Everything GREAT About God of War Ragnarok!

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foreign [Music] [Music] s before we even get into the game bear McCreary is an absolute master and had me stuck swapping this tile to hear the theme while waiting for the midnight release and it really just sets the tone for what is to come at least what we expect to come Kratos dying the nine Realms being destroyed prying mjolnir from Thor's cold dead hands you get me gotta say I'm really falling in love with how big of a push Sony's first party studios are making with the Staggering amount of accessibility features really made the game so much more enjoyable with things like traversal assist and auto pickup wow even the recap is done as part of the One-Shot camera framed as Kratos reminiscing about the past which seems like he's doing anyway with how he's holding the bag that hell's FaZe ashes this is the first and most definitely won't be the last time I praise Christopher judge's performance as Kratos it would not be the same without him just so desperately wanting to hold Fey one last time but can't bear really went to the Lord of the Rings School of crafting a score and dialed it up to 11. we've got our main motifs for the previous game and a host of new ones all beautiful and perfect for their moments music is so powerful and this game would not be the same without the score backing it I caught myself crying listening to Reb's lament the other day and if I'm being honest since Ragnarok has released that song is the one thing that got me through writing this script as this game left me speechless I haven't known what to say about it that'll do it justice but Rihanna Perfection isn't achievable and this game certainly isn't but damn is it perfect to me can we just admire the drip of his cloak that Freya so rudely removes not even five minutes into the game Freya may have been able to forgive the murder of her son but I will never forgive her for taking away my man's drippy cloak I don't care if it would have covered mimir's head I want it back gotta where Ragnarok has got some of the most effective visual storytelling I've seen of late which is a necessity if you're going to do a One-Shot camera can't leave anything on the table lest you're wasting your biggest tool coupled that with everything always being in frame everyone has to be on all the time our boy doesn't need daddy to join him in the direction of deer anymore they grow up so fast he brings him deer he brings the marrows a fair trade and also completely representative of their Natures at the moment which is a Core theme in Ragnarok Kratos preparing for war Battle being the god of war and atreus bringing in food to break bread and laugh and bring people together peep the mistletoe Arrowhead that's totally not going to piss someone off later I'll get them ready God my poor stupid brain when I write these I've of course already played so I know he's talked about the Wolves but now I'm imagining if he just had broken Century tied up to the sled it's not even funny but I found it amusing you may be wondering why does Kratos ax look like a little [ __ ] again where's all my Powers all my magic well My Sweet Summer child mamir mentions to Kratos that femble winter has been powering him down and sapping his abilities [Music] keeping with my Brock and Sentry idea Santa Monica even plays A variation of the dwarves theme so it was probably originally them the whole time but cut and left the music as an Easter egg for the People Like Us that truly understand the way of things the real reason why they ditched the cloak Santa Monica said building a whole physics SIM for one piece of armor probably [Music] ready they're the cutest it really is something coming off recently playing the first game and getting to see all the growth for Kratos be on full display right away I hope Fenway got some sleep gosh hearing fenimir is when I knew things were gonna get fun in this game the first game is a very intimate father-son story with Norse gods as a backdrop this time we were thrown in the deep end of a Greatest Hits list of Norse myth I mean hell they even got right a tasker up in this I only knew him and wasn't too surprised by him because I play Smite but I sure believe some people lost their rockers at the goofy squirrel God I love how Frey has formed like a horror movie villain Jason Voorhees looking ass [Music] Jesus Christ I'm Blown Away by all the detail crammed of this game it looks unbelievable seeing this in person at 4K HDR is otherworldly ah this is our expected opening boss fight for God of War game so when we didn't actually end up fighting I was a little more than curious on who to be atreus poking his head out like a Scooby-Doo or something right away in these opening moments we really feel and see that they're a team now with equal respect for each other along with the game looking stunning Danielle besuti is giving it her all and its shows constantly are there frames in this game that could be marketing posters or in other words just shop beautifully I will get the deal Chris being a proud little dad is the best and in a way seeing atreus like this makes us feel like a proud Dad too we kind of raise him as well right the real opening boss battle of the game is having to watch a good boy die I'll be okay you can let go now damn does everything point to Kratos dying in the end and Santa Monica knew what we were expecting this scene literally is Kratos teaching him how to deal with the death of a loved one as they pass in your arms just like the prophecy literally showed Kratos and atreus's arms we train what no it's the middle of it atreus really being grown enough to put his foot down to Kratos is a sight to see after watching them interact in this game it's quite strange to go back to the first one in all honesty we didn't just watch Trail scroll either we got to see Sunny Soldier growing away too as he was only a kid and God of War but surprise surprise he grew too and we get to see all of that in his performance also just love how much atreus looks like sunny I mean just look at him we can't hide forever I am not going to shut up about the growth these two have gone through I was someone expecting a watch tone Kratos but we get a fair equal conversation out of him instead I will not allow you to pick a fight with Gods I don't know Kratos you look a real feisty with that Arthur looking fist I don't want to fight anyone I just want answers sounds a lot like a certain mod boss you're about to be hence why he's quite inclined to work without him there were complaints before Ragnarok were released that it doesn't look any different from 2018. when I first stepped back into 2018 a couple weeks ago you noticed immediately the difference mostly in the texturing and you appreciate the bump sound here for sure combined with the very subtle vignette placed around the screen gives Ragnarok a markedly cinematic field compared to the first game think season one Game of Thrones versus Hot D ah I was wondering where mimir went glad to see is a part of the family now really was expecting Brock and Cinder to create him some kind of body I mean if they can make new hair for sift then they can make a full body prosthetic using a spoon to turn pages Ingenuity I suppose well I recognize that durable expression anywhere the mirror always keeping it real you have to tell me what went wrong the wolf is gone going from quiet ahead to about our feelings and being rubies to bury him oh damn it I can only imagine this is an issue since it seems customary in Norse myth to burn the deceased referenced by Kratos burning his hand on the candle and of course like you know Faye and Brock Santa Monica had to get real creative to have these dream sequences that feel natural with the One-Shot camera and they pulled it off seamlessly first the devil of Hell's Kitchen and now God of War who would have expected Karen Page to have so much game who am I kidding I would love Deborah and wool glad to see her more things there's a host of things I did not expect to see and actually getting to see Faye is one of them you walk as though Amir himself sits atop your shoulders funny to see that she's the one who trained him to go in the direction of deer and Amir is what Odin created the world out of literally tearing apart his body to craft a midgard so in other words the entire fate of the world sits upon kratos's shoulders which for the fate of the nine Realms it really does kill it is the natural order of things your words are misguided all it takes is that one special person in your life to completely change who you are will be Fey booking's Creator's journey into making his own say get it Faye faith we want to help don't we really be looking at Kratos like I didn't forget about Zeus if we have the power to limit the harm it could cause we should act who said an old dog can't learn new tricks is running out by love it was a handprint that started the main plot of the first game having her hand print cut down the production Stave and once again we've got her using her hand print to give Kratos a nice little scare and spring him into action thank you Santa Monica for having your strength with the Adaptive triggers other games I was really noticing some fatigue while playing when it's constant you don't mean to say you're talking to ghosts again brother yo why you gotta bring up Athena like that just like I mentioned about that restraint we've only got a little bit of pushback on the triggers when throney acts that as always feels great you may be wondering why there's an insane amount of Walsh amazing ducky douche it's actually not for loading squeezes I'm sure you assumed it's for timing certain conversations and locking us into combat Arenas naturally instead of doing their all tried and true magical barrier from nowhere that atres can handle himself you've taught him well guys that made me all fuzzy inside Chris where are you well you did ask where he was was expecting Bjorn to be some big creature out of North Smith but no the Lord just translates to bear you're are just fighting bear not that one thanks for the cheerleading Amir we all need a hype man like him peep it though atreus really did give Kratos a run for his money enough that he had to rage back at his rage yay we got our God of War opening boss fight beating the dog [ __ ] out of our son it's worth it holy sh not even his God healing could remove the bruise Kratos left on his neck from that head that was only your mother had speak of her here's her ex stop thinking like a father for a moment and start thinking like a general no the weight of that gnome has so much gravity it even sucked the camera in little does Loki understand what he's asking of Kratos and just through two no's atreus knows everything he needs to the journal from the first game is written from a trace's perspective now we get to see kratos's unfiltered thoughts read through it there are some really funny entries say the word father we started with shooting in the direction of deer and now it's murdering humans they grow up so fast there's a really interesting theme between Kratos and atreus of one being a bear and a ladder a wolf Bears abandon their young to be raised by the mother and stay solitary very similar to Kratos and God of War Wolves are pack animals sticking together something that we see atreus Teach Kratos as by the end of the game we've got this giant pack that follows them into Ragnarok atreus right now is transforming to a bear because he's confused struggling between his phase beliefs and those of his fathers turning into a bear uncontrollably as being a lone wolf hiding is not in his nature atreus killed this mother and his uncontrolled rage and has doomed these cups to death just how his father doomed Greece to death and his rage storms are coming hmm or a certain God of Thunder this is exciting for those who have seen the Thor cut scene at the end of God of War it is shot for shot of the cinematography of that cutscene and we know exactly what is coming because of it and just continuity can't believe they had this little meat planned out so far in advance that's how you do it lucasfilm can I come in I have meat though we're smashing us expectations subversion plus Thor's first words are one of his biggest flaws they're a little alcoholic it's hard to make up but Critters said hide my mirror smart since stealing him from Odin sure is to not go over well I thought Thor's size was just because the camera framing him so close but no Thor is a chunky boy I like it I love Thor's design he's not some chiseled God of sexy Perfection he's a gluttonous battle-hungry Petty God of Thunder perfectly in line with how he actually is in the myths Place sure you do like it since you did some remodeling Kratos sets the ax down so gently and it still creates a boom a battle as loud as mjolnir it really was created to counter the hammer in addition I can't imagine how heavy that ax actually is it makes me think how Sentry struggled to carry it next to thamar making me believe him a weak little boy but no it's heavy just uh being polite despite thought bringing the meat he doesn't actually take a drink since at this point he's still trying to quit for Sith and fruit you seem like a calm and reasonable person it really blew my mind that most of the trailer footage are things from the opening hour of the game easy to mark your title but every minute is dripping with greatness you know who I am Odin is hands down the best adaptation of all the Norse gods Richard Schiff and Lead writer Rich galberry created an Odin unlike anything we've seen before and one we wouldn't expect he's not the booming voice of wisdom and benevolence like Marvel would have us believe he's a cunning scheming little mob boss that runs his family like a mafia along with his stature he doesn't need to be large and imposing in size and voice to command respect like Thor the softer more light-hearted tone he has brings a large sense of unease such as you don't know what he's gonna do moment to moment and can never really tell if he's being genuine and talk about no time wasted we spent all last game hoping and begging to see Thorin Odin and Santa Monica is like it's on your doorstep how about that the opening of both Ragnarok and 2018 both utilized Alfred Hitchcock's famous quote about a bomb being beneath the table say you have two people talking all of a sudden oh a bomb goes off and surprises the [ __ ] out of us that's what we got with Baldur's entrance now take that conversation and show the bomb under the table at the start of the conversation now the scene is ripe with tension Thor and Odin are both that bomb in this scene that we we are just waiting to go off Hitchcock stated that the former is less effective than the latter but I'll disagree as one spotter ate that punch I [ __ ] my pants knowing something was up Santa Monica knows their craft it's also just like the opening two and glorious bastards with Hans what you did to his boys self-defense even Kratos has taken aback like well is this guy what you did to his boys let's be honest they were kind of useless but balder he had value and along with that mob boss mentality a mafia treats the members like family Odin barely treats his kin like actual family and talks about them based on how they can police the Realms Baldur's the fixer throws the muscle magnet Modi with a useless idiot stink in their hot [ __ ] because they're Thor Sons you get it but he had his uses and now he's gone because of you you follow me he even talks like it's the modern day I'll let you keep the prisoner that I know you stole something I didn't mention in the God of War videos how creative is being groomed to be the true all father of this land you'll notice Curtis is able to replace each Norse god blows a horn like Heimdall is supposed to Has the strength and a weapon to recall like Thor and and the end becomes worship and serves to protect and build like Odin should have hell instead of Odin having my mirror's head for Council Kratos has him instead my old partner in crime he's lost weight jealous Thor here's a deal I know you can trust I'll settle your debt with my ex your boy safe so what do you say no I love that Odin talking and talking and talking Kratos only needs one word tall is prattling awesome made me chuckle and maybe it is a good deal but he knows Odin's true nature and Kratos will never make a deal with a God again after Aries about time Thor's gonna snap to bring mjolnir to him and I like to think it's to contrast Kratos just extending his hand Acer gods are all Vain and attention seeking and what better way to recall the world's most powerful weapon than just a simple snap your fingers bet Thor even used it as a line I could kill you with a snap of my fingers now show me this God killer I prove so much about Thor really is just speaking for the audience neat you actually got to take its time to travel back would have never expected to be a part of the boss fight we're Kratos we are the boss that has phases this time just wait till we get to the second face with the ax store damn Diddy that wound never heals on Thor because one Kratos is a bad [ __ ] and two remember the ax has been imbued with etyr poison from yorum that can kill Thor 's quick with it though for how he looks he fights way better than I would have assumed sorry about your statutory ironic coming from you crater straight up blocks and holds mione for a few seconds Hammer that even thorus were gauntlets to lift that alone would be enough to make me apologize to turn the other way oh dumbass Honestly though I'm glad this dual G has more of a modern way of speaking oh no I say when we're done oh my freaking God fourth wall break games that go all scarecrow Arkham Asylum will never get old and Thor canonically killed Kratos like that was it could have just ended the game there but hubris is the downfall of any and a little known fact about mjolnirs that he can bring goats back to life so you know Kratos is the goat confirmed look at you he's got a thunder clap that'd be a bricks moment for me if I was Thor a weapon that can stand up to mjolnir Unstoppable force and movable object you put him last even in death see what I mean so good this is some I probably said this week this feels familiar for those of you not in the know Fey and Thor fought before and she also throws a lightning strike of his I see why my sons fell to you complimenting your sense murderers and who said Thor's a terrible guy and you're a boy all father had plans for him you know I gotta win the freaking sauce at least it was good to see the ax hold their own time to the point after all bracket sends you were just waiting for the day and I've got secondhand Pride hearing him say that oh yeah from spire never change Brock never change [Music] are you nah we good just dive and got defib to back why were you searching for Tia [ __ ] so much just went down I completely forgot about that little tidbit Kratos doesn't miss a thing hey over the years atreus did teach Kratos how to read Norris it's something to see atreus go from riding piggyback to take the lead in traversal clever clever Santa Monica this is actually Kratos holding yellow horn in the drop near spear to throw us off on who this actually could be and we don't see atreus because by the end of the story he's exited stage left do you see who's leading the armies against Odin that's a tear well the God of War close enough Bud well it actually most likely is here since this is the yotinar prophecy and tyr mentioned wanting a spear for his weapon in Ragnarok Kratos gets a spear of his own thus replacing that God as well just like the others and also atreus isn't present in this one on the shields we can see the ruins of the Realms that will be United but we only have alphaims fatal fine and yonheim with Faye changing things and Kratos learning from her he's able to reconcile the Freya who is instrumental in bringing in vanaheim and hildizveny who brings in helheim and with Kratos changing things and getting brought killed we don't get to see the dwarves at the final battle love looking back at these things to see how it all changed and why choosing to be better changed everything in this little gold movie theater that's it then tearsen's fertile Farms somewhere imprisoned in a mine so what now he's so cute and giddy to be right and Lead his first Quest oh my God we aren't forced down the chain when kicking it thank you okay fighting without a shield it is not my first time Nam flashbacks if I'm traveling enough we will go Troy has spoken like a true kid trying to make it sound like the adult's idea to get what they want now if you would just wipe your feet very thoroughly I'll wait say hello to my favorite new motif of the game and one that is going to make us all cry later Kratos I do not need a snack not even Christopher Judge can make Kratos sound hard saying that and it looks like that I Blame You Corey barlock said there was a small list of things that had to happen in this game and it was that Brock had to die they referred to him as killing the family dog and I'm still torn up about it too funny looks like thimble Winner's been hard on our girl even Brock explains why the upgrades faded between games this device here has been crafted to your measurements oh that's why they were measuring his Noggin I'll show you I'm not damage are we okay Josh throw me at him horns first and I bet craters were given Center he's been a little snuggy snake everything it's warm this is exactly what we wanted from Ragnarok the more varied environments is what edges us out from 2018 plus the vibe is far to find with using a host of new instruments for the dwarves it's just great did you just say woman guard the house I will go to catch fish in the river and then leave for five days atreus gets it the smell is making my eyes burn you know what is a fair bit more potent than when I last visited now that you mention it Odin working the dwarves to the Bone shattering for his little Rainbow beams along with more varied environments we've got a much more interesting set of enemies to fight so long are the days of just a variant humanoid plus a nightmare our combat is also greatly improved bringing in some verticality to fight Arenas Kratos used to be able to double jump for Christ's sake but leaping off alleged the same in the action never got old you did it let's see what a draw oh my God why does every game want to be your souls like just kidding this is totally taken from Shadow the closest lizards I think I get it geyser the pressure will turn the wheel I rather enjoyed our allies helping us with the puzzles I get that they do speak a little too fast and there should be an option to turn off but I don't know I suck at puzzles and it made it feel like we're a team working together than me just carrying around that wave welcome to neitherville Brothers wow is Marvel really gotten weird with the source material from the heart of the dying star to a quaint little city The Humble designs of Ragnarok are a favor to mine many times before we play as a trace the camera really teases us that it's going to fall behind and give us control and then Kratos walks past the camera like hey this is my game ain't no one controlling my son but me watch yourselves apparently there are Intruders about Santa Monica is the best that gave Barry McCreery a character of his own made him a barred and everything and of course his name is rabe which is just bare backwards ew they do say dwarves are resourceful though Unlimited Supply of ink right there cute is for this game I'm standing not overflowing water is powering the train whatever thanks Vermeer after bumbling around for 10 minutes and finally getting it that clever made me feel really good I gotta say I really dig the more emphasis on puzzles this time around 2018 was really lacking in this apartment and really always boiled down to destroying runes or pulling a chain there are quite a few little hints that tier was owed in the entire time this one here is a nod to how Odin hung himself for nine days from the world tree to gain wisdom and knowledge I don't have footage of it but if you look around to your cell you'll notice there are Raven feathers scattered about Odin probably put them there on purpose to mock us another hint is when the fake tier talks there was no accent over the Y in his name when he speaks in the subtitles when there is if someone else says his name no no no no yeah we we brought him right back yeah stay away from me super fun having the God of War be a little [ __ ] tear is not at all what I expected doubly so after the Twist near the end and the two reveal works on a metal level as we expected to have a fellow badass in arms to their trailers oh even bamboos with us the players your statue in the lake you had a spear I thought you needed a walking stick interesting that this God of War is a very similar waistcoat to Kratos at least his OG one speaker Boulder just don't ask us vulnerabilities you won't get much you speak of Ragnarok is it a God of War you came to find is that the tier you need everything tears says is so interesting on a replay knowing it's Odin like this question here Odin seems to be genuinely asking if what Kratos seeks to destroy another Pantheon be alive am I I wonder Odin wondering out loud about the realtor whom you can actually find out as alive and well I care only for your safety I know brother damn the framing is always so perfect in every shot didn't even notice Premiere was visible until the rack Focus exclaim is fresh expect too much all right oh atreus Gandalf would be so ashamed over dropping some Eves oh what Ragnarok just pulled Last of Us Part One on hiding that we get to play as atreus the chest ah baby boys first chest hits a 404 error he's not his father he's got to do things the Loki way I really love to trace his combat I do agree the pacing of his sections weren't the greatest looking at you Ironwood but overall he's got about as much depth combat-wise of at least one weapon that Kratos has so in a way we could look at him as the fourth weapon slash mjolnir we never got the different feeling of his combat is very apparent from the start feels much more Scrappy and more of an underdog and you can also feel that in some of the balancing changes they made like when fighting a wolver later on wish we could have chosen to play as him or create Us in the post game but that's all right as I'm very sure this was a test run to see interest in atreya sled game and I could totally see it working Sunny Soldier just might have a franchise of his own Elite at 17 years old [Music] hey the glowing eyes we saw in the first game that none of you in the comments would let go that I missed century is so scared he finally touches someone but I like to think he's more willing with how close they've grown traveling the Realms together I could not get me enough World serpent really wish we got more of his battle with Thor in the end well I guess the running feeling is we all wanted more Ragnarok in the game subtitle as such don't tell Brock I cursed he's unbearable when he's smug so all the time then maybe this is a sign don't be a baby I'll catch you promise not to drop you this time this time I play a DLC of these two adventuring around trying to find evidence of tear the arrow tip that killed your son that's a great question uh I'm so dead accepting your fate this is really the definition of a full scent he took my son what makes you think I won't do the same you're better than this the main theme of the last game underlines the entirety of this game you'll notice throughout Kratos and atreus are making constant strides to reach out to others to make them better they know me as Loki Freya flips her blade on that as her beliefs are starting to be flipped have I mentioned I love Century's little Santa Claus hat he's cute at least for now I'm sad [Music] when crafting the animations for the blades of chaos Santa Monica used ballet of fire as their inspiration atreus has got him beat I think with his combat animations between the Dives Dodges and Spins and flourishes his combat is the flashiest we've got Legions of souls tried to stop me I can still feel them crawling all over my skin wow I was not expecting a reason for Brock to be blue and send her to be so afraid of Jeremy germs so now we can stop asking ourselves why are you blue you saved Brock's life I caused trouble no I made a choice one that wasn't mine to make directly Miriam kratos's choice to kill balder well you can't change the past but it doesn't have to be who you are pretty much the entire theme of this dulogy that might be the best idea you've had all night Trey whatever Loke just wanted to hang on little yotin that's the best nickname you've come up with yet oh credit's moving ahead's head so he can join everyone at the table you know what I'm gonna build a bigger table with the Avengers assembling later on you're gonna need it my goodness what a strapping physique I really didn't think they were gonna do it but by golly the crazy bastard's dead what is happening you know I wasn't too sure that Kratos had actually grown at all but I'll be old credits would have ripped this little tree rat in half her climbing on them bitter would you like to come out and see your friends I'm busy I knew it Troy Baker squeezed his way into another game the moment that Odin feared Kratos him knowing something he didn't hmm the door should have opened I thought we were doing the Lighthouse of Saul last game but I guess it's never that simple what I bet the dark elves are really fighting for is to exterminate these weeb loving Moon Veil spamming pointy ears he went inside the light of valheim yes you must tell me Kratos what did you see Odin's receding little ahead cropping up here pretty much any time the opportunity for knowledge creeps up tear will drop his calm pacifism and a sense of eagerness Creeps in what are you doing sorry I heard something so that confirms that the music here conversation was difficult to say the least is diegetic and Kratos for the first time got to hear his wife's theme or better yet this was a song that Faye used to hum around Kratos yes this is so dumb because this happens all the time in music but I knew I recognized it from somewhere this is from Captain America Civil Wars divided we fall which is some neat irony if intentional I know it's not since Kratos is bringing Kratos back also need that it's a trace that brings Kratos back from the light not once but twice without him after Faye who knows what he would have become oh the music is telling us not to trust tears it comes in a frame the music gets a little quite dissonant and if I'm not mistaken there is just a hint of the hand of Odin which is kind of his slash Thor's theme is there a right side exactly what do you think atreus is there a right side in this war peep-toed and beginning to Prime atreus to be his new Daddy then perhaps you shouldn't pick one everything to your says not knowing he's Odin does feel like pacifist wisdom but the more you hear him speak this is all just him trying to manipulate atreus to not have him Rise Against Asgard fighting in Ragnarok no I don't I can't not Odin his pants about the prospect of tear being alive I know who didn't dies I can't help but when every little directorial moment with Odin's tear being so enamored with the prophecy he bumps atreus hell's Army was there and the elves Champion it's very interesting comparing this to the first shrine we saw which had different factions at play and no atrey his presence these shrines have been shown to change based on the actions of people such as the ending one with Kratos being worshiped through atreyus sneaking off to Freya and Kratos maybe not ripping a squirrel in half things are more fluid than they realize well it's not actually right Kratos doesn't end up killing Odin in the end and it's distinctly because of reasons I'll get into later but right now where Kratos and atreus are with each other the trust they share it's not enough yet but for the first time we know something Odin doesn't wanna bet well we killed the dark elves so it is only natural perfectly balanced innocent and marching towards the destruction of Asgard what choice do we have there is always a choice very interesting coming from Odin who says near the end that there isn't a choice for him to make it goes to the theme of we are our nature it seems as he's impersonating tear he's to a degree going against his nature of course in the end he can't overcome it no I am sorry is that one of trace's first Kratos grunts probably not but I still appreciate it am I the only one remembers they predicted our entire Journey to yodenhan the only thing that they couldn't predict was how the legacy of phase passing would affect the dynamic duo would you care to take a practice throw please just Spam your acts the Chimes about a saskar here I promise you won't regret it yeah we'll see about that I swear this is broccoli what is this AC or pumpish luck there are hints to him figuring out all over a male Fit For A Champion should I say it am I gonna you know I'm saying right you smelling what I'm stepping in cindery looking so cute with this little bib damn that wipe to put cindery in his smoothest glass please wait please atreus killed Modi after giving in to his emotions atreus received a fatty bruise from Kratos in the safe spot when he gave into his motions at the start of the game and now stabbed himself in that location this is the most dramatic and roundabout way to have a coming-of-age story for atreus and to warn him of the consequences of the path he is sliding down I'm not finished with it yet uh-huh that's funny seeing your fate just moments before it happens one thing these little giants can't foresee is what are I'm gonna put Loki in take that prophecy I wonder what Brock and Cindy would think of that ooh oh they're kind of like uncles kind of oh that's the cutest like breaking that's something my father you know what never mind hey it's not his fault that Zelda is a game that exists we need no rupees Like A Champion even thanks uh too soon oh my God these first party titles are all the same serious Last of Us Vibes with this what ah okay Ironwood has got a bad rap for not the worst reasons but for a break to just see and let Loki be a kid for a little bit it was really nice to see coupled with him being so bashful around angribota and the stunning visuals of Ironwood it's not that bad just not what we expected from Ragnarok not so Lively around here yes I'm just lucky [Applause] see what I mean they're cute no no it's not right I've come to this game and don't believe we hear Loki's theme for the first time until now he doesn't earn his theme until he sees the death of his father this is when he gains full agency over himself and starts making executive decisions for himself and if you notice the main Motif for Loki is just kratos's theme reversed he's his son yes but they differ very much fundamentally being complete mirrors of each other at points the same but opposite Bearer knows exactly what he's doing with the score once again the camera takes a frantic POV shot like we're looking directly through Loki's eyes remember when I mentioned woes being pack animals well wolves can become very protective of their pack hence Loki finally transforming into one having his emotional need to protect Kratos and yeah Loki is a shapeshifter and myth and atreus asks if Loki could turn into animals in the last game so we got our payoff it's okay let it go leave it to his future wife to be the one to call him maybe it's not what it looks like maybe I'm tricking Odin no is trickery something you're good at what do you draw all kinds of things monsters artifacts anything father and I encounter on our Journeys all of which could be found in the Codex of the first game oh is your father an artist too if blood was his paint in Greece's canvas yeah you could say so uh go faster no offense yellow even Loki is feeling what we are they just can't carry both of us this is much easier try not to hit the lamp shading on your way out oh yeah baby boys first Spartan rage doesn't hit a 404 error trace's theme just like his combat style is much scrappier and excited than kratos's of which has booming chanting commanding respect of a God of War both their themes fit perfectly for their characters oh neat we get to see the peak that we spread face ashes on I uh killed a flower oh I it's a gift thanks ah different cultures colliding me too and you could just sit here enjoy the view as long as you like it's up for us to move on for a moment I was curious why Loki jumps to try and put a soul inside the snake but we've got this line I've buried enough wolves this winter wolves is a blanket term for protecting all animals I actually don't know how to do this part okay together then this is going to be a metaphor for a little hubba hubba right this is his Coming of Age story and getting down and dirty is a part of that it's okay Loki we all miss sometimes but in all seriousness this is a really cute and creative way to show the birth of jorman Gander anger Boda and Loki are married and his parents after all and myth and obviously there is no showing this in the traditional manner plus this story has got giant stuff to show up so we've got their hands forming a heart as they bring them into the world [Music] okay are you certain and just like that it's simple to change fate a feeling and the entire course of your life can change don't think about it too hard or you'll be paralyzed even remember in a moment oh no she's gonna cook these kids and do a pie isn't she I can't be the only one that thought that with the scene you sure we can't hide forever some grade A honesty though also call back to atreus being honest with not being sure about you on the gander if Ragnarok improved anything it was its boss battles all of them are much more varied and unique than the eighth troll gorilla's a giant after all and there's more to fight than just smack the hell sponge till it drops funny that God of War went from having some of the best boss fights in the industry to leaving us needing more to finally getting a middle ground not a monster you know it's lost and that's pretty much the through line for all of our antagonists in this game Odin lost in pursuit of knowledge Thor lost at the bottom of a bottle Freya lost in her need for vengeance gorilla being the one of the only Giants Left Alive each of our antagonists were all human ones loving and kind only to have lost themselves in one thing or because of an outside Factor listen to gorilla here people would be driven into One Singular thing at times that makes them better or worse for even people like Kratos as you can see pre in post 2018 for him oh no you don't God this is just fun there's a part of me that wishes this was a Trilogy could have had the second game be a trace figuring out who Loki is same as Kratos found himself in the first game then make the third about fade and opening our hearts and yada yada and giving Ragnarok time to breathe but I digress I just really enjoyed these lighter moments there's a sense of adventure still present even with Ragnarok and kratos's death being on the horizon a sense of wonder that I believe beats out even the first game a Tracy's gear isn't as extensive as Kratos is of course but doesn't take away from the possible build potentials like you want a more satisfocused build or more melee focused you've got options your mother may be gone but your father you've still got time funny she mentions that because that's something every parent feels since their child grows up it's something giving Christopher judgments directly in raising Kratos has missed 10 years of his child growing up and uh I really found uh some some parallels with my own life there because I was working on a show and I basically missed 10 years of my kids growing up so it's just a it's an interesting Dynamic for me you know it's uh it's a you know a little closer to home than I'd like it it's a heartbreaking reality a reality Santa Monica is somewhat able to give us by the end of the game Loki leaves and we have Freya with us and there's no bringing him back he's gone and all the side confidence now experienced without him and there's this weird hole after this absence like we want to know how he would have reacted when we saved have goofa and all the little story times was mimir we gotta hold on tightly to the time we share with others because you never know what we're going to be missing until it's too late ah Troy looking like a chad think of it repeat it you know I gotta do it [Music] what were you thinking oh [ __ ] even I feel in trouble in this moment Bravo events at Santa Monica of course treas has got to sneak out of home and actually be too late I've seen it in like 100 movies for two days also a reminder that time works differently between the Realms why can't you just step back boy let Daddy show you how it's done it's exactly how this moment felt oh God no I'm getting secret PTSD all over again [Music] not one aspect of the combat was left untouched well bare-handed but we don't talk about that giving our rage speeder more utility offers even more build diversity you may notice her blade is growing green when Freya stole the mistletoe tip from atreus she was imbuing it with that magic can't blame her for having a touch of Poetics Kratos my man he's protecting not only his son but Freya from experiencing the same hardship he endured when he destroyed Greece I still ship it well guess it's just your sin see what I mean about family dog his new rage ability is also in line with the growth he's gone through watch where you're going I told you can always appreciate the devs making fun of their Dumber players I'm sure my sister the only God credit is willing to serve is one whom he can 100 relate to doesn't confirm it but for sure doesn't deny it can't just be me thinking Brock has got an iron sword from Skyrim they are kind of Masters of Realm travel right you have a brother his name was demos Emos they're really bringing up that deep cut Santa Monica loves their franchise plagos is Sparta on the PS3 if you're confused you think you can even begin to understand the pain of losing a child yes I do something Fred did not see coming and frankly not a conversation I expected created Us opening up about not knowing my own wife and child were there until their blood stained by hands I swore Revenge the amount of Peace Kratos has found with his past is staggering and an inspiration if there was one person that could bring bread back from the brink it only really could have been Kratos Ragnarok will not bring back what you had lost anymore than killing me I am reaching my limit for enlightened platitudes from you today can you please just shut up and kill things I was kind of waiting for that one after trying to kill him for three years she was being very tolerant of credits being holier than now still though their conversations are gripping here and Kratos speak of his past of being a Spartan why are you so adamant about not seeking war is just beautiful to hear what I killed to protect my son to Aid my friends but I will be no one's monster never again you don't get to make that choice ooh call back to Athena's words in 2018. Poetic that Athena is somewhat a god of battle along with Freya with the words Kratos chooses and hearing Kratos say friends my heart grew three sizes uh uh don't stick your Kratos in that but I wonder if there's a certain ship captain hiding in there just like all the mainline games he's in there he's mentioned in a codex entry from Kratos finally admitting he was kind of a dick to him is this the weirdest time to mention that once again Kratos badly speaks with any contractions being from Greece got nudie bro you're invited to my wedding Kratos getting ready for a fight from Freya sadly Frey's blade only glows when she grabs it having that power of the mistletoe only activates as she grabs it it's a parallel of kratos's Blades of chaos using the weapon of which brought so much heartache yourself to be honest I don't think I can do either an action is something that Faye and Loki credit as a negative trait no one likes someone on the fence Kratos really did just Speed Run in Ark for Freya that took him about five games plus some off-screen time to complete I'm glad mamir or atreus wasn't here for any of this it was really important that it was only these two so they could speak freely and honestly this was about then and no one else with a choice between my should not have robbed you of that choice the first time phrase Smiles in Ragnarok she's for sure feeling like Walter White in episode 5 in season 1. I've seen that show way too many times if you know you know excuse me Freya is another atreus now that was unexpected makes me also believe they had the Brock sections with his own Summit attacks and commands to make us think he'd be an ally too eventually I never thought I'd have the pleasure of seeing you again Frick notice he says frigg that was Odin's pet name for Freya that translates to love in some texts if you want me to trust you then tell me the truth the truth is you're being a complete [ __ ] you did not just say that to Kratos 2018 was a game really focused around the duo of Kratos and atreus Ragnarok on the other hand takes a much more Ensemble approach to storytelling especially by the end Century's house is teeming with allies and Friends I never get to choose the theme of choice that's been cropping up lately goes hate in hand with the one of Fate In some ways and all come to a head with a choice to be better which in turn circumstick it's like the mirror said last game it's all connected he's not even a barrier in toss Kratos like a sack of potatoes and then what where could I go hmm I wonder if that Raven's squawking is any hint I never came up from a mere story about dreamster the stonemason's son built a flaw into it he only told Frey about it and I didn't think to ask I guess Loki talking to himself about my mere stories is the next best thing since he's all alone what no can you walk through walls skeltier curses like a kid who just figured out how to owe to life but I don't owe him my death you might want to tell him that a little animation change the show is fatigue rather than just telling us attention to detail all of the traces sections are really just attention to detail and care for the narrative modern gaming would suggest that all these locations made for Loki should be revisitable as to get the most player retention out of the work put into these environments Santa Monica says no we're putting in all this work just to tell a good story a rarity nowadays I'm not the only one that had no idea which God this could be right this Heimdall is like nothing we've ever seen before the eyes are a bit of a giveaway I know but I'm dumb he's got an Apple so that's how we know he's a dick once again flying in the face of what most of us probably expected from Asgard no giant golden pillars or Cathedrals just a humble little Village really I would also guess that you are disrespectful entitled and impulsive talk about the pot calling the kettle black Palace do you think the all-father needs to Puff himself up like some Mortal Chieftain I guess not I'm sorry if that is a letdown for you for a moment it was but after my initial reverse shock I love the choice the amount of work that must have gone into giving him to all these animations that work with whatever we throw at him must have been immense it makes sense for a guy who could see everything would be untouchable I am profoundly unimpressed you should probably stay down High dolls deliberately a [ __ ] Santa Monica's goal with each of these Gods was to ask themselves what would happen to a regular human if granted these other worldly powers for hundall's case what would happen to a human if they could see everything that was going to happen always being right never getting to enjoy a surprise or moment of chance love well you get an entitled little prick boy is that true Loki you a little trickster uh I'm just messing around of course he means to betray me huh Richard shift people everything he says is gold Heimdall why else would he come oh his right eye is gone didn't even see him over there attention to detail pretending on killing me first thing see candor I struggle to find a source about that I'm high are having pale skin so I'm gonna talk their appearance up to being a reference to war boys from Mad Max that looks good he's that braised this game is ginormous and I'm finding it hard not to win just every little moment I've been waiting for this title since 2018 and more so ever since I saw how much you all loved 2018 video so sorry not sorry I'm winning at all Odin getting distracted by little food endears me to him we saw what the Ragnar rally at Century's house said about Odin but damn does he make a good case for himself to Loki is it because I'm half giant big deal so Thor oh yeah some Giants are large hence his bigger clever clever not trying to Rouse suspicion among the all father that he's seen atreus before a good idea considering Onan seems a little Angy popping around like this and even through Realms shows us the level of power Odin really possesses it takes us like 10 years just to move from one to the other whoa what was right Loki you're about to be in a love triangle if this was a lesser game I mean really and they say I'm the bad guy come on let's walk Odin really knows how to work with kids give him some McDonald's and they'll do whatever you want they give meaning to Mortals while living without it ourselves no more than that not even Godly powers can escape the existential question of purpose save the people we love how he's dropping us tears starting to pay off I can't be the only one that hoped Loki would put on his mask and look at the camera and say okay I wouldn't recommend that this Odin lost his eye in the pursuit of knowledge without gaining any which contrasts the traditional Odin who sacrifices an eye and does it brings up the prompt I mentioned with Heimdall how would a Godly beings such as Odin react to being permanently scarred and denied understanding his purpose we get this but there's also the theory that he did gain knowledge but only a fraction of what is truly in there compelling him on his quest for the mask to see what comes after he only got a taste of what it possibly could be Loki also says these aren't from the nine Realms thus giving more fire to Odin's drive to know there's knowledge be gained from Beyond the nine Realms too tantalizing to resist in the end and why he can't change take that and do your damn job let's go buddy cop episode with Thor Ingrid is the bestest girl since fenrir I was wondering if they were gonna let us control Thor not surprised for a moment they didn't and enjoyed the sword remember the snake we put that soul in can't really forget that I saw it it's getting bigger like faster than normal bigger you're my Gander shadowing that was wrong preying on your opponents weakness favorite hobby [Music] God damn these transitions plus having to be the nines made from Norris and Greek medals that connect them as a trace finds itself caught between two fathers from both worlds makes it all a sweeter you may not find them Cooperative as long as I find them where do we search if history is to repeat itself then I have every expectation that they will cooperate whether they like it or not they are wolves and matted fur leads to disease take care of them and they'll take care of you if you ever want to pet the good boys you've got to go through an entire side quest to get the opportunity Kratos literally learns how to be a good dog owner in rock and roll this game really does have it all that's not a problem is it no death can happen when it earns me breaking Christopher judge people going up against Roger Clark was no easy feat he earned every second of that eight-minute speech at the game awards and I felt like a proud dad all over again watching him win wolves in the gulan are much better versions of the slow little boat from the first game I should have guessed it was seeking to helping you to cover yourself she's so loyal why everybody get yourself a partner that speaks about you like the mirror does siren ah is there always the third place you look your mirror would be great at gaming wins anyone that said the gore was completely gone from the new God of War Games is really missing something Phantom more like transform him the Stanley tuccio Norm to be fair these are among the most interesting of the repeated bosses in this duoji beats the hell out of trolls at least not misamano pickup when we got all these little Loop explosions me oh I can't imagine seeing something like that but goes to show that she blames herself completely for the death of balder yeah secret I'll do it again I don't see many of those in these pops she must be theirs Kelpie is from Scottish folklore hence mimir being the only one who knows exactly what it is with this Scottish accent which begs the question how can the mirror see behind him they serve the sea god I battled one upon a Titan you gotta put yourself in their shoes when Kratos tells all these stories and that Dry Town of his kill defense to go back in time father God with water horsies on top of a Titan all of the stores are just Bonkers to the uninitiated if you think about it the absolute detail given to the Norris myth always astounds me the norans have a sacred well they use to nourish idrisil we've got to pass through the water on the Kelpie to be brought to what looks similar to threads of fate and also of course the lining of the world tree I see my son what all who search for us see to know the ending to your story The Nords are so uninterested and even God's coming to them so used to the same question every time but that's not why Kratos is here he doesn't care about the end of his story only that a trace is safe so already he's going against his nature and it's thrown off the norns he resists the urge to grunt no he fails you come to us piteous archetypes seeking freedom from your scripts reminds me heavily of Shakespeare all the world's a stage and all men and women players actors could go off script and not say they're lines or hit their marks but to do so would ruin the plan or show also of course everyone has their roles to play at life and all expect Kratos to be the monster who will bring down Asgard protagonists are speechless they do not understand there is no Grand Design each of the norns themselves have a role as if they're a play we've got the narrator the writer and the actor and beyond that they all work with their myth euro is the past who talks about archetypes and past events and with her believing we are the sum of her choices she could easily take on the role of writer and finish the story based on that alone verandi is the president describing what is happening in that scene than schools being the future already knowing all the lines before they come out the analogy is meant well played Santa Monica there is no Grand Design no script only the choices you make that your choices are so predictable merely make us seem prescient a really interesting take on fate the norns basically believe what Athena does that people cannot change and that we will all be destined to fall back into our core Natures at the end of the day which is honestly very very true sometimes if you look around the people at your life I've got someone to know who is constantly making mistakes and making obvious poor decisions constantly that negatively impacts their life it's been like this for over seven years even with all that negative adversity it still takes a lot to overcome one's core nature and not even kids can do it a lot of the times but there's always something out there for us if we aren't satisfied we can always change when my son was born shut up she's having too much fun doing this he still slays Gods but now he's sad about it another crack in the norns I like to believe Kratos is not sad about baller's death in the slightest granted she might have just been poking and talking and he really doesn't even regret doing it what he regrets is how that decision affected Freya and his youth he did not give two short and curlies about what happened after killing a god even when seeing the domains they run fall to ruin Kratos is their blind spot most likely being from another realm or Universe entirely or that he's just that dude who divides fate for breakfast egg zoomed on me Axion omnes means that all actors leave the stage as in like everyone dies basically still over their use of stage language as I was a big theater kid in high school focusing on the second act to the exclusion of the final a common mistake in historic path that's Kratos for you he does not care about how a story ends and one last thing about the Norms in their designs is that the one that represents the past is older with gray hair and a walking stick the one that represents the present is in adulthood with her hair still full of color and the future is clearly younger sitting down and of course with how she was mocking Freya and Kratos is clearly more immature and playful when it comes to her powers the norns also feel like a meta commentary on what we expected from Kratos saw a lot of people disappointed we only killed one God we knew Kratos was a god killer and expected that out of him but we got something completely different for the better too do we really need a rehash of Kratos destroying another Pantheon then move on to the next one no we deserve a story a new story this story I dig the traditional witches laughing at our protagonists like Freya being a horror villain in like hour ago this video's still going y'all need a snack or something the one who didn't hanged himself with and Odin hung himself from the world tree which I mentioned the norns nourished so of course igroso would be close even if it's not in its OG form we've got no way to reach him down and nowhere to kill him if we did I have killed God greater than him finally getting into the murder of some Gods because if Heimdall is a threat to my son I must fact it is your nature well played Norms I must act fun choice of words considering the norn's use of theater terminology I know he means act as in put literally action into saving a son but I also like that he's only acting pretending to be the God he used to be only for a moment for a trace to say so the Norm's place in this story really feels like they're not only the writers but also the directors Kratos would not have gone After High doll unless they put that notion in his head because you notice Heimdall has no intention to kill Loki as that would portray Odin at least right now he sees the future more like he leads the person see ease their intention very similar to the norns just predicting what's coming next when it comes to Kratos you never know what's coming next we never saw data War coming we will ask the door ah the inevitable asking of the dwarves the truth behind that other than in this very gay massadors for a weapon to kill something unkillable ah he's still a dwarf after all loves him some shiny things forging Destiny a double entender since we're forgy the spear that'll fall to norn's prophecy but also with Brock blessing the spear and Kratos helping him through that we see Kratos opening up his heart to barack's suffering and in the final moments of Ragnarok he does as well subverting all that they predicted three of Odin's kin dead because of the path she puts you on something I've forgotten to mention in the last game Maggie Modi are among a few survives of Ragnarok Kratos and atreus killed them both a red herring that no one survives Ragnarok after Kratos and on the other hand proof that FaZe meddling has already permanently changed the Ragnarok prophecy ain't you never seen a legend in the flesh before which one you Kratos or mamir probably you hey hey got another please no what take away from there's your tears primer the nature of the things more important than the form of the day leave it to Brock of all people to impart the game's biggest theme you really forget this game is crafted entirely in one shot probably because of the menus dying in play sessions but it's still so impressive that over such a long game and side content that unbroken shot persists oh it's got broken centuries Mark too this game is perfect from the God of War Omega which means the end putting it on the Spear of which might in the nine Realms to the Spartan Insignia who he actually is from his nature to his form I really had no idea where they were going with the ring but having it so neatly fit on his finger and be able to summon it is just an inspired design to not clutter kratos's character then using the Ring's nature with a new form to transcend what it was on its own is just the spear is almost a spitting image of the arms of Sparta from the ghost of Sparta PSP game my god Kratos is like do you know how many times I've died a great blacksmith Kratos being a bro right now it is of a thing that matters call back to hammy welling up when he said it may it be put would it be a brock blessing without that which also is a direct contrast to Century and for once Brock has nothing smart or funny to say completely speechless from Kratos damn just drop near not disappoint doing Spears and games can be trouble sometimes and Santa Monica Nails it between using pokes and slashes it feels great I would want to talk about it now instead of later we were all expecting to kill Thor and get mjolnir as a weapon hell even after getting proper I know that's the name of the ring and not the spear there was only one button left on the d-pad also it seems that we were gonna have four elements fire ice wind and thunder it was perfect but they didn't do it director Eric Williams stated that it just would have been too easy we all expected it and they didn't want to do it because it was expected we've basically already gotten mjolnir it recalls to us like it and shares a lot of other similarities plus the ax was literally made to counter it it's in the same vein but the most important reason is thematically speaking the owner is basically the anti-leviathan ax the hammer was used to slaughter and cause us fear all acquaintances weapons and Ragnarok are from people who love him the ax from Fey the spear from Brock and the blades were only reintroduced out of love for his son Kratos really mjolnir would go against everything they've built him up to be as much as I'd love to still use it though and like I talked about earlier with Kratos taking on the traits of all the Norse gods drop near was gifted to Odin by Brock and century and now they're gifting it to Kratos also like pin cushioning enemies is cool yes we're doing this one boy style my God I love frog he didn't have to do this he can step in between Realms he really just wanted to give Kratos a hug Odin doesn't just use midgard as a human shield also uses the dwarves or dwarf rather do they not have metaphor in your Homeland ironic with the Greeks being greatly attributed to their philosophy in theater or rather did they I'm sorry that's not fair this is another thing I love about Richard schiff's performance and Odin's dialogue for just a moment you see his frustration with queries boil over and his nicest heart drops then he notices what he said and immediately backtracks its classic manipulation now the weapon swapping combo opportunities are brilliant and buttery smooth I didn't even mean to do this and it looked sick as hell but I thought without a way to ask God what are we doing I do not know you need to think now that is a first for Kratos for sure no respect given to the blades but all of it to Leviathan ax foreign Jesus the animation team and Christopher Judge once again you can see for a moment he breaks and it's so subtle shirtless Kratos makes me feel things would be down for an armor that makes him look like Nike yo G Kratos the Mighty God of War frightened of his own child considering his history with his dad I would be too this is a really powerful scene though the serenity of the water and the quiet of the Wildwoods alongside this golden lighting is so warm and peaceful again you see Kratos break for a moment as his rage builds up but he immediately puts himself in check and goes to take his rage out on the wall if he didn't ratatoska might have ended up ripped in half after all once again it's something they both share that stitches their scenes together also Loki's little punch is so cute next to kratos's finally figured it out this is where you killed Amir isn't it Amir is what existed first basically and once Odin was created killed Amir to create most of the Realms stands to reason Where it All Began would be a possible wealth of knowledge a Vestige left over from a mirror you need to know what happens to me you can make a religion out of this on the mask we've got different symbols from a host of different mythologies and with Loki saying it's not from the Realms then it just all but confirms the future of God of War is jumping myth oh I forgot to mention Heimdall will be joining you what a privilege they got a baby sister he just wants to be free the piece must be behind him garm and fenrir are sometimes conflated as the same creature in the myth so Santa Monica did what they do best to combine the two if anywhere gets chained up by the Acer just as garma is here and garm is able to break out because this isn't the actual piece of silk made by the dwarves to bind him and as Ragnarok comes in an edit poem from the poetic Eda name of a collection of Untitled Norse myth it reads chains will snap and the Wolf will run the experience of Ragnarok is heightened so much by knowing the literature I'm very glad I was told to read up before playing oh forgot to mention the army weapons we get once arriving at Asgard both mention equipment Fit 4 Prince so Odin's grooming wasn't obvious enough already all right I was counting Heimdall out and thought he was just Untouchable not very strong Santa Monica really sets up the fact that Heimdall is Untouchable just to make our eventual success over him all the better oh we know Daddy is angry when he's not wearing his cute winter hat look at his lip quivering God I love this game okay if that's what you want what you want I meant it wasn't a choice go clear your mind Santa Monica really does a great job on making Odin so likeable like [ __ ] I want him to be my daddy yeah father off your back now prayer I will draw them to me Daddy I know you guys make fun of me all the time because I cry like every game I play but what can I say I'm a softy this is the most endearing [ __ ] ever and I can't imagine what it was like on set for sunny and Christopher I've had such emotional moments on stage just working on a project for a few months I can't imagine around eight years of build up to something like this especially considering how the crew views Sonny watching him grow up before their eyes [Music] materials what just happened oh my God it's these moments that make this game perfect for me sure Ragnarok wasn't as cool as we wanted it to be but I felt so much more for this scene than watching Odin kill a Thor or Owen being defeated Kratos looking to end the hug and try to holding on so tightly ah I love this game what would drive you to such Mischief is this Loki's doing Mischief good old Loki one problem head squirrel you gotta earn your name when it comes to Kratos cuter companions are just little statues When selecting equipment and hey saving our resources well that was easy finding arm but I will try not to kill the Beast Kratos not trying to kill a giant creature he really is born again let's move yes that's right that's right Kratos be like though not a great plan did Odin teach you to control it no we will not rely on what he taught you next time do it my way ah someone's getting a little jealous of daddy Odin taking the sun talk about a spectacle boss fight how is the one against a big dog cooler than Odin and Thor's fight hey buddy I think let's go oh that's badass trailer line are you and with Garmin Fender sometimes being one of the same atreus literally makes it so and now we've got the giant fenrir who broke from his chains come Ragnarok to kill Odin that's so cute big good boy and hearing Kratos giving a dog a command was not on my Ragnarok bingo card when that someone's trusting me to key like he kept your promise to Mom cute so many allusions to Anchor Boda being his wife plus their relationship makes Kratos ask the hilarious question if he had done enough and that's from here later on if he taught atres to woo as he put it into a warrior worthy of your namesake atreus was the name of a Spartan soldier that reminded Kratos and others that there was still Humanity left with them goodness it's cathartic to hear Kratos affirm that to atreus as he's mostly referring to what he has done for him I need to know you'll be okay without me Loki leaving in the end shadowing I am sorry the very rare few times that we ever get to hear credits apologize don't be sorry Father you better great callback and they're in opposite positions to why this was said in God of War 2018. Kratos even sits down to be smaller than atris an absolute tears started flowing for me whenever I heard that and Saul kratos's most genuine smile at his son 100 the best scene in the entire game [Music] I love Daddy Kratos I want more why only two games because it's an oracle that cheeky little wink using the eye that he actually has missing totally just cluing them in that it's actually out and he's got a glimpse of that knowledge becoming one with a source of INF knowledge and hindsight we really should have seen it coming at least I didn't Odin can't help but smile with a thought Pete Faye's golden handprint on the book though the mask feels like a waste of time McGuffin it was crucial in putting the boys on the pass to making Kratos and atreus who they are meant to be so in all actuality it was very important wow oh so natural just to cover each other's backs so sorry about that prayers her advisor like I said they're really just pulling everything out of this game and they kind of had to with this being their only chance to wrap up everything oh their eyes are so pretty of course along with their eyes being the Sun and Moon a wolf howling at a full moon we do well to have our own endless Army of dead soldiers forced out a wig also ask Aragorn he might know a thing or two oh still here no but confidence is a slow and Insidious killer as with all the runic attacks some are inspired from old Kratos animations and abilities but others feel like references like my Spears will block out the sun with this one I really dig the Heimdall doesn't even try to hurt us until we land our first attack on him the build up to actually Landing ahead first he can dodge everything then just a block and then oh so satisfying I don't remember this time anyone hits me most of our attacks now will be landing Brock did say overload his senses the Spiro Is the first way of doing that but just the single fact that we landed a punch is enough for his arrogance to get in the way and make him sloppy psych Warfare one of the best boss fights of the game too I want to fight more gods wait what is going on in that empty then not even Heimdall understands what is happening the man who can read the minds of others Kratos is defying everything right now his form Godly Powers prophecy oh no I am definitely going to got him see I thought I wasn't planning to kill lokin it was all the no one's playing Kratos kind of like mimir said well played Nords oh right on Credo such a small movement to explode his arm it leaves it the first weapon of Spartan learns to be the weapon that kills the first Norse god in this game took his Greek instincts to do it heimdell's arm looks like it's made up of straight bifrost or at least very similar to the anhir's colors like he's channeling energy directly from Valhalla to lizard back his arm don't you know who I am don't you know who Kratos is Amir is flung off and forced to see firsthand or head the god that Kratos used to be for Kratos standards that was quite a tame kill yeah he still killed a God but I'd say a Heimdall got off light I only lost one limb in the fight and just died of a choke can't say the same for Poseidon Helios armies Hercules hey these really all of them oh wait Hera Hera got a good one shows his growth as a character too just efficiency in The Killing without the spectacle that was actually a flood by Christopher Judge missing the horn the first time but Eric Williams thought it was perfect for Kratos to be a little Jarred after what he just did which is why performance capture is so impactful and important in video games I know it's expensive and how everyone can do it but it pays off in dividends when they can improvisation and mistakes often hide in the scene creating R is often Controlled Chaos and trying to make it perfect should be the goal but never the destination and guess who freaking made it I just noticed that Kratos and atreus's eyes look like skull and hunties white and dark opposites but bound together we're flying they fly now he left me [Music] Love The Motif not resolving having a bit of dissonance at the side of galahorn well buddy let's drink God damn it Brock the [ __ ] is Celeron doing here I said quiet boy my name is yeah standing up to Thor like that is some big Greek energy even in the wake of heimdall's death Ragnarok finds a way to keep the adventure angle of the game alive and well trace's first bar fight even millionaire seems drunk trying to find its way back to Thor this sequence just finds more ways to keep having fun for a moment I was going to say oh the sentient weapons are down there brawling but actually it's Ingrid trying to keep mjolnir away from Thor with a sword prophesies to kill certain I wouldn't count it out to block a little hammer well technically he listened we're here for you [Music] mom and I are here for you I really wanted more Thor more exploration into the relationships it'll always floor me to see a god struggle with problems that hit so close to home for me also bear McCreery so beautiful it's been a while since I mentioned him oh no I know it's about to happen yep good job Thor straight comedy though listening to all the sounds in a random scream inside and hey he doesn't have to snap to get the hammer back it was all just for show this matters for his character I promise I don't need you to solve my family problems for me just find the mask let's get out of here through all this conversation in niflheim you can really hear in Thor's voice that he's softening up on Loki no thinking it's better when I know it's gonna happen oh they're bonding gotcha might be the fastest checkups gone I've seen lately none of us are safe even here is that a sneaky threat oh so you expect them to sneak into Asgard blowing a horn that sounds across all the rounds shortcuts always have a price always something I learned a long time ago that stuck with me is that it wouldn't be called a shortcut if it was the best route then it would just be called the way and we needed to give Loki time to find his Destiny Loki oh you're done I literally gasped when this happened and that doesn't happen often with me of course it would be Brock who figures it out though he's the realest one of everybody and shoot straight it's all right through tear being Shifty of course freya's goofy nature would use the oldest trick in the book The Smoke rolling in focuses us more on these two but also it's like the forge is blowing out in sadness for Brock's death [Music] that goddamn motif ruins me Brock's death ruined me for a good bit of anybody that would have gone it was always going to be him that would have hit the hardest and Corey barlog knew it for the first time we're shown and surgery doesn't care to hide his stepping between the Realms really highlights his grief [Music] quiet after everything that transpired really puts us into tradus's shoes giving us space with him to take in all that just happened we have been wounded this is a distraction and that's okay sometimes we need time and space like Amir just said I get where he's coming from but come on mate it's not only dead he's been denied an afterlife really you just had the Twister knife Santa Monica oh even as open world model as a sad face syndrie no longer wearing his gloves just completely shattered you just kept taking and now what have I got [Music] not even my family Adam John Harrington devastates me with his performance and I'm sure a lot of you thought the same thing I did right away I thought we were your family everything's running Brock's death is pig Ragnarok and that's the price of War not everyone gets a happy ending and atreus had to learn that the hard way what everyone else already knew about Odin lost family and a best friend I showed this custody to my partner and gave her just the cliff notes and she almost cried if that's not a testament to the acting music and core of our Humanity that Santa Monica Taps into I don't know what it is so what you can do let's get the [ __ ] out of my sight curse to the presence of Brock working on Brock's blade probably doing all the things he wished he could have in Brock's life desperately trying to put things back together to forge what's been broken and with that he's using Brock's Hammer gloves off as actor Adam John Harrington said and grief or in loss people they take on the characteristics of that person that's gone as a way to keep them alive more than that we have only one way to Asgard and it's not subtle as a man that was to blow the horn Kratos crosses Hill to Sweeney to be Center Stage blocking is subtle but important that leaves only startle time I'll go to spartal fun century setting up the reverse Gandalf charge good luck to us all right man frere there are two types of people that drink alcoholics and drugs Ferris an alcoholic getting [ __ ] done while toasted four on the other hand I'm kidding I know it's not like that alcoholism problem trust me I understand but funny YouTube man gotta make a jest I unlocked the secrets in the shrine when I was in Moose behind with Thor Thor don't worry you didn't see me going that was not my worry you know I mentioned the money more development with Thor and that this game brings Norse myth to the Forefront I lied at the end of the day Ragnarok stays focused on its most principled characters and themes not using spectacle or fan service and hype to carry their title I think many of us will look back in a couple years of course we wanted God of War 3 2.0 but we'll be happy Santa Monica showed restraint and gave us this title looks like certa sits upon his own Iron Throne we seek a fire Giant go away I think we found him Sutter believes he's bound to his fate but without Samara he's been stuck trying to force the blade he must use that Ragnarok himself failing constantly to procure a blade that'll do the job as the whole widens it makes a cute little makeshift heart have you ever been in love it's pretty good Chris Browning I really would have loved to see more of him I think that's been a running devious video everything is so great I we all just want more and that's a feat not every game can achieve wait [Music] those braids may I see them oh yeah this primordial fire in those it is the Great Piece of regret and shame that Kratos carries that now offer Solace to a relationship that was doomed to die he picked up the blades out of love for his son and now they're coming back to save a man's wife its form is the same but its Nature has transcended what they were in the Greek era the biggest theme I believe Ragnarok is one if not both can change even if they don't at the same time or ever put those in here and I'll become your monster I have a specific choice of words starter is basically becoming kratos's old self through this choice being the creature that will destroy a Pantheon because of a woman he loved loves Curtis holding his blades in astonishment that once again they're helping just like atreya said this is beautiful sometimes loving someone is about choosing the Lesser Pain Santa Monica cared about making a game that spoke straight to our souls the truth and that's David at least for me it rings as true as Odin needing knowledge to live so I gotta say it again this is so pretty I'm buying them from doing everything in our power to avoid ragnac to now causing it love no matter what annoys me to everyone chooses to cause it always fulfilling the prophecy dude screaming like he just got the best head ever Odin must have said that [Music] at this point oh no if anything it's going to take one Valkyrie each to take down these Greco Norse gods you ready we've got a gold and green Valk gold faces Kratos for the opulence that Greek culture exuded in the previous games a spit in his face green faces down atreus as he's the one who wants to bring peace and people together and help make Kratos that we build her still championing him like Odin has done the entire game all right gaming wins 10 fall hat off need that their health bars are entwined being sisters and all that that was happening to me I'll always be a champion of combo attacks I have to the blades have always been my favorite weapon and this is my favorite runic it's so satisfying every time [Music] [Applause] get away from me they were 100 doing Kratos without atreus who's to say what would have happened and atreus turning into his Bjorn form couldn't be better with these two gods of power and destruction so close to being on beat with the music and I bet they wanted so bad to do it but thought it would have been corny but I wanted it all right you know the sauce has already been won but I think I'll do it again so you fought in a lot of Wars right never had anything like Ragnarok on your side I have and the creature does not guarantee our Victory referencing guy and the Titans leave some time before what expected at the temple could be our last chance father true words have never been spoken I see the Valkyries better than that they are reborn corporeal and uncorrupted so all that pain and suffering of the valky fights last game technically paid off here a leader that honor is yours to really bring things full circle and close out creitus's Arc it was to bring him back as a general to succeed as such and not give in to his own personal glories which was set up at the opening of the game with atreus asking him to think like a general practice feeling something besides hate will you tell me one last silly story oh I want one last story oh we're gonna get it from Daddy I always love every time a Kratos pulls out the ax and has a moment with it especially coming off a mirror and Seagram being lovebirds he's for sure thinking about her can I sleep here tonight of course you can I was hoping for it in Santa Monica is the King of Wishful film when it comes to emotional side of things spectacle they blew their love with God of War 3 which is great but bigger doesn't always mean better we got bigger and better with this duoji in a different form than God of War 3 if you follow me quiet your mind I can't [Music] then I will tell you a story Kratos finally does what I imagine he never did for atreyas growing up telling a bedtime story all the way they tease that Curtis will die and him doing the one thing every parent does for their kid really sold me on the idea if I fall asleep I promise to finish it tomorrow and there's the nail in the coffin they set up the expected gun punch of his death as an easy layup not being able to finish the story arrived viewing scenes like these in the context of the entire franchise hurts me in the best way seeing Kratos reflect and be this honest just maybe shed a tear rewatching to write the script yes I'm soft you can't count out bear score either a masterpiece score every evening he pour the logs on his back down the logs as he could no longer bear their weight and when arrived credits for the first time looks at death and wishes for it not to come to him his entire existence after killing Zeus has been wanting to die and a trace brings him back when he's at the precipice you can also look at this in the Greek side of things Thanos is the Greek personification of death I.E Kratos and he tells a story while his son falls asleep hypnosis the twin brother of Kratos whom the former is the god of sleep I've mentioned many times that these two being mirrors perfect opposites and entwine poetically here's just another analog to that Kratos explicitly says throw down the logs as he could no longer bear their weight I see him talking about Faye's death in a way not wanting to go on after the woman who saved him passed we opened 2018 with him bearing a log on his back ready to burn Face Body to mourn with atreus another way to read this scene judging by credit's reaction after not being able to finish the story is that he's torn up that he's willing to walk into death's call and is going to do it for atreus's sake there is much time ahead of us I wish to better a future that will exist without me Heimdall could see people's intentions in the short term FaZe looking across at least a decade of the future and taking action positively I like that Santa Monica doesn't condemn knowledge as a strictly negative trait as we see Faye use hers for the most absolute good culmination of Love is grief maybe Vision was on to something I love this sentiment as it really helps those of us who struggle after the passing of a loved one grief is a part of life and something I love that's being highlighted more in the media grief can be expressed in so many different ways being sad and mopey isn't the only one we could celebrate we can laugh we can Revel a loved ones passing even my favorite thing about seeing these two on screen together is how much of an equal I view them as I don't know what Santa Monica did but damn does Faye have presents is to have [Music] after a moment of the woman singing we get the male choir that joins the music showing that Kratos does take in her words what's going on it is time okay sorry Great Moments and all but I couldn't be the only one thinking these [ __ ] have Mooring breath it's not disgusting I'm sure I'll meet you outside father sir from family to Soldier we've got now atreus and kratos's teams both playing more so both fighting for control of Kratos of his soul on what he plans to be in Ragnarok oh I love that for Ragnarok we all got matching outfits General never change for her prophecy did not lead us here nor will it win this battle Wars are won by those that are willing to sacrifice everything a glimpse of the Kratos we never truly got to see that is the cost of vengeance officially we're being set up that credits will sacrifice Freya if not atreus I'm going out in blaze of glory means that Odin Burns too might as well be little does he know how prophetic his own words will be foreign [Music] [Music] strangely but I was ready for this [Music] thank you [Music] ready yourselves what the hell do I even say [Applause] everyone's already fighting time works differently between realms for those that know the lore this was a giant red herring that Ragnarok would turn more in our favor than it did prayer with me watch our flight to the war machines right away you hear the music that the war already isn't going well and bears so so much doubt that our Norse character is undoubtedly share desperation is our advantages [Music] dialogue throughout Ragnarok it's obvious he's never experienced Warfare from the front lines he gives great contrast to Kratos to Surefire nature a little Connor is that we have no control over it remind us that this battle reaches Beyond us sneaky boy doesn't have all the algae on him since he's not been spying it up in the lake of nine yet injury won't let us down we have to trust him rally all you Captain gotta trust your family now the dwarves are here way to go Century ah it's just injury see what I'm in about Gandalf you are those who are willing to sacrifice everything [Music] the camera doesn't draw attention to it but Kratos looks at Century on that line seeing his pain and what his teachings have brought he's violently reminded of what Faye taught him you feel pain you must never sacrifice that never not for anyone I was wrong atris a rare moment indeed the mirror wanted to say open your heart or do their suffering does your mother's wish in mind as well and it is this moment everyone points to as when Kratos truly changed prophecy and it's entirely driven from what atreus forced Kratos to go through without him without Fae without having an open heart to others then Kratos then then we can't change and that's what I truly take away from Ragnarok good days today we will be better our payoff to the line that Kratos uttered to atreus is the direction of deer we will breach the wall and Reaper's floor what army Petraeus and I will be enough just kidding what Kratos really meant is that the two of them are going to be better than Ragnarok physically like they're Ragnarok the two of them they're gonna take him yeah but we will die Seeking Justice not Vengeance a character Arc almost two decades that they make coming to a close have I mentioned that atreus combat feels great are you dead like an hour ago cool hey in the background you can see the two F siblings is actually holding back Ragnarok even though he's getting his ass beat love to see him using his brother's blade I can't let it control me try something goes Bjorn when he's real mad though Sentry wants a trailers to eat coal this is what family does for each other in this moment of trace's theme is using Dwarven instruments there you have done it again what you want to thank you no I just want I don't care what you want this change is nothing Century I love how they wrote him after Brock we all think a conversation or two and some logical understanding will bring us all together Kumbaya style and we all know it's not that simple not in the slightest I understand cindery and it pains me to say I do he may be just the best written character in this game you really had me believing you that we didn't have to be enemies dude you're okay low-key that [ __ ] trickster playing all sides no I know he actually cares blocking call back to their first meeting this is not the time to mention it but straight up the Norse love tattooing kids and they do a backup job doing it he said we owed him huh what he meant to say is Keys Odin and your promise doesn't mean you don't own your death as cringe as no [ __ ] was Santa Monica brought that call back back Tastefully are you ready to go find the rest of your people yeah there's a whole Arc in there for both of them but we just don't have time to explore it lots think it should have been a Trilogy and it could have been easy to do so but the story that was at focus and worth telling was Kratos and atreus and I commend Santa Monica for keeping that Vision instead of trying to franchise again [Music] laughs thank you of all the people trying to tear down Odin's wall it had to have been the dwarves with how he used them throughout the amount of gifts they bestowed upon the gods you might think Amir Freya or hildes Feeney went through some [ __ ] with Odin but at the core of Asgard it's always been the dwarves to have just one bring down his walls is more cathodic than I expected we basically break down Odin's front door this is his rum Tower entrance after all straight respect between Warriors they don't need words to have understanding me straight up respect for his fight with Thor too bear really brings us into the end times musically like like this feels like the end of the world once again for those who know the Lord his sword should destroy certain but it hasn't showing doubt you might say big payoff win plus troll sound bite if you don't know what I mean by that listen to this and then go watch any troll scene more guys it's all based on horses and this song I'm allowed to kill you about time we get a chance to show off again but really Ragnarok gets as close to not wanting this fight to happen same like naughty dog did with Abby and Ellie I'll never get over the smaller Kratos manhandling Thor they were so close to showing Kratos turning mjolnir against him but him having the strength to use physics and Fulcrum and back to Thor is inspired though this was also obeyed knowing Thor wouldn't go around with anyone playing with his hammer uh yeah no back he loves also using an old wound as an advantage who's to say Thor is invulnerable to other worldly magic krato says it one to ten fate you know what I mean so this is junk door very obvious I hate to bring it up but it's true to life these trappings can't escape even Gods when they're in that state they will believe whatever narrative fits slash fills is their head there is no reasoning with someone that far gone I do appreciate that even when we get it's cinematic as hell they could not help themselves from showing kratos's power over mjolnir and its cradle signature move he uses his opponent's weapon against them just look at I don't know pretty much everyone he's killed all right Rock coming in [Music] so sexy not to win oh my super dueling right now of course once again for that wound I love the attention to details shows that Kratos is tactical and isn't just a rage monster interesting look at the lightning around the knife when Kratos removes it either it's Thor exudes Thunder or he sees where boys coming from and start to subscribe and drop the lightning don't you know What I've Done yes [Music] I destroy us such a small detail but that's what we're all about Thor says this summoning his hammer without a snap similar to how after he got wasted he called mjolnir without a snap without the bravado without the performance for Odin we must be better foreign elevates the scene here Keeps Us on edge seeing the hammer raised then brings us released as he drops it love Chris judge but I hate that he looks like it's his turn to play on the Xbox what is this broken I am your father 100 of Star Wars reference and almost says it like you know who got away spoilers the new gin is coming the cycle can't be broken with Odin father's killing Sons this was all therefore they've done this to us I [ __ ] give Odin props for trying to manipulate her even when she saw straight up what happened okay he can wield Milner I hope his fight is as cool as that again sorry but Odin really sounded like boots under against me I don't think I've mentioned it but better late than never the audio every time you parry is sexy as hell Odin is throwing the entire kitchen sink at us and what I mean by that is the bifrost itself oh this uses that spear he teased against tear against us gun gears put it in work ah The Noose came back I think you're the only one who can craft a binding spell come Muppets question this is your choice son atreus having complete agency finally over himself with his father backing him up damn there's a cool scene Freya fight alongside us when we remember where she was when we started the game using his mother's marble to house out even Faye plays an active role in the final fight instead of Kratos losing his soul and trace's arms and doubted so the prophecy was kind of right that's what comes next [Music] everyone Grieves differently and Century has a long way to go before he's tall again freyr and his sword are fated to kill Sorter and in the myth he doesn't have his blood come Ragnarok now he does and Santa Monica keeps true to the part of the story of having him die for once it's atreya shoving Kratos out of Harm's Way no call back call back you are formidable Warrior that's not the most moving gesture then I don't know what it is you're basically another dad to me what no I need you to hear it oh I love you too little brother see him Amir I'm not crying you're crying this entire walk of the mountain is basically a curtain call for the game and I'd say Santa Monica earned it on path because of her get you a partner like fat people you already [Music] boys now Marion calling back to the last scene we saw of Kratos and Fey Loki [Music] the dress the dress remains [Music] who the hell is cutting onions I swear to God so beautiful and such a strong ending for these two we didn't need a Trilogy to have this moment work and why I think game strands and most media for emotional storytelling we get to spend so much longer with these characters and have active roles in their stories Curtis is like all right all right time to be men the dollies do when they hug Kratos is remembering that love he has for Faye is happy to see Loki fighting that himself Loki even exited stage left keeping in with the theater theming from the norns the music gear sets us up for some kind of SQL bait Kratos finally finally is a god that is worshiped he finally will get to understand that love that Odin taunted him about going from the God of War to a god of peace and reconstruction Kratos becomes what we saw of the real tear in the first game and this reaction from Kratos beautiful he really is redeemed and finally believes that himself he saved the Realms instead of destroying them this time and it's all painted over with that golden paint of Fae showing once again that Kratos averted fate and this is quite possibly the most vulnerable we've ever seen the man alone crying real men cry greatest has finally become what Odin should have been all along would you join me and in classic cradles fashion steals is a girl too just like the end of the last game we work our way back down a mountain during the credits surgery made it [Music] one more time bear McCreary people God does it hurt to see Sentry like this from his joking light-hearted nature to this broken man it's so sad but executed so well Brock has given all the customs of a Viking funeral Brock was last thing Century needs to hear right now [Music] oh what gets bigger the more you take away well damn it only took Brock dying from here to figure it out what a [ __ ] way to end a game oh my God that is how I feel knowing that this duology has come to a close and we have no idea if or when there will be another game whether it will be centered around Kratos or atreus either way I'll be there for it God of War Ragnarok is proof that a game doesn't need to be perfect in every aspect for it to be amazing this is my game can't wait after some time has passed revisit these two games and cry all over again it's a story that takes place in this Fantastical realm and talking squirrels and Magic hammers but brings home a story more human and touching than most we see nowadays Ragnarok felt like a labor of love the choice not to stretch it out to it though making a tray is playable the attention to Norse mythology Santa Monica has earned its place as among the greats of gaming Developers this studio has been working on God of War exclusively for the last 20 years almost as long as I've been alive people have been laboring over Kratos to make him the best character he can be I can't imagine the love they have on the share with each other how much of a family they've become a family they got to choose continue to choose every day family isn't funny look at Fred even with what Kratos did soon enough she became a part of his Fame she's able to change drop her hatred try to be better this eulogy is a perfect reminder that we all can change that we aren't our worst impulses our worst mistakes don't Define us that we can be better we can choose to be there is nothing in the entire world that prevents that but ourselves we are all our own worst and no one can get in the way better than yourself look at Odin for example look how Kratos was to atreus as he was growing up and then how they are now open your hearts to their suffering open your hearts to your suffering forgive yourself love yourself and proliferate that feeling you help one person you help everybody because of atreus's unyielding love for his father the Norse Realms will continue through helping Kratos learn to love again to open his heart he helped everyone love deeply and love strongly finds your family because after all what else is there [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: GamingWins
Views: 1,271,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamingwins, god of war ragnarok review, god of war ragnarok, everything great about, everything great about god of war ragnarok, everything great the god of war ragnarok, god of war ragnarok analysis, things you missed about god of war ragnarok, god of war ragnarok missed details, god of war ragnarok gamingwins, god of war ragnarok gaming wins, gaming wins god of war ragnarok, gamingwins god of war ragnarok, everything great about god of war ragnarok gamingwins
Id: rEU-xvOqTkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 20sec (6560 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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