Episode 145 - Cody Almost Got Hacked

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what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace hey dude hey dude can you ask your question yeah have you ever heard of uh the restaurant medic in yeah yeah it's pretty good next time i'm gonna start every episode trying to get you back with the most obvious the most obvious ones hey dude you ever heard of the um uh the uh show my huge balls in you yeah that's a good one yeah [ __ ] no next time i was i was thinking like it's kind of funny to like hit people with the obvious and then say something really dark afterward oh dude have you heard of sugma yeah he's like this japanese dude he's got like a growth he's like the first human with a third arm [ __ ] crazy because he like yeah worked in a power plant [ __ ] up anyway what's up with you yeah yeah my uncle actually died a really really painful death from sugma it's an awful disease man it just attacks it's the worst parts of your body and it's just it's just pain all the way to the end it's just no relief ever and it's just basically you know you're getting tortured essentially until you die you get because you know like people take dmt because like the whole like you know pineal gland thing well sugma starts there and it like deteriorates so like you stop sleeping you go blind yeah um you start vomiting uncontrollably you shake your pants constantly you can't yes just no control of your bowel movements yep yeah but actually you're just you know kind of like a living geyser just spraying out of all orifices and and you know your eyes are bleeding and stuff like that it's really really horrendous um so yeah anyways have you have you yeah yeah anyways you all right dude no um another uh what's a um [ __ ] i i forgot it's fine dude are you are you afraid of covid you you're afraid again elina's tested positive again what yeah really yeah because he he works in like uh in uh healthcare i read i read some some tweet or something about some guy that tested positive twice but i thought it was some hysteria [ __ ] no that really happens yeah no no he he got it and then now he's got it again dude was it as bad as the first time oh like just over the symptoms he's not shown symptoms now but yeah he said the first time he said it scared the [ __ ] out of him because it was like getting him pretty good and one of his co-workers who was like 30 was on a ventilator and he was like oh my god jesus and so now second time not as not as bad uh no it seems he's like i've already you know i've done been here done this pretty much yeah so now he's like hanging with the boys like blast those particles in my face dude we gotta shout this guy out who is this on twitter this is the funniest thing i've seen it's such a great meme dude first of all dope twitter handle linkedin mindset that's how you gotta live your life man yeah you gotta have a linkedin mindset you got to be constantly thinking about networking yeah and business endorsements endorsements that's a good one and making connections mm-hmm always always and expanding your network yeah and uh endorsing getting your skills endorsed like right yeah right hello stat points you want to look outdoors i endorse noelle's skills in having sugma yeah what oh yeah that's horrible man i think it's terrible he wait can you turn on the screen for this oh yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry sorry um we're back again back again with the virtual podcast i'm back again with the [ __ ] virtual podcast wait is it on that's it's about to be on okay i want to see this meme i gotta see it with my own eyeballs oh there it is there it is there's two now damn me and the boys absolutely blasting each other with particles after all this yeah if you're just listening to audio it's just like a it's like some like 3d render of how germs travel and it's just these two bros like chilling in front of each other just [ __ ] annihilating each other the germans they're hosing each other down with germs dude bro i think the guy on the left is getting blasted yeah he's getting rocked man i did not know that we were just living breathing fog machines man yeah this [ __ ] is crazy it's wild it always brings me every time i see this [ __ ] it brings me back to that to that japanese farting video we watched that on the pa we've watched it on the podcast before i i'm pretty sure like watch it like camera yeah they're watching their dudes fart to see how it travels yeah see if the guy can get away from it my guy is spewing man i can't it's just [ __ ] getting rocked dude you know what i was thinking this looks like the [ __ ] team america world police ship oh yeah they're just [ __ ] projectile vomiting dude my my friend was was saying he doesn't like he said the masks are crazy because um it had him thinking his mailman was hot or male lady yeah yeah and i was like i was laughing because that is a benefit i think we both when we put on the mask i think when you put on the mask you go up a point or two just because your face is you know no one can tell because you know yeah you know our shitty faces are hidden completely hidden it's all in the eyes and your eyes can tell a story yeah though they can't trust me i'm good at smizing i've perfected it you know uh uh flirt gazing yeah getting phased getting phased up that's going to be that's what getting phased up means that's good that's going to be the new [ __ ] when uh oh my god this this girl came in came into work today and you know we was just you know i was ringing her out and she was she was just phasing me hard she was phasing me up and down bro it was crazy phase was on nine she was fazing my face clan chain i swear she saw it and she just phased me phase up and i said face up and i walked out [Laughter] you fazing are you phasing right now you phasing you no i agree and when you when you when you pop on sunglasses too it's like you're completely anonymous you can just yeah you're just cruising through the world you know yeah you got that unabomber sex appeal that's just unknown exactly is he ugly is he uglier i don't know just how ugly does he go yeah um exactly yeah i i think mass are they need to stay around because i had a i had an old lady do a do a double take on me at the gas station oh yeah she was it was a quick and there was no one there this is not one of those like little boy things where you know she's just like thinking about her taxes and i'm mistaking this she did she did a little she looked her neck i was surprised her neck could move like that oh okay mask was on somewhere okay she was sizing you up yeah she's facing dogs she said i bet i bet he's got a big thick beard under that thing yeah exactly yeah i bet he's got a big big bed i bet he's got a lumberjack beard i bet he's got a war hero beard under that thing and i left us grave i'd love to see that old and feared under there suck on it i'd love to suck on that beautiful gray beard of yours all the hairs just dancing in my mouth sucking on a beard man grandmas deserve love give grandma some dick i bet he's loving the mask thing dude oh man wait wait wait why why i'm i'm actually six years old 60 years old underneath this conning all the old ladies yeah exactly no he's loving it because they old ladies need people to go to the grocery store for him there's so much [ __ ] they can't do now yeah and he's just cleaning house dude thank you for getting my groceries how must i how will i ever repay you he's like i think i'm like oh wait i want to repay you with some good dick man that clip i can't believe how not wholesome that guy is yep tlc painted him like he was doing charity oh yeah little did we know this man is deviant oh yeah yeah this is for him this he's not doing public service this is this is for him [Laughter] oh he's feeding whatever whatever fetish that is it's it's that's crazy man that is anyway um so yeah uh you know if you're going to be blasting your boys with particles anytime soon we just advise that you mask up and face up um because you know you don't want to get uh you don't want to get [ __ ] chernobyled by your boy yeah anyway that's good advice there's there's so much [ __ ] that has happened in the last week well because we recorded two weeks ago i know there's extra [ __ ] that's happened there's nothing that happened that we can't even talk about anymore because that's old news yeah it's just it's old news twitter hack old news doctor although can i tell can i tell you one thing though yeah yeah about the twitter hack yeah i got to be honest uh-huh i have to be completely honest when i saw elon musk's tweet because that was the only one i saw yeah cause it was one of the first that went out i'm pretty sure yeah i saw it and for like four or five seconds i really almost did it [Music] i swear to god i swear to god i'm sitting on the toilet and i really almost opened coinbase and did that [ __ ] to like it was it was to buy more bitcoin right yeah it was the scam was send me bitcoin to this address and i'll send you back double in my mind i'm i'm reading this because elon musk like he would tweet something like that he you know he's he does always does the [ __ ] i'm gonna buy this company for 420 bucks a share and yeah yeah yeah he's almost like a troll but he he really lives it like the stuff he does like you know he sells real [ __ ] for 69 bucks and yeah so you don't know what's real and what's not right as far as he's concerned i just assumed it was real i thought he was really just sending people money i was almost like i'm gonna get my bitcoin doubled [ __ ] it you thought elon was just doing the rapper [ __ ] drop your cash app i'm gonna take care of you yeah exactly that's the [ __ ] that's the [ __ ] billionaire equivalent just ladies drop your coinbase account yeah i will send you 14 bitcoin that how how good would you have felt if you [ __ ] sent him how much would you have sent him first of all like 50 bucks i wanted to just wow it was i wanted to see if it was real 50 is a commitment i was i was for sure thinking you say 20. i mean i don't know same i have like you know i have millions of dollars in bitcoin true yeah it doesn't even i mean no it's like money that's small amounts that small it's so inconsequential i could have said 200 bucks what about the same thing to me right yeah no same same i like i actually literally have an entire bank worth of bitcoin right right right yeah like you know the whole um onecoin thing i have like that net worth yeah in my coinbase account yeah as a dogecoin day trader like myself mm-hmm you know these kind of i'm seeing these kind of sums every second like they're moving you know i lose a million i gain a million bucks right in you know a couple minutes so right for for me to look at a you know a scam like that's not even a scam because i'm not even i don't care about the money that's lost you know dude what was that site back in the day that tracked all the coins do you remember what i'm talking about coin tracker is that it i have no i don't know no that literally will be no that's that is one oh there it is yeah coin tracker no damn it um it [ __ ] that's so funny that the landing page has calculated bitcoin taxes do you remember how much that wasn't a thing at the start that the irs didn't even know it existed and nobody was reporting it yeah and then they they all these [ __ ] verge blog writers were like these guys need to pay taxes yeah and you're like shut up you snitched on everybody all right snitched on everybody we were that close to overthrowing the government and then you [ __ ] dummies had to just get them yeah yeah these guys aren't paying taxes [ __ ] come on you forgot to sign us homework yeah ugh shut it you virgin the virgin that's what the [ __ ] magazine title stands for it's so funny thinking about guys snitching on women on only fans because they get they just don't get sex so they're just envious these girls don't pay their taxes [Music] they don't pay taxes on their on their vagina that we pay taxes like everyone else oh it's a job sex workers then you need to pay taxes i mean dude that's essentially that dude that sued twitch yeah yeah that's essentially that that's that guy yeah they need to stop jerking off so you gotta pay need to pay taxes and also you need to pay me because you guys make me jerk off yeah honey it's not my fault guys let me interrupt real quick to thank stitchfix for sponsoring this episode of the podcast in the world of clothes shopping there are no consistent sizes right no we shouldn't have to try to guess what a medium is or an extra medium or if an extra extra medium is really an extra extra medium right or constantly have to return closed purchase 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get 25 off every time you keep everything in your fix six stitchfix.com tmg thank you anyway um this so man you almost did it i kind of wish you did which descendants just to just you know on the chance on the chance he might have got something back you know what i mean i know like maybe the hacker thinks it's funny and then he chooses you and he goes you know what let me let me let me let me feed the machine a little bit well they were they were doing that [Music] actually to making it to make it look legit they were sending money out to other keep in mind it might be their bitcoin address right as well right but they were they were making the scam look like a legit thing for people that actually were in the know that would go to a coin tracking website and would look up the transactions for the account and would see if there's actually money moving out of it so then they would be more encouraged to to do it wow wow yeah that's crazy yeah it's pretty wild oh um is is it crazy that people can do all that wild [ __ ] with bitcoin and just never get caught yeah that's the crazy [ __ ] but i mean they'd have to be careful really careful not to get caught which i'm sure that they [ __ ] are they they probably do this all the time i guess this tweet shows up all the time like it's not a new tweet they've been testing it forever because uh it's like a bunch of twitter accounts that will rename themselves elon musk and put the same profile picture and then they'll reply to viral tweets with that exact same phrasing being like hey i'm feeling generous send me this amount of bitcoin i'll send you back double and so i think they've really like tuned that tweet to be like as effective as possible oh that is wild and people just fall for it people fall for it but i never saw it i've never seen it before but all my friends were like yeah dude i've seen that a billion times and i was like yeah me too i mean i wasn't [Laughter] my life savings on the toilet yeah oh i was looking up i read sorry i uh no go for it no no i i'm just gonna say before we move on i read some tweet that said basically they were like what i would have done is if i had elon musk's twitter is basically buy calls on hertz and then and then make a tweet that says i'm buying hertz and we're gonna make the whole fleet uh you know autonomous driving cars and i'm gonna buy hurts you know because it's like a failing stock right rental cars now are [ __ ] and i'm gonna buy it for 69 bucks a share or whatever and you know you just make millions then because everyone will buy hurts damn i thought that was kind of creative right yeah just you know just a little bit just super creative are you joking me that's funny yeah i was looking up the kid who started uh uh mount gox and oh yeah he got skinny bro wait caleb skinny wait so what was the deal what was it hold on [Music] what happened with mountain gox they get it get shut down or is it does it still exist no it definitely got shut down dude it was just some piece of [ __ ] magic the gathering site um dale yeah i forgot i remember like there was a huge controversy with it though right it was an exchange and it got shut down this is the guy i'm looking for mark carpeles mark capelles this guy so he he took it over that's markiplier that's actually markiplier took it over dude i was laughing at myself yesterday thinking what if we got on today and just made up everything just [ __ ] everything fake nothing real brazenly fake and just flip the podcast into a meta where that's good people just play it for their friends and we just say psycho information and it's just a bit between us and the whole audience where all of us know that it's fake that's that's a good idea i used to have a snapchat show when i worked it when i was like like three four years ago called that ain't right or something like that and it was it was uh it was all made up [ __ ] [Laughter] like it was all made up celebrity news it's kind of funny i mean it's just you know it's just the onion but you know to another level with two guys talking yeah that's really good and we make up conspiracy theories and [ __ ] too just everything but no say them like they're true yeah man i couldn't anyway anyway um i was like driving down the freeway sorry and i saw a sign that said coronavirus is ccp virus i was like what kind of [ __ ] political [ __ ] is this like that's how down bad uh advertising space is that they're just letting anyone buy billboards on the freeway that was a billboard that was a [ __ ] digital billboard on the freeway i was like what the [ __ ] is going on here it was just big bold text and i i just and i like i googled it did they not like check that at all i don't know i googled it as i was driving because i was thinking like bro come on man like is this is this like some you know am i going to go to this website and then it's like i gotcha this is sponsored by the dare program kids die from jewel pods every day or some [ __ ] like that you know and i i google the phrase there's no website there's no campaign on so some some person just was like yeah i'm gonna put this up on the billboard on the 405. dude that's so funny they're like okay what are you selling he's like nothing okay well it's okay so it's like a birthday message or something no okay what do you want it to say then just the the china virus okay that's it yep the guy's like okay can guys like hundred thousand dollars a day oh yeah you know what i don't know what it's your opinion i see i see where you're coming from you know what that's your opinion yeah and that's you know more power to you it said coronavirus is the ccp virus that's it that's all it said oh my god that's so stupid yeah it could have been a stupid thing to put on a billboard this is so dumb anyway so mount gox was a mount first of all mount guck mount gux there's a magic the gathering site for trading cards and it was started by what's this dude's name jared something and he sold it to this guy mark garperles and mark he sold it to markiplier and he blew it up into some uh you know did you ever remember this like did you ever read into any of this so yeah so you got arrested why did he get arrested though so for everyone else basically this guy started a website to like buy and sell bitcoin and it was like had zero security no one should have been using this [ __ ] from the start oh it got hacked right yeah i got hacked and and those dudes stole 50 million worth of bitcoin 50 [ __ ] million yeah how is that not the biggest heist in history yeah they got they got drained what's the biggest heist in history besides like enron the [ __ ] the one i was just telling you about one coin one dude they raised 45 billion okay oh sorry okay i put heist oh okay biggest diamond heist yeah cause cause that is that's like a scam you know what i mean that's like preying on old people this was straight up robbery yeah you know what i mean this is like you hack and then yeah yeah um antwerp diamond heist how much was that worth 100 mil that's the biggest that's the biggest heist yeah and for 100 million diamonds what do you think that is like a [ __ ] like a grocery bag yeah yeah yeah it'll be really disappointing yeah it's dude it's like it's like a crown royal bag full of diamonds it's a hell of small no it's just one crazy pendant yeah the biggest heist is stealing [ __ ] [ __ ] some rat i'm trying to think of the funniest rapper to steal from [ __ ] tigers tigers chain at his [ __ ] uh what's his clothing brand which is what is his [ __ ] clothing brand tyga's clothing line uh last kings you guys chain took at a last kings event that's the biggest diamond heist ever how many diamonds is that actually i wonder or if it was just like a single you know like some you know uncut gem type [ __ ] yeah like a real big boy like a real thick boy rock big ass rock yeah big old dirty rock yeah big boy rock man they like detail exactly how they robbed it yeah so you know mount got mount guck 50 million dollar of bitcoin heist pretty up there bro yeah let me make sure i got that number right um because he got arrested like falsifying data and some [ __ ] okay he did 30 months in prison how much did they steal sorry i'm trying to just get chili to stop bargain that's fine oh did he did he oh he embezzled it oh man who did it oh the guy who the mount gox guy yeah 33 mil so he drained himself oh did he drain himself wait the mount guk founder drained himself lies again this just in we're switching the information again mount gox disclosed the theft of approximately eight hundred and fifty thousand bitcoin worth more than 450 million absolutely that's more like it at that time that's more like it holy [ __ ] that's what i was expecting dude i was expecting half a bill we're talking bitcoin here dude and one of the it was one of the biggest exchanges at the time was mount guk there must have been you know millions being exchanged every day hundreds of millions of bucks holy [ __ ] you see this picture right here with mark mark's sipping on his [ __ ] [ __ ] caramel ice macchiato and this guy's like where the [ __ ] is my money can i not drink my coffee in peace here geez my iced frap um this reminds this all reminds me of the the mark zuckerberg picture him drinking that coffee very much in the same vein wait let me let me let me look that picture up sorry i'm also doing the math on 850 000 times 9 300 bucks which is 8 billion dollars is it really oh my god yeah wow so they're just they're cheesing right now on an island they're in the galapagos just what do you even do dude that's scary money that's like you can get someone murdered and it's not a problem yeah dude you know what you want to know what's [ __ ] crazy here's something i learned from that podcast they're talking to someone that was like in the know on basically creating shell corporations and hiding money okay wait what podcast you just looked at sorry the one the one coin one oh god i got it yeah yeah he was saying that something like a third of the world's money is tied up in moneyland which is you know a fictional term used to describe the world where money is untraceable but you can still spend it okay so it's you know these billionaires and stuff like that that want to not pay taxes or fees or whatever on their money and it's you know tied up in foreign bank accounts that have that are owned by some shell corporation that's owned by another shell corporation so it's they can still spend it on yachts and stuff like that but the no government can trace it and same with their houses and everything it's something like a third of the world's money is that not [ __ ] crazy it's wild and it's really interesting and it's all the people who don't need more money that have that and all the people who need money they're just stuck paying for [ __ ] dude yep i [ __ ] um i went to check out this car yesterday uh a potential race car and um and this dude he uh he had montana plates on one of his cars and i was asking him like i was like yeah i always see guys with you know super cars and [ __ ] you know with montana plates like what's the deal and i guess dudes register companies over there like they're all like super rich so it's like they can justify it um and i guess they register companies over there and they just register the cars to that company and then they can cruise around at montana emissions and stuff so they can have these like crazy cars that don't stack up to california emissions and other [ __ ] like like when when they buy like law ferraris and really expensive cars like that when you buy those cars in america you ha or california you pay 10 but if you you know if the car is being registered in montana then you skip out that's [ __ ] crazy you buy ferrari you have to pay a hundred grand on that huh to california that's [ __ ] theft bro anyway that's interesting i like that the emissions thing is funny ladies 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yeah i mean yeah i don't want to i don't want to speak on it too much yet okay let's see we'll see where the cards land gotcha um but yeah it's uh if we if if end up getting it i'll have some stories for sure yeah i don't want to jinx it i don't want to jinx it is it street legal and stuff like that or no knock on wood um this one would be yeah it would be street legal gotcha um but yeah knock on some wood your wood any wood i don't care just uh knock on some wood and and if you're listening you got something like you tell me to knock on my wood look bro it's a vicarious knock knock on your wood from me knocking your wood for me knocking yourself off your wood real quick knock it knock your wood knock your wood that's why for fortnite's sus dude oh a guy is in your box a guy just knocked down your wood all right dude [Laughter] yeah but that picture of mark though i'm trying to find the one who's i don't know what you're talking about what's that search marks no dude the one that went viral this week of him on the surfboard oh that picture yeah i just you know it's like ceo tech ceo things oh got it just yet no mount just drinking a big weird frap mark zuck uh riding this big weird surfboard yeah what the [ __ ] is that why does this surfboard have like a controller everyone that's the biggest problem with this with this going viral is everyone was like oh my god this sunscreen what is he riding yeah how are people not more freaked out by this electric surfboard i've never seen this in my entire life what the [ __ ] is like a boosted board for water yeah this dude has a controller for his goddamn that's actually the ps6 it's a console and a surfboard that controller is crazy you can definitely put that in somebody oh yeah yeah [ __ ] 12 that's the first thing i go to yeah it doubles as a dildo for sure i mean look at it the shape of that thing is wild yeah this is some science fiction [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is he writing where is he where is he on mars [Laughter] what sport is this dude i hate that this picture is is it enjoyable yeah i hate that he wore a sweater to like perfectly color palette this whole image like his sweater goes with the ocean like everything about this just it's just too perfect he is caked on he's what he's caked on with the sunscreen like i imagine his sunscreen is just like a like a bowl and he just his face in it it's like you know it's like whipped cream texture he just wipes away on the eyes and mouth and nose okay i'm ready to go surfboarding here's the thing is that like guys do this they'll put zinc all over their face because they're in the water for three four hours surfing and like no sunscreen is that water resistant so they'll just cake their face with with zinc right but thinking about him doing this for four hours doing this boosted board this water boosted board you get sick of that in like 10 minutes it's like a jet ski you're on it for a little bit then you're like okay the novelty is worn off oh yeah no but for hours yeah just where are you going dude [Laughter] in that same position too he's he's he's got the sunscreen caked on but he's also got his cake on oh yeah there are some people looking at this upset because they're in the gym squatting every day and they still can't get an ass like this zuck was just born with this [ __ ] why the [ __ ] he's wearing a hoodie cause dude it gets cold going at [ __ ] 80 miles an hour in the water his his boosted board is faster than a jet ski this [ __ ] is crazy exactly i think i think he goes between the beach and his private island that's got to be what it's been like you know yeah yeah he's somewhere very remote which which then brings the question to like who took this picture what kind of paparazzi is there paparazzi pulls up also on one of these things that's why zuck is looking so strange he's like where did you get yours these are these are still in beta he sounds like bonzi buddy where did you get your surfboard how do you also have one of those please enter your first name and your last name into this i am reading your mind why you sound exactly like him yo how do how do you how do you do that you just gotta you know you gotta you gotta squeeze it down it sounds like you're talking but inhaling how do you do yo i had a homie who could do that [ __ ] it was the funniest [ __ ] i wish i could do that [ __ ] man he would do this crazy ass voice and it would just be a [ __ ] kill me [Laughter] man [Laughter] holy [ __ ] man yeah you just gotta you just gotta clamp it down [Laughter] speaking of crazy ass technology i appreciate that elon came out and let us know that the neuralink chip is just [ __ ] air pods for your brain oh yeah yeah it plays music directly into your [ __ ] yeah into your brain yeah into whatever nerves and control your [ __ ] oh yeah that's right yeah it goes into your [ __ ] and um it goes into your brain but it it stimulates the spot that controls your [ __ ] yeah specifically and so your [ __ ] moves to the base it like quivers to the base it's like that's how you really feel the music yeah you can actually listen to that song while you're taking a dump and it'll just you know it'll singe the poop like uh like a like a factory linen that [ __ ] gets it open you trying to that's when you're trying to you're trying to get it out clean out the insides yeah i'm losing it you can actually sink your morning coffee routine of that [ __ ] that song bro that is classic that is the song uh for like i thought i would say i feel like that's the song to like lose your friends at coachella type [ __ ] yeah yeah like that is the song yep that's like the edm song i mean it was for like a year that was the song everywhere you go that's planned something about it just makes me want to take more molly man i can't explain [Laughter] sorry oh by the way i read a comment that said we should stop clearing our throats into the mic that the like thing has gotten better but the clearing of the throat thing just stopped and he was like a broadcast major or something like that so i just want to say i hear you and i'm conscious of it now yeah maybe i'm not even maybe we're just like trying to make a very astute point you know if i may be so inclined that's to say yeah bro that that's not as clear in our throat that's us um collecting our wisdom from our age the older you get the more wisdom is in your neck and you gotta that's how that dude that's how you know you're about to get a super uh bigoted opinion ignorant opinion because it's like it's like it's like buried like like historically in their chest so they gotta dig it up okay well actually well actually you're like oh here we go this one's from 1950. here we go there are only boys and girls okay all right here we are [Laughter] um what [ __ ] i was going to say something about zuck and tech and neuralink um the suck what made elon bring that up the whole it's gonna play music into your brain or whatever was that just was it him that tweeted that i saw the tweet but i didn't think it was actually him okay you're too busy sending him bitcoin yeah exactly you're like yeah where's the yeah i'm still sending it even though i know it's a scam i still a little bit of me hopes that maybe i'm i'll get some back one day it's not fair to use elon because you know if you're an elon fanboy you want to buy into that yeah of course you know if he all of a sudden is endorsing some technology or something like that it's very believable i mean dude you you know that's like you know how many tests on one today sorry sorry guys if you can hear that bro you know how how much a tesla guy would give to get a [ __ ] text back from elon in any form cash a bitcoin received from elon musk yeah oh yes yeah they'd print out printed out the transaction id and frame it get a tattoo of it you know i've never had a tattoo and i've never been so inclined just to get a tattoo but when i got that money back from elon i thought this is genius if you got a text from isaac newton okay and i got it right there on my lower back down my spine down my spine down my spine to my lower back so he can read it so what what does this article say it says um nearly but like obviously what do you mean it does it this is just such like i don't know it's just classic catering to the people that don't that won't understand it that they want to chip you know yeah yeah this is why you want a chip it puts beer directly into your brain i want the chips so that i can like bro the here's okay here's one positive about the chip hear me out it will allow you to flavor things that taste like [ __ ] it's like be some matrix [ __ ] it'll be so easy to get fit because you can flavor something that tastes like complete ass you know you can make like a kale spinach shake tastes like steak steak shake yeah that's a good point you know what i mean trick your taste buds yep all right i don't even know where where that came from but no but you could do that yeah you could do anything that's the thing you could do literally anything streaming music is is literally like the bare minimum yeah yeah yeah that's that's where elon's [ __ ] up if he came out tomorrow it was like with this chip i can make anything taste like [ __ ] malt liquor steak and ice cream in the same go everyone's like sign me the [ __ ] you're you're telling me that i can eat this this kale salad and it'll taste like i'm sipping on long branch whiskey and a pork cracklin where the [ __ ] jam it in my [ __ ] head right now that's where it's gonna get [ __ ] up when people are drinking milkshakes but like they're rolling their eyes in their head because it just tastes like [ __ ] moonshine yeah yeah he's like oh i said it to moonshine oh this is the [ __ ] [Music] we're getting [ __ ] up right now oh man anyway um staying hydrated very important i can hear you drinking something right now what are you drinking what are you sipping on what are you sipping on dude sipping on a nice cold water man well cold water that's fantastic you got to stay hydrated listen for people like me i don't like drinking water i know i said a few a few episodes ago that i i uh i'm trying to do it more and i ha and i am i'm trying to but it's through liquid iv the sponsor of this episode yeah a uh believe it or not dehydration occurs daily in three out of four people with liquid iv you have the fastest most efficient way to stay hydrated each serving helps you get as much hydration as two to three bottles of water i actually drink this stuff every day and i really really like it yeah it just tastes good and it makes it i drink [ __ ] a full liter of water with this [ __ ] easily 10 minutes um i mean do you notice a difference yeah my skin looks better i i feel like this is this is like not i'm not trying to be like advertisy i actually do drinking more water you know i used to retweets and people being like you know you drink more water and everything in your life 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today liquidity.com promo code promo code tmg rich people dan balzerian dude yeah some big some big news on you know the king the king alpha male the king alpha male danny b dan bilzerian you know and a really an icon in all of our eyes um well apparently you might be you know it might be a fraud yeah who would have thought but maybe you know i don't know if this is true or not but i mean it's definitely true that the guy that they chose i guess of the guy i read the article the guy that they chose as to be like the president of ignite he left the company or he got fired i think he got fired because he blew the whistle yeah he basically blew the whistle on like how much the company was spending on dan's lifestyle because like the house is a is 200 grand a month and the company pays for it you know and they've raised like 50 million bucks or something like that and the company pays for all the trips all the models everything and so he was concerned with this and they fired him and now he's trying to he's suing them for wrongful termination and all of this is part of the lawsuit that all of this like egregious spending so that danny b can be the idol of every 13 year old bro but when when it says someone else pays his credit card bills what i'm wondering is is the money for ignite being like pumped in like what you're saying is it coming from moneyland from somewhere else from his [ __ ] dad you know what i'm saying no but he has investors oh they're public and investors i'm pretty sure oh that's the money double check oh man this would be so funny if this whole [ __ ] came crashing down oh my goodness the final post by dan bilzerian could you imagine yeah could you [ __ ] imagine the scam comes to an end ignite is part of vulcan enterprises us okay which i think is a public company i think i don't know the way that this works dude but i know that something's fishy bro ignite lost 50 million last year and the rent on his place is 2.4 million dollars a year a year yep get the [ __ ] out of here i mean like it's this is poetry isn't it this something like this oh yeah i mean i can't wait till the whole thing collapses and then they get the clip of him on the on the rogan podcast being like well i got all my money from poker [Music] i can't wait and not that you know not that i want him to fail because i don't care that much but it's annoying how he puts it in your face that he's like i'm richer than you i'm this than you i'm that than you and it's if it's like no i mean the whole time he's just a [ __ ] skeez ball [ __ ] you yeah i guess that's the problem with it is that he makes it part of his brain and his message that he's living the life that you should be living and it's your fault that you're not doing this stuff yeah i'm just i'm just having sex and living free and it's just you know because you decide to bow to the corporate overlords yeah you aren't doing the same thing too and it's like well it's also costs a [ __ ] ton of money somebody's gotta pay for it yeah and if you don't do it legitly that's gonna catch up to you i don't appreciate some someone calling me a [ __ ] [ __ ] and all this and that when it's like bro your whole the whole thing is rented you don't even own it yeah [ __ ] you man you're regular like the rest of us yeah i think that's the biggest thing yep even even if he came out of it where it's like he doesn't live in a in a 10 trillion dollar house now he just lives in a regular million dollar house i go that's what you always were yeah you know you [ __ ] liar it does like there is a little bit of you know i don't know whatever that's saying whatever that word is like shattered or whatever where you see something where everyone is like how this just looks fake i mean how yeah how it can't be real it can't be real and then finally someone comes out and says i know i'm on the inside and it's not real and yeah yeah thank god i'm not crazy yeah i think yeah that's definitely the the most of it that's i think that's the majority of people is they want to feel like they're not crazy for looking at that and and isn't it isn't that wild at least i in my experience when i would bring up like no this is [ __ ] [ __ ] people would [ __ ] tell me man you just you just you're jealous or you're hating or you wish that was you like in regards to him yeah and like doubting what the [ __ ] he had i was like there's no [ __ ] way yeah it's not real like hey man if he says you got it from this like this is what it is it's like no yeah he it's all from poker dude poker monday like this doesn't exist no that's that's that was my biggest thing is you look at the the best the biggest pros in the world these dudes live in vegas they don't pay like you know what i mean like yeah they live a certain way so that that money is protected and i'd like i know a couple dudes that like got up in poker pretty decent and that money is not there all the time so i'm like you're on [ __ ] yachts off poker [ __ ] you yeah um i'm just on his instagram now to look at more ridiculous [ __ ] this dude has a tank with the ignite brand oh it's not a tank it's a army truck still yeah still that's what that's what it was that's part of the lawsuit is that he said that he would just slap the ignite logo on everything and it would become a marketing expense so he's just expensing all this [ __ ] bro on this jet no way yeah yeah it's pretty wild it's also you know what's weird is that like it's just always him and 15 girls yep they're all on the payroll yep so where where like how just i don't know i i even if even if you're you know cause i'm i'm assuming he he went on some what was it oh oh i i someone someone sent me his he was doing a q a on his instagram story hell yeah and someone sent me one of his answers and it was like i don't know it was stupid and so i like backtracked through the other questions and one of them was how many times a day do you have sex and he said two or three a day so like you know he's having sex with these women and it's like but they're also on the payroll yeah so is that weird for you yeah these girls are paid to spend time with you does it feel real like there's no way there's no i mean i mean it probably doesn't i mean this picture right here is funny to me because it's [ __ ] guy fieri outfit he has on yeah like i don't know something about this to me just screams a little kid i don't know why like just like the little camo shorts and the nikes yeah and the plain white tee just like i yeah i have sex with like 15 girls and i go in the big airplane and i'll go to the beach and it's like all right cool but yeah now i agree with you that i think you have to be pretty empty inside to like even want to keep this up you know but yeah why why is hugh hefner like a legend because it was the same [ __ ] wasn't it you had girls living with them but they were all models they're all getting paid that all wanted to be in playboy i mean yeah but i guess with hugh maybe it was like um maybe it's because like it started with like a publication and and maybe there's like a degree of actual you know was you have was his dad rich i have no idea because yeah but he was self-made he founded playboy which you could argue is um maybe it's a bit perverse and it's like thinly veiled perversion or you know can you argue that it's like art or something where he's breaking the status quo where he's like man all these [ __ ] magazines are so [ __ ] safe [ __ ] that we're just gonna we're gonna put people butt ass naked uh and and you know we're gonna like you know we're gonna appeal to what real life is like i don't know yeah but i mean danny b created ignite that's the best cbd company that there is that's another thing is that they started as cannabis like weed and stuff and then they i guess they pivoted to cbd yeah tbd which which i guess is you know it's almost the same thing but not really because they started as like a real weed company and now it's like you know placebo essentially it's just scammy like the whole thing dude i'm sorry these pictures he's got on here are just hysterical to me this is what is this like these are pictures that are just like on accident yeah him eating a pizza on his stomach you look like a five-year-old man i'm sorry i earned this body and i built this temple with nothing more than some elbow grease and a little can-do attitude and yes a large inheritance from my father earl okay okay so he acknowledges it there all right okay at least he's honest maybe he does have i mean i who knows who knows man maybe he's maybe he does have a [ __ ] ton of money from his dad he's just still using or still expensing the stuff to not pay taxes yeah or to not to to not pay as many taxes on it yeah maybe he's just [ __ ] minted for life so none of this [ __ ] matters yeah who knows man who knows i just thought it was funny no most definitely this it's actually no it's i don't want to go too long but i do want to say it is kind of interesting the way his branding i mean it's still more or less the same but how it started because it how it started he was like heavy on guns like that was the [ __ ] yeah was guns yeah and then it like became the girls and stuff and yeah him going to vegas and [ __ ] i for sure thought when we went over there we're just gonna walk around and it was just gonna be like fortnite crates everywhere like it was just gonna be you know big ass guns just all over the place oh yeah we didn't see a single gun yeah by the way for those who don't know we've been to his house yeah in l.a [ __ ] huge and it's huge we had to check in with the security team we had to leave our phones right yeah yeah we did check our phones in with the with the head security guy who is in an office right by the front door and then he was like we're like where do we go and he was like just go past the bowling alley to the to the to the elevator and take the elevator up to like the fourth floor it's like our resort where are we yeah it's like walking into a dave and busters it's [ __ ] ridiculous so yeah all the games are on level two there's um fun slushies on level three bro i'm sorry look at him without a beard he just looks like buff ass adam sandler he's nothing without that beard that beard is his power look at the dude's t-shirt on the right that's hard bro i'm dying oh my god dude i'm dying it's [ __ ] he's not the same guy without that beard he needs to delete this picture go one to the right see him with that gun look at this he is not the same guy holy [ __ ] he just looks like a facebook dude he is not the same okay alligator murder that one sick bro he is oh my god this [ __ ] came out of nowhere oh man he's a oh what is he in this full zebra outfit damn dan you changed look at you used to wear [ __ ] nylon zebra print now look at you he used to be one of the boys used to be one of the boys man he used to spray particles on us like the rest of us now exactly exactly too [ __ ] cool man old old i missed the old danny b don't you wish danny b would go back to the nylon z to the wait wait go go to the lake surfing one oh never mind you go to the nylon zebra print days you know that was perfect for driving around your town sipping on a tall can from the tilted kilt yeah that i i do want to shout out i want to shout out nick from patreon yeah he commented he said man noel and cody need to go back to that sugar gay era of making dark and hilarious jokes era of the podcast made for driving around l.a eating candy chicken you know candy because that's a great comment candy chicken wasn't even that far away man look at our boy look at long face over here yeah dude i'm screen capping all these why dude this is a dope ass reply pick right here [ __ ] it is just up to the wrist you don't even need the six pack in it yeah this one right here look at our boy what's he doing i don't know he's not the same though yeah i don't know gambling he used to just be a vegas boy yeah that's all he was yeah this is vegas dave dave bilzerian [ __ ] vegas dave imagine if that was his name instead like dude it's so funny because whoever helped him in the beginning definitely nailed his branding because if it was even one step off he would not be this big yeah look at this he doesn't know what he's doing look at this poor people make love rich people [ __ ] this is horrible oh my god that that's from that's right from the boardwalk that's from t-shirt ville on the boardwalk yeah and then caption my lunatic friend had this shirt made oh look at this zany shirt we made i kind of want that shirt yeah now you do oh good this is this is the next one merch could you imagine bro we need all the one percenters one percent we're gonna buy you these t-shirts and and sponsor them so that you wear them bro look at my dude oh yes what does it say squad uh sold something euro tour my dude selfies with the blunt tbt look at my guy yeah posted [ __ ] snack time baby we're just cruising danny bill's instagram bro this is this is a [ __ ] trip honestly this is so interesting dude these pictures where he has with the models in the early days just him with his hand around their waist that's just so like scottsdale it's just every picture in scottsdale is this what's hilarious dude is someone at some point told him to stop smiling yeah he just he no longer smiles in pictures no he got veneers now he smiles again oh does he okay yep all right yep yep okay let's let's let's go modern danny bills yeah you stop oh i just saw you on there that was weird oh yeah yeah i'm the only one bro i'm the only one oh what what year 2014 i'm like that was weird hold up what when is this 2015. yeah i'm the only one man it's a trip yep there it is look at me look at me in the six look at me in the tic-tac-toe board right here man that's hilarious i'm honored that he would put me between a pic of a helicopter and his foot highly highly coveted pieces of [ __ ] whatever it's hilarious man anyway oh so good danny bills anyways yeah we've talked about him now for like 20 minutes but did we really talk about danny bills that long yeah but it's funny yeah we've been to his house dude we met him remember vegas dave what am i doing way back is dave vegas house we walked up and we said hey what's up and he just he didn't even give us the time of day at all nah nah he like at all no he uh we came in and he was just posted with some girls and then um at some point he like left his [ __ ] his um his chad throne and he came down and he looked at us and he goes yeah you guys can stay you hang out up here if you want bathrooms are downstairs and then him at his [ __ ] he brought over that bong and him and like five girls were just taking these huge bong rips and i was like it's about to get messy dude and then odell beckham jr came yeah did a shot with us and then he left that was we i'm not no i'm not not making this up also this is all real it was a weird weird weird night night and this was uh the the weirdest [ __ ] was i don't even know why i did it like this but it was either post or dan bilzerian was like this is odell and i went oh i know and then odell went oh what's up bro you're from the millionaire vine yeah i follow dan b you're from the millionaires i was just thinking bro could you imagine if i [ __ ] did that [ __ ] oh my god did what yo dude you probably don't remember this um i hope you walked up the dan you know man i don't want to make you weird but you know yep g'day good to meet you do you you don't you say the tagline he's like what who is this [ __ ] i don't i'm sorry why are you saying that to me no come on who is this [ __ ] fist over the face uh do you see it do you see it i brought the hat i brought the hat in case you forgot just in my backpack security made me check it in yeah what a bizarre night dude yeah it was weird all right uh i gotta take a piss then let's talk about logic and becoming a streamer oh and we can also watch this [ __ ] card tricks with jeff bezos i'm so excited for you to see this because it is one of the most uncomfortable videos ever and and i love i love uh uh [ __ ] goddamn it what's his name uh vegas dave you love me i love vegas dave uh david blaine i love vegas blaine vegas blaine [Laughter] all right cool we'll see you guys in the bone zone peace
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 424,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H0lqYrQzHmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 23sec (4103 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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