Episode 144 - Banned in America

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what's up guys welcome to the TMG podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com slash tiny meet gang and that the free episode will be ad free as well on there so and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace oh dude did you [ __ ] do you hear for that [ __ ] streamer decide do you hear what that fool no wait wait wait hold on is this one of those like did you will you decide to put my nuts in your mouth sort of thing no no is the streamer actually decides like a fortnight player okay did you see what sorry I just I don't know I just I'm five years old did you see that it's a clip of Ness Oh nailing you owning me with the Candice [ __ ] yeah yeah that's what I thought that was yeah he said what did he say you ever heard of Candice hey do you know Candice yeah yeah and I said no who's that and he said Candice dick fit in your mouth yeah and I got [ __ ] laughed at dude and so now I'm AG being extra careful cuz you could have done that there you could have but you know you never heard of decided not ever okay you know her to decided this dick [ __ ] [Laughter] [Laughter] no no I was right I was right it still worked there's nothing else I could I called it I call it up and you still somehow somehow managed to get me with it that's the longest roll how did you do that oh I'm I'm in awe man I just I got nothing to say how did that happen alright thanks for listening guys as the episode brush shout out to who's my man's hold up the whole of he's a streamer you got hit with the same don't do it again don't you do it again little spoil Stevie shouted to my boy he's lucky last night it's like I'm never whispering one of you [ __ ] again which is like a DM on Twitter yeah yeah yeah so let's do was like the conversation go it's it's him and he's like what what are you talking about and the other dude says decide in his stream earlier he was talking mad [ __ ] he said he has something big and he could expose you I don't know if you already knew or not and he's like who whose decide he's like lick the side of this dick I saw that I'm like I have a [ __ ] oh my god dude I can't believe that got that through how did it happen how did I know and it still works you navigated around that expertly and like know what I mean I will I thought he was like I thought you're gonna say like you were being like weirdly serious about it so I was like oh this must be like a serious topic maybe maybe maybe like this is really I thought I was being really immature that I was like oh sorry I'm five this must be serious thing my apologies for thinking that this was a dick joke and I wanted to explain myself and then you I can't believe that work that might be the funniest thing I just got slaughtered on this [ __ ] podcast oh my god dude I put the ball out I held it out to you I gave it to you for a second and then you gave it back and then I banked it off your head like the second you gave it back to me [ __ ] hell man anyway so again guys if you have any information about little hoodies STD xx Brazilian Trillian Brazilian trillions these are different from regular trillions twenty Brazilian trillions of one coin up for grabs yo honey whatever we were talking about one coin right uh-huh and then then you round our island yeah and then yeah so I facetimed to her the other day no we're talking about one coin and then this morning I read about dogecoin right right so like dogecoin is a [ __ ] like meme cryptocurrency that's been around since the beginning yeah for you know [ __ ] Doge is like the oldest meme ever hmm and so the you know all these reddit nerds made a made a cryptocurrency called dogecoin which is like you know the dough [ __ ] you know how what's this a meme Tim sitting there with all the little words but you floating around is this it's just like isn't like a corgi is based on a corgi yeah or no it's a Shiba Inu yes yeah how do I forget that um yes anyway so old name yeah old meme it's a cryptocurrency still exists and tik-tok found it and they decided to like make it go viral and so it's doubled in value this [ __ ] is like worthless right it's worth like it basically the the original implementation was meant to like it was meant for tipping on Reddit and stuff like that yeah so if you know instead of giving someone gold this was before reddit gold existed which I don't know that is by the way I read it go read it really gold yeah if you like someone's comment you could tip them in dogecoin because it was worth like half a cent or something like that right and now it's worth it's worth no it was worth like Oh point zero five percent and now it's worth point one percent or something because of tik-tok it's doubled in value so in like two days so if you bought you know like five grand worth of this [ __ ] you'd have ten grand now just because tik-tok kids are figuring out how to buy dogecoin right yeah and we're talking about all this one coin [ __ ] I don't know how the [ __ ] we didn't think of that on the spot we need to make a cryptocurrency that's just for tik-tok kids to like me with oh okay like their own version of Doge yeah exactly but I mean now it's kind of too late because they found dogecoin but like that just seems right now with the with step chickens all this [ __ ] it seems ripe for for something like that I mean yeah you know I think I think you know I think the owners of tik-tok will make sure that they're all hooked into whatever crypto five years and when you're all automatically invested in their blockchain and you don't know how that happened I think there I'm sure the Chinese government has already [ __ ] thought of this and is well into making this yeah I think they got that one under control but it's a good idea man thanks yeah I think this is great you're you're going down the right path for sure yeah dude that sounds really cool I'm sure the Chinese government has a great angle on that let's let them handle this one all right yeah you know the leaders and like artificial intelligence and like civilian monitoring I think we've got a wonderful way of looking at that utilizing that technology but yet not definitely good idea I wonder if this shit's actually gonna get banned man that'd be crazy I think it should I mean yeah I think it definitely should so supposedly we didn't bring this up last time but there was this tweet from like a couple weeks ago about the app and some guy who claimed to reverse-engineer it people were invalidating it or saying like parts of it were fake but why would it but why why would they not be collecting as much data as possible why would they not be no I'm yeah it's a Chinese company and it's what they're known to do mmm why wouldn't they I mean it's I it's not even I would even say it's not even either a Chinese company it's just that China's more aggressive about it like the u.s. the u.s. does it but in a stupid way right they just have like miscellaneous servers recording [ __ ] and you know they're they use that information to find people lighting cop cars on fire during during a [ __ ] protest you know China China is just better at data mining their own people I feel so so I'm saying that's one thing we also have laws against collecting data against miners and stuff like that yeah yeah which I don't know if China has that or not but no with the way this with the way that this breakdown sounded it's like you know he said he was essentially like it's it's basically malware that we're all just right voluntarily installing on our phones and rather so much data collecting going on that has nothing to do with video creation or mm-hmm anything related to what you do on tik-tok yeah I wonder if the proxy server thing was fake that seemed real but that's that seems like something they could do what was that like one of the one of the points about and by the way if you're like absolutely confused what the [ __ ] we're talking about basically tick-tock in one way or another is definitely mining the [ __ ] out of your phone for information yeah but in the post he claimed that the tic-tock sets up a remote proxy server and it communicates data to like a sort of ambiguous server like the communications are labeled as like like media creation or something I forget what the term like what the sort of noted term for the the activity was but either way that's totally possible it's yes I really found being a little bit weird but maybe it would be too I don't know why you would do that the other weird one which I want to know is true is it it was supposedly accessing your clipboard yeah which that's true yeah that is true yeah that one's tough though because it might it might just be like when a new version of iOS comes out by the way if you don't know what he's referring to here it's like there was a there was a user that upgraded to iOS 14 because I think it's still in beta right yes after after they have WWDC it always comes out in beta right afterwards and developers can get it and but it's like still super buggy and so there's a new feature in iOS 14 that shows you there's a little notification pops down when you've copied something to let you know that it's copied to your clipboard or whatever and they open tik-tok and they were typing in a caption and about every three characters that notification was was popping down which means that they were copying your clipboard and potentially sending it to a server so stammering uh which which might not seem like a weird thing but you have to think that means that they're saving whatever you're writing no matter if you say save or not it's as you're typing it they're sending it it's just like which which telegram does the same [ __ ] does that's a thing but yeah because because if you if you type something into your into your bar and you move on to your PC it'll be there right there doing the same [ __ ] but it's still for again like for a video creation app where you're writing a caption right supposed to only be public when you've published the video right there's really no reason to send a caption as you're typing it no it screams like what just what's the invasive da yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no it's it's a [ __ ] it's like it's I wanna you know I don't like to exaggerate but this [ __ ] is terrifying think you're thinking about how long this is been on your phone everybody for what at least two years now yeah and and just all is just yeah I mean you don't know you don't [ __ ] know and it's crazy how it just it just completely went under the radar you know well yeah musically stick talk now and everyone goes oh yeah okay they're just putting tons of [ __ ] on there you know it makes me think like people who have had like DM conversations over that just like whatever that's just some we're on a foreign server you have no do you even have like recourse over that well you can't be like hey delete that [ __ ] gonna be like nah I that's what I'm saying like that's the scariest thing is that is that it's doing all this data mining and data collection but it's a foreign company yeah it's such a part of our pop culture now you know one's [ __ ] deleting that [ __ ] no no that's there's an entire generation of kids who the people that they look up to and pay attention to their whole [ __ ] lives are the kids on tick tock mm-hmm why would they not use it yeah it is and we have no we have no say in what they do with the data where they sell it doesn't like we haven't done we can't control it and what if what if they just start advertising crazy propaganda [ __ ] you know I mean yeah that's some [ __ ] that's some like Red Scare [ __ ] I mean maybe I doubt it I don't think it's in their interest to start getting you know seven politics down whatever me we don't know oh yeah we your Rises this is a company worth billions and billions of dollars that owns this app it's true it's true how would I be in their interest to guys let me just interject real quick to remind you the importance of smelling good all right it's important to smell good it's the first thing that people notice about you when you meet someone and you shake hands the second thing that always happens after people shake hands is they go and they smell your the your neck like that right here they just go it that's at least that's what I do that's what I do when I meet someone new I smell right here oh and if they smell bad - no go for me I don't like that person alright so you got to smell good that's what Hawthorne is all about they sponsored this episode of the podcast and so I want to thank them for that and I want to thank them for making me smell great they sent me a whole bunch of stuff some body wash some cologne and it smells fantastic Kelsey loves it I feel cool and classy when I'm wearing it alright here's how it works you go online you take a quick two-minute quiz and a hawthorn tells you the two colognes that are best for you one for work because you got a smell good at work and one for play it's totally risk-free and they do free shipping and free returns so there's really no reason not to try it out all right check out Hawthorne at Hawthorne calm sorry Hawthorne Co that's Hawthorne with an e H aw th ou R and E CO and use the promo code TMG to get 10% off your first order I think if anything they're just gonna do the face book they take that data they're gonna sell it to people and you know this whatever they're probably just do unsavory advertising [ __ ] with that unless you know they're they're running all that data through something that we don't understand and like you know because we've never experienced before and they're creating profiles and [ __ ] on young Americans and you know whatever that's yeah it says I think what makes it so interesting is that because China has spent so much effort in the way of just like monitoring people and like living in that world they just know how to use that data a lot differently then probably you or I can concept you know what I mean mm-hmm like I don't know the fact that they have like civilian ratings and [ __ ] like that like just makes me think that they they manipulate that stuff well beyond what we can even I don't know this yeah I mean we could have we could have yeah they could target ads probably way better than anyone could and you have to think like the entire the majority of the user bases what like under 15 Fuj again is like not or like 10 probably bro yeah all they do is they just scrape the data from all the dropshipping kids and then they just one-up them they go oh oh that's how that's what you guys are selling all right no problem it's all scam by Alibaba cut all of the drop shipping people in America and [ __ ] get them out the game that's all it is fine with me they're just gonna sell you know those pallets of fish way cheaper than the kids how we looked up fish on Alibaba yeah they're good they're gonna they're gonna sell fish scrunchies manscape fish flavors crunchy but you have to think like the fact that the US government is considering banning this app means that it's serious oh sure yeah it's got to be bad I mean the Indian military band a shitload of apps for their do yet out bro I was I looked at that I was like I don't I don't know how you'd be in the military man you can't have [ __ ] yeah I know they want you to live in 1920 well no they I think they have Indian versions of those apps I'm pretty sure it's for ins for naps how everyone knows Instagram is the most fun yeah it's just not the same yeah but we don't know we don't know what we chat is like dude yeah that apparently is like the [ __ ] true yeah what a copy of of everything you would ever want on social media we have no idea I mean that if I could have telegram embedded in a streaming app what do you mean you know if I just had a secure like a secure chat server and you know the ability to also stream to people I wouldn't leave my house I would never go outside that's that's me right there for any what I want huh I want YouTube I want to I want a combo of the YouTube app and the Shake Shack app okay all right here we go they're like this so I can watch YouTube on my phone like I do but then I can just I don't have to switch apps to order Shake Shack I can just get it right in right in the app with like the order button yeah yeah there needs to be a spot a Spotify post mates redtube app so immediately after you come you can order some horrible meal and listen to music and be depressed and think about think about whoever is not texting you back wait dude did you listen to the new mm and Kid Cudi song no all right can we listen to that in the bonus episode sure we'll do a little live live reaction yeah all right yeah fair um by the way uh-huh I want to mention to the people listening right now that we did we did probably one of my favorite bonus episode the episodes that we've ever done last week and I check it out the head that's the most carried away we've been with a foot I like that I didn't even feel like we were podcasting that was so funny that was literally just watching a video that was crazy just just wait I mean the one I said today is not as good but they're posting like every couple days now and the one that they posted today or yesterday was them recruiting a new member all right we can tweak a hit on that later it's no good it's no good it's so good I'm stoked man you know speaking of speaking of music man don't don't you feel like Drake and future just need to go back to the you know what a time to be a live era of making dark moody trap music made for late night drives around Atlanta while you're sipping on a cup of lean don't you feel that way totally you know couldn't stop myself someone tweeted this [ __ ] reddit post it's on our Drizzy I was and that was the caption you know it's some [ __ ] suburban white kids horsemen you know it is I mean but it's so good men like it is he is he is he getting is he trolling us you know what I mean this is so funny this is such good copypasta right here man like I got a hold on I'll get I'm gonna click this I need I need to memorize this bro where the foot patan we'd spend a lot of [ __ ] happening in two days yeah oh yeah that's what I need everyone 81 up votes yeah yeah yeah well at the time I mean that's just probably poppin now but guys listen I need you all to memorize this and use make this your opinion just go into like Twitter threads and just say this [ __ ] yeah man Drake and future just need to go back to that what a time to be alive error of making Dart nobody trap music made for late night drives around Atlanta while you're sipping on a cup of lean you know alright Tristan alright Tristan just picturing like being in a studio being an intern and saying this [ __ ] and just just completely speaking out of turn I'm skinny skinny like white kid yo if I may if I may interject with my opinion I think Drake and future need to go back to the what but what is this wobba wobba era of making dark moody trap music made for late night drives around Atlanta while you're sipping on a cup of lean they're like man clean the [ __ ] bathroom what do you who let you in here man this is a word we're in Sacramento dude yeah yeah what do you you weren't even been to Atlanta we're an organ man [Laughter] yeah I went to Buckhead once with my parents this was sick now just think of the most immature [ __ ] it's eating your girl out and you can lift your head up ever feel like drinking future need to go back to what a time to be alive arrow Hey oh what a time to be alive yeah I'm making dark moody tribe music made for late night drives around Atlanta while you're sipping on a cup of lean what please go right back to it just intense just hitting it from the back in dance hey never feel like drinking future just I need to go back to that what a time to be alive heir of naked dark trap music completely private plan like step up a lien that reminds me of the little Vicky show when he's when he's [ __ ] as a girl and he looks up and this is the Drake poster finishing rolling over girls like how is that for you just can't stop thinking about the fact that Drake need to go back to man I've never had a poster with eyes does that make sense no I've never I've purposely never had a poster in my room that had eyeballs mmm because they follow you around yeah I just I didn't like that idea of just someone just feeling like someone is just like looking you know mm-hmm not not like in a creepy way is just like I don't know like this just payment I'm weird right and just feel like they're real mmm regardless of what I'm doing it's more like you know I don't want someone judging me you know yeah yeah I don't know you ever heard that creepypasta what the dude the photographer that goes out into the woods to shoot birds he's a bird photographer no and he's out deep in the woods shooting the yellow-bellied stork pigeon okay okay and he kids he keeps going deeper and deeper and deeper into the woods and it gets dark and he can't figure out how to get out he doesn't know because it's too dark and all of a sudden he comes upon a cabin in the woods okay and so he's like okay I'll just I'll just stay here for the night right uh-huh okay so he goes inside right okay and it's very creepy you know it's kind of dark in there it's a he's a hello opens the door hello no one's in there he goes in and there's a bed and so he's like okay I'll just get some rest and then I'll and then I'll get out in the morning and he you know as he's falling asleep he looks up and he sees all these crazy portraits on the wall of these people with these warped faces and all of them are staring directly at him it seems like they are right it's like the same thing you're talking about the eyeballs and okay and the thing all right so creepy the portraits all warped faces and they're all you know just staring at I'm super creepily and he gets he gets a good night rest he wakes up in the morning he looks up and all he sees are windows thank you for some here some windows hmm hmm come on weird that's some scary [ __ ] dude yeah it's pretty scary one you knows me I go down your face [ __ ] I felt that dude it what I read that one time and I freaked out I didn't do it justice oh you were serious I liked you trying to do like I don't know I wasn't window isn't face no no really yeah no that was a real story that I'd read one time but I [ __ ] it up completely oh okay I thought you were sure that you're doing the windows balls in your mouth no but I should have yeah yeah god damn it that would have been the perfect opportunity that's why I was guys scared I'm like windows are you John windows balls fit down your face I was like I'm doing the math I'm doing the math [ __ ] I should have done that windows nuts in your mouth no that's just a classic creepypasta that I read one time I remember the one about like the smell of copper and it was like I don't know some I don't know some ghost [ __ ] in the woods it doesn't matter dude our void inja yeah speak speaking of high balls and people watching you there's first stream on YouTube 2.6 million views on a stream replay that's crazy and how many concurrent people did he have Wow I would estimate by like 40 50 K which is like way higher than anything he got a mixer probably oh yeah yeah no bro it's um I don't know what he's gonna do well he's like negotiating with a bunch of people he's gonna get [ __ ] paid I mean it's just it's just not like I don't know if we ever talked about it but he eats the epitome of right place right time yeah yeah like yeah he's a good gamer and he has been streaming for a while but so has a lot of other people a lot of other people he just for some reason guys you know that between never-ending laundry cycles and incoming emails you've got plenty on your to-do lists all right you got a bunch of [ __ ] you got to take care of right now and uh you know your to-do list only gets long it's like it's like the more you finish it the more [ __ ] you have to do you know I'm saying that's at least that's how I feel the more should I get done it's just it just gets replaced with more errands and stuff like that so keep yourself one less thing to worry about and let door - take care of your next meal all right door - I want to thank you for sponsoring this episode the podcast door - is an app that brings you food that you're craving right now writes your door ordering is easy open the door - app choose what you want to eat and your food will be left safely outside your door with new contact contact lists delivery drop-off setting and I'm not talking about drivers not wearing their contacts all right that will be dangerous they are wearing their contacts and I'm talking about contact lists with you because you know they don't it's a it's great 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Puerto Rico Canada and Australia you can support your local go to Zoar choose from your favorite national restaurants like Chipotle one day's one days Wendy's when Wendy's great tastes and burgers hit your mouth and the Cheesecake Factory which I personally love I'm a big I'm a big Cheesecake Factory fan I really am many of your favorite local restaurants are still open for delivery just open door - app select your favorite local restaurant and your food will be left at your door door - deliveries are now contactless to keep communities we operate in safe and right now our listeners can get five dollars off and zero delivery fees on their first order of fifteen bucks or more when you download the door - app and enter the code TMG that's five bucks off and zero delivery fees on your first order just download the door - app and enter the code TMG he's always in the right place at the right time yeah his [ __ ] mixer deal like what the [ __ ] dude yeah he's signed with them you know basically sacrificed his entire twitch audience which is a huge sacrifice to move to mixer for however many millions of dollars right mm-hmm and then a [ __ ] year later they shut down and he just says buy me out of my contract so they just have to give him 30 million for moving off twitch for a year do you realize how lucky that is that's crazy there's no reason why he should have made that he didn't do anything he brought like a fraction of his audience to mixer and it didn't work and he still got paid thirty million bucks and because I'm being lucky insane insane well I mean bless him bless his [ __ ] heart I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it I'm just saying he got very very lucky and he keeps getting lucky why the [ __ ] is he the only gamer with a shoe I bet he's not might he's not the Michael Jordan of gaming ya know he's not like right I mean I don't know I don't know watch him that much I know he's really good and he was really good at fortnight but he's not like no he's not incredible he's not like when I watched [ __ ] a dinner symphony or whatever right yeah yeah come on don't lie man you know you got your Cod streamers not like watching uh come on you know a few that's why I just said well does Aiden play Cod now yeah okay rips unbelievable did i watch them get 45 kills in here something like that so 51 51 kills it's crazy and he plays controller yeah I mean there are [ __ ] no there are a [ __ ] legendary prolific FPS players that go back to way when you know it's not that nin just terrible but yeah is he an anomaly I wouldn't say so you know yeah he's been around a while and maybe that's the appeal that he's been in it for so long that that's what makes it a good story you know what I'm saying maybe be because he didn't blow up right away I don't know but I I wonder if him getting that big deal that was [ __ ] it up forever though because I wonder if now company's gonna say a mixer paid ninja all that money didn't [ __ ] do anything and then they ended up folding what's the point and now Mixel tried it it didn't worry good Facebook gaming's trying to do it it doesn't really feel like it's working YouTube's trying it it's working on YouTube though a little bit but is it really getting people off twitch I still feel like twitch has the monopoly on this [ __ ] yeah they have yeah they definitely have the monopoly but I mean I I'm I'm I'm sure we would be like massively surprised at how much streaming goes on on YouTube that we have just have no idea oh no no there's a ton of stream that goes on on YouTube but I feel like that there the streaming it makes more sense this way there's obviously the gamers as there are gamers at stream on YouTube but I feel that it's probably a lot more you know the just chatting Q&A vibe which makes sense cuz that's the type of content you see on YouTube yeah but um as far as if ninja if ninja can go to youtube one time and get you know 40,000 people or whatever yeah a mystery like there's there's I don't see that if he just kept doing that I don't see people not watching like being like ok I just wanted to watch them the first time just to see what it's all about yeah these are people on YouTube that are already there that were just like okay I'm gonna I'm gonna watch him because he's on here now right whereas mixer it's like people had to make an account you had to learn about mixer whatever people ready know how to use YouTube mmhmm yeah no totally I I mean bro it it's it's crazy it's just crazy his whole career is wild [ __ ] also I found this post about doc the dis mister disrespect yeah and the the reason he got banned and I I I kind of I buy into this one like 8090 percent like this this feels right and this would I think explained why the stream is so innocuous earlier this ban is so not innocuous but it's just not elaborated on and it's not being discussed so this dude dug up this clip and I'll share it real quick hold on the meat yeah on wiki screen share yeah I'm just gonna make sure it's still recording I mean you don't even if you're listening on audio you don't really need to see this but so you see now yeah okay so this is a long clip but I'm just gonna skip to the middle and that motivated isolation palsies in New York City and epic center of the pandemic I would not and shout it to those that are self quarantine in New York I that's got to be tough to be quarantine in New York so he's mmm in this clip he's sort of discussing coronavirus and in one way or another he he kind of starts spreading theories about 5g and it's he's talking about this this guy David Icke who's like oh I think he's like a right-wing conspiracy there is type dude mmm-hmm someone can correct me on that I'm not I'm not an expert on that dude but basically the the theory is that doc has discussed this a bunch of times and people probably think like twitch probably hit him up and was like amen you're pretty big personality can you not discuss sort of you know conspiracy theory about coronavirus during what's deemed to be a a pandemic and yeah yeah you have people watching you that are young and whatever just you got to be sensible to that hmm maybe maybe they said that I don't know but he's done it repeatedly and so doc actually went through I think in negotiation where he resided a big contract with twitch yeah so people think twitch just used this as an avenue to ban him and to nerf the contract so now they've saved 10 20 million dollars by just booting him over really like a pretty easy thing to get him on and I think that's why doc hasn't really issued a statement about it because it's weird like you know oh yeah I got banned for spreading conspiracy theories you know because maybe not all his fans are privy to that or maybe they think it was part of a bit you know you don't know yeah it's very Alex Jones yeah is this is you know anything you know I was thinking how [ __ ] sick would it be if this entire thing turned out to be some giant marketing ploy for some brand deal or like new platform or something that twitch is also in on I'm good bunny no it's not not possible but could you imagine that I mean I mean if there was anyone who could pull off a massive stunt like that I feel that it would be doc you know just with everything you know I mean dude he could probably spin up his own streaming service not like it's not streaming service that's ridiculous but a way to stream where it's it's just you know it's you can sub to him and and whatever you know like some embedded stream link from whatever service cuz they're there plenty of startups that do that [ __ ] now yeah so that's what he definitely should do yeah I mean if he just created doctor disrespect comm yeah you just got it there yep which is which is crazy kind of ironic if right kind of ironic cuz that's how twitch started yeah was Justin TV yes one dude filming everything he did yeah and that eventually became twitch and now imagine they start banning these giant streamers and they just go back to exactly how it started uh-huh and they just do their own thing I mean it it isn't it weird how all media now is doing the Netflix thing where when people get banned from [ __ ] like they just find their own way in the Internet to sort of self host and self promote and become their own thing and they just the internet just seems to get so I mean now more than ever is this is not like a super smart take but the Internet is so fragmented man it's it's crazy yeah and it makes me wonder if it hits a point where it almost becomes like like the [ __ ] 90s or some [ __ ] where everyone just has their own personal domain and platforms are just a way to promote those things cuz take revert back to us all having geocities website yeah yeah just like the ago to go do calm and it's like to me floating around once a gift and your [ __ ] web page is 300 Meg what's it what's a little the little ape remember that guy buddy Banzai what is it bonzi buddy yeah yeah he says oh that's odd I'm gonna put that dude on a shirt I miss I think I've seen that like a bunch of times so doubt yeah the [ __ ] who made that Fonzie buddy there was like a bunny it was it was an app right it was probably malware yes it was freeware it was definitely malware exactly we're talking [ __ ] about tik tok but we're all putting this [ __ ] fool on our desktop the most malware looking thing a [ __ ] purple little monkey [ __ ] funny thing is we're all like 12 yeah when we first got a computer or whatever and I'm like browsing the internet going to most [ __ ] up websites and this little guy was collecting data on everything we were doing oh yeah here we go here we go yeah spyware a number of sources identify bonzi buddy a spyware acclaimed their company disputes Trend Micro and Symantec have both classified the software as adware which is ironic dude because antivirus software most of that [ __ ] was [ __ ] that [ __ ] was adware - mostly yeah most antivirus [ __ ] was [ __ ] yep which is crazy yep hilarious that people people used to pay geek squad a hundred dollars to install they'd sit on their computer and is the [ __ ] malware that's my mate Oh killing getting paid to install malware yeah yeah yeah bro this is so funny to me the bonsai buddy yeah it really is the most spyware looking [ __ ] of all time install this little cute character that does nothing it just says [ __ ] every once a while but just lives on your computer and is running constantly he was always there but he didn't do anything imagining this network of 10 year olds just staring at their computer look at this purple monkey is just in the background just a hella binary just like mouse mouse coordinates on the screen is everything just straight to a server and if it's like it's like intensive walk on the back end and the unit cut to the kid just looking at the camera just looking and then and then wait and then just here trying to pull of his voice isn't it past your bedtime he sounds like a grandpa let's get one more line bro to register the software it asks for your [ __ ] name and address Oh my name is Helios No we did that you know we filled this out honestly because there's no reason why not how cool needs my address word all right word registration dude what the [ __ ] bro this is actually creepy as hell I never went to very creepy hold on let this run through what the [ __ ] when you finished simply click the continue button hello I will automatically register you what what what happens wait I want to see what happens after he hits continue of course the third shoes is he's 69 years old nice smash it brother come on man do it dude do it bruh areas of interest this is hilarious this is just one of those like Facebook surveys yeah um what the [ __ ] okay anyway alright guys real quick I wanna I want to talk to you about the importance of keeping yourself groomed and scaped alright and that you could do that easily with manscaped the sponsor of this episode manscaped is dedicated to helping you level up your full body grooming game nobody likes a nun groomed body okay nobody likes it um and manscaped actually just released their shears 2.0 nail kit which is the perfect add-on to their lawnmower 3.0 or perfect package it's called the shears 2.0 is a luxury four-piece nail kit featuring tempered stainless steel tools and it includes slash tip tweezers rounded point scissors fingernail clippers and a medium grit nail file no one likes an ungroup set of feet fingers and most importantly balls that's what I was just saying I would say it says right here but I was just saying that nobody likes an unscathed nutsack alright that's why they have forever changed the grooming game with our perfect package 3.0 it comes with the essential lawn mower water resistant cordless body trimmer and a ton of other liquid formulations to round out your manscaping routine this is the best trimmer on the market for those of you in need of a chest shave or a ball cleanup this this third generation trimmer features skin state skin safe technology to reduce manscaping accidents and for a limited time subscribers get two free gifts the shed travel bag and the the patented high-performance reduced shape reduced chafing manscaped boxer briefs get 20% off plus free shipping with the code TMG at manscape comm do yourself a favor and always use the right tools for the job 20% off and for shipping with the code TMG at manscaped comm dam bonds is a very big discovery yea long see buddy was not your innocent little primate friend that you had on your screen it was much more than that it was relying on you the whole time yeah he was the sign of evil broke I remember watching these documentaries back in the day on like the History Channel or TLC or some sure they'd be like there is a computer worm that is purported to be in all computers all over America and they've come up with these like covert names and [ __ ] and it's like no it's just it's just ponzi buddy man the whole time right it was right in front of our faces the whole [ __ ] time can't believe he lied to us man I know I trusted I trusted him his voice was it was weirdly soothing that like like text-to-speech grandpa [ __ ] I used to think it was dope now now it's kind of creepy put your name into the forum and upload a picture of yourself have you ever wanted to go to a private island sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry bro someone brought up a crazy point they took a sketch so that remember the Madeleine McCann documentary that I brought up and all our British or all our UK listeners called me a [ __ ] dolt believing that she was kidnapped because everyone's convinced you know they they gave her away well bro someone brought up the police sketch of the alleged woman who took their daughter we'll put that image beside ghilane Maxwell and it it kind of [ __ ] looks like herds what's brought hold up let me let me try now that's a [ __ ] conspiracy right there bro hold on hold on we bring this [ __ ] up yeah yeah yeah oh my god if you just search weird ghilane max well that's so many ran it it cut right that's creepy that [ __ ] drawing is so creepy super yeah man that that thread that I was talking about last week that [ __ ] got so crazy literally after we stopped recording the podcast there was so much wild [ __ ] in there which one there's this there's a sort of not like a mega thread but it was it was a dude on Twitter just kind of digging up random things about you know about Maxwell Hill or whatever yeah after seeing that reddit account he just started going through [ __ ] there's like some archived webpage called like Maxwell's 7 to 11 and it was just all these archive pages of just children like the same way you would browse he's [ __ ] like only fans like it was like it was like all these like like glamour shots of children it's creepy as [ __ ] and then some dude brought up another thing where there there's this it's not really related but I just thought it was an interesting thing to know was there was a there was a study of traffic on reddit and someone had discovered that there were basically a bunch of accounts showing activity from an army base oh yeah I saw that yeah and and so you know people are saying the dude was saying that the the activity the users are basically astroturfed you know meaning that they were that it was probably their you know process farm yes yes pulling up a bot farm but they forgot to mask the IPS okay so yeah it was just like a weird coincidence on reddit sort of in in that timeframe and then it like disappeared the post was like removed or something yeah something like that but uh but what how does that how does that have connection to it doesn't really but I think this thing dude was just sort of bringing up that you know it's kind of a maybe maybe the connection there is is that like the military felt it necessary to to put traffic towards reddit you know maybe you know maybe they're privy to something weird that was going on there or they're just sort of farming data knowing that reddit has [ __ ] going on I don't know but they're not to distract from the ghilane thing I mean if that hurt was her truly posting on reddit that is [ __ ] wild I can't get over that that a person that sick is just on the internet and it's like being recognized on websites like oh my god what a pie feel what a great user you had number eight biggest you reddit users or something like that yeah so if they whether or not they make her disappear I don't know but I think it's one of those things that is well I want to see how this [ __ ] plays out dudes well you know what says Daily Mail link that you sent from 2011 or something oh it's sort of is it describes to these girls that she brought in as as sort of her minions okay um I didn't read too too in-depth about it uh yeah one of them one of them is the one Virginia Robert she's the one that accused Prince Andrew and she was in the documentary did you watch the documentary I did but I never actually finished it she's like the main she's like one of the main focuses okay was she the was she the blonde woman I yeah I'm forgetting names uh yeah hmm she said that she that she was like molested by Prince Andrew [Music] them together that's like an old picture he said he said he's never met her before oh yeah he's a picture of them like his arm around her waist yeah yeah yeah now I mean all those [ __ ] are sick bro yeah disgusting but speaking of the law I came across this I don't know how long ago but I thought this was pretty crazy and I and and I'd be curious to know if anyone who's is like studying law or can speak to this better can elaborate on this but basically Colorado like reformed this law so I guess when it comes to suing a police officer mm-hmm it they they're given legal immunity for the most part and that's what has always protected them and I guess this is specifically in the context of civil misconduct so this this article is pretty good it breaks it down with basically in Colorado now if you sue a police officer you're more likely or you have the ability to recoup like damages and take it further so versus before I think you know he'd just be put on the stand in front of a bunch of his boys and then you know the blue code holds up and then whatever but I thought this was pretty wild just in the midst of like all this [ __ ] going on that you know all right cuz we talked a while back like you know maybe things will start to change and it seems like in some pockets [ __ ] is starting to happen which is wild so I don't know I thought it was a soul yeah that was like a weirdly positive thing yeah you know so that's cool we're swirling it up what's that video you son of the of the oh my god in the wind oh my god like that this what is this this dude like is this dude it's like you think it's a bit this is the craziest power trip bro like I'm looking I'll just let it ride my way yeah like can you change your resolution or now because it's super blurry I can try here let me yesterday was clean around Wednesday was uh yeah by the way we're recording this a little bit early yeah we are this week we're recording on a Friday yeah yeah it feels good we're back to the roots yeah well Friday's get you uh this is this is more happening yeah just feel the energy feels feels good a lot of [ __ ] happens like Thursday night new music a lot of you know the news cycle is finished on Friday so a lot of [ __ ] comes out I feel like you know ro yet not that worked okay that works all right yeah let's give this a shot okay I got a piss and [ __ ] dude ask you why you're writing there but like that and speeding man I'm running his license plate yeah also speed why are you speeding I'll be going 60 this doesn't even feel real like the way is his head pokes in like a the Sunda speed the speed sunglasses bro and like when if you everything's are built for speed dude when have you ever seen a cop like yell at you and then tell you to get lost like that that is never happen you broke the law and you know what I'm just reminding you that you're [ __ ] wrong get out of here why they're both wrong about the speed I was going 60 it's 40 it's actually 50 it's 40 bro you see how quick he reaches for his [ __ ] waist yeah that's that's scary that's [ __ ] terrifying rate at which this just escalated yeah this dude horrifying this went from like give me a you could see a register in his eyes he sees the weed immediately that's that's cause yeah probable cause anyway in his eyes I have a carve-out alright alright stop man what a [ __ ] one your mouth no problem you came to write guys shut up oh no that's horrifying that's horrifying bro 50 seconds 50 seconds from a [ __ ] from a traffic stop - you're not being arrested you're being detained what some dude someone's saying someone with a gun saying you want to run your mouth you came to the right guy oh yeah yeah terrifying bro what ends up happening um I didn't finish the whole clip cuz I kind of wanted it to keep I wanted to keep it genuine so I'm guessing here I think that he gets away but that let's see let's just give it my god what bro this is dark what the [ __ ] god no [ __ ] mind your own [ __ ] business next time bro this is like a [ __ ] dude this guy needs to not have a gun and he needs to go to therapy I pray for his wife man if he has one man this is just it's just classic abusive power right here like this guy just was a little bit offended that someone said he was riding a guy's tail yeah that's all it was yeah any any level-headed person would be like it I mean so yeah maybe I was or I wasn't or whatever or get mad but I'm not gonna get mad to the point of abusing his position I'm in bro the way he's like he's like he's like fainting at him he's got him in cuffs that he's going like what [ __ ] yeah come at me bro I do have to say the way he says you're [ __ ] is it's not funny but it's like it's making me laugh when there's a cop ever done I've never seen a cop do that hose into the container you're [ __ ] you're [ __ ] you're [ __ ] man when you travel there's this new strain of weed it's called smudge your [ __ ] business oh you got push in there you got to get smushed in here [ __ ] gonna put you in a container dude just the way his [ __ ] head his head in this frame what's good you got weed in there it was gonna was good was it what's up dude I know we're joking about this but this is seriously horrifying ya know it's scary but just the [ __ ] dude this guy is a loser you lunatic get out of here man get this guy off the [ __ ] forest look how fast this goes let's just run that back one more time bro anger issues like that hey hey hey you're riding their boat like that is feed-in man I'm learning his license plate oh I thought it was the cop that said hey yeah hey speed why are you speeding I was only going 60 give me the weed - no I just I don't understand what happened in the beginning of this yes why did he - he stopped to like talk to the cop until my face I guess well bro what look at this [ __ ] delusional ass comment oh my god this cop is hilarious I think you say what most officers feel like hahaha kudos to him he deserves a raise what no he doesn't yes you're cool YouTube video didn't turn out the way you thought what what's happening my hero chooses ass and lets him go that's how it's done dude all these people have abusive parents what the [ __ ] I support this type of tantrum from a cop any day no what are you joking me how was everyone just like so casual that this dude is like on Full Tilt over a [ __ ] traffic stop that's insane it's like actually insane how like I don't know I just feel like it's not that crazy to to expect cops just to like even if the even if that guy was in the wrong and he and he was speeding and he talked to the cop any you know whatever like was getting the cops attention accusing the cop for speeding when he wasn't even if there's guys in the wrong the cuffs should be like just chill about it yeah I wasn't I wasn't speeding I was running that guy's plate and like if you have to give a card for that weed okay you do okay cool well yeah right yeah not that I think there there is the Heward behavior should be nothing short of that oh [ __ ] just don't be [ __ ] taking out your anger on civilians no one told you to [ __ ] bet 2,000 on the [ __ ] Eagles you [ __ ] those guys from Connecticut so whatever [ __ ] football team is from over there losing five grand on your college team and you're taking it out on a dude with [ __ ] Roach weed who's probably stoned his [ __ ] and he's just like a man why you running that guy's plate whoa it's 40 yeah also one of the comments said this guy must have teenagers dude don't yell your kids like that yeah I pray to God II there's no [ __ ] kids this is literally everyone with abusive parents oh my god he's hilarious I love this guy please don't hit me as well happy 41st birthday dad I'm 40 okay sorry sorry this is wild man my god [ __ ] get these people [ __ ] leather flavored popsicles dude holy [ __ ] deep throating that [ __ ] anyway it's [ __ ] insane hey it just seems like a bit man this I why didn't this guy go at the stand I mean you can't I'm recording you yeah I wouldn't pull that on this dude yeah yeah alright Cody's got a piss and [ __ ] per usual and then we're gonna hop into the bone zone we gotta I'm gonna fire out a quick piss and [ __ ] and then oh I can't wait to watch this we got hella videos for the bone zone everybody so the first recruit to 1% baby if you don't know what 1% is cuz you didn't watch the bonus last time you have lived it's the world's hottest new gaming team in the hottest most sickest house with the dopest cars and the dopest view of the golf course and the sickest stream rims and awesome merch and they're called 1% and they're sick alright guys yeah we'll see in a bit thanks for tuning in peace
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 372,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 11sec (3971 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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