Everything GREAT About: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean | Part 1/3

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so here we are ladies and gents in the sixth part of jojo's bizarre adventure believe it or not but when season one was voted in about four years ago i didn't really enjoy it at first but it very quickly grew on me i then mastered jojo fanbase on my patreon and pushed through stardust crusaders diamond is unbreakable and golden wind with huge numbers now i sit here a massive fan ready to dive into the sixth part and i'm so happy to be here take a win for being jojo's bizarre adventure jojo stance also though kawaii it's a small thing but weather effects in jojo have always greatly impressed me since diamond is unbreakable they beautifully mix both cgi and hand animation to amazing results also shout out here to the voice actress i don't know her from much but i do know that it was her dream to voice this character she's been a fan of the manga for many years and so i'm glad she got to live her dream [Music] the color of her tattoo has already changed it's a world famous jojo color palette changed i just love how this is how part six begins with her ending up in jail and caught doing the nasty also just a quick reminder to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss the following videos on jojo and please consider leaving a like and a comment to help your boy out greatly appreciated [Music] reference loads of not walking on the spot because david productions is full of legends [Music] if the rules are similar to the uk where fun fact i was a prison officer for 11 years that's absolutely right that an unsentenced person doesn't have to wear prison clothing if that's true for the us that's a nice addition [Music] i spoke about this during welcome to demon school of rumor [ __ ] that i obviously like everyone adore hand animation and that whilst winning some spider so what second half i was a little put off by the cgi so here is a win for jojo's excellent and unique animation in general there's nothing quite like it my eyes love it it's choker [Music] during the day having this sign be written in proper english dedication on top of being funny this scene and their interaction already does an excellent job of starting to build both of their characters alright isn't it [Music] been wanting it you've been waiting for it i'm about to give it over to your rear hose yet another standard that's right jojo is the origin of that win and frey is coming from how they say stun door and sometimes i think probably so now you know in case you didn't and take that win stand god i'm so impressed by the level of detail on that one shot of her hand that's incredible probably took ages to make that oh this is so awesome not gonna show it as well be lost in here not only is this scene an excellent demonstration of her voice acting abilities but on top of that it also serves to showcase her character's morals and even though she makes the wrong decision based on what she thought was love it still does its job really nice touch having a dent on the roof of the car too much genuinely unexpected plot twist they're a short scene to just show i guess the stan's limitations since it breaks when attempting to remove the cuff that was my understanding anyway youtube would destroy me if i showed this scene but oh my word she's amazing that's all i'm saying [Music] [Applause] the right mess but that was sick and awesome [Music] two final wins here the first one is for this age-old classic to be continued they've been using that since part one extremely happy to see consistency like this second wind is for the fact that they skipped both the op and the ed this episode to give us as much content as possible within the episode always appreciated by me [Music] as around 2000 or so of you may have seen judging by the likes of my comment on the official op warner bros japan put out i really do love the animation style and sop and the style of it in general the song is a banger no getting around that and i think it's amazing how they kept that consistency going mentioned in win number 28 by having cgi in the op some lovely hand animation too wild and wonderful editing and a bright and vibrant color palette and finally the end showing a little bit from each season such as the vampire mask from part one and the arrow from part four [Music] so two wins here first one is for the incredibly detailed looking map just laying out the prism for us second win is for the rules being very similar again to the prisons i worked at like clearly some level of research was done on the basics and that's great to me then as far as the story goes you can just go wild with it [Music] yet another single shot of the prison which probably took ages to put together emergency out of nowhere plot twist take cover [Music] oh there's anime like all jojo anime just oozes style and substance and just like prior seasons i'm happy to be witnessing enough plot twists to twist the plot into a sailing knot that was actually almost drained [Music] being most weird looking and drawing probably not real actual animals is always a wind [Music] can't show it since there was loads of arms and legs and stuff that fell out of the bed with another unique stun door oh dear lord what amazing plot twist done in classic jojo style not only that but we get a color palette change in time for the new stand having taken effect i love this anime i love jojo it's so good take a maximum two wins for that oh how i missed these little segments this is stupidly well done the only other anime that handles the size difference equally as well has to be attack on titan that's brilliant and wacky [Music] this is so random [Music] as far as creativity goes this part continues the process of knocking out the park even if you just focus on the angles and shots used to display a situation it's fantastic and on top of that it's nicely animated too loads of frames in each big movement and oh so smooth oh is the only anime that ever makes me feel like this so anxious the stories are so expertly built up time after time to build tension it's unbelievable how many times he's successfully done it and by the way this is exactly the kind of situation i'm always talking about in other anime it's a jojo how they're gonna pull out the bag situation where it looks hopeless and yet they find a way [Music] this thing is creepy and goodness me look at how well the size is handled in moments like this this is what i was referring to win number 45 [Laughter] definitely get a win for the first full-on representation of her actual stand cool looking dude that he is how does he come up with these stories and twists [Music] she said the thing her dad says this is no drill like her dad also though she got out of yet another impossible situation that's like three times in five minutes it's insane after the mental asylum with you i say [Music] utterly beautiful ed right there i've never heard that song before but it was lovely and it matched the visuals so perfectly it's incredible just made me feel so relaxed after watching an action-packed episode unreal amazing how well they mix up hand animation here with cgi like it's almost seamless [Music] showing a really nice to see emotional side to her character whilst also displaying the cruelty of prison life to an outsider a win here for character designs i never really gave it much thoughts before but they do look so very unique each season it's amazing the amount of detail and creativity that goes into them all unbelievable changing up the color palette for that brief moment no one else does this as far as i can remember like there's art style changes in plenty of anime but a complete palette change [Music] fantastic that now on multiple occasions within the first three episodes they've taken the time to flesh out her morals but also showing so many different sides to her it feels like there's loads more character building in this season early on compared to the others i don't understand someone help me this kid in a bin he needs to be saved also it's vivi go do yourself a favor and watch vivi it's an unreal anime and then watch my video help [Music] okay so firstly everything this guy voice does always get to win right now he's in welcome to demon school in rumikum which by the way is absolutely brilliant and i'm currently winning that so take a win secondly it's jojoro i love this dude i have such a big smile on my face writing this it feels like i went back in time and saw stardust crusaders again for the first time i'm so happy right now in fact they can have an extremely rare two wins for this moment it just means a lot to me [Music] just a simple little scene to showcase why she feels the way she does towards her father nothing too overt just keeping it nice and neat and tidy god i cannot tell you how much i love the fact that he didn't budge or do anything after she did this he's always been so damn whatsoever um this whole scene starting to build the actual overarching story of the season adding a little splash of mystery to the already amazing smelling dish that is this past three episodes oh yeah it's happening boys and girls something is happening and it's going to include jump to row let's go tomorrow [Music] another example of beautifully mixing both cgi and animation to excellent effects they give a legit reason as to how he's using an actual gun or at the very least actual bullets in there just shows how laziness doesn't appeal to araki there's always more to it or never quite what you think it might end up being done [Music] not gonna lie absolutely thrilled to see these two working together just like joe to row and joe scada and part four [Music] i don't like seeing george bro getting hurt [Music] scenery shots are naturally going to be rare inside of a prison but by oh boy that isn't stopping david productions from gifting our eyeballs multiple lovely shots sticking to realism by having the weapon be hidden like this again corners could have been easily cut leading to potential open plot holes but this nicely avoids it dedication i've been so intently listening to everything this guy had to say that i totally forgot to say gosh from black clover and bring goku from demon slayer all right [Applause] [Music] seeing jolene begin to listen to jotaro understanding that he's clearly done this before and there's a lot to teach if she wants to survive this encounter [Music] ah there's so many intriguing mysteries to reveal [Music] nicely avoiding a sin or the anime sense version by having guards respond to the fire alarm and note out loud how there's no cameras in that area yup literally cannot explain how much i love him and his stand ability i mean seriously how outrageously awesome is it that he just did that oh no it's [Music] [Music] it's this element that i have a hard time describing it's how it looks like either there's no way they'll win or that they've been taken out like right here yet there's always a reason a tactic used or a standability that makes sense of it this is probably like the 80th time i mean the creativity is off the charts [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you know what that was so good it's getting a maximum two wins award firstly because he was so damn cool about it no stress or hesitation or anything and secondly because it just looked great and was itself great yet another plot twisted are you kidding me [Music] you know what take a win here for evolving the style of the anime too like in previous seasons wounds that healed themselves later during the same episode or the next were commonplace but here they're now explaining it away yeah it doesn't get much better than this really does it absolutely outstanding is all i can say it's probably one of the most unexpected plot twists for me and it gets the anime two max wins bloody brilliant credit to her as well for piecing this all together step by step rather than reacting violently to the situation unprepared it says a lot about her character that she uses her head like this much like her father and grandfather would have under similar circumstances and oh my goodness i love that determination at the end of the episode again just like her family i mean i can't take many more twists i've always praised jojo twist but they've never been this intricate and this numerous how is it even possible that he upped his game from all the previous parts how is it possible that he gets better and better at telling his story [Music] ah now i get it she woke him up this is freaking nuts [Music] oh man he smacked his daughter but had to obviously but goodness me that was so brilliant for me it's even better that joe torreira solved the situation too since i know he won't be in the anime much this time either sadly i'm just glad my boy got his time in the sun once more basically honestly i didn't see the story going this way but i'm utterly overjoyed at the notion of mojo to row in the episode and coming episodes and that he's in there with her the speedwagon foundation mentioning a guy from the first part and his foundation from a later part is a massive fat win and a showcasing of one of my favorite elements that make up jojo that being its long-running story over the course of way over 100 years [Music] foreign [Music] so the first win here is for the fact that her character hasn't miraculously changed all of a sudden there's no microwaving of her personality she's dealing with issues and they haven't disappeared due to the escape attempt second one is because the story is so tense it's pacing as godlike and it's making me feel like i'm unable to breathe and catch her breath and in many ways it's fantastic that he chose to write her character arc with jotaro and their issues into this part of the story being hunted and never knowing what's real and what's not [Music] oh my god this is foreign [Music] hey basically i've been depressed this entire last minute and five seconds deeply worried that this might actually now genuinely be the end of him i don't like it it's horrible another genuinely unique standoff i hate this he's talking a game like he's going to go after them alone but it absolutely feels like a goodbye to me and even the way he's speaking it's like he knows it's over [Music] she's getting better at using her stand look at her go also though that freaky looking thing can actually remove stand abilities from people this adds an entirely new dynamic to the story [Music] she's just straight up showing off with her abilities now and i'm sure they'll only grow more and more powerful foreign i like to think in this moment he told her he was proud of her for doing that that horrible visual the clearest representation that he's not alive any longer and her gut-wrenching scream of anger [Applause] yeah brilliant performance i don't think i've been this devastated since his father temporarily died after fighting dio but this time i know it's really the end [Music] this being a realistic reaction to someone unarmed and surrendering i kind of wish they wouldn't give me hope like this with her saying that she's sure that if she gets his stand back then he'll come back to life like i wish it with every single fiber of my being but something tells me it cannot be done especially when he's been gone for so long such a sad episode such an amazing episode [Music] [Music] take a final win for the episode here not going to show him being taken out but we get a proper look at the enemy stand the discs containing star platinum and the majority row and they gift us this content by cutting out the e.d i'm enjoying hearing the story coming from another perspective since she's now locked up in what we used to call the segregation unit [Music] also though take a win for the continued realism placing her inside the infirmary after taking a beating at the hands of the guards you know these are my favorite moments either where the stan's abilities are slowly revealed in a calm way like this or during an initially confusing battle but i just like seeing the new standard work how it's so confusing at the start and by the end of it we're super familiar with it so check out my girl already learning how to use her brand new and unique stun door like a real pro huh [Music] queen and just like i mentioned during win number 119 this is the other version of that where it's tense and likely soon leading into a battle and we have no idea how the stand works i'm so very confused and intrigued at the same time unexpected change to add segment [Music] gotta be careful what i show but what a disgustingly great use of her stand ability to survive right there i tell you the creativity is out of this world antonio [Music] this is absolutely the weirdest jojo battle of all time in my eyes i'm deeply confused i don't yet get it it must be stopped [Music] she broke her own nose in order to continue breathing i mean this is so clever i could never come up with stuff like this i gotta say i so missed these random jojo poses and stances [Music] she's spurting red stuff all over the place so i gotta be sensible but have a win for this kid's character he's a sweetheart really helpful and in this episode he's really coming into his own [Music] apartment that's insane dude how do they come up with stories like that oh [Music] [Music] even after that funny moment bringing the story and its realism immediately back into place such a nice touch beautiful looking art style change right there it's gorgeous how they do that i mean look at her hair in this shot as you know this scene is a mess but take a win for how she won the battle but this disc is all i can get away with ah don't talk me with notions like that man i'm so happy but at the same time i'm really hesitant to actually believe that but take a win for even putting the hope out there extremely rare seeing you a shot of an entirely different location [Music] [Music] when you've got great animation that's awesome but my goodness when you use that animation like here to show his muscles bulging as he's desperately putting everything he has into closing this heavy door that's epic but then you add truly outstanding voice acting and you create a scene like this brilliant even in its simplicity for what it brings across to the viewer for me that being tension and anxiety [Music] i can't take many more genuinely unique standards it's a small win but i always appreciate consistency from different angles such as all these ladies stood in the same order from different shots very easy to make mistakes like that even though obviously the strays from realism which i'm okay with i mean it's jojo at the end of the day it's still good to find a way to add rules to their new situation and adding tension since clearly that'll come into play very soon oh i adore all of these scenic shots they look so nice it must have taken forever to create i love showing the animator some appreciation for their stuff [Music] [Music] learning more about white snakes goals although far too little is known right now for anything to be definitive but regardless to say it's incredibly interesting would be an understatement at this point [Music] this is like the fifth time this has happened and i've not winded it so take one here for this classic text which i know is obviously adapted from the manga pages just so stylish [Music] such a weird and specific use of her abilities okay a classic jojo style that gets seconds away from achieving their goal and then this happens it's brutal man it hurts hunter [Laughter] i can't take much more of this i'm so entangled and wrapped up and spun around and slapped upside the head that i can't tell which way is up or down anymore these are the best plot twists i've ever seen i'm saying it now you have got to be kidding me this is outrageous [Music] the best cgi is where you honestly cannot tell it apart from hand animation and that's the case here [Music] once again by ignoring her shouts to flea and coming closer to the danger in order to save her new friend just like her father would have done and her grandfather before him too what an incredible looking but also use of her stand but animated so smoothly too extra frames for everyone they can have another win here for having the story take place in this location since it's allowed for so many different environments to be included [Music] moments like this are the best like a mexican standoff they've done this a few times over the entire series and it's always epic and confusing till the conclusion is reached yes am i right or am i wrong in thinking that this is exactly how her father would have approached this situation yourself again hierarchy [Music] this thoroughly deserves a win as well in my eyes because the main antagonist of every part has always had really interesting and powerful abilities and this one is no different issuing out stands at will and taking souls it's crazy-powerful oh what's that not tense enough for you not enough blood being pumped around your body due to what's happening on screen and i'm gonna fix that for you by introducing another jojo how they're gonna pull out the bag situation [Music] [Music] i feel so dumb sometimes bruh i've been watching jojo for years now and yet time after time i find myself going how are they going to manage this or how they're going to possibly win now and yet time after time i'm like oh that's how i mean am i dumb or are you guys and girls like this too let me know down below take a win here for all of the voice actors i've been shouting them out as i come across them and also giving props for belting out pipes like when joe turo left us but as a whole it's been incredibly impressive and then take another one here for her winning the battle in style funny enough great voice acting just like i mentioned in the previous win and the animation was lovely too [Music] i'm so on edge this quick attack for me is like conjoined to my emotions i want her over as fast as humanly possible and purely so she can grab the disk oh you're good you are guess what never saw that coming you go girl i'm getting hooked [Music] adding another ally to her cause a unique ally no less since it's maybe an alien or something and once more her character shows its similarities to her predecessors knowing when to destroy him when to hold back [Music] i did miss these little segments going over the results of a battle or a demise and so on and i'm kind of noting in my head how jotaro didn't have one coming up my hopes are getting higher my hopes have risen again already not expected i thought it'd be a dud but they really found it so random yeah stand amazingly spreading out the story and the prior mystery by adding a new factor to it he wasn't interested in the stand but instead his memory that pacing is excellent the reveal is delicately timed really impressive letting us know that she did actually hand them over off screen as it were to the speed wagon foundation for treatment two big wins firstly it's for seeing the big villain of the ark take that win you sassy boy second win is for itara from steins getting panda from jiu jitsu kaizen look at these effects that play in this room floating dust caught in the streaming light from the sun through the window these little touches just add a semblance of reality also though he's straight up messes up this woman and turns her into a stand user that was so gross she like dislocated her jaw or something [Music] this really wouldn't be an episode of jojo if the stakes didn't get really tense over a fairly minor looking initial situation i mean they're playing catch by legit feel like i'm watching jack bauer defuse a nuke you feel me [Music] hold up a moment i could barely handle bloody thirteen throats another hundred my little old heart isn't going to manage that you take joy in consistently making me feel incredibly stressed out [ __ ] [Music] good she knew when to stop she's been sussed this entire time she's grown on me as a person immensely in such a short amount of time due to excellent writing voice acting and character building hats off to the animators for the pacing and piecing it all together and of course the mangaka for starting it all i didn't consider this turn of events also known as a flippin plot twist [Music] [Music] this is stupidly ridiculous you need to quit it with this it's too good it hurts they're always using the standard the most exciting of ways every single time you think it's all over it's madness at this point [Music] can't show it but she stole the jubbly's money she had stored in the chesticles and then coming back to this in 30 seconds time it takes her liver my jaw is slack i have no words i'm shocked this also deserves a win for reminding us that there are multiple different types of stands out there like this one kind of reminds me of what we saw in diamonds as unbreakable that was also to do with money i think it's really interesting honestly i'm really pleasantly surprised at the level of effort that's gone into jolene as a character especially in terms of how she is a joke star this is probably like the eighth overt example pointing her true self in one direction and that direction is her being a badass a good person a great friend and much more [Music] [Music] managing to constantly raise both the tension and the stakes like it's no big deal emergency plot twist grab your weapons man we're heading over the top of the trench [Music] too close it's too much [Music] [Music] the best jojo how are they going gonna pull out the bag situation of part six thus far blown away [Music] such a good ending to the battle classic or our sequence cutting out the devastating final blow for clear reasons and then this feel-good stylish end which makes you punch your tongue dressed into the air and slowly becoming the top dog of the place in much the same fashion as giorno did in part five for the gang yep yeah good one you're getting two wins for this you gave me hope and i was actively apprehensive then you gave me more and i felt a glimmer of hope and now i'm bursting at the seams it's too winds worthy all day long i'm absolutely beaming right now you have no idea [Music] this music so reminiscent of previous parts where a legendary moment is occurring in this case filled with risk [Music] using this elegant and detailed map as a way to inform us the viewer of her mission and more importantly how far she's got to go to get to her goal [Music] that is so good excellent sound effects too got me feeling slight vibes of do's originals the world or sound effects what's a genuinely outstanding twist in the story it feels like i can have a breather randomly like the stress is wearing off of this place all of a sudden it's like i entered a save room in resident evil or something and there's new characters to boot i like this kid i love the storyline and this room is nice [Music] that's really creepy [Music] that's my line jolene that's my line [Music] this is one of those times where all i can do is describe myself in real life and it was a clenched right fist up against my forehead with gritted teeth the face of pure puny god wager [Music] color palette change and a rescue is on the way and it was a new clever use of her stand [Music] what a good boy [Music] foreign this guy being a badass it's just nice that our heroes always end up with friends and this is a great start to his character in my mind especially rushing to her rescue in furious speedy style like he did [Music] giving a logical way for the main villain to find out at least what part of the plan is [Music] foreign [Music] obviously due to david productions making proper anime and animating with red blood i'm limited but safe to say take a win for everything leading to this weather report astronaut equipment stuff anxiety levels were off the damn charts whilst they were both profusely bleeding into the room turned my stomach [Music] also though you've got to give mad props for using stands to create such wild looking battles like this it's so incredibly creative i can't say much else [Music] julene and her stand have come a huge waste since the first episode starting off very basic being able to hear things from a distance to now using it in combat in such a fashion as this [Music] [Music] listen to this man they knocked the music in this out of the [Music] a reversal here of the situation and the very first over the top of the series it wouldn't be a proper multi-episode battle if the bad guy didn't also have a weird ace up his sleeve and even a nice little taste of background info for him too [Music] just like i mentioned in the previous episode awesome bits like this serve to build an ally's character and this tells me everything i need to know about him [Music] [Music] her voice actress really nails this moment very proud of her oddly enough and another great win in the books for her also for the final time she gets a win for her loyalty to family she hated him but after going through what she did alongside him she's proven herself true to her blood and like i said just pure loyalty to families driving her now to save her father is [Music] biggest plot twist thus far that she would run into the big bad boss of the entire park this early on consider me shocked 50 of the win is for making it make sense as to why he didn't attack her backing up that cement truck and neatly filling in a potential plot hole and the other 50 is for the twist of course you get the win just like jojo appearing in any other anime you best believe dio's appearance also constantly scores a win so take that win for dio 10 it's worth pointing out here that in an age of some companies relying on cgi or simplistic animation david productions are here putting out works of art like this i mean just take a second to appreciate all the lines shadows and lighting that go into just this brief moment this to me is true art cannot explain the depths of joy i feel when they dive back in time like this seeing how he looked from part three again back in cairo dio's mansion with his friends and family from back then [Music] [Music] also another one here for us finding out at long last the real reason why he's done everything to date luring his daughter there taking out jotaro removing the discs all to find out what deal had written down all those years ago being careful again but this utter legend pulling out the bag at the final possible moment to try and protect her in the mission guy is unreal i am beyond thrilled witnessing him the main villain in such a precarious position this is rare [Music] using this music which i think might be from either stardust crusaders or diamond is unbreakable i've definitely heard it before and it fits the scene to a theme well that was the longest i've waited to find out how she managed to survive an encounter that was pretty unbearable and they gave away in which she avoided their poison on her wounds by holding them away from their skin using a stand fly birdie take that disc back to jotaro part one of two we're bringing him back to life i very much hope shut up and take my extremely grateful win for this scene [Music] even now they make my heart hurt by not giving up it's also realistic he's a bad guy of course he's not going to just give up but i love how it was actually empty [Music] foreign one more win here for the end of the episode focusing on her attempt to find out who once snake's user is and the final message about her father all but confirming for me that he absolutely can be brought back and that's a win all day long [Music] mysterious element just chucked into the last moment have a final win here ding for creating such a masterpiece of a first part to this epic series to say i was excited about jumping back into the world of jojo is putting it extremely lightly above all i was most happy with the consistency animation was exactly as it always had been smooth and gorgeous filled to the brim with lovingly crafted detail the op and ed were fantastic the characters captivating callbacks to previous seasons were included but with more of a natural focus on the brilliant jolene so happy to be back covering this and i hope you enjoyed the video and my passion in it please be sure to subscribe leave a like and a comment and share the video with anyone you think might enjoy it you can also pledge on patreon to pick new anime wins content for four dollars a month if you fancy it with extra awards too and of course i'll see you in part two or in whatever video you choose to watch [Music] without a word title next ali 50 kawada takashiro ted l israel calderon mr waffle 64. kieran robinson chris harris yo nash steelers matthew planchette kim munt emmanuel mireles conito dark lord bloody soul blitz clown or keeper kevin jumper 6263 magnus kevin alter brandon korea congresswoman sean graves the epic commander galaxy boss 22 leaf on hammer sentimento patron 2000 storm 970 in italian walter your ed vinson
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 136,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stone ocean, jojo, jojos stone ocean, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean, everything great about, EGA, everything great about stone ocean, jojo wins, stone ocean wins, anime wins stone ocean, anime wins jojo, anime wins jojo stone ocean, ega stone ocean, everything right with, everything right with stone ocean, jotaro, jolyne, white snake, stand, everything great about jojos bizarre adventure, everything great about jojos bizarre adventure stone ocean, stone ocean wins part 2
Id: M9cVd274-DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 29sec (3749 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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