Episode 148 - Frat Boy Museum

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what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace have you been about your fitness dude don't don't do it don't do it that's the oldest one in the book what are you talking about that's the oldest one in the book you think i'm gonna fall for that fitness dick in your mouth no i was just asking if you're about this fitness what fitness any kind of fitness running hiking bicep curls i did i mean if you want to know if you really want to know yeah i went hiking on saturday okay what did you like i'm just i'm just gonna proceed carefully with everything with everything that i say in this conversation right now yeah i went to the palisades damn yeah do you actually yeah i did um i've never actually hiked down there i assume it's dope um she was like trying to um move down there didn't work out but to the palisades yeah nice i mean we uh nothing crazy just like an apartment or something yeah yeah yeah yeah we went because it i guess malibu is like super packed now like all the hiking trails and stuff and it's like hard to park yeah says we found this one in this like random neighborhood uh-huh this like big-ass fire trail yeah oh wait isn't that like for firefighters only or is it i don't think so i mean it was like tons of hikers on it why do they call it a fire trail because i just i'm not sure i don't really know let's look it up dude let me jamey this [ __ ] yeah fire trail meaning i mean it didn't it didn't even have any signs or anything didn't say you couldn't be there uh a track through forest or brush for use in fighting fires so yeah well i mean we would have gotten out of the way [Laughter] of the fire if the fire truck came we would have stepped happily stepped out of the way could you imagine who would like during who would like during a fire too pulling your earbud out like could you yeah yeah [Applause] oh um [ __ ] sake for [ __ ] sake step off throwing the hands up really i'm in the middle of a sprint interval here jesus christ the property taxes i pay for this place pop it back in and you're jogging behind it [Laughter] putting out a fire along a fire trail i got some snot-nosed [ __ ] running hiker stay at it boys my house better be there when i get back just kidding you're almo you missed it you guys missed a spot need a hand no you sure you don't want my help all right i'll get out of your hair i'll get out of your brush all right oh keep doing your thing you take care of my bush next uh get it because i'm a redhead fire crotch [Laughter] fire trail nice so how long was it don't do it i know you're building up to something i swear to god i'm not you're not genuinely asking me questions about this hike right now i am you're not interested you don't care no i do what you do man just checking in with the boy i can't ask my boy about his hike i don't i don't i don't trust anything anymore you know okay i'll tell you i'll tell you go for it about an hour long about six miles what the [ __ ] six miles in an hour actually you know that's pretty cool it's like 70 minutes probably that's pretty fast i think the last hike i did that was an hour long was like seven mile or three miles maybe where'd you hike oh bro this is years ago come on say recent man that's kind of why i went actually because you have they invited me and i was like when's the last time i went hiking there's infinite trails around here there really are bro elena and i tried to go to a park like a few weeks ago thinking that um it was it was you know it's just going to be the [ __ ] going to a park right now it was [ __ ] popping oh it's dude we went to a park on saturday that's it was it like dude we we watched we watched an engagement oh damn we were front row at this at this guy proposing to this girl she came in on a [ __ ] boat it was unbelievable but there was like every family member there approaching no we didn't know them we just sat down randomly and then we're like why are all these balloons set up and then and then it said like you know basically someone said happy engagement or something like that and we were like oh [ __ ] this is about to be a proposal and the whole the guy's whole family was there and they had dogs so they kept coming up to us no mask with their dogs to like meet chili nice and would just lean in like what type of dog is this get the [ __ ] away from me get your stinky dirty breath [Laughter] so what no that's hilarious [ __ ] just acting like nothing's a big deal [Laughter] what type of dog is that [Laughter] beautiful puppy sorry chunk of flesh hanging off their forehead oh this is yeah this is nothing it's no big deal where'd you guys go what parts you guys go to i well maybe you don't you don't want to say that because it's a little bit of a of a docks but um it's it's kind of yeah it's it's a distant docks it's close enough you know what i mean was there a dog park no no it's just like a regular park but uh it was poppin park was lit yeah i just felt like every like every person who wants to do burning man and coachella in like la was like they can't hold us back man we're gonna do it and they just oh wait wait we're talking about like people partying kind of yeah it was like it was like way too big of groups to just be like a casual like they will just do a close like for sure people were positive in these groups you know what i mean like positively having fun yeah yeah yeah you know and you know probably spreading as well but like spreading good vibes yeah okay cool yeah wrong with that just like spitting in their hand and like rubbing it on water fountain handles i was just picturing people just like so desperate to get [ __ ] up they're just in a park on a sunday just rolling [ __ ] balls dude you ever been to dolores park in in san francisco that that doesn't count i mean okay yeah yeah but that's that was my experience with parks for the most part part because that was that was like the first big city i moved to and then we would do that on the weekends we would go to dolores park and it's just people like half the people there are on you know crocodile basically shrooms ecstasy whatever they're all performing they're doing like you know the fire sticks oh yeah yeah just like weird drums yeah yeah like this is what parks are cause that's like rules that's why drugs seem cool because the most asinine [ __ ] is so dope yeah you just turn into a nine-year-old you're like check out this stick and if i put some fire on it and everyone's like oh my god [Laughter] dude you could definitely be on america's got talent [Laughter] you should apply you know what could be on america's got talent have you seen that chinese guy you've seen that chinese guy who like just like [ __ ] pounds liquor like makes liquor his [ __ ] you don't know what i'm talking about and hold on i'm just doing some calculations to lick her lick her butthole no this is safe this is safe no this is a really like pounds liquor what do you mean who um i don't actually [ __ ] i follow him too uh [ __ ] oh yeah yeah yeah no yeah yeah that dude on instagram yeah and like you've done instagram a tick tock and yeah he'll do like 25 beers in a sitting wait i think we're thinking about the wrong dude i'm thinking about the guy with the tablecloth that sets drinks up and then rips the tablecloth oh no no no no it's like that dude then then what he slams it he's like a cute innocent dude no no no not that guy um let me damn it damn it let me get his [ __ ] twitter name hold on on telegram or something chinese uh drinking creator um the chinese drinking bro who became a twitter sensation all right what is this dude's name let me share a screen here yeah yeah yeah yeah okay i'm gonna [ __ ] his name up um let me get his damn twitter there we go he's look at our boy look at our boy let's go our man's is this like the chinese shoe nice yeah but way cooler like you got to share your screen i don't see i'm about to i'm about to don't you worry yeah you're about to strive watch stream let's go so this is our boy okay kang's eye he's got he's got king shirt so i'm still yeah i am i am still a fat man please forward it as much as you like i want to challenge i want to be challenged i'll always be the fat guy you just met that's beautiful it's kind of like a like a uh haiku almost yeah no it's like it's like a little poem yeah no that could that that is like that's like the the opening page to the book of the art of war yeah prologue i'm still a fat man please forward it as much as you like i want to challenge i want to be challenged i'll always be the fat cat you just met like there's some serious emotional weight to that last sentence it's just something this is a certain degree of wisdom here i'll always like be the fat guy you just met that's like damn but that's not all you are to me you know yeah but you can always count on him to always be that guy for you you know what i'm saying and that's all he gets credit for sometimes yeah and that's a sad thing yeah anyways i want to see this video no no no now careful you might you might want to close your eyes with this first half because it's going to have you feeling some kind of way okay just look at my boy right here look at this oh chill out bro oh oh oh oh annihilated that beer is gone holy [ __ ] that like cylinder motion he did that's like i know that's like watching this take notes babe throw me up in the air like that and just cylinder my [ __ ] like that hold me by the hips and cylinder my [ __ ] like that afford it to kelsey like so what do you think pretty wild huh how he drank that first one i mean it's like a good seems like a good technique she's like for chugging yeah chugging beer checking like whatever bro the weight that foam just went and he went i was like oh keep going this is this is nine yeah you're like can you can you run it back can we start from the beginning yeah let's see that again no but can we talk about how actually effective that is i guess for chugging because it creates what it creates like an air thing in the middle that i guess yeah everything yeah so it can just drain into your throat you admit bro can you imagine being at a frat party like you're like a freshman and you're like trying to impress and everyone's like okay like you think you can chug [ __ ] nathan like show us what's good and you're like [ __ ] and you like pop it and you're like you do that whole thing and then you stick it up in the air and you're like they're all like yo [Laughter] why do i have a boner right now why do i think i like guys right now dude nathan you are making me feel in a way i have never felt in my entire life you are in brother as we slowly adjust to a new normal we 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this are you kidding me are you kidding me oh my god this dude is the coolest guy on the planet are you kidding me finger into the fire water my cigarette that's so cool now look at this frame he just what a [ __ ] hard ass he just slugged that [ __ ] beer just what an absolute beast torpedo that [ __ ] now just i love this man just wait count it two you thought he was done put that red [ __ ] in there ash that cigarette little bit of protein for good measure and this dude this guy absolutely should be on america's got talent that's what i'm saying our china's got down or wherever he lives no world has talent we got to do the global show yeah well seriously yeah we got to do the olympics of uh america's got talent and we got to send our best people i'm saying we send him the girl who can you know from early in the podcast who can one one suck the gigantic gummy worm oh my god i forgot about that oh yeah but did we have a bit about her on america's got talent yeah yeah the golden buzzers that's what i'm saying though we sent we don't know he's chinese it was x factor right i'm saying we sent him but he's chinese so we can't but bro if we had to compete against this i think our only shot would be you know yeah gummy suck girl [Laughter] the russian the russia's russia's american downtown will be some guy who can like who can like deadlift like a [ __ ] empty fiat with his pinkies like you know something with just sheer power oh my god i love this guy holy [ __ ] yeah man here's the thing though now after watching that i want to try i want to be his i don't want to yeah i want to drink first of all and i also want to be his friend but he'll always just be the fat guy yeah that man yeah yeah but he is uh i don't ever want to hear anyone go dude i'm an alcoholic no you're not yeah yeah no why because you're drinking on a tuesday yeah see you later the this the bar has been raised man alcoholics got to work harder after this okay go back oh you want to see him you want to see him do it yeah yeah you want to see him blow this [ __ ] uh this foamy pan pipe right here i want to see him commence suck down on these this is a this is the beer pan pipe oh what have to throw the sunglasses on yeah why does he do the eggs i don't know no but wait wait pause it one two three four five six seven pints of beer plus one two sorry sorry sorry six shots dude and that's one of the things about this video you know it's alcohol because it's lighting it's on fire is there any other thing is there anything else that lights on fire that he could drink butane you can't drink that i mean just a little bit yeah what if it's just straight up like like moonshine just a little butane in it on top of water it's cool it's good like what if that was grain liquor oh so it's just like 3000 proof certified destroy your [ __ ] body yeah why don't the eggs man the eggs digesting like i don't know he's so random dude he's just trying to say to the maximum degree i don't give a [ __ ] because two eggs is like your daily value for cholesterol he's like i don't care now watch me hit this beer pan pipe you're listening on audio you have to be watching this on video this guy is i'm i'm surprised um we've never like talked about this before because i felt like he went like pretty viral just on everything like instagram tick tock whatever you my [ __ ] i i'd swear i like went into my barber shop one day and he's like you seen that [ __ ] chinese fool who like drinks all the [ __ ] ah [ __ ] like what do we think you think his tolerance is just so high yeah that he can slam this and be totally fine or do you think he he did this video and he just goes straight to the hospital [ __ ] it's the stomach pump immediately yeah yeah yeah first he makes himself puke like right after they stopped filming he's like you're good cool and then he goes straight to hell to the maybe he's got like a medical professional like on-site he just jams a thing in his thing just pumps his stomach well he's still awake or he just hits it all and he's like all right let's go out yeah there is this pregame everyone's like i don't think you're good man he's like no i'm fine i'm fine trust me dude i'm so good if anything it's the eggs that are making me feel weird my body's you know i'm not great with with eggs my cholesterol is a little high so this is really the risky part of this whole [Laughter] thing bro you want okay let's see let's watch him suck this [ __ ] down oh wait what the bro come on twitter video gets my developer rage going so fast man yeah i have like in terms of things i have no patience for there is nothing above twitter video yeah i think i get so irrationally angry and video video is like the hardest thing to [ __ ] develop though it it is but i tried to do in feed then granted this was like what five six years ago yeah but i tried to do in-feed videos one time that played automatically and then you could like tap on them to pause them like instagram it was definitely the hardest thing i've ever worked on in my entire life oh bro i when i had to rip out the web player module for like landing pages for full screen yeah so i can jeff and those guys were like always caveat like uh just like want to let you know the code is um [Laughter] they're like they didn't even like i remember their their vibe kind of being like uh i don't know we could rip it like our he straight up goes i mean we could rip it out i don't know if it's going to work [Laughter] like just so funny to be like yeah the code only works one way man so yeah yeah sorry um all right let's see him suck it down so much fire that's why he has to wear the sunglasses yeah thumbs up that's a long thumbs up i think he's uh getting in the zone whoa oh no he didn't this is dude this guy this guy's got a throat he does the eggs one second why oh maybe it's sake maybe that doesn't make it better or like soju or something yeah but it's less percentage than just straight up like yeah what if it's just like some kind of like um like rice based wine wine yeah still man i feel like even a seasoned alcoholic would be pretty [ __ ] up from all this he's no he's not no problem he just had to let that burp out let the gas go oh my god man all right we're [ __ ] going out all right let's go yo call the uber i'd love to see some [ __ ] college girl attempt the same [ __ ] and just [ __ ] collapse like on the fourth journey it's like five that's [ __ ] just some [ __ ] just some college bro just like dude i'm gonna do it man the fat guy challenge this is for my boy shout out to you and he gets to three and he's just crying yeah he's crying somebody call my [ __ ] mom yeah this guy's like the chinese steve will do it you know yeah he is oh my god him and steve will do it in the epic battle royale del they'll they'll go at it and whoever wins gets to keep tick-tock yeah that's good i like that that's really good the chinese guy wins and trump's like oh well oh [ __ ] i can't say can't say i don't respect what you've you've achieved here tonight oh it is what it is you will always be the fat guy that we just met and you guys can have tick tock um whoops i read some [ __ ] today about the that what you're talking about about hollywood pandering to to china or just like being afraid to like paint yeah chinese they're censored well they're like censoring all of their scripts and stuff like that because yeah they like sell better in china yeah which is wild yeah that's how much americans don't [ __ ] care about movies yeah you know i mean maybe it's because in america we've run out of things um i still want to watch the cow movie i haven't i want to watch that too we should watch it yeah i think i'll do it this weekend just commit and watch the cow movie yeah just oh go ahead go ahead nope go ahead no just so we can we can chat about it oh yeah yeah yeah no yeah just just to chat just to chat yeah bro you know i got to do this i just have to show you this soul-crushing knockout is this on saturday yeah oh my goodness and i'm not going to talk about mma no it's just fine i like i three days ago this is on saturday night benil darush this guy is a [ __ ] artist with the hands that's all i'm going to say what white clip okay because it was devastating good night man it wasn't even it was like on the phone it sounds like someone thrown like a log of salami against a concrete wall oh man this is exactly what it sounds like when i pull my dick out this is exactly what it sounds like when i pull my dick [Music] [Laughter] yeah when i finally opened my fly and let that thing just hit the floor it hit man so listen i know it's up in there i know a few podcasts ago cody read a tweet that was like if your dick doesn't come out fall come down past your balls don't even talk to me and i might have sounded a bit insecure that's because i just i know i know how much the world cannot handle this [ __ ] tire that i have in my entire oh yeah it's just roped up just a giant piece of rubber just rolled up in my pants this is the sound that my dick makes when i take it out because it hits the top of my balls so hard because it rests and it rests so nicely on the top it just goes boom and yeah the weight of my balls is you know the weight of my dick my tiny dick into my balls has created this oven mitt of a ball sack so when i lift up my ball my dick and i drop it into my nuts it's like a it's like a baseball hitting a glove man just [ __ ] perfect perfect guys were having in an wonder barn sponsor for this episode and that is bible listen guys learning a language uh is great it's always been something on my to-do list and now there's no better time to start uh if you're looking to learn a new language babel can help you become a fluent speaker faster than you think um yeah maybe if you if you were using it then you would know what i said right there at the beginning all right uh babel designs their courses with real world conversation 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works there's been a few who have done it yeah it's such a crazy tap so they have to tap out because what they'll get paralyzed yeah like their whole spine is being twisted it's like the weird it's the weirdest it's the weirdest [ __ ] the dude's like the dude's like holding on to him like a [ __ ] snake like wrapped fully wrapped around his body yeah slowly tightening yeah he's like how are you even doing this bro um this is an old one this is from eight years ago but i'm just i'm only pulling this up so you can see the position that you have to get into it's so strange it's like is that it yeah it's like you're spooning them he really is it should be called the the big spoon yeah it should be called yeah the little spoon the little spoon tap oh yeah oh and he made him his little spoon he's going for the little spoon he's going for the little spoon oh he's scratching his back [Laughter] yeah this dude there's only been a few but uh yeah it's such a weird [ __ ] play the just play this one more time i want to see you guys you want to see it again yeah i want to see one more time oh do you want the sound you want the sound yeah here we go this [ __ ] seriously sounds like a tennis racket yeah it does damn dude yeah dude that one hit and i just like i like honestly um uh i i mean i don't i'm not trying to recycle [ __ ] here but honestly like when i saw that like i feel like a spinning back fist for an mma fan it's like when a woman gets to try the rabbit for the first time like it's just like just like this like release of testosterone this is like ah this is what i've been missing oh all these years yeah it's like it's like a it's like a wife with a dead bedroom it's like her first orgasm after the divorce it's like that level of just like oh yeah yeah oh [Applause] yes yes oh that is the card i've needed uh that's funny that's what i've been waiting for all these fights left me with nothing and now just say your co-worker's kid's birthday he invited you you mind if i put on the ufc card no man not at all you know my my brother-in-law likes ufc you're just sitting there on the couch by yourself and the brother-in-law's like hey man i love a good fight man they're like yeah yeah totally oh you're holding his shoulder your leg is shaking hey man are you okay are you okay don't move don't move don't move leg is bugging the [ __ ] out are you hey man what are you doing just [ __ ] no move don't move oh don't touch me don't touch him i'm gonna squirt i'm gonna squirt oh my god oh man oh did you just squirt in this spinach dip oh i'm not gonna lie man that's a crazy stream though i don't know how you got it that far that is like 12 feet beautiful stream brother man i've never seen anybody make a man squirt 12 feet before i haven't i haven't seen a spinning back fists like that since college just says before i was married just falls back on the couch puts in the cigarette takes a shot lights it up drops an egg in it thumbs up he likes the cigarette then he downs it oh my god did he nut from the mma again yeah he did and then you're just like bro you're like hooking up with your girl you're like no you're [ __ ] you're mid [ __ ] and she's like do you want to like put something on be a little crazy he's like oh yeah i got something beneal darush spinning backfist cross-legged yeah like a child at the foot of the bed watching the tv she's like well i mean like i she's just still laying behind you in lingerie i meant like something dirty trust me babe this fist this back fist it's as dirty as it gets it's so dirty it's so dirty but neil's such a bad boy so dirty oh see wasn't that sick [ __ ] there i'll replay it i don't think i don't think you saw it listen to the [Laughter] noise now i'm picturing college couple hooking up tell me something dirty dude [ __ ] bryson we were playing beeruppong last week like goes on like a tangent here's a shot with his eyes closed behind the back so [ __ ] dirty no i mean something like you know oh oh my bad okay yeah no for sure okay um yeah like something like you know tell me what something disgusting so [ __ ] davis you know viola he was hooking up with her finger blaster comes back plays beer pong with us doesn't wash his hands sticks his finger into the water cub touches all the balls shoots one didn't tell us till after the party [ __ ] dirty right no i mean babe like tell me something like you know something's like sexy okay so like davis is [ __ ] this other chick right he comes back he shows us pictures this girl's a perfect 10. i swear to god and she was like totally cool with it like he asked her so like consent so sexy right no tell me something sexy all right dude this new freshman kid takes a beer puts it in his mouth and does like just like swirling like cylinder thing oh i mean it wasn't like sexy like i didn't i didn't think it was but like some like something i wasn't about it was definitely sexy yeah or like you know that's not maybe that's what that's not the word but like i you know but you know what i mean like there's no way like it was like for me but like it's for somebody you know what i mean and like i appreciated that it's sexy like in the way like art is sexy like i don't want to have sex with it but i can appreciate looking at it yo no capful that was [ __ ] hot are you ever gonna i'm not even gonna cap you down bro [ __ ] was [ __ ] hot yo you suck down big beers homie straight up shit's hot i sent that video to my gay cousin and he was like that's hot and honestly i had to agree bro co-sign bro from me and my cousin it's just fire dog got me questioning my [ __ ] am i turned on yet like maybe i don't know yeah you know what i'm just gonna go home like you've just been talking to yourself for the past 20 minutes i'm just i'm gonna go back to my norm uh finish off with the spinning back fist i don't feel like we did enough with the frat frat boy museum what do you mean like i was just picturing i was just picturing like like an actual frat boy museum like white walls and it's like framed beer beer pong cups and stuff like that and the guy's like yeah this is man this is this is stuff of legends right here nah man it's a room with a roar in a glass box when someone walks in and it's like so what it i mean bro it's a roar it's a roar yeah like that bong company roar oh yeah oh yeah yeah right i mean that's that's like the little silver plaque on it yeah it's a road it's a roar santa more i mean that's kind of the beauty of like this whole room is like we shouldn't even be talking right now because there's nothing to say yeah like just use your eyes that's actually why we have these commentary headphones he puts them on i mean nuff said it's a roar it's a roar just looping you see you see the percolators on that thing i've said too much already it's a roar [Laughter] enough said it's a roar enough said it's a roar enough said it's a roar enough said it's a roar enough said it's a roar that's in the headphones and it looks to the frat dude standing in front of it he just nods up mm-hmm couldn't agree more frat museum would be like uh you know knelt boys do that new frat museum man yeah you've moaned in a lot of people's ears show the people that you know you show the people your a1 improv skills yeah they i mean it's so funny because of like it's like especially kyle and jesse because they've been doing it for so long dog if they took up like some traditional improv type [ __ ] like some impractical jokers thing oh my god it should be knock boys versus the impractical jokers and the impractical jokers will get smoked totally they're [ __ ] really good at it that's why i think i don't know i watched their most recent video and then i i was reading the comments they're kind of getting some heat recently yeah i mean i wasn't because they're doing a lot of scripted [ __ ] yeah yeah and a lot of people are like doesn't hit quite the same i mean but you know what i feel that they should be allowed to try to flex that muscle you know what i mean like if it's not great let them get good at it because maybe by the end of it something really dope comes out of it or not i don't know yeah i guess it's just kind of i don't know because i feel like it's kind of it kind of is where youtube leads you eventually if you do prank content or just vlog type stuff eventually it's like you have money and then you just go down the inevitable path of of spending money on camera and that becomes your content yeah and i feel like that's a little bit them now they're parting like a [ __ ] ton whereas if you go back and watch their videos they all had a point whatever and i'm watching we on saturday night we watch wild boys remember that yeah yeah with stevo and and these and i'm like this damn they could [ __ ] be this yeah if they had like a you know a team behind them that was like constantly writing and figuring out like bits for them to like you know go go to [ __ ] russia and do this thing or go to go here and do this crazy thing like wild boys went to the running of the bulls they went to yeah true true uh they went to some like space center one time yeah and they just were themselves and it was [ __ ] hilarious yeah that's what it needs to be they yeah that's actually true yeah you know what yeah i definitely agree with you yeah [ __ ] trying to manufacture it and just like you guys are already psychos just go be psychos in a lot of places and do the [ __ ] that everyone's afraid to do yeah i think above anything i mean that's the that's the [ __ ] about their their like pranks that is the most wild is that they just don't they have no fear nothing amazes them and they are really good they're funny good at improv oh man yeah so now boys do the do the frat museum but you know they got to do it in paris they got to get it way the [ __ ] away from americans yeah and then play it off like it's real yeah and like try to try to get like art consumers in there like really perplexed by the whole thing and like they just commit 100 that's pretty funny yeah so this is [ __ ] tyson's red cup um tyson was has a world record at [ __ ] uh i don't know if universe fsu for like most uh chugs from this solo cup or just like yeah yeah yeah that's funny just boring ass like so this is yeah this is tyson's cup this was actually so he hit a third redemption this is third redemption at uh i think it was shawn's kickback uh during labor day weekend of 2013 i think it was and i just remember thinking like that's like one of the sickest things i've ever seen so i kept the cup picture that in kyle's voice and then someone being like i don't get it and then kyle just having the what don't you get i mean it was third redemption third redemption that's pretty [ __ ] crazy like there's nobody rarely described redemption you know hey you wouldn't get there i mean look at your arms dude flimsy i'm saying that's [ __ ] so him i mean dude have you seen your tricep like there's no way it's lasting until third redemption you can barely get past the first one you know what i mean i don't do a push-up what's up no it's not like offensive it's just like i'm just looking at your arm like if we're being real [Laughter] yeah and this i remember this is the bottle for the very first corona that we chugged in our corona room at home oh guys ladies and gentlemen you want you want chinese i'm hung i'm listening i'm i'm hungry right now i'm starving yeah i can't think i can't i can't put a finger on what i want though yeah is it chinese is it pizza maybe it's froyo is there an app where i could potentially get all of those at the same time or maybe at different times or there is actually there's there's something for everyone on doordash doordash is the app that brings you food you're craving right now right to your door all right that's right ordering is easy to order ordering is very easy open the door dash app choose what you want to eat and your food will be left safely outside your door with new contactless delivery drop-off setting bam and with over 300 000 partners in the us puerto rico canada and australia you can support your local go-to's or choose from your favorite national restaurants like chipotle wendy's and the cheesecake factory many of your favorite local restaurants are still open for delivery just open the door dash app select your favorite local restaurant and your food will be left at your door like we said they're contactless delivery delivery it's meant to keep the community safe all right safe all right and right now dude tell them tell them what's going on right now well our listeners can get five dollars off and zero delivery fees on their first order of 15 bones or more 15 i should probably say 15 probably bones that could be like chicken bones so i don't want that uh when you download the doordash app and enter the code tmg that's five dollars off your your first order and zero delivery fees uh when you download the doordash app in the app store and enter code tmg don't forget that's code tmg for five bucks off your first order with doordash oh [ __ ] dude i wanna now listen i'm not did you watch this i did this is uh no bro this this community is a bit like which uh uh this right here tick tock yeah no this what is that uh man i [ __ ] i feel like we should say this one for the bonus but uh you know well you brought it up now i know but i'm not even trying to be that guy it's just i mean it's on tick tock i mean [ __ ] it we don't have to address that aspect of it well let me look out what it means oh yeah yeah yeah and men going their own way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah anti-feminist misogynist mostly online community advocating for men to separate themselves from women and form of society which they believe has been destroyed by feminism and this is like a you take the certain pill is this is it red pill is when you is when that's like for right-wing [ __ ] right that phrase has just been co-opted by a lot of [ __ ] now so i mean yeah yeah yeah i've heard about this yeah yeah yeah all right this is like the most ridiculous [ __ ] i've seen it like this seems like a bit oh yeah totally i couldn't beli and bro the blueness in his eyes like daniel craig is he's so sad after double 07. daniel craig stopped dieting and got really sad listen to this [ __ ] guys what do you want what are you looking for i don't even know what to say what about what i see on here that doesn't mean i don't appreciate your beauty because there's a lot of very attractive women on here do you understand that you instill in men and insecurity a confusion about how they need to be towards you i'm picturing that he doesn't realize that all the girls on this app are 15. like he has no clue and there are plenty of beautiful beautiful women i trust me i see you every day on my feet [Laughter] this is the best part of this video is that random little captions yeah just have nothing to do with this video come on the dm's here i can't respond to dms here bro bro let the rest of this play oh my god bro you're looking at a man who's been married twice divorced twice against his will both times loyal all the time became a multi-millionaire it didn't matter both women left me for different reasons one because she just didn't feel like i fulfilled her emotional needs the other one because she had an affair on me in between all that three kids between two different women lost their dad without them oh my god man oh my god you look look it's [ __ ] up that he's been divorced twice man and i i believe that he was a loyal dude but just the way this sets up man it's like i can't i can't not laugh oh it feels like it's just an absurd it's just an absurd video that's what i mean it's like the post on tick tock like like uh just your like relationship history and all this stuff and asking women what they want on tick tock it's like there's a wrong place for this it's like it's so much [ __ ] in 60 seconds yeah i think you're looking i think you're looking for the relationship advice subreddit actually dude no you're looking for a [ __ ] therapist jesus christ dude this first line this very first line hold on let it go what the [ __ ] give me the audio can i ask you women what do you want [Music] imagine going down your feed renegade renegade that the relation can i ask you women a question what do you want i mean it definitely draws you in you're like oh uh the mute the music too it's perfect it's like [ __ ] spa music it's like the [ __ ] that you're listening to picking a [ __ ] in a hot tub yeah in a hotel spa imagine you're getting a like an actual like full body massage and this is your massage therapist and he's saying all this [ __ ] what are you looking for you're on your stomach yeah leans in to your ear what do you want i don't even know what to say what about what i see on here that doesn't mean i don't appreciate your beauty because there's a lot of very attractive women on here could you not talk about my back like that do you understand that you instill in men and insecurity what a confusion about well they need to be towards you i mean i'm not trying to i'm just i'm a guy i'm like worse twice okay okay well that's that's a bummer dude but i i mean i didn't really 40 million come on i didn't matter he's a multi-millionaire became a multi-millionaire didn't matter multi multi-millionaire oh oh my god divorced twice became a multi-millionaire still didn't matter hey do you have to grab my head so hard when you when you say all this like it's really painful oh my god i'm hey man i'm a guy i'm a guy i'm a guy you're not you don't hear me no i'm a guy i'm i'm not that doesn't matter what do you want he says all that then rolls you over and sees your nub and he's like oh oh i'm sorry [Laughter] oh my god dude saying you're a multi-millionaire in this in in the middle of this like pool of sadness is so crazy like he's like crying he's admitting to the world that his first wife left him for no reason and his second wife cheated on him this is batman dude yeah yeah oh my god dude jesus bro this dude's hurting man he's hurt tick-tock is not healthy oh man i feel so bad for him dude like tick-tock is the last place this guy should be you know i could i can only imagine what these comments are oh i have to log in to see them uh wait send them send to me hold on or no here let me know wait wait wait wait wait wait we got it okay also a weird way of saying that she had an affair on me instead of [ __ ] on me have an affair on me yeah have an affair on me have an affair on me um here oh [ __ ] we we [ __ ] damn we have a lot still to talk about bro there's so much [ __ ] dude the dave portnoy [ __ ] did you see the fizzy drinks tick tock i sent you um yeah i pulled it up here i didn't watch it okay oh it's so good oh boy this is like the polar wait wait pause it this is like the polar opposite of the chinese guy okay all right that we just watched okay hello everyone no fizzy drink for me today now i have completed two months of having no fizzy drinks first of all i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support you have provided this wouldn't have been possible without you all last time when i completed 30 days i had a glass of water i would like to continue the same tradition which symbolizes my fight against the addiction of fizzy drinks oh oh oh oh oh [ __ ] bro let's continue this journey together thank you all over all drink in 60 days thank you very much he's so pumped i love it so so i went down and watched the very first video on his feed and he was like really sad because he's like i i have an addiction i'm addicted to fizzy drinks and the doctor says i shouldn't drink them but i can't stop and so he was like i'm enlisting tick tock to like help me quit this addiction and now he's day 60 with no fizzy drinks bro i believe that he can't stop you saw the way he drank that water yeah like the rest of us we get a two-liter we get like a like a medium coke and we're like yeah we have a conversation i think my man like he sees that [ __ ] and he's like it's all going in my stomach right now where are the bubbles yeah where are the bubbles it's funny because in the last video the one right before this he talks about the fact that it's raining and how he usually goes to this market to buy himself a lemonade because he really likes the lemonade and i'm like so wait that's cool oh yeah that's got the same amount of sugar as as like a coke yeah but you know start somewhere right i guess yeah and then i'm like are you is it the bubbles you're addicted to yeah so no one better tell him about sparkling water exactly yeah topo chico or whatever just [ __ ] do not tell kroy don't tell him about lacroix i really feel like he's going through it because like it's in his eyes like day 60. yeah i mean no yeah he's pumped he's clearly like this is a huge achievement i'm happy for the guy no he is but this also feels like a scientific log you know what i'm saying like a space movie where they're like yeah 60. no fizzy drinks i'm starting to have an admiration almost for other liquids in my life such as water for example i'm developing a unique relationship with water now um i've asked my wife to dress up like water yeah it's almost sexual in a sense i wouldn't say it's sexy but it makes me feel a type of way yeah i would say it's sexy to someone um so in that way i think i'm gonna define it as sexy yeah actually you know what i would [ __ ] a glass of water speaking of getting [ __ ] dave portnoy bro bro i guess this will be good to finish out the what a crazy crazy turn of events so this is just the call her daddy drama this is i guess the conclusion in the whole thing oh yeah it's almost like a it's almost like an epilogue yeah this is a big conclusion man this ain't just like a regular like oh that's crazy this is like a oh yeah so this is in reply this is dave portnoy in reply to uh a tweet that says hbo sports president peter nelson is out amidst the wider restructuring of that division now if you might remember peter nelson is the one that basically destroyed caller daddy yeah or tried to try to destroy it yeah he was the one that shopped it around while they were still at bar stool and everything and so him and dave kind of had this like feud i guess where kind of one-sided because peter hasn't you know i don't think he has a twitter or anything i don't know no yes but dave is very outspoken yeah and uh so here's the here's the here's dave portnoy adding insult to injury so i'm uh in the hamptons in montauk we're doing a sunset get the sunset there enjoy your nice shot tutorial plate my son a little chartered replayed i don't know if that's a joke i think it was isn't it charcuterie it's i think it is but i think he was making a joke short-term okay i was assuming it's like a little play on shark you know what i mean sharp chartering yeah sharp tutorial i like that little uh sea bass ceviche the finer things in life really the music you can hear is delightful and i get a text and i want to keep it low my friend peter nelson out at hbo suit man gone kicked out no job no life no future suit man who the [ __ ] did he think he was messing with i told him i said what did i say that quote everyone's like hey suit man you work for a neck network i am the network i didn't mean it rudely but your network just fired you i'm on a two-month vacation that's the luxury oh the smugness jesus christ hello everyone [Music] that was perfect that was perfect that's peter nelson's response yeah yeah day 60 fizzy drinks man bro oh nuts bro kick to the nuts truly you got to think that's just oh man you got to think that if you were peter nelson seeing that video i would just i would just i'd go i'd just leave for a while you know [Laughter] just somewhere just go somewhere just call up spaceship on the beach hey man i'll go to mars i'll go yeah yeah i'll do it i'll be the first if it don't work out it's fine i i volunteer it's all right like if i don't make it it's true i'll stay up there oh it's all good i don't got to come back it's all right we're good yeah we're good here man we're all dead i wonder if he's is he still with the girl no right i don't know i don't know wait let's google i'm gonna google it real quick just before we end this sophia call her call her interesting you know her by name call her father uh no i just guessed it sophia yeah it turns out sofia no neither of them had said anything wow wow get wrecked man that's that's so ugh ugh how do you even how do you feel after a [ __ ] bozo move like that like you had this big podcast it was fine it was fine and now you're out and your stupid bozo um partner who was like yeah yeah we're gonna shop and he's canned now you're both canned and your friend what absolute and i just i hate and and yeah you're right and your friend is running the show now by herself and it's fine and we'll own the ip and it's doing great fine yeah you can't you can't start another podcast you can't can't do anything i mean it's it's an it's a big stinking l and i don't toss that phrase around lightly you know yes ill hard l it's a big fat pulsating l what up oh my god bro uh they had a drink deal i mean the whole thing and i don't think there's any way to bury the hatchet and come back no i don't think so i don't know i really don't know i also haven't seen the show since the new since like alex is doing it alone so i think she has like guests and [ __ ] now it still seems to be killing it i think it's still top of the charts so i think it's probably all right all right as is tradition i have to take a piss and then we will uh result i and then we'll resume in the bonus with this you know i thought it would be fun maybe to do legal advice instead of relationship advice oh because we are lawyers and i found two great ones that we can go over yeah we got we got hella videos man dope [ __ ] yeah oh yeah and this dude master freaking out oh yeah oh yeah all right i'm looking forward to it all right whiz time you guys in the bonus if not see you next week thank you bye guys oh tmgpod.com for new merch yeah peace
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Views: 268,777
Rating: 4.9554434 out of 5
Id: JRIvvZxmG4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 43sec (4123 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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