Everything GREAT About: Made In Abyss | Season 1 + 2 + Movie

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2022 🗫︎ replies
this incredible looking backdrop with an integrated CGI waterfall really puts me in the mind frame of a different world it's actually quite reminiscent of an RPG [Music] you really have to love it when hand-drawn animation is used to such fluid extent that these insects actually look CGI but they're not wow you gotta admit they managed to make this look stunning back to you to a land so far away absolutely beautiful op song [Music] massive credit where credit is due for drawing this amazing looking City with all of its unique buildings this one short scene must have taken a very long time to draw [Music] this anime is gorgeous and pleasing to my eyeballs with its beautiful and vibrant colors [Music] foreign takes something simple like say a classroom and then turn it into something unique and this truly looks bloody unique adding five wins here for the really unique and appealing art style that this anime is going for I don't think I've quite seen anything like this style before but it's really eye-catching after a while once you get used to it [Music] foreign and here we have a little piece I like to call CGI used properly [Music] man that music in the background fits crazy good with this beautiful world-setting scene very catchy Ed music seems to nicely fit the tone of what the anime is going for so far this episode we get our first look at the visual side of the op and just like its audio counterpart it does a most excellent job of setting the scene and the mood of the anime with its Vivid and beautiful color palette and art style [Music] [Music] adding in this clever and unique twist so as to avoid the obvious question why don't they just go all the way to the very bottom [Music] this kid is really cute and has a great voice actor I just love the quick little response he gave him there [Music] this scene nicely introduces us to all of the different levels of cave dwellers and in addition does a most excellent job of really making this feel like a play of sorts they actually animated it perfectly added CGI for an additional scene setting effect and recorded what sounds like a ton of children's voices for the audience great job foreign foreign I think it's pretty good during this scene that she gets an honest answer from the leader about what her mother was like he paints a pretty nasty picture of her overall and I think the vibe of the anime might just be leaning towards being a little more dark already at this early stage so I must admit I look forward to seeing if they're planning on continuing in this vein over the next few episodes here we get a ton of Lovely World building elements without them being shoved in our face such as creatures we've not seen before and more this time around we get to see the visual size of the Ed as well which has some excellent moments in it really building the tone the anime is going for [Music] [Laughter] um this anime has certainly got some talent in the voice acting Department they're all doing a tremendous job already at this point [Music] getting a chance to see not only how the curse of the Abyss affects these dwellers but also this nice gentle and caring side of Rex character was awesome it's cleared from his first introduction that he's going to be a good fighter but there's a softer more passive side to him that's uniquely interesting to me this incredibly well drawn and detailed map looks bloody brilliant adding another win here for the full explanation of the different levels of the Abyss which honestly intrigue me to a massive degree all I want to do now is watch them set off to see what wonders lay below this would honestly make for a great MMORPG or just an RPG [Music] so far this episode has been doing an awesome job of setting up character development as I'm starting to get an adequate impression of what all of them are like personality wise it's also nice to see my earlier prediction of Greg's caring side come out yet again with him comforting the young lad [Music] CGI door opening mixed with hand-drawn animation to a scary good degree [Music] yeah good oh my God oh that's a really sweet moment and speaks volumes about the kind of characters she is [Music] I absolutely love storytelling elements like this and I'm not even entirely sure why exactly I think it's something about the strange and unique that kind of pulls me in here we have people who continued building and building over the abyss to fit in more people reading illegally it's the kind of thing I'd love to explore in a game and such foreign [Music] [Music] as though it's closed up a small Arc in the storyline in the neat and tidy fashion yup [ __ ] that I'll be heading straight back up to the surface if that was me [Music] oh my God I love seeing stuff like this getting to see the strange new world one level at the time is absolutely wonderful truth be told it's consistently interesting in perplexing it raises a lot of theories and questions already in my mind as an example this here definitely looks man-made but how do they get all the way down here for the record please don't answer this question if it's a spoiler for people I think I'm going to add three wins for this and for the excellent views we're getting to experience foreign for the introduction of this pretty awesome if perhaps a little strange character [Music] [Music] this incredibly sweet moment was incredibly sweet [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] Jesus that's [ __ ] ingenious and bloody clever take an easy grin for coming up with that little nugget [Music] oh that was badass dude they did a fantastic job of building up that tension to the very moment it was released and my goodness didn't it look great with its awesome use of CGI adventuring montage is made even better than usual due to this lovely backing musical track [Music] that is so [ __ ] cool I swear if they ever reveal this as an mmrpg I'll literally throw my money at the TV screen until it's mine [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] what the hell man this anime does a blindingly great job of creating some seriously weird and wonderful looking unique creatures I swear [Music] wow they've done an insanely awesome job of creating one hell of a creepy woman I guess here from the animation change in their art style the darkness surrounding her and the changing music they've excellently crafted the villain of sorts in a very short period of time Jesus this has taken a really dark turn out of nowhere and I'm loving to change your pace when an anime can slowly adapt and change its setting and still keep the viewer hooked it's clearly doing something very right it's one of the reasons why I love the first season of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure because they were able to take us all around the world always changing the setting and yet still keeping it fresh throughout take three wins for this [Music] [ __ ] nice moves my boy [Music] I truly love the direction of taking this anime in it's one of those where with great pacing it can make you feel like it's lasted way longer than it actually has I'm currently now at the end of episode seven and yet it feels like a long long time ago since we were up on the surface and everything was fine and dandy now seven episodes later and we as the viewer have experienced and taken in a great deal of information and sites that honestly make it feel like we've been along for the ride alongside them and that for me is one of the Hallmarks of a great anime for this and for the episode in general take a final five wins [Music] You Really Gonna Love how amazing those headlamps look they've even managed to make it look incredible when Illuminating an object I must say it's not really something I can actually recall having seen before and I have no clue whatsoever on how they actually managed to do it the first place [Music] foreign getting to see some excellent character progression for ozon and also being shown aside to her that I honestly didn't think would exist a side that cares a wit for anyone else we also saw in a montage that she had been attacked by a group as well so that leads me to ask further questions about who did it and why they did it hopefully these questions won't hang in the air for the last few episodes and we'll get a solid answer before the end [Music] guys [Music] Dragon Ball super this is how you should be doing your neck cracking sound effects [Music] foreign this continues to widen the storyline and hopefully allows for us to meet some really unique people very soon [Music] I don't know what but I can't wait to find out [Music] this scene and the beautiful and lovely music that accompanies it is easily worth two wins I think I'm giving a final two wins here for This brilliant scene where we got to learn so much more about why Rico's mother went back down into the abyss it certainly doesn't answer all of the questions but it does put a few that I had to rest at last the way the music fit with the scene and how the art style was handled was masterful and truly beautiful as well foreign oh my [ __ ] word I absolutely love these kinds of things and it adds yet more genuine and interesting questions as to how on Earth I could have possibly gotten down there and how long has it been there for and a whole bunch more questions I've said it a lot in the first half but I'll say it again if this was an MMORPG I would play the [ __ ] out of it you know that this CGI usage is perfect for his insanely powerful weapon it just looks absolutely brilliant whenever he uses it and it's some of the best CGI I think I've seen in an animated date [Applause] a great bit of character building here showing just how far Rico's and Rex relationship has come since the start of episode 1. we've been able to witness them go through so much together over the last nine episodes it was really sweet to get some confirmation as to her feelings towards reg here [Music] oh Jesus that was Bloody insanely awesome Rick seems to have picked up a few new skills during this little doze off just now and has returned quite the badass [Music] once again another gorgeous and unique setting for the next layer foreign they just masterfully managed to raise the tension in this scene simply by having all of the steam make whatever is there barely visible that was fantastically well done [Music] [Music] that was superbly done how it kind of hits you out of nowhere with you truly not expecting that to happen that was straight up [ __ ] awesome [Music] [Music] okay so I can't show this on YouTubers that likely hit me with the monetization straight away but this was a pretty creepy and sick scene saying all of the blood running out of her eyes and ears and mouth like that it's really bringing in to focus just how dangerous the curse of the Abyss can be when taken lightly it's also adding yet another layer of Darkness onto an anime which had started off with such a happy-go-lucky kind of feeling about it foreign again I can't show the exact bet I want to due to what I just mentioned but I wanted to State just how unbelievably fantastic her voice actress is during this scene she performed brilliantly and personally it feels like I can honestly feel her pain considering this is all done in the studio it's an example of why for me at least I feel the Japanese dub is almost always superior to other dubs as they tend to be able to convey so much feeling through their words I'm giving five wins for this actually foreign the introduction at long last of this character we've seen in the Ed all of this time they seem to be quite an interesting character so it'd be great to get some character building with them over the next episode [Music] foreign this is so damn beautifully designed [Music] this speaks volumes as to her tenacity and that she asked for her arm to be cut in such a way that she could still continue to press on after the hand was removed even though she was in so much pain she was still thinking about stuff like that [Music] foreign [Music] wow talk about getting even darker than it previously descended to this is just crazy creepy now and it shows that these two probably haven't fully yet understood exactly what they're getting themselves into and what the price are left to pay will end up being this anime really has done a brilliant job of creating some absolutely stunning and gorgeous set pieces it's been the case throughout of seeing one right after another and it's so vivid and colorful and pleasing to the eyes it's insane foreign [Music] works and how and why it affects people differently under different circumstances I think it's really clever that they actually gave a lot of thought into how the curse Works rather than just making it as simple as if you go down you get infected more and more foreign foreign getting to see what is admittedly a very cute illustration that also makes a lot of sense of how the curse affects you less going down rather than going up I absolutely adore this reaction to his secret attack [Music] huh oh man that's incredibly sad and likely to get even worse still [Music] um [Music] at last it looks like we're about to get a really solid helping of character building and backstory for this new character wherever she is it seems to be a pretty horrid place and it honestly Doesn't Remind me of anywhere in the city above that we've seen thus far so it's intriguing me to a large degree foreign oh man I had a bloody feeling about that what the hell happened to her that caused her to turn the way she did into that thing from the looks of things this episode is going to cover a lot of the questions I've had up until this point [Music] okay this anime has gotten progressively more and more dark as the episodes have ticked on by now we get to this stage that has really shocked me I'm shocked because Mitty was just a normal girl and she was cruelly turned into a monster it's so incredibly sad and so fantastically written acted and animated that I think it's easily deserving of 10 full wins for obvious reasons I cannot show what has happened to Mitty on YouTube but my word it was really sick and disturbing it hit me really hard to be honest especially her saying No in fact pleading to be killed it was just horrible to be honest I think for how this has made me feel inside it's deserving of five more wins and over feeling there'll be a lot more to come before the end is here [Music] again same as before I can't show this but I'm honestly struggling to watch this not because it's bad in any way but purely because it's so raw and how disturbing it is this was her friend her only friend in life and someone she held dear to herself now she's been turned into a monster and basically tortured for God knows how long by these evil [ __ ] more than once now I've been shocked and taken aback by the horrors this episode is inflicted on these poor children and Mickey in particular once again though for bringing up these feelings the anime must be rewarded in my eyes so I'm adding a massive 10 wins here again for this foreign [Music] this is so damn sad I'll be a liar if I said I didn't share a few tears of this scene you guys can probably tell from the lead up to this moment and how I've been reacting to these scenes this hit me like a ton of bricks I think this moment is in serious need of a bunch of wins for a variety of reasons that are on that list the voice acting was simply put [ __ ] superb the animation in CGI went together beautifully the storyline was heartfelt and gut-wrenching and how the whole event went down was beautiful and full of absolute sorrow these are the kinds of moments that I personally will not forget long after the anime is finished and the years go on by for all of the above I'm awarding 15 wins thank you [Music] this was really sweet and it's nice to know she's going to come along with them on their Journey as well since she's a very good character in this anime in my honest opinion [Music] wow so I have finally finished this amazing series which is so far one of the best I've seen of 2017 easily it's also got one of the best endings I've seen in a long time where we're given an excellent Montage of the trio preparing for their long trip further down into the abyss it wasn't rushed and dealt with haphazardly but instead it's like they took their time thinking of exactly what the three of them would need and then animating it excellently to give it a real sense of conclusion and realism finally we get to see an amazing sequence where the male balloon is sent all the way back up and we see all of the places they pass through on their incredibly difficult Journey over the past 13 episodes lastly we get some awesome foreshadowing of someone who is likely to become the main antagonist of the second season this anime is one of my favorites not only because of its voice actors unique story beautiful animation and so on but because of its Mysteries I have a ton of questions that will weigh on my mind now until the second season arrives and I personally cannot wait if you enjoyed this video please as always be sure to hit that like button and leave a comment below let me know what you thought of the anime itself and the video of course and as always I'll see you in two weeks time for the next video and to wrap this one up I'll add a final 10 wins thanks for watching foreign first of all ladies and gents I just want to say look at how gorgeous in general in even a scene such as this that this anime is they go next level with the environments and weather effects it's stunning also let me take this opportunity to let everyone know that I have covered the first season of this on both channels as well you should also subscribe to ensure you don't miss out on all the good stuff coming soon and please remember to have a say in what's covered you can join my patreon linked below and also for every dollar you pledge you get an exclusive video there's the old JoJo anime I've done the Netflix season of seven deadly sins Angel Beats and a bunch more so check that out okay so already a couple wins right off the bat firstly the animation is beautiful I honestly forgot just how smooth it is it's truly next to level [Music] the other win is for the environment at large it's so incredibly unique for an animator feature such a vivid and varied locations and it makes the story so much more compelling and original hmm thanks damn man talking about unique looking environments and then they smash our Rivals with this goodness [Music] talking about voice actors this anime features some outstanding ones across the board they do a great job of capturing the feel of the story emotionally punching lines where needed and of course we'll highlight these as we go along foreign [Music] nice touch actually adding motion to these flowers most anime I feel would have positioned her behind them and kept them stationary I struggled to express just how excited I get learning about new things in this story I think it's the mere fact that it's humans traveling down into this pit plagued by sickness as it affects everyone differently and then you come to understand that there are groups capable of extraordinary Feats and it's thrilling to me as the world and its law continues to expand foreign [Music] incredibly intriguing to me it hurts um it's such a simple movement within the anime but animating the Turning of these Pages like this must have taken a great amount of time and effort to make so perfect foreign won't go anymore sadly I cannot show it on YouTube but goodness me man there's a guy there's a guy in on his face no no eyes in his head saying who over and over as the bugs that have infested the area poke out from within his skin and I'm instantly reminded just how dark this anime actually is as we understand the person is still alive and they're slowly eating him gaining the understanding that organisms which come from a specific floor can make their way to other flaws yet more tasty Lord I'm not even slightly full yet foreign drill must be another base oh my God oh I love insightly detailed maps like this one and I can't take much more intensity [Music] let's also go ahead and drop one here for the music it's lovely and just fits the style and story of the anime perfectly to my ears foreign [Music] yet another new and unique environment to that [Music] well that's incredibly gross but it's also an incredible example of an incredibly unique looking animal that can be found in this particular layer incredible [Music] um her reaction back there is so seriously cute while also being absolutely true to real life and how I feel watching this right now I mean for real could they have made it look any more disgusting I've already mentioned voice actors but I swear this instance deserves its own win it's so Kawaii um [Music] character building as the crew begins to develop a tighter bond together also if you know this Channel and you know me you'll already know that I always drop a win for members like this where we get away from the dreary Doom and Gloom for about a moment of respite by the fire as they relax a little and talk I've always loved that um actually giving her a reason to want to become better at cooking food rather than because it was in the script [Music] oh it's so wholesome it physically hurts oh [Music] lovely little side piece of slowly roasted lore with a light sprinkling of incredible excitement at the understanding that there's a freaking forward operating base down there while on the note of law it's also so incredibly intriguing knowing that there was people down there over a thousand years ago hence all of the relics and stuff I can't actually wait to find out more about this world once again come on season two introducing a new character to us which if I recall in this anime is very rare since this is a mostly lonely Journey essentially [Music] [Music] emergency papa is that bad guy I remember a lot of from season one related plot twist of genuine concern and worry [Music] um oh man that's truly awful since obviously he's speaking about her best friend who went through that horrible experiment and had to live that life oh the sadness is rushing back foreign expertly linking in these previous events into this scene rather than dumping loads of exposition and or lengthy flashback sequences which take us out of the moment building to an amazing degree pointing out how the toilet links outside so naturally you'll fall to your demise and how going up the stairs would cause you to be hit by the strained the whole notion that the more reg uses his body in especially his abilities the faster he may be to ultimately ending his own life haryana oh also Kira from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure diamond is unbreakable and Griffith from berserk and I suppose I should now also mention since I'm a fan the wizard came from Black Clover rather than just having her awaken in spite of being so insanely tired they have her get up needing to pee and let's face it that's very much true to real life foreign that's terrifying and they show it in just about the best of ways and how she spits out internal body juices and what looks like a broken tooth this is nuts [Music] [Music] just when I thought they demonstrated The Strain in the best way possible they go one step further showing this entire scene where you utterly Lose Yourself like it's crazy that that happens heading up like that foreign [Music] [Music] it's so awesome to introduce an element into this anime which allows a human to make use of an animal such as this in order to safely Advance upwards in spite of the strain oh God damn man no you just had to visualize stuff to really make it incredibly creepy and alarming to watch or refrain from describing the situation but it's not nice I'm not even gonna lie I've seen a lot of messed up anime along my journey to provide content for you all I've seen horrible stuff happen to Griffith in the original berserk I've seen stuff like Corpse Party although I found that quite tame but this is something else to use friendly language they removed a limber from the upper body and then drained some whiz and it's beyond disgusting [Music] dear Lord thank goodness she turned up in time I can't take much more [Music] of course are they actually threatening her now as well this anime continues to take amazing twists and turns that I could never have predicted [Music] character growth and bonding among the team brought on by this horrible turn of events demonstrating the lack of humanity that those who have dealt below seem to have because they certainly didn't seem human anymore in any way plot twist Ed [Music] once again gonna avoid showing it because oh my God but basically they've awoken a bunch of creatures and those creatures tore apart his entire team in glorious fashion now this is a true antagonist he's able to go Toe to Toe with such fearsome creatures and annihilate them with the tools of his expert trade come on [Music] oh the plan seems to be going really well but I have a horrible feeling I mean we're not even halfway through the movie yet but so far so great that was outstanding they can take a rare maximum two wins right here for that battle it was a thing of utter Beauty and it was all done via a well thought out plan no random makes machines or anything of the sort and they won because of that plan also using various elements of the Abyss to their advantage was fantastic too foreign super touching moment as I assume reg feels horrible about what he was forced to do to protect himself and his friends from this monster but I'm betting he never wanted to hurt anyone if he could have avoided it [Music] [Music] then there's this other side of the equation as a young girl loses her father one of the only figures in her lonely life down there [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] what the what he just took the helmet off and we saw a lot of stuff inside of it ew and then he puts it on becomes him what the heck [Music] okay this is awful just awful now and what's going to happen next again not showing it but he's doing something terrible to his daughter marking her up for things to be removed and he's just a heartless monster one of the worst villains I've ever seen in any anime I think actually expertly reminding the viewer of the current leftover mysteries of this anime many of which I myself cannot wait to find out more about [Music] being nice to animals is always a win um [Music] I swear relics in this anime are such an interesting element because you can have pretty much everything up to it including a device which transfers Consciousness like he did I tell you after all of the pain and sorrow we've seen so far I really need moments like these to pick myself back up and make myself smile again [Music] foreign without a giant monster coming out in the darkness trying to eat you oh oh pump Twist Again [Music] it's so adorable that she's like floofing her fluff while in the darkness to like calm myself down or something they do an awesome job here of mixing hand-drawn animation with CGI and they blend together perfectly foreign [Music] [Music] for the first time with this powerful vocal performance knowing what they did to those children [Music] I think I've got room for just a little bit more as we learn about what this site originally was how the white whistles themselves are created and what out of and more [Music] [Music] oh heck yes although I'm pretty sure it definitely won't go smoothly from here since our boy seemed odd once he charged himself up but for right now heck yes take that win [Music] art style change [Applause] [Music] if one thing was ever so slightly rare in the first season it was fights like this other than the one they had versus that tall lady all in black who ended up actually being good but here they're really making up for that with this gorgeous looking battle s thank you all right Google I'll be completely honest when I gave the previous win never did I think would be treated to an awesome looking CGI and hand-drawn spectacle attack like that and then like that [Music] well that absolutely proves it now dude is definitely not a human or anything close to it anymore other than his shape [Music] foreign [Music] to use his favorite word that was subaloshi Greg is back to normal everyone we can relax he's back yay this movie is so good [Music] foreign [Music] this happens okay let's go [Music] my God they're doing another fight [Music] so smooth and artistically well done with the different views and angles really making each attack feel powerful and different foreign just briefly using this weapon was she this is I wish I understood a little bit more about how exactly these humans are being used in these ways in order to prevent the curse setting him when going up like this so quickly but regardless that's a disgusting but insanely clever addition to the anime foreign once again if you know me and you know this channel you'll know I love what I refer to as one shots where it appears as though the camera never Cuts away from the scene and that's exactly what we got here and it was amazing [Music] Jesus and the little guys trying to pick her up I don't know take her to safety or something Jesus [Music] this is incredibly hard to watch well played for making me feel like this [Music] yeah [Music] getting to see her adventures and growing up as a child just made this all the more heartbreaking and I love the anime for it since that's what will stay in my mind for the Long Haul [Applause] [Music] once again no make smack in a type of moment instead they planned for this and it was set out about 30 minutes ago when she went to find his arm and everything else occurred that's just simply brilliant not nuts foreign it's like how cruel and terrible he is to him she was like his daughter more than anything else the one person he's actually kind to in words and in actions [Music] such a nice twist she managed to use her own Essence to turn into a whistle for her also nice to know that she won't be forgotten about and instead can join them for an adventure and a journey even though she's really gone I suppose [Music] I wonder if he will ever come back into the story in the future or whether his part is now finished given how he stated they're continuing to travel below is what will drive him now regardless keeping him around was probably the right move for the anime in general [Music] and that cute little thing along with them was brilliant especially since it was so very attached to the girl they probably wouldn't want to leave her aside now anyway given how she's got the whistle made of her desire friendship and love for her [Music] take one here for this powerful song and the calming visuals as they travel down further into the abyss [Music] also even though it's a simple Side Story as it were it's genuinely great getting to once again see the sunlight and the buildings up above where things are still normal it's been so long now that was an outstanding movie so utterly brilliant and a clear 10 out of 10 for me I'm gonna drop a final win on it right here too for the final story at the end involving the young girl and her father and an Airship and how she ended up with the tall lady but this movie in general will stay with me for a very long time I think kicking off episode one with some dark imagery one of the many reasons this anime resonates with me foreign [Music] so well using this is a great setup for the second season and reintroducing the anime's Fantastic mystery elements to the viewer being nice to animals is always a win also being nice to me is always a win you guys and girls have helped immensely during September to help return my channel to a much better State you did that so thank you all so much who pledged on patreon who liked my videos and commented and shared and watched as much of them as possible please keep at it thank you [Music] it's painful and it's awful to see but the anime gets a win for realism far too often characters are made of stone this one gets it real in more ways than one foreign I struggle to express just how interesting I find this entire story just the idea of traveling down and then you find places like this places that affect your body and other things in varying ways I adore it it's a small win but the wind just doing its thing rather than waiting for a poignant statement Opera from a river [ __ ] and Henry from Black Clover turned off not running on the spot [Music] taking the time and effort to animate each and every one of these unique characters [Music] I'm such a fan of the backgrounds rich and vibrant and the character design [Music] though I love it when anime and or the author go the extra mile to ensure there's a difference in language rather than everyone speaking the same one right away [Music] and I said it before and I'll say it again this is more amazing to me due to my love of video games I know they've created a game but it's lackluster a solid open world RPG would be sick foreign no service using events like these to build the story and characters of the three Sages [Music] it's been wind before but I am such a fan of that element of the story I just find it so incredibly clever it's probably one of the most inventive small parts of any anime I've seen just look at those look at those that transition from the days of old to now the modern day and back with our Trio of Heroes foreign it's been years since I first started season one but this statement from her made me very happy [Music] this element is so creative mode [Music] I swear it's one of the first serious anime I've ever seen actually talk about something like this assistant [Music] wonderful end of the episode with sites previously unseen and a powerful notion of no return also have one for the Ed being done slightly different with a funky sounding song [Music] goodness me I don't think I've ever seen an anime so fraught with danger all the time [Music] as a lover of all things history in real life and the lover of low and Anime and games this is me right now [Music] this is exactly the kind of op that gets two Max wins it's got a brilliant song with such a great vibe to it and the visuals are spectacular so many frames mixed into each moment emotional scenes on display battles and first-person shots it's so creative clearly it took them an enormous amount of time to create foreign [Music] forged Closer by the horrific events they've been through and come out the other end of together [Music] this anime man I'm in awe often times wow thanks [Music] out of nowhere unexpected plot twist oh man Magica [Music] oh wow I missed her reactions this kind of scene is another of my favorite parts of the story at large it's the exploration and Adventure Factor discovering new places and foods for themselves it also allows for downtime from the horror a clever way to remind the viewer of past characters whom I had admittedly forgotten about nicely using a quick explanation regarding the oil to cover any plot hole about how it gets back untouched they can have another one for the follow-up not pretending that the oil just makes it a 100 chance of success in getting to the top explaining why many don't make it up there which is logical day [Music] amazing the best just three out of nowhere [Music] it's so dumb but that one really got me foreign [Music] to come up with something taking their hair then sewing it up inside of an animal that's crazy creepy doesn't aside oh how I'd love to know who built all of this how and why very few anime ever intrigue me as much as this one does foreign [Music] just after writing the previous one we're given this side till I'm left pondering this world it's creatures and how impossible it seems at face value so cute [Music] notice the very slight change in music perfectly altering the vibe to become creepy almost sounding as though there's chattering nicely done not much to say here as it's obviously a very simple Ed but a decent song that's for sure and thus well worthy of a win [Music] I do like these little intros to the episode makes me think of a video game and a new level from the 1990s [Music] I can't believe the effort they put into scenes like this from a distance so many would go an easier route foreign [Music] example of their new teamwork but also realistic teamwork keeping each other in the loop to ensure defense in the face of an attack is so freaking creative just like with the music win number 42 the same change to the creepy has created here so easily by the animators via the simple use of animation for example the darkness on the face around the glowing eyes and of course the things being said they're so good at this it's not even funny foreign ly got really angry here but not in a detrimental way to the anime just because I hated seeing the little guy getting hurt well done for sparking feelings like that [Music] amazing the best is really really weird sometimes it ain't of the thing wow foreign I challenge anyone to tell me this isn't like an RPG it's like Final Fantasy 8 or something um great follow-up example to the previously mentioned teamwork wins haha Nollywood another new and interesting looking character of that allowing us a view of their first interactions upon arrival understanding where they likely learned the language from to now speak it to our Trio and also as always this anime is nuts [Music] foreign I just find it awesome when they demonstrate skills and abilities such as this from non-monsters then you expect all kinds of weird and wonderful Dizzle from but not her [Music] and then as if that wasn't good enough already we get a dash of mystery sauce added he knows her personal win but this big dude just smacks of big daddies from Bioshock loved that first game and the third foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] character with a great voice actress all the same so yeah I get it but that song that gets its own win from season one brings back memories foreign gorgeous scenery and an equally gorgeously developing plot [Music] putting so much effort into the village and this paperwork it legit looks like someone wrote her out a small map or set of directions or both just so much effort pulled into it [Music] few anime out there in the world can make me feel as nervous as quickly as this one can foreign I got really angry really quick again and then this happened and I waited really angrily to find out if I could calm down and ultimately I could not sure if that's ever happened to me before twice [Music] to make me go from feeling Fury in my bones to feeling like damn crying within like 90 seconds hats off to the man it hurt like it wants to express itself but can't man back-to-back stunning looking scenes with lovingly hand-drawn characters such a good moment to win in reference to my previous win about experiencing new things and foods and how it's like an adventure this is so so interesting man he's from the past of geeking out over the story what on Earth is going on take a shocked win seeing him in danger properly for one of the first times ever especially seeing how it managed to chip his arm during an attack learning that the weird hair and inside the animals deal was to keep bigger beasts away and most importantly I just really dig this giant dude protecting him like that up high metal claw over the top I'm weird that's just something that hit me as being friggin awesome right away the Lord is so [ __ ] juicy in this one it's my favorite flavor genuinely interesting flavor you get the gist that right there is just a plain old cleverly added nice little touch [Music] taking the language aspect of these people this seriously is wonderful to see not just brushed off but instead a deep dive done into it full of detail I'm really enjoying how the story is branching out right now with all three of our heroes in different locations doing entirely different things foreign you know thinking about it it would be remiss of me not to win how great she is as a character and how kind-hearted she is given that she's forgiven ma for the prior horrible thing and has been actively supporting it through these tunnels whilst it's scared and so on it's very sweet and says a lot about her [Applause] finally getting our first proper instance of a character of old and new meeting properly I mean unlike the quick exchange of hellos at the restaurant before foreign [Music] and that right there tells you everything you need to know about what kind of a lovely Soul she has this character design hand drawing everyone in this scene this makes me very sad Mitty has had just about one of the worst existences of all time never had any luck it's rough to see made in the best can just be frighteningly rough a fantastic example of one of these residents able to think for someone other than themselves especially an outsider of the village this enemy can be so damn weird man what's going on all of a sudden foreign I really must say the animation is so good they really did start right where they left off years ago it's truly movie quality all the time who came up with this they're a Madman lock them up foreign actually you know what the animation is so good that's getting two Max wins it's insane how much detail went into that sequence great time to mention the win that just occurred to me and it's how it feels really good to have a somewhat safe zone for them everything from like episode 2 has been full Pelt everything trying to eat them and so on and it's been nice that they've had a place to chill although even that hasn't been entirely safe foreign twist for her to start working with them to safeguard their town also though I'm always a fan of changes like this in this case to her hair just shows the character can change and adapt as time goes on rather than cartoons where it's nearly always the same [ __ ] now that is how you do CGI right [Music] [Music] that was absolutely sick she did a fantastic job [Music] that was amazing never did I expect a thing like that to happen out of nowhere emergency plot twist oh no foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] came along and saved them via the help of the recently improved whistle such an emotional scene even found myself fearing for ma which was Unreal well done foreign [Music] yeah go on take one more win here for that even if just for the animation goodness they won [Music] um last minute extra dash of mystery spice added to this delicious Dish as we learned that one of the founders fears Rick foreign as far as pacing is concerned the studio is absolutely nailing it with the look to the past and the present s I really want to learn more about everything that came before them and I'm sure I will what's a great time to do this it's almost like everything up till now has been a prologue foreign the op in order to give us yet more juicy extra content oh I must run out of oxygen I find myself consistently impressed with the detail on those who came before it could have been rushed but instead it's full of character and personalities [Music] that's some great a quality voice acting right there so much feeling and emotion in one sentence ah take some dogs [Music] such a beautiful moment in general but also for character building as she wanted to be better than those who came before her better than she was treated in this instance it is so incredibly clever to have taken the curse into account when detailing their search for water also it's equally incredibly clever to take the local foreign environmental effects into account absolutely insane amounts of World building packed into this episode delicately ran through with great attention to detail and then as if that wasn't enough already character building is also rejected throughout showing it but everyone's suffering from the Shivers and soiling themselves things can turn very dark very quickly made in abyss and they don't shy away from showing any of it and I like that realism [Music] slowly begin changing into the beings we now know s just when I think I about understand everything this world has to offer they go and throw this at me and in great confusion but the best thing they do is throwing it gradually bit by bit at a nice pace just a flat out plainly good looking and impactful scene a few anime I've seen have produced scenes as well done and as meaningful as desperate as these past few minutes have been slowly seeing everyone turn sick see a child reborn a non-blood mother develops such strong feelings for her adopted child to see everyone struggling to survive dropping one by one it's powerful foreign [Music] so much sorrow and heartbreak during this episode able to give birth finally only to see it pass [Music] so much sadness man it's like literally slightly giving me an upset stomach never had this happen [Music] Buddha yeah what an episode what a horrific ending but a brilliant one all the same that was one of the best episodes of the entire anime so far for me I'm Blown Away by that [Music] animation quality though so detailed and also oh my God what's she doing beautiful it's very good to see this side to him horrified by what he'd been eating the level he'd been brought down to you [Music] so very dunk this anime can be foreign [Music] ly sad you're ready seeing him brought to this state of being state of mind and of course physically man oh man people weren't lying when they said this season was the darkest [Music] a lot of Storytelling in the past is being done with these brilliant facial reactions the noble man as mentioned lost his mind unable to Bear how far he'd Fallen he himself now has lost all Humanity [Music] witnessing The Rebirth of bellaf and how it actually happened tonight [Music] massive win here for finding out how it came to be that she ended up down there how he changed and of course the reveal that she was inside of the little one all of that time what an epic storyline twist that I never saw coming a mile off [Music] now Fury was done so well the pain and anguish passed over from mother to daughter as it were anger at everything horrible that had happened I genuinely cannot believe how well planned out this story was giving a reason for everything as we know it in the present fully explained with loving detail I'm not sure I've seen this done so well since Attack on Titan season three foreign one more time maybe that music making for such an emotional scene that's beautiful well that's absolutely adorable laying on his head great time to shout out all of the excellent high quality voice acting in this one the cast from the movie in season one never skipped a beat and the new casts are great too I especially enjoyed hers and the robots I'm always so impressed by the dedication to Quality even in crowds like this so colorful and vibrant it really is like a treat for the eyes consistently [Music] she really is great at delving into people's actions as the main character she's rather refreshing by not looking at the world as black and white as so many others do and this is a prime example of that also take one here for the Deep dive on why people went down there we knew the basics but it's good to hear more in-depth reasoning it gives far more life to the abyss this way too so many plot twists I'm dropping a win here for him as a character it would have been so easy to paint him as an obvious villain he kind of looks the part already but instead he's quite complex and ultimately love him or hate him he's doing everything to survive and also give his and others lives meaning which is really intriguing oh foreign I've loved it since season one it looks bloody fantastic with how they do it and it's rare as well which makes it even better two Max wins for that [Music] hold down that big daddy is tough [Music] this great change to her voice making it sound far more dark and foreboding take a final win here for the change to the Ed music a very sad tint to it but a gorgeous sounding song foreign foreign ultimately he wasn't a bad guy either I really never expected that and I adore how they retained some of their characteristics such as his Noble pride in the new form that said design is Godly boy it's so sad that she's having to go through this for a second time when the first was painful enough foreign s for that [Music] didn't even know them and that also hit me very hard but safe to say she has decimated the whole portion of the village gnarly never expected them to be fighting back true adventurers to the end an amazing looking animation the transition between when they first met and now in the present during an actual battle [Music] this is awful I don't like seeing reg like that [Music] that music really adds to creating such a wholesome scene of their old interactions such a shame it's come to where it is now so much pain and despair in the abyss oh that's so awesome [Music] [Music] oh the animations also so awesome getting a far better understanding of why she's doing what she's doing outside of mere Revenge [Music] [Music] such a stupidly beautiful scene right there so incredibly well done and that music makes it all the better foreign my word how they then handled the end of the episode especially the abrupt end to the song fantastic cannot tell you how happy it makes me after everything she went through down there to see them fighting so hard now to protect her thank you [Music] [Music] such a sad episode such a sad season it's a robot I barely know and yet it still hurts me [Music] listen yeah oh that was sick that was outstanding that gets another Max two wins she's backing he's helping it's amazing and it was unexpected I totally forgot about her too well done anime also her new look yeah that's just an easy win I mean come on that user style that does [Music] thank you that right there is definitely why often referred to as a continuous motion shot where it doesn't cut away looked great foreign [Music] twist I've totally forgotten about his ability to share memories [Music] you know [Music] this one horrifying moment when suddenly all of the protection they've had Fades away in an instant what I find unreal about this scene is even with her extreme power the wildlife is so powerful they can mob even her in an instant I tell you I've played a lot of games and read a lot of stories where places are set out to be just the worst and it never quite feels that way Maiden Abyss set up the abyss perfectly from day one [Music] again can't show it but the following scene perfectly demonstrated what I just wrote as she's thrown around with ease by the wildlife there's nothing quite like the horror of the abyss and his denizance in fact I can't show much of anything coming after this but it's beyond brutal take two wins here instead thank you [Music] bless his heart Gabby doing one more thing to try and save her life than losing his existence and now it comes full circle with them being kind enough to rescue her and give themselves over in order to have her be able to survive excellent end to episode 11 an amazing episode just filled with tension sorrow and brutality to the extreme what a season this has been thus far having been away working on a couple of different projects it's a legit joy to return and see animation like this not only is the voice acting right but it's wonderful to see the Stark changes in her [Music] I'm Overjoyed in all honesty getting to see how these two first met it's so adorable and I enjoyed learning how she got given her name during this process as well made me feel very warm as a whole also take one here for the reveal that ultimately she was just shy and that's why she didn't speak to them when she found them sleeping but did want to help them this whole backstory has so far done a good job of building her character foreign [Music] it's truly a thing of beauty how strong she is in this world ultimately I found myself somewhat saddened by his demise it wasn't a good person but he wasn't evil either he tried his best to help people like himself and he did do that at least to some degree honestly it's the height of wholesome for me getting to see these three reunited once more foreign [Music] part as well and just lovely getting to see her revisiting such a pure and genuine moment in her life foreign [Music] that was horrible watching her turn into a hollow and I can't get away with showing it but also the girl who tried so hard to save her life giving up hers in the process [Music] that animation though [Applause] that freaking move right there though I must say this studio doesn't half know how to effectively mix CGI with animation do they um made in Abyss has some of the best music foreign it's an amazing thing to see her in real time have overcome all of her built up anger and hatred over the years to a point where she is able to forgive and spare them and I for one am so happy to see that happen awesome [Music] oh it's so damn sweet it hurts that's so kind America [Music] guys [Music] take a win here for all of the many many lost souls a great deal of whom directly helped them during the battle and later Escape in the end they were filled with goodness too [Music] [Laughter] thank you no no this can be so brutal at times sadly couldn't show much as she's a mess at this stage but definitely take one for her amazing character so kind and brave Beyond her means living a life for someone else it's a beautiful thing she did all of this time really fantastic character truly foreign [Music] [Music] that's just a straight up lovely scene such a good choice of Music High emotion putting to bed Old Wounds and moving on that felt really good deep inside foreign [Music] such a poetic end to the statement first mentioned during the first episode [Music] gorgeous looking shot right there one more on the top for an outstanding season I loved that so much exactly to the quality of the first season in the movie and in many ways even better still I very much hope you all enjoyed the video maybe watch some more content coming up on screen soon and of course I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 28,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everything great about, anime wins, anime, wins, made in abyss, made in abyss music, made in abyss dawn of the deep soul, made in abyss movie, made in abyss season 1, made in abyss season 2, everything great about made in abyss, everything great about made in abyss movie, everything great about dawn of the deep soul, everything great about made in abyss season 2, everything right with made in abyss, made in abyss anime wins, made in abyss wins, golden city made in abyss, maa
Id: v8owtUNKBnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 53sec (5933 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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