Everything GREAT About: Jujutsu Kaisen 0

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seriously this studio is starting to reach for the likes of the UFO table with quality like this using a darker tone of music and the setting sun creating an environmental effect more akin to the vibe of the bullying type of scene laid out before us just paints a darker image also though it's a personal win but this got me thinking of lost judgment a spin-off series from Yakuza fantastic game which focused on basically this kind of thing foreign what a creative way to introduce his curse cool looking scene too not gonna lie also while I've got you here you fans of the channel have helped immensely in getting anime went back on his feet after YouTube did me dirty so thank you so much for that watching as much of the video is a massive help my average is 17 minutes a person so would love to break 20 with this and the like and comment tube is great let's see showing us this side to his character is a nice and subtle means by which to display his personality and regret at such actions but the desperation he must have felt vividly on display at the same time Kawaii um making the link between this movie and the main Series in this way a clever choice in my opinion adding a rotating view to the scene like it's easy to do again it's worth saying for the movie but what a seriously badass character he is also though I shouted out pretty much all the voice actors in my prior two videos covering season one but definitely take one here for their impeccable work during the movie too internal set designs are truly next level in this one absolutely gorgeously detailed foreign detailing more of his kind Persona wanting to shut himself away forever and a reminder of what the school aims to do for students like him which is essentially a setup to the entire universe of the anime non-opportunistic went cliche because the wind is just doing its thing instead of only kicking in after a poignant moment or statement has happened or been said [Music] that's music fitting the tone of the scene starting a fresh new life at the dawn of a new day really nice it's like a mix of his hopelessness but mixed with a definite feeling of Hope and I think I'm right because moving forward is literally in the lyrics in a minute's time [Music] unless their hearts pouring so many frames into a scene of him putting his jacket on that was an insane amount right there that someone or people worked their socks off to create and have it be so smooth [Music] the studio is seriously incredibly talented at mixing hand-drawn animation within static but beautifully detailed set pieces very few are so good at doing it it can often appear rather clunky yeah in fact I'd say it's mapper and UFO table who are able to do the previously mentioned win the best so far I mean even the shadow effects are insanely accurate still very much Kawaii of course great love is character plus the animation though come on honestly what a powerful thing with barely any effort that was Unreal what what oh my God she is an awesome character love her too also take one here for the fact that even though they were all scared or intimidated that they all immediately flew into attack mode from the get-go no hesitation at all finding a lovely non-exposition way to introduce the story here and why they do what they do me too you know really happy to say that comedy was made a factor in this movie the first season handled it so well oh they're so good at doing environments it's not even funny [Music] social very simple and straightforward approach to the backstory between these two nothing overly long no Exposition and no obviously over the top attempts at pulling the Heartstrings also take one here for this it's clear that this alone has been a massive burden for him to carry on their shoulders all of this time entirely by himself and that was well put across to the viewer plus it was creepy foreign [Laughter] [Music] not walking on the spot segments just going that extra mile animation wise actually I love the veils in this for two reasons firstly it looks damn cool being used and seen and secondly because it beautifully covers up any potential plot holes in the story about being seen doing their thing I forgot just how legitimately incredible curses look the animation is confusing it almost looks like CGI but it's not it blows me away with how good it looks and how much it adds to the creep Factor too first max two wins of the movie absolutely has to go into that scene right there stunningly well animated with loads of smooth looking frames and edited together with love and care to deliver a big punch oh yeah look at them pouring like 90 juicy frames into this one little scene moments like this are really where Jiu Jitsu Kaizen shines looks fantastic emergency unexpected plot twist of concern and worry I saw that I've already shouted out voice actors as a whole but that little performance earns the anime an extra win s I feel like thanks to the movie I'm also learning way more about how curses actually work which is nice foreign the motivation that has been built upon since the start of zero has been well done nothing has been rushed so far this is a very natural conclusion he's come to as a wish for joining Jiu Jitsu High [Music] how come she's just the best though that was so freaking dope [Music] I'd show it but it's a little risky on YouTube but the scene of her denoginizing the curse was awesome also though Mayuri from Steins Gate Hannah from an anime I love called prison school and mitsuri from Demon Slayer a really prominent character in the third season [Music] so much animation goodness in this are you insane boys and girls that was excellently done reminded me of midoriya struggling in my hero Academia muscles failing hurting beyond belief but pushed on by the urge to prove himself to everyone and himself company oh that was just wholesome as anything spurred on by her it's a small thing often unseen but the dedication to Reflections is not throughout here [Music] seriously the will to stay well away from Exposition has been wonderful so far just showing and not telling foreign again still natural progression when it comes to character building and the simultaneous progression of the plot both in keeping together very well thus far seen this look before that's awesome I'm enjoying how there's no attempt to explain away her curse instead very simply and logically it's a big fat I don't know kind of deal and that's far better for the story and added mystery foreign also have one for his continued blase attitude to Authority I love how he's the strongest and it shows and this was looked into a little during season one and hopefully will again during the second season soon is there plenty of wins but none so far for his actual personality and I can think of no better win than this one right here which perfectly tells of why he's in this to begin with and what he gets out of it oh attention to detail when it comes to internal set designs is off the chance of Jiu Jitsu Kaizen numbers if this movie is doing one thing I didn't expect it's actually building on the universe already established during season one choosing to take the time to explain multiple facets previously either unknown to us or not fully explained before now and that's brilliant and much appreciated by yours truly foreign [Music] I am such a fan of how much hard work has gone into this movie oh it's not didn't he just do the guy normally does [Music] did you really think I wouldn't follow up with number 57 with another win for that you can't keep giving me excellent quality animation and not expect to win how selfish review a valid Life Lesson from a very valid woman doesn't make sense but you get it that right there is two of one of my favorite shots in anime a continuous motion shot where the camera doesn't cut away tons of extra effort but well worth the final result [Music] how he's using this whole experience to really motivate himself to achieve his lofty goal come on man just like with win number 59 you can't throw that at me and not get a win oh my killing you up also this also big it's really short but really well done in creating a relationship between all four of them using little scenes such as this and the last one otherwise it's admittedly very difficult to do in just one movie foreign way of handling this because we know if it did happen again their lives are basically over but hit fight alongside him to protect him silly good looking CGI plus that scenery shot of the city in the background Goodness Me prime example of the external environmental detail mentioned before someone may keep it so plain you just get the gist of the scene but here effort is put into making it realistic and I appreciate that I must say it's really good to see more of him I felt like of the other three we saw the least of him during season one so this is great I don't understand how they make curses look so good though cute that is so damn sick [Music] turn to the out of nowhere unexpected plot twist but with amazing looking tension and animation combined I'm so tense [Music] creating characters with pitfalls to using their abilities such as this right here that way you nicely avoid having Gods running around foreign you know the talent is good when the animators can relay important facial reactions in such a tiny way such as this and still have it be meaningful another one which did this really well was violet evergarden I'm sorry it would just be remiss of me to not also win just how incredibly unique looking that curses it's another factor to the anime I adore so much is how different they all look and are animated you just don't need a nickel keeping a realism element by having the phone appear like a normal one would you not say also don't have a win for creating a reasonable excuse as to why they cannot call for help from the outside during times such as this just like in the previous win where I talked about the veil I suppose really this is a third reason why I like them so much because it means you can't just pop in and out for help too foreign this dude doing his job as a senpai of sorts taking on the danger all for himself trying to do his best to keep the lad safe who has only just joined the school says a lot about him really [Music] brilliant follow-up example of high quality facial reactions because in this simple moment it tells us without actually saying anything that he's scared fearing for his classmate but also perhaps feeling weak in that moment for not protesting and going with him foreign can't believe how on the nail I just hit that scene with my metaphorical Hammer as he snaps out of his perceived weakness in the moment and Goes Forth to fight alongside his new friend you go boy [Music] I genuinely have no clue how they make them look so good though such a realistic reaction from him foreign [Music] not using CGI on these kinds of effects that's insanely rare nowadays and I don't even hate slightly on those who do it because half the time it looks great now anyway but that doesn't mean you don't win it when a studio does it without CGI which it very much appears they have here when you not only create animation during a battle that looks gorgeous but then you're also added yet another continuous motion shot like it's no big deal whatsoever to keep on doing them you get yourself a big fat two Max wins also take one here for showing how far along he's coming this training when he first started out he was incredibly nervous and timid and barely able to move and now he's jumping and running all over the place like a pro s for essentially going on to confirm what I said before about him wanting to protect him take a win it's great to see the anime confirm his character that he's kind to everyone around him living life protecting others by how he words everything he's a great guy [Music] foreign oh my goodness what an outstanding looking attack that was I love how the enemy also kind of Moves In tandem during the attack too normally enemies can be very stationary when being attacked in anime it's especially worthy of a win because his own body moves elegantly when attacking two just looked great assistant this idea brilliant teamwork between these two [Music] oh hell yes that's absolutely another easy Max two wins unbelievably great animation as he leaps back dodging and then yells out his much more effective attack this time around I love it [Music] ah he cares about him that's obviously on display but also he's able to understand him now animating multiple people moving within one frame together nicely introducing the main antagonist into the story I'm not sure he's the main bad guy from the first season yet but it's well done regardless foreign foreign I must say again it's wonderful how they're pulling these three into this story so deeply they're not merely used as characters due to having been in the first season they're intricate to the plot they tie in personality wise as discussed here I think that's a great way of doing things [Music] can't believe how quick another example came about she's as we know saw on this subject he doesn't know it yet but we do so her own personality is brought into the subject matter of his character growth foreign enemy had been sitting earlier constantly learning new things about how this world works and if you know me and this channel you'll know how much I dig in anime's law and I'm fairly sure that wasn't raised in the first season foreign okay yeah I'm pretty sure that was no information and I'm enjoying the first signs of the building of a power structure within the anime since very early on they kind of started it and then went into other aspects he's a bad guy but even bad guys get wins when they're in scenes with so many frames incredibly creepy foreign I can't get over that animation I'm sure it's not CGI but it looks too smooth to be animation help me out in the comments if anyone actually knows what they do another Kawaii lady are you having a laugh smallest one of the video goes to actually making the effort to alter the camera screen as he moves his hand barely anyone does little touches like that and I always notice it expanding the law to show how villains actually make use of cursors outside of merely being nasty people and cursing Innocents and doing bad things in the storyline it's early doors yet of course but via this statement and a few others I feel like they're slowly starting to reveal the end game for themselves as antagonists inside the story autos a whole bunch of new and unique looking characters not walking on the spot for a second even more impressive looking time the fact that is in this anime will never stop being a win God damn well that suddenly got super intense out of nowhere now they're on the move and attacking let's go [Music] 50 50 split here firstly is for the look of the giant bird done in the classic style and then there's the JoJo looking character be sure to check out Stone ocean on this channel too oh they ain't lying he really is quick isn't he foreign foreign ique as far as villains go to not just rock up and start doing bad stuff but instead to try and get inside this young man's head to see where his loyalties might lie to see about perhaps recruiting him it can barely be heard but there's this great music almost atmospheric playing in the background that perfectly adds tension to this scene it's very uncomfortable sounding foreign to his disposition towards all things evil he's like shock to his core and it's another example of facial reactions being used to convey all of the feelings needed for the scene instead of using words all the time Tinder the very same thing then happens right afterwards with his three companions too although some words are used do you get the gist of what they're feeling in that moment he's turned up what happens now a full telling of all of their backgrounds within the Jiu Jitsu Universe which was appreciated by me as somehow I'd forgotten about Panda's background even though it was explained already also it was kind of cool to hear how their first years and obviously in season one their second years just felt nicely consistent foreign [Music] timid shell in front of a phone like this but doing so for the right reasons to protect his friends also this though once more as far as villains are concerned he's crazy unique in this he looked genuinely annoyed at himself for having upset him like he felt awkward or something I've never really seen that before not gonna lie it's beyond thrilling for me getting to see many of these guys and gals again some true mad Lads hanging around at this school my call I cannot wait for the second season my hype is unreal um [Music] what an insanely great looking scene that was the declaration of war the animation and editing was on point and it beautifully moves the story forward excellent stuff [Music] this anime man it's just the best when it comes to stuff like this I mean look at that his display here of his own power much needed in order to place him on the slowly building power structure within the anime also though true to his word he could have easily attacked all of them right here but did choose not to adding in an example of Prior interactions between them a good addition to the overall story building between them heading into season two I'm also a fan of adding depth and story to any villain scenery shots are fairly rare in Jiu Jitsu Kaizen due to the city aspect of the anime so definitely take one for this lovely looking shot also though my word they don't half know how to throw together colors in the scene that looks nothing short of beautiful so warm foreign a much better and full telling of his abilities which now does make much more sense [Music] this thing creating nothing but utter hype for me as even further reinforcements now those outside of the school are about to be mobilized I cannot wait for this finding such a clever means by which to move Utah to the center of the anime story as we learned that their upcoming attack success rate jumps from 20 to 99 if he obtains Rika [Music] they are stupidly good at creating scenes like this via excellent editing techniques tender [Music] she's not just pretty there's really something about her that draws me in she's a hundred percent of waifu I didn't even know what I like so much about her but I just know I really dig a whole deal oh yeah oh hi oh my God again I also gotta say I really like him as a character and the lady who voiced him did an incredible job I think perfectly fitting his personality with the voice creating simple great scenes such as this even more cute without the glasses I didn't think it possible foreign okay I promise for the final time she's just simply awesome a lovely and it's clearly his words meant a lot to her right there and I adore how he wears his heart on his sleeve as well and just says what he feels foreign [Music] that scene got to me her mother's cruel words contrasted by the beautiful ones he just used to describe what he sees in her ah man oh that was so sweet get out of here with that thank you it's starting the pacing is most excellent in this movie and has really helped to Hype up this coming moment to the max rather than simply dropping into it haphazardly a whole bunch of awesomely looking curse orders [Music] I'm so glad my boy figured out the ruse foreign [Music] my own that looks so good with the smash debris flying through the air and the smoke and then the slow motion attacking Panda that the anime just got itself another Max two wins award can't not do it for that easiest damn two Max wins of the entire movie to date just nothing but beautifully detailed animation and so many frames making the animation look so smooth that it's nuts continuous motion shot again boy this is so sick yet another continuous motion shot they've gone insane some will call the cops I love and hear me on this love that guy's voice when he shouts that is incredible it came out of nowhere it shocked him and it shocked me stunning animation on the attack it gets another two wins this is crazy this my tummy is aching bruh [Music] how that scene was expertly built via great voice acting from all involved and the slowly increasing tension of the scene helped by the music it's happening this is not Drew quality extremely consistent with the biggest battle scene during season one so well done seriously [Music] also going first person like this extremely creative stuff I cannot believe how far he's come personality why since the start but also ability wise like Rika transported them and now he's able to kill them himself this kid is crazy awesome would just be really sad to not be able to see more of him in the future foreign I think it's so intelligent for the author to have written the curse to sometimes act like this because in the end of the day it's still a warped young girl jealous and full of feeling inside and it showed here Hallelujah you know this movie man it's blowing me away with just how insanely good it is I haven't been this hyped during a battle since probably season Once be sure to check out my videos on that if you haven't too it's awesome to see his determination to win the battle but alongside it him still doubting himself at least a little bit just shows that his character growth wasn't microwaved overnight oh my word what genius came up with the idea of having it be like a camera dropping to the ground effect [Music] as in the side this looks amazing but I also wanted to say that I really hope my hero academia's new season can perform much the same for their new season because this has been outstanding [Music] uh yeah she's awesome and gets a win check her out [Music] I think in this background today characters was a nice touch as even in such a short segment they also managed to expand the law giving us an understanding of what life is like for people like them outside of the big cities and thus why they've done what they have foreign ly at long last I get to witness a battle with him in it again it's legit one of my favorite moments in the entire anime when he fights oh that was originally going to be combined into one win with the previous but that's just too good looking to not be a standalone win [ __ ] wow as you no doubt already guessed that gets two Max wins all day long truly so much work time and effort went into creating these sequences and I adore the studio and the animators for that incredible effort oh my God that was outrageous yeah I'm not gonna ignore that that's too good not to have two Max wins also yeah no she's literally reacting in tandem with a frighteningly good looking that is [Music] [Music] okay so first off the obvious that's two wins but secondly let's be honest that quality of Animation is easily the same for me as season 2 of Demon Slayer and the movie for example it used to be second best but for me this movie has now moved up to a joint position as number one in my mind let me know what you think down below [Music] goodness me how far he's come since the start not even the same person anymore thrilled to see that [Music] this movie might actually legit be one of the best anime movies I've ever seen it's absolutely top three but it's rising this is insanely well done with that sudden burst of music come on two more on the top please are you of course proving that he's still the same lad as before but just now with new ideals and goals and motivations people he wants to protect and keep safe guiding him through life [Music] definitely one here for always pushing forwards that law is the power structure I've spoken about is opened up to now include strong curses foreign the effects on that still don't know if it's CJ or not but I do know it's stunning looking I loved this dude in season one he was so awesome but also half the win is for the gore I couldn't quite show they went very dark showing struggling students being taken out by the curses on the streets [Music] he's such a badass looking girl you get them old son never did I think I'd be issuing out so many Max two wins awards for this movie but I'm extremely pleased to do it I've rarely ever seen such Godlike animation and everyone from season one of this robot type dude I completely forgot about his fight with panda it was legendary hey um not even gonna attempt to lie as soon as they even mentioned his name a legit smile ran across my face he is one of my all-time favorite characters not even just in this anime but how are them all ah that got me really emotional that hit me right in the gut well played anime [Music] this felt to me like the Unbound feelings of eternal love and passion all wrapped in one just Unleashed all at the same time with Fury [Music] I think even for that they used hand-drawn animation entirely the biggest of big props to the studio and everyone's hard work that went into that I'm very happy for the story that he didn't Escape untouched or because of some ex machina type of intervention he was all but taken out by what was essentially The Power of Love I'd show more of it but he's her bad never expected I'd be gifted a look at them from the past I wonder what he said to him at his end foreign the breaking of the curse but also that bit of humor at the end couldn't tell who he was excuse me they're related plus lunch more tasty law for me to enjoy incredible voice acting there bye [Music] such a wonderful scene that was there [Music] lovely warm end getting to see them like this all together again only Jujitsu Kaizen taken off to another country like it's no big deal like it's JoJo over here this food has no right to look so tasty hello hello foreign I don't even know what's going on at the end there but I loved it all the same he's hanging out with the powerful dude eating good food he's looking so much healthier now which is wonderful and then Sensei turns up take one more win here for what was probably the best anime movie I've ever seen I genuinely think that right now in my mind some of the greatest animation ever fantastic pacing a character growth just the best you show The Pledge on my patreon if you'd like to vote in new anime for me to cover and just help me out in general it's tough out there right now and also you can watch more videos coming up in a second at the end thanks so much for watching and I'll see you next time thank you Chris Harris Marquez make Windham or keeper Steelers the other Commander both without a word let's go random Korea game two thousand Kieran Robinson Comfort Magnus Matthew Casterline Nathan Byrne Sean Ali 50 Dr Lord buddy Caldera you're edvinson you're on a star Jordan Samuels Java 6263 cowl milk Captain Louise Cruz Matthew Blanchard at the marshmallow 1928 sentimento storm 917 the undertale awards
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 55,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jujutsu Kaisen 0, jujutsu kaisen, anime wins jujusu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen wins, jujutsu kaisen 0 wins, anime wins jujutsu kaisen 0, everything great about, anime wins, anime, wins, everything right with jujutsu kaisen 0, everything great about jujutsu kaisen 0, everything great about jujutsu kaisen, everything great about jujutsu kaisen 0 the movie, gojou vs miguel, jujutsu kaisen movie, jujutsu kaisen the movie, anime movie jujutsu, jujutsu kaisen 0 best, jujutsu kaisen 0 top
Id: ESFDf9kfjk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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