Episode 188 - We Screwed Up

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yo dude i got um i dug up some pictures of these miners i used to sell what what what no what no bitcoin oh bitcoin miners jesus christ dude yeah galaine maxwell loved these things i mean that was just her she really she she was into bitcoin yeah colleen maxwell was a huge bitcoin i thought the whole time i thought jeffrey was into crypto i had no idea it was kids [Laughter] welcome back guys i'll see you now now now it's just coming itsy i can't what just demented garyvee [Laughter] crypto gelaine maxwell oh man all you got to do now is say demented garyvee it's that spot you know hits me right in the funny bone i swear to god i i watched that i watched that last 10 minutes of that bonus episode like 50 times yeah that's like i just by the way guys we're recording this the same week yeah [Music] um you know well so that's still fresh in our minds yeah although i think in three weeks from now i'm also going to be i will definitely be laughing at this three weeks i'll be still watching that last 10 minutes of bonus episode no it doesn't it doesn't matter when i i honestly feel it beat like squat 680 for me you know yeah i'm convincing gay guy i think is always going to be number one but that [ __ ] was like number two which felt good because i felt like we would never get a laugh that hard oh wait auto-tune joe rogan [ __ ] oh man that was that was that was that was a good time too you know it's like a good that one's good because it's a good like memory yeah being in that one room yeah same place that we made stay safe stay safe yeah yeah and now we're in space and now we're in space which is crazy yeah [Music] what's up guys this is the tmg podcast this is today's free episode if you want this episode ad free and an extra bonus episode you can find that right now on our patreon patreon.com [Music] you're not a stoner goodbye the army air forces has announced that a flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army [Music] [Music] your seatbelt and get ready for debate yeah um so so i i was looking at doge and it hit 70 cents i know which is well who cares yeah whatever i know it's i care it's bad well i mean do you really think that it's a good thing that one person can create something that like i mean maybe it's a good thing i don't know but like i think it's actually a bad sign in terms of how stable and reliable our markets are that like one person can make something that now trumps the market cap of what it's bigger than like car companies it's bigger than moderna um now well that's where i feel with doge and it's a meme yeah i know people are like oh my god it's beautiful that that's something like this was able to skyrocket and create wealth and all this stuff i agree but it's like i think it's also a sign of like massive volatility and that's probably bad yeah my thought was everyone who's been mining those from like six years ago assuming those people still held on which they probably some probably did i feel like when those guys hit the lever everyone else is gonna be stuck holding the bag like someone is yeah someone is that's the crazy part is how many these the amount of people now it'll be interesting to hear this when this episode goes up to see where doge is at yeah that's true at this point um i've seen everyone anyone tweet about uh doge even benny the butcher he's tweeted about doge twice okay it's not a guy who uses twitter that often right you know he comes on and says like some vague like you know drug dealer tweet and then for him to just get on and be like it's doge for me i'm like oh no no literally everyone's everyone everyone's bought it oh yeah you know so and elon is on snl tonight so it could pop like we could see a dollar today yeah who knows yeah so it in in spirit of this it kind of hit me where i go i know i mind doge but i wanna i i wonder where that was at and so i started thinking like maybe i have like an old email or like some reference to an old wallet so i go through one of my old emails and i find it a confirmation email i find two things one uh a connection script for cgminer and i go oh yeah i was like part of that pool so i dig up the email for my the mining pool i was in which was team doge uh so i go to their website and it's like that generic you know that landing page that hosts put up with like related searches okay so i go to that site and it redirects me it's like dogecoin does crypto it's like you know malware basically all right so this doesn't exist anymore and uh so i go to their twitter they haven't tweeted since 2015 and they tweeted like a couple days ago and they go the dream of doge hitting a dollar is finally around the corner there's four replies and one guy goes yeah man i just cracked open my old wallet and i see i have 16 000 doge i'm waiting for you guys to confirm so then i i realized that the doge i had mined i never took out of the pool because so i started racking my brain and i started thinking and i legitimately think i mined like a couple hundred thousand dose no way yeah because at that point the difficulty was absurdly low and my miners were like really juiced up like uh the most they could be for graphics cards yeah and i remember when doge first came up me and so i had three minors my co-worker had like five or six i mean we were galen had glaine had a bunch it's and she just couldn't keep her hands off and she's always just tinkering with these oh god okay tinkering sorry sorry too much no too much now yeah so uh sorry i'm just thinking about glenn and her absurd crypto you know all the time she'd be like no well let's get more reminders i'm like glenn you have enough to chill out anyway so i remember the bitcoin difficulty was sort of annoying and so we pivoted to litecoin and then we all agreed like we should mine some [ __ ] coins to whatever doge at that point i think was worth like it was like to the 16th or 20th decimal place right and uh so i'm pretty sure i had like a couple hundred thousand right i distinctly remember hitting like a hundred and some thousand like within like a couple hours and thinking holy [ __ ] and i have this one quote that's burning in my head of one of my co-workers he's laughing going i love this doggy coin man i'm mining and i literally have millions and millions and millions of it i'm like i'm thinking about him now just like he can't remember his password either he's like no him and one of my other buddies held on they they've held on since since 2014. yeah okay so obviously that that is cool like obviously that's [ __ ] cool if you yeah mind something you take a chance or something right at the beginning and then all of a sudden that turn like just by a stroke of luck turns into millions of dollars that's [ __ ] awesome yeah and that's something that crypto allows for right now i think crypto is still the most the the most amount of like asymmetric opportunities but i think that it's getting absurd like the amount of people that have hit me up to pump these [ __ ] [ __ ] coins and the amount of people that i see doing it on twitter like just hey um don't forget to to mine uh you know like [ __ ] dick coin yeah safe come right or like catch up ball coin yeah or come rocket this one actually seems like a little bit legit actually but there's like anything okay so you're bought in yeah so yeah yeah so guys i actually think come rocket is a it's a very a very solid investment man you got equity in this yeah you gotta um but i think the amount of people i see like there's so many pump and dumps there's the fact that elon can tweet something and doge rockets up 30 is ultimately a very bad thing if one person can control a market like that it's just gonna end up in in normal people holding the bag yeah like you know it's like our [ __ ] aunts and uncles are gonna see a tweet safe doge moon ball coin yeah yeah and they're gonna invest their like pension into that yeah and it's gonna just tank in two weeks and they're gonna you know what i'm saying and some guy with a samurai sword and millions and millions in crypto living in monaco because he doesn't want to pay taxes yeah it's gonna be like yes yeah yeah yeah yeah i knew i knew hentai coin was a good idea i knew austin creamer hentai was a good idea yeah bro it's well so i kind of got um i had this moment where i thought if i did transfer it it would be on a drive and there was a solid-state drive from that minor that was just floating around my life i just always throw it in a drawer throw it in a box and i think like a month ago it might be here in the studio i was going to check but i feel like a month ago i looked at it i don't know actually it was sometime last year i've had this memory of alina going you don't want this and i go nah the hard drive's too small i can't use it for anything it's just a couple million doge on there they just threw it away yeah i legitimately think i may have just thrown a drive away with like maybe 70k on it so but that's if i transferred it out of the pool which i don't ever recall doing so there's just a there's a weird hash with 70k connected to my three miners that i'll just never be able to capture damn yeah i feel like everyone that got into crypto early has that same stuff oh yeah no i'm not unique and i know there's probably some accounts somewhere i've read all kinds of people being like lol my college laptop it probably has like a million dollars on it yeah it's like damn what are you gonna do you know you know uh cardano yeah my my buddy bought into that at cars these balls in here yeah i don't know there's something there exciting there is on oh these balls are in your mouth oh hey grant greg oh i wish your balls were in my mouth i mean opposite i mean the opposite i was just thinking of trying to play oh man i got four brain cells grand car don't crash don't stop putting your balls in my mouth the other way why do i keep damn got you feeling some kind of way you're here to hear first it's just all these this talk about ball coin yeah but yeah nut coins swast coin yeah yeah you get your swast coin have you guys ever heard of swamp ass coin yeah it's a it's a it's a type of crypto used specifically to buy adult diapers to counteract gooch sweat and [ __ ] your own pants i think it's next up man you guys should invest yes definitely pump this [ __ ] we're going to the moon look at this tick tocker launches scam coin raises 70 million an hour after launch this is like this stuff should not be happening shouldn't be happening yeah i mean it's just crazy like i i know that crypto can't really be regulated but it just makes me think stuff like this will trigger someone to try to regulate it it may not ever work but i feel someone will try definitely absolutely you know absolutely i think the government will step in eventually yeah this is how successful they can be with that who knows but i mean they already tax it which is kind of crazy yeah how do they tax a digital currency well it's just through like coinbase and whatever you gotta no no i know i know like i know how but it's kind of ridiculous that a government can just be like oh you have numbers and letters and a wallet file yeah that's ours too well isn't it anytime you convert it to american dollars yes then you have to pay taxes yes but then it's like how the [ __ ] can you ever cash out and why is money even real you know yeah why do we even if you think about it yeah money is actually a social construct it's all fiat man yeah fiat more like fake fake money isn't real wake up you sheeple money is [ __ ] subjective so absolutely fake hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode and that's capsule isn't going to the pharmacy the worst you gotta go to the back of the cvs and you gotta hey for cody and then it's a little bit like embarrassing yeah weird to be getting a prescription in person exactly who would do that capsule is a new kind of 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have thought yeah like when cardano was first announced i'm like there's no how many of these can they make yeah eos and oh yeah all that [ __ ] just yeah how like how many how many oh plenty no millions yeah oh yeah so what is the come rocket one go back to that that was to well i actually have the white paper memorized so crypto's hottest new nsfw currency spearheaded by a young female software engineer you know how you know how you mine this one huh that's actually what the the [ __ ] it's for the [ __ ] no no the [ __ ] uh fridge is for that we were going to get oh yeah yeah the semen collector and then you rock it come into it and the velocity yeah the velocity that you rocket your come out into that thing they harness that energy and they use that to mine come rock it it's just kind of like a gas tank you just got to fill it up and it keeps mining right yeah i'm rich i'm rich i'm rich it's it's as many times as you can come that's how much money you can make all right what is this crypto's hottest new nsfw currency no no the to provide an nft marketplace for 18 plus content yeah i mean that makes sense i'm surprised that hasn't already been a thing how is how is porn behind the curve yeah with nfts that's bizarre actually yeah that's a paradigm shift right there yeah that sex isn't at the front because porn has been leading innovation forever no seriously they've always had like they were the first to do like scrubbing in a video i'm pretty sure i think morning video porn invented that video uh thumbnails thumbnails yep i love that tweet i always love remembering that tweet when pornhub is like hey youtube nice feature where'd you get that yeah senior engineer comes into work one day wiping his hands yes so i had an idea last night why don't we preview the video guys i just had a crazy idea in the bathroom i'm kind of tired so you can talk about it tomorrow but i think it's gonna change the way we do things here we should do video thumbnails that's a great idea dude high five i'm gonna wash my hands for you that's so foul you came in your hands at work and you went to go tell people that's a true creative right there i must tell everyone [Laughter] quick give me your face simba [Laughter] and you are the engineer going to implement this for me simba right across the forum [ __ ] dude yeah so what's come rocket at now has it rocketed up see this is the thing that all these kryptos are doing now it's like they're pretty safe in the name they're putting doge in the name they're putting elon or something to do with moon rocket yeah they're all doing that yeah it's all it's it's like it's such a weird uh era of penny stock yeah you know do you ever feel jaded when you look at this stuff just knowing how long ago you had seen it and didn't really nothing no not really oh just me then that's cool no just me no generally i feel pretty good about it yeah makes one of us i know i mean i'm killing myself for not keeping my [ __ ] doge the first time it popped and i bought it yeah like i sold it the next day for a loss because i'm a [ __ ] paper hands yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] not he says i'm a [ __ ] idiot loser loser um and now i'm kicking myself for sure it's up to i can't believe he's at 70 cents i just think i just feel like it's so bad for people who are gonna get clipped in this scenario the same way with gamestop the game no one talks about that anymore i know everyone got their nuts sniffed off with that [ __ ] and it's just what because they made it all back on toast yeah yeah yeah yeah the the hedge funds will come back to them but for now it's all about doge what's d what's gme at now 160 bucks still yeah yeah wow so dude still made money but bet you they made it so he couldn't sell that [ __ ] i stopped cussing man that cuss a lot i've been noticing it lately really a better person nice [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ass come rock it come rock it come rock it come rock it yeah last night i was i was manically yeah we can we can get into that in a second speaking of come rockets i was manically looking for that hard drive for about 10 minutes and then i just said it's it's gone it's just it's gone it's fine yeah except yeah there's no it's not going back yeah it's the last of your mistakes well but you can you can take solace in the fact that like these are happening every day like you could just buy a hundred thousand dollars of one of these [ __ ] coins and do one tweet and pump it and make that money back in five seconds yeah yeah just make sure you shouldn't but just make a billion dollars exactly you shouldn't but you you could just dump it within that's the other thing there's no regulation like you could just dump it immediately well that's how these things work it's crazy it's these new projects come out right and they all privately allocate a certain amount of coin to whoever they know their network they're like you know the people the other guys that are in crypto or whatever and then they work with somebody like binance or whatever and they go yeah we'll take an allocation and then we'll list it and that [ __ ] pumps 500 in the first day and then everyone dumps it and then everyone else is on twitter like it's gonna go back yeah it's gonna go back it's never gone back it's never gonna be never gone this made these guys trillionaires yeah they're laughing at you while they play fruit ninja in real life yeah the ponytail clowned you out of your money how does that feel yeah and here's the thing is that some of them are legit that's the also the shitty thing oh yes that's why i think it's bad for the whole crypto market and everything because it just makes people doubt the whole thing and the legitimacy of everything because there's so many scam projects going on right now after jake paul i mean what even is really real anymore yeah yeah yeah i'm not going to talk about fighting no i actually should we talk about the hat thing i don't want to nope yeah i don't want to nope i don't want to talk about it doesn't matter literally doesn't matter yeah i want to read a funny comment about that this comment genuinely had to be laughing hard as hell and i was like okay i'll double it back this is from vivian that's from a couple episodes ago no i love you but please please please three three pleases stop talking about boxing it's not interesting to listen to i love your podcast and they start talking about that i'm referring to these fighters by first name and fights that i haven't watched and it's so annoying that's kind of that's kind of up there with you ruined my saturday it's uh definitely up there you ruined my saturday just it's so annoying and no period it's so annoying and they just slam to enter this is a patreon comment so i know you had high probability you were on a computer yeah you were upset yeah please please please please stop talking stop referring to these boxers by first name so candace can we go to dramatic lighting should we take a turn yeah noel i love you but please please please stop talking about boxing it's not interesting to listen to i love your podcast and then you start talking about that and referring to fighters by first name and fights i haven't watched that it's so annoying [Music] see [Applause] that was good all right thanks man thanks thanks that was great all right all right here's your line okay which camera am i looking at just right right like okay unique new guy who just laughed stop i don't appreciate that [ __ ] boy as a service fast [Laughter] i'm sorry and scene let's see yeah nice nice dude hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode brooke lennon if your everyday has started to feel ordinary then transform it into something magical by upgrading your bedding loungewear towels and robes step into the new season in style and comfort and get it all from one place i'd say it's almost a new season of yourself you know it's like check out this new season of cody and 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get that clearly they get their eight hours every night because they're a dream to work with if you ever have an issue that's bad that's really bad i have some brooklyn and sheets right now on on our guest bed and let me tell you it really is like sleeping on a on a big stick of butter which i would like to do i could go for a boss and cream right now yeah so give yourself the comfort refresh you deserve and get it for less at brook linen go to brooke linen and use the promo code tiny to get 20 off with a minimum purchase of 100 that's b-r-o-o-k-l-i-n-e-n.com and enter promo code tiny for 20 off with a minimum purchase of a hundred dollars that's brooklyn.com promo code tiny yeah that was another good comment worth highlighting it's pretty funny yeah we can't just go back to regular he was talking about the and suck my dick yes dude oh you know what i was thinking we have to get that guy on yeah yeah 100 let's zoom that guy in or i don't know if he lives in l.a but can we figure that out not in la i mean uh yeah i don't know where he lives wherever the port is yeah we get his ass we can get us beam his ass up here yeah yeah unless he's in milwaukee then though then he's gonna have to drive to chicago imagine if we had someone from milwaukee ew i'm bringing all that milwaukee weirdness over here oh my god shorts and crocs yeah 30 degrees psycho [ __ ] cheese curd while i just walk through the door it smells like milwaukee jesus christ no way dude oh i bet you milwaukee [ __ ] is so stinky yeah that was not nice that was not nice that was not nice smells like red stripe and red cigarettes dude it's probably more of an la beer a lot of people doing red stripe um yeah [ __ ] boys of service is great that's i guess that's what he is yeah yeah he's fast he could maybe charge for it we should we need to do a whole startup around [ __ ] boy as a service imagine him pitching to like a investor he walks in into and recent horowitz on sandhill road and he's like what's up guys so so i have this new i have this new product it's fuckboy as a service you want to know if your wife's going to cheat on you infidelity is a big problem with uh gen z and gen alpha so i kind of want to capitalize on this um spiriting this is me um 20 years old pretty attractive whatever um basically i have like a long history of like getting women to cheat have you even [ __ ] a goat you see this presentation here these are all the women i've had sex with and the goat so this product really has a lot of viability a lot of different ways we could start with humans and then work out the animals and who knows what else so and and you could potentially do this with my wife probably i mean how old is she she's 58. does she have instagram she does have an instagram it's mostly just for pictures of our kids and whatnot but the thing the reason why i'm curious about this is that you know every saturday she does a session with um her tennis coach and you know she's out all day longer than it would take to play a game of tennis so i'm just i'm curious yeah i mean we could try the service on her to be honest i'm just going off what i know she's probably going to [ __ ] tennis coach [Laughter] this is going to [ __ ] me she'll probably [ __ ] us both and she's probably turned out not to be loyal so how much do you want what kind of check are you looking for son here's the thing i have to run into guys kind of like a year of profile they tend to want to watch so we could always evolve the service into streaming service as well watch me make your wife cheat and she'll never know that you should you're watching can i get the best of both worlds really up to you i'd invest yeah every investor hardest nails in there yeah i like this i like this i like this i had one i had two more comments i wanted to highlight this segment right here is just you know talking to you guys um one that killed me this is obviously a little bit old but cody had a comedic cream which is just it's such a we gotta we gotta establish that guys no more oh my god i was crying laughing it's nice gotta be oh my god i was screaming over that i was screaming dude you just made me cream dude that was so funny though [ __ ] you you see that new comedy special bye yeah that [ __ ] made me cream hard bro oh my god that was so funny man i busted so hard to that i did you know what listening to that back though i really did i didn't know like what you were talking about then oh yeah i just thought you were like you meant because i was like spent afterwards but i really did i was laughing so hard i was like yeah it was very subtle and very quick but you can hear a full-on bone and it's completely unintentional [Laughter] that's what demented gary vee does to you it just he hits that back wall of your comedy [ __ ] and you just [Laughter] oh [Laughter] so just because i follow certain people on twitter that just have no shame i saw a clip of this girl getting dp'ed good and the caption was like something like ella well why does she talk like that and then it was just like like she's getting dp'ed and then the dude is like yeah do you like that she's like oh yes i love to [ __ ] on my little [ __ ] oh yes i love it i was like why do you why are you baby talking two penises in your body that's so oh yeah i love two little penises in my thoughts it's like it was so weird man somebody take that out of context please click that clip that put that on twitter please why does he talk like that what were they talking about on the podcast oh yeah i love him yeah i love to put she was like i love two [ __ ] in my [ __ ] yeah like it was just so it's just like i wasn't even high it just like sent me down like a rabbit hole in my brain like yeah why why did like adult actors like talk like that for so long do they still do that [ __ ] that is true i feel like that was like a fad that went kind of away yeah but some you know you definitely didn't reason you're just still doing that whole like well i [ __ ] love it oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah it's like yeah i don't if i'm the dude that's not like don't talk like a baby it's ruining the whole vibe of this you're an adult what are you doing yeah talk cream like an adult scream like an adult oh yeah i love it oh yeah i love two [ __ ] on my [ __ ] yeah it was weird as hell man speaking of [ __ ] what's that daddy tweet yeah what is that actually here i have a funny tweet i want to read you right now this is a little meme little memester all right dude explaining how he made his first 10 million dollars number one get up at 5am every day number two 90 minutes of cardio number three take a cold shower number four journal number five schedule out your day number six dad owns fortune 500 comedy number seven meditate [Laughter] [Laughter] if you're listening on audio that probably shown is so weird dad owns fortune 500 company [Laughter] dad owns fortune 500 company [Music] [Laughter] oh man what's number five meditate oh nice that's every tick tock trader that's every tick tock like hustle guy yeah it's so easy to meditate when you have millions in your bank account it's literally so easy i just think about my money yeah um bam let's take a quick break from this episode again just to thank another sponsor and that's expressvpn does it make sense that the same company who controls half of online retail also passively eavesdrops on your private conversation at home does that make sense people no no it doesn't make sense what about the idea that a single company controls 90 of internet searches runs your email service and gets to track everything you do to your smartphone absolutely not big tech is more powerful than most countries are and they profit by exploiting your personal data this is deep damn it's time to put a layer of protection between you your online activity sorry and these tech juggernauts and that's why i use expressvpn yeah think about how much of your life is on the internet all those 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trying to listen to that back to back to back that was a weird episode man yeah we we literally just talked about the same thing like a loop that was crazy you know what's crazy about that is i was like listening to that and i was like leave in 2017 that means we recorded that at the top of 2018. yeah that's so [ __ ] long ago it's like three years ago i mean if time is real which is not bro um well now that we're kind of what's what is it may we're at the top of 2020 one 2021 20-21 not no longer the top it's halfway over no we're worth it we're kind of at the top if you round down we're like near the zero um a word we're gonna bring back in 2021 is daddy yeah yeah 100 yeah 100 percent by the way the song's doing really well actually yeah yes it's doing really well yeah i really appreciated some of the like initial reactions from people you know uh some people were like god you guys finally [ __ ] missed which is like really encouraging you know after the after the sheer amount of you guys are getting too serious and we're like you know why don't we just when we play off the dad joke bit that'd be a fun one for everyone listens to the podcast and it came out and everyone is just like yeah i just i don't know guys you missed you finally missed i think that's a testament to our older music and the fact that some people think we've never missed which is a not true yeah yeah but b also a huge compliment yeah we just it was actually a big social experiment that's what you guys don't understand yeah we're here to pull the wool back on on your feelings about all our old music to make you realize we've always been missing we manipulated you yeah how do you feel we actually suck ass we actually didn't hit until very recently yeah it's a big art project actually to see how many people we can get to to appreciate just [ __ ] yeah as much literal garbage as much ass as possible so yeah um i feel like it's actually no but i got we got a ton of compliments on it first of all i think it was a little bit polarizing because it's just a totally different style yeah no i mean i i think the video helped like convey what we were going for i think some people initially heard it and they're like what the f i i get it after sophia if that's the next one that comes out i'm thinking like what the [ __ ] is going on here guys daddy but then you see us in the makeup and it's like oh okay like trying to do the dad thing yeah but yeah yeah no i mean everyone was really nice um about everything which was surprising because i wasn't sure yeah i'm like if people are going to vibe with this i don't know has it been a week now that it's been out uh it would have been like yeah yeah it's saturday right yeah yeah 1.4 million streams in two weeks everybody one week well that's pretty that's pretty great is it is it a week or is it two weeks that's a week a week yeah yeah 1.4 million streams in a week that's [ __ ] great and even on quinn i was looking at quinn's spotify where the number six most played song on his spotify whoa which is [ __ ] cool yeah i mean you know shout out to quinn by the way yeah shout out to him he's shout out to mike he's [ __ ] great guy is a is a genius but also he's just a great dude yeah fun to work with yeah he was just down for whatever and he's like cool make me old i don't care um and it was just overall like really it's really easy experience yeah you know because we like like him black bear like what i appreciate is they're just kind of like just down like yeah let's do whatever you guys want to do and that part was cool love that um but yeah uh the video turned out really well too i wasn't sure just because when i saw that overcast when we got there i was like [ __ ] anytime we're two for two now any time we try to shoot outside it's overcast what was the first oh brook [ __ ] yeah yeah and i'm just i'm just not planning for outside anymore yeah ever again yeah i'm just over here tired of the sun yeah [ __ ] blue balling us yeah ketchup balling us yeah it's ridiculous yeah but it turned out great still still is it was a good vibe i think yeah no it was it was dope um can we talk about that makeup yeah so maybe i mentioned it but in the first episode of the podcast i noticed it no one else would how my eyes look like two swollen like vaginas it's not nice but it's just like i could just see it in my eyelids two face [ __ ] yeah yeah and for the next week like i just had to apply so many weird creams and [ __ ] to just get my skin to go back to normal i was messed up from that stuff here's how they do it if anyone's wondering yeah and i don't even know it was pretty subtle in the video but you can still tell you can tell we look more wrinkly here's how they do it they take uh what is it sil not silicon is it silver no it's latex latex sorry they take latex they stretch your skin where they want to put the wrinkles right here and then they paint on the latex and then they blow dry it and then they paint some more on and they blow dried and then they let your skin go so when they let it go you have more wrinkles right here so they did it here they did it under the eyes they did on the side of the eyes and they do it on the forehead oh and then the whole thing and it was barely any like we got you know it's like i said it's pretty subtle that alone took like an hour to an hour and a half and then they airbrush it and [ __ ] like that yeah so that took like an hour to an hour and a half there's people sorry go ahead no they also do your eyelids which is the worst part yeah and we'll i'll explain why later but go ahead they they're people that do that same stuff for like walking dead and stuff like that that are in that chair for like eight hours and then taking it off took longer yeah yeah taking it off was horrible truly awful we get done with the day we're pretty tired and they're grinding our eyelids with just bounty paper towels just and they're just like sorry we ran out of the other stuff and they're just literally scraping it off our eyelids and then they gave us some solution to wash it off and then both cody and i would go into the bathroom to wash it off and then we just stand up and be like i can't open my eyes yeah cause the latex would just meld your eyelids together which was not fun yeah you just feel like keanu reeves in the matrix yeah and then uh like for the next day did you i had to keep washing it off yeah did you yeah i still had it on yeah my face was sticky it was it was it was foul and we really wanted to put it back on and like do some appearances in that makeup but we really had to value if you wanted to go through that experience again and just know yeah no but yeah that i think it was kind of cool to get into that territory of production where we're doing something like that yeah but yeah um pretty easy shoot though oh no we didn't really have to do much no it's the most laid back shoot i think we've ever had uh just because there's not much to it yeah i think it was great we didn't have to like set up these weird performance takes and stuff yeah you know it's just like all right kind of say the lines over here yeah i think that was like the best part um yeah daddy daddy appreciate the love on it please keep keep streaming it just leave it on what you can do is actually just open it on a computer and just leave it on all night yeah well you sleep to back to back to back and just make sure it's streaming non-stop yeah you could even you could have like a miner play it what a bitcoin miner oh right right okay you just you just run it on the side gotcha yeah it's like a little spotify going on there yeah that's fair yeah uh yo this is something that we didn't really get to what and at this point you know i think this news has gotten buried with all the uh other stuff going on the um royal youtube channel yeah can we watch it it's only like 40 seconds right you know the duke and duchess like like you [ __ ] need a youtube channel get uh just even without watching get over yourselves you live in a castle you have like an entire country that just like oh my god the royal family what more do you need these self-important [ __ ] can can i say i don't know much about the royal family again i don't know if this is his look or whatever but why does my man just go fully bald yeah what's up with this yeah what's up with the old man haircut i don't know man shave it all off dude you could be a nice young bald guy what's with that i don't know anyways let this rip by the way you'll be careful what you're saying now because these guys they're filming [Music] hey do you need to roll your elbows i mean that's a really bad trailer yeah they already don't get it yeah yeah by the way how many how many subscribers okay 442 subscribers 442 000. no 442 we're just going to downplay them as much as possible okay what what is that first video they posted shielding what shielding mila holds what is this goofy [Music] this isn't a vlog i don't care yeah off let's get some reaction videos you you guys really created a youtube channel to post ken burns slide shows get off this platform you have no idea what you're talking about i mean yeah what would you rather i'd rather than do like you know the classics like the baby dropping pranks yeah do a baby dropping prank like the actual real fan yeah go to the classic [ __ ] go to the hood and do something wrong yeah do something that's gone wrong in the hood yeah yeah today so i bought what's her name the duchess whatever yeah today i bought the duchess a brand new iphone you guys but here's the thing i'm gonna break it in front of her but what you guys don't know is that i bought her another one and we're gonna give it to her right after she freaks out you guys i'm so excited all right she's coming she's coming hello babe darling hi hello babe how was your day it was good i waved to some children i ate a strawberry okay cool i got you a new iphone babe oh it's the purple one it's lovely oh and now it's on the ground oh babe wait wait wait i got you another one i love you it's the same color thank you for watching the royal family vlogs make sure to smash that like button smash it like you smash the phone oh my god cheerio get out of here bro this is not i love this i love this they're trying to engage the unfiltered part this is you know internet is for the most part pretty unfiltered and i love that every day there's gonna be some bozo who's tasked with deleting comments that are like ah this sucks duke and duchess of these balls y'all rocking with the duke of these nuts like you know what i mean like it's just shitty comment after shitty comment yep what are some of the comments on these videos do you even allow comments oh yeah can't wait for the royal mukbang vid yeah it's just oh man i just [ __ ] you know just crumpets [Laughter] that was an actual [ __ ] not that anyone cares what i have to say just crumpets you [ __ ] idiot why do i think about this stupid [ __ ] telling my parents that they're actually related frank gone wrong see ya um okay and now for the sponsor of today's video manscaped what that's kind of funny honestly yeah and it's him shaving the sides of his [ __ ] head finally i've used the new bowl trimmer it's going to work amazingly on my head because my scalp is commensurate with my bowls that's not going to work but well my hair the next video calling calling prince philip at 3am trigger warning very emotional that's good yeah sometimes youtube comments are good man yeah oh i mean i already tweeted this [ __ ] yeah looking reacting to the oprah video what is up guys it is the duke and duchess here as you all know my little brother and his stupid girlfriend are talking [ __ ] so i'm gonna watch it here today with you guys comment down below if you think i should box my brother i think he's a massive [ __ ] you know i'm older than him anyways let's get into it interview starts and he's like okay chill out oprah trying to get into the mix calm down first of all it didn't go down like that i don't even know you don't you don't know what really goes on all right all you guys see is like what we what we put on the screen but you don't know what really goes on behind the scenes all right so if you could just be respectful of our privacy that'd be great and don't come to the palace yeah absolutely do not come to the palace you guys are always outside and to be honest i'm gonna it's kind of [ __ ] annoying we can never go outside like sometimes just want to go out and chill and you guys are there like dude we appreciate the love and everything and like we're so grateful that you guys are like fans of us and that you buy our merch and stuff like that but don't come to the palace seriously respect our privacy but if you are part of my little duchess fan club you're always allowed at the palace as long as you let me know first ah comment down below if you're part of the little duchess's fan club anyway let's get back into it by the way guys we're gonna be facetiming one fan and that's it and that's it just one every year make sure you hit that sub button yeah i don't know man i'm just i just don't get what they want to do here you know like like when will you imagine them doing an iphone giveaway bro oh they just start doing all the just everything yeah uh what else um oh man i was about to make a bad joke that's no it's fine i'll leave that one alone i'll say it but we have to cut it no it's fine it's fine yeah i'm trying to think of other you know basic youtube i mean baby dropping prank iphone smashing prank iphone giveaway uh what else oh we brought 10 poor people into the palace and we let them decide who gets 10 000 pounds so today we've got 10 commoners inside we fully sanitize them so they can't infect us and we've put our 10 000 quid and they're all going to decide who gets the quid so away they go yeah i don't know jubilee cut um palace shorts palace what do you mean oh yeah nice little 15 seconds yeah just little bangers yeah yeah this is how i make my crumpets [ __ ] dude why do i say that yeah yeah what what else other shorts i feel like would be really plastic hello this is my short and i'm having loads of fun [Laughter] another day in the palace and i'm loving it and i'm wearing shorts i've worn shorts for the shorts see it just reminds me of that clip where uh some some uh like news network i think abc was pumped with this story that she was rated as having the most attractive face you remember that no it was like it was like oh it's because of her nose they like did some analysis on her nose and it's so funny because to the anchors are like oh yeah there's two other anchors there like [Laughter] yeah i don't i don't know about all that yeah it's just like i don't know these people are so attention starved bro it drives me crazy i i don't yeah again i don't really have any contacts about the royal family they just like they just dominate tabloids in the uk and and it's like even even with megan and uh what's the dude's name harry yeah yeah whatever harry styles like even though coming over here like you know there's a thousand megan the stallion you know that they couldn't handle it they were like how dare they get american publicity before us yeah how do we beat this we make a youtube channel youtube we make a youtube channel chick choc chick choc we make a chick choc what chick choc i'm just trying to think of other words as big as dentures would collide together on twitch [Laughter] we've made a chick chock a twitch channel as well as an only fans yeah if they're gonna make something make only fans bro yeah let's see you guys oh god you're [ __ ] disgusting what them [ __ ] all right that'd be awful man i don't see that guy [ __ ] anything [Laughter] oh yes oh yes yeah right right right okay [Laughter] yes right unequivocally irreparably irreparably yes commensurate absolutely commensurate unbelievable obviously obviously obviously commensurate that's bloody commensurate yeah no we said this in the uk i know british at least you know british people [ __ ] for the most part is just like you're all right it's nice okay yeah let me know if you need anything you're right yeah it's nice quite nice quite nice [ __ ] you're right yeah you're right yeah you're right yeah oh i'm all right i'm all right am i am i writing my little pizza oh yes i love it but it's in my tiny little [ __ ] it doesn't sound the same it doesn't it really does and i'm just thinking of some brash english dude like yeah you like it you like it when i ran my two fingers in your [ __ ] yeah you like it when i'm deep in your [ __ ] or mouth and i'm rubbing your clitoris just like that yeah all right let's bang on what you're doing right there with your tongue yeah that's bang on love it you see the way she does that yeah just suckling on the head right there oh yeah you squirted two points [Laughter] fill a cop with that one yeah all right she's a rock at that one my god smoothie dick it's just squinting all over the place she's coming in my bedroom she's come everywhere i don't know it's been entirely a little bit on this one it's just i can't believe you've done this i can't believe you've done this that's that's what they say yeah when the type is crazy oh i can't believe you've done this i can't believe you've done it i can't believe you've done this mate okay that is [Laughter] i can't believe you're doing this that's got to be it's got to be interesting there's a woman in the uk being called mate and uh what's like um it's like a what's the word in australia the isn't there like some term kind of like mate don't they use mate as well yeah might it's got to be crazy to be called calling a girl mate yeah [ __ ] your dick oh yeah mate that's nice yeah it's like i'm not your mate yeah you are mate with her she mate zoned me yeah she made a bomber that's more english yeah do you know what night she might join me she put me in the mate zone [Laughter] she put she put me in them she put me in a mate zone do they say that meat zone made zone nice that's stupid and we're gonna get one comment actually it's not i've made zone is very real i mean it now yeah i wanna i'm gonna i'm gonna do that to elena wait what is your like a mate zone on urban dictionary mate zone what is it zoom in when when the guy you like calls you mate he's friend zoning you like like an australian there you go you're really you want to do a dramatic reading of this yeah sure go ahead you're really attractive brad thanks mate i think i just got mates on oh blimey [Laughter] yeah the only other one is when um uh the only like inverse of that is when a girl from boston calls you bro yeah sucking your penis yeah bro yeah bro you like that i can't remember a boston accent i just know at our show there half the women in that crowd signing like 1964 like chevy engines [Music] yeah bro anyway all right that's it it always comes back to getting ahead doesn't it oh yeah every time every time i wouldn't have it any other way a little bit of a cream anyways guys uh well if you're if you're not subscribed uh tap into the bone zone we typically the funniest the only funny part happens in the last 10 minutes that's what we found over the past few episodes the only good part is the last 10 minutes of the bones yeah it takes us an hour and 50 minutes to get to say something funny yeah but it's worth it yeah it's all one big word patreon.com tinymegang and tmgpod.com if you want to get merch i think there's still some daddy merch left actually yeah there's some merch with that says daddy on it so i i so in some ways regret that we went with that name why it's just so like is daddy merch i think it's great yeah you're right so if you're in the little uh little duchesses club make sure you guys daddy merchant the tangypaw.com it's your boy what the [ __ ] is his name guys who the uh duke the duke yeah yeah so as always this is your boy the duke that's it and if you guys if you guys buy our merch we're gonna be facetiming one of our friends yeah but not a fan but not a fan i wanna share a little duchess now we're definitely gonna maybe facetime one of you all right see you guys on
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 506,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doge, Elon, Musk, SNL, Saturday, Night, Live, Crypto, Benny, Butcher, TikTok, Tik, Tok, Cheating, Ghislaine, Kate, Middleton, Royal, Family, Drake, Prince, William, Only, Fans, Daddy, OnlyFans, Bitcoin, Bit, Coin, Etherium, Market, Crash, Ban
Id: T1g0Tc0wzaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 30sec (3990 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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