Everything GREAT About: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

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foreign [Music] this totally fits with the vibe of the game and just a heads up I played it literally the minute it released on PC I was hyped forever for this it was a great game not The Witcher 3 but definitely not as bad as many people said outside of consoles that is obviously [Music] do you think anyone would argue that that's just straight up cool right this is a really good example of World building that was a little lacking in the game just the little things like this cops shooting the shizzle glad to see it here [Music] two wins here firstly it's for the violence aspect on display right from the start I enjoy that kind of brutal realism and it was prevalent in the game too of course but naturally not showing it here or YouTube will knock me about like an alcoholic father secondly is for the awesome looking slow motion shot just looked awesome as they reached for their weapons to react to what he'd just done whilst you're here I got to thank everyone for their continued support really trying to get the view time up from around 17 minutes to 20. so please do me a favor and watch as much of the video as possible and leave a like and a comment it helps massively thanks so much for all of your amazing help luckily I can show this action all day long check that out bro it's sick [Music] another element underplayed in the game cyber psychos and Max tag great to see it employed even if just a little in the anime oh is that getting a win I hear you yelling from across the road of course it is my boy of course it is I mean look at it see now as far as law goes that's just amazing that there are guys higher up than cops who deal with the really geared up bad guys who go nuts and here they are already on scene attacking nice little callback to the original trailer with those helmets too yeah I tell you I really like how they collaborated on certain elements from the game such as this communication bit on the side that's pretty much exactly what it's like also though overhaul from my hero Academia the awesome things from Hunter Hunter foreign obviously not gonna show it on YouTube but naughty stuff alert real naughty stuff seriously such a nice little touch considering the story is All About oppressive capitalism and he can't even get halfway through a close watch without putting in extra money the lady who does the voice here hasn't done anything amazing but I'm shouting around because she actually voiced a character from Cowboy Bebop back in 97 and that's kind of in the same vein a little less cyberpunk so shout out to her for still going strong you rock foreign having the room look almost like the one in the game too I like that they even used the same calling sound very cool [Music] that's such a small thing but God help me if it didn't look extremely cool while he did it right animating multiple people moving within one frame style wise only that looked awesome not gonna lie loving the brief cutaways also though impressively not running on spot s firstly I like seeing a school element within this universe but the main part of the win is for how clever it is to add this realistic kind of effect for his gear being too outdated to be used in the class foreign massively unexpected plot twist ERS also keeping the guys from different games in the game that's so awesome I fought against these kinds of dudes beautiful edit right there the brutal reality of this world right here on display it's also a clever way to get his story started and his character growth from the very first episode genuinely cannot wait to see where it goes but safe to say that so far I'm very impressed with how they've handled everything yeah yeah another good example of over-the-top capitalism in action here being charged extra for even being able to visit someone in the hospital goodness me if they didn't absolutely nail the music in this one [Music] either from my hero Academia a good close-up look at some of the kind of gear people are able to get a hold of in the anime not sure I noticed that in the game thank you he's such a good voice actor that was awesome [Applause] that started off really funny and then got really serious in fact the animation was so crisp and beautiful looking that I'm dropping the first two Max wins of the video for it also though take one here for these visual representations of the effects these mods are having on people's bodies when they start to use them [Music] the way this story is going is right up my street in all honesty I'm just a fan of stories where the main character is down on a low level and then Works their way up I liked that in the old Grand Theft Auto games or Elder Scrolls and of course in cyberpunk 2077 as well when it came out [Music] this scene just making it abundantly clear how quickly people's lives can be completely screwed up hell there's no help out there for people like him and how people lose their minds or do something bad as a result foreign outro to the anime I loved that [Music] decent song on that Ed I liked it not your usual style leader but that's okay [Music] if this anime is doing anything from the start it's oozing style all over the place [Music] you know I've noticed over the years that I have a serious knack for writing something and then whatever I've written comes true quite afterwards and that's what happened right here I talk about style oozing everywhere and all of a sudden we get the op and it looks like this it's got style and cool all over it take my win foreign to get a spine this early on upon unintended but it definitely also works yeah okay pun intended actually that looked so good that's getting another Max 2 winter Ward I love how they do the whole slow down effect and then transition the whole thing into one fluid motion it looked fantastic he looks like such a badass walking around with his favorite jacket now soaked in blood from the spinal mods he's had installed consistency is so important in everything including an anime and so them showing the camera angle and displaying everything exactly as it happened is great to me and a nice little detail really nice quality on that up close shot that was absolutely sick [Music] stop also though incredible levels of kawaii right there Goodness Me don't worry as soy for my hero Academia and did a good job as KO from a race too time and again the Cutthroat nature of this world is excellently on display you're not even safe in the circumstance such as this they want to rip out your gear and sell it thank you she's so awesome some of the scenery shots are truly unique and beautiful looking oh losing which style bra oozing all over the place get them up foreign foreign [Music] it's really sweet getting to see these two just hanging out and getting to learn more about one another it's also been good for both character building and also law two [Music] such great choices for the music like Non-Stop all right end of episode plot twist take one here for the proper Ed it's got such a bloody good song to it and the visuals are stunning looking only problem is there's plenty of what YouTube might consider risky visuals so to be safe as I've got to put food on the table for my wife and I and feed and insure my two pups I'll simply show this instead but it's great all right personal win but I really like how they're crafting the story thus far typically these guys would just be bad guys but instead they're tied to him by his mother who were now learning more about and how she earns money for the family behind the scenes which I think is very clever hot Skies also enjoyable is how he's been given an edge over the others in the world in the most realistic of ways it's not some weirdly obtained ex machina kind of deal that doesn't make sense it's good not gonna lie the anime definitely 100 makes me want to revisit the game there's just something about it in fact it probably ties in closer to its source material than anything else I've ever seen just waiting for the DLC and then I'll probably replay with some mods so brutal that was awesome oh to be quite Frank a ridiculous amount of detail in this car [Music] so much silence going all over the place that was Unreal great and unexpected animation on their crash afterwards too if that's CGI it's some of the best I've ever personally seen [Music] never thought I'd be so excited for an anime style battle done in the vein of cyberpunk [Music] such an incredibly awesome looking battle that ended up being well worthy of two Max wins just so intelligently edited together to make it look as Furious and as chaotic as ever what an absolute blast foreign he's done a great job in this one also take one here for all of the voice actors all doing a great job all great picks for the characters the way the look and feel of the corpo suits is handled in this entirely different feel to the street kid five to date cars from Jojo this whole scene is so simple but so well done to raise the tension between them and of course extra points for Style [Music] this cool and fun character on style change also note the quality of those sound effects are Godly on high volume having the afterlife look pretty much identical to how it does in the game stander yeah for some unknown reason I always like it when anime characters change clothes maybe because it makes anime different to cartoons in my mind where pretty much everything stays the same I don't know the representation of like so many elements from the game gang cyber attacks and such all in one scene [Music] always a win with an anime animates through a montage instead of using Stills with music over the top Lucy in the bath scene this is not a drill [Music] animating all of these characters I tell you the dedication is insane so far it really is [Music] pretty much can't show any of the previous scenes so much violence one lady had a third Jubilee like her from Total Recall and then arms went flying and stuff but the scene didn't half looked great I tell you well worth that win from your boy [Music] oh man the results after having an implant installed always looks so damn good [Music] I can't believe I didn't hear it till now but this dude is voiced by the insane Knuckle from Hunter Hunter one of my all-time favorite characters he loves animals as much as me oh my goodness I didn't see that plot twist coming a mile away it was so sudden that gets two Max wins and now I see the setup from the start of the episode wow [Music] what an insanely brilliant but also creepy and equal measure slow motion moment right there reminding me of the bad guys in the original BFG with how he sounded always freaked me out as a kid watching that so damn sick I feel ill amazing voice acting and unbridled fury on display knocking her backwards again incredibly violent so get this scene instead but David won the day in a big way but ultimately was saved by Maine as the freak managed to continue for a second longer even with the new hole in the Noggin [Music] they do a really good job via reactions alone of displaying how she clearly doesn't want to allow him close to her and he's kind of low-key falling in love with her good doing it without needless exposition foreign [Music] moment here for what ends up coming later on [Music] also definitely the scene right here good to see them like this for the first time and cinematically speaking it's also very appealing to look at [Laughter] this anime is so stupidly great at doing things like this man [Music] so very much Gore in this room they really owning their 18 plus rating with this laughs well this definitely counts as an unexpected plot twist now doesn't it okay not quite a real plot twist they faked it but the scene itself was still absolutely wind Worthy going first person like it's no big deal foreign [Music] a really quick and non-exposition way of letting us know of Lucy's feelings for him I'm in awe of just how much they did exactly the same as the game like it's fantastic for me because I played it so it's so yeah I remember that it's great dude all right oh my such an easy Max 2 wins that is just stunningly great animation during these battles and now by episode 5 they've got us the viewer really feeling towards the characters and so the stakes are much higher a really decent looking representation of what life is like outside of the city in the Badlands foreign [Music] watching a character I've come to really like go nuts like that without even knowing it was insane in line with the previous Wing it's just plain old sad to see him now like this even though it looks bad at first glance this is actually her really opening up to him and I'm glad to see it in action as it's definite proof of character growth that you just love to see foreign really sad seeing the brutal passing of dorio only wanted to help the man she loved as far as law goes that's right up my street knowing that the cops are begging the heavily armed medical team to stay with them in spite of losing their patient because Maine is going on a rampage [Music] these flashbacks of him to his simple days back out in the Badlands and how it's mixed with his cyber psychosis with their current reality [Music] also have one here for this light slap contrasted with recent anger-filled hits on him that weren't Justified at all meaning right now he's in his right frame of mind one more time for just a little while and it's like he's kindly sending his little brother along to safety or something foreign [Applause] just stunningly Well Done That was super cool seeing him all beefed up now in the near future look at the guy also though what a great wide-ranging story to be telling one that takes place over quite some time foreign s from the game and of course game mechanics just seamlessly entered into the anime okay getting our first proper look at this absolute Chad Avid has just come such a long way since the first episode this is like legit character progress you'd see in the game not just anime style progression but level progression too she's completely nuts seeing both of them using their implants to create such outstanding looking effects I mean the detail on the concrete exploding looked crazy good it can't show but they can totally take an extra win for the final effect of how it looked to these two onlookers with him leaping behind and taking him out in like one second flat sweet to see her having taken over as post job completed entertainment from her brother [Music] keeping Mains gear close to himself as a way to kind of keep on remembering him is very wholesome I think it's great that they chose to have Adam Smasher in the anime he wasn't used as much as I'd have liked him to be in the main game and he's a creepy Giant Legend really having so many different characters on screen sporting different implants all the time bless Lucy for deciding to hang around in the nip tonight beautiful view of the city in the distance getting to learn more about Lucy's hidden pass with a giant tasty serving of law alongside it that was very much appreciated by me [Music] thank you foreign he tried to fight it and yet didn't even stand the slightest of chances sometimes bruh cyberpunk Edge Runners perhaps even more so than the game itself really does a fantastic job of instilling the idea of human weapons in this world even in the season order of just 10 episodes they've done a really good job when it comes to setting up a power balance among the elites as even he is shown to be subservient to others great cinematic view of the city Billy cannot help geeking out of over places I've previously been this is part of the main story as I'm sure a great many of you watching this already know wow this episode is just chock full of Epic looking shots of the city one of the first times this kind of guilt narrative has been explored and I'm liking what I'm seeing this shot of one of the poorer sides of the city nicely done to show the difference between the rich sectors didn't you give me this view right afterwards just looking so detailed and lovely everybody come back now makes a lot more sense looks so far like he's starting to go through what Maine did and at the same time now shows where his racking sense of guilt is coming from after seeing this on his way out making everything far more real like the results of his actions I mean foreign it's like genuinely hard to watch him go down the exact same road just wanting to get everything towards merely making a mark on that world even if it means an early demise oh no and then that last minute plot twist I can't believe that closest thing we're going to get to a highly detailed looking scenery shot in this one and it does genuinely look good even out in the desert s my word CGI is normally so pad in most anime but this anime probably does the best ever on stuff like cars [Applause] just play no good looking CGI right there some anime Studios really be stepping up their game literally never done this before but this CGI is next level it really got to be shouted out when the studio does this good of a job on it I'm in shock honestly oh my God [Music] how is it so sad to see him like this it's only been eight full episodes I think that's a true Testament to the writers and also the pacing of the anime this hey also that though such a good scene easy Max 2 wins right there but obviously it's bittersweet because we know that David has now used his Gizmo like 23 more times than he should have already she is so good in this in her own way she really did have his best interest at heart during multiple key moments over the last couple of episodes didn't she clearly cared for him deeply but struggled to express it [Music] two wins here firstly is for her Epic Level escape from The Av just now just very violent but epic but also it's the beautiful animation during the Escape like right here so good that is the voice actress did such a great job with her I swear adding in these internal shots was a stroke of Genius even just seeing it like this is painful to watch because he's constantly using the meds over and over again every few seconds to keep that giant suit going with his brain in a normalish state brilliant end to a brilliant episode and that final moment was definitely a way to end it in a big way and gets the episode one more win normally an anime groups of bad guys are just nameless faces there for nothing more than cannon fodder but it's been good like here to see people panic over the loss of their fellow man they've been consistent with this as well from the cops at the start to Max tag trauma team and now militech it adds a level of realism foreign I've said it before and I'll sure as heck say it again after that but this studio has nailed the CGI game with this I'm sure they worked extremely hard on it and it most definitely has paid off big time having said it in a little while so here I go again oozing with style love that shot right there [Music] seeing him like this going through basically what Maine was just wandering the streets of his mind from an earlier and perhaps more simple time in his life oh God that was brutal these guys and girls don't mess around do they oh that looks so good definitely one more for that too I'm in love with this anime [Music] such a good job too on facial reactions with her looking devastated seeing him like this this is not a drill Adam Smasher just entered the anime see David actually being able to go Toe to Toe with Max tag [Music] quite a poetic moment right there foreign oh that was so awesome [Music] seeing the genuine fright in everyone's eyes as he suddenly appeared before them was so cool so incredibly intense such a great scene as he uses everything he has to take out the team saving his enemy getting away from Adam Smasher and saving Lucy all at the same time in seconds flat [Music] oh man this is so sad but so beautiful at the same time these final loving moments between them able to speak freely for the first time in a long time as they fall from the top of the tower together thank you so clever to end things in this way this battle the animation is fantastic but mixed with that music it really takes it to another level entirely oh man everyone is going now this is terrible how can you not win that view though [Music] giving Adam the same kind of dialogue he had in the game was a really nice touch he did the same thing back to him [Music] that really hits hard foreign [Music] got me choked up seen the old crew again in his memories feels like they've been gone forever but it really hasn't been that long just the pacing was Godlike for 10 episodes [Music] [Music] take one for the end of David a fantastic character by all accounts ha [Music] then that just hits really hard now man final win is in order for an anime I never expected to be so damn good from start to finish the animation in CGI was top-notch literally the entire way through the music was fantastic and I'm glad they used so many songs from the game and the characters and story were a class thanks so much for watching check out more videos popping up on screen in a few seconds time and please don't forget to like comment and subscribe and of course I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 189,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, wins, anime wins, cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, everything great about, EGA, cyberpunk edgerunners, everything great about cyberpunk, everything great about cyberpunk 2077, everything great about cyberpunk edgerunners, everything right with, everything right with cyberpunk, everything right about cyberpunk edgerunners, anime wins cyberpunk, anime wins cyberpunk edgerunners, cyberpunk 2077 wins, cyberpunk edgerunners wins, cyberpunk 2077 ost, i really want to stay at your house
Id: 6HWeMo_FFng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 29sec (2429 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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