Episode 110 - 'C' Word Slip-Up

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Captions Word Cloud
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what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patreon calm tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one who's that's kind of a slap well now YouTube will start here yeah this word we're just bobbing saying BTS but we can't play that on YouTube because well yeah our YouTube channel ready so [ __ ] yes don't even matter at this point honestly yeah that's true but you know um you know we feel that given the beat this the various snubbing smelling on the Grammy nominees we want to give VTS a nomination and our own award show ourselves yeah so wait wait what's ours called um the cleavers just the cleavers like you all got it around you get a cleaver yeah yeah yeah cleavers [ __ ] I [ __ ] with that a cleaver Awards okay no BTS is nominated for most cherished most cherished in our hearts yeah and they're the only nominee the only one because they deserve to win they deserve to win and guess what they want they won they want to congratulate in this B's yes on your most cherished in our hearts cleaver congratulations we also want to give out our nomination for weirdest tick tock dad this is only two categories so far you're just tick tock dad and most cherished in our hearts so if you don't go on tick tock or you like to pretend you're too cool for tick tock there is a young lady by the name of Charlie D'Amelio she has literally [ __ ] exploded on this [ __ ] app so how many followers does you have 5 million 5 million yeah and how long I don't know I'm like scrolling down to like see how far back she posted it's my understanding that she has just been like just a regular 15 year old kid on this app and then a bunch of creepos and dude started like duetting her videos and like some of them not knowing that she was [ __ ] 15 okay which you know maybe I'm this is just age here when I look at her I see a [ __ ] child yeah it's like her mannerisms and everything like she has all the [ __ ] yeah I mean and that like whatever video you showed me or something that popped up when we were like searching her it was like clearly in a [ __ ] middle school yeah yeah or high school or whatever I mean like it's if they're made tic TOCs in your bedroom is like you are definitely in high school yeah I don't I mean yeah yeah 100% no but tik toks in English class yeah even even more so yeah more so definitely probably a kid and that's all one today on Twitter Jake is what Sartorius helliya in a plane yeah oh yeah that everyone's deboarding yeah and he's like doing a [ __ ] choreography in the middle aisle and instead imagine missing your connection because Jacob Sartorius like in front of you you're like I gotta [ __ ] I gotta go move it move your ass I love when people like get up to like storm through to get their connection yeah and like seat 30 name and they go yep yeah we were where we were on a plane recently where the the pilot was like or the flight of town was like you know we're a little bit late so if you wouldn't mind everyone who has a tight connection everyone on the plane let them off first how are you gonna net no I know and everyone if you could just stay seated let them off first and then you can exit the plane that would be like much appreciated and the plane stops seatbelt sign goes off it everybody stands this is like everyone has a connection but exactly I mean I've seen some planes where the stewardess is like nice enough to say everyone remain seated and they like pick out the two people and they say like you know come to the front I just out which is how you should do it yeah that's VIP treatment yeah yeah but either way so weird his dad on tick-tock yeah so keep going it goes out to her dad Charlie d'emilia was dead um so her dad has a tick tock now yeah and he you know he gets in on all the good trends you know like no not November he's got you got it you got a heater on that one no way yeah no way yeah is there music in it can you pull it up Oh we'll put we'll pull it up okay I want to start there I'm gonna start with the known on November 1 I mean I feel like that's a pretty good place to start it gives it a little perspective Vaughn who this man might be all right it was on the once so this app has been absolutely amazing so much fun a November babies no you know what positi posit this [ __ ] is he going with this you'll see this is exactly what our open mic feels like this is 2,000 percent this is the most open mic experience you can have on the Internet this feeling you all have of like what a [ __ ] is the punt this isn't open wide is the premise okay I also gotta say this is the longest tik-tok if I've already listened to you I mean I don't know it's already been like what ten seconds only but still it feels like the longest tick-tock no one's ever built up of [ __ ] a joke joke like this is a tick-tock yeah yeah ready okay get ready so he did all that I said all that just to pull out a bag of almonds and go I'm out I can't do it I'm out of no nut November he kind of [ __ ] up the whole thing bite he killed his own action by saying that that digesters yes yeah he knew where it was going yeah he knew where it was going damn that's a tag bro yeah she said that afterward after yeah yeah mmm damn so that's not the weird part cuz you know that's a that's a that's an innocent dad thing to do right yeah by the way that's a that's a [ __ ] that's a bad dad joke yeah I think dad jokes usually pretty good that's a bad one yeah well also um I love how oh he Todd Lee he's the rock what's up tick-tock what's up brother how's the big that's starting your tic TOCs with what's up tick tock is [ __ ] yeah alpha yeah yeah that's pretty sad um what's up what's up tick-tock all right so here we go this is this up man I'm in Cabo huh - oh actually now I can this is a this is my okay so this is why he's getting nominated ready what's up tick-tock this is going out to all the boys who called my house text me emailed me my name is Mark de Mille Oh I am Charlie D'Amelio and Dixie's Emilio's father you're welcome what's up tick-tock oh my god Oh [ __ ] I don't know this man maybe I should give him a chance to explain himself but I don't know how much explaining you can do for that statement because s [ __ ] weird damn weird weird all youse kids out there who was cold in my house commenting on my videos no I'm Charlie and dicks he's dead and we just want to say you're welcome from our heart [ __ ] kids also I'm gay also I'm [ __ ] gay what a weirdo yeah that's it is strange rad yeah that's bad mm-hmm mm-hmm you're welcome for my heart daughter you're welcome [ __ ] kids that came from my dick I tweeted that right from my balls I tweeted that video and like that caption and a bunch of people were like didn't know I was kidding okay people like random people started playing to it being like ill that's gross only all right never mind yeah Dan that's rough dude yeah so you you rough mark you get the cleaver yeah you get the cleaver for what was it weirdest yeah yeah oh wait he's like cut damn it through this just I would just bite my tongue here but they're here talking with Gary Vee who mark Charlie and Kerry no way just having a nice little way play it play it I want to hear it you overvalue somebody complimenting you that you're cool dad and you have Easy's on then you're gonna overvalue the hate to like I'm like literally my comments are respect I love it and they look cool but like literally my comments are literally like you're a snake oil salesman con-artist and the next one's your Jesus like literally sure for sure dude like for sure and the more she can practice it now and the more you actually believe it and the more that's the conversation what is like the most not subtle humble yeah I know my comment section is crazy some people they think you know I'm most diabolical person on earth and other people think I can turn water to wine you see you know but you know me I just walked right down the middle yeah I don't pay attention either yeah the others say you're you know a super villain super successful Oh still you know but like my evil end or you're literally Jesus himself look dude I hate all that [ __ ] motivational as like language nobody gives it yeah also he gives advice like it's fact yeah yeah you know what we look like little live from me yeah from the V learn from the V trust me I've been doing this for years I know what it's like to get both sides of you don't know what it's like to be fifteen and famous on tech top yeah you don't either you know it's like to [ __ ] be 35 and giving out weird I don't know lectures and stuff but you can't be a 15 year old kid that is such I [ __ ] I don't know man I mean I can't predict anything but this [ __ ] is like you see what happens to most kids stars like like in Hollywood at least granted that's like a different level of Fame yeah but when kids get Fame like that [ __ ] [ __ ] them up oh yeah like all these like all these like the easy boys and [ __ ] when they're like five years from now six years from now like you don't know what this type of fame like will do to somebody like yeah it like makes them crave it and they start like humiliating themselves just to get more of it but what happens as you get older and people don't go and take time dude I mean I mean I even felt some of that like you know I was grown you know mid-20s yeah you know you're on your own vine you're doing things it's just constant dopamine blasts when you post one and people are this is so funny this is so funny ha ha ha this is so great it's so great and then people stop watching you whine and I stops getting those feelings all the time yeah it sets you up for [ __ ] depression because your brain yeah wants them open gets used to the dopamine blasts mmm and I can't even imagine what it's like at 15 like this is when your brain is the most like malleable yeah you know way too young to be [ __ ] 5 million yeah it's like I'm doing anything yeah they're dancing yeah they're memorizing someone else's choreography for 10 seconds and doing that and then all of a sudden people are like you're the best thing on earth yeah like imagine when they find out that they're not talents I didn't show like that you know I'm Greg you know because I watch these kids dance and I'm like they don't dance well no know what I mean like a lot of them suck yeah kids in high school can't [ __ ] dance like they move hella awkward they're not fluid yeah just Oh what this is every dance on tik-tok throwing up and and and this this this that that no they'd be the best one the best one is the [ __ ] Daniel Kohn chick which I'd see that she had just one go viral where she's like you know Harvard sweater sick and what song is it it's so funny it's so funny she like made up the choreography okay but it's like it's like Barrett like she it's like watching her like move through like it's like watching her dance in like a big bowl of molasses okay I think is really slow got it there's like four moves and the whole thing got it and she's really trying kills it I've got it okay it's really funny yeah so there's like all these remakes of it and so like it went viral then people started doing the choreography like for real mm-hmm but better people who could actually dance yeah it's like a big joke it's pretty yeah bro this it is so funny and [ __ ] oh my god dude Gary Vee because your daughter going on Gary Vee because your daughter blew up on tick-tock because there's a bunch of horny kids on there and to have him roast you like yeah you know by the way um if you start trying to be the cool dad ya know wearing easy stuff by the way I love it yeah me what you're gonna over value the hate what the [ __ ] does that even mean over value the hate what talking about does that mean this just probably [ __ ] older than you dude I will bet $500 that the full context clip will not explain what overvaluing hate means I mean I think he just means like like putting too much weight on it like reading hate comments and taking them to heart okay if maybe if it's that but the way it sounds in this sentence is like [ __ ] okay maybe I just lost 500 bucks but it just sounds like he's being like don't dress try to dress cool or maybe that is the cliff he's like dressing different because like you dress like [ __ ] yeah he's gonna go [ __ ] a guy the way I know you I know you're getting a lot of cool dad comments dad Easy's well I'm not like regular dads I'm a cool dad was funny to me he's on was one of you guys take talk to is he posts these videos of him like they're like from designers and he gets like like what are supposed to be custom logos for like Charlie and Dixie and he like captions them like behind the scenes on brand building and logo construction wait is this the Dada or Dada Dada he's like fully converting his daughters into a business and it's just like how long has been going on um this was posted I mean I didn't know we were gonna do the [ __ ] D'Amelio family roasts what we're doing today I mean it's kind of fascinating wow this is [ __ ] interesting to me it doesn't show dates yeah I don't think you can see day oh yeah it's supposed to inflict all that but yeah bro that's [ __ ] oh he's like a dad manager now yeah be cool dad manager hey where's Easy's and yeah that's cool yeah yeah and he's got you know cool store would like [ __ ] fitted hats and you know and Charlie's in there dancing all the time doing the [ __ ] dances with a mom's body Oh No yeah you know you're welcome all from me and and a mother the meaner mother made that for you god damn it bro that's weird that's weird it's like the [ __ ] I want to have like a hotter take but that shitty just strange that it's just straight up weird also I just like unleashed sort of my irrational [ __ ] feelings about Gary Vee there's this funny ass clip of Gary Vee like like he's dude it's like on his channel and it's like this hyper cut it's like a weirder version remember that dude that sued h3 yeah I don't even care about his [ __ ] name he had that weird video of like like different like phrases from him cut like from different videos did you ever see that no I don't think there's like a very thinly veiled way of being like like it played like propaganda my point is Gary had a similar video where I don't know if it was him I'm pretty sure was on his channel though I want to say him I mean like his people they cut like all these quotes from him about AI and it was like this really intense music in the background okay he's like AI is the future you gotta think and he's just like you know going on about all these facts and numbers that he knows and it's like you're kind of like in it you're like okay I think there's a point to this and then just abruptly in the video he's like he's like Alexa is a video Alexa who is Kobe Bryant and then it cuts it's just like what Alexa who is Kobe Bryant it's not even a I yeah yeah yeah no it's not or whatever they're like yeah I love me Alexis pretty smart right yeah put in that clip of watch this you want to know how crazy technology is getting watched this Alexa who is Kobe Bryant I'm sorry I did not understand your request searching for Daniel Bryant in books channel X is not AI Alexis vocal Google it's a text-to-speech or speech-to-text sorry dammit so I get I gotta say one thing is that he he does get like weird guests on his like media oh he gets a lot of random people and a lot of crazy random people that are like popping but like a nice [ __ ] yeah did you see like that like that one clip of him like just pulling this random rapper from SoundCloud who was like popping up a little bit now giving him advice on how to blow up in music it looks like you got to be on tick-tock you got to be on trailer which was like fair fair play like yeah you got you should be on there that's where young people are at yeah but like this was so funny to me about Gary Vee telling a rapper how to blow up it's like you might have ideas on how to blow up but you can't like like you said he's speaking like it's fact yeah you know what's funny is I was thinking about this yesterday when I was like writing a video is that like if you don't embrace new like social medias yeah then that's when you get old yeah like nowadays yeah if you just like I don't need that one mm-hmm like that's when you start getting old but I feel like Gary's on the other side where he's embracing it way too hard way too hard you know he was on like tik-tok first yeah was on musically like first right when it came out this is like just like yeah Charlie buck another medium let's get to it let's learn about it I need a book on my [ __ ] desk tomorrow about I need the user manual and the user manual give me any Terms of Service I need the reading that to reading the entire [ __ ] EULA tomorrow he's just [ __ ] he's got weird and each advice for everyone well you know legally if you read the Terms of Service um you can legally require tik-tok to do some weird thing for you and know that dude why read the Terms of Service one takes off came out yeah so yeah this is how you succeed in business Gary be really rockin while talking about AI Alexa who is Kobe Bryant uh-huh I didn't even know this dance before because of tick tock and AI I was able to program it in my rig airy what you doing Gary why are you naked Gary just Gary I just I don't think you can put your penis on tit he's naked wearing only easy [Laughter] these are daddy Z's don't overvalue the hata see a lot of your gonna look at my body and think Gary what the [ __ ] you doing on camera looking like that it's cuz I don't care I'm trying to illustrate a point I don't care I learned this from YouTube not to care just completely melting under his own headaches you gotta eat pudding you got it you got a lemon water 9 a.m. in one morning 9 a.m. meditation meditation trailer trailer take a song all the time room trailer yeah yeah bro met mark the millio did I am on E what's up tick-tock its mark is the guy with the hottest [ __ ] kids on tick-tock in the hottest [ __ ] girl who is my wife who's my wife who I let [ __ ] other men because I [ __ ] men personally if I'm gay just want to say thanks for the cleaver you know I never when I when I busted my fat [ __ ] nodding my wife I thought ah I really hope I don't have to do this again and it turns out I didn't have to cuz I made two hot [ __ ] kids and it's fine for me to say that because I like men so I knew as soon as I'm soon as I marry my wife I knew I said I looked at her I said I can't wait to see how hot my [ __ ] kids are once she blasters those suckers out I can't wait to see how hot they are I can't wait to see my [ __ ] beautiful semen cuz I've seen my semen before that [ __ ] is [ __ ] amazing yeah or you got some handsome come you could put my semen on [ __ ] avocado toast okay when I knew my semen was going into her beautiful [ __ ] puss yeah I thought there's no way nothing other than Eve and Eve number 2 crawls out of her [ __ ] just like the Bible they're gonna come swimming out of that beautifully uvula and they did and now they're just they're famous as they should be and everything's life is good life is great life is good and then [ __ ] Charlie has hooked it was hooked on coke in college now we're gonna hear from ya hey it was funny until the coke bit that was way too [ __ ] much she's not gonna get addicted to coke man which you got in don't pimp your kids out for fame that [ __ ] is disgusting man or don't like cap don't like publicly capitalize on it yeah I mean don't do it regardless yeah don't be so low there's a right way to there's a way right there's a right way to embrace it I feel like when him a Chamberlain's mom I felt feel like has done a great job yeah I mean like I'm saying is like if your daughter's gonna be [ __ ] famous anyways because she's just like yeah you know she's just she's just bound to do that [ __ ] then like you got it you had to embrace it to some extent but you gotta like protect them yeah here's how it reads to me is that he sees it and he wants it to be him like he's like trying to feed off it yeah rather than oh okay you're popular on what okay let me let me let me call a talent agency that deals with this kind of thing yeah you know yeah you know okay and and like finding her a manager and and yeah you know you don't [ __ ] go I I [ __ ] got this yeah yeah I would make it a [ __ ] star I'm for dad to shine a little bit you know Charlie I did it I did a bit of marketing in my day I used to work at this deli I did all the menus I did all the logos I'll make you a logo logo what did he call it again brand building brand ville I'm a construction construction that's hard as [ __ ] Foreman of this brand that's hard as [ __ ] you walk in the house you just hear track truck backup noises logo construction going on a honey dad instructions own damn why is there a billboard in our house dad they gotta know it's the [ __ ] Charlie and Dixie D'Amelio house brand building parenthesis you're welcome put on your hard hat [ __ ] a man I don't know I feel like we're going too hard on them but I don't know it's kind of funny honestly no it is the whole thing is [ __ ] easy how many followers we just gonna he's got like 5,000 we're just [ __ ] Terra hundred sixty-four thousand okay now you know bro [ __ ] that I just the same [ __ ] I say always stands if you're gonna be on the internet and you want to make sure you don't get to [ __ ] be like don't make fun of mine and now now you don't get to say that yeah it's for the internet is for everybody bro you're gonna get choo-choo-choo chewed up chew chew chew up we get called [ __ ] all the time you know it's crazy every day someone either calls me like no well you're literally the devil yeah or no well you're the most beautiful sexy well-hung dude on this earth and I just I don't pay attention to either of it no I just walk I don't even remember yeah really I'm right now I'm right down the middle just yeah I have no idea what these people are even saying about ya it's like you're super kind humble and nice but also like a total alpha male yes one one like one I read verbatim about and remember yes did they say yeah yeah what's up with those at all yeah but I don't remember anything by goth princess 66 yeah talking about I bet you are way smarter than we could even fathom yeah and if it came down to it you could probably build a spaceship with a blindfold yeah I don't know it's just generally stuff like that like I'm paraphrasing a little bit but like that's just kind of what it is you know yeah you know so people say like you know Alexa who's Kobe Bryant and it'll say stuff to me like just random stuff like you know you know a lot about what it's like to be an athlete yeah you know yeah and I construe that you have so you train really hard and go do multiple marathons yeah generally stuff like that but I just again a totally paraphrasing yeah no I think actually people don't say I think people definitely say the opposite that you have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to fitness and exercise I mean doesn't matter I'm not paying much attention to those comments and no I'm saying no I don't over value those okay got it especially those ones I don't get those okay at all yeah yeah because you're you're a you're a you're a nine time Olympic athlete you dough for 12 years ik trials little trial apparel isn't it yeah level yeah you know so you'd have no reason to know now care about yeah this I feel like we're just totally getting lost like it just beside the point you know cuz I don't even pay attention that's it if they were to write stuff yeah totally they'd probably right I'm an athlete what are we talking about yesterday like I was like talking about just joking about somebody crying [ __ ] god damn it would be joking about someone crying yeah yeah but that is very me where the [ __ ] were we like god dammit we're doing the show in Ohio yesterday not yesterday two days ago no we got back yesterday though I bagged yesterday we're in the green room I was joking want somebody [ __ ] crying god damn it I forget yeah whatever holy forget I've touched that Ohio show was weird as weird as good Thanks Ohio State for coming to that weird-ass church show yeah you guys showed the [ __ ] up yeah you definitely did yeah if we had 1500 I had 1500 people in that room I had no idea was gonna be that big me neither well I don't know for some reason they didn't tell us how big the show was but it's assumed it was gonna be like a regular University like dorm room or the lecture room or whatever and we pull up and it's like in a giant [ __ ] ball banquet hall yeah and it's white as [ __ ] gaping room 1,500 people and I guess people got turned away at the door and [ __ ] like that yeah so sorry if you couldn't get a ticket yeah by the way I'll die I quickly want to acknowledge the sold-out shows he's actually sold out I think over the weekend but I was like waiting to confirm the [ __ ] but yeah big big things to Ohio State that was a you know it was it was a weird start I think weird started the first half of the show felt weird I think like Monday night everyone's coming from lecture some some people were out there since 10:00 a.m. which big hats off to you that is crazy yeah um you waited all day oh you waited 12 hours fresh hope that is that is something yeah that's pretty that's concerning and it what's crazy is what Tom and why I mean do you saw the pictures right how it looked when they first got there no there's just like weird like curtains all along the walls oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and Tom said he walked in and he looked at it and just audibly went oh [ __ ] this some dude like you there was like uh is everything all right you know Tom just [ __ ] does that I'll [ __ ] this him and Wyatt just I guess they they beeline to all those curtains on the walls I started tearing them down yeah so big shout out to them they [ __ ] we didn't even know if we're gonna have like light cuz they just so you guys know there is we do music in the show and we're gonna cut it because we knew like a university show like we're not gonna have any production it's gonna be weird yeah and so Tom and I were like now I'm like they made it happen so they built out a little stage and and got some production in there so yeah who is able to do some of it but college shows are so funny they are they're so funny yeah it's like you pull up and they have like 50 college kids working the event yeah every single time yeah and that are all fans yeah you know I mean yes soon as you pull up it's like it's it's just funny like like obviously shout out to you guys like they were great the people I don't know we're [ __ ] great hundred percent but it's just like every time you poke your head out the green room y'all good it's super attended and then you have like a posse with you like everywhere you go yeah you're always going through weird underground kit like village kitchens and [ __ ] like that and you're doing all the girls in the kitchens her fans dude you're walking by they're making [ __ ] they're like no they're great I just wanna mean I love that you get to roll deep that's very you to roll deep you have a plenty of oh yeah if a [ __ ] entourage everywhere you go to like this is so cool I was like I feel pretty important that's what it is yeah in that we never in our regular lives ever feel important yeah no never so College sounds like 30 people waiting like we'll take each individual tow out of the sock you're like oh why lettuce we just want to make sure you're taken care of yeah I'm fine I'm just let's take a soda I can get it myself no you will not get it yourself you won't let you sit there I mean it's yeah it's cool having like a posse other people have [ __ ] posses yeah we don't just roll solo yeah everywhere yeah all the time we just have Tom and Matt and the tour crew yeah that's it so wait this is what happened over the weekend [ __ ] well London Dublin Berlin like blew out like the day of yeah which is in Sydney - right in Sydney a Sydney's out and Melbourne not Melbourne yet okay but it's closed so that's the thing I just want to let you guys know it overseas and stuff I think Manchester is pretty close Birmingham I think is pretty close that hanging and Glasgow I think is I think the remaining UK shows are pretty close Liverpool has a healthier amount of tickets Melbourne is is super close so like all of the international stops are pretty much close to sold-out which is [ __ ] nuts so yeah thank you yeah that was crazy yeah ya know it's Monday more goal that we have support yeah overseas yeah really is and I know like there are other people in different countries that are like I didn't come here or like I know some people in Berlin say like the venue super small so we just that we you know we don't put together we don't get to choose a venue or any of that god bless you sir God block that's done by other people's my heart so that was you know they they thought we could we're gonna just eat [ __ ] in Berlin eventually yeah of course so you know it's a it's a big compliment that we didn't yeah and you know thank you also tickets are available to the rest of the stops the rest of the stops are kind of all over the place like as far as the US some of them are really close to being sold out others definitely tickets available so go get you some yeah so you'll see come see the boys yeah oh yeah and the DC show we're definitely gonna write a song for the New Year's Eve Ball Drop yeah we're definitely doing a song yeah I'm saying that right now okay good I like that like a commitment yeah commit to it and then we'll do it yes and we're gonna put our little little tour vlog I know we said we're gonna do it on patreon first but we're just gonna drop it on the on the YouTube channel I think okay yeah sweet um yeah yeah no and listen what's up I don't even have a [ __ ] transitions that's so hard to transition from from already plugging [ __ ] to now going to [ __ ] ads well we could give away one more cleaver and then do an N okay let's give a cleaver away cleaver okay let's do this let's give a cleaver away for most comfortable underwear and that of course is me undies listen by this time of year the planners and virgos of the world have checked off everything on their list while the rest of us last-minute people are running around like psychos trying to figure out what to get everyone this is the holiday season you know don't fear fellow last-minute gift sirs me undies has everyone on on your list covered it's the one-stop shopping spot to get gifts that people will actually love delivered straight to your door free shipping no buts about it that's clever no buts about it no buts about it cuz there's actually a lot of buts about it a lot of butts will be yeah about it yeah you know yeah um and I see you're pulling the garyvee there yeah I'm just continue anyways I'm rocking them right now I got the sort of like abstract painting pattern you don't have to show me your dick Gary chill oh sorry miss mr. 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the tiny meet gang podcast without without a little promotion for a company that focuses on meet yeah because when it comes to me quality matters if you eat meat and you like meat then you know that quality [ __ ] matters alright and there's more to it than texture and taste it's high-quality humanely raised meat is better for you better for the animal and better for the environment that's why we stuff ourselves with butcher box every month butcher box chips a curated selection of high quality meat right to your home all meat is free of antibiotics and added hormones each box has nine to eleven pounds of meat okay that's enough for 24 individual meals or just one if you're me yeah orgeous or just just breakfast yeah on a Tuesday for us there's options like a one-percent grass-fed and finished beef free-range organic chicken heritage pork wild cut Alaskan salmon and sugar nitrate free bacon butcher box is the most affordable and convenient way to get healthy humanely raised meat it comes out to around six dollars per meal I mean that's it that's a steal no matter how you see it yeah really as yeah this Black Friday your first box comes with butcher boxes ultimate steak sampler and means free steaks that's that's actually [ __ ] sick eight free steaks go to work boys dude you can bring Ruth Chris right to your [ __ ] house dude yeah just go to butcher box calm slash TMG to use promo code TMG or use promo code TMG I check out sorry you'll get two filet mignon form them up sirloins without you New York strip steaks there you go $20 off your first box Wow this is butcher bucks best deal of the year and it won't last long so don't wait go to butcher box calm slash TMG or use promo code TMG at check oh that's butcher box calm slash TMG or use promo code TMG at checkout you know we got one more cleaver to give away and that is girlfriend of the year oh yeah who's that six 9s girlfriend first of all first of all first of all everyone and their mother is eating their words right now at least I am hold on my cleaner so I can call him thanks to me he's on his way I'm like I'm not home I didn't leave my key or anything oh good I didn't yawn I didn't [ __ ] yawn I didn't yawn I did I didn't do that you didn't hear any such thing from me so I walked bad poor bit name and all Corbin is doing that I'm gonna bring up a six knives lovely lady which you can see here and her I didn't even know you had a girlfriend oh man there was so much drama with her okay someone was drawn with her so there's a post yesterday that she may well there's a headline yesterday that 6:9 is getting out in 30 days that's what in Zen and it's all because his girlfriend posted a story of her hand holding his hand and it says 30 days till he comes home or something like that uh which probably [ __ ] up his entire don't you think don't you think people are not supposed to know that I mean yeah maybe I don't know I'm not even gonna pretend like I know the leaked legalities around that what I do know is is her left titty stage right titty is massacred for the upper chest it's just it bleeds into the titty its massacred with this like like Mongolian version of of 69 it doesn't look anything like 69 yeah it's so bad the dreads are off I mean just oh but that's what you do you know when your spouse goes to jail I didn't realize she hold on she has two of him on her body yeah yeah you just need a second one I didn't that was like recent - oh because I think like this one you know this one it makes sense though this one is from when he went away and this one is in celebration of him coming home makes total sense that's what you do when your spouse goes to jail is you you know tattoo the neck brace yeah did you tattoo the face so you always see yeah damn in the mirror yeah or whatever you get their [ __ ] big ass face tattooed on your titty yeah um I had a I had a dream last night that his first single came out and it was called boo-boo and I don't know why they boo boo boo boo boo boo but like referring to [ __ ] like boo boo boo boo boo boo it sticks not a new single boo boo you see you think we should get him on the podcast oh yeah yeah definitely dude now he had feel safe around that guy yeah yeah for sure and we should have him walk and opendaylight come to the office yes I'm sorry dude a pull-up broke through yeah pull up man speeding again shot little Ricci he made it yeah not only did he make it dude this story reads like crazy shot in the neck by a rifle yeah and you're tweeting in within five days I mean it wasn't even tweeting it was like it was like this story was like little Ricci confirmed like made it through the attack or whatever the attempt on his life said and then you click on the link and it's just him on Instagram live on the way home from the hockey yeah with this [ __ ] just zipped up [Laughter] doing the same [ __ ] like reading comments like not really saying much dude do you think you'd be like I pictured you in like a neck brace yeah like yeah you like you got a figure like if you're the dude who shot him that's kind of like I would like like my stomach would drop I bet what yeah yeah with what I [ __ ] fine I hit him in the neck he's just like hmm yeah yeah no I'm trying to make it outside lighter soon huh yeah shout it to you too yeah yeah just yeah I just Helen normal [ __ ] this is totally normal yo yes it was good man good now I'm chillin I'm going home right now my [ __ ] around it gets important Portillo's you know yeah by some 2k what y'all doing my stomach was sink dude I know he tweets within three days a new song called come outside brilli yeah it poses I'll go come outside some other dudes like the distant as long as hard as [ __ ] did it I can't I have man I regret saying that instantly well that's it it's wack it's why I never even said that song is hard even said that it's fine it's not like little reese follows me on Twitter it ain't anything like that I'm sorry was it the guy who tried to I don't you know what man I don't even know I don't even just okay describe song I really regret that there's a lot of [ __ ] I say on this podcast that's the one I regret you're me right now talking about the cartel yeah yeah yeah yeah no cuz little reason why Cole is more real out of the face than the [ __ ] cartel Louise is way more real to me than the cartel I mean we'll see yes so Mexico we just booked a show we're coming to you I'm [ __ ] going there are you yes tomorrow you are yes why for vacation for vacation not anymore not anymore dude that is the boy on the edge of my seat the whole time that's not why you mr. widest you've been in a minute right there yes dude don't say the C word what no dude let's see where this cartel hell we're both in hot water now yeah we are so we'll read some sorry yeah I didn't mean it I'm sure his song will be no it has or more hard no no no genuinely I'm sure he will be more hard yeah I'm sure I'm sure he's harder I'm sure he's harder not in a [ __ ] Tom from succession your song is way harder yeah no no no your song is way harder Shiv oh [ __ ] no I will say this so I listened to that diss track and I'm like damn they're pretty aggressive it was pretty disrespectful what they're saying on this song and it's like you know it's pretty like drill like it it's like it it's turn up it's like the beat is like heavy as hell but then what you ain't cuz at first I listened to risa song and I'm like the production is pretty subdued like his vocals are pretty dry you know and I'm like I'm like okay like whatever so listen that's how I'm gonna go back to his song and then for some reason after listening to theirs and listening to his the dryness of the production on Reese's song made me more scared okay like theirs was like turn up they're like flashing guns in the video and his is just the text title of the song it just says come outside little Reese and it's just him basically talking on the microphone and I'm like this feels infinitely scarier because he was just like imma just turn that on real quick and the first lyric is come outside oh uh wait you're not gonna talk about my clothes or anything no just come outside yeah because of me and gang we don't play so once you come outside one that I thought we were gonna you know make fun of each others you know baby mamas and and shoes and call each other bro no not just come outside it's so crazy to make us yeah it's crazy to like make a song like that even after yeah that's what I mean is like that's what made just freshly out of the hospital it's frightening yeah we sat let he's got a new what yeah he's got a new song called to come outside you just like the way he you already recovered and he made a song you're just sitting and frightening us sitting in the house is looking out the window like we do yeah that's crazy yeah it is super crazy does man uncomfortable now so Instagram anyway likes a so cleaver food rapper best rapper Maurice I do really like his music idea yeah I mean how do you not yeah it's [ __ ] it's it's like the I don't know it's the beginning of drill for most people yeah so you know you know what I'm gonna do on Instagram once they take my likes is I'm just gonna oh yeah sure you can I'm sure you can still see them the people that yes pictures it's just other people can't see how many likes you have so I'm just gonna screenshot the amount of likes and post that as a feed post yeah just let people know this is how many likes I'm still get it yeah no I'm looking forward to know like so I'm a post [ __ ] yeah all day yeah cuz it don't even matter post like the baby it's just what everything everything yeah everything all day hmm just treat it like your story yeah yep just feed is full of [ __ ] horse [ __ ] it's so funny dude like three times a day he'll post clips from his music video hell yeah and they all get a [ __ ] million views right away why not how much you start doing that yeah but other people's videos the same get other people's music videos yeah yeah just beat his new T split just wild man she's hard BTS yo brand-new Harry Styles check this [ __ ] out on [ __ ] bangs fool bro umm [ __ ] yeah no I'm a host some like like dog [ __ ] pictures literal dog shits of ollie [ __ ] yeah hey he did another one yeah another booboo surprise boo boo o-69 you single right there don't let this one flop please please that don't let this flop I don't like I'm I try to be funny on tik-tok but I always just delete it right away I said that last time but just you talking about like getting old yeah tik-tok makes me feel old really I feel like I like I get it but I just feel like I'm trying to get it and that inherently just sucks yeah it's gonna like maybe I just don't post yeah I just leave it alone for a while but I mean like if you if you actually cared about it then it probably would be easier yeah it's where to sound the mindset we're not thinking about tick tock jokes you know yeah yeah the the wavelength the wavelength dude yeah we haven't studied the EULA that is a tick tock wave yeah no but I like you know what I'm saying is if you actually cared about tick tock and you wanted to make good tick tocks then throughout the day true yeah you joke but it's not it you're right we're done I think of a good joke it's like for something YouTube or for music or whatever mmm and so when I pop on tick tock it's always just like it's like what I don't know what the [ __ ] to do yeah yeah and I just you know I just love saying yeah I really want to do the bust that [ __ ] oven with the grandma on Hospice I didn't say that on the podcast didn't what I think I thought I said that I don't think so I don't know what yeah as like a did the but no we did it on the conference call yeah the bus that puts the open I said oh yeah right yeah I'm not one and all that man yeah yeah you see you do see the baby's new music video yeah I'm Broadway one yeah first of all [ __ ] sick yeah yeah it was awesome yeah so so cool to like do a dance ensemble and I like I couldn't believe the baby committed to [ __ ] the choreography I think is genius I know right that's the best part so I I had read a rumor that those weren't the real chapel walkies though oh really yeah I'd read a room room but may not be you know who knows who knows I mean who like yeah what does that matter I don't know I don't think it does it's hard it's hard to say with masked people yeah yeah well because it's [ __ ] great dancers yeah I'm killing it yeah I had a we were watching that video like we were at a on Saturday we're partying and we're like with a bunch of friends and someone pulled out that video have you seen this we started watching it and we're like we gotta we got to memorize the choreography for this that's like let's play it again you know like you see it party original time you replay it yeah we're playing it again playing it again yeah to my to my friends had taken acid like an hour earlier I don't know so they're sitting there just like trippin the baby is playing over and over and over again they're like this sucks it is change please no have you seen this to baby won't return on 21 like please no more debate yeah I love I love dance choreographers cuz you know this is like a dead as mean but like they always all the funny ass phrases they have to like remember moves oh yeah do this like you're diggin rice okay you're farming for rice okay five six seven eight hole traps - uh-huh ball change digging rice reach to the sky pray to your father calling the bank so it's just funny to like look you like dance signing a big contract it's like looking looking at those big like dance groups and like to us - oh [ __ ] like they're on beat yeah that's just fine like in in their head they're like dig the rice take the rice calling dad model on Deal or No Deal kick ball change step one five left leg um dad's coming back home yay psych divorce still on you're a puppet you're a puppet cradling a small baby Obama kiss the baby mwah chuck it goodbye throw the baby so the baby keep the bathwater chuck the baby Chuck again baby pass the baby to your partner now throw it Corey move go throw the baby all right so you know how you would cradle a baby now imagine if you know kiss it mwah that's the second move now you hate that baby you realize it doesn't look like you and you're just gonna throw it out the window imagine that slide whistle whoo and there it goes cradle baby tooth cradle two three kiss chug-chug-chug know it you have a baby okay you had to put your dance career on pause for the baby then you realize it's not yours a few months in okay kiss mwah goodbye Daniel goodbye Daniel cradle kiss three four and throw throw Britney why'd you name it Daniel what's up debate you'd never discuss why the baby's name is Daniel oh that was my baby's name okay was Jesus sorry oh that's the one that's the one that's the one I mean that's the only really that's the one that does it for you yeah that's my Damon I try to remember this crying bit we did in Ohio and those [ __ ] I you know what we're all good what we're all good with the cleaner it made me this this still kind of sad he said okay no problem I'm driving back uh-huh I'm sorry I'll tip him big tomorrow yeah geez chill attitude I'll need it I mean big like oh yeah it's fine energy-wise mine too chill out chill out I'm a big baby tomorrow oh no shot a boy in a no hi Oh his name was podcast remember tip it is podcast what was it tip it is podcast if it is podcast I don't know if that's his last name I couldn't understand him he said that he started a podcast because of us which you know appreciate you man yeah no but I couldn't understand what he was saying I heard tip it is that's the name is podcast it is if it is vodka okay and I wasn't if it is yeah that's I'm saying that phrase is funniest [ __ ] tip it is podcast just a tip yeah maybe more muted to be this podcast you'll play this Matthew McConaughey [ __ ] this has been beaten to death but I think we have to watch it because it's so funny humic on instagram and just play the first video this keyboard is [ __ ] weird it's like this [ __ ] that [ __ ] way two famous people do where they join a social media network and they make it a way bigger deal than it has to be like no one really gives a [ __ ] that Matthew McConaughey's on Instagram now I hated who would actually like really care about that I hate maybe like a 50 year old mom in Ohio maybe filtering the [ __ ] out of his images too god damn dude this fourth post big strike here Oh God it's his glasses on a script the assess its pride says process see this is the thing I feel like these guys have been built up so high that they're you know there's there's no other way you can like I don't know how [ __ ] Keanu Reeves does it but there's like no way you can maintain a reasonable ego its chriskiss level you know it's cuz Keanu Reeves gives away his money and he has this weird ability to say I have enough yeah that's why yeah the rest of them was just like us he's [ __ ] Rich's [ __ ] he's like the richest actor I mean yeah but still yeah I mean like I mean I don't know how you maintain like humility like dudes like this clearly think that everyone in the world cares about his process you know it's like you make great movies you're a [ __ ] great actor but it's not like you're Jesus because Gary Vee is Jesus he Jarrod Gary Vee is Jesus as a stopping but this is my first venture into sharing myself my character we pause it I like I know I won't have a monologue I'm not sure wait this also this part is [ __ ] great - what he says right after this what does that mean I want to have a monologue I'm not sure I want to have the dialogue that is the ridge that's the most actor laugh I've seen in a minute goddamn that that means he just wants it to be about him but he want to hear what other people have to say this is like a big weird like this is my first Open Mic speech I relate everything to open minds that's all that's what this is right here this is my first time on the Internet first time posting I just I made this mean and I want y'all to be ok with it I mean the funniest thing is that he thinks that this is like softening the blow oh yeah you know by making a weird video where is like not looking at the camera and he does my first for you know for my first time trying to share things and about myself and it's making me nervous dude where are his lips man where did they he got no lives in this frame dude this is funny he's not he's not being Matthew McConaughey's being Matthew McConaughey on Instagram for the first time yeah he's [ __ ] playing a character yeah and he's [ __ ] dude he looks face tuned like this whole frame is just [ __ ] weird-looking keep playing dude I hate this man I hate this is the most actor [ __ ] I've seen this like like North Hollywood like plain white door that he has in the background like all this [ __ ] is so la and I feel like there's five people behind the camera right now they're like yachting oh yeah yeah dude totally right you know when Peter have them on like that did I want you knowing like people like in like who don't live in major cities like in the Midwest and the south and [ __ ] like make fun of like actors and stuff and they're like all you Hollywood [ __ ] idiots you're all mortal I understand because they post [ __ ] like this yeah it's like it's like anyone should look at this and go you'll get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] off the airwaves Dawg that [ __ ] is trash that's that's is the uniform response to this kind of [ __ ] this is awful man what just just do it then just do it just do it why you got to talk about it that's just ruins the whole thing why you gotta get meta with it looking forward to seeing if it translates what's definitely not translating right now no no because this is weird as [ __ ] in bro like you what do you think bro you think people care about your one post and then your to put gives a [ __ ] don't gives us give me people post on this [ __ ] everyone is posting all the [ __ ] time [ __ ] your post tell me now yeah with the amount yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] online like your post you know how many posts I'm looking at her today you know what my purposed my booking is like 700 post per hour dude yes [ __ ] that scroll Twitter that's like at least 50 oh yeah at least in what 20 seconds I guess rush 50 [ __ ] dude bruh so my post per minute right now hundred at least I mean and that's not it that's it's casual browsing at ppm is like 600 on weed 600 yeah easy and you think I'm gonna stop for your [ __ ] predict for this no I'm out of here swell up you think you're gonna post something on Instagram that's gonna make my heart swell up yeah yeah nah nah I've never looked at a single post on Instagram and even ever felt anything I mean I've never looked at a post on Instagram and had a feeling I just like it's purely just like yeah this should happen that's it no one has ever made something that maybe go ah this is me on Instagram 50 posts I just yeah just 50 yeah yeah not a single [ __ ] thought or emotion or anything it's just colours yeah it all it is to me is it colours yeah yeah you think my heart's gonna swell up you know you know what you know makes my heart swell up Matthew is when I go on Twitter and I see a video title captioned lmao she pulled his pants up I go and it's a video of a stripper in Mexico about to give a guy a [ __ ] and then pulls his pants up cuz his dick is small yeah that made me feel something that made my heart shrink a little bit yeah yeah that made my heart swell cuz I felt for the guy I'm like off yeah yeah that's meat you got this meat I could I get it bro you got this meat you was bold to go up there and pull it out with this meat with this meat he knew who's rockin this yeah he didn't care no he didn't care at all he knew ATIS meat he was he was jerking as she was pulling was intense up yes true yeah copy yeah yeah that's how she goes for it yeah she goes yeah with just two fingers rudl yeah it's a pinch yeah like she's [ __ ] zooming in on an iPhone yeah and she's looking like she's [ __ ] like crimping her eyelashes yeah she just and he and he stood there with his little dick beater yeah just like still jerking it as she's pulling his [ __ ] pants back up back up yeah he's like no no no no wait this is not over she's like it's over but it's over its way oh yeah that would have been a good great first post for him yeah repost them yeah yeah and be like lol I'm here [ __ ] yeah that would have been hard as [ __ ] hard as well that would amazes multi-field that would have tickled my funny bone yeah my heart would swell not human but this [ __ ] man man the value of a post to make you go check in with em in the e yeah what the em in the e me oh yeah let's take it something else man I think it's something else but no Matt I can tell you right now you're not gonna pose anything that makes me go [ __ ] I think about me right now the only thing that does that no I gotta check in with me yeah the only thing that does that is porn porn makes you go whoa after the fact yeah that's you're done that's when you gotta check in with yourself oh you're like and maybe maybe I did play too much for tonight yeah I'm and then you're looking at your fortnight cos play stepsister yeah [ __ ] her dad yeah you know and you're like yeah this is anyway I gotta check in with me damn you got a little take a little walk check in with the am in the e yeah but he was like doing some weird southern like him in the e like him and he like God oh yeah now we learned some weird phrases on this last tour [ __ ] honey you look like the who what where why mm-hmm or something I look like a dog's banana right now is banana right now oh this is it gonna give me hot snakes hot snakes is this the best term for diarrhea goddamn it that's just so funny dude you think he wrote this [ __ ] you look dude I feel you wrote it yeah whatever you wrote it in final draft or whatever yeah like in its in script format yeah and he printed it up he printed he's got a script supervisor right now when making sure he hits all the lines mm-hmm what's the rest of this though make hopefully all those things let's have some fun with it though and this again hi hi what what does that mean no you know what this is dude wait what does that mean actually keep the hi I not the lo I the hi I know looking up looking up to God [ __ ] positivity your third eye there's so many ways you can interpret that yeah poetry dude yeah straight up unreal so I'm gonna say this this is just someone this is a famous person who has never been on the Internet this just screams I don't know what the Internet is this is like when your uncle is like you know so I retired last year you know I'm 47 buddy yeah I'm thinking I want to start at you too mm-hmm you know but I'm just a you know I'm just not sure how to approach it what do you think I should do you're like just said just put something on there yeah but the people and how they interpreted I mean like why do you handle people well they don't like what you make well you got to get there first yeah it's just like just do something and you'll learn well I want to go to his saves story called prescription hold on one I'm thinking he's never been on the internet before but you know because he's so busy reading scripts all the time ah cuz that's the process got it yeah you got to think yeah yeah I think how long he spends all day on the setting conceiving new characters on the process I mean that's the process yeah you know yeah and that to me is the most interesting thing his idea is is is diving into his commitment to to his craft to the craft and to the art of acting and the process and that's me keeping the high I not the low rather than the low I keep it high dick up yeah you're Rumple foreskin Cyclops hi yeah not your [ __ ] low and low I I'm gonna call jerking off from now on checking in with them and they check in the end swinging in the a.m. and yeah she checked my M&E check in with the M in the real quick you know we was we was kissing and it was getting sexy then I said why don't you check in with them and they and she did the [ __ ] are you saying man she sucked your dick what does that mean yeah she does he suck mine she's that like just say that well I don't know you know I just want to I want to see you know does this story tickle your funny bone make your heart swell up does it make you want to go on a walk I've never I've never gone on a walk because of the POE suppose that makes you go outside this like some mr. beast like plan to tree [ __ ] yeah and no post making me go outside this is the monologue version of you know like models on Instagram that are like hey I'm working up a bunch of really great projects right now I can't share anything with you guys yet but I'm really like I can't wait to share these projects that I've been working on with you guys and then you find out what the project is and it's like a [ __ ] picture yeah of them in Lulu Otto yeah yeah and you would you're like this is what you've been working on this is a project well it's just a [ __ ] post well let's take guys check out my brand new post I just dropped a hot post and it's a brand new post and I just put it on my feet and it's a post so go check out my new post took a lot of work you know picking a flight there's so many issues yeah what day yeah yeah the the Wardrobe yeah it's a whole production it's a bit of it's a project big project can't say much about it right now you guys but I can't wait to share the new projects that I'm working on oh and just this I'm just being kind of sitting at this point but Allah dude his saved stories look so funny just gold howdy I don't want to login yeah prescriptions and howdy howdy 1.7 million Oh bro is killing it yeah he's doing all right he's a husband a father an actor a Minister of Culture a professor a creative director Austin FC whatever the [ __ ] that is Jake a livin and pickle expert Oh Oh little bit of personality there yeah I like that by your hearts well a little bit yeah by your nine your preceding nine titles and accolades I would not have guessed that you're one for pickles I mean a human eise's in a little bit it does yeah collects burger likes pickles you guys like pickles you know every guys everyone oh you guys like pickles - I like pickles I'm like you except I'm a [ __ ] a list celebrity yeah and what's so funny is like all the meme accounts look at this and they're like they're all 12 and they're like oh yeah you're a pickle expert dude cuz you like dick yeah then all [ __ ] that's all that's gonna be all his tags like he doesn't he doesn't realize what's about to happen to him like meme funny for you yeah you know with nine million followers and daily daily memes this is easy oh yeah I'm a pickle expert yeah and then deep fry deep fry someone's gonna take that video the first one in like auto-tune it and like you hold it like that so yeah I'm singing it yeah check in with me gotta have monologue before the dialogue [Laughter] monologue before the dialogue yeah it's Instagram yeah it's just something yeah what's uh what's it was just what's up [ __ ] that's pretty sure - posted yeah that's it what's up [ __ ] and it's like a ham photoshopped in a Buick yeah oh here it is the eyes of Texas are upon you hook them was easy at Texas A&M watching the game nice sick uh [ __ ] yeah dude I'm gonna follow him I think I think I'm gonna follow him just just to see what's up just for the train wreck well there's the seat of hosts yeah see if anything makes my heart tickle yeah watch him just post a video of him like feeding like a dying animal you're like damn actually does comic okay I do want to check in with the enemy now damn that's [ __ ] off dude just like nursing it back to health a little baby goat cleaning its wounds with his own hands yeah sometimes you have to give part of you so the next thing can give a part of itself [ __ ] he was on why that's so right look at Ollie and I kiss him right in the mouth stick my tongue in his mouth Ollie I I feel like I've not given you what you've given to me you know it's so funny is everyone off the last episode is like I feel like now they hit play like it's like a bomb is going down oh I know we got a wig I work on not being so gross I think okay all right BTS thank God welcome to the diary our yo Matt what do you think this bucket of [ __ ] smelled like look yeah that was bad we gotta we gotta clean it up a little bit we gotta clean up our act yeah but I don't want people to not be able to eat well listen to our [ __ ] podcast yeah but sometimes you got to have a diarrhea episode yeah god damn it if that wasn't so [ __ ] butthole swell [Laughter] you gotta have a diary I guess that's dude I was like crying it I forget whose comment it was like the irony of me preparing my breakfast to listen to this pot this to this episode I was dying laughing at that someone just like me flipping eggs [ __ ] sunny-side up perfect wake me up ding hello mister toast do I have a jam for you nice it's down ice got it all laid out wake me up so this lady gets covered in diarrhea hot diary hot diarrhea hot diarrhea be hot yeah it's like hey so did its like pot pie the top is quite stereo changes 6 9 then you boo boo okay now all right sorry by the diarrhea guys keep it I mean just cleaner from now on so that you can eat lunch your [ __ ] salad I'm not gonna promise that dude I'm not gonna promise that just be conscious of it yeah yeah because we should consciously do diarrhea bits yeah all right shell tiny meat or calm yeah get some tickets for the show get some tickets for the shows next year also team G pod comm we're doing a merch 20% off sale or someone blowout yeah big big you know Thanksgiving sales so go hit that up too I don't know that I don't know when that'll be live but we'll let you know on Twitter and [ __ ] like that so yo and Orion yeah no worries a get ready for the new the hot new vlog it's actually very cool yeah I'm Chris [ __ ] killed it yeah no Chris block shout at the boy amazing editor alright any anything else no I think that's that we'll see you next week we are back home so you know you know what it is and what it was we're gonna get caught up on see you on Thanksgiving so you want Thanksgiving and gonna get caught up on the bone zone dude we just might add yeah we'll just do it we'll just do a big old bone zone run yeah we'll have Kyle write out some cool premises for the bone zone what do you all want to see on the bone zones I don't know what even what that is [ __ ] bonus episode dude oh the bone zone that's the bone zone yeah so you know what let us know what y'all want to see on the bone zone you gotta just do more that [ __ ] I loved in that videos that we can't watch or like [ __ ] okay do yeah we should do like a movie react yeah [ __ ] movies to be the most annoying way to watch a [ __ ] movie yeah stopping at every minute director's commentary all the way well not [ __ ] is this this stinks yeah find us a weird ass show some [ __ ] that is like know what Doug Benson does maybe getting high we're getting Doug with high or whatever no it doesn't he does like he doesn't talk show I don't know it's like he's gotta know he's got another show watch movies with Doug or something like that where I think he does that it he does it live - yeah he'll go and like play a movie live and I'll have like a panel of call I think correct me if I'm wrong but I think that exists well maybe we should just watch an episode of naked and afraid or um yeah or be very sad British Shogun naked attraction yeah everyone's wanted us to watch that for a while so maybe we do that yeah that could be great all right Joe but let us know peace gang love who's Emma
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 330,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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