So How DOES Luigi Walk on Water? | Gnoggin - Mario Theory

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[Music] has this ever happened to you I'm gonna go on the internet if so then maybe you could use today's sponsor nor do VPN there are loads of people out there doing nefarious deeds and thanks to Xero data logging and double encryption you'll stay safe from them even with up to six connections on a variety of devices and on top of this you can make the whole world think you are somewhere that you aren't which will grant you access to all kinds of things like exclusively located things there's all sorts of them and of course there's unlimited bandwidth and super fast servers so you can properly enjoy all that exclusive content it even works in China and we all know how important GLAAD is and use the code locked in with the link in the description to get 70% off and a free month so protect yourself and also literally expand your horizons on the internet because that's the thing you can do and remember that coupon code link below helps us out and helps you out Super Mario 64 classic 3d platformer that set the standard for what the genre is all about it's so iconic that everybody forgot about the other 63 but they existed I swear but just about every fifth generation game aged worse than Richard Nixon's campaign slogans arguably though Mario 64 is one of the rare exceptions people still play it regularly today and it's still one of the most popular games in the speedrunning community though arguably this has more to do with its programming being made of spaghetti but I digress Mario 64 is a beloved classic famous for showing the world how to properly use an analog stick so then they ported it to the DS ah yeah nicer graphics bonus stars bonus levels several minigames more characters to play as and all with a d-pad how exciting you don't even start the game playing as Mario how's that for a curve ball your Yoshi and you got a safe Mario who's trapped in a painting for the for elf time this is awesome each character has their own abilities Yoshi has his tongue and flutter kick Wario is fat and Mario is mário he's always the best at being the most well-rounded engineering but the topic of today's video is the new ability that was given to lo Mario's brother Oh No Louie Louie Louie can jump higher and more surprisingly walk on water but just like Peter in the Bible linguini over here gets scared and sinks after just a short while but he doesn't have this ability because of faith or the Mario universe is equivalent of the biblical God's striking him with such power [Music] no no there is potentially some science to it I mean we've got some water walking things in the real world like the basilisk lizard and others the basilisk lizard is also known as the jesus lizard for obvious reasons this lizard as you can see is able to run on water but it isn't magic it's wide feet as it's running across the water it spreads its feet out and as it does so it traps a pocket of air underneath that becomes a firm enough footing for the next step as the bubble does not want to go under the water bubbles rise so there are plenty of physical forces at play here it pushes its legs not only back and down but also out giving it even more push but if this lizard were to stop or even just slow down it would sink and this takes a lot of energy so you can't do it for too long it sounds familiar playing as Lamborghini you can water scuttle until you either stop moving slow down or have gone too long and then you sink but there's a huge difference between a lizard and an overweight Italian plumber the lizard is small and thus it takes less air and power to keep it afloat and looking at another example water skitters they don't actually help our point much because they're also extremely tiny but these insects can stay on top of water practically infinitely they do this simply due to water tension and being in a constant state of CafePress have you ever put drops of water on a coin in school to see how the water piles up instead of just spilling everywhere that's the half April I mean I mean that's the water tension it's a surprisingly strong force until it's not but okay these insects are small so they can just do it the lizards are a bit bigger so they can do it like this but now what happens if we add weight significantly a little more little more there you go me but now I'd like to show you a very nice sport liquid mountaineering apparently with shoes designed for this in mind with cups to hold pockets of air as well as a hydrophobic coating which repels liquid and by just running real fast keeping your feet on the water as little as possible and maintaining a Down bag and out motion similar to the basilisk lizard you can push yourself out onto the water surface for a few steps similar to leave now you could argue with the fact that the Mythbusters tackled this video and proved it false using this guy but many of those who defended this video point out that he isn't doing it right you have to go at an angle feet more outwards while wearing a hydrophobic up shoe and more and well those people are dumb because the very creators of this video have also come out and said it was all a hoax multiple times even because people didn't believe that they would hoax it up because you see they were forced by the US government to claim it was fake because if the public knew about this it might shatter their faith in our blessed by Kok America the bit but know that there really is no scientific way to walk on water like this without a magical force and sidenote sort of the Mythbusters have also tested many myths about ninja shoes that allowed them to walk on water and they proved that they were incredibly difficult and near impossible to use but I mean these are two middle-aged men not people who train their whole lives for a moment such as this but then again most ninjas weren't people who trained their whole lives for moments such as that that's a very fantasy fictionalization eyes diversion of ninjas most ninjas were just farmers that were fed up with the government but still it's plausible that shoes similar to this could have been used with enough balance though due to the sound they would make and how long it would take to get across something there's no way it fit into the typical ninja Stealth tactic but regardless lofty doesn't wear wide water shoes so he couldn't be using this method he is too heavy to use surface tension he can't use hydrophobic running shoes so what's left changing the water perhaps I know that by adding cornstarch to water you raise the water surface tension and its solidity and add enough and you get Oobleck when force is quickly applied to public it solidifies just long enough for you to take a few steps as seen here Oh Zhu Li has cornstarch on the bottom of his shoes but only enough to do this until it's all used up then some fancy magical shoe reloading refills it I guess possibly but I think there's something else going on with these shoes and we first have to look at how they work on land to figure that out so aside from jumping higher and actually having a personality what is another major difference between Mario and loogies he's a lot more slippery his jumping isn't quite as controllable and neither is his running and especially stopping you stop he slides this effect is especially applied in Smash Brothers but he's not too different from Mario size-wise so why does he slide around so much it has to be something about his shoes and considering that we definitely need some level of Mario magic to explain this perhaps we can find the answer in a freezing mechanism or just straight up a coating made of ice flour you've seen how fast ice flour blasts are able to just freeze things right now apply that power to the bottom of his shoes when running on water it partially freezes the water under his feet just long enough to walk across but thin enough to where you don't really notice it thanks to the low res graphics and it does this just until the device gets too overwhelmed by this process and has to stop it like it overheats perhaps which is too warm for the ice to properly work and that's why towards the end of the running slows down needs to take smaller steps to make up for the not as solid water and obviously having ice constantly on the bottom of your shoes would absolutely cause you to slide around more meaning luigi has to for sure be a master of balance oh right that's his name the Ouija and there you have it a still very unrealistic answer but it works in universe fine what do you think let me know down below and I hope you enjoyed this remake of one of our oldest videos thanks for watching and until next time you never stop using your noggin [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 92,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario theory, game theory, game theory mario, mario game theory, luigi, super mario, paper mario, paper mario origami king, super mario 64, super mario 64 ds, mario and luigi, waluigi, luigi theory, game theory luigi, luigis mansion, luigi abilities, how to play luigi, paper mario the origami king, origami king, mr. L, mister l, super mario 64 speedrun, luigi psychology
Id: tP7wXcvwYNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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