New Normal Apex Hunts = Awesome - Fast Lazurite Farm + Fight Breakdown - Monster Hunter Rise! #rise

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hello brilliant news the rise update is already out and we've been digging into it to find all the new important information for you guys the reveal was awesome the new monsters the new equipment the hunter rank cap is unlocked and there's lots of important secrets to uncover too speaking of which those apex monsters are now part of normal hunting this is something i was talking about recently on the channel when it came to that difficulty discussion rise but i genuinely didn't expect to see apex monsters be a normal hunt after all some of these monsters have insane aoe attacks with crazy range because well they needed them to destroy the rampage defenses i wasn't sure if it would work in a regular hunt but as it turns out yeah it does it's just very very punishing i've already landed parries and been hit anyway by the follow-up shockwave after that original attack so you got to watch out for stuff like that here's some important details you should know about apex monsters though since they follow their own rules for example i can't trap azuros here and therefore i also couldn't capture him not only does that mean that these are kill only hunts but it's also added difficulty because we can't use traps to stun the monster and get some damage out and also very importantly it seems like they're unrideable too you see after i'd done what seemed to be more than enough special damage i didn't get a mount and this happened multiple times the monster just staggers for a moment as if going into ride mode but then just recovers instead like a mini stun i also have good and bad news in regards to apex monsters in general firstly apex monsters do not have unique equipment you'll get the same parts as before when killing them in the rampage i didn't get any extra materials either just regular azuros parts but with the rarer apex parts as well nicely apex parts will meld pretty well for talismans so that's one reason to take these new more challenging fights on but on top of that and really importantly apex monsters will serve as a way to get those new lazarite jewels that you need for the new decorations in this update i was able to get a whopping four from just one apex azurus hunt which is really good because i need five of them for the new weakness exploit decorations as one example oh and i also got two silver eggs for complete the quest which is 20k senny so yeah these apex monsters are well worth fighting for these rewards now then that's just some important information about apex monsters in general what about our first fight that we unlock at hunter rank 8 which is apex azurus himself off the bat these are way more challenging versions of the original monster while they do serve in a way as deviant versions of monsters and ryze they are still pretty unique fights the raw strength of these versions as i said before are crazy we can't trap them and capture them and when i trigger the right damage for a wyvern ride i also couldn't wyvon ride the damage you can take here is serious too just one hit could land me in a combo and possibly the car and in this footage i was using the new fully upgraded armor from maximum defense and it's still hitting me like a truck this version of azuros is great though it's a bit bigger and certainly a lot scarier because we've got new moves to deal with the pace of the attacks is faster the combos are going to come out quicker but importantly i'm seeing him cancel out of combos at will if you're out of range and he can close range on you with incredible speed the raw movement he has on combos and attacks is scary but obviously he has that huge leap where he does the butt bounce which was used to crush rampage defenses and is now a dangerous gap closer it's a big shock wave to dodge let alone the bear himself in multiple ways you're going to see apex azurus without chunks of the ground where he's creating shockwaves or two-pronged attacks which i mentioned earlier i'd parry the first part of the attack and then the shock wave would hit me out the barry it was brutal and where other monsters might stagger on a successful parry this guy just keeps going which made him feel freely unpredictable if you do get caught by say the uppercut you'll be launched into the air and comboed midair for huge damage so it's probably a good idea to make sure you always have a wire bug handy for a wire fall out of a situation like that and it'll also yield massive rocks at you regularly if you do step away from him i think one of the scariest attacks is that double swipe charge forward since he can cancel out of what he's doing and if you're out of range he'll just suddenly be on you with that we can't stop him though with constant damage and staggers and stuns we can still knock apex monsters down and overall i think i've really enjoyed this fight it just feels good to be able to fight apex monsters in real hunts and like i said i just didn't expect them to do this since i thought they were gonna be tied to the rampage and that was just how it was i think this is a really good way to do deviance and i'm looking forward to fighting the bigger and badder ones if just azuros can keep me on my toes like this but that's everything from my first impressions of the apex hunts and azuros we got more news and breakdowns coming at you from all three of us on the channel as soon as we can but enjoy the update guys i think this is exactly what we needed to see in rise until next time i've been hollow you've been you thanks for watching josh cotton and hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes i said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 54,972
Rating: 4.8902907 out of 5
Keywords: monster hunter rise, monster hunter rise apex arzuros, monster hunter rise lazurite, monster hunter rise lazurite jewel, monster hunter rise lazurite farm, monster hunter rise title update, monster hunter rise chameleos, monster hunter rise new monster, monster hunter rise hr, monster hunter rise hr unlock, monster hunter hr farm, rise, rise hr, monster hunter rise apex rathian, monster hunter rise apex mizutsune, rise new mosnter, lazurite, lazurite jewel, mh, mhr, ragegamingvideos
Id: yVqLpsQA0R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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