doctor seeing that these two are happy together after everything that had happened also for them keeping the plank act who now seems very happy everyone else's stories coming to a final close money shot too much you know lammeter what should I this fool Hardy Boys Shania knew almost overseer even after everything they went through in that tense battle he still visits him and spends time with him so he's not alone [Music] final epic jojo pose and the final epic moments of the anime well there you have it guys and gals I'm so happy I got to say that I loved it so much once again I'm really hoping to do golden wind so please if you can spare anything and you want to support the channel it'd be great if you pledge whatever you can afford over on my patreon the link to which is down below you can also find my Twitter down there in the link to our discord thanks to each and every single one of you so much for watching i partly make this series for myself but i definitely do it mostly for you and all kind words and when i see how much you love the videos thanks again for watching i hope to see you and whatever comes next and hopefully in the near future in golden wind itself see you next time [Music] rious poly bar even white is a little devil on a suit on Chris Harris illness now another source a terminal old buddy salt sentiment I'm Jeff a sixty to sixty Silva musta tank boogie and DeMuth a Aurora Kevin Alton Sofia Brendon Korea 4917 spirits minute mister what will 64 the able Krakens constables with a building samox Kevin see um yeah um yeah crimson shadows for you each other 6-2 6-3
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 1,717,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime wins, animewins, anime, wins, everything great about, ega, jojo, diamond is unbreakable, everything great about jojo, everything right with jojo, everything great about diamond is unbreakable, jojo wins, diamond is unbreakable wins, everything great about jojos bizarre adventure, everything right with jojos bizarre adventure, anime wins jojo, animewins jojo, cinema wins, cinemawins, cinema wins parody, diamond is unbreakable best, diamond is unbreakable top
Id: qeW566F2w1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 31sec (5731 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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