Finally Releasing The DMs - Off The Rails #11

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Lol all the people asking ethan for a job now.

I have a feeling this is going to be a new thing.

👍︎︎ 430 👤︎︎ u/55ozFrog 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

The statement triller asked them to read omg. I almost can’t believe it’s real!!

Around 45 mins in.

👍︎︎ 274 👤︎︎ u/XavTheMod 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm gunna cum

👍︎︎ 113 👤︎︎ u/GurlinPanteez 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

That Instagram DM from Ryan was so hilarious wtf lmaoooo

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/-Strawberries- 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

Bruh AB’s cursed tik tok lmfao, how embarrassing lmao

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/Delinquent_ 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is such a great episode. With all the court information. Their demands are insane.

Also, the "HUH" sound bite is the best new one in awhile

Also, Love's Tik Toks were getting good toward the end. I wanted to see a little more actually! The only other answer is maybe the wifi or where it was connected, etc causes different videos. Who knows

I think they should settle the whole debate and make accounts on desktop. Use them all on desktop only. Include Olivia. There, another segment. (Also Olivia has some great lines. Great addition)

I know this is unintentional, but at the very end of the podcast, it looks like Ethan is doing a Nazi salute, realizes what it looks like, and turns it into a quickly improvised salute

👍︎︎ 164 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love that his lawyers called kav-kav ugly in the anti-slapp filing.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/BD15 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I absolutely understand the desire to settle but I'm happy it's not settled now. I hope ethan and hila can not get too much hassle with this bullshit.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/BD15 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

A BUWLK HUH???!!!!

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/atomobot 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
off the rails today's a great app oh no oh oh it's the wally express oh what a nightmare we are truly off the rails today boys having vietnam flashbacks thousand mile stare [Music] uh today is off the rails baby sponsored by policy genius curology and kraken lots of good stuff today today is the day of lots of good stuff thank you thank you today we are competing to see who has the most cursed tick tock page good morning my queens of tick-tock above 18. love 18. oh no important asterisks so what happened was ian gave us all a fresh login and we have been dedicated this past week to scrolling and liking to get the most cursed possible tick tock page with a fresh account so we'll get into that later i'm pretty excited though um but at the top of the show we've got plenty to get to for example did you guys know you guys remember gal gadot's imagine with all the celebs that everyone hated she was trying to what she was trying to fix covet or something and she got all the celebs to sing imagine it was and it clearly worked yeah well we're outta kovit yep as you can tell so somebody mysterious put together they got all these the usual suspects to recreate gaga notes imagine using h3 cameos and you guys had did you guys have any idea that this was going on by the way i am not associated with this at all so i initially uh declined the request and then he told me that i was the only one that declined so uh interesting i didn't want to be above scale so i ended up doing it for him now what was your reasoning for declining because i can't sing oh interesting wow i uh i had no clue to be honest yeah you can tell watching zack zack's was just super into it it's like yeah he's played this song i'll [ __ ] play this song well you get you get song requests all the time that's like par for the course for you right right yes but ian you got roped in my parents obviously i don't think they know any i don't think they know what's going on ian did you know no i i mean it was a little weird because he said sing up to this point specifically and i i didn't do that right you took the money though i did the intro i i pulled up the uh word for word uh preamble and i just said that instead by the way um i noticed you have the uh wings behind you ian that's very beautiful and angelic of you i thought to spruce it up yeah it's nice well here it is um apparently he spent what like uh 315 bucks to make this so there you go money well spent hey guys day six in self quarantine and i gotta say that these past few years [Music] yeah so philosophical he ended so well imitating spirus has affected the entire world it's hard to believe everyone doesn't matter who you are where you're from we're all in this together and i saw this video of this italian guy playing trumpet on his balcony to all the other ones everyone was locked down and broke and starving were locked inside their homes and he was playing imagine and there was something so powerful and pure about this video wow and it goes like this wait are we gonna get a claim for this [ __ ] bro i don't know it's that good it's gonna cost me a lot more than 315 dollars if we get claimed those vocals are stellar dude i'll once it gets to my part yeah let me just give you that oh gee sorry zack you're too good at it bubba's only [Music] nothing to kill or no it's short i think it's very short if you just bro that's the beatles don't [ __ ] around with that [ __ ] true that is just john lennon i'm not fine sorry i i misspoke living life and peace you tried to sucker me into the song but guess what i'm not gonna do it joker brain baby wait gal did gal gadot say that i don't remember that part of the original brain [Music] zach i'm sorry i used your catchphrase i apologize why don't you owe him royalties for that one dude zack stop with the sinking so good you're gonna get my ass slammed right take it as a compliment yeah take it as a compliment here i am excited about it gabe stole the show but i'm not the only one [ __ ] [Music] [Music] so michael i hope you enjoyed that thanks zach i really did enjoy it oh there's out there there's somebody else on the street crew who made cameos i know it was a bit of a weird request but mama mia was that a spicy video also i just want to say thank you to a street crew for everything you do um i tune in every single week and it's the highlight of my week every single time so thanks bro thanks for what you do and if you're looking for somebody who's good behind the camera oh [ __ ] it's just turning into another work for higher pitch [ __ ] you know they keep anybody else feeling horny right now [Music] oh right this was the original that inspired gal right right right okay well shout out to a filmmaker podcast for that one a high budget production well done yeah sorry we had to skip you zack but we know you sing and play beautifully well thank you i i do take it as a compliment are my parents available for this story um yeah i think so they are how many to get them on because so you know i it occurred to me actually let me show this let me set him up with this i saw this tweet of this new amazon factory in tijuana which is so dystopian and disturbing but here it is but of all these 10 episodes of families we did it reminded me of one of my best dad stories i've ever i've ever had and i never actually told it i forgot about it so this is um a beautiful brand new amazon factory that's in the slums of tijuana and it's just looks so [ __ ] up it's just a it's a warehouse not a factory they just okay yeah a warehouse right but they ship and fulfill there right from what i understand what they're actually doing there is circumventing trump's tariffs from china so amazon's having all their ship from china shipped to this place in tijuana because it's only 20 minutes from the border they disassemble stuff there and then put it in a truck and drive it across the border to where it's not taxed for tariff and then sell it in america it's the middle man it's the middle man yo jeff bezos is such an evil [ __ ] sick [ __ ] god what is wrong with that man i was looking up how i know that like obviously the wages in mexico are obviously considerably lower but i think like the average i don't know bro he's pa he's paying like a dollar 25 which i know is above the mexican minimum wage but i was reading like the average salary there is like you know thirteen hundred dollars a month and this is approximately like a hundred and sixty dollars a month so oh yes but maybe it's good jobs for i mean these people are not living very well that's for sure around there hell yes but you know it's gonna be so dystopian they're gonna have like barbed wire fences will probably have armed guards to keep the beef the slum people out it's gonna be so [ __ ] there bro hell this one just pay this this might be the uh the employees living in the slums that might just be who works there no for sure it will be yeah yeah for sure it will be uh your mom's uh on the line would you like me to bring her in for this story yeah okay but do you what do you think like obviously it's gonna give these people like i guess decent jobs so what what's globalization how did you rate that globalization effort on amazon square well i mean like i said i mean this is all motivated by um you know tax codes and loopholes and stuff that um that exist that have existed since nafta came into place before amazon even existed they're they're you know this is just how it works hello yes it's quote unquote smart business it'll probably help these people living here though right man i mean i guess it gives jobs but apparently the you know like all amazon uh warehouses the conditions not the best and enforced overtime and all all that kind of good stuff which we have here we're exporting we're this is our our best export here in america is um uh over exploiting laborers hell yes oh yes well i'm assuming the labor laws in mexico are probably not that progressive either but i don't know that for sure but something tells me they can do whatever they want with these people short of oh look who it is the celebrities here they are mom and dad the the don arc how you guys doing good good we just came back from the movies yeah what'd you guys see we went we we saw it was a marvel movie and the ten rings was it good it was really good and you know and you know what the girl the concession stand knew who we were so she gave us a lot of pop oh damn perks baby wow family's fur wow [Applause] so i wanted to tell a story i saw this picture in am of that new amazon uh warehouse in tijuana and it reminded me of my favorite story about dad that i never i forgot to tell when we were on families so i'm going to tell that story now and i thought you maybe dad you should be here to defend yourself at the very least all right another chance for uh total humiliation online okay go for it hey listen this is it is what it is i'm airing my trauma this is how i cope and this is the price you uh pay for that free popcorn that's how it works yeah exactly you can't be like oh free popcorn and then oh don't talk about how i traumatized you first of all we paid for yeah we did pay for the problem tom just thinks she got extra she well i thought she was very generous well okay so that's not really maybe why don't you remember you really get a lot of pop you just topped it off don't say their name i was gonna say give her tell her name so she can get fired yeah exactly no we paid we paid for popcorn oh okay all right do you know where she lives no the employee did nothing wrong she was very nice she was a doll she was a very sweet girl she's gonna get fired and she's gonna write us and hold us responsible we paid for the popcorn they're gonna check the receipts now we're gonna check the camera all right so here's the story me and my family i think this was probably in high school right uh we went on a family trip to puerto vallarta we probably had like three days there fun right relaxing good times not a lot of time three days now in puerto vallarta there is basically like the beach resort area and then there's the town where there's kind of like the lo more locals but it's it's still touristy there's like nice restaurants and stuff it's probably like a 20-minute drive so my dad thought to himself we're staying in the resort and he stinks to himself what a great idea would it be to instead of paying a taxi which would cost like ten dollars to buy public bus tickets and pay like 10 cents or something probably right it wasn't the money it was the experience of being with the real people in mexico that is such a lie it was 100 the money was not but go ahead okay that's such a lie like okay so we're on vacation we have limited time and my dad forces the whole family onto a bus for 10 cents and he goes we'll just take the bus and we'll go to the place and get off there obviously we're the only white people we're all the only oh well not white but american we're non-mexican people on the bus because who who who on vacation wants to take first of all a bus to save ten dollars well we get on the we got on a bus and it's driving and it's driving it's been like hours hours do you understand what i'm saying this is a 10-minute drive it starts veering off way off course and we end up like in the absolute outskirts of puerto vallarta and this it looked identical to this neighborhood it started to look like this the roads were dirt it was all huts it was very like third worldy was actually shocking i never seen conditions like that so it was interesting in that regard but it's a little scary because we're very out of place yeah and um but beyond that we were on the bus now for like three hours we're in the middle of this like oh it was the whole day we were all freaking out maybe 25 minutes oh my god we were freaking out we're like where are we we don't know what we're doing and then the bus driver says this is the end of the line in this neighborhood and then we go and then you say well can you take us back right so he takes us back to the bus stop back at the beginning and we're all so miserable we're screaming at my dad we feel unsafe and my dad just locked dad you know how you just lock up and sit there like this and we're like dude what is going like you're doing now i don't know what you're talking and we're all just like what the [ __ ] how did you make us do this is horrible wasting our whole one of our three days all just on a bus going nowhere and we get off and then finally we take a taxi back to the um the main place but we spent like the whole day just on a public bus while on vacation so that's the story and it was uh traumatic and uh horrible do you remember ethan when we went to san francisco and dad was so sure that we were going in the right direction we ended up going up around and around and around and up the hills and it was hot dad has a tendency to this is the way we need to go and you know i don't remember that you remember going to san francisco with us i don't know where were we we were climbing up hills and we were lost maybe that wasn't regarded so what do you say dad about this experience have i re-told it correctly mom dad anything you want to add no that sounds pretty much yeah although you made a comment about the people that were local i think we we were living in mexico already at this point and i think we drove from akihi to puerto vallarta we were visiting yeah we were definitely visiting we we did not walk there yet was this the trip sean wrecked his arm or was that it no this is a different trip this is a different trip you're digressing dad all right get out of here you guys enjoy your free popcorn all right thanks sam thank you for coming for your job stephen murphy it was really good it was a good movie okay thank you so bye bye thanks guys out all right the next part i'm going to blast through this but sam has been absolutely obsessed sam you better come defend this because i have a hard time believing this is going to be good stand up sam it's taco bell you know all the fried chicken sandwich crazes so taco bell's like all right let's get in on this and they have released a fried chicken taco um that looks horrid let's be honest oh and then where's the picture you sent sam uh you sent a are ian you sent a funny photo oh i got it yeah pulled that chicken all right yeah you're getting it and then do you have a picture of sam sleeping with her like she's like that's what i thought you were talking about she's literally passing out with fried chicken sandwiches in her hands you love this sandwich sam don't you it is so good you could say that oh my god bro what happened here this is real it was so late last night and i was so tired but i was starving and i had just gotten home from watching bachelor in paradise and i was like i was like me oh my god awesome did you ever wake up and finish it or did it i did yeah i woke up and i finished it good good good you did okay that's good so like it looks just horrid i mean and it's like a pita i mean look at this chicken wednesday maybe it's five hours old i was about to say we we yeah reiterated that this is five years old i warmed mine up okay i won't help you i don't know if that's gonna help [ __ ] wednesday night baby [ __ ] fried chicken how much this costs they are i think two dollars you can get two for four that's a pretty good deal scary cheap bro okay but how is it [Music] here we go he's calculating it's going for a second bite that's what it's supposed to look like there you go i mean it doesn't look that far off to be honest it looks a little shittier here was the other picture [Laughter] nasty it's five hours old [Music] tastes great really it's great yeah i like it huh nice you were very active you were really unimpressed with the last one that we got where was that that we recently did oh was it pop pop eyes right yeah yeah you were not happy about that one oh i guess it was the nuggets wasn't it how does this stack up against the regulars chick-fil-a popeyes i don't know i mean it's it's a completely different setup i don't i'm not super the popeyes one is okay i like this one because the bread is thin so i like that there's more focus on the chicken so how often do you eat fried chicken sam i feel like everyone thinks i eat it so often i really don't you really do oh what yeah like you were eating it for breakfast like you love fried chicken more than anything anyone i've ever met maybe except for gabe right i don't know i mean i've had these i think this is the third time this week honestly i'm ashamed to admit that a lot you go spicy or regular i really love the spicy chicken sandwich from chick-fil-a but everywhere else i usually get regular sam got me addicted to chick-fil-a for a few weeks me and lena were going like every day because we were having in the office it's just it's too good homophobic shit's addicting dude definitely like the spicy one better i feel like the bread's kind of pointless it's just like a pita bread the best chicken wednesday baby diarrhea for sure shout out to five hour old chicken okay it's not bad no my [ __ ] this fruit flies all over this [ __ ] right now oh [ __ ] all right great fantastic nailed it i gotta be honest i don't know what taco bell is doing making fried chicken though seems weird like who are they they could talk are they taco bell's a wild card they can they can do whatever they want did you see there's like a big chicken shortage because of all this chicken sandwich craze yeah there's an article in the daca chicken shortage oh whoops because everybody is everyone's getting in on the chicken war [ __ ] fried chicken poor chickens man there's like a billions of chickens that die every year it's like a full one day ago kfc is not advertising its finger licking good chicken tenders due to supply shortage look at that poultry shortage he's right eating all the [ __ ] chickens poor little chickies dude chicken is so good you know the ones from costco you know they got the best deal in town with the rotisserie does that scare you though that you can go to costco buy a whole chicken's life this chicken lived and died for 4.99 tastes so [ __ ] good 4.99 that's all the chicken's life's worth wait really five bucks for an entire drink that's the costco motto because they want you to buy more [ __ ] and they put the chickens in the back of the store this chicken lived and died for zach but have are you know are you gonna say that chicken's not good i mean it's fine it's good chicken yeah it's fine fantastic [ __ ] chicken 4.99 bro i'm okay with it it's disturbing 199 to to become this yeah i know it's just everything yeah somebody grew those jalapenos somebody made the pita like there's a lot going on shipping there's like [ __ ] the shipping all over the country people have to assemble it right you have to grow the chicken you have the bread like so many steps they've assembled they have to package it they have to do all these things they have to build a whole [ __ ] building and they're selling this [ __ ] for 199. make that make sense to me i'm not in the wrong though because like i'm paying a little more for the rotisserie though bro you're paying five dollars for like 20 times like a hundred times more chicken yeah dude and it tastes better in my opinion no i'm not blaming you a lot of people love the chicken i just find the whole thing disturbing okay fair enough zach how would you feel if you got killed and someone ate you for five bucks i mean you're dead you're dead you know but five bucks wouldn't you want to be worth a little more yeah but i'm not a [ __ ] chicken yeah yeah good point clock clock [ __ ] those are good i could eat more of those bring them out bring out the spices and they're coming you don't have to pause the show for that all right let's move on as we eat the spices yeah oh my god it's like a it's like a party back here pass out the spices boys yeah you're in the spices come on now shredder wants a spicy yeah come on bring it okay hey don't be cheap with me don't be stingy yeehaw dan come on break your vegan [ __ ] it i'll try it not happening i'll take one god bless you love get one you ship it to sweden like three day three day shipping it'll still be good it'll be about as diseased as it is right now wow there's enough conservatives in there that's fine preservatives but yes you're probably right okay and now we're gonna be talking about my boy my favorite public figure you know him you love him it's harvey weinstein oh i mean no not harvey it's uh ryan kavanagh oh wait is that ryan or is that right at this point i figured you would be able to tell the difference they don't look don't okay so i think i think this is ryan and you're learning okay so that's right kavanaugh he's the majority owner of triller the company that's suing me and today i'm happy to announce that we have filed our motion to dismiss let's file our our uh anti-slap we are coming we are coming against yes and we are about to make another fair use precedent on matt haas 2.0 the next uh boss fight of my career so excited you know before we get into the motion which leonard french who's a copyright attorney on youtube i'll say this um let me just tell you about how beautiful this motion is now this is leonard french a copyright attorney he did a lot of videos about our previous lawsuit listen to what he had the first fair use factor the central purpose of the first fair use factor is to see whether and to what extent the new work is transformative a use is transformative when it adds something new further purpose different character altering the copyrighted work with new expression meaning or message ninth circuit has also explained that if the allegedly infringed work is used as raw material transformed in the creation of new information new aesthetics new insights understandings this is the very type of activity that the fair use doctrine intends to protect for the enrichment of society moreover the more transformative the work the less the significance of the other fair use factors like commercialism that may weigh against the finding of fair use it is well established that among the best recognized justifications for copying from another's work is to provide comment or criticism of it and they go on to cite the matthoss case which is just this is poetry at this point indeed the supreme court concurs in google a subsequent work is transformative because it comments on the original or criticizes it in campbell versus a cuff rose music comment and criticism traditionally have had a claim to fair use protection as transformative works for copyright geeks this is a wet dream this is this is a beautifully written motion to dismiss and i i'm as proud of it as i'm allowed to be without sounding condescending because i have nothing i look up to this i aspire to this level of clarity in my law practice the guy loves it and by the way matt uh the hussein zada is the case our first fair use lawsuit that made a case law or precedent and so we cite it many times in this motion which as he says is poetry listen to how he talks about this in the beginning obviously the motion is very long and legal and stuff there's a lot more interesting stuff in the anti-slap which i'm going to show you guys and this is all very entertaining i promise but just to show you what a beautiful piece of literature of law we've written here are we live listen to this man live i'm green up there and we now have a live connection here hello everyone welcome good afternoon good evening good night good morning i'm leonard french your favorite copyright attorney but you you could be forgiven after this story if you want to add a plus one to your favorite copyright attorneys because the kleins have hired an attorney in california who has filed this epic absolutely epic motion to dismiss really quick just a quick summary of what eve listen to this he loves it i do and i saw when i watch this he goes on to explain that he is actually opposing counsel to your lawyer in a totally unrelated case and despite that in a very uh classy way um says that he's so impressed by this and that your lawyers did an amazing job yeah my lawyers are the brick greatest i love them this is the same guy the same guy who worked on my um matt haas right and i and you know when i first got sued i was like the boys are back let's get the team back together is the lawyer who i work closely with who wrote the debrief for the last one and i was like i need like he just he is so good at this [ __ ] and uh he has delivered yet again wow no so i know that there's a lot to dig in here too so before we go too deep uh we should take our break okay we'll take a break but before we do i want to tease you ryan cavanaugh sent me a dm on [ __ ] instagram it's absolutely you may have noticed this on the wall behind ethan oh yeah uh other side yeah we framed his dm to me but we'll we'll explain this when we come back from our quick commercial break thank you peace and love time to take a short break thank you rudy guys if you've been opting out of skincare i get it i've pretty much my whole life not done the whole skincare thing but since i started using curology and i did the whole thing where i take the survey i send the pictures i get the dermatology recommended formula i've got a routine and my skin feels fantastic it starts they sent me three products they sent me the cleanser which is super light doesn't like destroy my skin or take all the oils off and make it feel super dry and then the second one is the formula that a dermatologist puts together special especially for your skin based on the photos and the survey you give them and then third is the moisturizer bam i do that every night and my skin feels like exfoliated it's glowing it's not oily and i feel like there's certain parts that are really 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shipping and handling that's c-u-r-o-l-o-g-y dot com h3 to unlock your free 30-day trial please refer to our medical team uh that is a note for me and not for you guys to hear thank you that's the sound of our most beautiful sponsor kraken friend of the show trusted partners we love the kraken if you're looking to get into crypto it's our boy jesse powell hey guys if you're interested investing in cryptocurrencies but aren't sure where to get started check out the kraken app with kraken you can buy and sell over 50 of the most popular cryptos like bitcoin dogecoin and ethereum on the go 24 7. it's super easy to get started just download the app create your account and you'll be investing in minutes my dudes one of the coolest things about buying crypto through kraken is that you don't need a lot of money to try it out so even if bitcoin is worth like 40 000 you can buy in with as little as 10 bucks with kraken just to get your feet wet [Music] find out yourself why kraken has been one 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in there but anyway on on july 11th we didn't ever even see this and abe you alerted me to this tell me how you found how you we figured this out so occasionally i'll check the podcast dms uh to see if we have any message requests of potential guests or interesting stories any any juice and i was scrolling through um and i saw a message like from back in july from ryan cavanaugh i sent it to you at 4 am and said i suggest you check your dm request as well so he had emailed us every page of the lawsuit i was like okay so i went back and checked my personal messages and uh he also messaged me every page of the lawsuit and i was like hmm i didn't see it at first i thought it was the same thing but i went up all the way and i was like holy [ __ ] ryan sent me a direct message on july 11th listen to this ship ethan i am not sure why you have decided to take it upon yourself and your show to malign attack slander and defame me i do not know you i also don't know why you are spending thousands i dollars to have thousands of dummy accounts post fake statements about me on my instagram and tens of thousands to have fake app store reviews of triller worst yet you have dedicated and entire show of yours reading your own fake reviews while amusing and slightly annoying at best i would advise you stop and mitigate your damage now your toy podcast seems fun and all but this is real business with real consequences and you are causing real damage clearly you are a very unhappy and disturbed human to take it upon yourself to attack someone you don't know with false and misleading information especially to spend tens of thousands of dollars on it but it must stop you have been warned and i will not be threatened and maligned and stand by idly govern yourself accordingly sir right cavanaugh this dude really thinks he's like a movie super villain he thinks he's don corleone seriously bro you ain't do you ain't [ __ ] bro you just don't you're just like a professional bankrupter i mean i'm assuming he really thought he would scare me yeah maybe if he had somebody proofread it a little bit yeah all that all the typos and grammatical errors kind of takes the window to the sales a little bit like oh yeah ryan that's really good it could have been written by keem from by keemstar and i would have uh not blinked i love that he thinks that you're spending tens of thousands of dollars to malign him on the app store and stuff yeah we got to break this down a little bit let's see and it was used in a book huh [Applause] let's see he accused me of spending thousands of dollars to post dummy accounts fake statements about me on instagram and i'm sorry dude like that [ __ ] was free this i didn't i'm not doing anything what are you talking about i mean i have a pot i have i have huh i'm sorry that sounds to me like slander what [ __ ] proof do you have huh i have hired and by the way self-report you seem to know a lot about hiring and the cost of having fake dummy accounts mr ryan bitch-ass kavanaugh indeed indeed which maybe will reveal some more information about that we may we may have some information about that actually but maybe we have enough to talk about today already so projection and confession i have never hired a single dummy account i am a dummy and i left a review so i am i guess there's one dummy account me yep but i'm sorry if people don't like your app those aren't fake statements bro your app sucks it's flipped your own guy said it because you're reading your own fake reviews okay sick weirdo i would never do that ugh it's all flipped and then he says clearly i'm a very unhappy and disturbed human excuse me huh i don't have two dui's and uh i am not being sued by my nanny and i have never lied under oath [ __ ] ass what's this headline here deadline relativity fabricated memo claiming sexual harassment against former co-president adam fields judge awards 8.4 million what was the name on that edited uh that forged memo who was it last edited by cav fraud well john cav jaw rule would call it that we're not making a judgment statement rule calls it fraud yeah that's raw that's fraud john rule knows a lot about the topic john roll doesn't speak for us of course jarrow speaks for himself and his views do not uh represent that of the h3 podcast uh you have been warned sir threat govern yourself accordingly well i did and i said [ __ ] you sue me [ __ ] you are nothing to me except the giant douche trying to censor my free speech you should govern yourself accordingly douche [ __ ] like i'm sorry the guy doesn't know anything this was a comment under leonard french's uh video that i thought was pretty was pretty good um here this was two comments back to back in his in his chat it said h3 and their lawyers just casually reminding the world that they literally set the modern precedent for fair use yeah i think you should do a little [ __ ] research we'll try to bully people douche of all people why would they go after someone who defined copyright law of reaction videos good question they're happy to do it again they probably just didn't know like what they were stepping into they didn't they didn't do their research on you look back then i was broke now i'm [ __ ] rich let's be honest yeah the costs of this lawsuit you literally have [ __ ] you money and you're using it yeah well and even i'm happy to send that precedent so yeah [ __ ] you i mean at this point with the way the trailer's hemorrhaging money i might even be richer than ryan cavanaugh i definitely will be by the time trailer goes bankrupt so anyway oh there's some other great ones uh this is stuff i've been waiting to show and now that everything's filed i can show it look at this now when they first started threatening us and stuff they asked for a million dollars they said that uh we had caused 50 million damages and all this insane [ __ ] so we in an act of absolute generosity magnanimously to just make this go away to not have stress to be you know make every uh fair u a a good faith effort to resolve this effort amicably instead of having to waste a judge in court's time we offered him 25 000 not a small amount of money no and so it's probably like half of his net worth yeah at this point for sure and so you know i didn't even want to do that but uh i think we considered with our lawyers and everything we're like this would better we'd be happier for this just to go away you know either was he was pregnant and there's just a lot of we're like okay of course it sucks but yeah i mean it's easier than doing a lawsuit for me i was always very gung-ho like okay i'm not going to be silenced this is fair [ __ ] use [ __ ] like i just i'm ready to go dude when it comes to this [ __ ] uh but anyway so we offered that in good faith and they countered with they said no we need 900 dollars and they needed us to make the following statement you ready they wanted me to say this publicly so i guess i am doing that for them but here it is verbatim we are pleased to announce that we have reached a settlement with trailer fight club as a result of us pirating the event triller surprisingly has embedded watermark technology unlike anything we've seen to date we had to pay millions to settle in order to avoid 50 million or more in potential liability we encourage anyone who pirated the event to take triller's amnesty offer very seriously and pay the fifty dollars before what happens to us happens to you triller is incredibly serious about this and we do believe they will find most if not all people who pirated this is so [ __ ] unhinged this is one of the craziest things i've ever seen they so like not only not only 900 000 but they also wanted me to read this hack [ __ ] insane to lie for them so basically lying about how much i paid them yes lying that people are that they're hunting everyone down right um this is insane oh surprising watermark technology shut the [ __ ] up unlike anything you've ever seen before can you imagine imagine ethan reading that unironically like just try to imagine evil it just goes with the touch they are they didn't know who they were they didn't to be honest yeah so this is kavkav coming after me so basically at one point we said you know what uh [ __ ] this it's so nice that we can finally reveal this because i feel like there's an uh a small but significant proportion of the audience that has questioned whether you know you were maybe being a little petty with the way that you were dealing with and everything and now that this is out like people in in plain view people can see just like what a [ __ ] douche this guy is like thank you that that's a good point to say because like at first we really tried our best and you remember i was like i'm gonna hold my tongue yeah you weren't saying [ __ ] at first good faith uh mediation right we want to resolve this and i feel like we made we made a a pretty fair offer consider them 25 000 for doing nothing wrong to just you're like all right let's just drop this issue that's more than fair no thing yeah but like the statement alone like if they said no payment and read the statement i would have said go [ __ ] yourself obviously you know what i mean yeah um no the the lawyers and ryan uh the lawyers representing ryan have been nothing but uh just unprofessional belligerent and uh absolutely uh unworkable you know what i mean yeah it's mad house 2.0 it really is to count like to counter offer with 900 000 like you know this still would have been douchey but if they had come back and said like no we want a hundred thousand you know four times what you offered or whatever yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't have paid them that much right but like but like at least like be realistic yeah it's like within the realm of possibility maybe that like you you lowball at first they highball and then you work something out but like and insanely a million dollars almost they want coupled with a statement that i could never could never i could never utter yeah triller surprisingly has embedded in watermark technology unlike anything we've ever seen yeah don't worry trillo i'm not sure anyone's even concerned about bootlegging your [ __ ] events uh it's all flipped oh man yeah [ __ ] you chiller so this has been filed the anti-slap is filed and here i want to show some of my favorite moments from the anti-slap now an anti-slap is so the motion dismissed is basically for the copper infringement all that [ __ ] but they sued me twice i don't know if you knew this for tortoise interference which is some really dumb [ __ ] they're saying that we caused them to interfere with their business with fake reviews which excuse me dude i'd like to see some evidence for that and in california they have a law the anti-slap it stands for um strategic lawsuit against public participation so if there's um if there's public interest involved if and generally these lawsuits are to chill people from talking about them then the anti-slap can be used to strike down the lawsuit and also force ryan to pay for our legal fees straight up so yeah the anti-slaps here to read it uh specifically is intended to prevent people from using courts and potential threats of a lawsuit to intimidate people who are exercising the first amendment rights literally me thank you california so we're using the anti-slap to address the interference one here's the intro to the anti-slap here free speech for me but not for thee this is the theme relentlessly campaigned by plaintiff triller and its majority owner ryan kavanagh to harass punish and silence defendants for exercising the first amendment rights triller and kavanaugh have repeatedly abused the judicial system to silence commentary and criticism made about them on the podcast this assault on defendant's lawful criticism began by trailer and kavanaugh causing triller subsistence subsistence subsidiary subsidiary subsidiary chiller fight club 2 to sue defendants for copyright infringement for the use of a short clip of jake paul vs ben askren for commentary on criticism trailer and kavanaugh are now suing defendant for the lawful speech criticizing the copyright action triller and kavanaugh so let me read that's the intro let me read you some juicy morsels in here hit me with them morsels oh is this the same it is the same link okay here's a section uh there's this part section in in uh motions for statement of facts so here's the statement of facts for ryan cavanaugh the public figure statement of facts kavanaugh is the majority owner of trailer kavanaugh was the former ceo of relativity media at relativity this is an old version so if you see that it's not cited and stuff then that's why but in the final version there's all uh more citations it's all cited and stuff got you yeah comes the majority of trailer kavanaugh was the former ceo of relativity media at relativity kavanaugh drove the company into bankruptcy twice statement of fact by the second bankruptcy relativity had approximately 30 million dollars in assets and nearly 600 million dollars of liabilities i'm not i mean i'm i'm more of a uh more of an asset guy yeah i mean i i'm not like a big time entrepreneur but i know that's that's not good despite relative relativity's insolvency kavanaugh made relativity pay him a two and a half million dollar consulting fee sketchy in an arbitration the honorable terry friedman found that kavanaugh fabricated a memo alleging sexual harassment against the former president of relativity adam fields statement of fact in the same arbitration kavanaugh falsely testified under oath that the memo was authored by former in-house counsel at relativity in retaliation for exposing his false testimony kavanaugh sued mr fields damn that's all statement of fact huh kavanaugh has been embroiled in several other public controversies for example kavanaugh's nanny was forced to sue kavanaugh because he refused to pay her fax um and an executed verified complaint drafted by this lawyer uh and covered by the press cavanaugh's former business partner elon spar accused kavanaugh's new business venture approx proxima media being a ponzi scheme where have i heard about that before this was written by by variety oh right gene mattis in variety magazine the trade paper the industry trade paper very reputable right statement of fact kavanaugh also received two arrests and a conviction for driving under the influence facts kavanaugh's controversies have resulted in being shunned by hollywood the ceo of stalsis media described kavanaugh best each time someone lies at cans ryan cavanaugh gets a royalty that's true that's quite the burn those are all that's just a background there a little background on ryan uh here is some of the this is like the defamation stuff all right so here is their first claim of defamation they say i apparently i said triller is and mr cavanaugh runs a ponzi scheme which of course i never said obviously so we said this statement failed i said he did i mean i never said he runs up i mean variety wrote an article about it uh yeah the trailer is uh this statement fails to meet the first amendment requirement for defamation foremost this statement was never said in the podcast rather examining each of the podcasts as a whole it is apparent that the podcast accurately discussed the situation mr sparr made in his 2019 verified complaint against kavanaugh and proxima media therefore trailer cannot show that this statement was ever made let alone that it was even false right um this is a great one this is defamation apparently triller falsely presented that comedian kevin hart uses the app that's defamation listen to this this statement is true because when the podcast aired triller's description for the app stated that millions have made trailer videos alongside huge global stars such as kevin hart despite kevin hart having no presence on the app indeed triller effectively concedes this point by removing mr hart's name from the trailer's app description after filing this lawsuit therefore this statement is not actionable ugh it's so awkward just search kevin hart on triller and prove me wrong oh this is probably the most damage oh my god this is the one we're most worried about me and and my attorneys were we we had a lot of deep conversations about how we're going to fight this one of course the most damning evidence the app is flipped defamatory statement this statement was originally made by mr beck a prominent social media personality as he was creating a video using the trailer app client uh in the video mr beck stated yo triller my thing is flipped yo triller my thing's flipped because he was experiencing issues with the triller's app camera function therefore insofar as this statement contains an assert an assertion of facts it is true and not actionable trailer your thing is quite clearly flipped oh it's all flipped this one is tough too i don't know how we're going to beat this one mr kavanaugh bears a physical resemblance to harvey weinstein defamatory to have an opinion on someone's opinion here if beauty is in the eye of the beholder the same holds true for the lack thereof now uh you know basically what's his complaint that harvey weinstein's ugly and that he thinks he's beautiful you know like what's defamatory or like what's the complaint what's wrong with how harvey weinstein looks you fat shaming you know i mean this is friend right you already talking about his friend like yeah hey come on but you should be happy to be compared physically to him this statement constitutes a non-actual opinion because express the subjective perception that kavanaugh looks like weinstein in which some h3 podcast members agree and some disagree it's very true i disagree strongly further this statement is of concerning kavanaugh and not triller not actionable i happen to think he looks just like harvey weinstein but dan to this day still says i don't see it i don't see it even a little bit i literally can't even tell the difference like is that ryan we went over this earlier in the episode i i thought we i thought we made this clear it's just so confusing i tend to just look at the shirt color that's how i remember show me uh ian so this is ryan in the black shirt uh uh no no no the blue shirt wait yeah the blue shirt i look at both photos the one in the other corner where he's wearing blue that's how i figure it out oh you do you have to do a mat like okay so here's ryan oh same outfit yeah okay exactly that's how ultimately i that's pretty smart yeah it's that uncanny it's a pretty smart way to decode that yeah i can't tell the difference to be honest it's called uh pros uh pro prosopagnosia by the way i think you might have that where uh people it's a disorder where you face blindness you can't uh you think i'm face flying if you think right they look like they look similar how are you gonna accuse me of being face blind bruh everyone on the crew says they see the resemblance you might be the one that's facing no i think pro supergnosia might be uh uh contagious oh yeah i think you might have given it to everybody i i'm immune personally all right do you see it and then his f his final claim is that mr kavanaugh is suing the defendants he goes i'm not suing the defendants it's triller the company that i own the majority of this statement is substantially true triller's counsel told defendants that kavanaugh was behind the lawsuit one further illustrating let me get this straight he's suing you for defamation for saying that he's suing you yes well that is his argument is that i'm not suing you triller my company that i owner is suing you and that's defamation jesus yeah it's embarrassing that they even wrote this so is that one so so is the defamation lawsuit him personally like are there yes okay so triller and kavanaugh so he is suing he but only after you said that he was suing exactly okay got it throw the book at him boys triller's counsel told us that kavanaugh was behind the copyright action that's how we even learned about him right they're trying to scare us like ryan cavanaugh's behind it you don't want to [ __ ] with this guy oops and i was like who the [ __ ] is this get better lawyers ryan and then further further illustrating kavanaugh's involvement are the first amended complaint numerous mentions of allegations of false misleading and malicious statements concerning kavanaugh wow why do you care and not trailer interesting trailers council sending kavanaugh's retraction letter and that kavanaugh is the majority owner of trailer and subsist subsidiaries thank you further this statement is of a concerning kavanaugh and not triller finally even assuming arguiendo that this statement is false triller cannot prove actual mouse because triller led defendants believe kavanaugh was behind the copyright action and personal action anyway it's all up there and it's been a lot of fun so thank you uh thank you thank you for the opportunity to prove fair use again in court and we have immortalized your absolutely um terrifying message it's a little obscured it's absolutely shaking in my boots govern yourself accordingly sir and our toy podcast our toy i was just about to point that part out how dare you sir this is not a toy this is anything but a toy serious business here i was thinking maybe good merch could be like toy podcast ryan kavanagh something my toy podcast [Music] you know yeah i know all right you guys want to do the cursed tick tocks sure bro we can't play it it's cursed dee are you logged into all of our accounts already uh i am i i have to go one by one because i can only be logged in to one at a time on desktop but let me set this up as you yeah yeah prepare so once again we have spent a week making our tick tock feed as cursed as possible we started with fresh accounts and the rules were that you could only like videos you couldn't follow hashtags or uh so basically you can't cheat you had to do it organically yeah organic yeah yeah so i'm very curious who would you like to begin with since we have to go one by one well cameron's kind of been pushing this so maybe let's start with cam's because he's i feel like he's gonna have the best one maybe save that for last okay well dan you've been crying about your no but let's start strong let's get people interested okay so the rule is you get 10 swipes right 10 swipes and then at the end we can vote amongst ourselves whose is the most cursed feed right correct okay all right so here's cameron's so right off the bat doesn't seem that cursed i got to be honest we got a 600 000 like video of a guy just i don't get this one at all like yeah and actually i don't even know why so many people liked it yeah yeah do we have the potential to read the comments and get some insight well unk off the perks again who who's who uncle bestie throwing them one-on-one one's only got them megan knees bruh i don't even know what these are insane too out of the loop for this one all right now all right let's move on we got some minion vibes it's pretty good yeah it's okay it's pretty good okay over saturated it's not the best i'm not actually too impressed with uh my fresh my fresh yeah because you're you're like actual you are the king of this [ __ ] you can't uh cam's actual tick tock is is unbelievably cursed right so you know well but that's okay all right okay so we got well this one's i mean it's i'm i'm enjoying it she's having a good old time she's dancing what is she bopping to team prez productions team prez productions here bring it up for just a second zach yeah hit it hit us with it school taste okay turn it down she's she's bogeying all right she's doing an awesome song okay oh here we go all right here we go looking for single ladies am i attractive [Music] that guy's beautiful oh i love the filters he's hot as hell he's as hot as his guy for real or is this i'm interested i'm would like to know more so this is a good one okay all right you got a good one okay this is interesting [Music] so it's a whole it's a dude with a sideshow bobcat it's pretty interesting i've never seen anyone look like that before comments are off oh what a shame well he's feeling himself i'm a fan yeah i'm interested all right and uh oh this this seems good pull my finger excuse me good morning america that's pretty good okay that was a good one and i think this is our 10th here we go pov your name is anthony uh this one is cam i gotta say i'm a little let down i'm a little late i really thought you were gonna bring the heat i gotta say i feel the same this is not this is not my age did you expect kind of a more uh dynamic page or is this kind of how it's been for you i'm wondering if uh because it's on on the web on the desktop version if it's any different because of that but no remains to be seen okay well try mine because i'm pretty confident that mine is kind of more or less where i want it to be okay well let's see i'm going to take a little bit of a different theory there really you think it's different i think so yeah i don't think so because i logged into mine uh when testing this morning and um and it was we'll see just as [ __ ] up as my uh mine i took a little bit of a different route okay there was a specific niche that i kind of went down the rabbit hole on and um i'm hoping oh i'm liking what i'm saying already all right so here's ethan's first yeah so all right it's just having fun it's yeah so the theme that i went for was like mega uh thirst traps oh okay i love that really interesting i found a lot of interesting stuff but i love it so yeah there's that's a pretty good one yeah all right starting out strong here's number two oh see this is great stuff nicolette [Music] no she she said she'd pick me up at four okay yeah all right oh wait forget aim dude yeah oh no oh hashtag dad bod hashtag he's got a good vibe i don't know why i'm getting two of him i wanted more uh i wanted more yeah more variety all righty but hopefully that's only the second one we see all right well moving on to number four my family in irvington alabama they gave me the name big booger double off get down and they're going to help me get a car well alabama i'm totally new to tick-tock like i don't use tik-tok on a regular basis at all we don't need to hear that exactly yeah please thank you um manly call me big bugaloo bug then they're buying me a new car this is the original sound co-international wolf pack lee durr i assume was the rest of that statement but ran out of space or something so that's four right that's four yeah moving on we got wait what see i'm not i don't know why i'm getting the same people but okay let's hear it me and ashley i'm not mad about it we're fine together and if you do i report y'all for harassment one more time this menu skull guy demon king it's very reminiscent of ryan kavanaugh's dm that's that's actually might be what ryan cavanaugh looks like after this lawsuit's over oh no there's a resemblance all right so that was five here's six oh yeah so me loves me oh yes yeah loving that filter kind of a mega thirst strap but to become more of a country dude what a mane this guy has he looks like a sexy raiden he's a wizard for sure he looks like he is for sure a wizard oh man interesting really really digging that one all right here's seven so my account my other account i know i did like a short video on it but it's gonna be up like in four days i just uh it just pisses me off that people want to report instead of block you if they don't like your [ __ ] there's a [ __ ] block button for a reason you'll never see the [ __ ] again ever the fact that you want to take somebody down because of how many followers they have you're a piece of [ __ ] facts hell i'd i'd be happy with 10. i love it as long as they actually watch my [ __ ] and i watch their [ __ ] and we get along we have [ __ ] fun that's what this app is about that isn't about oh god damn i got a big [ __ ] following account i'm [ __ ] huge never been about that so if you don't like somebody's content hit the block button they'll be a little worm you know what i mean definitely [ __ ] man-hating [ __ ] hoe oh wow like serious come on now that took a turn by the way by the way a lot of people the arch on his brim is super impressive that's like a half circle straight up i know 180 degrees great observation yeah yeah pretty good i mean that's pretty good that guy could be greg paul's brother oh uncle paul yeah uncle paul that is he's got paul family live don't let uncle paul near the team 10 house and be wrong please please don't all right next all right we got left eight okay i'll tell you something buddy okay this is not a dump to me okay in your opinion doesn't give one hoots and a holler you understand me at least i have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of and a roof over my [ __ ] head you probably still in the basement with your mama and you 50 years old and you're gonna come on here and make comments about somebody's home well you're about an idiot that's what you are so the comment says you work and drive trucks you were asking for you would know why i was asking for money asking for money [Music] here we go come on guys i think i did pretty good you have done very well these have all been bangers for the most part yeah this is some granny and underwear just putting on a show myself oh yeah talk to me baby age is just a number but in the opposite way of what r kelly intended yeah of course yeah okay and finally we have archer williams [Music] dude i gotta say that i'm pretty impressed with uh that was a solid shot yeah well done there was it's weird because it like started with total cowboy thirst traps like a lot of dudes and jeans who are shirtless dancing and i don't know how it devolved into whatever that was but i'm happy that it did what's impressive is you had a very specific niche that you went for and it reflected in the book thank you yeah no it's it's incredible if you just go back to my page and just scroll scroll scroll you'll see it's all country [ __ ] like they nailed it yeah like just give it a good scroll dan oh i already logged out all right but yeah it's all country [ __ ] so that was fun for me i i'm glad i i picked uh a niche maybe that was a good strategy i'll talk about mine when i get to it but i really struggle with this assignment like i said i am not a tick-tock user and um and yeah this was this was difficult well why don't you go dan let's see i just logged into abs uh a b how you feeling i i think something went wrong with that something went very wrong with that i think okay there's you're going to quickly notice a theme with abs asian women well not asian i've already noticed that what's going on with this a b not asian all right go ahead let's not throw it all right here's number two [Music] here's number three okay baby what the [ __ ] yeah no get that that girl's i can't tell how old she is but amy what are you doing dude all right oh okay oh it's a little tj wait are they really wait they're like really fighting all right i'm gonna move on what is going move on all right oh this woman's breastfeeding come on get that get it out of the screen did you show that i don't know i don't know if he enjoyed it for like half a second we'll have to cut we generally need to edit or all what the [ __ ] what have you been doing you've been drifting off on tick tock so first i didn't know that we were supposed to like we could like stuff i thought it was just based on what we watched like watch time and last night it was like really skewed uh i don't know i woke up this morning and it was just all this dude all right you were jerking off all night all right here's uh this was six this girl um not on robin that sounded like a yoko sound bite almost it was uh here's number seven oh here's a little variety yeah bro you didn't even this is like straight like normies paid [ __ ] this is weak this is normie i did i did see this one uh last night yeah when i was uh we got the biggest reaction out of mine so far though so that's true i don't know yeah that's true number eight breastfeeding okay this is so normie get the [ __ ] out of here it's one of 17 million 19 million likes what the hell yeah i don't think i've like never seen a video with that many likes before i saw quite a few last night when it's on the fresh account like you said it shows all the normy stuff and uh yeah it was getting all a lot of this kind of crap all right couple more hey y'all it is fish fry friday let's get some catfish but uh just in case you didn't notice these baby girls i have a theory that here's another if you have multiple accounts on the same phone they somehow bro i have two accounts i have three accounts on my phone and i don't see any mega thirst straps oh and this is the uh the um scarlett johansson wannabe that i saw like ten thousand times what makes me think that is look at cams cam is the master but his was pretty vanilla compared to his youtube i have three accounts yeah but you also i'm sure you watch a lot of like crazy right wing no there's no mega thursday sounds like excuses and regardless i mean what are you saying that you have you have breastfeeding videos yeah your normal account has breastfeeding videos you know there's like this middle ground that it combines what's the middle ground between your page and breastfeeding sleeping on the couch another thirst trap maybe this is i don't think we can continue to watch this and here's the video of them ending the marines ending in the marines awesome yeah baby oh america [ __ ] rules oh all right it's a girl in a really tight dress shaking that ass all right so yeah we get the idea this is abs amy what the hell is this it was actually it's funny it was actually worse that was interesting come back oh it did it disappeared to his house it disappeared oh here we go wait oh yeah what the hell tell me you've got a real car yeah all right all right did you spend a lot of time on this baby or i mean it's fine you've been busy i'm not going to judge you yeah i didn't spend a lot of time on it it's a big investment to get it right i spent a few hours for sure scrolling over the course of the week it was mainly yesterday to be honest but i go for blondes or brunettes i go for anyone who'll go for me yeah i spent basically any time i was on the john i was just spending like a good ten minutes scrolling oh there you go you know ethan i think my um for you paige i think it might compete with yours okay exciting yeah uh zach's did uh turn out pretty [ __ ] cursed so here's this is good right now this is zach's 600 likes yeah if i was a batman i'd bet on zach to win okay all right so yeah i mean not a bad start and it's just here we go good morning to talk to mama what am i muted what am i looking at that's a man with a piece of luck is that his belly yeah yeah it is that's a kenneth lee anderson you know the man the reverend kenneth lee anderson the reverend kevin oh reverend kenneth i know wow so yeah this is good this is good stuff i i'm yeah i guess that's his stomach there's just something about it just it's definitely it's very badly he's tripping me out you can click his page if you want more details no you could see his titty under his uh elbow right no you're right it's just it's a very odd shape well because he's kind of skinny on the top i guess that's what was throwing me off is he doesn't look that large anywhere but the belt his shoulders and face look like normal right is he wearing like a tank top is it covered in fabric i think it's yeah that's what was tripping me out yes exactly okay well very so far i'm still good over here here's number four what dude what yeah zach this is that boy all right well let me watch it [ __ ] johnny you're [ __ ] you're so awesome man i'm glad you are my boy you're [ __ ] honestly sweet donny don't go too far my boy too fast okay hang on that's great donnie you're doing [ __ ] awesome boy what a ledge hang on buddy hang on bro hang on buddy i have no recollection of ever liking a video like this hang on what is it that's what they all say [ __ ] you're awesome donnie the legend dude damn gosh i wonder i wonder that doesn't reach ten thousand well i don't know oh man that was [ __ ] reached way past ten thousand oh is that a milly i will say that's one thing i like about tick tock they're very like i feel like the comment section is a lot more respectful and uh maybe not on my page not like your post specifically people responding to you but yeah i know what you mean like because this is inspiring it's cool everyone's probably really supportive in the comments mm-hmm wait go back up i'm just i'm really curious you want to test that theory yeah go ahead i'm telling you it's it's going to be kind bro is stuck in a permanent whip yes not so much i say that's the top keep clicking titties ignore the hate okay so that's good exactly wait no go back to the comments let's let's test davey's theory here okay great johnny buzz i'm trying how many of those comments did you leave baby [Laughter] how many did you leave ethan you cynic i'm just saying we went there looking for kindness and it was all i'm just saying in general usually and tick tock anytime someone has a disability or something along those lines that the comments are very kind and they they have a lot of likes and people are very supportive unlike on youtube sounds like a fantastic world you're living in i'm just saying people were obscene maybe my feet is all kind people maybe that's true to back him up i have seen a lot of positivity on post like that i think this is just a one-off okay fair enough i hope so because i mean you know it takes bravery to put yourself out there absolutely let's try uh let's see what harmony is all about lemon cake sheila e would make prince lemon cake [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sex addict at 55 and menopausal oh my goodness talk about too much info let's let's just chill let's go to the comments on this one and test davey's theory an older man's dream okay so there's some thirst trapping older than 55 certainly that's not very nice i'm 54 and right there with you hey you're looking for some let's see what franklin fisher's about real quick oh yeah that's not good yeah frankly 10k oh no i kind of [ __ ] it up by going on that it like refreshed the feed well i guess it doesn't really matter we'll just go all right so this is seven this is the seventh video [Music] like good afternoon keep passing me it's hot good afternoon to you good morning to me it's a very cheery caption for what seems to be a very sad video well she she's just or she's just lip-syncing so it's not really oh she's the lipstick keep pissing me yeah okay okay number eight oh yeah nice guys [ __ ] well john fogarty can you zoom a little bit dan just get some more some a little closer on that so this is vampira and uh blood and they these guys um they actually fanned me they're made-ups where are they based out of i think uh arlington are they big show-ups pardon me do a lot of people show up i do a lot of people i don't know i've just seen on their page they have uh well they have um 260 000 followers so 18 plus only damn oh no 18 plus only oh really i also think it's funny that the john yogurt is not playing right now right i like the couple i'm into them yeah do you want to see some of their 18 plus content no okay they're a hoot man they're ooh all right here's number nine morgan oh oh she got no teeth just stuck that in there oh she just she's just showing her process of getting ready which includes putting in the dentures there you go i personally wouldn't that's a blow-up from beginning of this video to the end i gotta say yeah there are a lot of tick tocks of people who put in dentures and then get ready i think i follow one if i'm being honest is there actually i think there's just a lot of people more people that have dentures and fake teeth than we know of yeah i guess i mean how would you know a lot of the time right i mean they look amazing like people with denture teeth genuinely they look better than mine right her teeth look perfectly better than mine i think you could order them just straight off amazon well maybe i should just get dentures you think so no it's a lot easier than fixing my job you need to fit them yeah over existing teeth yeah i think you might look like freddie mercury but you sell them i don't know if that's right those are fitted those look good yeah all right this is the last one number ten keep america great let's go it's no big secret that i look a little different than most because of my eyes hashtag blind okay um great okay and love the maga hat very cool oh wait keep america great not make america great again i think that's actually like a that's a counter to uh no i think that's trump's like running again oh okay yeah i guess that would make sense too all right well that's zach's and certainly a front-runner at this point i would say for what level of curse you think that was better than mine and love says yeah and what do you think you love well okay i'll give it to zach it was good i'm gonna vote ethan okay ian's got your back i mean [Applause] i didn't have any breastfeeding i thought ethan's was a little more consistent zach had some standouts but yours was like that's very kind very diplomatic well reason maybe you look like you have some thoughts say what you want what you gotta be say what you want don't be like don't be lazy i i i in terms of what we were going for i think zax was [ __ ] oh that was hard for him thank you wow i mean years were good but they're like stuff we'd show on like after dark i feel like you know just okay nothing it's not personal qab business you're the master what do you think that's true you are the master thank you thank you well get give him the microphone i think uh actually as far as curse goes i'd go probably ethan right now [ __ ] you i'm sorry man i i got an idea this is closely divided because yeah it was more focused than i i got i feel like i could couldn't watch ethan's more than i could watch actually i don't know i'm gonna it's a toss-up for me stick with ethan okay i respect it yeah always good job though zach i mean you took the assignment uh very seriously so i just opened mine and the first one is this girl again i got the same lady sex addict at 55 and menopause and it doesn't have that many likes too so tick tock knows there's like a we must be yeah we're that's my name i think i gotta go off cam and abs theory that i feel like the web is different it's not just that is that the multiple accounts on the same device i feel like has some kind of like or maybe she's just nearby or maybe she's just nearby that is also a good point love all right so here's the second one for me he's fresh this is okay it's good yeah this i like so yeah i was um really struggling with this assignment i strolled for like an hour and a half last night and was just nothing but normie [ __ ] and after a lot of hard work i woke up this morning and i i feel like the algorithm ticks over after a few hours or something because all of a sudden today my [ __ ] is super [ __ ] so this is great so yeah we got we got some some weird little dancing this is prime first right here yeah it's really good this is deep tik tok 2021 i think i followed that one we were allowed to follow people right if you organically found them because i i did follow a lot of accounts go ahead all right here's number three you just got spongebob now go spongebob someone else lmao that's pretty normal i mean it's kind of cursed at the same time because it's just so kind of shitty yeah of course i don't know damn well this bathroom smells like but what is buddha here you know what beduci is i really don't don't pretend like you don't know a bad i've heard of of of bussy i'm stroking [ __ ] down here but what's badousy i i don't know you don't know no i have no idea anybody know nobody wants to chime in okay nobody wants to admit they know what it is next [Music] bro they were getting business done text me one two three for the link wait what the [ __ ] i don't have any idea what the [ __ ] we're looking at right now what's the comments it seems to be in i mean something is going on oh okay this is just some weird thing where they say ah this is some weird [ __ ] bro i don't know not into it yeah i don't know i do not know what this is okay here we go i think i followed this guy santa i was seeing him a lot so this is uh this is number six okay just hit the most absolutely un despicable lick like it's like i don't get it minus has been very confusing so far i don't know what is that i don't even know what most of these are my whole for you page is that a foot is that a locker i liked one bro i liked one video this is weird i liked one video this morning and now it's taking over literally what okay is this a reference to like his dog looking his wiener or something oh no i hope not wait click hit a lick that's a hashtag let's just see where this takes oh boy here we go okay so no this isn't animal related well hmm italic is just uh a robbery oh yeah the guy hit a leg did he steal it okay whatever moving on why is this chick back you went back to the top you refresh here let me do this there we go [Music] seven pain pain talk i swear in my life i always try sigh better luck next time what this is just like depressed talk oh it's just the wow it's just rain outside the window okay okay all jokes aside dana are you okay hashtag pain you know it it i'm actually surprised as the first one of these that came up because this is this morning it was like all people that were depressed and super sad like that was my entire page for some reason so this looks like this might be another one i wish she could see how pretty she is whenever she talks about something she doesn't like about herself it makes me want to give her a hug this is just sad talk bro i got onto sad talk somehow god damn it it is impressive somebody's sobbing so bad just scroll all this [ __ ] all right next um watch this video at least once a day oh that is bo burnham holy [ __ ] okay not that cursed let's argue what was the best flavor arguing about ramen wow so i mean you know i was getting a lot of low like stuff but i'm honestly just confused by like 90 percent of what's showing up on my feed like i said i [ __ ] hate tick tock go up to the top uh this track of course is you gay by kira or kyra by the way the oriental is the best okay well all right so here's ian and right off the bat i gotta tell you this one is uh we got arabic pretty strange oh my god that is not arabic my friend oh wait that is in the top yeah i was seeing the russian letters over here you think i don't know the difference between arabic and russian writing you think i'm dumb don't you i well i it was my mistake i was looking at the russian i didn't notice the arabic to the side are you seeing what's on here oh [ __ ] are we on spook talk this is cursed ian wins yeah this is this is a [ __ ] wait go up what's the name of the account deeptree 666. yeah this is pretty good ian to be honest i was getting a good amount of this kind of [ __ ] too but none of it showed up when we scrolled so let's talk that's crazy don't care you're drunk shut the [ __ ] up i kind of love that meme who the [ __ ] ass lol not me so stop talking this rules i want to send this to somebody oh we should drop this under trisha's tweets [Music] [Music] all right here's number three here we go yo what the hell yours is so good we got shrek doing the uh just bombs flying damn this got the whole thing let's get out of control it's very much early youtube vibes yeah [Music] this is very similar to mine okay ian wins so what would you call this a deep fried crap post crap post it like yesterday 21st century humor oh this is this is future humor we're in the 21st century this is modern day humor there you go well we're in the return of the 21st century yeah we're 20 years in now yeah first part this is like all right video proof that skinwalkers exist oh we're going to have another uh creepy one i have a feeling basically scary [Music] oh that was the truth all right that was the proof okay are you a ghost talk is that what i'm in a little spooky talk they're witches skinwalkers are people i've noticed tick tock has this thing about skin walkers which i've never heard of but they seem to love skin water you know it's very popular with the younger generation like olivia knows what i'm talking about because she was freaked out whenever we said skinwalkers you know about that yeah jenna and julian used to talk about like spooky stories on their podcast and they would talk about skinwalkers it's like a bigfoot are they serious about it no i mean it's like speculation about it but do people believe this doesn't look very serious this video ethan did you not see the proof no i see the proof there's just should i pause it yeah pause it let's take a look here there's there it is okay i mean that's pretty slam dunk right there i know like a lot of like kids will get together and like watch videos of hearing skin walkers scream and it like freaks them out and they think it's the coolest [ __ ] ever yeah i think it's a creepy costume okay great next all right fifth here we go so we have oh friday okay ready i mean that's kind of ignoring me to be honest yeah that's not true anything to do with five nights at freddy's is pretty normal i'm from hell whoa hell yeah somehow it has been tagged lgbt and james charles and james charles please oh inside my mouth literally tag james charles police nut inside my mouth is a hashtag wow what the [ __ ] is the first first thing i was extremely cursed wow didn't expect that one all right here we go uh beans more okay this this is one of those modern day 21st century humor it's very avant-garde i don't know about this one could be better that one's more like 20th century uh humor if you ask me you get scared easy click off of this one [Applause] wow oh my god guys this one i'm not feeling i get scared relatively easily and i gotta say this is the same that's scary you're scared it's just not that scary [Music] all right here's eight type uh this is i don't like this is a corpse husband music video yeah it looks like it don't hey no corpse hey no no corb slander here that shit's worse than k-pop fans i know what can i do to make it up to the corpse don't come for me i didn't say anything negative oh i know what you meant i just thought it looked like for dan not me is is this corpse breathing i don't think so yeah that's worse there's corpse i know that breath anywhere the signal for corpse it's not this it's like gripping something really hard and showing your like veins pop oh that's true yeah that's the corpse just point you know this your friends at 3 am and say nothing well oh this is connie's sample yes he's doing miracles on ian i don't know about it you know i feel like my page is not as spicy as it was well there was i felt that way about my mind and there was some really good ones in it you know some misses but overall it was pretty i think we technically have one more here's we got one more chance here we go navy federal he's loving that atm bike you know a little disappointed yeah it started really strong it started very long it was like oh my god oh that's the most cursed thing is just like that yeah i had it i was swiping last night and sam like actually was disturbed by some of the weird [ __ ] that i was getting on my page and this is just not it's not that well that first one was great i think i don't think you should be you shouldn't be too disappointed i was impressed overall with the and it was unique it was a different thing you know there was no um there was no let's just say i liked it there was no breastfeeding thank you for example i liked it a lot of you yeah yeah i liked it so i just appreciate it i just logged out of ian's and so this is this is a not logged in account and the first video and all of you you all use tick tock so maybe you'll be like yeah then we've all seen it but this appears to be a recreation yeah this guy kadly lame is the this is the guy this guy's like becoming the number one biggest tick tucker so do you just steal the the video no no no no that's a viral vid that uh i think is fake but uh someone else the what do you mean he did his soul the original video is a viral clip yeah you used to show it on the podcast all the time you had a button but it was a different but it was a different video yeah somebody did their own i think it's fake he's stealing it well no he that's what he does he does a stitch of a video and he just gives like a normal reaction and he has like over 100 million followers i'm not talking listen i'm not talking about this guy in the video i'm talking about this guy yeah yeah he is trying to recreate it on the show it's fake okay he's no we haven't talked about this version of it on that i think i we've had a discussion about it was in whatsapp i think i sent it and i was like that's fake yeah yeah i called it let's watch it one more time though [Music] i gotta say i don't get why this guy's so popular but i'm just a hater old [ __ ] so i don't know well because people all like overreact on tick tock he just like will give a normal reaction or a normal solution as to whatever the situation is at hand okay boomer all right anyways we have love as the final uh account to inspect so give me one moment i'm gonna set up loves so love has been talking a big game yeah he is and you've you've been putting a lot of time into this one love well oh yeah well i was really disappointed until i woke up this morning and it was like literally chef's keys oh so you're saying it marinated and came out perfectly this morning don't come don't get too confident because that's literally what happened to me and then mine was back to being pretty weak when when i pulled it yeah so that's that's what happened all right let's roll the dice here we go here is love's account i see that you have the stretched out kanye as your profile picture oh yeah i customized it a bit something i immediately noticed so sorry for the schedule been losing motivation already yeah this seems like a bit normal to be honest a little bit zoom out oh no i thought never mind okay okay so are we gonna be rolling [Music] poster is up wait oh my god oh so this is very similar to ian's this is 21st century very similar they just used the same sound and put in a bunch of weird memes i guess so this is some advancement it's less surprising after i've seen it so many times right yeah well you'll see it a bit more okay let's see all right here we go what what the [ __ ] you doing beat his ass [Music] never mind i i saw that going somewhere else okay boomer that this video yeah where could this video go maybe where did you see it curious where you thought might have some racist lyrics you saw i saw two towers oh okay okay yeah see uh already it's flopping puppies dancing love love this is wholesome come on dude you can't you know what you never know with this app that's the thing yeah it's like oh now you're on the desktop training all right come on move it along let's see what else all right let's keep going [Applause] [Music] this is very good it's a lego pop shoot assassinating uh another lego well he's dodging all the bullets i mean no i see blood it's roblox i see blood bro he ain't dodging [ __ ] actually it's probably not that funny though considering the soundbite is probably oh you think it's like real yeah stop the sound please all right while we're moving on yeah that's definitely a real police shooting sound this is really good this one's awesome and you know what makes it even better is that it has 333 000 like for no reason and i love that and the music everything's on point this is great this one's really coming again can we get comments comment requests on this one okay let's take a look relatable oh yeah relatable context still please no information no information too political bro [Laughter] um keep going uh w always the low quality videos yeah i mean this is a hit yeah no this is a winner yeah we got a winner here love all right moving on your all right remember when those kinds of memes were yeah popular it's called like uh god it's like a deep fry but it's some kind of like where you going i'm recounting how many we saw yeah that's a good one so i think this is the last one this is 10. can eat my meat snitch attention snitch never stop exploring eat fresh okay interesting uh what is this is not a hobby all right i uploaded a video too so it seems like in the end it would be between uh me and zach right you and zach i mean ian i would say it was close he started he started really strong but then it kind of felt it was great i thought he honestly i thought his was great through no it's through like five nights at freddy's yeah actually of those yeah there was probably there was maybe two or three five night at freddy's on your feet yeah right but i did like the copy pasta spooky spooky fest so i guess do we uh take a vote on who's the champ all right zachary then yeah it's gotta be zac or ethan right so uh hands up for zach hands up for zach wow two hands a b judas never missing i didn't see anyone else with their hands up so i was i was like i gotta support my voice yeah just kidding and then for ethan i know i think they love me they really love me yeah no it was good it was good i'm surprised i didn't you know but thank you i mean i tip my hat to you i think all it means and and well done to zach and honorable mention to ian i think all it means is that i spend more time on the toilet than you guys that's about perfect my feed that is absolutely a fact it was fun though tick-tock is weird as hell boy yeah i'm still i'm just not a fan on the whole and i know i know i'm a hater yada yada good morning my friends of tick-tock above 18. i feel bad we didn't get olivia involved i feel like you could have had a pretty [ __ ] yeah that was a mistake next time we've next time to ask you yep what was that one thing you were telling me which talk oh yeah i'm on witch talk oh witch talk big time oh they're like real witches and [ __ ] yeah and they some of them sound like like you know when people have exorcisms and they have that like crazy voice it's like that and they're putting hexes on can you do it can you absolutely not yeah that's a little example yeah i like that yeah wait one more time just like that just say this is witch stock this is quick you know if you want to create a cursed one you can come in for an honorable mention on friday oh that's not a bad idea or next week i'll work on it yeah yeah put together a little fresh account i don't know i'm kind of salty over this i'm salty i mean yeah i kind of get it because again mine might be your a lot stronger i went on my phone right now and it's back to normal like it's been like like it was here put your phone up to the screen and give us ten give us a two three scrolls and let's see okay put your phone up to the screen let's see yellow test you're saying he's stealing it okay we've got uh they're like luigi luigi uh there's too much glare yeah this shot is see some cuticles this right here is like our stick doc your screen's a little cracked love i don't know if you know about that i'm with love i don't know where all those women came from seriously are you trying to show me uh yeah maybe yours was probably see that's why i'm not buying it because he showed me on his phone earlier and it was and it was all the women that's what i'm saying it's the same [ __ ] it's two thousand i was showing him to show him like i don't know where this all came from yeah you know where i think it's coming from where the [ __ ] that came from like i just opened mine and there's some cursed [ __ ] on yeah the mobile's all different dude no breastfeeding videos maybe really i was never breastfed so only formula i mean i'm googling around right now to see if like people are talking about it being different on pc versus on uh phone and i'm not seeing anything of anybody complaining about that so i think you guys are just salty i'm sorry my phone's definitely different too i'm looking oh my god salt salt salt salt shame i mean ethan's was like he said it was gonna be a bunch of maggot stuff it was exactly that yeah yeah it kind of refutes the desktop theory yeah like it's all mega thirst traps bro i don't know i don't know can we talk about that paulie shore left a comment on this can i mention this legendary so we posted this uh the clip of uh the shut up b word that zach sound by that we were all we played on yesterday's episode right and it's on our h3 podcast tick tock page and paulie [ __ ] sure of all people in the world i sent a screenshot if you want to throw it up i sent it in uh uh what's that and what's up okay but paulie shore commented yo bros sounds like trisha got her melon a little tweaked bro he's like what what the [ __ ] is polly short talking about why are you up on the screen now what is this why is polly's short commenting on a highlight on our clip knowing youtube drama god bless paulie yo bros he's so pure yo bro sounds like trisha got her melon a little sweet bro hey buddy like 60. i don't really be pure isn't really what comes to mind when i think of paulie shorts hey holidays polly's short probably sure i mean yeah i mean probably 50s i would guess he's like short age neck and neck yeah 53 yeah but like damn he i was just thinking like there must be some kind of history between him and trisha you know there is um maybe wait is this full didn't trisha mention uh was it working at the comedy club or the comedy store yeah she said she sold meat outside oh so he probably bought some meat he bought some bad meat off her ass could be yeah he hasn't let it go man about it yeah but i don't even actually know what it means the comment he left yo bros sounds like trisha got her melon a little tweaked bro you gotta read it like paulie shore for it to make sense i tried yo bros sounds like trisha got her melon a little tweaked bro yo bros sounds like trisha got her melon a little tweaked bro hey buddy buddy she's throwing a buddy at that buddy is he saying her brain is he talking about her brain is that that's what i think yeah melon like you're like this clip doesn't even have her talking i'm so confused why is paulie short in our comments maybe he's a fan maybe he's a fan of the fantasy podcast let's see if he follows let's do a test probably sure where the i'll send you a screenshot on this chord he doesn't follow me hmm he only follows four accounts one of them is trisha no i'm just kidding it's just four random ass people uh here's a tweet from trisha in 2013 couldn't last one full week following paulie shore on twitter his twitter like his career is dead don't find your childhood idols on twitter definitely the circles wow that was eight years ago though yo there's definitely beef there is definitely beef there's bad meat was sold and that ain't just a euphemism oh no know your way around some meat bad no olivia gave me [Music] i'm making meats now smoking these meats here i'm the meat chef all right we should go how long we've been going because there's a lot of good stuff left right uh yeah it is also 6 30 p.m right how long we've been going uh like an hour 40. so do you want let me just do one more quick thing okay uh logan paul stealing adobe stock photos to make them into nft oh god yeah because you know how logan paul had the the [ __ ] was it called ding-dong he tried the ding-dong thing and now he's launching a new nft um project called crypto zoos and he said he spent a million dollars on this huge project about uh these this huge project of digital art one of a kind so dude nfts are so [ __ ] out of control bro this is literally what he's selling this is the stock photo and this is the million dollar nft i wrestle the bear how long would this take you to make ian uh i mean cam could whip this up real quick yeah cam can make this in 10 seconds yeah i mean cam how long would that take you to make while i'm talking about this does he have his headphones on he says show it again yeah so while we're talking about this make a z crypto zoo nft and maybe okay so he said name two animals what you got a uh ryan cavanaugh and a pig humans are animals too yeah guys that's true here's more of uh look this is [ __ ] the million dollar nft project here's the stock photo that you can get from adobe stock and this is the [ __ ] nft they really think you're dumb that one's kind of cute i'm not gonna lie no i agree well how much are they selling this for he says he spent a million dollars preparing on the project i'm a mother freaking blooper regardless of whether he's lying or he got ripped off by an artist uh for a million dollars uh i'm wondering what they're selling them for i don't know if they've launched it yet but i'm pretty sure they're gonna be trying to make a lot of money he's calling it cryptozoo yeah well let's uh uh here is a lion stock photo from adobe stock with a kitten's face that one i don't like but again it's like whatever it's like you can do this in first year yeah i know it's uh well uh is this uh is this the project it's definitely some sort of yeah collect and breed exotic animal hybrids that yield dollar signs zoo on the blockchain oh here's their i mean this has got to be it super rare lion plus kittens clinton super rare yield 18 000 zoo per day bro what are you even talking about oh then everyone's posting the adobe stock art that they they just respond with you they even have the license like i don't even know that you can legally steal that or use that use the art in that way i just got to be careful to not like disrespect the culture oh my god you can easily buy stuff off of you know adobe stock is like uh getty images or something you you can so i mean maybe that's where the million dollars that he spent went is licensing all of these images so yeah i'd love to know how much they're selling this stuff for but actually i don't really care at the end of the day either i'm trying to investigate on his uh i found their instagram page for the project to see if there's like prices listed but one thing coffeezilla did to use that i'm excited about the last night he tweeted this and i'm super excited i found logan paul's crypto wallets something that he thought he found his wallets and that like he had never scammed or done anything because you know these guys have multiple wallets like one for public facing and one where they do all the shady dump like rug pulls so he's saying he found logan's paul's wallet so stay tuned i'm excited very interesting i don't really give a [ __ ] but thanks for letting me know all right well we'll see we'll see we'll see if you give a [ __ ] yeah that's about it i thought it was interesting so yeah the the linton can be yours for a hundred thousand dollars for a hundred thousand dollars i just made that up oh okay i was like oh my god anyway coffee said it gives him this vibe it's a spongebob meme of course pretty much all right cam what you got oh so cameron is done he we've made our own cryptozoo nft are you ready to that's not a pig oh god we failed i guess it's harder than we could you said because he's not on mike he said i thought you said kid yeah he just made right i guess it's harder than we thought sort we missed the mark on that one we really missed the mark on that i was like what the hell am i looking at that [ __ ] is so good though uh yeah oh you could take another crack at it real fast all right oh my god so let me see while cameron works on that you have one minute to make a hundred thousand dollar crypto zoo and if 60 seconds came let's go put on the clock i'm i i just started the clock you and use this stock photo of a pig excuse me for the sake of brevity you'll probably just pull from google images or something but right so anyway oh he's done already he's done that was already done all right cryptozoo if i'm gonna make any changes oh my god one of a kind here it is we have invested over a million dollars to bring you this one-of-a-kind cryptozoo cam looks like one of those hackers right now in the movies they do the cliche like gabby can we get a shot of cam working on his million dollars not easily really well maybe he's trying here's cam working uh i can't see him here's cam working tirelessly come on you're right where the clock is kicking cam don't worry oh it's already oh you got it okay here we go hey [Applause] fantastic and we'll be putting that on the blockchain that's right we've spent years and and countless tens of thousands of dollars on this project jesus looks just like him actually yeah you think he's ever [ __ ] a pig i would guess no but i um don't technically have any way of knowing that for sure so it's not really my place to say whether or not he has [ __ ] the pig i'm not saying ryan kavanagh's [ __ ] the pig how could i know that yeah there's no i'd rather speak up and be wrong and be wrong if you show the picture is that if he did [ __ ] a pig and they somehow bred which isn't possible because that their dna isn't actually compatible between a pig and a i'm a [ __ ] savage but it but if somehow it was well it would look like harvey weinstein just like that all right guys that's about it eh yep are you talking about [ __ ] a pig over there greg you gotta do it literally yeah that is very savage all right listen anything else greg he's a gp's yeah he's out no hero okay good me too all right guys we'll see on friday for after dark adios [Music] me
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,941,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails
Id: AFkY41u0LGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 55sec (7315 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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