Episode 119 - Big on K-Pop Twitter

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what's up guys this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon you can get it a week early to contribute and if not enjoy this free episode please please please please enjoy enjoy good bye BTS just announced twenty20 World Tour baby the boyband recently announced their new album map of the soul seven as a successor to map of the soul six who would of course here you go top map of the soul five here you go kpop Twitter Wow we are so excited for the BTS 2020 world tour I mean and especially on the heels of their new album map of the soul seven this is actually why we moved the tour guys so we can make room for BTS we didn't want to take any ticket sales away from them so we moved the tour to be nice we're trying to give them as much of an opportunity to shine yeah as we possibly can but hey first of all real quick [ __ ] all you guys for making us feel like we're dweebs for being sad about it yeah what the [ __ ] it just turned into a roast I know awful and everyone's like I feel like I'm watching my parents tell me they're a gay sitting down with my two gay dads cuz I [ __ ] peed on myself as all the comments were oh you guys coming out I don't want to hear it it was a sad moment we don't like disappointing people it's not someone like had a weird like a comment that I didn't like consider it this way he was like bro this is like when a band says yo we've toured the last album too much so we just want to make a new one and we'll come back with the new one and that's cool I've do band say that like I don't know I guess either way man yeah also but that that also probably disappoints people because then they're like oh I yeah I want to hear the hits but either way guys thank you for being understanding if you somehow don't know we had to move the tour just the u.s. lake just the u.s. like the international dates still happening as scheduled but the US leg had to be moved to October so head to the website check check to see your new date your old ticket will work if you need a refund you absolutely will get it hit up whoever you bought the tickets from yeah master Cee whatever and you can get a refund yeah yeah so you know I'm totally understand if you can't make it but if you can't make it now please come out to the show we're really gonna make some special man and it's dope because we get to we get to perform on weena ghin and this time we can do it right yeah cuz last time we just had a few pumpkins it wasn't that spooky yeah yeah this time we can make it like and I think it's the last show on Halloween we end on Halloween oh wow so like we caught it we got to do like kinda go all out yeah maybe we'll do a flatbush zombies does and we'll get some like lines attached to us yeah just in the middle of a set star flew out a little bit you yes wear a costume you have all year to plan it wear a costume yep definitely wear a costume and if you're one of those I know we're we're one yeah yeah alright I was that guy for many years I'm giving you a chance to wear a costume yeah we both are yeah so we're a [ __ ] cos happiest be a sexy cop yeah be a sexy cop guys only though yeah only the homies can be sexy cops I want to see yep I want to see all my boys second crop tops yeah yeah fishnets boys I want to see all my homies and fishnets yep yeah only only hetero boys though mm-hmm if you a gay man you sorry you just gotta go regular gay cop just short shorts kind of just renown I won't one [ __ ] just this is boring gay cop it's only the header old boys in fishnets this year its massive de Boer or it'd be a I'm just gonna throw some other ones out there you could be a salmon yeah yeah yeah but not even a sexy one not just a regular Sam yeah yeah just come soaking wet this is my are you soaking wet Oh cuz you know right usually you're dry today um hours later he's still wet how are you doing this I don't know dude it's just this Conor it's just part of who I am really nervous about this costume works sweaty people have a you got a costume this year just being yourself yeah you don't have to you don't have to wipe up yeah go out as pit stains all right man I know you wanted to start with with the relationship advice hey if you want to talk about someone else but ya know I got black mirror season 12 mapped what is it already I actually read this article and just bear with the boring [ __ ] for a second I promises crazy so the finance the crypto exchange yeah this we had to leave the windows open because Chile took a Dookie oh yeah sorry it took a big diarrhea that stinks yeah I guess we work by a Lamborghini dealership I never knew that yeah of course we do rodeo yeah our Studios on today were the only podcast on road day oh man we got a tube of Balenciaga yeah our studio rent is 15 million dollars a month is that a retail space on the first floor if you look in the windows on Rodeo you'll find us yes staying there in a bill glass soundproof shield we built an LP tech shield unit in a Balenciaga store on Rodin that's how [ __ ] rich we are you guys you don't get it one person's gonna go Rodale and be like I'm looking for the podcast anyways no so this he tweets this clip and it's the CEO of buying okay so he's in like a lot of the busy nachi videos and it's a deep fake which is a media it's a synthesized media of his face and like a kung fu movie and it creeped me out because it's one of the better ones I've seen okay and the shot is like the camera is like it it I don't know if it's not like steady but it's like going around a group of people and you can't see the break in the in the deep fake okay I guess face looks [ __ ] perfect on the actor and he's talking and the actors doing a lot of fast motions and it's his face and it's perfect so the article was about how media synthesis is like the next big thing like oh blockchain was a big deal for the last five years the next thing is media synthesis and specifically being able to monetize media like your face and the example he used was like the peloton girl was a good example where you know Ryan Reynolds was smart for using her right away he was like I see a future where a synthesized media will be so fast that a person like that if they have a viral moment any ad company could be like would you like to be featured in this ad and then a person acts as a plate shot for the person and they just synthesized the actor to the to the plate yes yeah that's [ __ ] sick so whatever so who knows how long that would take yeah it was not sick but it's also sick yeah dope concepts then he was saying well he's gonna diss [ __ ] destroy it's gonna ruin that like the integrity of advertising yeah completely yeah oh my god dude I mean every [ __ ] Brad Pitt's face on on an mm and they did it overnight Oh imagine is this stupid [ __ ] that's gonna happen because of that that was my first thing is like the pelt imagine like just getting devalued instantly yeah by like you get a viral moment and ad companies dude what if like I started getting like weird like thoughts about like what if like an agency like when you sign to them they can license out your face for me that's what it's gonna be I mean you're gonna have to own your face yeah and then the rights to use your face and just people will buy those from you or own them just wake up in commercials you don't agree with yeah exactly what I I don't some actors really struggling and they just sell all rights forever oh yeah you know man Brad Pitt after he signed the rights away to his face that [ __ ] fell off he's in everything Pedialyte Gerber a spokesperson for like a herpes medication or some [ __ ] yeah just oh wait that's a sketch isn't it yeah I mean I don't know there's also like I don't know hand that'd be so funny he was walking on the grocery store and he sees his face on on diarrhea meds yeah well the next day like what the [ __ ] you know that whole [ __ ] meme someone this is in a movie or whatever or I think it actually happened but like a boxer advertising like pain pills after they get knocked out oh yeah yeah the next day like hella advil commercials yep Mike Tyson hey come on man I'm Cal I'm Donald cowboy Cerrone and I got my [ __ ] clap last night you know the first thing I got it was [ __ ] advil extra-strength so whatever so and now I'm here to tell you about the softness of these baby blankets and I need a nurse myself my nurse my [ __ ] broken nose backpack to help ya man so then he started going in on like you know your face will become like I'm like almost like currency like it's gonna have value and which I didn't think that was a good genius observation what kind of is the case already like that's an actor right like an actor's voice yeah you know what I play more so now because yeah physically be there so I just started thinking of like really stupid [ __ ] one I was like you know I want someone to take the bachelor a whole season of The Bachelor but synthesized the bachelors face onto all the girls and renamed all the girls to the dude so he's just dating himself for like 12 seasons and see if anyone is like into it then the thing I want so he kind of touches on like AI articles and AI media and like I've seen like AI generated journalism is bad but I want so someone did a media synthesis just with audio with Joe Rogan yeah or any computer sighs oh yeah listen to the podcast I want you now we have what we have like over 100 episodes yes no I want someone to synthesize an episode based on our audio yes one yep to take our faces from like all the videos we've done and synthesize us into a weird space right yeah like on the two actors yeah you know having a fake conversation yes that was all synthesized yeah do that yeah somebody [ __ ] do that please try nerd cut yeah if you're if you're a stupid little nerd your stupid little back-end developer a little dumb [ __ ] Hugh any little back-end [ __ ] boy please do that yeah please if you're a dumb [ __ ] cognitive science major put that together you [ __ ] idiot we beg you you stupid little nurse doofy little [ __ ] dumbass playing with computers all day well come on you little [ __ ] do it boys when I used to like the role stand-up he see what Jose Raymond said to the man he was saying I would say some [ __ ] about the computer maybe like can't you like can you do that for me and I'm like bro you don't know how to do this on a computer he's like he's a mangrove in a hood I wasn't finger-fucking computers like you fingers I just thought about doing like a floppy drive with - greasing up your fingers into the CD Drive hey mama crossing the CD disc tray out and putting it back in slip forcing it back in against the engine come on Noel softer ow you're hitting my back wall ow it's okay it's okay you're hitting my C Drive I'm to capacity please stop take it no please do that [ __ ] the Twitter account no no don't [ __ ] this part now because that's really funny but the tweet tweet BOTS are our old news yeah you know Society B mod and it is funny yeah but we need real conversation we need us having a full-on conversation about whatever it is that we [ __ ] talk about I don't know what it is that's what I want to see yeah what we'll see what we talk about but I'm gonna learn uh-huh have you did all the episodes and let's see that'd be [ __ ] dope yeah and and then we are then we just inevitably fire ourselves from our job because when this synthesized an idea for like the show like I wonder if we could actually pay someone to do this what for the live show like create an asset like this where it's like oh yeah yeah that's what I was thinking damn that's that's a great idea yeah yeah do we I mean we got to leave this in yeah of course yeah yeah I'm just saying that's a great idea yeah so if you're calm side nerd of you AI nerd hit us up you want to do something [ __ ] crazy they'll be Dolph we'll pay you you little [ __ ] yeah we'll pay you dumb [ __ ] fine you drive a hard bargain we'll pay you you just add homeless this is very sick oh I'm paid fine $1,000,000 fine twist our arm ten trillion dollars yeah so so that's what black mirror Season ten is gonna be so what's it gonna be ten episodes of a synthesized podcast that sounds like it sucks you say that but then that's the Joe Rogan once was [ __ ] amazing yeah that one was crazy yeah so funny yeah so you know I'm gonna listen to a fair amount of rogue ster recently have you yeah he's got a lot of you got he had Robert Downey jr. on the pocket he gets insane guest he's got his easiest got the power of Fear Factor and TV and all I mean he's got the biggest show in the world right I was talking about this with someone this weekend it's the biggest show in the world uh I don't know the stats but it could be very easily I think it probably is I mean you think about how many episodes he does a week he gets millions of hits per episode I mean yeah he has to be yes the biggest showing the war it's gotta be bigger than [ __ ] Game of Thrones and like uh yeah yeah maybe who knows as far as reach reach sure yeah I agree with that not as far as I don't know as far as like license fees and and like if you're looking at like global [ __ ] I was like a global this is that's global shows global he's global mobile he's the biggest I I mean I I don't know I just think I I think it's really [ __ ] fascinating that like yeah yeah a comedian starts a show and his I mean his whole career is super interesting yeah it's just you know to start from MMA commentary when the UFC was in like a garage yeah he's just like the guy you ever seen him with hair yeah weirdest fine very weird when he's young yeah he's one of the dudes that like being bald really suits him yeah for sure yeah part of his like character you know huh I don't represent you so you watch the fight this week yeah what you think I'm proud of you I'm proud of you it was awesome you watching didn't watch like I mean I was like five or six fights before that too you watch the whole thing Wow give it up for the boy he sat through a whole UFC fight it was awesome yeah I don't not like watching fighting I just don't like it but if it's on I'm done there I thought the like the violence made you uncomfortable no no I love it no no I love oh yeah let's not let's I love seeing violence I'm just not a violent person you know that olynyk the russian dude who's like a master like the Ezekiel choke he was like he was like that big lumbering old guy who like tapped out that younger that younger fighter yeah yeah yeah yeah that dude like it was just funny cuz Rogan was talking about that [ __ ] and it's so true guys it like grapple for years they just get like this crazy finger strength like especially when they do like Geeg raffling oh man so like him just like tapping from the neck crank you just know that that fool like the pressure just from the skill like imagine just being in front of thousands of people getting your [ __ ] esophagus just cut off just I got this I don't have it yeah yeah yeah and then it would no know who tapped with her foot no that was a different guy anyway yeah counter fight it was cool but as a layup like I mean it was yeah it was almost like too fast I was like ha and I mean really look I have so much respect for cowboy it's just his last two last few fights he had he's just been looking a little worn you know like and so I couldn't even see how he looked in that fight that's what I mean like going into it there was skepticism because and even the way he was talking was just like really depressing okay like what was he saying like he just learned the pre-fight interviews he was just a little bit like ah man you know I just wouldn't gone there and like it it wasn't like this like yeah imma kill him I'm gonna go win like you could you could just feel even he was like yes it's awesome I might do it or I might not yeah you know and I watched a pretty interesting breakdown where people were point was this dude is pointing out that cowboy kind of has like this like habitual way of covering up against the fence and he's like and he like he leaned into it and this guy was thinking that maybe Connor studied it because after you threw that knee and cowboy back into the fence Connor just like pivoted and like just lasered in with that left on behind his head and like you know almost like he knew it was gonna happen but yeah it was a the shoulder thing was really older strike yeah well it's crazy because people do that but they don't they don't do it like that like they don't get low and like come up it's pretty anything he busted his nose like that I feel ya broke his nose yeah with the shoulder mhm yeah Jesus when you watch the right on the bat it was like you know [ __ ] up yeah I mean I already tweeted this but you know at new Eminem album Connor one you know the Call of Duty kids going off dude it was going in this weekend for white boys I guess while we're on the topic what do you think the Eminem album do you listen to it I did didn't do it I have to I have to come round to it I'm just I'm not the biggest name fan - tre time does not does not some of the choruses on that second thing I know I said this one kamikaze came out mm-hmm man his chorus his chorus game is still stuck hmm back in the early 2000 yeah yeah yeah but like in yeah yeah yeah I don't know I mean I liked a lot of the songs like I thought they had I don't know like the beats were really great the prussians it [ __ ] insane mm-hmm always and like a lot of hit like I thought that a lot of stuff he was saying was really cool and he sounds good on it like he raps super [ __ ] fast on Godzilla which is like always fun to listen to yeah yes you're like how the [ __ ] yeah but then dude some like one of the songs it's just like I love my stepdad or maybe I hate my stepdad hold on I got a play who knows I mean you're gonna you know just real quick for now go for it go for it I'm not I'm not a massive that's why it's so weird for me that Griselda is signed to real that's not a joke Oh oooh I mean correct me if I'm wrong but I listened to the song doesn't sound like a joke all right Wow okay well you know whatever hate the stuff dead I'll let me let him have it a thirteen-year-old could make that same song maybe maybe the best thing you know my name is coming full circle you know what I mean yeah it's like he's like done the arc yeah and now he has to come back yeah to where he started yeah with I hate my stepdad yeah what bro black mayor season 12 episode 1 rapper simulates his childhood for an album ok and he regresses into full baby so he dresses like a baby googoo gaagaa and they hire an actor to play his father ok he relives all his childhood moments for inspiration right the album's right the album and it's called I hate my step I hate my stepdad yeah yeah but here's the twist he never grew love and he's still been living with his stepdad in a controlled environment where he's continued to get abused okay and his whole career as a musician is a farce he's actually just in a VR headset in his dad's basement so it's like the matrix yeah he's like a he's a big fat man baby getting fed G fuel okay well his dad sits there and abuses Wow psychologically yeah so it's like retaining control of him mm-hmm his dad's just stepdad just an abusive yeah and it's no stepdads actually writing a rap album about abusing his son using his son call I hate you because you look like my ex yeah and then and then ex actually The Truman Show that's watching him on a TV write that out knowing the way that this show goes though I feel like that's probably one of the episodes it's gotta be yeah yeah I mean they're already listening to us they took all of our ideas yeah two bros falling 11 fortnight that's us dude yeah you took that from once you always a check for them that was our [ __ ] yep I couldn't believe that man that whole [ __ ] you haven't watched it yet have you which one striking Vipers no I watch it you did just catch me man I know I dare I never watched it I never [ __ ] watched it what the [ __ ] we have to watch that for a bonus episode damn yeah we should down just kiss damndest I got distracted now yeah with all the other engagements on television like love island wow you caught up well I there's one episode that I haven't seen yet so I saw the twins get split up twiddle D's and twiddle dumper oh boy oh boy is that you say at home yeah yeah I said that very casually say that yeah yeah decent whittled uh socks man twiddle cans and twiddle dump face socks those two ends yeah I mean yeah they're the like the most void of personality wait were you at were you hold on so they one of them got one of them got yeah yeah Houston oh okay yeah yeah yeah and so that's the episode that I watched now there's one more that happened last night I guess that I haven't seen yet I haven't seen okay so where's in the same place yeah yo bro that guy net nest shortcut yeah I feel so bad for that dude or NAS what however you want to say it well I I did but when he was roasting Callum and Connor for having no game that was I was crying first of all from laughter and pain because that's just completely that's my whole life experience being 5:8 telling taller dudes they have no game and when they're the ones that a couple and yeah but it what he was saying was [ __ ] true and did you remember what he said now what did he say he was like yeah he was like to Cal him it was like he's like they love you because like you're tall and like they're gonna listen to anything you say this is you I'm really happy in a couple you stiff May and then like he like he impersonated Callum like to a [ __ ] tea he's like he's I don't know what to do about Shore noise like that's you he starts laughing and then he starts making fun at Connor they're both they are kind of both [ __ ] hopeless yeah they're just sitting there like I'm so scared as Oleg is walked into the villa he's gonna steal my [ __ ] and they [ __ ] happens like we just stop sitting around go [ __ ] talk to her maybe so Sophie walks by and then he's sitting with Connor and the [ __ ] the Adonis dude Connor Connor with a G yeah and he looks at [ __ ] original Connor he's like go talk to it in go chat to her in front of the [ __ ] guy he's like you know he said no he says you gonna chat with her then and then like Connor with the G walks away because he's like weird and uncomfortable and original Connors like my Maggie with his big-ass teeth this is like egging him on he's like go talk to her alright machan with me sir I'm on cat way back and he like mimics his [ __ ] dead shirts I don't remember that dude it's like a [ __ ] him I must have been on my phone or some [ __ ] bro I was hysterical I was hysterical and then he was started and then like he has this follow up he's like he's like here I've got sauce okay and he like does his whole thing's like I'm just waiting for a nice lady to put it on I'm like no I said that yeah I'm like you know what I kind of believe it I kind of believe it oh I believe it too he he he's a little bit too nice uh-huh and but he's he's great and he like dude they've been ripping on him for being short oh yeah it's kind of [ __ ] up like that it doesn't really happen like this now in other seasons huh at least and there have been out like shorter people other seasons but this time like in the game oh when they were like you're afraid of heights yeah fraid of Heights oh it was like they were playing a game where whoever you're coupled up with they had to talk to each other a lot before the game and turned the game they'd ask some questions it's a classic just shitty reality TV I can't believe I'm actually describing this right now so it was really funny and quirky so they would ask some questions and then each of them would have to say what the answer was for the other person oh no way yeah so the girl that was coupled up with this short dude they and she was asked what's his greatest fear and she wrote Heights as as a joke to like bully him and he was like and he was all right right What did he say he was like I don't know he's like everything about everything else about me is perfect so I can deal with the height yeah yeah yeah yeah I was like BAM but you know it's crazy he's probably like 510 that's why he looks a little short just because everyone else is tall but that's what I'm thinking yeah you think he's like five eight there's no way it might be like five seven five eight nah I don't think they cast a 5/8 yeah Naz nice even [ __ ] come on dude five seven oh well then okay I get it he looks small you like his face is small yeah but I thought he was like you know just being trumped because of everyone else there you know I'm saying that fool Connor with a G weirdly shy oh wait oh wait look at this Oh hold on a sec here uh uh wait a tick wait this day disgusting behavior this is on the Daily Mail love island fans hit out at the girls for their treatment of Naz as Shauna snaps at him before Jess makes a dig at his height ah standing up for us then it's all about the game where he ooh ooh it was pretty [ __ ] brutal yeah like I watched that and there was a there was a um Shauna said some [ __ ] to I mean they all crack on him for being tiny yeah but she said she said some should I forget what it was where I was like damn that's just not even fine it's like [ __ ] up yeah a lot of them it just straight like bullying mmhmm mmhmm yeah they all they all treat on my [ __ ] everyone laughed it off and I was like damn ya know it's called yeah the super-cold it's alright now as we hold now for you bro it's blame Twitter man that's Twitter : to come to life right there yeah just hating on a ain't no short dude yep yeah saw something the other day some lady said a 5/8 and below is just too short for anyone only [ __ ] you Jesus Christ you it's alright it's alright it's so raw it's alright we could sit on what we got personnel today person our a over from officers but I was so low I could do with it everything everything else about me is an eight so eight you're up so how could they live no with it yeah Connors teeth her that dude's got some pearly whites so Travers I'm Chalmers he's got that dude they're way too big for his [ __ ] head oh it's crazy it's crazy he said he flew to [ __ ] Thailand or some [ __ ] to get them that's like no [ __ ] dude yeah they look crazy man hey look crazy forgot the part where they sand them down yeah they look like [ __ ] ivory straight up yeah and then uh Sophie just seems like a string of sound yeah like she doesn't like I really don't like her she doesn't close her mouth all right I just was no yeah and dude the [ __ ] what's the guy with Shana Oh Callum his actually what the [ __ ] that's what you're talking about yeah he sounds like this means peace there's sounds like English Twitter gonna light you up for this one they go like right here I can't hear it it sounds like cuz he speaks all like in his throat or something Scofield uh must fold almost scuffled uh all I hear is the sound they really are shorn ah it's like it's real like yeah yeah I love him man [ __ ] tall ass um tall a Shia LaBeouf that's what he is oh he's great he's I think he's one of my favorites because he's like one of the most genuine dudes I feel like he's genuinely always playing both sides that that but he's also like I guess he's charismatic he's not genuine some people like [ __ ] what Sophie I just yes like Oh everything she says is she rubs me the wrong way oh man when she was like getting in Mike's ass about like criticizing Connor with a Jeep yeah and like the fact that she walked into the room from elsewhere to make that happen it was like I they were already sitting beside each other a lot I just uh face how are you [Music] Mika's like yeah I've just loved he just I'm just giving him my opinion yeah and she like didn't get that and she like walked away yeah anybody goes I apologize because you know sometimes as that you know as a man you gotta like realize that like that's what good people do they apologize it's like they you're just politics you can come in here and do that interview where you say you're a good person yeah yeah whatever man hey you know he's you know he's built his [ __ ] because he stands next to Conor with a G and he's just as wide oh yeah and that's why to [ __ ] at this Jack I love about Conor with G has the he got the charisma of a shy 14 year old mmm-hmm totally it's just always like bucking his arms like you lock that in yeah it's great it's good it's great and girls will compliment any other like yeah yeah smile way too hard it sort of really really you think you think I'm told difficult oh oh sorry I just come to me genes scaffold uh big scaffold our pages accents crazy the Lisp and the heavy Irish oh yeah I know Chinese [ __ ] we talk [ __ ] she's really hard to understand the th man she be hitting that [ __ ] Hort yeah Horde and then Kallen comes over I almost scaffold uh it's the only word I can say right that he says sorry sorry to the Scottish is it Scottish uh I think he's like just northern that's just as it as a North American that's what I hear and you know that you sound like too though what yeah yeah I sound like oh no I sound like yeah what that by Mads Anna that's what I sound like probably this is what I sound like I hate my stepdad that's what I sound like to them we sound dumb as hell because we speak slowly we don't compared to English people yeah oh okay like we say the words like this yeah English people are like English people speak way faster yeah that's true way quick I was I was [ __ ] busting up laughing and Lina and I went into this [ __ ] English store in like Santa Monica it's like ye olde king's head there's like a store they sell like British [ __ ] in there with the bar attached to it I think sighted here yeah on Santa Monica Boulevard by the by ocean sort of yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like a giant pub isn't it yeah it's like connected yeah it's like a shot yeah watch soccer at that or football so we go in there and she's geeking because there's always like English I don't [ __ ] I was dying because somebody roasted me for eating monstermunch and I laughed I'm like is that like a euphemism for like [ __ ] yeah and no it's like an actual chip called monstermunch so whatever so we're in there Elena's like super stoked we go to the county that's a ridiculous name sorry yeah we go to the counter and the lady's like yeah how do these crisps I'm like oh yeah like she's had like I'd even finish my sentence she's like great she's like puts the receipt my back she's like cheese goodbye yes English it ever cheese [ __ ] off my castle take my bag and I'll go [ __ ] myself thank you very much she is good bye see what lie down there hand - receipt in the bag dismiss me cheese goodbye it's like a raining in the store [ __ ] rain again cheese good boy good boy yeah yeah dude I'm a scaffold oh do speaking of monster mush munch what is it monster mush munch monster bush monster bush yeah speaking of eating monster bush speaking of eating monster puss I want to thank door - podcasts all right listen long day at work tough day at school stuff still stuck at the office treat yourself to the meal you deserve on demand from your favorite restaurant restaurants come to you with door - I [ __ ] we use it all the time I love it I'll get what the [ __ ] that I get on the other day monster mush I got some monster bush on there well you know I do hella [ __ ] on door - I mean against doctor's orders I'm killing wing stop yeah because wing stop is only on door - one of them yeah they have certain places that are only on door - that well yeah I can tell you wing stop bar my places on door - and I can tell you that I definitely be getting hella orders from still that's death in a you know thing but let's top it is but I just don't eat the whole day I love it but it's it comes that bag is soaked in Greece when you get it I just compromise dude yeah that's the Halloween costume yeah when you come soaking wet you're a door - yeah you're a door - you're you're a wing style ah stop back you're a bag of wind stop wings now hold on I'm pulling out door - right now to seal my past Oh looking into your past Oh Nando's oh I got it in DC oh I was like but it was only on it was only on door - that was [ __ ] awesome what you like that knows I love Nando's I yeah Harry Perry sauce oh yeah cheese me anyway sorry guys ordering is easy just use the door - app and choose what you want to eat and a Dasher will bring it to you anywhere you are anyway not only is that burger place you love on door - already but over three hundred ten thousand other amazing restaurants are to door - connects you with door to door delivery in over 3300 cities all 50 states and canada don't worry about dinner LED turn to come to you with door - and right now our listeners get five dollars off their first order of $15 or more when you download the door - app and enter promo code TMG that's five dollars off your first order when you download the door - app from the App Store and enter promo code TMG it's amazing really yo Kyle how's the dog yeah still alive um let's hope man let's hope so he let me tell a story about him he we were at like we brought him to this like outdoor like bar type area mmm and it's like a restaurant but they allow dogs and so like you know there was like four other dogs out there and outside on this patio yeah so we bring him there and he's like visiting with my friends and everything and then like I look down and there's a joint on the ground right by him and some dude was like hey where's my joint and I was like is this it and he's like yeah dude if your dog ate that I would have been pissed and I was like don't [ __ ] drop your [ __ ] joint on the ground where there's dogs anyway such an LA thing to say yo if your dogs like canine instincts kicked in and [ __ ] ate some [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna be [ __ ] pissed dude imma have to go back to med men on Abbot Kinney and spend another [ __ ] $80.00 for a gram yeah by the way you were ever been to a madman I just drive by it and I just get angry yeah let's let's talk about that afterwards for a second but it's like the Apple Store tweet yeah yeah yeah so I don't know I don't know if Chile got into it or not not really sure but I think you know there was other [ __ ] on the ground of there apparently never taking him back there ever again yeah as we get home and he's like he's like relaxing on now granted he's like never gotten sick before like we've had him for like you know three months by this point never had diarrhea which apparently is totally an anomaly because they get it all the time puppies do were so he's sitting on our labs and often he wakes up and starts freaking the [ __ ] out so we're like okay so we take him outside and he pukes mm-hmm and and then we take him back inside and he's standing up and he can't [ __ ] stand up he's like wobbling and looking at us and like barking but like barking softly and and like tailing off and can't really focus on us and we're like all this dudes like high or something yeah maybe we get into this thing Wow so he brought him to the ER and they basically like tested him and was like he's fine maybe something maybe he ate something he's like being a little weird so they like gave him some anti-nausea [ __ ] and some fluids and then and then slept and ended up being fine but then the next day he had a reaction to the anti nausea [ __ ] oh that made him think that he had to go to the bathroom every five seconds so just like a [ __ ] water pistol just [ __ ] rude but you didn't have any piss so he just lifts it up no he's like so he still pisses like a girl cuz okay four months old got it so he like would walk around a circle piss like you know a dollop of pee yeah and then stand back up and do it again I felt it just looked like torture man imagine just feeling like you have to go pee constantly but not being able to satisfy that feeling come on come on come on yeah I always like the high as a kite the night before and now he's got this piss issue and now he's got diarrhea he's just had a rough couple weeks yeah Ollie the vet is like that fool not going side dude it's that's he smell it of years of months of abuse on the street man he just doesn't he's everything scares the [ __ ] out of him which works in our favor because but when you pick him up and take him to the vet does he like oh he's like get out of your arms not and I he just like sits there and like shakes what this is what I was getting up to so we took him to the vet once this pool he got so nervous he was like standing on the table and although you want to go down like that I'll let you relax but take him off the table and he'd like I've never seen before he just [ __ ] he just squats down and he hits like a [ __ ] three-pointer diarrhea just like I just like just drew wrenches the floor and this like crazy and we're like we're like looking over like he's literally never done that and then they're like yeah yeah sure sure okay we're trying buddy no no he did and the guy said yeah no it's cool it's fine and then after doing that he does the he does the double header just [ __ ] just pukes after we're like Jesus [ __ ] dude he never did it again he's been fine since then like that first first rodeo yeah the anxiety got to him somehow I don't know and it was it was maybe that's what it is today with him because he was shaking violently in this [ __ ] new car seat that I bought him uh-uh hated it yeah would not [ __ ] calm down and climb out of this thing he's you know tethered in yeah he's like hanging yeah and [ __ ] like it yeah like a goddamn like zombie yeah and I'm trying to drive and he's like relax dude it's gonna be a lot more comfortable for you if you just sit down so maybe that's what it is he's so stressed that he just diarrhea it on the floor I still take a risk every now and then and just drive them in my lap it's the dumbest [ __ ] I could do only short distances though yeah he's pretty relaxed oli like well he start climbing around and pressing buttons and [ __ ] he just says yeah so it's not that dangerous I mean I just clutch them do ya anyway that's welcome to dog dad podcast um [ __ ] we're gonna say oh yeah dad cast done so let's just get right into it I don't even have the jingle you got the jingle I mean I could find it wait hold on I have it all right guys though what do we got uh my now I couldn't I couldn't let me see if I could find this all right let me just see if I get the actual post [ __ ] comfort zones 42 humor she removed it she removed it I wonder if it's because the person found out probably yes so I screencap this against you know their will I don't want to get in a situation like Jenna and Julian did where we're like talking about some [ __ ] from red in your nuts well but already dude I guess the will the subreddit they Iran had like some like rules about this [ __ ] there are no rules they had rules but but also like whatever that's doesn't that's not for us this ID there are no rules as far as I'm concerned but basically this [ __ ] story is my 22 year old female boyfriend what website is this off of our e d di t it's a scaffolding website so scaffolders okay keep gone do a lot just a lot a lot of it is long well do we lost scaffold do you know what do you see what I'm saying you you nailed your pretty perfect I've come to chop the shoreline look I'm not sure like the way I feel uh are you feeling it alright so my 22 year old female boyfriend 22 year old males farts are ruining our relationship I thought this would be here tomorrow this is the exclusive [ __ ] you can't get this anywhere else yeah no this is this is a [ __ ] holographic Charizard of of reddit post man I really hope that this chick didn't post this and then her boyfriend saw it so she deleted it and finally they've diffused this issue and now we're just going to reignite the flame we're gonna wind them up yeah all right so I read that boyfriend of four months has uncontrollably rancid files I've been on a road trip with him and two other people 19 and 21 for three weeks now and I'm at my breaking point today in particular was nauseating would it be nauseating Knology Nagi we've been on a nine-hour Drive and every time he farts it proceeds to laughs maniacally and locks the windows [ __ ] dope dope er this is what you get for dating a frat dude yes you should know that's funny like once ya know repeatedly that's not I can hear the Joker laughs now this is the origin story of the Joker some people just want to watch the world stink the first race the temperature in the car no he's just turning on the heater to be an [ __ ] that's the part you're missing no it's funny to think of his farts actually being that hot yeah just like hot [ __ ] infrared just [ __ ] a red gas consuming the car the first raised the temperature in the car considerably make my eyes water damn so they're spicy nice taste it we got [ __ ] curry powder in that [ __ ] yeah and on multiple occasions have made me gag and nearly vomit oh my god damn bras guys cuts he's got a weapon yeah this guy's got some power his stomach is a weapon bro registered yeah she got a serial number on it's potent he has a [ __ ] limit on how much [ __ ] he can eat does it past a certain point it's like a he's federal permit to be eating that much curry to what comes out of his ass yeah his intestines license I keep telling him to change his diet or go to gastrointestinal intestinal specialist because I cannot get anymore oh my god man let's let my significant other tell me you need to see a gastrointestinal specialist in an argument see how I react I would be if someone legit told me that I'd be like I do have a problem I will have bad farts for months at a time that's not natural this has been happening for months look I understand once in a while let anyone let anyone rip but this is constant in the car in front of my parents during sex that's a no-no and every time he just laughs many times he farts into his hand and well if he can throw it if you can if you can ball up your fart is this full an avatar is this full hang like the [ __ ] Scott like the style bender like he can fart into his hand and throw it at you like a snowball you ever seen that video we might have even watched this before on the podcast with that video from my like Japanese game show of them like to looking at a dude farting on infrared camera and he's trying to escape his own farts oh yeah testing like what's the best way to escape your fart is I uh I've definitely seen that clip I don't think we watched on the podcast but we should bring that up afterward that's so funny Oh and every time he just laughs many times he farts into his hands oh is it now I'm trying not to be unreasonable I love him a lot he's a perfect man for me I don't care that he farts a lot I cannot handle the smell and this is where's my screenshot cut off damn it I want to know the comments this is what I think some actual advice oh yeah no we do have the comments I'm starting to find him disgusting okay so there you know some people are stating that you could argue this as a form of abuse what um I mean I guess people saying you're worth more aim higher he's a little kid I mean let's not let's not okay let's let's these are like full-on essays man people right and dude people got MLA formatted let's not get confused farts are [ __ ] hysterical yeah they absolutely are probably one of the funniest things on planet earth are farts but in just like anything that's funny you can't overdo it yeah you can yeah yeah you got it you can't kill the bit you can't kill the bit and this guy sounds like he's overdoing it a little bit yeah I wouldn't go as far as to say this is this is abuse just seems like it's kind of like a like you leave food out all the time and yeah you know that's that it's just like an annoyance - dude is it is it is a child and yeah the the smell is [ __ ] annoying mm-hmm mm-hmm but it's on the guy just to stop doing that [ __ ] right there why don't you tell your boyfriend to stop just stop farting don't fart anymore [ __ ] here's what I say you do I say you're like babe I want to try something different he's like all right you say you so into farting I want you to fart on my face yeah mm-hmm no no no okay go ahead and then you know he's like all right all right yeah all right yeah you want me for you one for him yeah you turn around I should have front of my face and then when he turns around you get one of those Nair uh you get an air strip uh-huh covered in wax and you just smack it right on his [ __ ] okay right along the hair of his ass okay you save his ass no no you just leave it on so you want to fart again go ahead turn that thing off then you could fart again and it's just like a it's like a reminder so like he's gonna have to go through some to get back to where he was and he'll make him appreciate what he had before yeah and not to use it willy-nilly yep and you know take his [ __ ] away from him yeah I see disarmed or how's this okay get him get him a butt plug for every single gift so like we're talking Valentine's Day birthday crazy as [ __ ] keep getting him butt plugs different colors though like mix it up pink purple I mean you could get ones with little figurines you know well the cool little things attached to them you know there's a ton of uh plugs you can get but just keep so when he'll fart in front of your parents get him a butt plug in front of his parents yeah for his birthday yeah Oh like your son oh then he's this it's cuz he farts all the following behind I'm or fight fire with fire bus back when you're having sex with him get off turn around fart on his dick he might just look at that and go alright so maybe he's into that you're saying yeah it sounds like maybe yes obviously love your little fetish she looks back at him and she's like I never thought you would my little 40 Newton hit that again you know fart fairy hey won't do it do it do it do it again that's the problem man you might not be able to fart back because our man's might be into it are you my stinky little princess yeah you are a little stinky that's the world a stinker it's not a word creative world do they just fart together yeah they live in this [ __ ] green house of their own fucking's of their own scent so won't work yeah everyone is like oh good thing I made breakfast for this one again no I think I think I think isn't [ __ ] this is farting it's dance guess it's gas is gas that's the title that's the title of this episode this shit's gas it's gas all right one more this one is a man I couldn't even I don't even know if this is even real my 23 year old male girlfriend 25 year old female of 8 months her birthday present was a butt plug as a butt plug for the sixth time and told me to stop [ __ ] for it always I can keep reading this one okay of eight months birthday present to me was a tattoo of my name and face on her back I don't really know what to say here but I'll try my best I've been together I can't read this can you can you man plus it a little bit [ __ ] dumb blind [ __ ] I've been together with my gf for a little over eight months now we don't live together but she only lives about a five-minute walk from me so this is eight months I would have described the relationship before this week it's pretty slow neither of us really wanted any big commitments yet so outside of date nights Netflix and occasional hookups the relationship has been pretty laid-back that was until last weekend my birthday was Saturday and my brother came to town and we were gonna have a small party I invited Kim obviously and she seemed really excited she claims she had spent over a month thinking about what to give me after I supervised her with a pretty expensive present for her birthday I should surprised her what did I say supervised supervised he wrote supervised yeah I should have picked up something I supervised her I should have picked up something was off here when she avoided seeing me face to face for about a week before the party but I put it but I put it down to other things well Saturday comes and we were having a big party of about nine people Kim Kim made a big show about getting everyone together because she wanted to give me her present in front of everyone well this is where things got crazy for my birthday present Kim got a massive tattoo on her back of my face underneath my face there is text saying mine forever this has to be fake this can't be real silence was deafening it didn't help that the tattoo was not even half done oh my god me and her have been fighting non-stop since then - she is claiming that I completely disrespected her in front of everyone and is now saying I'm some [ __ ] boy who oh my god I mean this chick is batshit insane oh I love this top coming up first of all that ain't even a present first off that's not a present yeah yeah first of all before any of this [ __ ] no present that's not a present that's that's a that's like you've been yeah thanks what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do with that yeah just like that's like saying like I got me a gift card I got a nipple piercing in your honor well that's kind of cool not really if your girl gets a nipple piercing of your if you're into that for your birthday though come on man you gotta open something up and your birthday it's like when a girl like gets like lingerie for your birthday all right fair fair all right all right all right all right you're right I mean I guess tattoos maybe but not a tattoo of yourself not a mural a mural of you yeah on her [ __ ] but not a steve-o ass tattoo yeah yeah you think it wasn't that style to ojeda event yeah yeah it says mine forever he's like mine forever dude that's creepy the silence was deafening I can only imagine it's like what sick everyone's like oh my god you know fake what's it gonna be did you just hear one someone's like no I imagine one one girl the back just goes oh oh nobody disrespected you you you disrespected yourself that's crazy man like literally that's like that's like all mental illness love that's all mental illness yeah that's I know that's that's why oh that's rough eight months with somebody and it's not even that serious oh you're not even living together and you're gonna get a tattoo of his face bro whoa what even is the maybe he hid a year first like they're not even in the years of dating okay book all right now she's gonna spend 80 years with that on her [ __ ] back I mean doesn't yes and that what if you know we don't he said you know well if you got a beautiful ass face or you know what if what if the joke here is that um this is like what if she's dating you know red skull or grey skull you know the [ __ ] or the Ghost Rider you know mmm you know what if this is like some comic book [ __ ] and we're all getting trolled right now you know and we're all like this is crazy and it turns out her boyfriend is [ __ ] out of a comic book and it's not real black mirror episode litewear season 12 episode 4 what do you mean so so what do you mean we're getting trolled I mean we we might be but that's we've this is what you got tattooed on her back this is her boyfriend and it we're all a hard [ __ ] tattoo actually that's what I'm saying as hard as [ __ ] yeah mine forever underneath yeah hard and red skull being a villain that he is is like I can also house this [ __ ] with a tattoo on her back I don't even know why I just did Trevor Noah right there is he a south african german saw that I don't know man those are bad does a bad bit no this is this is though I'm assuming this is real which we should assume because that makes these fun alright how do you tell her to take it off no you I think you just I mean you just X communicator I think you just go sir what other way how else could you handle this you you're not gonna talk to a person like this reasonably look if she's willing to go to that extreme in this case in this scenario I think he just you just ghost the ghost I think you I think you hold her hand you know and get even closer with her yeah you'll get another topic yeah you go really close to her and know what I really love if you do my my face your face what do you think baby know what I love if you got a one-to-one tattoo of the front side of my body on the front side of your body what if this is six nines a girlfriend he's just posting this [ __ ] from prison we've been together right for like eight months eight months now I've been in jail longer than I've been in jail longer than we've been together who am i home I um six nine yes do you what I've been it with the blinky uh this Tom Tom he's here what's that brother its Stewie Stewie Griffin yeah I'm Stewie Griffin yeah I'm Street all right get down who's that Dewey and Arnold mixed together What's Up dad what's up we're just filming our awesome podcast yeah or very cool it's super for smart people and awesome yeah it's really really walked in on the on the best segment oh yeah you can stay out of my pup he's in the crate yeah he might diary on you who knows yeah I'll do it be careful Who am I Who am I Who am I Who am I Obama no the president of Richard Nixon Oh Kim Jong hoon no that's Stewie as my dog Oh got it Oh got it okay you didn't hear the British in the bark no no roof roof man no no no I think you hold her hand I think you go to the tattoo parlor and you look her and I say I want that [ __ ] off right now there you go to the doctor you you say either one of two things but why why would you want it off like if you're gonna break up with her mm-hmm but you're saying you don't want to break up with her no you break over there yeah then why wouldn't you want her to have that all right that's a funny story she [ __ ] did it nothing I think you listen there's a woman out there on this earth right now that has a giant tattoo of my face with mine forever written underneath and we were together for eight months I just think there's something funny about going back to the artist and he's like what's up dude and I'm like that [ __ ] was trashed dog yeah you didn't get you didn't get me at all I want you to try again I want you to do it again do it on her stomach and do it better because that back [ __ ] is awful get do it again bro and like really lean into it be upset yeah take part yeah make her be like maybe this was a bad idea yeah you get more into it than she's into it yeah yeah yeah okay you go over the top oh and so maybe she then is like well he's crazy [ __ ] nuts you're like oh I'd love no we should do we should do two of my face yeah I should do one of me happy one of me sad huh get my dad's face on your back and then his dad's face [ __ ] you yeah that's this is what I'm saying fight fire with fire yeah out-crazy yeah you get the whole you get my whole family on your back that's what I want to see that wood now that's a present that's a present Bambi birthday to me and then you goes through this she walking around with the ancestry.com ad on her back she got a walk that one off of the rest of her life that made up for the red skull bit that red skull it was trash all right guys really we're there yeah [Music] well the if there's anything else so our new song is out right now oh yeah it is for everyone listening on patreon it'll be out as soon as this episode goes out and for everyone listening for free it's already been out for a week so yeah healthy like the music video music video for sure yeah please like that music video yeah please please make it please it was a lot of work and if that's not the best [ __ ] SeatGeek ad oh yeah you've ever seen tell me that's just not better than anything david dobrik has ever done it's not cuz I didn't get to win a car you're seeking a snog cuz there's no car no I mean it is it is kind of true David david dobrik seek egads make you feel really good they are just kind of you know it's funny it's funny yeah yeah yeah cool yeah cool it's kind of like a face tattoo on your back yeah exactly you do that yeah I guess I could kind of ruin the video though for people that will be listening on patreon but it's okay no cuz they're gonna listen to it and then but they're gonna watch the video anyways yeah you have to see we're talking about like just dropping these things out of the blue you yeah no you're right yeah so yeah go go watch the video tomorrow from on patreon this is so [ __ ] up the last minute of our podcast I was like and if you're listening a week later go back to the class and be sure to LIKE and subscribe also if you're listening today then it's out yeah and enjoy and enjoy I'm not seriously um let us know what you think about the song only if you like it and you know if you don't shut the [ __ ] yeah if you don't like it you're on sucks and you're mad yeah and why don't you go ahead and get a face to tattoo of us on your back while you're at it so I'll see you next week and if you're a stinky loser programmer boy please make it yeah please make that synthesized pod can get in touch with us and because yeah tell us I just fine we'll [ __ ] pay you fine fine we'll [ __ ] pay fine dude you know could be cool for this but Michael Reaves yeah but I don't I mean I don't think he I think that's a pretty specific skillset yeah writing right NLP BOTS that was she like I don't know maybe I'm wrong I don't know maybe I'll be able to say he might be interested yeah he's smart kid yeah when I chatted or chatted with her yeah I talked to him about potentially doing something but then said sponsor would not go for it what are you interested yeah yeah he's definitely done yeah I follow him for sure I love his videos man I think he's not Michael Reeves is it appeals to every part of my brain oh yeah there's like it totally likes it as a X programmer I'm why I've just follow every like I love ya [ __ ] that he does now he's hilarious and smart as he'll and so yeah shut up Michael Reaves man yeah go watch his videos as a [ __ ] a boy he just moved into a big gamer house he's living with some twitch streamers he follows me let's go let's go dude Michael Rivas Michael Rivas but yeah if you if you a programmer and you want to do some synthesized media for the boys that we could potentially incorporate in something cool hit us we'll we'll put together a little scrum we'll get you a team we'll get you a product manager Jesus hooked up with JIRA yeah yeah we'll do a weekly stand-up meeting over Skype we'll get we'll send you a standing desk yeah we'll give you the whole nine yeah we'll kick you out just so make this comfortable do grammar boy yeah we'll make you a stinky little you'll never leave that little chair farty little programmer backend boy we're gonna get you the double we're gonna get you the standing desk with the hammock underneath yeah ah real startup [ __ ] you know I just thought of that fart guy he brings a new meaning to back-end boy uh uh yeah a little-little back em nasty boy nasty back-end boy alright alright fart Fig Newtons yeah well sir I guess we'll see you next week there's nothing teams epod comm only amirchand we leave in two weeks for London ya know first one is Liverpool we're flying to London though are we I think so okay lever to pull will see and Liverpool man I've got a pool doing a bit of scaffolding almost scaffold up alright good bye bye
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 265,104
Rating: 4.9567013 out of 5
Keywords: Cody Ko, Noel Miller, Broke Bitch, K-Pop, BTS, Lisa, Blackpink
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 38sec (3998 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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