EVERY Fighting Type Pokemon EXPLAINED! What Styles do They Use? | Gnoggin

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all right we finally made it to the fighting-type you know our animal fighting simulator so if fighting type exists does that mean that the other types don't naturally fight hmm well it's aside we're here to figure out which Pokemon should and really shouldn't be fighting type as well as explained why each fighting-type pokémon is well fighting type so first things first we all know a lot of folk Amon that are fighting type fits that typing pretty well or at least you know all of them fight it's in their blood in fact all Pokemon fight save a few special snowflakes over here and no I'm not talking about cry O'Donnell first off let's go over Pokemon who's typing fits rather well and as always I'm going to split up this huge list of Pokemon because good god there are too many Pokemon these days and with all pokémon battling I think the word fighting really starts to lose its meaning so what is the fighting type exactly well it is assumed that the Pokemon in question either fight similarly to human fighting techniques or the pokemons moves are the basis of martial arts or fighting styles humans use in the Pokemon world coming from the japanese translation of the type kokuto or fighting fists we can infer that it means the Pokemon battle in a human or humanoid way and we all know that learning a fighting technique takes a lot of discipline and training but some Pokemon in this fighting type really are just strong but overall don't really follow a form or style of fighting so let's get down to business and find out who are not fighting types or you know they actually are not saying it because obviously don't be stupid which one shouldn't be and why are the ones that are that way our first set of mons are Pokemon whose fighting styles most closely resemble those from the far east the lands of China Japan Indonesia and the surrounding area this group of Pokemon includes Hitmonlee makuhita Haryana Mind foo mine Chou suck bro meditate medicham marsh shadow Monferno Infernape pignite and em boy ohit's monthly our favorite doll xeam impersonator based around kicks that have its legs extend because they're Springs apparently it's apparent that this guy follows the teachings of Taekwondo it's even in his name hitmonlee is based off of Bruce Lee a famous martial artist and actor known for his kicks and this referential name extends even to its Japanese name of Salaam will are named after the Japanese kickboxer Tadashi Sawa muta who was pretty much the first mainstream kickboxer in Japan no other Pokemon really follows these strict rules of Taekwondo although many of them do still kick as there are quite a few that can learn jump kick high jump kick and so on but let it be known that hitmonlee is the master mind Fuu and mine Shou are small weasel-like creatures that use elegant moves and quick movements that burst into a fury of blows while mine Fu's style and stance are that of a generic kung fu fighter mine showers use of whips and shoots you the long sleeve like fur on its arms gives off a general feeling of kung fu as well but it also adds elements of Taekwondo and I know I know I just said that Hitmonlee was the only one and that's still kind of true a lot of these Pokemon bleed into each other's turf in terms of style and that's because there are only 43 fighting-type moves and 57 fighting-type pokémon so they got a share obviously next up are makuhita and Hariyama these two heavyweights love to bust numskulls with their powerful punches and they can really take a beating I'm sure you've guessed what fighting style therap a stop of and yeah it's kickboxing it's sumo wrestling in fact their names are just hot misspellings of makuhita the third highest division in sumo wrestling and Micucci being the highest ranked suck and throw whom I named sock and right sock respectively in my playthrough are two odd fellows I mean they just wear full-on clothes where they find perfectly pokemon sized Gea's beats me yeah in fact that might be a video idea ooh I gotta write that one down real quick where the heck do Pokemon get their clothes I mean it's probably been done before but you know originality is dead back to the duo despite their similarities and they are quite different in terms of fighting styles throw as you guessed likes to throw things and thus his fighting style is based off of judo he enjoys no needs to toss opponents larger than himself sock on the other hand uses his hands to punch things in a carrot a style because that's what he uses karate their one goal in life is to create the greatest karate chop in the world hence why they live alone in the forest so they can punch trees next fr meditite and medicham now unlike other fighting-type pokémon these creatures don't necessarily follow a strict fighting technique per se but they are still fighting type for a good reason why is that you ask well they are based off of yoga now I know what you're thinking the yoga's not a martial art and you're right what yoga is is a complex stretching workout and in some cultures yoga is used to elevate your inner strength through intense meditation someone would be able to achieve a higher understanding which they would be able to use to see what their opponents would do before they do them which is just pretty much the Pokemon to a foresight which both of these can learn Maeda Cham is said to have thorough yoga training it gained the psychic power to predict its foes next move and it elegantly avoid attacks with Van Slyke steps then launches a devastating blow in the same motion while these may not actually be true fighting styles in terms of prowess in finesse they clearly show the ability to battle it out also a psychic fighting type is a really strong combo at least in terms of offense and if you had to link them to a fighting style I would say they most closely resemble the various fighting styles used by Shaolin monks monkeying around as always as Monferno and Infernape but instead of just monkeying around these simians seem to be skilled in fighting but more relevantly they are based off of monkey kung foo you know that thing from Kung Fu Panda kung fu fighting like monkeys it's pretty simple and you'd be a tad wrong you see there are quite a number of fighting styles that incorporate monkey style as to say using all of your limbs like a tail Infernape spining style judging by its design is more based off of sun wukong's mythic fighting style The Monkey King but it could also be based off of crazy monkey defense which is a boxing style that shares elements with white tie which is also known as the art of eight limbs based off of the use of fists along with elbows knees and shins a lot of limbs come in at you all at once all their starters on the eastern side of things are pig knights and M boar similarly to Infernape slime and boar and company are based off of Chinese myth using the tale of The Journey to the West they seem to be based off of the pig demon zhu bajie many characteristics from this character can be seen in M boar like as the Pokedex states it cares deeply for its friends also he's a pig that kind of gives it away but unfortunately there isn't much information about how they fight they do have design elements that resemble a wrestling singlet or suit and M boar could be seen as a mix of Greek and Chinese designs Chinese wrestling or Shui Jiao does share similarities with a boar the main idea is to knock the opponent down in fact it was so popular that some armies are said to have used it during combat in the past rushing into combat and charging the enemy with horned helmets much like a boar or a ball and finally in this group of Eastern fighting styles is marche chato you wouldn't think it but beasts fighting type in fact is the only ghost fighting pokemon how a ghost could punch you I don't know but he can so you better watch out especially when he shifts into Maximum Overdrive zenith mode based off of Hawaiian night marchers shadowy figures of deceased warriors that march from dusk till dawn they were composed of many different types of warriors but most commonly they trained in the art of kapu Kuya Lua a form of Hawaiian hands to hand combat that was also used by many Pacific Islanders from all over the Pacific Islands the general principle of this fighting style is focused on bone breaking and other techniques that include open water warfare which makes sense because you know the Pacific Islanders are kinda on islands surrounded by water marsh shadow could also be based off of the idea of shadow boxing a technique where one practises fighting using their shadow as a guide on how they're formed works and I think that does it for the true Eastern fighting styles for the next group let's go to the other side of the world the boxers of the West think of Mike Tyson for a minute then imagine him as a humongous pokemon with four arms yeah you're terrified now but he'd fit in perfectly with these guys so I guess he could be tamed by a ten-year-old with the power of friendship and that's all he truly wanted wasn't it I'm getting sidetracked back to the Pokemon this group includes ty rogue Hitmonchan Machop Machop Machop Gallade hawlucha crab brawler and crab Bominable I'm just gonna start with the easy ones here ty rogue and hitmonchan like hitmonlee they are based off of famous fighters are at least kid bond Chaney's get out of here ty rogue while hitmonchan name is based off of Jackie Chan famous Asian martial artist and movie star his moves and styles seem to say something else in fact his focus on punching along with you know they're the boxing gloves and the boxing outfit kind of give away his style quite quickly that is to say he's a boxer he even only fights in three-minute intervals the same as tournament boxing rules and similarly to Hitmonlee his name in Japanese is based off of a famous Japanese boxer Hiroyuki Abby Hara Thai rogue is more of a mystery here being a baby Pokemon it hasn't had much time to figure out what it wants to do in its life I know buddy I know it's hard while you're still young and inexperienced you're expected to know what you want to do until you die life's rough but this stance is all too classic you see way back and I'm talking way back the greeks loves to fight but not hurt each other because they all loved each other everyone and they just wanted to see who was best without actually causing a ton of harm so they made a whole series of sports out of this and that was called the Olympics one of the oldest forms of fighting in the Olympics was greco-roman wrestling a mixture of both Greek and Roman forms of wrestling but with rules to make it even more of a challenge like disallowing grabs from below the belt rendering trips non-legal let's take a look at the modern Greek owe wrestler we can see his starting stance and now let's put that right next to ty rogues official arse see the similarities but ty Rogue is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades here as he can evolve into three different fighting styles depending on his staff at the time of evolving and one more Pokemon like that next we have the Machop Machop can but Champa line now I know what you're thinking but Loxton they're based off of bodybuilders show muscles are rarely useful and you're right it's all about that core strength but just like with superheros the Pokemon world also disagrees with you it states that Machop loves to build its muscles and it trains in all styles of martial arts to become even stronger and then from a champ it states that Machamp is known as the pokemon that has mastered every kind of martial art so I'd like to say that this very well may be the best fighting-type pokémon there is hands down all four of them and I'm not just saying that because the Pokedex may agree with me because as it turns out Machamp is way overpowered in the pokedex entries he is the superpower Pokemon after all it stated that he can punch people way over the horizon and punch over a thousand times in two seconds and even before it evolves its muscles are harder than steel man first gen Pokemon are crazy hawlucha the Pokemon I thought was going to take a sh to the top but he let me down anyway hawlucha is based off of a hawk fighting like a luchador you know flying presses and such Luchadors hail from Mexico well authentic ones do they practice Lucha Libre which basically means free fight or free-for-all there are not very many rules in this fighting style at least not compared to Grieco wrestling though this wrestling is much more fantastic to watch with many entertainers becoming Luchadors while the sport has garnered more flare and pizzazz we can see that halacha uses this fantastical flying fighting technique the Pokedex even states that it overwhelms opponents with quick moves but sometimes it's showboats for too long when using a special move and it gets itself into a pinch well speaking of pinch next we have crab brawler and I know what you're thinking shouldn't he be in the next category the brawl or category wait how would you have even known that well now you're thinking it because I told you about the next category so mmm well you'd be wrong you see crab brawler loves to fight by punching repeatedly with its boxing glove like claws something we've seen before with Hitmonchan and in fact the Pokedex references the fights between CREB brawlers as boxing matches and it seems that credible it on that I almost forgot about in this video because I hate it it continues to use its large claws as boxing gloves except now they are hairy and have stupid paw prints well I'm done with that Pokemon now thank God never have to touch it again until the ice type video and finally we have gal aid at first I was considering putting him into the eastern section as he practically uses tonfas a weapon normally used with Pokeno and martial arts with origins being around southeast China but the Pokedex loves to toy with me here it specifically states that it fights using its elbows as swords and what style uses short swords especially gallantly well in general to the European military of the Middle Ages remember fighting back then was life or death people just didn't faint and they used what they had to to win block their sword and then deliver a nice good punch in their midsection hence wide light armor started to appear in terms of why gala latest fighting type I would say he's based off of short sword hand-to-hand combat which was very much a part of European history and you could possibly also add fencing into this but with the swords on the elbows so that does it for western fighting styles there may be more but those were the ones that I found while researching and Western is quite it's quite a broad thing to say so take it with a grain of salt next up are the brawler Pokemon these Pokemon are fighting type Pokemon who love fighting and are very good at raw muscular output but they don't necessarily fight in your typical well-trained fashion think of these guys as your typical street brawler eager to fight and has the power to do so but not much training as far as fluid talented moves go to be honest they may not even be fighting type or at least shouldn't be as they lack discipline or an art of fighting regularly resorting to tricks or again their raw power to win battles these Pokemon are Pancham pan Goro timber girder Conkeldurr scraggy and scraf t so starting off with Pancham and pangoro not quite what you'd expect from large bears it seems Pancham has its fighting type due to its lifestyle of hanging out with pangoro in fact pangoro is a bad influence on the poor little dudes based off of bond show or japanese street thug leaders with pan shams being the impressionable youth that become juvenile delinquents these guys fight using dirty tricks and such earning their place in fighting type due to their street fighting style timber girder and Conkeldurr or just the triple doors as I call him should really not be fighting time either I suppose based off of muscle man carnies and construction workers this trios only real feat is being strong it isn't until Conkeldurr that we see the truth come out it is in fact that they have created their own fighting style using heavy near their maximum lifting capabilities objects that they swing around as weapons the Pokedex states that rather than relying on their own force they master moves that utilize the centrifugal force of spinning concrete so while a weak reason for being fighting type they still are a bit more than what meets the eye scraggy and Scratchy unlike the previous pokemon are scrawny guys that rely on dirty fighting much like the street gangs of the West but without the guns or drugs they've got saggy pants the Mohawks the hoodies and the general tough-guy attitude not necessarily fighting type but really no other typing would seem to fit these dudes the fighting type may be based off of their names coming from scrappy referring to its predisposition towards fighting but don't you let their small stature fool you scruffty are able to break huge cinder blocks with just their kicks I guess earning themselves a spot in the fighting type category and now we've reached the beginning of the end of the list so I'll try to speed things along final category is things I couldn't fit into other categories in other words other or miscellaneous here we have Pokemon that are fighting type for good reasons but also for bad reasons I kind of mixed but their origins are all over the place first up is hitmontop he's spinning in first with his afro-brazilian fighting style of capoeira this style is very well stylish it's fighting while incorporating many spins and dance maneuvers well very much a fighting style so hitmontop is certainly deserving up a fighting type this style originates from all over the place so it could have gone into either of the other categories it's found all over South America Africa and even the yeast and it has since spread to becoming an aerobic workout that makes me tired just looking at riolu and Lucario your favorite our two flagship Pokemon that are quite powerful we touched on them earlier in the steel type video but their fighting style may not be what you would guess they use Egyptian boxing in fact structured boxing was believed to have originated from Egypt as it was a common pastime to watch people punch each other again I could have put them into either of the first two categories but decided that Egypt would get its own section here also I just love how that works out because Egypt loves jackals and Lucario's a jackal thing now for some less obvious fighting types Breloom is a stretchy mushroomed raptor that smells bad also it's a kangaroo sort of kangaroo raptor which is where it gets its fighting type from based off of kangaroos loosely who do square up all the time these massive marsupials can deliver debilitating kicks although Breloom learns more punch moves than kick moves in fact it's pokedex entry states that it's short arms stretch out when it throws punches and it's technique is equal to that of pro boxers gaining its fighting type easily heracross is based off of the rhinoceros beetle found in japan very popular these beetles will fight any other large beetle by lifting its opponent and throwing them with their horns no small feat almost like a bug form of Judo and mega heracross keeps up with this theme although it looks a bit more like a Hercules beetle now which is also known for being a very heavy lifter in fact Japan has tournaments for these beetles where they fight in cute little arenas and there are whole sets of rules and such Combusken Blaziken and mega Blaziken of course are blazing chickens based off of taiwanese cockfighting Roosters who boast very long strong legs and they even stand upright and have leg feathers just like a Blaziken to boot also known as Shamu chickens in Japan these poultry pack a powerful kick you thought I was gonna say punch cuz all the peas didn't you I got you while they aren't inherently martial artists they do know their own form of fighting style and that's all it really takes to be a fighting type it seems also you know they are a fire starter Pokemon so they had to be fighting type huh others in this other category are mega lopunny but just the mega the other more normal form of lopunny is just normal generic you could say it's a rabbit but mega lopunny is different it's taken a defense class at the local YMCA a Jazzercise self-defense class to be exact and no I am not kidding just look at their hair scrunchies I wouldn't be surprised to see those coming straight from the 80s but in reality the Pokedex explains that the mega energy awakens some long dormant power allowing it to use these long ears as whips so while not necessarily a true fighting type it seems that it has some form of style and technique in its blood however that works other normal fighting types include meloetta in her pure alleged form based mainly off of her ability to dance fight but we only see this form of meloetta after it uses its signature move relic song so it must be an inner long-dormant style that it uses in its times of need possibly the music calms and clears its mind of thoughts to give it clarity to see the opponent's attacks another idea is that it is similar to hitmontop and uses a sort of dance fighting technique but it's not quite a true fighting type in the end as it returns to normal which I suppose is good not actually being fighting type outside of battle anyways back to normal Pokemon / normal fighting type not back to fighting type Pokemon now to say that next up are huh Komodo and como oh they actually are interesting Li complex these two you see at first glance it looks like they are just dragons with red boxing gloves and fair because that's what they are but if you dig a little deeper you can find some more reasons why these guys are fighting type especially huh Komodo if we take the name apart we can get haka atop of Maori war dance well honestly it is used for more than just war but on top of being a type of war dance from a warrior culture the Pokedex also states that como Oh specializes in uppercuts a typical fighting move chestnut I had a hard time figuring out where I was gonna put chestnut really chestnuts secondary typing could easily be steel instead as it is resistant to oh I don't know bombs that's even in the pokédex injury it states that if it covers its face with its fists it can withstand bombs who goes around and just bombs Pokemon does that mean there are terrorists like Isis in the Pokemon world imagine the amount of volt orbs they go through on a weekly basis volt orbs and c4 just not is based off of a heavily armored Knight someone who is chivalrous and cares deeply for their friends and will put itself in harm's way to save them also being able to tank a bomb with just your fists seems to me like it's training its arms quite regularly and now while that is a weak connection it's all I really got as for why it's fighting type other than its what it needed to be for the other starters of that gen to be their respective Taipings at least the fire starter wasn't fighting this time so it's a nice change next up are some oddball Pokemon we have the swords of Justice Koba Lyon Terra Qian Virizion and kal do all odd combinations of Taipings all over but the fighting type is more or less a game design mechanic here rather than actually kind of being what they are it's complicated in the Pokemon world evil uses dark as you learned in the last video not dark type check it out here and what's good against evil the justice system or law but there's no law type at least not yet besides it would just be a bunch of Officer Jenny clones but in different hats gotta catch'em all no in Pokemon fighting is the law the fair the disciplined and well-trained the just you could say and this quartet is adequately named the swords of Justice being based off of the three musketeers and what's-his-face fighting aptly fits them in fact it also plays a bit into chess not as well a knight of Justice you could say and while not the best reason it's a lot better than the next view Pokemon in this next category which is still kind of the previous category but next up it's just the Pokemon that I I don't know why these are fighting type Pokemon realistically they are just ripped and muscular looking or they like to punch things some do have insane feats of power but yeah the reasonings just kind of fall flat on to why their fighting type either that or I happens to forget about them until the end because they're so boring first up on the no reason fighting type list is mega Mewtwo X I am not sure why he's fighting type other than fighting psychic is a very decent type combo making it significantly stronger than it already is mega Mewtwo X now boasts the highest attack stat in the game currently it took all of its brain and converted it into brawn I guess mind over matter isn't the case and if you can just will yourself ripped I've got some willing to do later another normal fighting type is the new stuff olanta be where line these red panda plushies are mean that is to say they love a good tussle side note personally I think that normal fighting type it goes against the normal typing but that's for another video on normal type Pokemon so I'll just focus on the fighting type for now deemed the most dangerous Pokemon in the lower region by its pokedex entry you should definitely beware of this B bear even the seemingly small stuff all is able to knock out a pro wrestler with ease thanks to its strength and according to the Pokedex it boasts enough power to split large trees in half that is some impressive strength in fact that's the reason for its fighting type well according to Game Freak probably but it really shouldn't be fighting type it's not known to have a special style or even train it's just an angry bear that hates being touched but it does say in its pokedex entry that when it gets angry and flails about its arms and legs could knock out a pro wrestler so it mentions wrestling so I guess that's where it gets it I mean if you can beat a fighter then you must be a fighter right it's not like any other non fighting-type pokémon are strong whatsoever oh they're ripped Pokemon that don't make too much sense include poly breath minky primate and Pesa mean none of these pokemons show any of the finesse or technique that I've been talking about they do have the raw power to say but one is an overgrown tadpole and the others are just angry monkeys with fancy footwork and a rugby playing simian truly the weak link in the fighting typing but now that's not to say they are weaklings Poliwrath is able to turn a boulder into dust with one punch which is why it's on the fighting type list I guess in fact all of these Pokemon are just in mainly strong and I guess strength equals fighting type Croagunk an toxic Riccar kind of oddballs as well why are they fighting tight well that's a little clouded in mystery the only thing really linking them is that they like to punch Brock all the time after all punching is the way they deliver their poison or I mean I mean venom their venom I watch my own videos yeah they punch their opponents and deliver their toxic cocktail of death and we all know by this point that if any Pokemon punches things it obviously must be the fighting type it's not like any non fighting-type pokémon can learn punching moves mm-hmm no sir and finally we get to the last two Pokemon or should I say ultra beasts no because the ultra beasts are just Pokemon I don't know anymore busts wool and Ferro mosa two version exclusive you bees that share many properties except look I'm sure you can guess why Buswell is a fighting type I mean look at those do bugs even have biceps well look at that bug it is ripped you could even say it's swole brah based off of body builders and muscle man competitors buzz swole gains its fighting type of because of sho muscles rather than raw strength muscles yet again now the one that I'm still trying to think of a reason why even as I voice this video is Farah mosa like like I don't even have a clue why it would be fighting type other than the fact that buzz swole is fighting and it's the other versions exclusive Pokemon to replace both swole Farah mosa is known for the ability to run at incredible speeds upwards of 120 miles an hour which is fast but doesn't contribute to its fighting type in fact come to think of it maybe that's the reason why it's the flight part of the saying fight or flight where buzz halt is the fight and Farah mosa is the flight but then she's not flying time so I don't know she kicks with her feet and in order to punch or kick you have to be fighting time right no well then I have no idea these Pokemon here really shouldn't be fighting type or at the very least have very weak reasons for being so and have it the reasons fighting-type pokémon should or really shouldn't be fighting type so I hope you found this video interesting we've got plenty more types to go and we want to finish the series by the end of the year and if you have any reasons you think I missed let me know them down in the comments I love learning more about Pokemon heck this channel starting into a Pokemon Channel haha ah just watch my other stuff it's interesting I promise well as always at the very least please remember to never stop using that noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,966,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Video Games, Nintendo, theory, the game theorists, treesicle, pokemon, pokemon theory, fighting type, pokemon explained, fighting type pokemon explained, fighting type pokemon, fighting type team, fighting type theme, pokemon go, pokemon song, pokemon rap, pokemon animation, pokemon evolution, machamp, lucario, emboar, blaziken, mewtwo, pikachu song, gorochu, pokemon switch, kanto, pokemon nintendo switch, nintendo switch, ultra sun and moon, anime, bewear, bird keeper toby
Id: egF0-vq2TZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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