Everything GREAT About: Komi Can't Communicate | Season 1

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
nothing too long and boring here just a serious request that you please watch as much of the video as possible it's the best way to ensure good views that make these enormous videos worthwhile plus a like and a comment of course you should also definitely subscribe if you're not already and hit that bell and now back to the video [Music] seriously man right from the start they gift us with animation like this let's be real this is easily high budget movie worthy quality not walking on the spot plus it's a really gorgeous looking scene probably the closest thing we're going to get to a scenery shot went so let's do it [Music] you know the animation and music really make me think of asylum voice i went to czech and was shocked to see it was the same studio who made berserk 1997. so hands off to them for creating this [Music] ah [Music] i love the stark contrast between the slow beautiful and methodical animation a classic japanese style in color and form and then his massively over-the-top reaction to her looks [Music] like [Music] straight away this anime has multiple things really going for it great animation obviously but also really good comedic timing like that's gonna be spot on to work and that right there was a ten out of ten [Music] really clever setup to the overall story nicely fed into the narrative [Music] great scene transition that was bloody fantastic what great voice acting shockingly well done from the comedic element of a student holding a boom mic over for her intro to her nervously stepping out eyes wide and merging to the board it's tough to relay a bunch of feelings and aspects into a scene and here it was done fairly effortlessly oh you know what i think i'm in for a treat here i'd love to laugh and so far this has had me laughing no less than five times a real credit considering i'm six minutes into episode one also though do you know from [Music] jojo what a stupidly lovely looking but also funny scene we are from love is war and please watch that video if you haven't already it did so incredibly poorly and i spent so long making it it's like youtube is hurting me on purpose not recommending it like i'll be honest that devastated me seeing it do so badly so yeah if you can watch it such massive gratitude from me not anymore goodness me they don't half do these scenes excellently there's so much sub ferocity i love it seriously the visuals are really impressive i'm giving praise here for basically what i said in baka monogatari and before you try and find that video it's still not released yet just waiting for its turn in the schedule it's so good i'm legit struggling to not win it every time send help [Music] [Applause] as the beautiful music sets in and her feelings pour out onto the board the scene takes a lovely turn from comedy to the more serious as her very real problems are laid bare in the best of ways on top of that the way the scene is edited is so wonderful and filled with passion it contains more movement and frames than most would use for a similar scene and i love it they can have two wins for how well that was handled i always enjoy creativity and anime and this right here is one such example it's almost like it's an alternative view of her looking out onto her words shown to the world [Music] isn't that just really aesthetically pleasing [Music] showing her like this is a nice contrast to how she normally looks it's a decent way i think of displaying her natural decor in the headlights look whenever the pressure is on also though take one for the act of animating the writing on the board it's difficult to pull off it's often why it looks a little odd in other anime so kudos for doing it so well beautiful music and visuals a really impactful scene because of that displaying her first time feeling as though she's having a full conversation with someone it was lovely and so well done [Music] the end of that sequence totally worthy of another win her first friend and not only that but a promise to help her achieve her goal as well just lovely i never read the manga but i have to assume that viewers were happy with how this was animated i love those exits [Music] this might legit be one of the most innovative methods i've ever seen to introduce other characters to your anime first-person shot getting away with not having to read in front of the glass in the most ridiculous of ways [Music] literally a win because that's an amazing choice of music such a nice song [Music] this is what i'd call a run-of-the-mill effortlessly fantastic op great song choice brilliant visuals with a whole bunch of style injected into it now this would normally be just one win but honestly the effort to go the extra mile during animation grabs that second max win well done [Music] let me give you a now so you can continue to nail the comedy in this one shout out to the link there to the cat i like the idea of the cat being a solitary creature but wanting contact with others much the same as her [Music] nose and i cuny ran from three zero including everyone anxiously waiting in the background was such a clever choice but at the same time having it take us so long to get going so that they've all left was equally clever otherwise it blows her cover as the popular kid naturally [Music] yeah i'm not sure i'm ever not going to win that jackhammer stammering goodness [Music] a simple but interesting look into a moment during her childhood which has the desired effect of allowing us to see how her extreme social anxiety sadly even ruined things for her as a kid [Music] with all of the focus on comey it's easy to forget that he's also a main character so this is a good reminder and a look into his own past [Music] i know i mentioned it before but for real so much of the style of music fits back among the guitarist [Music] unexpected [Music] [Music] i've never seen anything like it in an anime before really got me for some reason between the teacher in episode 1 and now this guy these moments are quickly becoming some of my favorites where people invent miraculous scenarios in their heads that convince them that what's going on is not only normal but something spectacular [Music] not only are they correct but brilliant choice of voice actress for her classically awesome ed calming visuals but with a real burst of energy in the second half no doubt encompassing her pledge and drive to become more vocal and do enjoyable things with her friends and of course the music was equally calming and also picked up in the second half so a great [Music] my choice this kind of comedy is right up my street i just love the idea of her nervously knocking down dozens of books [Music] animating multiple characters moving within one scene [Music] oh that's so good it's like a horror movie [Music] as someone who was also fairly socially anxious during high school but who thankfully grew out of it after joining the prison service at 18 i can absolutely relate to this and is well portrayed [Music] focusing so much on other characters a welcome surprise to be sure especially when scenes like this thing get to happen that voice acting totally deserving of its own standalone wind [Music] it's a fairly rare anime that can handle comedy and at the same time nail the more emotional moments but thus far this one ticks both boxes the great choice of music helps each time too [Music] oh man i know i say it a lot but damn i love stuff like that i mean i say i love that a lot but come on that's so good awesome animation too but the voice actor ah so well done [Music] doing it on the blackboard during episode one and now doing it again that's some real dedication best i've seen since jobless reincarnation these scenes absolutely wouldn't be anywhere near as funny without these amazing and i do mean amazing reactions fueled by the voice actress here who came up with this [Music] there's a lot of aspects to this anime so it's also easy to forget that she's not just bonding with others but clearly and most definitely with him as well which is just great to see [Applause] this is now the third time this has happened and so far each has been more entertaining than the last to go from picking a student for class president to officially giving her the label of god is fantastic [Music] [Applause] she really is totally adorable zipping through this because let's be honest we don't really need to know much about it [Music] the sound of genuine concern from her difficult to do in an anime where she doesn't really speak so to find a way by which to do it was awesome credit definitely applies too so far as getting the formula right it could have been one-sided and looked like she was using him or maybe not fully appreciating what he's doing but between this win and the last it shows that's not the case [Music] unexpectedly well done contrast [Music] this girl is straight up hilarious bruh not much else to say [Music] the anime can be so weird sometimes i enjoy how comey is defended though by means of everyone building her up in their imaginations and misinterpreting things that way she can continue to be how she is within the story without it opening plot holes kawaii [Music] [Applause] how come this girl is also hilarious though holy if that isn't just one of the best ever bird's-eye views of the city of all time suddenly you seriously used a 24 reference that's like one of my all-time favorite shows i love you [Music] using the same reference she said earlier on to the crazy girl back to her in what was quite a poignant moment in case you're thinking oh my god he missed x y or z no i didn't just didn't think that whole kidnap scene was worth a win barely any comedy and took itself ugly serious i think the first time face to face that she's been able to talk to him or anyone for that matter at the very least take a win for this happening i'm still not exactly happy but it's something it's an attempt at a conclusion in the end of the day take one final win for this episode for the slight change to the ed it's always a favorite of mine when they do alter slightly as the anime progresses i do just enjoy these little moments they share it's clear how much his opinion means to her way more than anyone else who she showed little to no reaction towards [Music] oh god that face so ugly [Music] people really do just hear what they want to hear don't they [Music] it is actually really sweet how he can read her like an open book reminds me of kage and bhoji in ranking of kings another anime i covered that did god awful views watch it if you fancy it i put so much work into it [Music] how her mother is basically the exact opposite of the daughter also though palm from hunter hunter [Music] it's always wonderful to see how much all of these small steps mean to her even the simple picture of her first gathering means enough to her to warrant buying a picture frame to put it in so sweet genuinely awesome tunes [Music] genuinely awesome looking food it's a very simple thing but just concluding the scene with something like this instantly makes it wholesome [Music] his background comments really give me vibes of kazuma and kona super just picking flaws with what he's hearing [Music] getting to actually see what happened to him in the past that so deeply affected his personality up until this current moment in time [Music] [Laughter] unexpectedly really lovely scene out of nowhere her overcoming her shyness to extend a helping hand to someone really feeling alone in that moment and the moment of her being alone which was really touching two wins here firstly is for essentially giving us a different ed and that song is now growing on me so much more because i'm watching the different ed each time so that was a pleasant surprise secondly it's for going without an official ed in order to as you well know by now give us yet more juicy content that's my jam i say every time [Music] what a lovely way to do this shot in first person you could hardly tell it was cgi for the most part it's so cute that she can talk on the phone that's a great twist in the narrative of her character but also i just flat out enjoy dad jokes [Music] kawaii she picked his outfit and everyone else was really happy with it too which makes a change given the issues between him and the crazy girl in the previous episodes [Music] see that's the kind of humor i had taught she was having all of the first bits said as internal monologue and then just burst out saying that which shocks them no one else will shout out the animator who spent the time and effort to create this shot for four seconds of use in the episode so i will looks gorgeous well done [Music] he's the only one to notice the subtle change and she clearly digs that and so do i democracy right in line with the previous win this just shows one of the many reasons why she cares about him so much that he does stuff like this she really deserves so much credit for the voice acting job on this one unreal [Music] it's dumb but playing that in the library instead of studying really tickled me [Music] again as a former super nervous boy this does check out i've mentioned this in other videos but definitely one of my favorite elements of school anime is the whole season aspect of it school holidays yearly events and such i love stuff like this that was creepy but you know definitely also well done [Music] youtube can sometimes be a little funny so let's just say bathing suits scene and move on [Music] these moments just handle her character development so nicely pacing is done great nothing is rushed and they always seem to be able to pick the perfect music [Music] he really is just the best at times like this isn't hey [Music] [Music] mmm this family so damn weird bruh [Music] oh that's so simple for the scene but so incredibly lovely might not be normal to everyone else but it's normal for them [Music] seriously whoever thought this up is a genius [Music] they really do always strive to have the scenes end in a nice or wholesome way though don't they i enjoyed that factor in this one over and over again making the choice to throw some really nice animation into this simple scene [Music] this wasn't getting a win until it was revealed that he forgot yeah again to return the i can't books they brought the grave into it [Music] it's so weird but i think purely because of the family and how they act i'm far more interested in the members of said family than i ever normally would be [Music] this adorable bloody side to her so nice to see because it's so rare you've got yourself a unique method of getting wins here anime [Music] there's been loads of moments building up her character but none that showed a direct result as well as this moment right here so take a win for that tomo okay [Music] oh that's so sweet between a grandmother and her granddaughter [Music] [Laughter] and that this anime keeps making me laugh and i can't just keep laughing and giving out wins but at the same time how could i also not [Laughter] as time goes on i only find my own self appreciating him in the things he does it's no wonder she's in my opinion at this stage anyway falling in love with him slowly just such a nice lad mina [Music] couldn't have really timed the previous way much better had i tried how about that these wildly different reactions based around comey are always nothing short of hilarious i didn't even know how the author managed to figure out so many of them and always make them funny [Music] this kind of thing is great for her character development that's here she actively encourages him to pop over and say hi if he sees her out and about again in town that's very sweet [Music] oh that's so sweet and genuine this is why i love slice of life type anime it's so relaxing and feel good for your soul [Music] honestly as a former child i can fully still understand that feeling i freaking loved my summers sat around eating nice snacks and watching dragon ball z yugioh and pokemon hanging with my friend to the park it was amazing then back to school so yeah i get there feeling blue [Music] gone from hunter hunter [Music] [Music] i'll never get bored of people misunderstanding her actions this little moment meant a lot to me that she is now brave enough to visit someone she barely knows outside of school at their home no less go on go [Music] number is so far putting what can only be described as an insane amount of effort into this video game part oh my god that's amazing proper did justice to a first-time gamer and how it often turns out impressively i don't think they used cgi in this scene [Music] this entire scene made me laugh likely way harder than they ever intended especially her listing of her like 19 reasons why she needs a tissue in that moment sure that was really well done giving him a taste of what daily life is like for her this is a rare one but also gone from hunter hunter also though kawaii [Music] whoever decided to use her funny nervous face for this elegant move as a legend [Music] this scene didn't have any emotional moments touching character building or eye-popping fight scenes but what it did have was an outstanding amount of animation and for this reason it's getting two max wins bless her heart okay absolutely not gonna ignore that that actually looked fantastic like all my type effects or something that was hilarious [Music] genuinely shocked at the high level of animation this episode they're really smashing it around [Music] this was unexpected hi hey [Music] bless her heart to the max take a fat win here for the music in this one it's like the epitome of the slice of life vibe [Music] you guys and gals know i love me some character growth and so this is wholesome as hell seeing her now able to do all of this stuff whereas at the start she literally couldn't speak to anyone hi just a nice symbolic gesture there she wanted him to know how much she appreciated him doing that she actually came up with the best way to do it too so everyone wins [Music] it's a new character [Applause] not being funny they just make scenes that you wouldn't think should look good look really good [Music] also though style wise they have a real knack for putting together scenes like this right here plus the scene from earlier on in the classroom too now that i think about it it really is like an animated manga which it is but i think you get what i mean also though here they could have been really lazy with the set design but instead went all in on making it look realistic same thing with the next scene inside the store too [Music] not sure this has ever happened before but the voice actress has literally made this character a near favorite for me that's extremely rare if not at first [Music] i adore comedy like this truly inventive in this one she went in to hand out flyers ended up sitting down and eating a whole bill because she couldn't say what she was there for kawaii [Music] definitely take a win for the entire maid dudes segment that was funny nothing over the top requiring lots of wins but as a whole absolutely it gets one also comey said an entire word [Music] yeah i'm not letting that one slip by that was so good have a final win for this episode as i do really like how the ed changed over time and i'm not entirely sure if i mentioned that before but it's a nice touch as a circle grows [Applause] smallest wind of the video but getting these sounds spot on i've even played many big budget video games i couldn't get the sound of a crowd right sounds like six dudes clearly yelling up [Music] close don't really like the girl but you can't knock her character for actually following through on this i thought it'd be forever in limbo not actually progressing in some way [Music] i'm so weird i just like stuff like that even more so that they animated it too [Music] man i love this music and also wanted to drop a win for the design of the festival and how it was carried out many anime shy away from these events due to needing heavy animation for crowds and movement and such but anime like this one and love is war's third season just nailed it [Music] he really can be just like kazuma in these moments [Music] well that just turned out to be a lovely scene nothing over the top just nice and simple and ever so slightly builds things between them always nice to see everyone together like this relaxing and enjoying each other's company after something as hard for them as preparing the festival [Music] [Applause] she never sung and yet the colors attacking the screen it goes to call the company that just gets me [Music] oh that's so cute between them take a win for doing the final ed justice rather than repeating it as normal it contains loads of different visuals especially at the very end of all of their time together and just makes me relish it in all honesty the lovely moment of her counting all of her friends so far this incredibly cute but most importantly original way of doing an end and announcing a second season that was fantastic after the final score screen maybe click that like button and leave a comment if you haven't already and you can always watch another video that pops up on screen thanks for watching [Music] 6263 magnus kevin alter brandon korea epic man sentimental 2000 score 970 inaudible separation baneras you are hippinson lee hammer marquez
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 49,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animewins, anime wins, aniwins, everything great about, ega, everything right with, Komi Can't Communicate, everything great about komi can't communicate, komi can't communicate op, komi can't communicate ed, everything right with komi, komi, komi anime, best komi moments, top komi moments, anime wins komi, anime wins komi can't communicate, anime wins komi cant communicate, komi cant communicate, komi cant communicate wins, komi can't communicate wins
Id: QwNYgUTx0kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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