Ethan Got Arrested - Off The Rails #10

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Why was the fridge segment so interesting

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 98 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zoooooms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's weird how easily you could figure out which fridge belonged to who.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 82 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/americanslang59 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whaddup big pimps

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vin319 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Those flies are definitely Ethan's fault. If you leave fruit out regularly it's going to attract flies, that's just common knowledge. Especially if you also have dog shit lying around.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 144 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tokoloshe_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can anyone explain the β€˜speared to death’ soundbite joke? Dan and AB were dying of laughter and I felt like I was missing out cuz I didn’t understand!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/beblek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

is Ethan really gonna talk about clickbait considering the titles of OTR while Hila was away lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KesslerMacGrath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don Keydik?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spliffwizard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m sorry but AB’s fridge is depressing as hell not even a god damn popsicle

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 91 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/moosegoose90 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wish Ethan wouldn't show boxing, I need the content not my favorite channel to be blocked all the time. Jake Paul is not worth it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alsoknownasPhoebe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
well well well it's off the mother loving rails number 10. jeff bezos no crashing just gunfire this time the crashing was somewhere in there too it's getting a little cacophonous yeah it's hard to hard to tell the bezos laugh will live on it's off the rails zach not world war three [Music] only number 10 i mean my goodness it feels like we've been doing this forever well since we officially started calling it off the rails right well we are off the rails and boy do we have a great great show for you guys sponsored by ting it's just ting tings and also listen presenting sponsor is mommy look at this shirt bro so nice you guys heard about it and not a big deal just my wife's company ceo entrepreneur born in 1987 doesn't quite rhyme the same look at this stuff guys let me highlight some stuff look at this floral nana's couch was ripped up and made into a hoodie all right i know it's hot it's kind of not really hoody weather but you know it's cold today it will be soon yeah it's certain it certainly will be soon you know these bags are amazing too i've heard really good reviews about these bags they're made of pvc which is this really shiny cool material you all know what it is right and then what else we got mommy the paisley hoodie we've been over saying it like that mommy no it's gross milk mommy what the hell what's gross about mommy milky talking about your wife daddy yeah she's mommy this is the shirt i'm wearing right now in case you're wondering anyway there you go head on over see if there's something you like okay thank you dude i'll be honest i'm so freaking angry right now about first of all our last channel or not illustrator our last the video we made on monday which was doing phenomenally and everybody was really enjoying got [ __ ] blocked no guys i'm just gonna vent here for a minute blocked worldwide first four hour podcast right we did a long extensive podcast excruciatingly long guess how long the this part was i can't guess because i know seven [ __ ] seconds seven seconds yeah of a four hour podcast now here's my problem i think youtube's done a pretty good job of like returning the rights to the creators and so i applaud them but this worldwide block and i'm going to explain briefly why this is the most nefarious tool ever given by license holder rats okay so to remove a video traditionally you have to file what's known as a dmca it's a legal document that says i i certify that i've considered fair use and i've determined that uh it doesn't mean it and i'm going to remove this video it's a legal document that has legal consequences nobody uses dmc's anymore why because they have the tool from youtube worldwide block worldwide block is more effective and there's literally no recourse at all to using it so they blocked my they blocked my entire podcast for seven seconds and my two usually with the dmca i can be like yo [ __ ] you this is fair use and guess what the video goes back up immediately with worldwide block i have two options one snip it out and once it's done processing it gets reinstated we snipped it out guess how long it's been like 30 [ __ ] hours and it's not up yeah we caught it when it was blocked pretty much immediately because we just happened to see a post somebody complaining about it right as it happened and yeah i mean that was around this time yesterday so it's been about 24 hours and it's still not finished doing its thing dude you know and then the other option is that you can dispute it and say yo no actually this is fair use or whatever that doesn't automatically reinstate the video that takes a week a week yeah so it's like their system is it gives no benefit of the doubt to the creator and it's like this unlimited power to shut down videos with no legal repercussions at all for the license holders worldwide block is dog [ __ ] and youtube needs to do something about it ugh it's so awkward you know i don't know why they allow that [ __ ] yeah i don't get dmcas anymore just worldwide blocks outrageous bro so upsetting anyway if you guys were mid watching the um h3tv it will be back up hopefully today probably by the time this show goes up it it should be done and this whole discussion will be moot yeah you know last night it finished processing and then like the processing didn't work i'm like okay well i waited 12 hours so i had to re-snip it and now i'm just hoping it works this time yeah very upsetting and you know i i spent my career fighting for fair use and creators rights and this just circumvents everything why is it that i can't get my work my creative work back up on youtube immediately if i say yo this is [ __ ] why do they get the benefit of the doubt i'm proven guilty assumed guilty you know pissed anyway [ __ ] them all right let's move on i just want to give up because a lot of people were wondering where the podcast went so there you have it all right now i'm being outed by the crew yeah i'm being outed i have not looked at this but you want to set this up i mean they i've been accused of leaving fruit around the office yeah so the wider context to this is we we have a fly problem okay i think it's been discussed a little bit on the show you've probably seen that we have that bug assault salt shooter cannon or whatever and that's because there are gnats and flies in this office constantly and it's been a raging debate amongst the crew you think my fruit is bringing i don't think there's i'm not coming with flat with larvae hatched fruit dan you i think you're half correct it's half the fruit and the other half is the dog [ __ ] yeah the colic [ __ ] doesn't bring fruit into the our flies how does that work the flies have to be here to feast on the [ __ ] they're being what came first the flies are the [ __ ] they're being attracted by something oh you think they can smell this [ __ ] from outside i think we are not arguing spontaneous generation monday there was smeared [ __ ] by the front door so someone stopped actually you know that yeah i wanted to add something to the doc before but i forgot let me just grab something real quick i'll be right back okay well while ab gets whatever that is is it a picture of your fruit sitting out there right now because you probably did it well that's fresh food you can't blame me for leaving that yet oh it sure is you can't blame me for fruit that i haven't even left yet look look what was out there i just got here it's left open with no top do you see flies in it not yet yeah leave it here overnight that's the thing too yeah so yeah some additional context you want it i'll take my fruit thank you it's oftentimes left after ethan takes off for the day thank you um and at the end of the day there is i accept for i clearly accept the responsibility of leaving the fruit the fruit line is is damaging everything making it all worse tim tim is right on this one is right on this he is right on one i accept the fruit that it's not nice to leave fruit out okay right i got to take care of my own mess and sometimes things are moving fast i get here we start i gotta leave because theodore the fruit the fruit sometimes stays sometimes okay but what i don't accept is that it's a breed become a breeding ground for insects there's a [ __ ] there's a fly buzzing mountain anyway [Applause] why is there a picture of a garbage man it's just one picture of fruit you guys that's your evidence your evidence is one picture of fruit what was the garbage man it's just the next imager meme oh yeah i thought it was uh you guys are doing an expose and there's one picture yeah it's a single example oh my god this is you're gonna have to take our word for it that this has been an ongoing thing i cannot believe you guys come at me with one picture of fruit i wouldn't talk too much [ __ ] because i guarantee we'll get you again you'll leave it you i thought you were going to have like 20 pictures of fruit and do a whole exposure well we could have but okay so you didn't listen i'm refuting at all now i'll say i left fruit once it's too late i left fruit one it's all on the record we've got you can watch one video can you say it for the sun bite say what i already said it zach don't try me i left fruit once um only one time as a that's all you can prove your honor we can piece the sound by together from various things that's okay doesn't take a rocket surgeon ethan a rocket's vision anyway okay i was expecting to get roasted harder for the fruit thing it's this is more this isn't a roast this is an intervention one picture bro you know you know there's more and we roast because we love uh what do we got oh heather heather from the last deleted episode or not deleted blocked [ __ ] episode uh jake paul got me again by the way can we reflect on the flag that jake paul got me again yeah i mean i've been seeing some chatter on the subreddit and stuff of people saying they weren't surprised by this boxing is notoriously uh listen aggressive with uh it's blocking i'm not surprised either but what i am surprised about is like that our coverage and commentary was fair it was minimal usage like i said it was seven seconds of a four-hour podcast i mean what what's unacceptable is that youtube doesn't give us better tools to protect ourselves because you know why should why should we just not talk about stuff if it's fair use that's that's not like that's not right wouldn't it i guess there are circumstances where this would maybe cause more trouble but i almost feel like it would be better if they by claiming it it just ah it what it what we're waiting on right now for the processing the snipping if that just automatically happened when they did the claim just take it out of the episode temporarily and then we can dispute it but don't block the episode wouldn't that be a better solution for everybody i think that's a great solution for us but for for most people they make like 10 minute videos and sometimes it's like two three four five minutes right so then there's like half the app missing and it's like i guess it doesn't make any sense yeah um this is an update from heather the infamous girl from uh who won the thousand dollars from the lord of the flies he gave me a shout out ethan pays on time ladies and gentlemen the thousand dollars get your heart out cut i'm just some dude and i [ __ ] paid it's so awesome that uh that happened i'm still blown away that she happened to be a fan happened to be watching me too that was incredible i love when that [ __ ] happens she like she messaged me on discord and i'm like she's like oh it's heather from the video and i'm like oh okay here we go you know i'm like i was kind of rude up front so i apologize i'm like prove it no you did the right thing i mean you know we don't but i saw chatter back there and i was like hmm i wonder what's going on i saw like a b and dan going on peeking and zach because i wanted to verify it i didn't want to cut in yeah and be wrong about it but um yeah i mean she sent irrefutable proof it was her so there you go so shout out to heather and she was in the discord too which i i wonder if she already was a member even could be love her yeah i think she was shout out to heather oh you know what i want to do today um i want to say first of all thank you to our members i never thanked them enough or at least during these shows you guys being members makes this show so much more sustainable for us dependable you know uh revenue why are you laughing because of music not not what you're saying i'm not laughing at the members i love the members just zach playing the sappy music i thought you laughing at our members hell no you disrespecting no i'm [Music] that's right you beautiful you beautiful people who uh have members of the channel it means so much and thank you so much and also this is something i never do but i've i was looking at our back end there's like 40 of the people that watch the show who are not subscribed [Music] how does that work well if you watch a channel on a video enough times even if you're not subscribed youtube will be like uh push it to you yeah it's like a virtual subscription i guess what do you know 40 of you out there click that click that subscribe button guys come on just one click please i need to stick it to the haters we need those subbies going up so that the haters go sad five percent means everything we got about three million subs forty percent of that i mean we're talking like nearly five percent difference over a million people yeah it's astronomical the forty percent probably is majority of the haters yeah you think that many people watch they hate me i just hate watching 40 percent hate watching holy [ __ ] i think everyone that majority of people who don't like you were a fan or still are a fan and act like they are bag of turd you know that's for sure the majority of people that don't dislike me are people who used to think i was one of them i think a lot of it is because like i've talked about i used to make these kind of anti-sjw videos on h3 mm-hmm and um [Music] i almost there was a point there was a crossroad where it's like i can get i can become tin pool and get lost in the sauce or i can be true to myself shake these uh you know i i don't want these intel's red-pilled guy i mean they actually i do want i want everybody to watch don't get me wrong but like i don't want the world i don't want to signal that i'm a red-pelled insole red palled your blue pelt is [ __ ] so i think a lot of those people are still angry at me i'll get over it they will never get over for 10 years anyway let's get on with some funny stuff [Applause] even crowder used to be a fan of mine apparently well the the truth is there was this one a few videos i made that were going viral on the internet back in the day i would tweet it out and i would see people like dave i would see like a dave rubin i would see crowder i would see mike cernovich all these people where i was like oh gag see them what retweeting quote tweeting oh i see amazed right amazing video right and then i was like oh my god that was kind of my wake-up call i was like oh my god am i the baddie weird mike shout out to weird mike oh my god anyway um let's get into some fun stuff dude this video is a legend [ __ ] so this is a school board they're doing roll call and this dude is literally mo from the simpsons he gets conned and just saying so many fake names that i mean you can't write this stuff i mean you can't but you think phil mccracken feel mccracken and the way he just fires them off why sulk souk souk what mighty medic super dick [Music] ophelia mccock i leaned over i leaned over bro what the [ __ ] eileen dover don kiddick wait so what's that one don that's what donkey dick donkey dick don that's [Laughter] [Music] don kiddig wayne kerr wanker wayne kerr phil mccracken phil mccracken it's back to the beginning so feel my cracking you really you don't actually get stuff that good usually in real life no no just boom boom boom right after the other yeah i mean it was a it was the public comment section of the um of the council meeting and you know anybody can sign up to speak but for some reason don keatick wasn't there uh or or ben or no i leaned over that's right i leaned over this is like some stern level [ __ ] man i love that just hi i'm dick tiff yeah it said uh that was three hours into the engine i guess he was fatigued when it arrived at the public comments forum only one person actually went up to speak of all the people he called we've also got a little update to our mlk story how fortnite added uh an mlk martin luther king jr event which there was some debate about some people said you know they appreciate the effort but overwhelming i think people concluded that it was inappropriate because you saw like people just whipping on the statue fortnite it was a whole mess you know and there was like rick rick and morty rick and morty rick rick rick rick all up on mlk and so you know in an effort to get on top of this epic games has disabled in-game emojis for players as we suggested emotes yeah emotes yeah fortnite and so um there was however one emote that they for some reason [Music] left activated it is known as whiplash the emote remained active some fans believe it has something to do with some contractual obligation to dc comics apparently did a collaboration with wonder woman or something no it was actually catwoman okay i saw people speculating well yeah she has a whip yeah but worse is was catwoman in a movie recently what the [ __ ] is that popular character from i'm pretty sure that dc would have been okay with them uh uh disabling this during the mlk tribute yeah so here it is so guys in case you're wondering what's the one emote that you can use during the mlk tribute civil rights greatest civil great civil rights leader it is um of course cracking a whip ladies oh my god it is cracking away it's so bad yes it is it's just there's one emoji and it's cracking the whip fortnite they have some very basic ones i believe you can still use just to clarify like i believe the clapping one but a few other ones some respectful ones respectful ones but in terms of like dancing or ones that have a lot of uh movement i believe this is the only one yeah i mean of all the ones that were there like the nae nae and whatever dancing i mean this is clearly the most racist and offensive one i guess i can't imagine a more offensive one short of just than the nazi salute being in jesus name i guess we should probably just for our non-american listeners that may not be familiar with american history but um you know whips are in in relation to slavery uh are sort of symbolic of slave drivers they would use whips on uh black slaves in the fields to to drive them to work harder as if they were animals essentially so this is particularly offensive uh of all the things they could have left in this this probably is yeah and what's what's fascinating to me is like if you're gonna remove all the emojis and leave one you're going to draw way more attention to the one that you do leave yes you were better off just leaving them all it probably would have been better just let them keep i'd wait rather see a whipping nae nae than a [ __ ] whip bro it's so bad it's horrific they really couldn't have botched this any harder it's unbelievable yeah i heard they're actually going to be um they're going to be including another emoji for just for this event of picking cotton so you're right yeah some people are finding that offensive i did find it very inappropriate for tonight yeah yeah there's going to be um i heard they're going to put on a vent the of uh the the slave auction they're gonna have a whole wow they're gonna just have an event where you auction off slaves what are they doing over there right now totally inappropriate yeah totally absolutely insane my god uh and then so there's more wrinkles in this the kinks you know apparently they obviously they licensed it but i don't know how what process goes into that because the king martin luther king jr center put out a statement as did his daughter which i'll read the king center does not license dr king's intellectual property and therefore was not involved in any decision concerning the endeavors with time inc oh no time was involved in this [ __ ] yeah they were the main kind of sponsors for this thing there was a big times like sign in the game yeah i remember when when the master chief was being teleported into uh into washington dc he was going through a time magazine cover that's why these licensing decisions are made by intellectual properties management yeah of course dude so there's nothing better to ruin your estate than put some mindless [ __ ] ip company in charge of your [ __ ] well so that night i did a little investigating and that company is run essentially the children of mlk uh have been fighting over this for years and so that intellectual property company is run by one of his sons um who is very eager to auction off his legacy at any time yeah he's looking to make that back so his daughter said decision around licensing my father's intellect probably are outside my personal preview okay so one of his one of his heirs was involved in the one of the heirs was involved um yeah and yeah there's sort of some history to this i guess the uh the daughter and the son have been fighting over selling out his legacy for a while now well his legacy is protected do not worry it's immortalized yeah fortnite is on it um fortnite and uh that's really so we we applaud fortnite certainly for the whip cracking the whip crafting like you said i mean dc is certainly said yeah go ahead and remove it maybe like [ __ ] no we have a contract [ __ ] i demand the whip cracks be in the mlk tribute how about just take it out and then if they try to like sue you or something they'll look like big [ __ ] yeah right just take it out and be like yo you understand weird man here's a suggestion just don't be [ __ ] weird weird decisions were made on that one so a little update for you there you know um we are not quite at 30 but we're almost there all right well our next i just set this up so you know i'm go i will do the next segment you guys aren't going to want to miss it's well you know what let's just go to a break we all you guys have seen this on tick tock this has 4.5 million likes brad so it's like sexy arresting thirst traps it's super weird so we're gonna watch these and we're gonna make our own so stay tuned we'll be right back after the short commercial break time to take a short break thank you thank you this video was brought to you by it's the next generation of team mobile whether you're a low data user or need unlimited ting has the perfect plan for you and your family get talk and text for just ten dollars a month you get data from fifteen dollars five gigabytes for 25 12 gigabyte 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what else to say about it oh no let me see the views because it says form that's gonna be oh this guy's super popular 49 million views you guys holy [ __ ] let's get glam holy [ __ ] dude someone said i think it's a nice time for this trend to come to an end trying to get some insight in the comments here but i'm not really armin does it better yeah so he's hot as [ __ ] and he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's going to jail what did he do i wonder hmm wait i just noticed the person doing the arrest is in uh military fatigues oh my god this is actually he's a warrior he's a political prisoner oh my god oh i love how they're going all out with the props but he left the ring light in his hand as he arrests him wait really yeah look at it right here watch when he pushes look see it no those are the that's the handcuffs oh it's reflecting off okay yeah you break this i'm how dare you break the wall he's not really getting arrested i'm how dare you a b i wasn't wrong in twilight movies i do so that's this one 50 million oh geez here's another one these thir straps are just kind of the best hot people tick tock is so out of control you guys um you are arrested oh no oh he's got the letterman jacket and everything so hot so [ __ ] hot dude he's got a bandana on he's not wearing a shirt i love you oh my god it's his final farewell as he goes to a political prison to get waterboarded he's going to guantanamo and someone at the top dominance he's definitely never been arrested yet why is he wearing a letterman jacket with no shirt underneath i'm kind of curious about that as [ __ ] damn is that him i'm just not i'm not i'm not a hot guy yeah i don't know what you are i don't want to hear you talking and not not hot enough not that hot not that hot i don't see him cruise around letterman jacket with no shirt and yeah i don't even own a letterman jacket catch a vibe dude he's a varsity douche so somebody said were you getting it from behind and i know it's uncute but that's that's kind of like i don't know why i just feel like there's some insinuation that it's just a little too rough wow sister snapped yeah hot as [ __ ] bro how many views does that one have that is a hundred thousand hundred thousand hundred thousand likes so probably a million views oh that's pathetic that last guy compared millions the last guy's the king of this [ __ ] buddy but this guy is being arrested by the cops the last guy like i said is a military prisoner yeah two million that's definitely hotter yeah it has two million views so congratulations put that at him no don't congratulate him for that dude i gotta tell you i was browsing tick tock over the weekend and i saw a video of a dude straight up with his dick out in his hand and it had been up all day no [ __ ] way oh and everyone and all the comments were like what the hell is going on it was a dude with his erect penis in his hand on tick tock up for a whole day it showed up on here you had like 20 000 likes for you paige yeah it was on my fair you page i couldn't believe what i was seeing that's because they're pretty they're pretty locked down on anything i make i'm whisper one bad thing about james charles and they remove that in like five seconds yeah i mean how many times have you been suspended from tick tock now i've never been suspended but i get oh my videos always go down wait no they just occasionally crush his algorithms yeah they they stopped him from doing like uh duets at one point but yeah yeah they turned off my duet i'm all i'm rehabilitated dude i got a community strike just a few days ago because this dude i wonder if i can show it this dude if you've got a strike probably not well no it's fine here but this dude did a prank where he like stuck he was like at shopping at walmart or whatever and he turned around and stuck a mop handle up a girl's employees like bum and this video had like 20 million views it was up for a week and i make a reaction to it where laura was like i would have had a mop in my hand and then i'm in jail okay and they removed it for harassment and bowling harassment and bowling and here's a guy with a cut with his [ __ ] in his hand you guys i [ __ ] you not it's them sister snipers i believe james charles has a team watching you at all times ready to report you oh that's crazy did you ask him about it when you saw him at the mall maybe yeah yeah i said did you sister snipe ethan he's like i don't know he's like i'm not charles so that's that one yeah but i was just thinking about because someone asked on families if they should let their eight-year-old browse tick-tock and i don't know man i saw a dude with a butt with his erect wee-wee in his hand i was blown away by that dick tips i'm so curious do you remember if there was hashtags i don't think i don't i don't remember why does that matter a few reasons i don't use hashtags on my on my one that got bowling and harassment because if he because like the algorithm on tick tock is really smart about how they push stuff so i'm curious like sometimes when people just want the best growth they'll do the top three hashtags so i'll just curious if that dick got dispersed to people a lot of growth from what i'm it random hearing it didn't have those clickbaity likes shop at walmart hashtag shop at walmart yeah no it didn't have that he has a massive penis alien ian you saw it chill dude yeah tick tock is wild man i don't know here's another one three million likes so this one's pretty viral as well oh [ __ ] he's oh he's got it he's having fun though yeah roughed up this is so this is like the wildest trend since the fake holocaust survivor all right this guy he's like smiling while while crying somehow is this like uh why do they all have the same haircut too well at least the last two dude this is like i'm a lesbian and i don't understand what's going on in this video well i don't think you have to be alive yeah i don't know your sexuality uh would help explain it my question is is anyone actually thirst trapping here or is it all just like intrigue how bizarre this is i mean there's three million likes you have to imagine at least i never liked it that's the thing i would never like it even if i watched it let me try i'm trying to find the views on this smash that like button here's one with six million from the same creator let's see what he's up to yeah thurstrap nation bruh oh my god how did he do that how did he do that dude you're like 12 what the [ __ ] shouldn't you be in school or something he doesn't look 12. he looks young i can't deal with this you know what this reminds me of is the mug shot challenge do you remember that one on tick tock vaguely james charles did it actually oh pull it up oh james charles did a mug shot challenge he's that fantasy's gonna become reality for him soon the way he's going oh no i sent him the discord also cam just uh sent me a preview of tick tocks doing some rebranding recently oh it's like uh oh okay that looks familiar that's accurate yeah i mean the nature of tick tock of just how people upload [ __ ] and so if some for some reason it doesn't dude are you [ __ ] kidding me james charles right now hold on take me out to the back of the shed shoot me in the back of the head take me out dude i cannot believe you did this you freak his makeup looks good like his black eye makeup maybe it's not makeup and he's just trying to cover up yeah that's what would happen to him if he was flirting with my six-year-old son [Music] on snapchat and labeled as a predator easy in minecraft in minecraft well he's well well i i know yeah it's all theoretical they were actually 16. they were actually what was that james they were actually 16. that's not good that's not good at all it's horrible to admit so embarrassing yeah did you see james charles actually going to the met gala is that confirmed because i could see mixed things they they released a seating chart but then i saw people saying it was fake oh really this chart was fake okay thank you guys i had i looked into that deeply because it was all over yeah yeah get the memo on this guy i mean but is he invited is that confirmed i don't know that for sure let me check okay actually i heard he's he's um actually i heard he's uh auditioning he's in training to become a priest so he's he's choosing a better path for himself oh good yeah he's he's yeah that's good the catholic church is open to him with uh open arms or catholic right yeah yes catholic yeah so or and if that doesn't work out i heard he's uh he's he's training to become a scout leader actually oh that's good i'm definitely i'm glad he's choosing a better path right giving back to the community yeah he's giving back to the community he's repenting we love that for him let's get glam another one oh god he's so hot and he's just in so much distress oh this is so unfortunate it looks like he checked himself out on the hood for a second he's like god let me see that he needed a last minute glance yeah he's like the [ __ ] i'm saying you see how rough they're being with them like this one is maybe the most realistic so far oh yeah he took a little he licked his lips at himself yeah this is i guess girls want to role play having a inmate for a spouse oh this guy's in fatigues too what what kind of resistance group are these guys all uh part of yeah i think it's all the same people as what's going on it's the same click probably yeah here's the last one before we get to uh our special little surprise here oh no he's in the car dude wait isn't that like a honda civic or something well don't criticize too much until you see ours that's it's also hang on hang on hang on is that an accord undercover dude just real quick in regards to the matt gala the official list hasn't been released yet thank god oh that was all rumor mongering so let's read some so the people here love him he says i love you me on the toilet i don't get that is that i think the look that he gives at the end is like glad i'm a lesbian i see that a lot oh another yeah this remind uh wow yeah this is real thirst trash [ __ ] there's trap [ __ ] so you know and because this trend is so popular i mean 50 million views we want to get a piece of the action absolutely so we thought hey we're i mean we're cute boys like zach was saying well dan i don't want to hear this self bash [ __ ] you're a handsome [ __ ] guy own it right he's right right now say i'm handsome no i'm not saying that say it yeah i don't know what i said this morning i'm serious what i put on this beanie and i looked in the mirror go god damn i wish i could rock it like dan beautiful blue eyes just the combination with this you have big beautiful eyes too not those not the blues not the baby blues actually dan has been getting a lot of thirst i've been seeing some a lot of years for you lately yes people are thirsting for you don't lie you've seen it beauty and the brain you've seen it people are thirsting for you bro oh my god ally is a very lucky woman i'm a very lucky man oh what a sweetheart your your your girlfriend's awesome i'm gonna she is i'm gonna come anyway speaking of which let's start with dance because he's such a hot boy uh dan we made our own version of course of these arrests there's traps which you can watch on tick tock so here's dan being arrested in his thirst strap oh i can play the music here right we got our own royalty-free version dude you got big-ass chains bro let's go [Music] oh no get that hand back there what are you doing so what were you arrested for [Music] what was i arrested for it's a good question for uh forging your report card oh right right right yeah like that caught up with me yo yo bro that chain is fire thanks thanks bro checking yourself out i don't think so you're under arrest [Music] yeah i predict millions for that one get act you were zapp was arrested for [ __ ] on someone's lawn yes which i do believe is probably a crime actually i think that there's some legitimacy to this charge but here we go zach you're in trouble buddy toilet paper you know how to use it you that's so gross he said check for corn for people who didn't see and what exactly are people supposed to check for corn for i'm telling the cops to check for corn it was a healthy dump you want you yeah okay oh you so you're still proud of it even though you're being arrested absolutely man fight the power see i initially interpreted that you were saying you've got the wrong guy check for corn check for coins no i'm proud of myself it's revolutionary no he's saying peep he's confessing you got it dude a b arrested for visiting his ex-wife what the hell does that mean uh look and find out sounds scandalous [Music] oh wait a minute oh i get it i don't get it he's a twitter world this is yours he's oj he's got the glove on he's got the golf clubs arrested for visiting his ex-wife for murdering your his ex that's the implication [Music] he must have quit he wants to quit you did a little oj gag i mean a little dated hmm we were working with the props we had here in the office i don't know we had five minutes didn't you just says oj you're just wearing yeah you're old og it was ela's oj outfit from uh from halloween two two years ago even longer probably um arrested by kanye mods ian disliked donda and the kanye mods came after him high crimes here high crimes oh noah light six that's that's a good rating oh it's fantano [Music] kawaii that ain't going to cut it bro [Music] [Laughter] they really came for you for a light 60 that's like a good score they came from me i got a threatening message you want to talk about that uh a few years ago i was named honorary moderator of the kanye subreddit on reddit which you can you can go check my name is there for now and there's not many there's only like five mods so it's yeah it's a big subreddit too there's like over a half a million people on there so in the group i it's surprising that they uh let me do that but i got a message yesterday that said after your comments on dondo we will have to rethink your position as a moderator on the kanye subreddit so we had a little bit of a negotiations and i wish you the best that must have been heart wrenching to hear that they that they were doubting you in that regard i didn't realize how far i've fallen in the community but i mean your comments weren't even bad i i was the one that like for example if you go to our highlight clip i thought this was funny oh the like ratio oh now it's like sixty percent down yeah i have a [ __ ] opinion with that title though this is gonna piss some off has just been up front i wasn't like donya's trash [ __ ] all you you guys you said pretty much the first half of that the big criticism they had was you saying that it wasn't a diverse album okay but uh you know that was it there's a big argument that could be made but i don't know if i want to make it in regards to the kanye mods unless ian you have anything to say do you mind if i make the argument well i i uh stated my case to the moderators and they um after some brutal talks uh they decided to keep me on uh with a warning i gotta say the initial message that ian received seems not joke it was very brief can you read it i can pull it up uh but then the follow-up message did seem kind of jokey yeah that's what i was going to say that read that first message they sent you the first message was was pretty why you pulled that up listen to his comment ethan just said how does someone have time to listen to a two-hour album when he regularly makes podcasts surpassing the two-hour mark yeah how does anybody have any time to watch this podcast well okay fair enough no that's a that's such a horrible argument because it's not it's not an album it's we're not you know they're not songs you put on a podcast you listen to it at home at work wherever you're at okay he's right and nobody has time for this [ __ ] uh okay so the the message i got from somebody said dear ian given your very recent comments on the h3 podcast on the subject of kanye west's latest album donda we will be forced to reconsider your honorary moderator status on r kanye thank you for your understanding best the r slash kanye mod team that is 100 serious yeah i mean it doesn't come across as a joke at all but his reply after ian messaged them back was very jokey so yeah they may have been [ __ ] around the whole i think they were goofing on me a little bit yeah but it was a it was a subtle like watch your mouth watching a hot button i'm worried though because are you going to speak truth to kanye or are you going to be in fear of losing your mod status no i i think i was being pretty fair i complimented aspects of the album there's a collection of songs i like a lot so you know i think it's okay to not have to love every single thing they don't they disagree yeah well they were goofing a little there's some uh there's some offshoots that would disagree with me but uh i think the the kanye people on the subreddit seem in uh good good spirits i was also you know not to the extent of ian but i was also getting messages because i compliment or not complimented i i talked about the mix of the record how it's not up to par and people are like who's your eq [ __ ] up it's like no well someone goes yeah another example of ethan talking on something he doesn't know about it's like bro i'm allowed to not like you the [ __ ] music you like dude you'd have to call and question my whole existence as a person yeah i mean he listened to the album like is that not you know what i'm gonna have to like it too let's just let's just get this thing down [ __ ] me in the ass right let's just get this thing down all right where were we ian love is getting arrested for doing too much zoola interface wow that'll put you away for life yeah thank you for life my original caption was when you get faked you get good too hard yeah when you skip fika when you skip fake up ladies and gentlemen [Music] you hit him with that i'm ready to let him go man for life i can't take her face like that to jail it's not happening and finally mine is um breaking my vegan diet very sorry guys [Music] under arrest by the vegan place is that salami oh it reminds me of um sometimes you see people getting arrested and they like eat the drugs to remove the evidence oh that's what you're doing you're trying to get rid of that real quick these videos will all be on tick-tock with the original sound i feel like it gives a whole different meaning to it with the bass drop i saw the light yeah h3 podcast tick tock is all going down is our home it you goddamn right it is i'll be posting a picture of my [ __ ] on a h3 podcast tick tock that's apparently allowed flash is not going anywhere flash fully torqued okay got it hey um that was the last one right yeah okay so i have some uh breaking news ahead is relevant to what we were just discussing earlier but ian if you could punch this up please um it looks like our boy james oh he has indeed join the clergy so wait he looks like he's even in like a position of authority like he raised the ranks quickly yeah i mean is that a uh is that cardinal's hat i'm not familiar i'm not too familiar with the catholic hierarchy it seems like he really fit in there so right it seems like he integrated really well absolutely in common with them all well god bless him and he raised the ranks very quickly i'm happy he's giving back he's on this is yeah he's giving he's given something he's he's helping the kids are we gonna get eviscerated for this eviscerated how why what do you mean by eviscerated we're applauding him he is helping the children this is a sacrifice okay he is sacrificing himself sister sacrificed oh my god this is the t and he's gonna find a lot of like-minded individuals there in the clergy that they can really bond over so i'm happy about that right he's our sister savior right sister uh he got really sad that little click hits me every time yeah if you're wondering if i feel bad making fun of the catholic church i will never that that will never ever ever ever but that's not what i'm doing you know congratulations james i'm glad you found a better path [Music] oh cam says that this is he's the pope this is the pope yo the pope he was elected to pope yo the pope goes purple that's a fire fit that was yeah a little bit dude he got elected the pope wow stop the fear he just shot up game time on his resume he's probably like you know i like photos i shouldn't as well you know it's just like oh how the pope like the likes are being informed that the pope wears purple on easter but it was red originally lol that is the message that i just received so you know how like when they're trying to come up with who the next pope is and they burn the smoke yep right were they burning james charles pallets this time or he was shedding his former self got it right he was burning the palate the burning of the palate oh jesus and actually he's volunteered interestingly this is very uncommon for the pulp to lead the sunday service the uh the youth group so it's nice of him to see the choir yeah the choir he's a what he's the choir leader because you know he's fashion about singing and stuff it's nice [Music] speared to death all right let's move on what's the worst thing you've ever done oh my god thank you thank you and congratulations james oh god you do we have a or maybe we can see him as a scout a boy scout leader too uh i don't um yeah maybe i mean he's the pope does he really have time for that he he midlines he does both he moves back he works hard were you ever in the boy scouts do you ever do the boy scout thing that's not like a jewish thing that's not true at all really yeah my because i did and there were a bunch of jewish kids in my real troop yeah okay i'm not even on this none of the jewish kids yeah my group was like 50 jewish it was all good really i never knew any of my friends to do scott i never did scouts no okay i i did it for a couple years as a cub scout a couple years yeah i think like two three how was it to be honest i had fun it was cool but it seems fun except well so i did it when i was a cub scout which is when you're like in elementary school yeah and then you graduate into the boy scouts and that's where it goes down i guess that's where it goes down uh i i quit shortly after that because you you graduate into that when you're like 12 or 13 but you're in the group with kids up to like 18 and i felt like very out of place and intimidated as soon as when i was at a cub scout everybody was my age and then all of a sudden i'm like hanging out with like high school seniors in the troop and i i just didn't vibe with it the eagle scouts that's what they're called the like top level ones the eagle scout is like the the the top thing yeah i knew a kid that became an eagle scout it's crazy cool cool man no i'm just saying you put in that time for that [ __ ] like what do you accomplish you know that's [ __ ] sick i mean i'm level i was level 70 on everquest so that's way more hours put in like no hey you know all right let's move on shall we i now again okay so um i'm gonna talk about keemstar real quick and i'm sorry when the discord i found something you might want to see thank you mm-hmm we tried to open that oh i can't why can't i here i got it right here oh my god he's he's a time traveler he's not only as a time traveler but he has one of the largest craniums yeah that's a big one known to mankind he's actually really old he's just good with makeup so he yeah so looks like james used to go camping with the kids how old is this photograph and it was their chaperone oh oh i didn't realize there's a little caption here too hi scouters [Music] there we go all right let's get let's move on yes please okay so i'm gonna talk about keemstar now obviously every time i talk about keemstar he's writing an angry letter to youtube as you guys know snitchstar karen starr so i'm gonna keep this factual i am not going to editorialize this at all i feel very foolish i just want to keep people um updated on his life he is a public figure and one that we care about and i just want to keep people updated so i'm just going to show this post without comment okay this is brantley my new personal assistant to all you creeps and ladies worried you lost your spot i believe she's 20. it was stated although i might be wrong i just believe i remember reading that can i i'll read comments i mean that's not me he's so cool dude he's just so [ __ ] cool hanging out with 20 year old girls all the time yeah you should probably switch off of it yeah i don't trust on comments checked uh instagram i mean he's just so [ __ ] cool that's my that's what is that your commentary i think i'm just jealous that he's so [ __ ] cool so the top comment says are you driving her to high school that is what the comment says that this is all public comments on instagram so i'm not i don't even know what's here yo let's see what else okay can you not thank you um wow they're making me read all the responses keem what is going on with all these way younger girls around you was there no 30 year old assistant out there that's a fair observation not my observation very important stuff keem just remember that's what is idk i don't know kim just remembered that's i don't know i don't know what that comment means keem is winning yeah you may want to pay her more she looks pissed i feel very foolish oh that's the continuous w h3 hates to see bro stay winning out there steve bust it here she is you know i'm not going to show her but anyway keemstar shout out stay winning cool dude love him it's the best all right next segment we've got someone that i think is going to be pretty fun everybody took a picture of their refrigerator anonymously we are going to put the picture of the refrigerator on the screen and we have to guess and analyze psycho analyze whose refrigerator it is based on the content so how how do i have this picture i just open this uh uh you should okay so pick one okay great okay wow this is so interesting looking at someone's refrigerator is so intimate isn't it it's like hmm this is [ __ ] interesting so let's take a look here we've got barbecue sauce leftover chinese cinnamon rolls now now let me get some clarity sam and ian live together is they counting as one person there is one yeah they're a unit country croc that's fake butter right it's like good good i think they have margarine margarine right i guess um they've got sriracha what is this jug here what is this milk or is this like soy milk that is almond milk i believe okay almond milk interesting um yogurt eggs i mean semen is it's another kind of milk thank you it's a pretty actually pretty vanilla looking fridge what do you guys think about this are you guys not allowed to comment i think you you have to you have to make take the stab all right it's not abs i think abe's fridge is more empty that so it would if it was zach's i know zach's like super keto is there anything here that would dispute the keto diet not really but for some reason i don't think this is zach's they just don't who's involved in this can who whose fridge is involved is cameron's in this no it's just it's just us okay cream cheese zach hates cream cheese i recall that was something that he stated through despise it one of the weirdest things ever especially for a jew i was about to say i'm a bad i feel like this has to be ian and sam's fridge [Music] oh frogs that is my fridge my my oh i forgot dan of course it's dan's [ __ ] you forgot me no i for some reason i wasn't even considering you what the hell we love dan what is this mango berry what is this here uh yeah it's frozen fruit to make smoothies that's a clean fridge my dude thanks for i'm a [ __ ] watching and you wait go back real quick you see those uh paper bags on the bottom right yeah that's hello fresh if you'd like to get it you can go to after dark 14. 14 uh 14 free meal up to 14 free meals all right that's after dark 14. thank you dan thank you dan okay pretty clean i mean yeah this is an adult refrigerator so that's why you know what's interesting the zero uh usage of the bottom bins yeah an interesting fridge yeah yeah what are those two big white jugs that's almond milk you guys oh okay but yeah no usage no fresh fruit that's a lot of real estate man to tell you the truth this this is actually relatively empty in fact i think we have flex well is that really flex i don't know mr grocery mr grocery i have a feeling these other hooligans fridge is gonna be a much sorry stated yeah i i took a peep at these uh before the show and there's definitely um there's i'm expecting some sorry-ness coming up all right dan's yeah nice job but also you have like a gainfully employed girlfriend who's also responsible that's a responsible person's fridge yeah so ali could probably take a lot of credit for the state of the bridge i know that man yeah okay wow interesting lots okay so moving on to number two lots of sauces wow this is all sauce sauce bottles this is all sauce no food taco sauce a lot of bernades sauce a lot of bray bragot what the [ __ ] has bri got i'm wondering that myself there's a lot of it though can someone google bariga and define it for me bragat why is there so much burrito there's a lot of burgers there's like three times uh all bright products contain fresh cream uh excuse me okay i'm just gonna say it rapeseed oil uh and a pinch of salt for that i know what rapeseed is rape it's a normal thing rapeseed oil they got to rework that name though i've never heard about the rainbow that caught me off guard i think it's the same as chronology yeah oh okay okay so it's like margarine or i guess it's like a butter replacement so somebody with some serious um uh lactose intolerance i would say wait oh this is obviously loves bruh chocolate grid diet i was like it's just butter but it is like toast okay so i got it right you're right you almost got me i mean this what i really didn't suspect but there's a lot of [ __ ] here i've never seen or heard about a lot of taco sauce just straight up yeah salsa oh it's salsa oh my god love i have a question is that a drawer full of onions yeah go to the bottom that's a lot of onions onions it's one bag but that's like there's other what are you doing all those onions you love onions what do you do with all those onions um i don't know well i cooked cooked food do you have yo is this beer what is this can here oh yeah that's some beer yeah oh you do a little bit of trouble you know what you're saying is uh that first shelf look at the like the head room on the on the bottom shelf right yeah yeah that's pretty good configuring that's some swedish fridge [ __ ] right the fika fridge my dude yeah i agree the the other fridge looks super cramped so is this the fridge you go to for the fika this is the fifa fridge well yeah there's also i didn't show the freezer but there's a lot of features it's just it's a lot of sauce yeah a lot of sauce on the right my i live with my dad oh it's like if he's crazy without you okay so bean what is matt yes what is this oh that's uh matt greta cool whip what maybe cool whip bro you guys are killing it wait is it no it's like food you're cooking oh it's whipping cream whipping cream yeah oh there you go food that means i got it i love that [ __ ] yeah and at the top here top right you guys don't have that sauce no okay on the um on the top right shelf in the middle that's what i'm looking i know the pineapple [ __ ] okay i guess the middle this no left here up up bernard the yellow yeah what is it yeah it's like the best source ever and you guys and it doesn't exist outside of sweden it's crazy sauce i ate into everything literally i mean it's not a swedish thing but i've traveled quite a bit and i always ask for it and they don't have it what does it taste like isn't it similar to its own thing isn't it similar to hollandaise sauce like the stuff that you get on like can you say it now can you say it how do you say it bns sauce or banana you got three bars sauce made of clarified butter emulsified in egg yolks and white wine vinegar and flavored with herbs oh excuse me you shut me down real quick love it is considered to be a child of the mother hollandaise sauce yeah i i check yourself love check yourself he faked you fish uh i've only had hollandaise sauce on an eggs benedict which is like an egg sandwich basically um so i i really don't know well a nice-looking fridge but you do live with your dad so i'm kind of i'm you know that kind of like yeah if you were by yourself what would this fridge look like you know what i mean well the same but without the sauce on the right oh just sauce world would be out of here good looking food this looks like a pretty common swedish fridge i think yeah you could have a fika you could have a few figures in here great figure friends all righty thank you moving on wait this is just someone's freezer oh it's i think it's two parts okay here we this is interesting all right moving on to part three oh so the fridge is looking pretty bare oh ground chicken yeah i feel like this one's obvious newman's own [Music] a jug of water zach you like newman's own don't you i've heard you say that this this is this is obvious this is zach's pizza rolls that's not keto dude oh i see a lot of meat in here though that's what that was setting me off is just the amount of meat in this fridge freezer's full of meat there's lots of meat in the fridge tortillas which pizza rolls zach you you want i mean i i don't eat those oh it's sacks gotcha [Music] yeah was that the girlfriend's or something yeah she's about the pizza rolls yeah that's a game this is like that divorced dad yeah this is i mean he's a young man in his early 20s i'll be honest i've seen there's been times in my life where i've had a worse looking fridges than this yeah it's all the essentials i mean it's not that bad no and it's clean you know i'm not stocked up with [ __ ] um hollandaise sauce but uh yeah yeah what's this roll back here behind the pizza rolls wait hold on a minute it's like a meat tube oh it's um ground chicken wait is your is your ice tray completely full of otter pops yeah that's [ __ ] epic dude we buy them on amazon like you just use them for ice yeah like that's how you cool down your drinks you just stick an otter pop in there well there's an ice train there somewhere but um yeah otter pops are [ __ ] i'm autobots are fired [ __ ] love otter pops so much somebody here didn't know what otter pops were was it uab i yeah i've never heard of i know what they are but i've never heard them maybe it's a regional thing called water pops here you know they're pretty low calorie um yeah and you know it's a nice dessert after dinner all right it's refreshing very good not bad i gotta say not bad thank you i mean it's a little sparse but right and then it's all there right you know no bottom right drawer is pretty empty all right come moving on to number four what the [ __ ] is this this is so okay wow the spices that is well organized yeah this is this is obvious it's almost there's there's three pictures by the way so there's tahini like shitload of tahini that's a dead giveaway tons of milk here's the refrigerator itself damn a three-parter yeah it's a three-parter there's only there's only one person here whose fridge would need three three uh photographs to contain it all well that's the freezer look at all those fruit containers ready to be left out where how dare you i'm never mind they're not there they're here this is obviously ethan's yeah this is my fridge it's a good it's a great look a massive amount of tahini is [ __ ] well yeah when i took that picture i was like oh this is so obvious because i don't know why there's like a shitload of tahini here a lot of this [ __ ] i could throw out though is all old [ __ ] makes for good fika the milk obviously for theodore right right you know and it's a big-ass fridge that's the other giveaway the three-parter dude you need three photos to get all right moving on yep is this this is uh this is part how many eggs we got hold on this is two parts so we've got how many eggs do we need we have three cartons of eggs and maybe more underneath yeah is that also eggs it looks like oh no this is garlic that's garlic a baker someone that likes to bake uh interesting yeah the hypothesis well and corn someone that likes to cook i'm noticing people are really not drinking milk these days all of us so far have had almond milk oat milk you know the only reason i have milk is for theodore is this kind of psychopathic to drink milk as an adult i feel like uh he just defended the whole swedish continent i feel like it's just i don't know it's falling out of style well so there's only two people left and i actually it's by the power of deduction that i know that this is ian and sam's because i have a feeling that abs is going to be a lot more sparse than this excuse me this is i'll have you know chocolate m ms ground turkey lots of fresh produce i mean that's good this is a healthy this is a healthy fridge the eggs i mean a little weirded out by the amount this is someone who orders out a lot though because there's not really like meals here going on yeah there's got to be ian and sam yes it is ours that's right also i got to say very impressed with the refrigerator so far you guys really have your [ __ ] together now there were a freezer is i am so embarrassed you guys are overwhelmed with frozen goods yeah we got some stuff we gotta throw out i look at this now we make smoothies and so it's a lot of frozen fruit santa calm i see frozen potatoes a lot of frozen fruit we make smoothies a lot yeah yeah where's reuben's food does he got uh he has his own drawer oh he has a feeker drawer so okay very impressed so far i mean so this one's obviously yep there that's what this is this is the one this is the one i was waiting for ab benay dead giveaway now that's a divorce bad for you you like that [ __ ] i hate lebanese yeah dude it's like sour right bitter weird ass cheese hold on you're disrespecting a whole culture right now we love lebanese yeah i gave sam some to go home well did you try it me oh i love this stuff really i used to eat it like religiously i love it what does it taste like what is it [ __ ] kind of like a yogurty i don't know it's pita bread no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's it's thick it's like cream cheese but it's super sour and just horrific it's like acidy and sour oh my god but you you it's like exactly you you dip with it right like you it's like yeah the spread the spread right so ap i gotta ask what's like an average dinner for you and you know lebanese lebanon that's what you that's why you're so skinny i was about to say how do you think it's amazing we eat out a lot but also we spend so much time at work now that we're you're not uh the freezer is freezer is dead empty except for one item what is this item that would be fish sticks yeah there you go but uh this is the one i was waiting damn bro that's rough it's clean at least it is clean thank you might as well turn it off to save some energy oh that that reminds me yes the light bulb is dead it's been dead for months and i keep forgetting to change it oat milk once again proving my theory that only psychopath thick adults drink milk sorry i love actually you know what in la in sweden i'll tell you people in sweden like almost nobody is lactose intolerant in sweden like oh you are oh well oh well [ __ ] me in there i drink it anyway because everyone like forces on me so what happens when you drink it it farts a lot you just get gassy no there there's actually like pills you can eat so i supplement my stomach with the protein needed so i can drink it so what happens if you just if you take milk is if gassy or is that like toilet just one week of hell one oh my goodness yeah so i just take a pill before each meal and uh you're good that's faked up dude yeah yeah when we didn't find any lemony out here for like a few months actually no like six months we lived out here with no lebanon and then when we found it in the grocery store lena legit like almost teared up i have a video really somewhere but i can't that's funny has the same kind of where she's looking for her i wonder who's this is uh no idea that's oliver twist this [ __ ] live streamed him jumping on the fridge cameron you're not supposed to appear in your picture yeah that kind of that kind of gives it away i didn't realize it was on the top of the refrigerator it's just kind of a goof and exactly just a little goop is this all yours because i know you're right now doing like an airbnb situation right this is all yours okay it is not all is any of it yours uh yeah i mean the middle rose kind of mind it kind of it's kind of like split up but is that your cold stone creamery i know that is not damn dude they're stocked up yo look at this what is this oh is this coffee it's probably coffee wait is this you your old place yeah this is my old place but i uh i just threw this in as a goof as as they said okay this is just a goop yeah just a little just a little goof for you well there you have it folks abey's fridge did not disappoint he abu you have like a drink fridge too right like a uh wine rack i do yeah we put water bottles in there because we keeping it hello you should uh convert your main fridge into just like a wardrobe or something yeah some extra storage that's true well thank you everyone for sharing no uh no horror stories though i don't know if that's where you're overall very impressed with clean well-organized refrigerators i think we have some well-adjusted adults here in this assuming nobody's cheated no i don't think so i don't think anyone would cheat like that refrigerator is everything refrigerator is astronomical and yet like i still open the fridge and i have no [ __ ] idea what to eat every day every day all the time i don't have that problem i open it i'm like do i look lemonade or i'm good do you get sick of it ever no never you gotta you know what bring it in so all the guys can taste it okay bring it in on friday lebanon hit me with that lemonade you got it do you like that like salty yogurt drink no um uh lena does uh lebanon what the oh my god i'm disappointing everyone right now it's a yogurt drink that looks like it would be sweet it's like lemon but it's salty i think it's called leban what are you saying love is that it no okay thank you thank you peace and love peace and love peace and love all right and you know finally we have a little bit of a update we've done content courts on both the prince family and the ace family and there was a tweet i made okay so this is fake okay fine i'll show you the tweet and it made me really interested to do a follow-up on the prince family these guys ugh my mouth ugh my thing is flipped oh so check this out cps took our kids from a seafood boiled mukbang so dan were you the one that confirmed that it was fake because i was seeing this all over reddit i didn't know if they maybe well i went to their channel and it wasn't there unless they deleted it can you show idiot i don't think we saw it there we go can you guys fact check and find out if this is real because like i totally believe that this is a real title they would use i totally believe based off of the other ones it is believable but i i searched through their channels as some of the other yeah there are some we've pulled from their channel [Laughter] cps took and i don't see anyone in the comments saying it's fake either so these this is a family the prince family who does these the most horrific click bait on their kids that i've ever seen wait so i just looked up that title and there's there's a there is a youtube video cps almost took our kids seafood boyle mukbang but it's not the prince family wait who is it kevin on stage studios is that a guy it sounds like a joke maybe i guess i found a reddit thread under that photo and uh it links a youtube video and it's it's unavailable been removed by uploader so here here here maybe they did and they deleted the story okay that video was posted two years ago they've changed the title on the thumbnail since then so but this was real oh wow so yeah this okay okay i mean i believe it like i believed it initially because like you said i mean they have other ones that are this bad if not worse so and i just couldn't find that video check in on them when i check on the prince family and the ace family and do a battle of the youtube families which one is more offensive and i feel like there's no contest here yeah it's kind of a blowout all right so looking over the prince family we've put together some of their recent thumbnail this is all stuff that you can find on their channel uh right now and bro this [ __ ] is next level disturbing so here this one is from three days ago bianca took the kids and left me please come and of course it's all clickbait right like no this shit's true yeah i miss my family clickbait you believe that [ __ ] look at this i don't know how this [ __ ] gets any views like this is the most horrific disgusting freak thumbnail i've ever seen in my life i hate this one so much it's so [ __ ] up i got infected from going out of the country yep and this is like what's that uh there's like a trick to phobia phobia yeah i have that well i didn't know i had it but i do have it now looking at this it's so [ __ ] disgusting oh god of course it's fake all fake this one is next mother loving lover preparing for a home water birth she is giving birth dude these guys are on a whole nebular level come on man um my god this is for me when it gets too much they're putting kids or their pictures of their kids yeah and i'm not the father here is a dna test with this baby dna result shows that damien is not the biological father that's fake right i mean it's all fake yeah yes she cheated on me come on man dude is clickbaiting the paternity with a picture of his actual child yeah there was a there was a birth from content court um you sent me that ab yeah it was titled her water broke right oh right oh my god this is one we reviewed on the content on the content card so they're still that gush brook oh god why by the way i've seen the water break it's not like a fl it's not like a oh it's not like a water balloon just not a pot no they're like yeah i think they were like is that water oh yeah they just spilled water right everybody watched it he literally just spilled a little water on the floor amazing and look at his hand he's like come on all over the floor i love that yeah so um and then you know cl this is unforgivable in my opinion this is like putting his kid in the thumbnail with a black eye dangerous mosquitoes we had to take him to the hospital all fake and it's like oh god i i find this to be just unforgivably disgusting this is just horrific i don't know how to put into words how disgusting this is why would you edit your child with injuries and clickbait them going to the hospitals just i need help it says that's true you do need a big lie i'm a bodybuilder now i mean this one's not that bad yeah it's just the juxtaposition of being a family channel with i suppose that's true i mean compared to this bro yeah right i don't know how you do i don't know how you sleep doing this to your kids um here he got emergency surgery please pray for us this was about his hairline surgery i believe but he looks like he has bullet rolling shots in his head god these guys are so committed to the cluck bait yeah i would say you have to respect it although i don't like the involvement of the children yeah i don't respect this look at this one she had an allergic reaction permanent damage um she's at the dentist before and after she has been on meth for 20 years i mean girl you are out of your mind put that on it on a thumbnail more trick to phobia [ __ ] oh god no it's just horrific and by the way four months ago this has four million views i don't know who would click this i mean this is this to me is click repellent like i can't stand looking at that and what's crazy is their like ratios and their comments are always great like nobody minds so this one he clickbaited okay get ready for this his dad dying the thumbnail says i don't have much time left with him with his dad face to face with my dad for the first time his dad he clickbaited his dad dying ladies and gentlemen so there's that there's that oh my god you guys they click bait their son drowning this is the second time they've done this bianca saved kiri from drowning and here's their son dying in the pool as the mom scoops him out kyrie yeah i mean 4.2 million views eight months ago i'm sorry but this is [ __ ] disgusting freak behavior bro i can't do it oh come on man come on man indeed and okay what happened to nova's face their daughter who appears to be about like three four five he says he took worms out of her [ __ ] face he took worms out of her face that's the clickbait god there's a handful of they make like her eyes bloodshot and she's crying you can't do that you guys help me daddy it says you should be so deeply ashamed of what you're doing i want [Music] shame i'm speechless shame shame this is the same one twice uh abe liked it so much you put it in twice yeah it's another look what does it mean that you put this in twice the bodybuilder one yeah baby why'd you do that uh it's distracting i don't know i got an answer i am an s man yes i couldn't have guessed watch it's just there again oh look at this man this is my favorite bianca fell off a mountain hawaii looks like she's falling into a volcano actually he's falling off a cliff uh to her definite or certain death help me i was in mordor yeah and what what actually happened in the video she probably like stubbed she would probably like stubble tripled tripped a little bit is that the same hand are they using the same png of his arm reaching out oh oh you're right you just passed it you're like no no i was looking there's the one where his where he's like come on how'd you break your water all over the floor uh i see yeah this was a last-minute suggestion i didn't actually watch this one but she's still alive so okay that's good yeah it's one of these days something tragic is gonna happen and they're gonna clickbait it like my wife died and she really died that'd be [ __ ] awesome that's crazy guys she really did fall off a cliff so wait did her daughter really lose hearing because here they click baited her with a hearing aid okay so she did have uh hearing problems in one ear that she inherited from her mother um but they made multiple videos about it and uh it's never mind i'm not i mean take it alone that wouldn't be that bad of a thing you know but in lieu of all this other clickbait i have a feeling that they are exaggerating well i don't yeah i was hesitant to say it but it does sound awfully like the plot of creed 2 where the bundler has a hearing problem and gives birth to a child with a hearing problem the mother feels horrible about yeah i don't think this one feels bad about anything maybe the the baby tested positive for something called cmv which um affected their hearing okay so this one's fine there's some legitimacy today yeah fair enough i mean i wouldn't be surprised if they just made this [ __ ] up though arya aliyah lost her hearing she's just fine it'd be like it'd just be her being like oh yeah and she didn't answer her right away pretty much i mean they're like it's weird the way they're the baby's like dead asleep and she's like crying holding the baby in the beginning of the video and i don't know it's just these people are no shame man and then of course we go back to where we started which is maybe the best thumbnail title i've ever seen in youtube history cps took our kids from us seafood boiled mukbang heartbreak heartbreaking emoji i love the juxtaposition of cps took our kids plus seafood still blown away that that's real goodbye dinner well hey at least now we got more we got more money for mook bangs i mean kids eat a lot so more for us there you go yo when cps takes your kids every meal is a mukbang in a way until you get through all the gerber you make with the dinner for four or five i don't know clear out the pantry of all that gerber you got stocked up yeah should i just say before the comment warriors come at us that i i know cmv can potentially be serious it could lead to serious diseases and disorders but way too late for that dude i'm just saying the fact that they're broadcasting in the way that they're doing it is so distasteful i wouldn't have included these two to be honest with you i guess when you see the video it yeah like i said those are standalone things not not a big deal but especially compared to the consideration of all this other [ __ ] right totally understand why you included it right i think you're fine shame shame give me a really good i mean they click baited their their their child drowning bro i mean yeah exactly you know what i mean like uh i mean every week it's something our secret daughter's the episode one of their videos the name of one of their videos our secret daughter oh really yeah and what's the res and what's the truth behind it i didn't watch that one there's too many there's way there's here let me go to their channel actually let's just get a a free flow of ace family or no here's a little background actually um the prince family's head writer uh for their channel oh is that j station that it sure is yeah keeping it on that makes sense actually yeah my dream car got repossessed sonic.exe guys [Laughter] um damn they get hella views yeah they get hella views it's awesome she got really sick in hawaii my real dad versus my stepdad fight kinda epic [Music] what the frick what the freak shout out to j station now a virulent anti-vaxxer by the way sonic.ex he's going for that bandsaw yeah it's hard to see they have so much content it's hard to pick out the really horrific i think you you grab the good ones yeah i mean some are just gross but you know the further back you go it's like i feel like the worse it gets too please no more small holes the small holes oh we moved out of state our kids can't come home that's a good one new house tour we moved out of state our kids can't come home that sounds tragic let's watch what the first moment's like as a side note bianca was uh banned from tick-tock really yeah she said people just keep reporting her videos but from what i saw all she was doing was dancing but was she thirst trapping i guess you could say that i think because you have to be pretty obscene on tick tock to get banned i feel like for thirst trapping yeah i maybe they just didn't like her voice because she did do the bianca thing here they clickbait their house burning down their house burning down pray for the prince family their house burned down because you're not sure exactly where it's coming from okay that puts these pipes on that pipe is our burst so we can't why does the sauce feel fake so we can't put a super glue on it bro oh there's a water leak there's a [ __ ] water leak and they clickbaited their house burning down you guys it's the opposite of their house burning down really hang on i can actually close the window oh god i'm actually enjoying looking through these thumbnails man these are pretty amazing oh we got our tick tock yeah i want to see what kind of love says she's not banned uh she was man they made a video about it too oh well surprise surprise oh you got clickbaited baby yeah yeah you got got bro you got a lot of views on tick tock she got you i can't believe you fell for that what the freak no i told you i swear the page i was looking at wasn't there staring at another girl's ass oh she's doing the cheating the cheating other girls bikini posts having a girl best friend keeping other girls nudes flirting with other girls hanging out with another girl one-on-one constantly texting other girls calls other girls pretty is friends with someone who likes him goes to a party without saying anything to you having a fortnight duo partner being a girl cheating cheating you're not cheating she said not on that one she seemed you know her answers were pretty fair fortnite she secure uh let's see here we've got she can hear shocking yeah oh my god this thumbnail bro that thumbnail [Laughter] um she's drowning we're going broke the truth the truth and it's her his daughter going dead dad are we broke daddy yes baby we're not gonna be able to eat anymore yeah this [ __ ] is shameless freak behavior love me daddy so anyway that that's what the prince family is up to nothing's changed over there by the look of it not really ace family i'll be honest their channel's pretty clean like at face value right i mean here let's go over to their thumbnails yeah i tried to you know find something equivalent to this over there and they're they're a lot more respectable obviously austin there's no my daughter drowned or exactly my my wife fell off a cliff for real into a volcano like that but there is some really funny stuff going on with his wife who uh announced that she is making her own channel so for anyone interested in catherine mcbroom's new channel here's some of the topics you guys ready for this [Music] she's got god purpose third eye okay right ancestors trauma and then well if you go down a little bit here's my favorite quantum physics you guys [Laughter] she's going to be talking about quantum physics yeah that's one small stance for third eye and quantum physics absolutely sleep paralysis manifestation ayahuasca really oh [ __ ] really yeah those [ __ ] get up to ayahuasca over there at the ace family thanks and wild out oracle oracle deck haul um yeah i appreciate someone that could skip from clothing halls to uh astrophysics though here's what's her what's her knowledge base there what what does she think about the the the dark matter problem you know what's what's her thoughts on dark thoughts on black holes huh i think she's gonna be in the spider-verse movie pretty sure i'm pretty sure she i'm pretty sure um she's in close proximity to a black hole in austin's chest so black hole saying he has no heart he has a black hole i think that's what she meant by yeah astrophysics quantum physics actually excuse me yeah we're talking the realm of the of the small here ethan yeah here's some yeah i mean they click-baited them breaking up you know it's really not the same level so i would say in the battle of the families yeah i mean that's vanilla compared to what we were just looking at 100 without a doubt the worst and most shameless click baiting i've ever seen all my time on youtube goes without a doubt to the prince family so in celebration can i get zach to just give us one real good long it's your girl bianca here we go in celebration let's go what you got for me for those that don't know this is what um she says at the beginning of all the ace family you guys are the prince prince family friends friends family guys ready the mongolian throat singer how she rotates wow wow give it up give it up for bianca [Laughter] it's like a modern day here's johnny yeah well after we did that content chord i was i was doing that for a long time yeah there's a there's an ancient technique called the mongolian throat singers they can breathe in while they exhale well she can do it too yeah that's what i'm saying oh there she goes we had somebody call in once who knew how to do it right yeah he taught me how to do it here yeah dude that's what the horns on judgement day are going to sound like bianca [Music] no oh bianca what's happening she's got a little laryngitis yeah all right well oh real quick um yeah it looks like we have the debut of katherine mcbroom's channel and apparently she's actually taking on the role of doctor strange in the multiverse ace family oh because she's quantum she's she's she's in the realm now well if you combine the third eye with quantum physics right i think you get the doctor uh uh mcbroom this is the first time for me in the marvel universe now cam i have to say um i believe it is ant-man that actually has the quantum powers not uh doctor strange so if you could take this back to the drawing board and um give us a revision here thank you well yeah i'm not gonna debate on that yes ant-man travels to the quantum realm i think dr strange also can access the quantum realm i mean it's presumptuous for you to assume no he deals more in alternative spaces alternate dimensions he can hop dimensions but the quantum realm is the real dimension it's not a dimension it's it's the the realm of the tiny of the very small doctor strange can [ __ ] with the quantum [ __ ] bro can somebody you know what i know there's a story i know there's a cross i don't even like the marvel the marvel stuff i don't know why i'm arguing can dr strange reach the quantum realm let's see what google has to say oh uh as mordo explained to doctor strange when he was training him in the use of the sling ring they allow us to travel through the multiverse doctor strange should be able to enter the quantum realm itself by use of the sling ring so really is that the the sling ring it's part of the lore baby how dare you the marvel you know this is the first time for me in the quantum realm in the marvel universe we all got we all got our otter pops yeah found out we had some in the freezer kind of awesome time to uh sign off here yep i'm so sad that our [ __ ] h3 tv is still down i mean like this is just it's outrageous injustice on a whole new level an outrage should we talk about joe rogan getting horse d-warmer or save that let's save it some breaking news while we're recording this episode is that joe rogan has announced that he has coveted and that he is he took horse team warmer well he said he took ivermectrin or whatever which i'm not a doctor [ __ ] [ __ ] that's what horses take when they have worms there is a human there is a human version of it joe rogan took it to kyra's kovit guys how much do you take of that about enough to kill a elephant five percent means everything oh he took it took five five percent of the two five percent if he took to five percent of enough to kill an elephant then he'd be fine five percent difference is astronomical he takes that five percent he takes that five percent all right guys that's enough for today i'm really represent baby then all right um we will be back on friday baby and then [ __ ] yeah next week guys i can't emphasize this enough four episodes also you told me that you would like to start doing h3tv on tuesday instead of monday because we can never stick to anything i didn't say that yes you did you told me that you would you thinking we should do it on tuesday allow me to clarify okay he said just this upcoming week because of labor day correct that is oh maybe i misinterpreted it that's gonna be nice if we had a three-day weekend oh wow i didn't realize it was labor day what kind of socialist am i that doesn't know labor day seriously pathetic fake ass socialist [ __ ] faker no but i also think like eventually once we get the fourth show nailed down it'd be cool if we did h3 tv on monday and tuesday and then we'd be at the golden five episode five episodes a week ethan putin he's been asking me to do that for like three years now yeah it's been a slow steady climb so i think once we get comfortable with four we can we can go up to the the coveted five let's go yeah let's go dan good luck exactly i'm so pissed i'm so you guys don't understand how [ __ ] annoying this is for me yeah it's just it's injustice i'm livid because you said some really nice things about me during that episode i wanted to go home and re-watch it at night you know and download it and just listen to it and i couldn't it's gone that's a shame probably never say another nice word yeah that was it it may be the one and only that's all you get you'll ever hear something nice for me god damn it what do you guys think about this look for me should i just keep rocking the chain in the yellow glass lucky you look like ll uh cool j look cool i look cool jay yeah yeah hello in the 80s rocked the big gold chains right that's like more like mr t that's cool too you look like l.l gj [Music] i bask in the laughter got him all right let's sign off okay oh one quick um yeah so just a quick reminder that triller is a one i gave trailer one star here we go and um you can too share your experiences if you download the app and give an honest view of your experience yeah yo trailer my thing's flipped it's so flipped all right guys thank you so much thank you thank you peace and love will see you on friday [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,213,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails
Id: ZxzPBgRuPuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 23sec (6563 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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