Jojo’s Bizarre Iceberg (FUN FACTS and TRIVIA) (Part 1 of 4)

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hey guys got some brand new merch uh if you want to buy it then Coolio it's in the description if you don't uh enjoy the Jojo [Music] [Music] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a manga series created and illustrated by hirohiko araki and people online will not shut up about it I should know I'm one of those people I mean you're probably already familiar with it too you clicked on this video or maybe you misclicked or YouTube Auto played gee if that's the case then this is awkward I'm just gonna pretend that you're a JoJo fan like me anyway and if you're not and you still want to watch this video then oh boy are you in for a journey hey you like trivia fun facts JoJo has a lot of that and I don't really see many people talking about it online it's a series that's been running since the late 80s you would think that cool information about it would be covered in droves on YouTube but that really hasn't been the case and when I say this I'm talking about videos dedicated to tidbits and fun facts not just bringing it up and passing the closest thing I can think of with any sort of notoriety at all is that one did you know gaming video and that's only like seven minutes I can't discuss the intricacies of stuff like kakyowen laying an egg in the span of seven minutes for the longest time I've been trying to give myself an excuse to talk about this sort of stuff in a video but I didn't have one for so long that was until this Iceberg stuff became a thing you know these things like the one that sunk the Titanic except instead of killing people it gives you cool fun facts I'm a big fan of this topic being a turn on the phrase tip of the iceberg these images are meant to Showcase information about a subject in a descending order from the most well-known details to the more mysterious and relatively unknown ones basically the top of the iceberg is the super simple baby stuff and the bottom of the iceberg is the much more obscure and interesting section with deep lore that only the most hardcore of fans will be familiar with these Iceberg memes have been popping up more and more as of late with many focusing on games like Super Mario 64 and mighty crafta though in actuality this format has been used for a lot of different subject matter and not just games and while at first it was used as a form of Creepypasta in its own way it's also led to some great collections of cool facts and trivia that I've never heard before every time I see a YouTuber cover one of these I end up learning some cool stuff about content that I'm a huge fan of so today I will play the role of one of those YouTubers as we take a look at the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Iceberg I discovered the original image I was planning on dissecting via Twitter created by a user named Morgan this image catalogs a lot of cool stuff that I was super excited to sit down and talk about though over time my ambitions grew much much larger in scale I I like Jojo and I want I I like I like Jojo I I enjoy JoJo instead of just focusing on Morgan's work I decided to create a sort of ultimate Iceberg by fusing Morgans with various others I had found online notably taking a lot of extra subject matter from this iceberg that was posted to Reddit by user cream Fortress 2. um excellent Name my guy in addition Edition I even went ahead and added some of my own subjects to the list that I've never heard talked about on YouTube before basically I have a lot of ground to cover and I physically cannot stop myself from adding even more content to this Iceberg on top of what I already need to talk about so yeah I'm leaving no Stones unturned I love talking about the funny man posing show and you cannot stop me I want to give a massive shout out to the awesome people moderating the JoJo Wiki for helping make this video possible without Jojo's Bizarre encyclopedia a lot of research for this project would be non-existent so thanks a lot guys if you want to check out the wiki after watching this video I'll have a link to it in the description below to check it out I highly suggest it there's a lot of really cool documentation on there if you're interested just be sure that if you're Googling the website you don't accidentally go on the wrong one tied to the hosting service fandom that's their older version and a lot of the info on that is missing or out of date also another huge shout out to nazumi VA AKA Marcy writing this script was exhausting and I never would have completed any of this without her help Marcy and I practically double teamed this massive list of trivia together and I'm incredibly proud of what we accomplished if you like this video whatsoever you need to check out her Channel I'll have it linked in the description along with everything else she's incredibly talented and makes bang her video essays so watch him or perish anyway with introductions over with Let's Jam my name is salty otherwise known as Derek you can call me either it doesn't really matter and this is the ultimate JoJo iceberg quick warning spoilers for all of Jojo had and I mean all of Jojo I'll try to label anything not covered in the anime yet with timestamps to skip but just try to be careful or go and read the Manga and come back might take you a bit but you can do it I believe in you Reddit user starting off at the first level we have Reddit user this section of the iceberg is by far the shortest containing the Bare Basics of Jojo knowledge these are less kind of fun facts and more just like basic meme knowledge regardless I'm going to try to explain these to the best of my ability anyway because this is the life that I have apparently made for myself Kono Dio da okay so this is the sort of thing I was just talking about literally all you have to do to get this is watch the first episode of the anime although something interesting here is its impact on internet meme culture which would then go on to affect the viewer base of the show Kono Dio da is a line that was popularized on the internet after the initial airing of the current JoJo's anime by David production in 2012. this phrase is exclaimed by the character Dio in the first episode of the show after stealing Arena's first kiss which she had been saving for Jonathan joestar many English speakers translate this line as it was me Dio or as it was with me Dio in reference to the kiss but interestingly a more literal translation of the dialogue would actually be it is this Dio translations aside the phrase it was me Dio is what stuck with most western viewers while in Universe this is intended to be a very serious moment many have found it to be more comedic due to how outrageous it is which I guess can be applied to a lot of Jojo If you think about it this led to the quote being spread through 4chan's anime and manga board before eventually mutating into a source used for image and video edits all across the web reminder this was around when the current JoJo's anime had first started airing the absurdity and prominence of the meme had a far-reaching effect and led more people to check out the show out of curiosity to its context JoJo pose throughout JoJo as a series characters frequently pose in strange and often contorted Fashions many have labeled these sorts of complex positions as JoJo poses there isn't anything super complex in determining what is or isn't considered a JoJo pose more often than not any one position that looks awkward or bombastic in a sense can be claimed as one it's really cool to see cosplayers pulling off some of these in pictures as some of them look like they would never be able to be replicated in real life many seem to wonder why poses and JoJo are so unique in comparison to other anime and manga and I actually have an interesting reason as to why this is the case JoJo's Bizarre Adventure creator hirohiko araki has a particular interest in the world of fashion and models with him often even directly referencing poses from fashion models in his work here are some cool examples of this and his illustrations it's really cool to see a shown in heavy series like this take inspiration from such an interesting place the world of fashion even has a distinct influence on JoJo's character designs which is most heavily evident in part 4 onward to be continued in the original JoJo manga many chapters and story lines would end with the ominous message of to be continued transcribed on an arrow this was a signature play for the series so when the anime adaptation came around they ended every episode with the same to be continued Arrow this would then transition into the show's ending theme which at the time of the first season was roundabout by the band Yes for one reason or another people had latched onto this trend during its initial airing much like the Dio meme I had talked about earlier and thus during the anime's first season the 2B continued Arrow became its own meme while the arrow was primarily used for just ending a given episode it became more and more Associated for its use in the show's Cliffhangers enticing viewers to come back next week to find out what happens memes involving the arrow mirrored this tactic presenting a clip that gets interrupted with the arrow right as something of interest is about to take place enticing the viewer into wondering what happens next a lot of this meme seems to be tied to videos of people getting injured and I approve I I love I love videos of people people getting injured much like the Dio stuff this further helped JoJo break into the mainstream and was one of the many driving forces and getting more people to check out the series Family Guy to be continued reference I told you guys I'm not leaving any stone unturned Family Guy is an animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane it focuses primarily on the wacky hijinks of the Griffin family as well as various inconsequential cutaway gags if you're wondering why this is relevant and I'm sure you are it's because JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is indirectly referenced during the show's 20th season during the ending scene of season 20 episode 5 Brief Encounter Stewie and Brian reenact the then popular to be continued meme Trend the same one I discussed in the previous entry they don't even mention JoJo by name whatsoever which gives me the impression that the crew that worked on this episode may not have even been aware of the origin behind it and just did the gag because they thought it was relevant at the time this very much shows in the execution of the scene since you can argue that they didn't even do it right the main joke prevalent in most edits is that the moment of excitement or disaster is cut off right before it happens on screen however Family Guy and instead cuts it off right after that moment happens at the very least they were able to get the right music for it so uh I'll give them that is this a JoJo reference this is a fairly unassuming question turned viral Meme and is most often pointed towards as to why Western JoJo fans can be so insufferable at times look this Series has been around for a while the manga has been running for a little over 30 years at this point and has a very large fan base so large in fact that it includes the likes of other creators authors artists game developers plenty of creative people are fans of this series just like anybody else and normally when you're a fan of something it tends to influence your work in small or even large ways JoJo is definitely no exception to this as over the years it shared its DNA with plenty of different media a famous example that I see used a lot to Showcase this fact is actually street fighter of all things guile and Rose for example people are both characters that have their design inspiration rooted in jjba via the characters of Paul nerev and Lisa Lisa respectively more specifically guile has a bit of polnerv as well as stroheim from part two you can even see it in his style of very unique hair since the series hadn't had a huge presence in English-speaking countries many of these references and Inspirations would go over Western people's heads for a long while this all changed when the anime adaptation became popular all of a sudden everyone was pointing out how some of their favorite media was influenced by JoJo either by one shot gags or full-blown mechanics on how a series works at first this was pretty cool I see a lot of these sorts of initial realizations as sort of like when you finally get an adult joke in a cartoon you watched when you were younger that feeling of having an information click in your mind for the first time it's super satisfying though it didn't take long for this to get super [ __ ] annoying after a while while it seemed like Jojo fans had started asking is this a JoJo reference in regards to everything imaginable if it used colors in a wacky way had weird characters or anything remotely similar annoying fans would just Spam it with that repetitive question thankfully this eventually mutated into something a bit more ironic resulting in the creation of this image a collection of stock photos with vague similarities to pre-existing JoJo content meant to make fun of people who spam the question this image in and of itself became a meme and then a bunch of people made a version of this image with other series [ __ ] [ __ ] do be crazy at least the question now is is less annoying than it used to be giorno's theme okay so this one is another sort of Mimi one so bear with me here upon the release of the part 5 golden wind anime adaptation viewers were treated to some brand new music created for The Season's original soundtrack One notable song amongst the new catalog was entitled el vento doro this track is the main character giorno's fine song or beat down theme as many fans would call it as of the writing of this video each JoJo protagonist has gotten their own individual battle music along with their respective JoJo part adaptation and Giorno is no different though particularly jorno's theme plays the most frequently as he is about to gain an advantage or win a given fight this has led to a slew of jokes and memes revolving around the song much like Guile's theme from Street Fighter and you say run from my hero Academia the song has been paired with plenty of scenes from other anime video games and movies actually a fun tidbit about this entry I want to share real quick ivento Doro contains the lyrics JoJo golden win which is a direct reference to the name of part 5. [Music] the only way [Music] though my friend Mikey has constantly made the joke that this lyric kinda sounds like Jojo gonna win hilariously coinciding with the fact that this music always seems to play as Giorno is about to win a huge fight I'll play it again so you can hear what he means [Music] I legit cannot unhear that now and honestly my brain is just accepted that those are the lyrics from now on but it's definitely a lot more accurate now I can say that because they were [Music] [Applause] ready [Music] casual viewer alright now we're finally getting to the iceberg part of the iceberg image some of these entries are still pretty basic but if you know these odds are you probably have some familiarity with the series or fan culture online Iraqi doesn't age the creator of JoJo hirohiko araki is a very strange fellow I'm not the first one to point this out and I definitely won't be the last by any means many of the interviews conducted with him have yielded some very strange dialogue and insight into his character none of which has any sort of coherent explanation one of my favorite instances of this is from a public talk done by iraqi's wife Jami back in 2009. in this talk chami discusses her husband's weird habits and even recounts one instance where she walked in on him yelling incoherently acting as if he was possessed while he Illustrated his work though one of his strangest qualities doesn't necessarily have to do with how he acts but instead how he looks let me explain over the years as numerous fans have pointed out that for some unidentified reason araki doesn't look like he's aged at all sure his hairstyle might be a little bit different but in some cases he sometimes even looks like he's gotten a little younger believe it or not he's actually in his 60s as of the making of this video that's right I'm not joking the dude you're looking at right now is 62 years old many people have theorized about why this could be the case for years swapping around jokes online about him potentially being a ham on user or even a vampire of all things turns out it actually might be way simpler than that a little too simple if you ask me according to one interview when questioned about his youthful appearance Iraqi said that he washes his face every morning with Tokyo's tap water no moisturizer no plastic surgery just slapping some Tokyo tap on his face I am extremely envious of this man's life oh you're approaching me this quote refers to an iconic scene from part 3 Stardust Crusaders its most well-known Incarnation is the one portrayed in the colored version of the manga released by shueisha exclusively in Japan September of 2012. the scene in question depicting a moment leading up to jodaro and Dio's final battle in Egypt where they can be seen walking towards each other from across the sidewalk this is a legendary panel and in a way it's hard for me to describe I guess I feel like it encapsulates everything that makes Jojo Jojo it's wacky intense and really Hypes me up to turn the page in a way that not a lot of manga does it's so iconic and even recognizable in fact that tons upon tons of artists and media have referenced this particular scene this is either done in a sort of jokey Recreation using pre-existing characters or in the case of Sonic of all things blatantly referenced in the official IDW comic series this panel comes from issue number 32 if you want to find it for yourself yeah no this is not a joke Sonic did this the world oh this is an often misconstrued line originating from various adaptations of part three from animation to even video games in the series Dio is revealed to be able to stop time during the final battle in Egypt using his stand called the world and he seemingly activates this ability through saying its name out loud in a dramatic fashion though due to Dio's original voice actors across various adaptations being Japanese he instead sounds like he's mistakenly saying the world though instead of just the world interestingly enough though the pronunciation of this line in japanese is in fact correct unlike what most English speakers would assume in Japanese zawodo is actually how the world is written in Katakana so it may sound kinda odd to us due to the language barrier but in Japanese this is just how it's normally said despite all this however the phrase would go on to become an inside joke within the non-japanese speaking Community with many people referring to his stand as zoeirodo as a sort of gag read the Manga this phrase refers to a commonly accepted mindset amongst many hardcore fans of the series as of the writing of this video the anime has only adapted the first six or so arcs of the series capping off at Stone ocean the manga on the other hand has been being written since 1987 and now is currently starting on part 9. this leaves a pretty sizable gap of story Untold between adaptations the Mantra is then simple fans believe that if you enjoy the anime you should take some time to read the Manga I personally agree with this as upon my first watch through back in high school I did that exact thing and loved my time with it if you're a fan of the show I highly suggest taking the plunge there is so much content that exists beyond the anime right now if you're craving more no pressure though of course if you'd rather just watch the anime then that's fine too that's totally valid the anime has been great just try to be wary of spoilers they're definitely out there seven page muda this is a personal favorite of mine and many other fans in the part 5 manga journo has a fight that ends with the series signature move an enormous wave of Rapid punches known as a stand rush in that sense it isn't super remarkable there are many others like it but what does make it special is that it's the single longest stand rush in the entire series spanning a total of seven entire pages to give you some perspective each JoJo chapter of Parts one through six is around 20 pages in length each that means that this beat down lasted for close to half of that length in total that's why this is so well known it is very long but what if I told you that this wasn't always the case I actually found out that originally the Beatdown was only five pages when it was first published in weekly Shonen Jump however Iraqi drew two extra pages for the Beatdown for the eventual final volume release lace I'm fairly unclear on why he went back and added to it but looking in retrospect it really does serve to make the whole encounter just that much more satisfying like yeah dude beat choke a lot his ass absolutely decimate this man this is like some live leak [ __ ] plenty of fans hope that this scene would be given proper Justice in the anime adaptation and I'm happy to report that that is indeed the case in the anime the Beatdown clocks in at around 30 whole seconds in length with the voice actors for Giorno in both the sub and the dub giving an incredible vocal performance people don't pass me the aux anymore because this is my favorite song [Applause] don't skip Parts this is a pretty universally accepted rule amongst fans of the series never ever skip Hearts there seems to be a sort of common misconception among some fans that this alternate way of experiencing the series is valid skipping around from part to part Arc to Arc only reading and watching what you prefer many hardcore purists however absolutely despise this mindset believing that the only proper way to enjoy this series is in what they believe to be its intended order How It Was chronologically released I will say though and I realize how Unholy this is for me to even utter out loud I do think that this alternative viewing concept does have some Merit and I can totally understand why so many people think this way every part in JoJo is fairly disconnected from the previous each having their own unique cast of characters and only sharing some loose connections to previous story arcs many people come into the series with this already in mind so they come to think that jumping around is fine I've already seen this talked about and discussed by other people online but damn it this is my video and I have my own two cents on the issue that I need to get off of my chest first I just want to say that something that a lot of people don't seem to think about is progression not of the story per se but of the author's writing and their process this is kind of a stupid point to begin with here but the reason that JoJo is so engaging to me personally is that I see it as a rocky trying to one-up himself with every story that he writes the reason it's so bizarre in the first place is that it starts as a fairly straightforward plot about evil vampires and somehow Maneuvers its way to being about people that fight with invisible ghosts that can punch really fast and have insanely overpowered abilities it's kind of hard to outright explain but there's a linear growth to that the series gets stranger and more out there with each oncoming part and you can come to appreciate that simple progression my second point is that even though the story doesn't carry over between arcs all that much there still is some connection there that I find super interesting I would honestly be baffled if somebody dove into part three without knowing who Dio is his imposing presence in part one Phantom blood helps contextualize how much of a brooding Force he is in part three and with time having passed during Part 2 battle tendency it makes Theo's return all that more interesting and raises some pretty cool questions how will characters that we know now like Joseph joestar react to Dio Joseph already knows the history of what happened in Phantom blood but he's never met the guy himself it's a cool feeling because the isolation of the two previous Parts almost makes part three Stardust Crusaders feel like a giant crossover in a sense finally I think what's super important to note while talking about this is iraqi's reluctance to bring back older characters and how that affects how we perceive characters that do get to return araki doesn't really do cool cool fan service as much as other writers so whenever he brings back an older character it's a real treat seeing someone like koichi from part 4 show up to set the stage for the events of part 5 is really awesome and cool and I don't think his appearance would have the proper context or impact if you hadn't really seen the previous Arc overall I just personally don't see the point in skipping Parts in a sense it sort of feels like self-sabotage it completely Alters the way that you experience the story compared to others and I don't think it's necessarily in a cool way either but honestly you know my thoughts on this are just words at the end of the day I don't want a gatekeep here if the only way you'll check out this series is by skipping around then be my guest have fun with it I just wanted to let people know what they might be missing out on in a non-hostile way because God knows there's a million people out there that'll probably rip you to shreds for even thinking about this and hey if you're one of those people for the love of God man calm yourself let people do whatever they they want it doesn't really matter at the end of the day none of this matters listen somebody watching part 4 first is not going to lead to the murder of your entire family and who knows maybe it might even Inspire them to check out everything the series has to offer I don't mean to be an [ __ ] about it but just like I I hate elitism over this [ __ ] I just hate it so much jorno's true father is Jonathan given the context behind this statement it's kind of true early on in part five we're told by the narrator that Giorno is Dio's son which would have technically made him the first protagonist that isn't a part of the Joe star bloodline but it isn't that simple after stealing Jonathan's body at the end of part one and Reawakening in part three it's Canon that Dio got around what I'm saying is that he's a massive [ __ ] he went on to sleep around with a bunch of women during his time in Egypt before going on to kill all of them in particular though at least for this case one person of interest was able to escape for unknown reasons this person would then go on to give birth to Giorno as I said this happened after Dio attached his head to Jonathan's body technically making the junk with the gun Jonathan's junk but what I think this technically means is that Giorno is more so Jonathan's son rather than Dio but I don't know this is vampire Shenanigans I don't know how this works Eyes Of Heaven JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Eyes Of Heaven is a video game based on the JoJo series that was originally released in Japan in 2015. as of this video it's currently one of the more recent official game releases and therefore is one of the more well-known ones aided by the fact that it actually got localized in English-speaking territories though the game's gameplay is a mixed bag what makes it compel selling is its plot unlike other officially licensed JoJo games Eyes Of Heaven is unique in the sense that it doesn't adapt previous arcs of the series instead opting to create a new original story featuring the characters from all pre-existing Parts at the time it's interesting to note that the story of this game was actually overseen by hirohiko araki himself which normally doesn't happen that much on this sort of scale and damn does he go off the shits here oh my God as said before it's quite rare for a rocky to bring back older characters so this game was a special treat to be sure even if the game isn't Canon to the main series its plot functions as a sort of pseudo alternate ending to the original run of the manga and that's super cool for context many people were dissatisfied with stone Ocean's ending for being fairly unfulfilling in their eyes so I think this was a pretty great way to make up for it the game even features a brand spanking new design for its main antagonist that was conceptualized by Iraqi himself here's a very vague picture of it so I don't spoil it for anyone one who might be interested in checking it out you may not be able to tell what it looks like due to this low-res concept art but I can assure you it looks very cool and very evil the game also has plenty of unique interactions between characters fan fiction levels of Crossovers and fully voice acted cutscenes by the Japanese voice cast so if you finished reading and watching through Parts one through eight I highly suggest taking a look at the game or even just watching the cutscenes online if you're a fan of the series and craving more beyond the main stuff you'll definitely enjoy yourself I feel like I'm probably gonna tell people to check out a lot of the stuff on this list I'm I'm just excited Rohan ovas okay so this section of the iceberg is gonna be a little bit long but there's a lot of interesting stuff here so please bear with me first we gotta establish what an OVA is OVA is an acronym that stands for original video animation fun fact in the early 2000s ovas were sometimes referred to as oav instead switching the letters around this was done since OVA was often grammatically corrected to original animation video in the US but most people just call it the former regardless and honestly it has a better ring to it anyway these things are usually created with the intent of being included alongside certain home video releases of shows or movies some of my favorite examples of how cool these things are would be the one punch man ovas this series of original animation was essentially just extra episodes of the first season containing content that wasn't found in the source material but helped give more context to the world and characters of course with that being said not all ovas have to function without Source material such as the case with the spokishibe Rohan this series is one of the few spin-offs to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Illustrated and written by hirohiko araki starting in 1997. it's a collection of One-Shot stories revolving around everyone's favorite fictional manga or or is it Rohan Kishi Bay I don't care I don't care it's interesting to note that the release schedule is fairly sporadic in comparison to the consistent schedule of the main JoJo series only rarely getting chapters every couple of months or even years although this doesn't stop it from being a great read Thus Spoke kashibe Rohan is a fantasy horror series with each release being around 50 to 60 pages in length each episode as they're called features the titular Rohan kashibe who either actively participates in some weird event happening or recounts it in some way for the most part there isn't much interconnective tissue between these stories whatsoever besides one or two returning characters so in that sense I guess you could consider it an anthology this aspect is reflected in the chapters themselves being numbered in a seemingly randomized order with its Premier chapter being episode 16. being one of the more prominent JoJo spin-offs many people wondered if the story trees would ever get adapted into an animated format just like the Core Series and it turns out that would eventually be confirmed to be the case being first announced on April 15th of 2016 Thus Spoke kashibe Rohan was set to be adapted into a series of ovas by David production amidst the creation of the main JoJo anime just like the manga these ovas started to release sporadically beginning in 2017 and were met with Praise by fans not only were these faithful adaptations to the source material but David Productions went out of their way to adapt them in iraqi's most up-to-date art style which was a first for the time while some people were initially turned off by this by how weird the characters looked animated the studio eventually got their footing with it and produced some truly fantastic visuals it even released with its own entirely new opening and ending sequences with some fantastic new music to accompany them this new track was created by Coda a fan favorite musician who helped create various bits of the soundtrack for the series in the past most notably performing as the vocalist for bloody stream in part 2 and fighting gold in part 5. okay so now with all that basic information out of the way I want to tell you how bad [ __ ] insane the release of some of these were like genuinely these were not easy to find in watch compared to the main series they're way more accessible now but at the time of their initial releases they were Infamous in particular the release of the first OVA was a [ __ ] nightmare the premiere entry of the series millionaire Village was announced alongside the start of the diamond is unbreakable anime and could only be watched by people who collected every subsequent Blu-ray of part 4 as they were released basically by putting all of the physical releases together you could receive this extra episode if that already sounds stupid hold on it gets worse given the length of part 4 Diamond is unbreakable and the fact that most anime Productions make their money through Blu-ray sales getting this Rohan OVA initially was not a achieve task whatsoever if you actually wanted to go through with this the whole thing ended up being a total of 13 different Blu-ray discs at an overall cost of around 600 just to get a smidge of extra content that is insane I'm a die hard fan of this series and even I think that's a bit crazy but wait there's more to this you would think that once they were brought together you could simply just you know go on a website and input a proof of purchase or something but no they decided to make it extremely archaic upon collecting all of them you would have to mail in a proof of purchase that was included with each Blu-ray that being a flimsy piece of paper that came with each set that could very easily be lost in the shuffle then and only then after a few weeks or so you would receive your very own copy of the first OVA obviously this was a weirdly complicated process that plenty of folks hated and actively struggled with not to mention the fact that you could only receive the OVA on a DVD of all things instead of a Blu-ray like all the other discs you had collected thus far the whole thing I swear to God was just baffling I think David production must have realized this because they went on to do a much better job with their second release mutsukabe Hill this OVA was simply just bundled with the release of the second volume of the Thus Spoke kashibe Rohan manga it was pretty simple and easy to NAB for collectors and not a huge time and money sink the last two and currently the most recent OVA releases at the confessional and the Run originally premiered in cinemas instead of a standard home release this was also very cool thankfully later on all four of these animations would be bundled together in a blu-ray collector's edition set only available in Japan sadly up to this point these releases were never officially made available internationally so if you're like me and you lived in America uh there was no way to watch this series officially in any capacity however that all changed when Netflix of all people picked up the exclusive streaming rights to the entire catalog in June of 2021. this acquisition would also end up including dubs of the episodes recorded in multiple languages which I think is pretty cool here's hoping that any further additions to this series find their way onto Netflix as well and maybe we could get a cool physical release maybe nah we all know they're never gonna do that hello and welcome to iraqi's quote Corner a disturbing look into the insane life of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Creator hirohiko araki the following quote and story is 100 real I couldn't make this up even if I tried I have a younger sister in her 50s and apparently she fell and broke her leg was it minor was she severely hurt I had no idea and then my sister said she wouldn't be attending in a rocky family celebration so I called her and asked is your leg okay and my sister responded just that what in the world why couldn't she give me an answer this sister has a daughter in her 20s so I asked her how is your mom's leg doing and she responded just that are they telling me to use my imagination to discern the hidden meaning behind ufu what is ufu when he says he doesn't want a relationship and then during sex he says whose [ __ ] is that it ain't yours average fan welcome to tier three this section is going to start covering stuff that your average fan may already know about but I'll be covering them in much more detail some entries on here I had a base familiarity with but there's some cool tidbits I hadn't known about that I thought would be cool to include Speedwagon is best waifu this is a loaded statement as you may already know Speedwagon is a fan favorite character most prominent in the first two parts of Jojo even in death his contributions to the Joe Stars manifest in the Speedwagon foundation with their only goal being to just seemingly help the family in any way that they can the term waifu is slang used by the anime Community to refer to a female fictional character from a given anime or Manga that a viewer or fan base particularly likes the word is obviously derived from the English phrase wife which insinuates the label as feminine in the first place while many basic anime fans argue who the best waifu is in any given show almost 100 percent of the time the JoJo fanbase mutually agrees that Speedwagon is in fact the best girl despite not identifying as a woman and there being plenty of actual female characters in the cast Speedwagon's undying passion in charm has allowed for him to ascend the limiting nature of gender to allow him to become a top-tier waifu Speedwagon loves Jonathan joestar and we love Speedwagon though despite the fan base's obvious love for the man and his Pure Heart of Gold Iraqi doesn't seem to feel the same way ever since his last appearance in part two battle tendency Iraqi has yet to feature him in any of his artwork since I'm not joking when I say this try to find Speedwagon drawn in iraqi's Modern Day art style you just won't it seems like he's just not that interested in everyone's unproblematic fave I hope he gets something by the time Iraqi retires I just want to see my boy thriving like everyone else just just just draw a little sketch please Joseph reading Superman early on in part two battle tenancy we're treated to a brief flashback scene where Joseph showcases his Ham on abilities for the first time this whole ordeal of course first taking place in the midst of a hostage situation aboard a plane Joseph not giving much of a [ __ ] initially does nothing silently sitting in the back seat and reading a book in the manga despite being cut off we can clearly see that Joseph is reading a Superman comic book which is a really cool and fairly direct reference but funnily enough timeline wise this is seemingly impossible this is because that although the story of part 2 does take place in 1938 the same year the first Superman comic was published the scene where Joseph is reading it like I said is a flashback sequence which is shown taking place at least a year prior however it seems that Iraqi merely included this just to reference the fact that part 2's main story takes place the same year it was published and thought it would be a cool Easter egg even if it didn't make sense contextually also if you're wondering the scene is different in the anime adaptation instead of Superman Joseph is reading a comic entitled bow which is a reference to one of iraqi's past Works thou The Visitor it just works this is a joke phrase and a commonly repeated meme in relation to Jojo part 5 golden wind before the days of the anime release and to some extent even now many people are confused as to how exactly diabolo stand King Crimson actually works a lot of people attribute this to various poor translations of the original manga making their rounds online but many actually refute this saying that it's instead more of a sink or swim sort of thing either you understand it or you don't it's not the scans necessarily it's the person reading them and the many ways they can interpret the information being represented or reading too deep into what some believe to be a fairly simple concept it didn't help that multiple internet posts that attempted to properly explain the ability to those confused had all featured differing explanations amongst themselves one of the most accepted of these explanations though was a YouTube video entitled this is how King Crimson Works being around only 40 seconds in length it uses footage of a waffle falling over as a setup for explaining how the ability functions but even this was eventually disputed the anime made things a bit easier to understand since it's an ability that has to do with time manipulation having a real-time showcase helped more people actually realize how it functioned even so today people are still divided on the specifics as more and more questions online we're still asking how the ability worked with still no concrete answers available many fans took to replying to them with the simple statement it just works this statement encompassed the passive annoyance that so many people were having amidst the debates and made for some great jokes so the next time you see a JoJo fan asking any sort of question shut them down with a meme because [ __ ] them also just before anybody asks please don't expect me to explain how King Crimson works I think I have a pretty good understanding of how it functions but explaining it is a whole different Beast also I just don't want to do it wrong and then get corrected later I just I don't I don't feel like it All-Star Battle JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle is a video game for the PS3 released in Japan on August 29th 2013. the game would later make its way to English-speaking territories in 2014. All-Star Battle is a 3D fighting game in which players can take control of various JoJo characters for one-on-one matches similar to Eyes Of Heaven which came later this game also features a cast of characters from all throughout JoJo's history spanning from part one all the way up to part 8. although in comparison to a Slater follow-up the game didn't feature a brand new plot but rather a retelling of each Arc individually as its main story mode kind of like in early 2000s Dragon Ball game where they just kind of recapped all the story it's like that although what it didn't have in new content it definitely made up for in presentation chock full of references and other cool stuff it was a beloved game despite any flaws it had and would serve as an introduction to Jojo for many Western fans it was so well regarded that it would even receive a new coat of paint in 2022 with an official remaster of the game entitled All-Star Battle R this re-release would feature new gameplay mechanics characters and voice actors reprising their roles from the anime speaking of the original release of the game would Mark the first time that many JoJo characters got proper voice actors or any sort of animated representation this is the case for characters introduced way later on in the manga especially like Johnny and Gyro it was because of this that the game had a heavy focus on fan service for manga readers in particular but interestingly this wouldn't be the first time that characters from part 4 in particular would get representation like this Ultra jump commercials okay so these are super interesting over the years the magazine Ultra jump has had a series of commercials in Japan that included various JoJo characters these advertisements were produced by kamikaze Doga who might sound familiar as they were the same group who created the opening sequences for the anime adaptation you know those really cool 3D ones that start every episode the cast of characters that were used for these promotions span from Parts 4 5 6 and even eight with all of them first airing from 2012 to 2016. this means that a lot of these were released years before their anime adaptation counterparts making these commercials some of the first animated versions of a lot of fan favorite characters some of these ads are animated in the standard anime style while some are presented more like motion comics in specific commercials that include characters from Parts 4 and 5 are fully 2D animated the reason I think that this is super cool Beyond you know just existing is that these were created and stylized in a way that's way different than what we got with the current day anime series these commercials have also been frequently reused and re-edited for several different occasions these remixed versions of the same advertisement usually come with a couple of script and visual changes in one example the part 4 commercial gets a winter makeover by placing snow everywhere including on top of josuke's pompadour also depending on which commercial you watch koichi's design will be different in the first draft of the series his design resembles one of the hairstyles he gains after the yukaku fight early on and diamond is unbreakable later his design changes to reflect his look after having fought Kira for the first time along with all this there are various other smaller additions to the scene in each iteration like the inclusion of all of the characters stance and yukako even looking through the window on the side being the first time that a lot of these elements made it to the small screen I'm sure that these ads were a real treat for fans at the time clamor going for a proper anime it also kind of lets us peer into this alternate universe where maybe part 4 could have looked like this on TV instead of what we got I don't know I I just think that's cool I like seeing alternate takes of Animation it's it's just cool also as a fun little extra piece of trivia one of the various versions of the part 4 commercial includes a stand Cameo from Harvest strangely just like the modern anime adaptation Harvest was animated via 3D CGI animation so even back nearly eight years ago they were still using the same method of Animation that would later be used by David production I just think that's interesting you know it's just a little tidbit I I just like it I just wanted to share it you know you know Dead Man's questions speaking of part 4 Dead Man's questions it's a thing that exists and is related to Jojo my script writing skills [ __ ] suck Dead Man's questions is a short story manga written and illustrated by hirohiko araki that seemingly takes place within the original JoJo's Canon I say seemingly because the series never really received any sort of follow-up nor was it ever referenced in the main manga continuity I'll give a brief synopsis of what the one shot is about before diving into spoilers so you can decide if you want to read it for yourself if you haven't already I think that conceptually it's a very interesting idea the story follows a mysterious wandering Spirit who suffers from Amnesia not being able to remember who he was or any of his past when he was alive being a ghost trapped in the living world most of his existence is spent being miserable longing for true happiness that is until one day he's able to meet and Converse with a strange female monk who is still alive live it's unclear how this communication is made possible but the monk convinces the spirit to work for her and clean up some dirty work in exchange for money before you ask what a ghost would do with money I have no idea I don't think it's ever specified what is specified though is that the dirty work involves killing people the spirit seems totally indifferent to all this and instead believes that by making this job his purpose he might eventually find true happiness so yeah that's your setup rebellious ghost Bounty Hunter goes on Wacky Adventures hijinks ensue if it interests you I would highly suggest checking it out and reading it for yourself and if you don't want to be spoiled on its connections to Jojo and any twists it may have in store skip to this time stamp here all right let's talk spoilers in isolation Dead Man's questions is a fairly decent series of short stories with a cool concept but its importance grows when connected back to part 4 Diamond is unbreakable as I implied earlier while this story initially has little to do with Jojo and seems to be entirely its own thing it's revealed by its end that the main character that we've been following is actually the wandering Spirit of Kira yoshikage this isn't just a fan Theory either it's directly confirmed at the end of the story clear as day presumably after being dragged Away by the ghostly hands at the end of part 4 Kira became an amnesiac ghost with no idea as to his true identity with no knowledge of his past he's effectively made the protagonist of the story while I would have liked for it to have gone on longer and maybe have been expanded into its own larger scale Series Dead Man's question stayed a One-Shot story with no clear information relating to its canonicity to the core JoJo series regardless us though Kira would later receive an alternate costume in reference to the manga in The Eyes Of Heaven video games so you know that's pretty cool interestingly araki had actually wanted to write something similar to Dead Man's questions with themes about the afterlife later on during the development of part five but apparently he didn't feel like it was the right time so in the future he may revisit the idea or expand it into something entirely new who knows not me Heritage for the future JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Heritage for the future is probably one of the most iconic JoJo video games to ever exist even if you haven't heard of it by name you may know it by its sound design Voice work or even its beautifully crafted sprite animation that last bit even being reused online a lot like many places the game is notable for being one of the first times that Capcom got their hands on the JoJo license and man what a way to Showcase what this studio could do with it released in arcades in 1998 before being reported to home consoles in 1999 Heritage for the future is a 2d fighting game based on the story and cast of part 3 Stardust Crusaders reception wise the game did quite well it had this unique stand-based fighting system that set it apart from other Fighters at the time leading to some unique and interesting tactics and gameplay and of course the art style absolutely no one can argue with how incredible its visuals were and still are today the Sprite work and backgrounds especially are so vibrant and animated you can tell that the people working on it really cared about adapting The Source material in a fresh creative way and this isn't just a case of me assuming things either the people who are on staff at Capcom at the time were massive JoJo heads and we're dying to work on the game I mentioned it before but some character designs for Capcom Street Fighter were directly inspired by iraqi's work on jojo so it was pretty clear for a while that Capcom was perfect for a project like this let me just take you aside for a moment and give you a little fun fact Midler The Stand user for high priestess was actually redesigned by hirohiko araki himself specifically for this game I guess that Capcom wanted to adapt Midler into a fully playable fighter to help fill out the roster for the game but found it difficult to work with how she appeared in the manga at that point and when I say how she appeared I of course mean as a generic corpse that is only shown on screen for about a page or two yeah not really uh not really that much to work with Heritage for the future was one of the first times that A Jojo game would receive a localization outside of Japan and with that in mind it was bound to make some sort of impact overseas obviously this was before the manga was more widely localized than before the serialized anime that we have now was even a blip on the radar much of the western exposure to Jojo at the time was out of context to the greater series and in the case of Heritage for the future many players were unaware of the story that existed Beyond it now all of this at least to me along with the game's polish and quality made it stick out to many who had the chance to play it now look JoJo we all know it's a strange series but out of context it can be construed as even Stranger Than it actually is this sort of thing makes an impact and nothing can reflect that impact more than the absolute calvicade of videos animations and images that use the game's aforementioned assets like I said you may not have known about this game before but you were probably exposed to its contents in one way or another via memes or animations that used its sound files and Sprite work I still see this spread of Dio just making the rounds and like memes and [ __ ] the game's data was even recycled into other official Capcom properties with some of its unique sound effects finding their way into games like Marvel vs Capcom 2 and even the street fighter series yes Street Fighter the thing I just said had aspects of it that were inspired by JoJo see see right there it's it's a big full circle thing yeah I bet you weren't expecting that also you know because it's just you know a little bit relevant to the conversation but uh I happen to own an original unopened Japanese copy of the game and if you think that I purposely built up this subject on the iceberg just so that I could make this purchase seem way more impressive for clout you'd be right follow my Twitter [Music] okay so to get into this I need to give you some context in the early to mid 2000s the JoJo fan base in the west would be a far ways away from what it would become in recent years it was relatively tiny at the time and cute and uh you know less annoying and the reasoning behind this was that there was a large lack of any official JoJo content making its way over to English-speaking territories at the time the only officially licensed content available to potential fans was the part 3 OVA and the Heritage for the future fighting game now before you type anything in the comments or say anything these were both great in their own way but what was remarkably absent was the source material itself the original manga spin-off material and adaptations are awesome but without the original manga much of it was viewed out of its original context or lacking in any sort of clear overall story this media would eventually pick up the license for translating Stardust Crusaders in 2005 but if even this came with some issues for whatever reason not only did it skip over the first two parts of the story but viz media also took over five years to officially translate and release the entire thing for reference Stardust Crusaders original manga run in Japan only took three years that's like if a college student handed in their project three weeks overdue and only completed the second half of the assignment with its recent surge in popularity this media is now much better with the property overall but before the anime adaptation things were much different than they are now despite this from the various graphs of content people had seen at the time they were positively received a sizable number of people were in fact interested in this strange world of punching ghosts and magical artifacts and upon learning that there was much much more to discover they started to take it upon themselves to seek it out alright so this is kind of a new territory here the art of fan translations and fan made scans of manga is nothing new at all while many newer fans of the medium can enjoy their favorite series posted weekly and unofficial platforms this was not always the case before the anime boom of recent years with stuff like Crunchyroll and FUNimation a lot of Japanese media was never officially published all that much in western territories and for the most part was largely inaccessible the way that a lot of this stuff made it over to the West in the first place was because of the people die hard fans would end up being the people burdened with the responsibility of translating and circulating stuff around their Community everything from bootleg DVDs being sold at local conventions to bulk downloads of manga amateurally translated online it wasn't the most optimal thing in the world but hey it worked this was the sort of territory that the JoJo fan base had found itself in during the 2000s without that much officially published media fans just kind of did it themselves many many people began to form small communities online scanning the manga and circulating it around the internet now many of these scans remain untranslated for some time obviously with the community still being in its infancy getting a bilingual person to help translate it as well as someone to work on the lettering for that translation it was a lot to ask however because of a strange turn of events one person was actually able to hit that jackpot at some point during this period an anonymous internet user was hard at work trying to find and scan the entirety of part four diamond is unbreakable this was a fairly large task and it wasn't helped by the fact that they were personally unable to translate said scans themselves now take the following with a grain of salt but it was rumored that the scanner got in contact with the translator that was interested in working on the scans and of course translating them all to English but many people have tossed around ideas that they may have wanted to help out so that they could further develop their foreign language skills and thus a fruitful partnership between the two began over the next few weeks the two would send scans back and forth between one another interestingly the translator worked at an incredible Pace being able to send over three to four volumes of edited scans every few days if they wanted to practice their foreign language skills like many people assumed that they were that would have given the impression that they were relatively new to work like this and would have taken longer to complete each batch of scans but that clearly wasn't the case so if this were indeed true why would so many people assume that this person was in fact an amateur Well turns out they seemingly were new to this because despite their work ethic being insanely productive the results they were less than desirable Not only was the text formatting extremely poor and hard to read but the quality of the translation itself was bad dude I'm talking borderline incomprehensible most of the scans were riddled with spelling mistakes and the bulk of the translations weren't even remotely slurred to the content of the array that a majority of this was borderline unreadable especially at the time as a reminder when these were first released onto the internet they were the only way for English readers to experience part four I'm insanely lucky that I joined the fandom after better scans were made available diamond is unbreakable is my favorite JoJo part of all time I cannot imagine reading it like this would have allowed it to become the Arc of my choice these Infamous translations would go on to be dubbed by fans as the duang scans the reason for the name was based on the fact that various characters refer to the town of Mario where the story takes place as duang this iconic panel of Kira being a standout example of this you know funny enough there's actually a reason why this error is consistent throughout the entire translation you see the original scans of part 4 that they were using as a base were the Taiwanese translations of part 4 by Tong Li publishing interestingly the word duang is just the town name of Mario just you know in Chinese its inclusion is the result of a literal translation between the two so in some senses although it's weird and funny sounding to us it's also sort of correct within the parameters of the translation itself like we might make fun of this translation but technically they were kind of correct on calling it to end there just wasn't a translation for that name still you know hard to read but uh kinda correct while at the time using these to read the story was a pain in the ass as fans got access to better and better translations over the coming years many found themselves having a soft spot for these older wackier scans many people even went on to regard duang as a sort of rite of passage for being a true JoJo fanatic a lot of these translations are in fact so bad that they're hilarious especially now that we have proper contact as to what the [ __ ] they were originally trying to say a lot of these are just really [ __ ] funny to this day duang remains an interesting footnote in not only the history of the JoJo fan Community but the English-speaking manga community in general over the next few years the translation would bounce back and forth between relevance and obscurity but interestingly enough Joel from vinesauce of all people would be one of the few to help further popularize it online in 2015 Joel would upload a video dubbing over various dialogue from the original scans with his unique comedic sensibilities what a beautiful do well true due to the popularity of the original video he would later upload a sequel three years later to a similar response also just as a quick thing because it's going to bother the [ __ ] out of me if I don't bring it up this panel right here that depicts Killer Queen with the phrase I am the [ __ ] strong this is often associated with the duang scans by many fans but actually it doesn't come from duang at all that's right kids wrap it up the fun police is here I'm I'm a member of the fun police uh no fun here in duang the panel actually just says you can't escape I am the [ __ ] strong is just a normal meme edit of the manga just thought I would point that out because uh I see a lot of other people mistakenly using it alongside other duang panels online so uh yeah sorry to burst anyone's bubbles but I you can still find the meme at it funny you're loud it's it's okay if for some reason you're in interested in Reading duang scans for yourself they're actually easy to find online with a quick Google search however as a brief trigger warning uh the mistranslations do include quite a few instances of the characters dropping the arsler if you're comfortable with reading stuff like that go on ahead you know whatever but if you're like me and you're really not comfortable with it I would just personally stick to the highlights that you can find scattered across Google Images no shame here whatsoever I totally understand shoko nakagawa interview shoko nakagawa is an interesting person although you may not know her by name you may be familiar with her if you've ever watched the show guren lagon as she performed as the vocalist for both of the anime's opening themes this is how many westerners have been exposed to her work but besides that though she is well known for being a popular TV personality as well as an actress cosplayer writer illustrator and for the purposes of this entry on the ice Berg a huge JoJo fan and when I say huge fan that is no understatement she loves this series to her dying breath and over the years has dedicated a significant portion of her cosplay career specifically to dress as JoJo characters and recreate JoJo poses at one point she even broke her tailbone trying to emulate a pose from naransha in part 5 during a live concert regardless of this however she went on to finish her performance before going to the hospital calling her committed would be massively underplaying it the reason that she's listed here is due to a now Infamous interview that she had with hirohiko araki back in 2007. for a brief three-year period shoko had become a regular host on a Japanese television program called to Mikey now really hope I'm pronouncing that right uh but if I'm not then [ __ ] whatever I'm still not even halfway done with the entire script at this point and my patience is waning through this she was given the opportunity to conduct an interview with Iraqi for an episode aptly titled I want to receive the world's best Jojo's Bizarre lessons and I guess who better to get them from than the series Creator this segment is very well known for being fairly cringy but in kind of a funny way while the main interview itself is pretty standard and gives some great insight into how Iraqi works shoko is fangirling on the side the entire time which you know to be fair I probably would too she arrives at iraqi's office cosplaying as Joe torokujo and goes on multiple rants about wanting to marry him she even interjects this into the segment itself asking Rocky himself what he would think her and jodaro's child would look like and what powers they would have what I think is hilarious about this whole thing is that later both her and the rocky try their hands at drawing what they think this hypothetical child would look like and shoko's art is insanely detailed and well thought out while iraqi's version just kind of just kind of looks like this [Music] truly Iraqi was always ahead of his time also I didn't know how to naturally include this information from earlier so I just figured I'd weasel it in at the end here in 2014 shoko released her own music cover of the anime's first opening Sono Chino sadame and unsurprisingly it's an absolute Bop I really hope that shoko gets the chance to make an official song for the anime in the future she has an amazing vocal range and no worries just like usual I'll link the interview and the song cover in the description below so check them out if you're interested alright uh Now for Something Completely Different Boingo predicted 9 11. yeah we're going there now look I know this might sound like a joke subject on the iceberg but there is some Merit to this allow me to elucidate you that that's British for uh let me tell you rise that a rocky or more specifically his character Boingo from part three successfully predicted the 911 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers during the events of Stardust Crusaders in chapter 189 of the manga we are first introduced to the character of Boingo reading what appears to be just a random book it's not too long until we discover that this seemingly normal object that is in boingo's hands is actually just his stand Toth which takes the form of an average everyday manga it's shown to be titled the Oingo Boingo Brothers adventure and its ability is that it can predict the future via artistic depictions that materialize from within it Boingo audibly notes that he has no control over what is shown in the manga nor that he can stop it from happening whatsoever once it's present within the pages of the comic it is destined to happen no matter what the reason that any of this is relevant at all is that during his introduction Boingo encounters an up-and-coming manga artists wearing a shirt that has the numbers 911 printed on the front this man then swipes Toth away from Boingo out of curiosity only to find his own death depicted in the pages within the panel showing the event even includes a plane flying in the background as well this original story was first published all the way back in October 1st of 1990. a total of 11 years before the attacks on the World Trade Center numerous people have pointed to this seemingly random pairing of numbers and imagery with death as a sort of premonition of the future and I can kind of see where they're coming from here I mean it definitely is a very strange coincidence that a rocky chose that specific combination of numbers to put on a random character design this subject was actually brought up in the interview that shoko had with Iraqi which I talked about earlier are on the iceberg during the interview shoko directly asks him about the coincidence and if it could be something maybe more this is what he had to say quite recently I was told that there was a predictive scene in JoJo it was surprising then I don't really get why I drew such a thing but I think it was just a coincidence in the interview shoko had asked if he had drawn the scene intentionally or if it had meant anything specific at the time he responded by saying well I don't know I don't remember I drew that scene as a part of the story but I don't know what it means very strange way of putting that Rocky something I want to further note on this before moving on is that when it came for the anime to adapt this scene in particular the design of the artist was changed to remove the numbers from his shirt the panel shown in the manga was also altered Iraqi forgot this was once a common phrase repeated throughout the JoJo fan community in direct response to the many strange inconsistencies present throughout the series or at least what people gleamed as inconsistencies there's a lot of back and forth on if various aspects of Jojo are the result of a rocky for getting information about his own story or readers misinterpreting his work for example kakyowen's supposed painting-based ability early on in part 3 kakyon is introduced with what appears to be a standability based around art and painting however after his introduction this theming is never used again because of this many consider it a dropped idea or one that was straight up forgotten by Iraqi Over time however others argue that it was simply used as a sort of Disguise to make him look less conspicuous Aura blatant narrative misdirect to generate more Intrigue by readers likewise I've seen many argue that a rocky forgot about Joseph hermit purple abilities in diamond is unbreakable in relation to Kira much of the series Western readers and viewers believe that hermit purple could use its divination abilities to locate Kira's location after fleeing and changing his identity while the logic behind this seems sound Joseph never actually does this in the story at all leading to a lot of fan outcry as to why this was never even attempted still though I've seen plenty of clear evidence against this argument much like the kakyowing one you see Joseph was originally brought into the plot of part 4 to locate the stand user of Akira otoishi and unlike what you might assume based on what we've just talked about he wasn't brought to Japan to use his Spirit photography to Aid in the search he was actually brought there to just use his hermit purple to search the power lines throughout Mario this much is stated by jodaro outright since Akira's stand Red Hot Chili Peppers had been using the lines to try travel throughout the town There's even other evidence that suggests that hermit purple's Spirit photography and divination isn't exactly as accurate or explicit as we might think either in part 3 its use was very limited due to this inaccuracy the only reason that they could even locate Dio in Egypt wasn't because of hermit purple specifically but due to a set of very extremely specific circumstances all that hermit purple could do with its base set of abilities was capture a vague photo of Dio in very poor lighting it was jodaro who was able to trace the photo's Origins with star Platinum pointing out and sketching a very minor detail that no one else was able to notice a small fly present within the photo this same limitation is present later on as well Joseph notes that himself jodaro and Dio are all connected by the same bloodline through the fact that Dio is connected to Jonathan's body this is why do is aware of their whereabouts just like they are and is able to send enemy stand users after them so consistently in an attempt to use this connection against him Joseph connects hermit purple to a television to possibly get more information about Dio and their upcoming Journey hermit purple then divides the information that there is a traitor among the group however this isn't exactly the case the traitor that the TV is talking about is actually the enemy stand user Rubber Soul who is using his stand yellow Temperance to disguise himself as kakyowing so it's less of a traitor among them and more of an imposter the information that's given from hermit purple is again slightly vague and inaccurate this trend actually continues into the beginning of part 4 where Joseph tries to get a spirit photo of josuke to assist in jodaro finding him and instead gets a photo of the infamous serial killer Angelo and his stand Aqua necklace these two tidbits about kakyowing and Joseph aren't the only of their kind just popular examples of araki forgot that have been deconfirmed over time and to this day both sides of these situations in the fan base have their explanations for and against why araki forgot information about JoJo's which in turn eventually culminated in the simple phrase of a rocky forgot being echoed throughout the English-speaking Community whenever a possible inconsistency is then discovered one thing that I don't see many people comment on however is that Iraqi himself has talked about this before in one interesting interview he stated how upon going back and re-reading his older Parts he barely remembered any of the plot details or characters throughout all of this is not to say that this sort of thing could ever make a rocky a bad writer far from it I just found that in interesting detail being a good writer doesn't necessarily stem from memory it stems from creativity and even if Iraqi were to have poor memory I feel like it wouldn't detract from his work as many people would make it seem now I know that some people have probably gotten a bit pissed off at me for even including this subject in the video but regardless of all of that I think it deserves a bit of Spotlight given the phrase's significance in the community there are plenty of videos online that go further into proving or disproving this point so if you want to argue uh go do with them not me you know me I'm just a widow baby I don't know nothing don't get mad at a whale baby okay so warning the next subject on the iceberg has massive spoilers for the latter half of part six Stone ocean if you don't want to be spoiled I'd suggest skipping to the timestamp shown on screen right now again if you don't want to be spoiled on the ending of part 6 Stone ocean skip forward right now okay we good fantastic anyway jodaro dies in part six given that jotaro is practically the face of the entire Series this has become one of the biggest spoilers in the entirety of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and because of this a lot of [ __ ] on the internet enjoy spamming this spoiler all over YouTube and social media odds are you've probably seen some [ __ ] post about this blatantly online whenever a new anime adaptation is announced or a new fan talks about getting into the series I'm pretty sure that I was even spoiled on this before getting around to reading part six but thankfully I have the memory of a walnut so I forgot about it when I was reading however I don't want to just talk about the fact that it's a spoiler I want to talk about the actual death scene in particular because it's really intriguing upon further analysis in a last-ditch effort to save Jolene from made in heaven during the climax of part six jotaro receives a fatal blow that seemingly splits open his head but this isn't the first time we've seen this sucker bust open like this and by sucker I mean his head I don't know I don't know why I wrote it in the script like that it just just his head this isn't the first time that we've seen his head bust open several years earlier during the storyline of Stardust Crusaders the Oingo Boingo brothers were attempting to kill jotaro and from within the pages of Boingo stand Toth which I remind you can predict the future we can clearly see jodaro looking similarly to his final moments in stone ocean of course in the original Arc this page is actually just a setup to a joke where Oingo disguises himself as jodaro and gets his [ __ ] wrecked in a similar fashion several fans have pointed out that this could be a double red herring and that Iraqi had always planned on killing off jodaro in this specific way now that is some big brain foreshadowing if that is the case obviously you could always try to disprove this Theory by pointing out that the split isn't in the exact same position on both separate occasions but it's been shown that the events depicted in tots Pages don't always match up exactly with what actually happens they're more like a depiction of a given event rather than an exact showcase if you want to go farther with this too this same sort of head split occurs during the events of diamond is unbreakable when jodaro is originally killed by Bites the Dust with that in mind I feel like it's more than a coincidence that every time jodaro's death is portrayed in the series his head is torn in half I don't know man it's just way too specific to me and I actually really like the theory that this was always iraqi's intention a lot of people might joke that a rocky can't remember things but if this stuff was intended this is some genius level commitment Purple Haze feedback this was a Japanese light novel written by kohei cadono featuring various illustrations by the big banana himself hirohiko araki its story takes place six months after the events of part 5 golden wind and follows a plot that primarily focuses on panna cotta fugo yeah you heard me right the very same fugo that got shafted Midway through the main story insanely hard personally I don't really know that much about this entry myself because I haven't devoted the time to read it on my own but I do know how much of a big deal this book is to the fan base overall after fugo had left the group in part 5 many expected him to return in some way or make a surprise comeback near the end but uh no he never returns and is never given a satisfying ending to his character and I think that pretty much every fan of this series can mutually agree that this was super disappointing there's an entry later down in this iceberg that talks a bit more about this strangely unattended plot threads so I'll talk more about specifics on this later but the major thing that you need to know here is that people were kind of upset that fugo never got a proper time to shine he was really only featured in one major fight and even then he was in it in a very limited sense so if you were a fan of fugo for any reason um good luck buddy there's really not much to do there although thankfully that is where this book comes in it's a full story that focuses on fugo as the main character and better fleshes him out in ways that the main series was never able to and it's for that very reason that so many people are big fans of it not only does it help to better tie up Loose Ends from part five but I've also heard that it's a genuinely great story with interesting fights and Dynamics but despite all of that it's canonicity to the main JoJo series is negligible at best its ties to the main series are difficult to kind of understand some ass aspects of the plot have been referenced in some of the video game material like in All-Star Battle though there's also been a lot of evidence to the contrary that it's actually not connected at all but to get into that I have to specifically talk about the anime you see when it comes to the anime adaptation the series has been known to add in or change existing scenes in an effort to fine tune the older material and fix various plot details for consistency's sake like for example in the anime adaptation of part 3 everybody gets together and poses for this picture in the anime it's built up as this big sentimental thing and jodaro even looks at it on the plane at the end of the part but in the original manga of part three this picture is never taken and doesn't exist the first time that it was ever shown on the page in any sort of sense in the original manga was actually part five it was a really small and innocuous addition but it was really cool that they went back in the anime and actually made it a scene in the show seeing that picture in part 5 is a lot more sentimental and awesome now that there's an actual story behind it we got to actually sit there and see them take the picture that was really cool overall the fan response to these changes has been mostly positive but with the Airing of the part 5 anime long time fans were treated with one change that threw Purple Haze feedbacks canonicity further into question in episode 12 of the show fans were exposed to an entirely new anime only segment covering fugo's backstory to give a better understanding of his character in the current Arc while this was a surprise to be sure and normally would be welcomed with open arms it also contained some details that were a bit different than what some fans were expecting this anime exclusive origin was actually written by hirohiko araki himself which is actually really interesting to note given that most of the time his involvement with the anime's production up to that point had mostly just been surface level he had never actively participated in producing story beats in such an in-depth way like this prior and while the anime and manga are clearly separate entities due to iraqi's personal hand in it many people have concluded that this origin could be Canon to the manga as well the sad part about this being that this scene not only conflicts with the information present about fugo's character in feedback but it also eradicated all fan speculation of David Productions potentially creating a Purple Haze feedback OVA what's even more peculiar about this is that David Productions actually asked Iraqi about including fugo's backstory from the original novel to kind of tie things together but for whatever reason he actually decided to go against that idea instead just opting for a wholly new original origin story despite that however an adaptation of feedback could still be a possibility though I've been told that they would have to make some really big changes to the novel story in order to make it work but I am going to be crossing my fingers on that though based on what I've seen about it it seems like it would be a really cool epilogue to part five pizza mozzarella this is a song written and sung by gyro zeppoli during the events of part 7 steel ball run the scene it originates from is a fan favorite sparking the creation of various fan dubs animations and memes one of my favorites of these is actually an anime accurate Recreation of the scene by YouTube user rawaz fhk at the time of this video part 7 has yet to receive an anime but through the use of official audio from The Eyes Of Heaven video game and top-notch art rawa's fhk delivers a great adaptation of what this scene could eventually look like in animated form deadly Queen okay so to properly talk about this I need to give some context one of the biggest issues that JoJo has always had to face when being localized overseas is its use of musical references I've talked about this a bit in a previous video but I'll gladly go over it again for people who might not be aware I'm sure it's fairly obvious to many fans at this point but uh shocker hirohiko Rocky loves music in specific western music and references it all the time in his work though unlike many other artists and authors his references are much more direct I guess you could say many of the characters and stands throughout the series are given the exact same names of pre-existing songs musical artists and bands that a rocky is a fan of some examples of these include Robert E O Speedwagon being named after the band REO Speedwagon Akira otoishi stand Red Hot Chili Peppers being named after the band well the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Giorno Giovanna stand gold experience being named after the Prince album The Golden experience this naming scheme has become a popular Staple in Jojo and one that I really enjoy I know that it's kind of cringy but I've actually found a lot of my favorite bands and songs through this series alone Iraqi just has some really good taste in music I gotta say though as fun as this all is uh it does actually present a problem Japan's copyright system is a little bit different than the one present in the United States while these direct references may fly over there they definitely do not in the so-called Land of the Free many people have speculated that it's due to this very reason that the series took so long to make its way to the West at all and it's because of this that the current license holders of the property have altered many of the names in the series to avoid potential legal action these new copyright free names have been mean to death in the series fanbase and with good reason the these new names are similar to the old ones but just kind of off or in some cases are just kind of batshit insane while some of the name changes are pretty innocuous like Black Sabbath changing to Shadow Sabbath some names were completely butchered Beyond repair making them sound a thousand times goofier than they ever did prior this leads us all the way back to the entry on the iceberg that brought us here one of my favorite characters in all of JoJo is yoshikage Kira being the main antagonist of part 4 Kira is terrifying and his stand Killer Queen is a reflection of that Terror the stand is a direct reference to the song of the same name sung by Freddie Mercury and I may be biased but I think it has one of the coolest names in the entire series of course given its Origins English translators had to change it overseas and change it they did as Killer Queen became dead deadly Queen this new name was coined all the way back when All-Star Battle the video game came over to the west but its usage became much more well known in the official English dub a part 4's anime by viz media prior to the dub many of these name changes were pretty easily ignored by most of the fan base when watching the show subtitled it was pretty easy to mentally bypass some of the names being different in the translation like you could still hear the Japanese voice actors saying the original name so for the most part it was easy to ignore sadly the English dub doesn't have the same luxury as voice actors need to use the new names so when part 4's anime dub was first being broadcast many fans were introduced to deadly Queen for the first time while many viewers enjoyed Kira's English dub performance myself included the actor's use of the name deadly Queen was hilarious to pretty much everybody much like a lot of the stuff on this Iceberg this led too many many memes star Platinum is Jonathan this is a fan theory that I've seen tossed around online for years now even way back when I first got into JoJo during High School the theory states that star Platinum is actually the spirit of Jonathan joestar from part one with people pointing out in a few different directions on why this could be the case some people have noticed some visual similarities that link the dude together while others have commented on how this would make sense story wise tying together Parts one through three with a crossover of all of the JoJo's so far and allowing Jonathan to finally defeat Dio after losing back in part one while I personally don't buy into it I think it's a really cool concept and would have been super dope if it was confirmed to be true there's been some great fan content and Comics that showcase this twist in action and they're all really cool I just don't think it was ever iraqi's direct intention and if it was it would probably open up a whole can of worms when it comes to the origins of stands and how they work at the very least I feel like some aspects of star platinum's design are supposed to reference Jonathan joestar in some way I just don't really think that there's a connection beyond that avdal is still alive this entry could be in reference to two different things so we're going to cover both of them real quick first it could be referring to the twist where avdal is still alive in part 3 after being shot in the head by whole horse out of the two options uh this is the more obvious one that everybody already knows about or and this is the much more interesting option this subject could be referring to the theory that avdal is still alive after being disintegrated by the stand green a few people have theorized that cream might work the same way as okuyasu stand the hand early on in part 4 Diamond is unbreakable okiaso admits that he doesn't know where things go that get erased by the hand either they get eviscerated you know deleted from existence or maybe they just get teleported to someplace else throughout the Universe and if the latter is true and cream and the hand are the same type of stand then it's theoretically possible that avdal isn't dead and instead just transported somewhere throughout the universe or even on Earth although something that people don't seem to really think about when they bring up this theory is that you know abdall might be alive uh but I don't think that he has his arms anymore his arms were ripped off right before he died so he's just somewhere in the universe with no arms again this is just a theory and it doesn't really make much sense because polnerv saw Abdul's ghost after the cream fight but who cares about that dude amputee avdal is Opie hey everyone it's salta here thank you so much for watching this video uh if you're surprised as to why there's not more Iceberg content to go around that's because there actually is and I'm still working on it I decided to split this project up into four distinct videos because of the fact that uh it got really really [ __ ] long as you can probably tell I only went through three tiers and like a handful of subjects and it's already an hour and 30 minutes I've been working on this project for around two to three years at this point on and off and I'm glad that it's finally starting to release uh so if you want to see more of this and you want to support more please I don't e-bag that much but please subscribe uh I don't normally do a lot of content like this however I do also have a review and retrospective of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part one Phantom blood that is up right now it's an hour long so that's another hour of Jojo content for you to check out if you like this one I was really proud of that video video too and uh yeah I hope you guys stick around for the rest of the iceberg as it comes out uh the parent plan is to get out uh part two of this Iceberg uh within the month uh hopefully if not I'm gonna be actually going on break for like around January and February just to organize myself from the new year uh and you know then when I get back I'll probably just drop the rest of it all in one like dumb ball in one go who knows uh so yeah if you want to see that and uh support it and check it out share the iceberg with your friends if you think that they would like it uh this was a pain in the ass but yeah I won't I'll stop rambling sorry uh thank you so much for watching have a good one
Channel: Saltydkdan
Views: 305,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Iceberg, Iceberg explained, long, fun fact, anime, manga, Part 6, Stone Ocean
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 5sec (5645 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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