Debunking Araki Forgot: Part 6 - Stone Ocean

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she's um they hop on the beat welcome back to debunking Iraqi forgot part six is by far the most hated part by Western fans and many of the issues people have with this part are some of the most illogical ones in the entire series some of the things that people have said about this part are so insane that they hardly even warrant being talked about it feels like everyone's brain started to rot as soon as they read this part or they just speed-read it to get to part seven the first thing people mentioned is why Joleen needed the stand arrow to awaken her stand instead of getting it from Jonathan's body being pierced like the other joestar's this is an example of what I'm talking about how could Jolene have possibly gotten a stand from Jonathan's body being pierced when she wasn't even born until years after that event it has even said in the part the Jolene would not have directly inherited a stand I've seen some people say that Jolene got sick just like josuke but this is referring to an unrelated cold that she had as an example of how she views Jotaro as a bad father not the same sickness that josuke and holly had when Jolene first meets Emporio he gives her a bone to hold on to and warns her to not enter the visitors room a huge amount of people have said that this scene was never expanded on and some even say Emporio 'he's warning is some kind of dropped plot point involving made in heaven others have even thought that this is dio's bone despite it looking completely different this is yet another example of what I mean Emporio directly explains exactly what the purpose of this bone was the bone belonged to his mother who was killed by white snake and he gave the bone to Jolene to warn her about the incoming attack holding onto the bone brought her back to reality and helped her escape the dream the only explanation for how people could be confused by this is if they just flat-out did not read this panel during the fight against Manhattan Transfer Jotaro and Jolene become trapped in the dream while in reality they are slowly being killed by acid this is an attack by pooch East and white snake many people have asked why this ability was not used again other people have asked whitesnake a stand with a D in speed was able to steal jotaro's discs when star Platinum is much faster these two questions actually share the same answer in Jojo velor Araki writes that Whitesnake's d and speed is referring to the speed of the acid attack it takes a very long time to do and at this point Jolene and Emporio are already aware of this ability and how to escape it it is only really useful on someone unsuspecting however poochy is still shown using this ability again in some capacity Whitesnake is shown to have two general powers illusions and discs his illusions are able to create the dream and also disguise his own stand Whitesnake is first shown taking memories and stands as disks later on he has other uses for them like giving commands removing eyesight and even playing CDs people have said that Pucci should only be able to take stand in memory disks I don't see why people could think his power has such an arbitrary limit when it was never established that that was all that white snake could do white snakes ability is to insert or remove aspects of things using disks and it was never implied that this was only limited to stands and memories the Manhattan Transfer fight is a perfect example of the blatant skimming done in part 6 this has gotten to the level where people don't even know if jungle ei actually exists despite him clearly being shown outside of the dream where he is killed by Poochie during a flashback with Poochie and do it appears to be daytime outside of the window many people ask how this is possible when do is a vampire this is a mistake in the color scans made by Shueisha a rocky has nothing to do with the color choices made here in the original black and white the outside of the window is white some people still refuse to accept this explanation and have said that since it is white outside the windows it must be daytime this is not true since there are dozens of other scenes that we know take place at night still using a white background after part 5 I never thought I'd have to deal with the question of Stan's reviving people again but some people just can't be satisfied and I've seriously gotten to the point where they say limp Biskit breaks this rule despite this stand and not actually bringing anything to life and instead making invisible operations of them entirely separate from their corpse after the limp Biskit fight Hermes is absent from the story for quite a while and does not reappear until after a jailhouse lock many people have asked why this happened and often listed as an example of a flaw with part 6 it was clearly said that Hermes was incapacitated by her injuries including her head being split in half the following fights in the punishment ward all take place minutes apart so there's no way she would have made a return there it's only after the jailhouse lock fight when enough time had passed for her to be back in shape this is exactly like kakyoin's absence from a portion of part 3 after his eyes were injured some people have even asked why ffs didn't just heal her despite that being exactly what happened once again there is really no explanation for how people could think this other than them just not reading it when speaking with Poochie about the stand survivor the deal calls it the weakest and back in part 3do told Joseph that his stand was the weakest people have called this a contradiction when do is simply taunting Joseph here pointing out that among the other Crusader stands hermit purple is the weakest and telling him that it is futile to attack him when he had already dispatched Hierophant green easily moments before it is shown in part 6 that Poochie was loyal to do in the 1980s this has led to people asking why Poochie wasn't there in part three to protect him Dio is an extremely careful person in part three so I don't see why he would do something like this Dio knows that if he were to die white snake would be the only chance of heaven ever being attained again so why would he then throw Pucci at the Crusaders like another one of his minions do had Pucci remain uninvolved and continue his work towards the heaven plan in America for whatever reason a large amount of people believe that the initial goal of poochie's plan was to resurrect deal and that it was changed into the plan to attain heaven I don't see how this became so common since it was never imply that Poochie was going to completely resurrect do he knew the nature of sports Max's ability and that it would only give life to what he had access to she even brings up the heaven plan in this exact scene when the character Anna Tsui is first introduced he has a female appearance later on he is shown to be male this is one of the most commonly pointed out inconsistencies while others say that he was pressured by editors to change this the idea that Araki was pressured by his editors over this is completely unfounded now for the in-universe explanation many people act like this change came completely out of nowhere and was never acknowledged by any of the characters this is incorrect since ffs expresses confusion as to whether Anasuya is a man or a woman we are also shown that diver down is able to completely reconstruct the anatomy of people and a suis female form could easily be his cover to watch Jolin in the female prison since he was clearly aware of who she was beforehand still on the topic of Anna Tsui many have pointed to diver downs ability saying it was changed after its initial appearance in the first appearance the ability is described as storing his power and speed into objects and then releasing it however this is just one part of his ability he still uses this ability to store energy whenever he uses his stand to protect people so any attacks coming towards them are absorbed by the stand instead diver downs primary ability is the dive inside of objects many people have said that this is no different from normal stand phasing which would make diver down a stand with no ability some have even attempted to say that stand phasing was removed to make diver downs ability unique this is blatantly untrue and stains have continued to be shown phasing as usual diver down has complete control of the objects and inhabits and can reconstruct them from the inside out he has also seen bringing objects directly through walls as opposed to star platinum which had to find an opening for objects many people have said that the do we see in part 6 has undergone a massive personality change and that there was no trace of his current temperament in previous parts this is completely false in part 6 all of DS appearances are with Poochie who is a trusted confidant we have already been shown that deal remains extremely calm people he considers useful and in the case of Pucci it may even be genuine in his first full appearance from part three he launches into a monologue describing the peace of mind that he seeks which is completely in line with his Heaven philosophy from part six people seem to label do as a character who is just mindlessly seeking power when really after his 100 years in the coffin he had become extremely introspective a detail of his character everyone seems to ignore after fusing with the green baby Poochie begins his path to achieving his Heaven plan Poochie is shown accidentally using his made in heaven power and speeds up time this speeding is different from how made in heaven operates later since it causes aging people have said that this is inconsistent since he should not have made in heaven at this point and later on when he is speeding up time it is shown not affecting living things this is a misunderstanding of poochie's plan and his powers after the fusion his original stand white snake started to slowly transform into his new gravity manipulating stand see moon the goal of this was to get to specific coordinates at Cape can ever all we're manipulating gravity in a certain way can bend time in the way Poochie desires see moon's manipulation of gravity has always been able to affect time but he can't fully master it until he gets to the right coordinates and evolves his stand Pucci definitely could speed up aging but doing so would go completely against his plan which is to bring every living creature into a new universe so when he does get made in heaven he intentionally avoids speeding up life many people have asked how Pucci and weather report end up with Joestar birthmarks some have said that this is impossible since they are not related to the joestars and others say that the birth marks were a dropped plot point that served no purpose both of these are wrong the green baby was a physical revival of the do from part 3 who had begun adapting to Jonathan's body because of this the green baby had a birthmark after saying the 14 phrases poochy merged with it and got the birthmark throughout the series we've seen that certain bloodlines have psychic connections this is first seen in part 3 where the joestars gain stands Johnathan's body and can sense each other the same thing is seen with Enya and J guile who have shared injuries Jojo and Jolin are also shown sharing injuries in part 6 Poochie and whether are twins and have a similar connection when Poochie was pierced with the arrow leather received the same wound and gained a stand as well so when pou she received the birthmark one also appeared on whether as for saying that the birthmarks were never brought up again this is just ridiculous whether is shown using his birthmark to sense Poochie and the sons of do and it also serves as a hint to his relation to Poochie that was revealed later and Poochie being able to sense Jolene is one of the most important plot points in the final battle and the entire reason for Jolene sacrifice in the underworld fight Jolene is shown stabbing underworld with a pen people say that this is contradictory to previous parts since they say physical objects cannot harm stands for starters this role was never set in stone since what people are actually referring to is the rule that humans can't touch stands this is completely irrelevant however since it was directly stated that this is not a normal pen but one that was part of the memory made by underworld when do first met Poochie he was shown healing his disfigured foot for some reason many have asked how he was able to do this with no healing ability despite it already being shown that do can heal people including reattaching a severed head some have asked how weather was able to live normally after his memory disc was removed while Jojo ended up in a coma and needed his memory disc to awaken but this is because weather only had his memory removed he still has his stand disc Jotaro had both removed and wouldn't recover until he got both of them back in his backstory Poochie learns that weather is his twin brother and that weather is unknowingly romancing his own sister he hires a private detective to split them up without knowing that the detective was a member of the KKK the detective learned that weathers father is black and tried to have him killed some people have asked why the detective did not try to have Poochie killed as well when he is darker than weather is this whole course of events seems to have a lot of confusions rounding it and people have gotten very touchy on the subject of poochie's race so I'll go over everything that we know for sure poochy and weather are twins born to parents who both appear to be white weather was stolen at Birth by a different mother and raised separately from Poochie weathers adopted mother eventually married a man who was black this is the man that the detective assumed was weathers biological father since weather who he presumed to be mixed was Romancing Perla who was white the KKK intervened and attempted to lynch weather it was never imply that Poochie has any actual African heritage he's just simply tan people seem to have skimmed this since I have seen a variety of incorrect interpretations some people have said that the detective learned weathers race because he's related to Poochie despite he being directly told to you that this is not how he learned about this that scenario is completely impossible since Poochie is the only one aware of his relation to weather many of the scenarios people come up with seem to forget that Poochie weather in Perla were all born to the same parents who would all have identical heritage other people who argue over poochie's race confuse weathers adopted father with his biological father despite them being completely different people the idea here is that if you're going to argue about something at least make sure you have the basic dialog said in the manga correct in the flashback deal gives Pucci a stand arrow which later grants him a stand some people have actually asked why Pucci didn't get a requiem stand when this is the Beatle arrow scene in part 5 for starters there is no confirmation that this arrow operates differently from the others even if it did Requiem stands are caused by the arrow piercing a stand not from piercing someone for the first time others ask how this could possibly be the same arrow since the beetle arrow was found by polnareff later this is just ridiculous since Pucci clearly just brought the arrow back to Egypt when he visited deal where it would be left over for Palmer off to find after do s death some people even forget that Palmer found it in Egypt at all and somehow think he found it in the random Italian farmhouse where he stayed there is some discourse surrounding the abilities of the stand weather report some ask how it is possible for him to make it rain frogs like during the Savage Garden Ark weather report can manipulate the weather which is an extremely broad concept it is actually a surprisingly common occurrence in a real life for frogs or other small animals to be picked up by tropical storms and dropped somewhere else the most powerful ability of weather report is heavy weather which is used near the end of the manga people seem to have problems with disability some say that it should not be possible for the people to turn into snails others say that they are not actually snails and that them having snail-like capabilities should not be possible and finally some seem to think that this ability has nothing to do with the weather at all all of these seem to completely misunderstand how this ability works heavy weather manipulates the leather by changing the ozone layer by doing this sunlight is refracted in a certain way for a subliminal message to appear to anyone who sees sunlight the manga uses the example of the movie theater to show how this works the subliminal message of the popcorn and the movie causes people to be hungry this shows that a subliminal message can cause a biological change heavy weather takes this to the extreme where people believe that they are snails so much that they begin to actually change into them while fighting c'moon jolene attacks it with a kick people say that this contradicts the rule of humans being unable to attack stands this comes from a lack of understanding of Jolene's stand stone free is made from jolene strength which is a physical part of her body because of this Jolene's body itself would have the properties of a stand back in part 5 the stand notorious b.i.g would track the fastest object nearby match its speed and attack it at the end of the fight it was dropped into the ocean where it chased waves from then on in part 6 poochy begins moving at extreme speeds using made in heaven I have seen some people seriously asking why b.i.g didn't lock on to poochy I have no idea how so many people can get both of these stands completely wrong notorious b.i.g doesn't track the fastest thing in the world otherwise it would have never gone after tiny movements done by Trish or the clock and it would have never been trapped in the waves in the first place it would have just locked on to anything faster than the waves and escaped b.i.g only tracks objects close to it poochy was all the way over in Cape Canaveral almost 5,000 miles away but even if they were closer it still wouldn't matter since people are also missing how made in heaven works Poochie isn't the only thing moving fast the entire universe is constantly accelerating meaning hundreds of thousands of things other than Poochie for b.i.g to lock on to it was even directly shown in part six that the waves were being sped up by made in heaven as well Vig would just continue chasing the waves which are now moving much faster than before now we get to return to a previous Araki forgot star finger ever since its use in part three for some reason people have continued to wonder why Jotaro didn't use this ability again even asking why it wasn't used in fights where it would be utterly worthless the newest one of these is in the final fight of part 6 where Jotaro tries to attack Poochie for the final time people seem to think that star finger would have made a huge difference here when Jotaro was late by two steps to hit Poochie as I've already said in the part 3 video star finger has only been shown to be useful when Jotaro is unable to move if he can move there's really no point star platinum is an extremely fast and jojos movement is completely unrestrained here so the fastest method of attack would be to move his stand up to Poochie and punch him people somehow think that star finger is faster than Joe churros and normal punches despite that never being the case attacking with his full power is faster people also propose other ridiculous ideas like moving Jolene out of the way with star finger which is completely unnecessary since she is one foot away from him what people seem to miss the most in the scene is that Joe drew was distracted and a soui was planning to absorb the damage of poochie's attack and leave him open for an attack by Joe Turo Poochie found a way around this leaving no such Jotaro also had to protect Jolene from the thrown knives which made him just a second late to attacking Pucci all of these things occur in the final two seconds of jotaro's time stop which is already being shortened by made in heaven possibly the most common question involving part six is about what happened to Giorno after Pucci got the birthmark three of do sons were drawn to him Giorno seems to have been not affected by this since he is not present in part six the three sons we see in part six were shown to be failures who would easily be influenced by the presence of Pucci Jorah would not fall for this in the same way many people point to the recce el bio page which says that giorno may be in florida what none of those people seem to realize is that this page was added in the volume release after the chapters had already been published I feel like the main reason people are so concerned over this is that they believe Jorah would be able to reverse made in heaven with gold experience requiem but that is probably true but that would require giorno to actually be in the fight despite this some people even suggest that journa should have been able to reverse it from anywhere in the world and that Araki just forgot about it this idea makes a lot of assumptions about journos ability we simply do not have a lot of information about it in the one occurrence of it requiems ability only activated when he was about to be attacked by Diavolo the universe speeding up indiscriminately around him would not be considered a direct attack in the finale emporia tricks Poochie into inserting leather reports discs into him there are a few questions surrounding this moment some ask why Emporio needed Poochie to insert the disc in the first place when people have been able to manipulate discs on their own before this was because of the effects of the universe reset Poochie had successfully created a universe where everyone knows exactly what will happen to them and is bound to carry out their own fated movements only Poochie is able to alter fate in this universe this is why Emporium needed to manipulate Poochie into pushing the disc in since he cannot control when or if he will insert it himself others ask how Emporio is able to use weather report and burning too the house at the same time this is a common misconception with stand discs it has never been established that you couldn't use the power of an inserted disc when you already have a stand when Jolene inserted star Platinum's discs she used it for a moment before it removed itself later on poochy inserted a stand into FF that boiled the water she was trying to get when weathers disc was first found in a soui said that it was only a fragment of Weber's power these factors make it perfectly capable of being used by Emporio for a short time while not necessarily related to a rocky forgot there is a huge amount of misinformation surrounding the ending I'd like to go over a few of them since the ultimate goal of these videos is to correct the record on these types of things possibly due to the skimming I've talked about a staggering amount of people just do not seem to comprehend how made in heaven works at all or what poochie's goal was the first thing to dispel is the idea that the universe resetting kills people this is so common that I tried to address it back in the part 6 death count video apparently too little effect nobody is killed by the universe reset itself once the singularity point is reached everything that is currently alive is taken and placed back into the new universe poochie's plan is entirely reliant on people being alive to remember their previous actions otherwise it would be completely pointless another thing people do is connect the ending of part 6 with part 7 these are completely unrelated and Iraqi has set as much himself it would also make no sense since made in heaven does not dictate the events that happened before part 6 Jotaro and Jolene still exist in this new universe which would not line up with the family tree scene in part 8 the annoying thing about this as people that just spoil part 6 whenever someone asks about part 7 by telling them the universe was reset the proper way to explain this to uninitiated people would be to say that the story concluded in part 6 in that part 7 is the start of a new story that simply pays homage to the first it's also a common trend to say that poochy 1 in part 6 since the universe was reset this is not true poochie's goal is not simply to reset the universe it's to attain his idea of heaven which is a universe in which everyone knows their own destiny the universe like this was briefly created but thanks to Jolin sacrifice Emporio managed to cross over into it this move forced Poochie to temporarily halt his plan and stop the acceleration at around the point where part six started when he could corner Emporio in the prison but this was also where he was outsmarted and killed by Emporio the universe made after this is free from poojas influence in all of the events of part 6 including the countless deaths from the second half are reverted jolene and the others are even restored into better lives where they are no longer on the run from the law implying that Poochie somehow won in this scenario is completely misreading his character motivation and the ending of the part and that was every Araki forgot for part 6 I feel like this is the most important video that I have done for this series since the Western fandoms opinion of part 6 has been among some of the most misinformed things I've ever seen I really just don't see how people can have these ridiculous issues when so many of them are just completely understood if they actually read the part hopefully this video can start to turn the tides somewhat in the other direction part 7 on the other hand is received positively for the most part and while there are some rocky 4 gods that come to mind I'm not certain that it will be enough for its own video leave your Araki forgots suggestions for part 7 in the comment thread below if you want updates on new videos or want to ask questions join the hum and beat discord server using the link in the description and for future videos subscribe to the channel thank you for watching this is the part of the video where I thank my five and $10 patrons Thank You Jordan the Lich thank you Alex Ramirez Thank You ray Siana Thank You Boake girl Thank You Laura Thank You insane penguin Thank You knacks and Thank You Felipe you [Music]
Channel: Hamon Beat
Views: 2,097,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jojo, jjba, jojos, jojo's, bizarre, adventure, araki, hirohiko, forgot, anime, manga, japan, japanese, jolyne, cujoh, anasui, jotaro, kujo, ermes, hermes, ff, foo fighters, weather, report, pucci, enrico, costello, stand, arrow, made in heaven, cmoon, c-moon, stone free, whitesnake, star platinum, speedwagon, spw, emporio, disc, joestar, dio, baby, green, dolphin, birthmark, female, sunlight, diver down, giorno, ger, requiem, black, race, white, gender, plot holes, heaven, ending
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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