Pokémon Sword Hardcore Nuzlocke - Fighting Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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fighting type pokemon are some of the best around so today i'm gonna have some fun trying to see if i can beat a pokemon sword hardcore nudeslock using only fighting types and sword and shield have a pretty awesome lineup of fighting types to catch excluding a few shield exclusives like toxic crow can throw but it's still looking pretty good the rules for the challenge will be on screen right now and down in the description down below but without any further ado let's do this you grab your dad's old bag excuse me what oh you meant the you meant the suitcase that's that's actually a way better way to start a pokemon game hey wulu what do you think of my outfit yeah well it's not my fault that my mom dresses me like an acorn anyway despite our wardrobe malfunction it's time to pick our starter and since none of them evolves into a fighting type or is good against a fighting type it really doesn't matter who he picks so i pick score bunny we then hop on a train to the wild area but before we do anything over there we take a slight detour over to the isle of armor and this is where we can actually find our very first encounter a passimian which is a great first pokemon i name it hawkeye and it has a gentle nature which really ain't nothing to write home about but that at paxtet is truly balling i then headed back to the regular wild area where i managed to find myself a pancham which i capture and name black panther i also go and pick up the leftovers item which is definitely one of the best items in the game to be given this early and the final thing i do in the wild area is actually find this den with a ryolu which i capture and name iron man and this thing is an awesome addition to the team not only that it has a naughty nature which boosts attack and lowers special defense and we don't really need defenses on this thing since we're not going to be taking hits but that attack boost is very nice we then head to moto stoke where we get to meet the gym leaders we're about to challenge and they're going down if the avengers have anything to say about it shortly thereafter i run into a tyrogun route 3. i name it bucky and it has a speed boosting nature but we also have to decide which evolution we want keeping that in mind i move on to the gallermine where we can find our next encounter a timber and i hate to be the guy to ask but is every timber born with a log in their hand how does that work anyway i capture it and name it the thing and it ends up having an adamant nature which is plus attack minus special attack the best possible nature it could have but before we can leave the mines we actually have to take on our first challenge against trainer bead and his psychic type pokemon which you might think would be a real challenge against our fighting types but black panther pretty much just makes a snack out of his whole team wakanda forever rest in peace chadwick anyway bead gets a proper beating and we move on to route 4 where we run into this particular trainer our fighting types handle his meowth with ease but the real challenge begins when he sends in his butterfree you must understand that this thing not only quad resists fighting but also does super effective damage with moves like confusion so i figure my best bet is to send in the thing who knows rock throw very fortunately the butterfree decides to go for a string shot on the switch in and i jolly well know that a rock throw is my only chance here but i get hit by a powerful confusion first and then my rock throw misses now i do understand that it's quite difficult to hit a butterfly mid air with a rock however this unfortunate chain of events means that my adamant nature shear force timber is not going to be with us anymore and i was so looking forward to using that thing i suppose we can't all have nice things now i was afraid of wiping to this butterfly but fortunately we have the king of wakanda to save us and so as we retire our first team member at the hands of a trainer before the first gym i think i'll retire this accent as well but not before i make fun of milo my goodness boy has puberty only struck you from the neck down anyway that's enough british for now while we're fighting this gym trainer tyrogu actually gets to level 20 and since its attack and defense are the same value it evolves into hitmontop my favorite hitmon with that it's finally time to take on our first gym challenge versus milo he starts out by sending in gossipler so i start with iron man now i know that i could have a lucario at this point in the game if i just ran around and maxed out ryolu's friendship but i think ryolu with swords dance and agility will do the trick and as you can see here i go for the two sword stances to get to plus four attack and an agility to double my speed just that i know i can out speed the elder goss in the back i then hit both the gossip flirt and the ldgos with a poison jab and it's enough to beat the gym but i mean it's the first gym so what do you expect at least this means that we can pick up the first badge and before the next gym i decided to go for the wild area once again and find myself a wild ralt and even though it took me such a long time to find this thing eventually i found one in the overworld and it actually ended up being male so i capture it and name it doctor strange it ends up having a rash nature which is absolute garbage for a future galley but moving on to route 5 we can actually find farfetch'd angularian farfetched is probably my favorite regional form of all time i've always loved farfetch but it's got such a weird condition to actually evolve it here's the deal you have to get three critical hits in the same fight so what i did is i gave farfetch the leak item that it was already holding which boosts its critical hit ratio i then use the move focus energy to boost my crit ratio by another stage and finally i taught it to move leaf blade which has a high critical hit ratio off the bat and with that set up i managed to get three crits in one fight so say hello to our newest member of the team captain america i also managed to get my rolls up to level 20 which means it evolves into a curlia and shortly thereafter i give it a dawn stone that i found at the digging duo and it evolves into a gallade we then move on to wholebury where we find the chairman who keeps doing this thing where he forgets to put on his pants and speaking of people who don't really wear pants we next have to go up against the gym leader nessa and since we have galilee let's just say that this gym battle wasn't that difficult either the first thing i did was set up a sword stance i then got hit by a horn attack from this golden but after that it was goodbye to leafblade goodbye to leaf blade but then we got dreadna and this thing actually ends up outspeeding me goes for a max strike which i survive on 6 hp i can then just subsequently take it out with a quad effective leaf blade but that was way too close a call we could have lost gallate and i definitely don't want to do that yeah i guess you put up a little bit of a fight nessa but give me that badge we can then move on to the gala mine where we get our next encounter which is also pretty bad at wearing pants i name my scraggy deadpool and it has moxie which is one of the best abilities in nuzlocke's we then have to take on bead once again so deadpool doesn't work right away and takes out his whole team we also have to go up against marnie in her dark types which goes about as you expect it to go yeah fighting beats dark it's not rocket science boys after that i do my final preparations for the next gym battle against kabu and i get everybody up to level 27 including riolu with my last few candies and at that level it ends up evolving into everybody's favorite lucario and this means we have to go up against kabu probably the most difficult gym leader in a hardcore nuzlocke of sword and shield and i initially lead off with galley just the same as i did against nessa as kabu goes for a willowist but i have the raw spare to heal off the burn i follow this up with a sword dance to boost my attack and the thing is i know i'm gonna get willowist immediately the next turn so my plan is to set up to plus six so the burn gets me down to plus three and this is pretty much exactly what happens i get burned i get my plus six with sword stances and then i get hit by a fire spin but fortunately since i take nine tails out with an earthquake that means that i can actually switch next up is arcanine and it gets us down pretty low with the flame wheel but we can survive the burn even after we take it out with an earthquake and so now is where the problem comes in we have to face centiscorch which is a bug type which resists fighting so i decided to swap out into passimian not that basimian can really do any better than anybody else on the team here but it's at least not burned like gally but since we swapped from gallate it wants to go from max flutterby which fighting resists for whatever reason fighting and bug resist each other have you ever slapped a bug i would argue that should be super effective anyway here we get hit by a g-max senta ferno through protect which doesn't do that much damage but it does trap us in a fire spin fortunately we have citrus to heal us up a bit and i use a bulk up the next turn since i'm faster which means that i can take this hit a bit better since it's based off a physical move this means the center scorch's g-max turns are up but we are still trapped in that fire spin which means we can't switch out and our health is getting really low after hitting cena scorch for about half damage with an earthquake and expect him to get taken out it goes for coil which is good since we survive but that defense boost means that senescorts can survive an earthquake which means we get taken out no matter what because of that fire spin very unfortunately we have to get the second death of the run so i send in bucky to finish off senescorch with a fake out and that is it for the third badge all things considered that could have gotten a lot worse and i'm very happy we got through it with only one casualty moving towards hammerlock we have to go through the wild area once again where we can find a machop i name it hulk and shortly thereafter i find a scuffle that i name rocket run run run run run run run listen i know we keep returning to this but fetch your bloody trousers old chap now before we can get the stow outside i decided to find myself a hall lucha which is only a two percent encounter and it took me like half an hour to find this thing but eventually i managed to find it and catch it and i name it falcon which means we're ready to take on the next gym challenge against b and her fighting types and since her hip on top really can't do that much to our falcon i decide to set up some swords dances and prepare for the wait what's going on hold on guys let me just pick this up oh hey nick this is actually perfect you've got doc in your username so what would you call what i'm about to do to bay's team in medical terms oh that's easy the medical terminology we would use for these kinds of actions would be getting absolutely destroyed or if you want me to be more specific we can call it total trainer failure with sudden onset team destruction thanks for the clarification nick also he's not wrong but he got absolutely destroyed in this fight and we get to claim our fourth gym badge after the fight i level up pancham to level 32 while we have scraggy in the team which means it evolves into a pangoro after that we can proceed to balan leia which happens to be my favorite city in all of pokemon hey don't interrupt our conversation excuse me what who are you talking to i swear these npc interactions get weirder and weirder what the f anyway we get our next gym fight to worry about against opal and her fairy types which you might think would be very difficult for fighting types but we have lucario and not only that during the opal fight you get these questions and if you know the answer you just get free boost so the first turn i get to set up both a nasty plot and an agility for free i then go ahead and set up another two nasty plots and from there it's just a flash cannon an aurasphere massacre of her team and personally i think the twist on opel's fight is really cool if you don't know the answers but if you've played this game as many times as i have it makes it super trivial no matter what type you use and even though we've had a pretty easy time so far this run did give me a run for my money later on and as we move on forward through the gala region we have to fight hop once again i think you fight him like 10 times and we sweep him right on through but the important thing about this fight is that we get scraggy to a high enough level that it evolves into scrafty then as we continue our way to cerchester we find one of my favorite new gulerian pokemon after this run and that is phalanx i captured a name at ant-man and it has a neutral nature and the battle armor ability which is so useful in these runs since it can't get crit we then arrive in the winter wonderland city of cerchester and here i decide to go to the local pizzeria hey kid you looking for a pizza ah dude we've already established that i'm swedish i only eat meatballs please don't eat me actually i'm italian an italian meatball so i'm safe for now perhaps for now and with that ambiguous threat out of the way it's time for us to take on gordy and his rock types he starts out with barbarical so i start out with doctor strange who can out speed and take it out with a quad effective leaf blade right away we then have to go up against stone jerner so i set up a sword stance to power myself up a bit and he goes for wonder room which is very odd it swaps everyone's defense and special defense but since he has 20 special defense that means he now has 20 physical defense and we could just take him out in one hit yeah gordy i'm not sure where you were going with that plan but shuckle is up next and since it has the same defense and special defense wonder room doesn't really matter but we can still take it out in one hit with close combat then it's time for its gmax colossal and this thing is both quad weak to water and ground so as long as you have either of those moves and you can out speed you're pretty much guaranteed this win get out of here gordy why are you still using fossil fuels get with the program and so i get the six badge about as easy as stealing candy from a kid we can then move on to route 9 where i find my next encounter a grapplock that i named mr fantastic and before we can move on to the spike with gym we have to go up against marty who uses dark types now the thing about marnie is that her lead light part has snarl so if you have anything that can tank dark moves you can just set up on her and destroy your team and this is generally a big flaw in the game design that you can exploit in these hardcore nuzlockes especially in the emerald elite four but we're gonna do the same to piers the thing about pierce is it's actually pretty difficult to set up against his scrafty because it has sand attack which can kind of ruin your plans and after getting intimidated it goes for fake out which means i can out speed the next turn go for encore and now this crafty is locked out of playing the game and so what my plan is going forward is to go for three feather dances to lower this scrapty's attack as much as possible so that i can later swap in lucario and as soon as i swap in lucario scrafty's encore actually ends which means it's gonna start going for sand attacks as i set up my nasty plots and you might think that this would actually be a huge problem since we're not gonna hit our moves but we can get around this with a bit of cheese the third turn i go for a nazi plot it goes for brick break which actually does a fair amount of damage for being -6 but after that i'm free to unleash an onslaught of orosphere which is a move that can never miss so those sand attacks did nothing buddy i don't do encores get it not songs not moves not pokemon yeah well unfortunately for you peers i do encores which means that you lose this fight and i get the seventh gym badge and it's from here on out that some of the battles were actually surprisingly tricky we then head to hammerlock where we run into leon who's still dressing like this dude you look like you robbed a thrift store blindfolded i wore better you certainly did andrew given me a run for my money as miss galler speaking of which we now have to go up against the former miss galler the social media king rhihan and so to start out this fight i lead off with iron man and bucky and go for a fake out on the gigalith so that it can't body press iron man lygon then goes for a breaking swipe which means both of my pokemon are gonna lose one stage of their attack but it doesn't matter too much since i'm a special attacking lucario that being the case i go for a nasty plot and the next turn i lead off with a protect however flygon decides to target my lucario and hits me with a thunder punch that doesn't do too much damage and i can set up another nasty plot gigalith then decides to throw and goes for a stealth rock instead of body press which i do have chapel berry on lucario for i also decided to go to the move relearner and relearn helping hands so that i can power up lucario with bucky then after i get my attack lowered again by breaking swipe i can take out the giggleth in one hit which i definitely didn't need that helping hand for ryan then sends in his sandaconda so i decide to do the exact same thing and go for a helping hand after which i get hit by a thunder punch and can take out santa conda with another aurasphere two down two to go and rion's next pokemon is doraleodon which is obviously going to gigantomax now what i did here was actually kind of a gamble because i'm at pretty low health and i wasn't quite sure if flygon was going to take me out it was a range in my calculations and losing lucario would be a big hit to the team but i decided to go for the helping hand here to power up lucario one more time i then get hit by the thunder punch and i very narrowly survive on one hp this means that i actually get to fire off my aerosphere and take out that duraladon which means we only have flygon left to deal with naturally i can't risk lucario at this point so i swap out for deadpool and go for protect but i get hit by the thunder punch on deadpool anyway so i guess that protect doesn't matter i think it hit by another breaking swipe which means that by following close combat and brick break combo is gonna do pretty much nothing and since my defenses have been lowered i decide to swap out bucky for his pal captain america and i then get hit by another breaking swipe lowering my attack even further as a crunch gets it down into the red and the next turn i can just finish it off with a first impression from cap this means we got through this battle without losing anyone and i'm always afraid to take on raihon double battles are not my forte but this also means that we can claim our final gym badge and now that the level cap is a little bit higher we can finally head to the lake of outrage where we can pick up the focus and the assault vest and most importantly we can find our next encounter the pseudo legendary jiang mo o i name it chongqi and it has an adamant nature which is about as perfect as it gets but we have to box it since it's level 52. we then have to tread the dangerous path that is route 10 but captain america takes care of the competition easily and we can get to wyndon this is it the big city where we're going to take part in the pokemon league and our first opponent is marnie and her dark types once again now as i mentioned earlier marnie has this easily cheesed life heart but it does use torment so we have to keep in mind that we can't use the same move twice in a row so the first turn i go for a sword stance to set up my attack to plus two i then get hit by a snarl after which i use no retreat which is falling signature move it boosts all your stats but now you can't switch out this means that i'm fully committed to using phallics in this battle and if things start to go south there's nothing we can do about it after that second sword stance i'm at plus five attack which means i use no retreat just so that i can cycle through swords dance and get to max attack once again once i'm at max attack light part uses prankster nasty plot and we can just take it out with a single close combat i then cycle between brick break and close combat it being very important that we use close combat first so that we can use it against the g-max grim snarl which only goes down to a plus six close combat and not brick break and with that we actually beat marnie with what i thought was a pretty clever and fun strategy using phalanx but now we're up against trainer hop and since hop uses such a variety of pokemon on his team we want to set something up so that we can just sweep through them which is actually pretty difficult since he has dub wool i do decide to use willow wisp on it to cut its attack in half and i also have a cherry berry equipped in the case that body slam actually paralyzes the next turn double boosts its defense by three stages as i set up a sword stance very fortunately i don't get paralyzed the next turn as i get hit by a body slam and can set up to plus 4 with another sword stance double then goes for another cotton guard to get to plus 6 but i actually end up taking it out with a close combat and once we've done that it's pretty much a clean sweep i made sure to have earthquake for the pin kirchen and everything else just goes down to plus for close combat so that's it for hop i certainly got lucky by not getting paralyzed from body slam but very fortunately everything worked out swimmingly and after the battle jang melo actually managed to evolve into a hakamo being a doorman is a lot of work it doesn't matter how many people come and go mistakes are unacceptable that's why we have pokemon helping us out too dude honed will steal your soul if you grab it how does that help you as a doorman no soul no service anyway i make my way back to ballen leia to pick up the choice scarf and then after beating macrocosmos elijah hakamoa finally evolves into the sweet sweet kamo we then have to witness oleana's mental breakdown as she challenges us to a battle she starts out with her frost last as i send in deadpool to prepare for the sweep or at least what i thought was gonna be a sweep she misses a willow wisp which is actually really important due to a miscalculation on my part as i go for a dragon dance the next turn she actually outspeeds me even after dragon dance which was a misplay on my part but since she missed i actually have my raspberry left so i can heal off the burn and hit her with a crunch this means my moxie activates so i get an additional plus one in attack and we have to go up against serena which is an easy one hit ko with a fire punch this of course means i get another plus one in attack with moxie and this is why moxie is pretty broken in nuzlockes mylodic just goes down to a thunderpunch and we get yet another boost selezal is up next and even though it out speeds and manages to hit us with a venashock that gets a crit it really doesn't do that much and i can take it out with a single punch and this is where the battle actually managed to surprise me as you can tell my moveset is crunch thunder punch fire punch and dragon dance so i don't really have anything to hit this garbodor for super effective damage and so in turn this means that i choose to go for thunder punch but it only does about half to the scar boater and activates weak armor so now it's a fast pile of garbage i then get hit by its g-max move which also poisons me and after that poison i'm left with very little hp so naturally i have to swap out of all my boosts thinking it's gonna go for the g-max my loader once again i swap into lucario to be immune but it goes for max quake instead and hits me for massive damage i very fortunately survive on 11 hp and i can swap into halucha to dodge that last max quake this means guard boater is going to shrink down to its regular size and it actually hits me for massive damage with gunk shot as i hit it with aerial ace to not quite take it out activating another weak armor boost i had no idea the scariest part of this run so far was going to be against a supersonic heap of trash but i send in bucky to finish things up with a much needed fake out and with that we managed to defeat olianna who is in desperate need of a lunch break go get some help lady there are times when adults just can't seem to have an honest discussion with one another sometimes our pride gets in the way yeah dude i know you're trying to make a point about how adults can be very touchy about status and money but your dishonesty stems from the fact that you're trying to annihilate humanity it's a little bit different rose anyway next up is bead and he has a team of fairy types much like opal so we're going to use the same strategy we used against opal and send in lucario since we're running a special lucario we don't care at all about that intimidate and we can just start setting up our nasty plots after that the battle isn't particularly interesting it's just a flash cannon massacre but you know what bead that's exactly what you deserve after being an insufferable pain throughout the entire story of this game but look on the bright side he already looks like a grandma so maybe he can fill opal's shoes but now that we've taken care of our rivals it's time to finally get to the part of the game that gets kind of dicey nessa sends in golisopod so i go into falcon to use aerial ace which doesn't quite get it to half health fortunately though golisapod just goes for a swordstand so i can hit it with another aerial ace to get it down into the red and send it out with emergency exit after that she sends in pelipper which sets up the rain with its drizzle ability but we're able to just take it out with a single quad effective thunder punch however the fact that it set up the rain is kinda scary since the next pokemon we have to face is baroscuda which is a speed demon and so not only do we tank a liquidation pretty poorly thunderpunch doesn't quite take it out so i have to switch out of halucha i decide to go into bucky as i expect her to go for a full restore and then go for fake out the next turn just so that the rain stops this means that the next turn i'm gonna be able to tank that liquidation at above half health and go for a close combat to take out this baroscuda once and for all to be honest that bear scoot is probably the scariest thing on her team but next up she goes into galysapod but luckily i had the quick attack so that we could just take it out as soon as it comes out i then made kind of a mistake here because i should have expected this thing to go for awkward it usually always does but i switch into black panther just so that i can go for a parting shot for a safer switch into captain america and on the switch here i do have to eat a waterfall but it doesn't do that much damage and i can take it out the next turn with a leaf blade and you'll note that i was actually faster right there and the only reason i outsped and that i'm going to outspeed this dreadnought is because i have the choice scarf item that we picked up earlier and so this means that i can hit nessa's dreadnought with a quad effective leaf blade and obviously it takes a hold on what yeah even though i hit it with a quad effective move i didn't manage to take it out in one hit which means we get hit by a powerful g-max move which we actually survive and so funny enough we can just out-speed the next turn with our scarf and take it out with another leaf blade that was pretty unexpected and so if we had this much trouble with nessa what about b i mean we're super effective against b right what what could go wrong nothing could go wrong here guys we start out with the halucha mirror match and i go for a sword stance and i did have a kobe berry to reduce flying damage but since flying press isn't specifically a flying move it's listed as fighting when you select a move it doesn't actually reduce the damage but we don't take that much i can then take out bee's hallucia with a single area lace as well as her grab locked she then sends in her own surfetch and since i only have one boost at the moment i decided to go for a sword stance as it misses a slam i then decide to stick with plus four and not plus six and go for the aerial ace here just to take it out and at this point b sends in her own phalanx which just goes down to a plus four aerial ace no problem and at this point we only have b's ma jump left and we're gonna take oh hold on let me just take this uh hey axel i just checked over your history and it seems like you're predisposed to getting destroys this fight so careful big guy predisposed to getting distraught what are you talking about oh yeah you know how i said that i skipped going to plus six well that was a big mistake cause now we're losing the falcon i then decide to go into bucky as she goes for a full restore and i go for a fake out which doesn't actually cancel out gmax moves anyway the next turn i actually managed to miss click and go for another fake out which doesn't do anything obviously and i get hit by a max strike pretty hard this means machamp will shrink down again but since for it lowered speed i decided to swap out so i go into galley who i figure can take some hits which is obviously true and i go for a willow wisp to lower his attack but then i realize that he has guts so instead of weakening machamp i just gave it a big buff yay me i then decided to go for fake out for some more burn damage but since i don't want to take a hit i swap into phalanx who actually manages to dodge the cross chop since this machamp doesn't have no guard and i can hit it with a close combat to really low health in fact so low health of this machamp is going to go down to the burn but not before it takes us out with a revenge yeah losing half my team to be like this definitely gives me vietnam flashbacks from my first sword and shield run and it's very unfortunate moving on though we'll have to weep for our fallen comrades at another time because it's time to take on reihan he starts out with torquel as its komodo's debut and i go for autonomize to double my speed raihon then decides to go for the yawn which means i'm gonna fall asleep at the end of the next turn however before any of that i go for a belly drum which halves my hp but maximizes my attack as i get hit by a body press which doesn't really do much at all chesto berry then wakes me up and i can start going for dragon claws to take out ryhon's team lickety-split the only problem is duraladon could survive a plus six dragon claw so i had brick break as my fourth move to take it out in one hit yeah rihanna really has no shot at being gallar's top model not while i'm around and so this means we beat the elite four and we can move hold on before anything else we have to meet up with the legendaries and zashian looks like it has a string of sausages attached to it talk about a hot dog and you know how i told you guys that rhodes was plotting to annihilate all of humanity well we're here to stop him and probably the biggest flaw of his whole plan is to challenge me to a battle right here like he knows that i have only fighting types and he uses steel types anyway that's obviously gonna be to his detriment as he starts out with s cavalier and i send in scrafty i decide to go for a dragon dance right away as s cavalier goes for swords dance which is very unfortunate since i outsped already and i can just take him out the next turn with a fire punch this is gonna do the exact same thing as against oleana and trigger my moxie boost and we can just start tearing through rose's team and you know somehow i managed to trigger more deja vu from my first sword nuzlocke but this time it's some good memories of taking down a deranged lunatic i honestly feel like they could have made rose a way more difficult boss fight kind of like loosamine but it's easy enough with fighting types and this means that we only have one more challenger to face champion leon and leon can honestly be a pretty difficult opponent because you can't really set up against his aegis slash very easily and he has some pretty powerful members on his team now the very first turn i decided to go for agility so i can out speed the next pokemon as i get hit by a shadow ball expecting a secret sword so i had the chapel berry i can then easily knock out this aegislash in one hit since its attack stance only has 50 in both defenses you'll notice i also switched it up to a physical based lucario and as hacksaws comes out we hit it with an ice punch to about over half we then unfortunately have to say goodbye to lucario who's been an invaluable team member this run i am iron man we then pass the torch on to steve who can barely survive an outrage on 18 hp and retaliate with a close combat to take out the haxorus this means that we've taken out two of leon's pokemon and he's almost taken out two of ours so it's a pretty fair trade at this point as he goes into mr rhyme and leon evens out the score by going for a psychic to take out cap it ended up being like the old man said together i then decided to go into deadpool who gets hit by a teeter dance but a lumbery heals it off and i can then boost my stats with a dragon dance this of course means that i can out speed the next turn and take out this creepy mime with a crunch not exactly an ideal way to get here to sack two of our guys but at least the score is now in our favor dragopold is next and it doesn't actually have any super effective moves against us so even though it out speeds and goes for a dragon breath we tank it well and take it out with a crunch this means we're now at plus one speed because of the dragon dance and plus three attack because of the two additional boosts from moxie and we can live a snipe shot taking out intelion with a thunder punch this means we're now at plus 4 attack and we only have to take on the big bad gmax charizard now the trouble is that i'm not sure that we can take this thing out with a single thunder punch even at plus 4 since it has so much health and if we can't it's definitely going to get that max airstream off to boost its speed however what i didn't anticipate is that charizard just straight up outspeeds us even with the dragon dance so not only is that bye-bye to our third team member this fight but we also have to go up against a full health plus speed charizard but luckily i have the focus sash on camo so we can live on one hp and after charizard gets its speed boost we can go for a rock slide which does way less than i expected it to that's quite effective come on this means that chongqi's also gonna bite the dust and leon is quickly evening the odds but i have a secret weapon my vibranium arm which means i send in bucky as charizard becomes normal size i then go for a fake out which does about half of the health charizard has left so thinking quick attack is gonna do the job i go for it but charizard manages to fire off a fire blast luckily for us though charizard has no special attack boost so we can finish the job with another quick attack which means we did it we beat a pokemon sword hardcore nuzlocke using only fighting types and what did i learn this run well fighting types are pretty much exactly as busted as you'd expect them to be and because of that it made the challenge pretty easy even though we had our ups and downs i think this run was a power trip that i'm happy i got to experience however it has me itching for a greater challenge which is why the next video is probably going to be the hardest challenge so far so definitely look out for that one and listen if you're here at the end of the video and you're not subscribed yet what are you doing and listen if you're not subscribed to the other creators featured in this video i definitely recommend you check out doxy chaotic meatball and andrew colette their links will be down in the description down below but guys until we see each other next time let me know what challenge you want to see and until then have a good one
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 1,646,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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