Everything GREAT About: Chainsaw Man

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you guys and girls know the drill's still really looking for help on the channel you've been fantastic so I'd ask you to keep it up hit the Subscribe button ring the bell give the video like and a comment and that'd mean the world to me thanks so much and I hope you enjoy easily the best looking first person shot in an anime check out chainsaw man with those internal details that too is looking almost photo realistic always a big fan of attention to details such as the shadow effects on his shoe and jacket foreign shots photo realistic Eternal shots another view of the city from a distance looking like a real place let me compliment you with a win erchief amazing Abyss oh you can so tell the same guys and gals who made Jiu Jitsu Kaiser made this same excellent attention to detail on the creatures [Music] so this is a shame what's a shame I hear you shout at your phone or TV the shame is that I can only give a Max two wins but I'm going to say this that's the single best op I've seen in over 5 000 episodes watched check my anime list page if you don't believe me that was Bloody fantastic top tier animation start to finish a metric ton of movie references and one of the best songs I've seen and this end part one of the most addictive well done scenes in an OP of all time I'll play it and then issue the double win had softer mapper for this wow foreign how insane is it that this young lad got the role for this character he's voiced one other anime and yet clearly they heard something in him fits the character like a glove and sounds perfect World cast two wins here firstly it's easy to forget but someone had to design the scene and it looks great secondly I find it hard to describe but always been a fan of characters at the bottom working up like Grand Theft Auto Elder Scrolls and you start in debt or as a prisoner with no money and work up it's awesome like here I'd be going out in the limb here but if Mark one anime for animation in my eyes in fact it's pretty neck and neck for me right now because even the CGI car looks incredible compared to the usual standard over the past couple years from all other Studios foreign how do I do it I wrote what I wrote for win number 11 and then this happens he really is on the bottom rug and I love it I'm so good got really aggressive there is being nice to pet Devils is always a win foreign foreign [Music] here I gotta say s I must say I'm such a fan of dark anime and this right here hit a real note with me I just like gritty stuff as I've gotten older I guess don't get me wrong I love iruma and stuff but yeah this got that dark in this I enjoy also take one here for giving us a bit of a better understanding of his past and how he got to be in the position that he's in oh come on [Music] [Music] this tells me pretty much everything I need to know about him he wanted to not be alone anymore didn't even care if it was a devil that pretty much wanted to hurt him originally or at least defend itself or whatever he's a good lad oh I can't praise everything but look at that gorgeously smooth animation 40 frames from the turnover in bed we got you fam what a bunch of hard-working absolute Legends most anime keeps the viewing angles pretty limited and reasonable I guess due to the budget or the manga or whatever they're adapting from having limitations but these are wild all over the place keeps you on your toes foreign very early on plot twist that has the added benefit of doing two things firstly it makes me nervous I didn't like seeing him getting jabbed in the back by that guy and the devil pups to two made me angry and it adds to the story and lore that's slowly building by giving an out to this kind of daily life for him foreign [Music] they do a good job of slowly fleshing out the world helping us to understand easier about what kinds of devils there are how they work and such any anime that has zombies in it is pretty sick they're hard to animate and in this one looks sick laughs one really great thing here is that he didn't turn into Superman as soon as he was attacked he's reacted in an insanely realistic way peppered in with his personality and that he didn't hesitate to take pochito with him and his only thought was of quickly trying to escape together and that's real and insanely wholesome [Music] first of all great voice acting with that near breathless scream but also it really makes you feel for him he's had such a rough childhood and now he laments that he can't even grasp at a normal life instead this has to happen [Applause] very clever to see this side to the pupster dreaming of better times I suppose but also I find it clever how there are other uses for the chainsaw outside of devil hunting where they work together like a real loving team s oh man I don't like where this is going I only just started to really like this land and then he says this making me think he's been taken out and it'll be Vegeta taking over his body ah my God how can you not drop a win for that the reforming scene had some stunning animation on it monster take a tentative like not sure if he's going to still be alive properly or not yet but loving hearing her talk for the first time it's great foreign [Music] opposite of what I thought ended up happening I think he's okay but she's kind of gone I guess I'm glad he's all right but not happy about her oh man why are you gonna do me like this take my win and shut it [Music] can really hear in the music the vibes from a silent voice and devil man cry baby dude does some great work what a sick transformation fantastic voice acting from that devil it's like Japanese voice actors taking their role so seriously he jumped himself in the eye for this moment plus the animation on that counter-attack was great too lots of impact what did I just say about impact Stalin editing why is that destroying this scene loving that continuous motion shot as well where it doesn't cut away barely a few of you called it in the community tab about me editing around the violence and you were spot on but have to say him taking out the zombie creating devil was awesome and even if it was CGI for a lot of it it was really good looking CGI all the same thank you that entrance though what a beautiful moment and not just because of the Flawless looking transformation [Music] first of a few Kawaii [Music] oh such a nice touch right there [Music] very simple for STD purely getting the win for the banging tunage in poetically finding himself in much the same position as he was just in the day beforehand foreign [Music] [Music] children Titan and Thor thank you ah take a win for making me deeply small at that moment hearing his best friend is still alive inside him yes genuinely proper tasty looking food um [Music] this was both funny and well animated loved his little paws to correct his line that he could feed himself definitely wanted to opt for this option instead monkey muscle type of subscribe she might be missing but I like where this is going all the same and you can't stop this train now baby also bless his heart for being confused for a moment and not realizing that that's his name Are You Gonna Keep on throwing these highly detailed shots at me [Music] okay so three wins here so bear with me firstly I like his character design and their designs in general super clean looking and unique very nice foreign thirdly I love the realism that he fell to the floor but then actually stayed there till she came and said this to him normally it'd be funny as he's dragged out but here there's some level of realism and that rocks foreign foreign I've really got a heavily praise the characters thus far they're seemingly very grounded in realism they're not instant best buds they don't just acquiesce to each other that's very unique thus far laughs foreign [Music] of the blue in a very very long time like I just did the fighting back element is what I like but also the animation on that fighting back and the fact that he went for the crown jewels again and he didn't see it coming again foreign [Laughter] just like at the start of the episode his brutal new reality now comes into Focus which also helps Aid character growth as far as Aki is concerned as he now has no choice but to accept him even here you can tell mapper is great at building a living breathing world really nailing the comedic timing in this one thus far absolutely spot on every time today seeing this makes me both happy and sad for him at the same time happy he's getting to eat what he wanted all along and sad that this little thing makes him this happy in the first place oh foreign [Music] and all of episode two start building those characters among some action and now they start law dropping lovely foreign foreign organization we swing back to effortless character background that's some tasty pacing right there I liked this moment for two reasons firstly because as mentioned before he's not just getting spoken to and changing his entire approach to this he's sticking to his guns at least for now and secondly because it's a double whammy of a comment split between being kind of sad on the surface but also a hidden message for Aki it may be that he could be friends with the devil meaning friends with denji which is kind of eye-opening well he's definitely a unique character isn't he moves I love how this isn't a joke this is a very serious thought pattern for him as a character he is yes what an introduction secondly Julian Cujo from JoJo Star Ocean thirdly Mega Kawaii my guy was totally won over by the chesticles we really aren't the same guy [Music] how comes there's so many unique characters in this anime so far what's going on [Music] I know I already win her for being in JoJo but let's be real she's such a great voice actress also fairly new on the scene yet putting out performances like this she fits the raw so nicely sounds Mega q and entirely different to Jolene foreign [Laughter] [Music] lovely first proper Ed smack him with a change of art style and great tune kicking lots of Animation into it and at the same time setting the scene for the personalities of all three main team members foreign amount of realistic body movements in this short moment such as her fingers moving as she speaks since her hand is resting there and then her movements afterwards too quite hilariously just slightly pushing and shoving in the background it's very realistic that in spite of his new position in life that he still worries about this again I feel like it's something a lot of other writers wouldn't have really worried about when writing the scene similar to pet Devils being nice to animals is also always a win um who quite frankly amazing reactions to his assertive statements that he isn't gonna stand behind that some punk steal her cat we're gonna get that cat then whatever comes afterwards is cool foreign I even find myself just enjoying them chatting like the way to their little Mission it's very relaxed and calming like a couple friends chilling really liking it so far man I find the character designs enthralling in all honesty this kind of interesting piece of information making me so greatly confused about the World At Large and what's going on Soviets were around quite a long time ago so wow tell me more foreign [Music] what's a creative way to deal with your devils and their power structure within the anime by having it be more danger associated with the name the more powerful that type of devil will be hence the weakness of the Tomato devil foreign well I'll be honest you completely and utterly fooled me with this plot twist didn't see that coming to mile off and with a pair of expensive binocs foreign monsters and creatures and such over at mapper [Music] I'm annoyed boys I'm such an animal lover I hated seeing that cat getting eaten even if it wasn't shown makes me angry and I'm reminded that Darkness I do enjoy in this scene seeing the cat originally so frail ah man just makes me sad and angry and I can't describe much else but yeah at the very least it's wind worthy to evoke this from me Thor's from Finland Saga is [Music] two wins firstly they're coming across as being so Adept when it comes to storytelling everything is beautifully written beautifully voiced and the music complements the scene happy or sad or whatever else really well done secondly that was such a wholesome scene it warmed my heart especially him crying back at home all alone ah also though transformation scene that tore the bat up and can't be shown due to a serious case of arm lossage [Music] oh wow I never thought there'd be this much detail on the battle scenes that was absolutely sick that looks incredibly stylish how it's done Super Creative editing and techniques being used as well that you normally would never see such as different types of shots not often seen explaining during the action rather than falling back on Exposition by revealing elements to his change form during the battle itself like this very impressive laughs oh that kinda has to be CGI but it certainly doesn't look like CGI because that's some of the best looking fire effects I've ever seen God I thought the fire effects were good and then this happens I didn't dare to think that the animation could be as good as Jiu Jitsu guys and then yet here we are boys and girls it's good that right from episode 2 he wasn't set up as being Immortal or anything close to it he can definitely take damage and I much prefer and appreciate that to the alternative [Music] show me this now fearful side to the Beast and the CGI looks fantastic Next Level stuff really an epic looking battle with an equally epic looking style very very nice for the second big battle it would feel really dumb not to gift this Ed with two Max wins the style oh it went everywhere dripping over the sides and yeah I just loved it enveloping me the song blasted my face off gotta find that later and the animation was Godly it was like Halloween meets mob psycho 100 on a large dose of LSD or something freaking great bruh foreign animal consumption let's just say she visited the outdoors McDonald's very vividly but the win is for learning more of her backstory that was well told and done very simply map out here trying to make a Man tear up you feel me but I'm holding off but I also love this cat at the same time insanely cute and she's tearing up being with it but foreign I'm going to be very tentative here so the wind isn't for the cat safety yet but it's further twist that suddenly his arm popped off a moment later and a giant freaky thing picked it up and she's safe from the whole fundal situation let's go have a win for showing his limitations once again as he's only now while slow on blood able to bring out like 1 8 of a chainsaw and only out of his Noggin yeah excellent looking what I like to call continuous motion shot right there not cutting away and consistently moving everything within one scene the environmental damage attacks are truly Next Level here Tom Dengue Cruise super impactful looking and sounding attack right there giving a great know-how when it comes to his strength and all brought about through the pure power of the bondage normally if we're lucky we get one continuous motion shot during an epic battle the fact that this fight alone we've been blessed with like four is rather insane and insanely awesome at that how is everyone the perfect voice actor for their roles in this he knocks out the park but is putting tons of tomato sauce on his food and then she smacks this one out yet another continuous motion shot are you mad yeah I really think you might be mad cool cool yes well that was stupidly awesome and well worth the max 2 wins he could bring a doggo out of his hand and it saved the day and Chainsaw man just Rose massively in my expectations after that fantastic fight you're having a laugh secondly kilowatt from Hunter Hunter and as promised you get yourself another Max two wins for Kitty Chan's safety and good to speak what a beautiful cat as well looks amazing so cute and actually I don't think it's a person going meow for once which is nice [Music] again just learning more about the differences between Aki and denji and their abilities he has to give something up in order to use his pet devil denji doesn't due to their heavy Bond I like that detail man I'm very pleased that this was added that they were monitored not just let loose into the world in fact they were tracking them every step of the way which is awesome [Music] also good is taking into account The Wider world than those in it which here helps to have the battle not be forgotten about and simultaneously provide character growth for them both for some reason I find it highly realistic funny and greatly animated all at the same time watching this is loving the edition of um address for some reason that I adore she knew he wouldn't tattle on her and instead cover what really happened she had full confidence in that happening that's great foreign but they're really good at dealing with Reflections even if just at the hospital it fills in the world by having part of the city reflected on the window so much realism in that City shot it's stunning okay very surprised that it's him going to bat for them and her kind of pushing for punishment in this situation didn't see that coming and says a great deal about his current state of mind I'd say she actually said it she said it better than I just did in the previous win nice I remember back in the day when on anime since I'd take the make a little out of sound effects knuckle cracking sound effects brought to you by reloading a shotgun and so on and now here I am out of my mind because that's six lots of effects in a row that sounded absolutely spot-on and crisp too foreign is it just me or is anyone else going crazy thinking that it's happily also watch an anime that looks and sounds like this and is basically this look at my car he's so unique and funny as a character man I love this dude actually they've all grown I'll be shockingly fast in just a few episodes I gotta tell you that's super rare for me foreign I think I'm in love with this anime and her and the cat and everything else I already proposed to my hero Academia season six but I gotta weigh up my options right now super toast he's great [Music] putting aside for a moment the Mad Reckless throwing of love from me onto this anime I think one of the things it's doing different is its approach to style it's very unique hard to put my finger on but everything from the story to the characters music and animation is uniquely beautiful to me foreign [Music] ly open and honest here she's a straight 10 for me not kidding around she's bloody brilliant looking and everything else is nuts haven't felt like that in a while [Music] dancing so originally this was going to be a single windy Ed loved the weird and wonderful music and it's all about my girl power so what's not to like right but then we got to the dancing scene of her near the end and I just couldn't help but think how much effort must have gone into that so two Max wins instead oh my God we we would like to eat I know brother I know um yeah but how do they actually make the food look so good though what witchcraft is this what oh top she might not be exactly what denji and I had hoped for but she's still an amazingly unique character loving that little chop right there too I said it before after he took out the Devil with the ax in the upstairs but it's worth repeating this is not really a joke for him it's kind of serious and I do like that it's a big deal for him she's a unique character too seemingly happy to do away with him and power at a moment's noticed and another trying to make him feel better like this foreign well that was just awesome really not much else to say I didn't know anyone even further with an ickle bit of outside work shirt applying of pressure from the hand to the upper body region yes I mean I'm sure denji can take care of it but but if he's busy I'm about hahaha motion come on Saturday again Jokes Aside massive props for not making a constant mockery out of his goals I just never thought I'd see an anime where it's taken so seriously as a part of the main story and for him as a character it's wonderful it's mind-blowing to me how cleverly these Devil's law has been created it's actually really clever reminds me a touch of Noragami I think in that it's a little similar foreign that was an amazingly easy Max two wins to dish out the southern brutality of it out of nowhere shocked me seeing the two brothers drifted apart but come together playfully in that moment the caring on display after the initial anger then just ending it like that that hurt man well played to make me feel like that foreign but also the fact that it's seemingly setting up the coming Arc or story at large as his major main goal moving forwards which I like adding extra law to the already delish law dish stunning quality on the eye if that means what I think it does then he was a young man who survived and lost his family what a way of doing it without literally any Exposition you mad geniuses ah well of course Empire Senpai I cannot believe this worked and I found it so damn funny these two are just totally becoming powers and I'm so here for it you have no idea [Music] hey Benji actually showing a small amount of personal growth here refusing immediate gratification with something more meaningful perhaps in the future I'm not being funny when can you pick up this job I like being a YouTuber and all but I'm not getting perks like this you feel me getting to know these others a little bit more now and so understanding how dangerous their job is with how quickly people come and go when doing this job monkey by using little scenes like this they really do a great job of building the world before our heroes were in it like she has only just lost a rye and her partner and then metaki it puts a lot of meat on the bones of the story your boy isn't afraid of much in life but I'll be real that's right up there [Music] she's got her own awesome type of ability ah okay I get it now and that's also sick what's great about this is that she isn't messing around she's setting boundaries that power is trying to test which in turn says a great deal about her as a character [Music] all right I'm not being a good mystery and it's even better when said mystery adds to the powers of the Devils up till now they've been simply combat enemies and this is now something different I'm not taking the make but there's just way too much going on this E.D for it not to be given two Max wins like the sheer volume of artistic style and Flair is unreal so much work went into it clearly so even if the song isn't my favorite I can't just Overlook all that mob psycho 100 goodness and do a single win so take two thank you that's flat out one of the best freaked out reactions I've ever seen in my life power just defaulting to that amazingly false light of hers without any hesitation also I'm enjoying the difference in personality on display between some keeping their calm but being nervous such as Aki the young girl freaking out and power and denji just not really caring all that much on this is kind of eye opening as to the decisions some are forced to make in this world and fully justifies her timid and scared nature when considering her only alternative and that she doesn't want to be here oh I did stuff like this it's like an enemy Stan's ability from JoJo or something foreign utterly captivating in their Simplicity and it's where the animators storyboard us and voice actors do some of the best work to fill in the lifeblood of the scene is the Casual casting off of worry when revealed that she's just always liked this anyway and it's great at this moment kind of logically follows the previous winner just gave um the persistent filling in of character background the detail throughout this episode are truly appreciated [Music] when just basically doing its thing rather than waiting for someone to pose or something this episode has been absolutely cracking for World building and law drops oh it's awesome at the same time it's also been great at building several characters backgrounds and personalities even just this brief moment tells us about him that he fights for fairness he takes what he thinks is appropriate actions and that he supports his partner fully I care so much about animators for reasons like this the detail on the food as his hand goes over the table is in insane and yet it's on screen for all of two seconds yet someone poured their heart into that [Laughter] two wins firstly kudos for the style it's always different in this one slightly off-center camera work and such secondly seeing this monster I'm again just genuinely shocked at how great the devils look designed so well if this episode has done one thing really well on the sidelines let's Express how hopeless their situation feels to the majority of the crew and also how long this depression has lasted thus it makes sense for this to now occur foreign ass right here come on man oh man a lot of thought really did go into their devil human contracts and the abilities of this photo kind of freeze them out of time huh what a disgustingly awesome looking thing her ghost hand is also it really messed up the devil's face but I won't show that even under all of this pressure their own people turning on denji Aki remains absolutely the epitome of cool calm and collected seriously power just take a win you're freaking amazing foreign foreign tastic but then they go and feed us this little tantalizing tidbit just making me curiously stroke my imaginary beard like a thinking man would someone else things just went from pretty chilled and relaxed oh my God she's going crazy and the creepy thing is rushing them not running on the spot with a bit of a rotating shot mixed in such a creative villain and start to the battle makes me really excited for where future battles can go when things like this are possible [Music] yeah oh standby for multiple wins first off the final explanation of Aki sword ability and why she doesn't want him to use it given that it'll shorten his life secondly I think it's great that in the end no one but denji power and Aggie were able to keep fully composed speaks to the realism of the world they're living in as I believe that's exactly how it would go in our world thirdly I enjoyed seeing power truly acting like she always would be there's no special bond between the wall of a sudden she's actually loving the moment and it shows which speaks to her consistency of character fourthly and finally it's for both Aki proving his own extreme character and fortitude and protecting denji as he said he would do at all costs he's exploded in my estimations for this moment as he stays both true to himself and to his ultimate goal okay and now finally true to life she breaks down and The Mask slip so she reveals her true fear right now foreign then she's such a badass I wouldn't even call him simple-minded either he figured out his plan based on prior events and interactions with this devil so he's got some wit about him too brilliant end to a brilliant episode great idea again I liked the song A little better this time around and the visuals were more simple but still unique and fit the episode itself which was a nice alteration that's so creative you can even see them in the background love seeing denji just go nuts in this form against a powerful devil one of my favorite things [Music] that you can then take Purple Devil tomato passata and bring out his chainsaws once again foreign story unfold and this was one such time I just think it's the height of Excellence they're the key tool in those who are effective at taking out Devils is that there are little nuts themselves because they don't fear what they should fear so they're better weapons I think that's amazing personally foreign [Music] a romantic sense or that she cares for him as a partner and doesn't want to lose another one but for now that's for us to figure out due to the aforementioned hatred perpetual motion machine win could I don't know foreign I am so very surprised at the dedication to have this battle not only lasts a long time but more importantly feel like it's lasted a long time and they've done that shockingly well to this point giant kudos for that behemoth-sized battle even if just in terms of length as dingy fought continuously for 48 hours in the end it gave up and offered its heart just to not have to deal with any more chainsaw blades love it bruh foreign might be the story's way of introducing other strong characters with this window the video goes to the fact that even the condensation on the glasses looks realistic here thank you putting actual writing in the thing rather than just scribbles see what I mean it's such a big deal to my boy it's not a joke to be mocked for Laughs it's a serious element to his character and I'm still all over it also take one here for this moment in general if you've been watching a while you'll know I seriously dig times where everyone is chilling chatting and eating like this especially after a big mission super relaxing and always helps to also build character a lot of the time too oh we keep on learning more and more about Devils some a terrible some are cool some are half and half like denji and and I get the feeling we'll only be getting deeper systems [Music] hahaha I find her personality just so utterly captivating I adore the little casual uh 100 and Mickey get higher [Music] a win that started out as oh I can't show it because of YouTube blah blah blah became oh my God poor dingy foreign seeing these two sweethearts together from years ago absolutely sustains me [Music] just seeing this also warms My Old Heart him trying to put his past behind him alongside the horror of the recent battle in which he totally lost himself and now comforting denji as he sees how human he is foreign another easily one of the very best first person perspectives I've ever seen in anime so smooth it's crazy I don't mind where this is going [Music] I really appreciate how great they are at doing EDS so thankful they've done so many as well such a good one this is as a lifelong Avid gamer I enjoyed all the references plus a good catchy song just had to edit it down due to pencil us never seemingly content with just skipping ahead we're given the scene of them arriving back at her place with what can only be described as an abundance of frames foreign just sat here enjoying the moment relaxed and calm truly enjoying myself I'll be honest I have been working too hard to try and write the ship that is this channel but sometimes I come across an anime like this one that genuinely makes all the hard work totally easier to do and worthwhile just thought I'd share that my God not only do they give us the angle from his perspective but now they're giving it to us from hers as well I can't even take this they're giving us the same scene but from a totally different set of angles I love them I can't say anything else I often drop a kawaii but this is more like sticky gorgeous another incredibly detailed view of the city at night yes definitely blowing my own trumpet but I'm Shook at how I caught this several times throughout the video that it's a big part of his story and even still I'm surprised at just how serious it's being dealt with in this anime they absolutely refuse to leave any part of that night not dealt with it she continues to establish herself as being a real mystery in this one it certainly feels like she does care for him on a more personal level than just he's useful to me as well and it's portrayed super nicely um he goes back and forth but as a holy sticks to his word and to his goal when giving in here would have been very easy to do very easy in fact it makes him very unique foreign I basically never really do this but I'm dropping another win for his voice actor and the performance I'll show you examples from just before this but lots of cussing but he's a true natural in fact it's a perfect time to drop a win for all of them outstanding job of casting and work done by them all shows you the time and effort that goes into this when you get a d shot after the night one foreign wow one of the easiest most shocking moments I've witnessed in anime just so out of the blue and unexpected and what made it even better was the silence and then you could hear the faint sound of weapons being made ready two wins honestly I don't even quite know how to react to this other than by describing it to us utter and supreme shock at what's happening on screen the moment itself looked great with lots of life in the cities and streets and characters moving gorgeously in slow motion and such and then the reveal of all of the weapons utterly shocked this entire scene got my eyes peeled back like a hawk searching for prey just waiting for something to happen what a beautifully organic way of raising the tension effortlessly to near Breaking Point further raising the tension brilliant scene and it also adds to the story and the kind of main villain right now the gun devil who has obviously decided to take massive actions against this crew and Genji [Music] come on oh yes that was sick first person with power moving into attack Anki using his devil smoothness warm butter animation and the attack itself looked amazing wow two wins I thought this is happening right now so very much animation goodness cannot be ignored has to be two Max wins so incredibly smooth and fluid truly making it have the impact of a real battle with all of the fury intended in each swing to win look at it check out this effect when slowed down and it's a skull they added that and it's barely seen awesome foreign but I just worry about him now since he drew his sword incredibly intense my tummy's starting to ache mode foreign well this is gut wrenching and awful after getting to know him so well during the course of the entire story thus far damn man [Music] yeah [Music] a ghost hand thing talks [Music] [Music] for the attack on Titan style and high quality of Music the animation prowess on display her giving her entire life to try and save Aki understanding more and more about how devil contracts work and the Mystery of the girl standing by watching all of that equals two Max wins heavy [Music] you know what just happened outside of the obvious insanely awesome scene we just got the start of a proper power structure in this one and it's scary man their foes they're tough man got it take a win for himino and her courage her loving final act for Aki which is made all the more sorrow filled given that she just decided to really make a run for him and tell him how she felt she did so in the end just not how she wanted to and also part of the win is for seeing how quickly the devil retreated her Mastery over it is insane foreign [Music] ly a tribute to himino and her sacrifice but mixed with some epic looking battles towards the end that I'm sure are meant to have happened already or coming later on but regardless cannot wait [Music] seeing the same desperate struggle but from another set of angles now only further driving home the Hopeless situation with more of an emphasis than before in him and those connection to the end with Aki and vice versa [Music] I wonder what to think of this was it perhaps a deeper connection between him or no and the ghost making the ghost want to get some Revenge before departing or maybe making good a final promise to her in the battle either way it's bloody amazing [Applause] you know oh this is about to be so freaking legit what an absolutely mind-blowing way to kick start off the episode and the battle and again the voice actor just kills it time and again sounds like an utter maniac even in this very short exchange you can hear that sword dude is starting to look very overwhelmed already this here is a prime example of creative angles and sequences during chainsaw man battles it's like the camera doesn't want to stay in one position for long at all I'll avoid putting it on screen but he powered through them like he did to Aki and it's not looking good your boy is seriously worried haven't felt like this since my hero Academia season six albeit that destroyed my stomach with worry foreign [Music] who enjoyed the recent night out has now been taken out by these people they never outright showed it till now so it hadn't hit me [Music] wait what take an emergency shot to him what's going on foreign comment no potentially powerful people joining this awesome story I'll be real this makes me more nervous than anything else because she's clearly lying for some reason about not having been shot I just gets better about I really thought the whole story was devil hunting fairly simple so I'm over the moon that it's been rapidly expanding over the past two episodes into something much larger an outrageous amount of beautiful city shots I know Gary from Dr Stone 60 plus frames for a shirt tucking him we got you covered I'm not good oh my goodness absolutely turned into mush-powering on the same Force oh my goodness foreign [Music] I'm so impressed by all of the new Devils their abilities new law consistently on display really does excite the senses this is so incredibly awesome I've never seen anything like this I'll just stays it's a small thing but it's a nice touch that you can see their eyes adjust to the sunlight [Music] learning that he gave his life for hers without a moment's hesitation back then at this point I don't even know how it's possible that they keep on getting better who the heck thought this girl would suddenly be like this but then Super impressive CGI mix with animation and continuous motion shots her being a sudden badass and taking them both on makes this a very easy two wins the dish out no I don't know it was a crazy tone of events a crazy getaway but she then saved him and for that she gets a win really nicely redeeming herself for her actions from the other day too foreign woman assassin with East this is like the final fairly massive unexpected plot twist in the last two episodes this is the end of the episode detailing an extreme unease among the rank and file after the giant attack with of people looking to quit left and right and others wanting to leave The Hot Zone as soon as possible lots of realism basically [Music] with this Ed it's best to probably drop a win and move on way too much to edit around gore-wise but definitely a win for a very nice song and the visuals representing the horror she just put her enemies through foreign together never ceases to fill me with a strange Joy she's just reading what he's reading wants to eat what he's picked up it's really funny in a weird way just their personalities of the room how come she's such a funny liar though [Music] as awesome as this was it totally made me sad giving him an expiration date that's written in stone foreign of the lighter being such a poignant reminder of both her and his time alongside her was [Music] [Music] kind of shift through his feelings was displayed in one of the most mature and realistic Fashions I've yet witnessed in my years covering anime deeply impressed by the handling of that excellent portrayal here of the sheer volume lost to dangerous Devils over the years the question and answer segment especially Powers answers [Music] never change power never change also though have another one for matching his voice to his lips incredibly well there man I'm Blown Away by their approach to combat they're walking at each other with purpose they're consistent normally rare another anime can continuous motion movements it's thrilling and this old dude is tough um even this conversation is jam-packed with Incredible depth of law going over potential retirement going private which we've heard before talking about needing new contracts with stronger devils and so on that even though I don't know what that is yet another late minute plot twist do you dare take a confused win I'm so confused you started making weird sound and she did this what's up foreign differing once again to every other anime I can think of as they can consider briefly freeing how it will affect their happiness getting angry getting upset a wide range of emotions that end with a thrill to compete foreign I love comments like this foreign [Music] [Music] the anime is stupidly good like this you're insane if you think for a second that that absolute windfall of action doesn't result in two massively obese wins somehow watching a human fight is fast becoming my favorite type of combat in an anime filled with devil fights this dude is brutal he's awesome [Music] a nice way of relaying her feelings directly to him now that she's gone via her sister's visiting but I also enjoy how the story is already being set up in the fashion whereby older characters now aren't just forgotten about also the super fluid Swagger these three walk down this hallway with a good example of how to mix CGI with hand-drawn animation [Applause] [Music] just Ed thus far very bouncy-centric I liked the addition of live action in it as well but it's just been better had they used my two pups just type the thought s Kawaii yay yay cycle excuse me hmm yet more expansion upon the law by showing that these Devils don't just exist that some are able to talk communicate properly and in this one's case outright be funky Naughty Boy curse words aside there's devious devil stating that his ass from him is so little because his future is going to freaking rule is the height of awesome for him as a character and his personal story exactly the type of training I was hoping for where they actually point out what was learned how they've gotten stronger and to top it all off they're going straight into full-on combat as a new reform team even this dude gets a taste of character building as he laments Fallen comrades and how he's starting to like dengian power which is the double-edged blade since the more he likes them the more sad he is if they fall foreign [Music] ideal choice of Music here nicely setting the scene for his strength when he's willing to speak to her like this and at the same time also reveals more of the mystery surrounding her foreign look at the enemy crew for the first time he brought back the zombies I didn't think they'd do it but they did it they really realistically throwing dirt on some other anime or Manga but this has been a trend for a long time and perhaps it's more about the cliche than specifics which I choose to believe but hey this anime is to me at least this popular because of how it Buck's normal trends okay he's replying a little long to show here and then this happy summary [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that's so dark they already went and collected eyes from all of their family members knowing if they work with them they can be returned but dude that's so nasty if there's something I'm recently appreciating more and more it's consistency of character a huge one for this is a rumor especially season three check out my video If you fancy it but same thing applies here two wins firstly this view of the city work of art secondly it's wonderful how committed they are to keeping true to reality in any other anime these would be a correct team operating together best friends and everyone trusts them instead here the first thing he tells the police is you don't need to be too concerned for the terrorists prepare if needs be to Target the ferry team I just sent in there two wins again first off the bat yet another fiend of that second off the bat if that's a saying tanjiro from Demon Slayer a whole bunch of Defender does this is amazing right before the end episode also they're all so incredibly violent one of them is literally called the violence devil another is a spider mashing up zombies it's so good yeah [Music] that's the main goal in it by the way great anime that was even for a short scene like this they pack in their continuous shot they're amazing [Music] makes me very happy to see Aki Baki in action makes me very happy to see akibaki in action makes me very happy to see Aki back here it makes me very happy to see Aki back in action like that's not gonna lie it's such a dumb joke I don't even know why I made it [Music] [Music] what's an end to an epic episode 11 with some of the best animation to date with what felt like at times multiple continuous shots never pulling away from the action leaving us with an epic Cliffhanger ending too you know the draw by now two wins baby violin [Applause] to be honest my least favorite Ed thus far but the song was good especially the chorus and what made it for me in spite of all of the CGI characters was absolutely Powers dancing TV shows and movies do a horrible job of showcasing a strangling this is pretty spot on looks and sound wise can't believe they're doing it again the same thing but this time from his perspective [Music] great choice of music for this moment and unlike the previous win Kudos as well for expanding the original scene such a nice touch since it's clearly a representation of the time she literally held on to his first cigarette for him and even better is how this happening has shocked the new user foreign [Music] how much she meant to him as well in fact the scene is a fantastic way of saying goodbye to her as a character both by Aki and by us now [Music] I keep totally turning the tables on such a powerful enemy and even better is that the crazy girl is here too [Music] it is no exaggeration to say that I'm deeply going to miss both of these characters both alone and together they are forced to be reckoned with and I cannot wait to see where season 2 takes us and Them [Music] for likely the final time I love power zombies foreign such a unique and Great Character love his entire style and personality just as is displayed here I've really gotta add some very very Excellence too I just thought it was refreshing to see this kind of a statement from a guy like that admitting to being weaker in the traditional sense than denji it's the start of another battle mix of CGI goodness with animation glory and powerful sound effects meshing it all together as these two fight across the rooftops of the city proper where I come from that's two Mega wins foreign [Music] you know I heard some people not a lot took issue with the CGI but to those people I'd point out the near impossible difficulty in animating a literal chainsaw revving on multiple limbs like of course you'd ucgi for that another the only thing from the past few minutes I can actually show so have a win for yet more use of his awesome looking special move where he like walks through time and space but also take another one because it kind of feels iconic now when denji points out that he's not done yet because he still has one chainsaw left or whatever Genji won the battle tomorrow party everywhere it was nuts he learned a lesson from his teacher it was awesome foreign senpai [Music] this is getting two wins first off I'm so glad I was right about his personality throughout he takes Umbridge Hima knows demise due to her hotness being erased from the world that's kind of how I've described them throughout also though it's good to see Aki happily teaming up with dingy to do something childish like this and to get revenge for someone he cared deeply about plus the music that kicked him was great essentially getting to learn what actually brought this whole series of events about and it served as a wake-up call to the power of the gun devil that someone having a contract with it could result in this much Carnage beautifully setting up the second season with that comment there they've now collected enough of the Flesh in order for it to begin to pull towards the main body itself [Music] massively easy to wins because for the final E.D we got a gorgeously animated from start to finish one detailing their lives right afterwards just hanging out shopping and living together and eating it was a thing of pure beauty foreign this just felt like a ludicrously calming way to end a season fraught with loss sadness battles internal red juices everywhere and a lot of stress and anxiety certainly can't me don't anyway tying this in here considering it's exactly how the first episode opened up foreign very mysterious right there [Music] even more mysterious what's a cracking great way to end the episode and the season not only with the promise of tracking down the gun devil but also for the strange ending take a final well-deserved win here for an outstanding season I loved being along for the ride with denji power Aggie and everyone else felt like I became one of the team great story characters and animation with awesome battles and music and a wide range of EDS I hope you very much enjoyed this video the largest I've ever made with the most wins I reckon for 12 episodes please keep in mind how much time work Blood Sweat and Tears went into making this this video alone is over 1 000 individual parts that I hand placed together I voiced every word I wrote every word and I pieced every part together by hand one by one so a like comment sharing the video and subscribe is vastly appreciated and for those of you who don't think that's enough tipping and patreon are both under the video thanks so much and I'll see you in the next one [Music] Magnus they convert red moon Sean Sebastian Ramirez we can fade happy 50 clear lonely jellyfish dark lord bloody Soul Guru Guru Israel Caldera you want Adventure you're on a star Jordan Samuels Java 6263 Kieran Robinson killed mock Kevin Malta konito Laxus Luis Cruz Matthew Blanchard 1928 all of us while he reacts Saint flow 25 sentimento storm 970 the Elemento Wars
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 120,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime wins, animewins, everything great about, everything right with, chainsaw man, chainsaw, man, everything great about chainsaw man, chainsaw man best bits, chainsaw man reaction, aki vs, denji vs, power, chainsaw man op, chainsaw man ed, anime wins chainsaw, anime wins chainsaw man, everything right with chainsaw man, denji vs bat, himeno, samurai, katana, katana man vs denji, aki vs samurai, power chainsaw man, ega chainsaw man, chainsaw man episode 1
Id: dnM4wwAajcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 32sec (5312 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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