Episode 40 - We Went To Elon's House

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i’m at work right now and i can barely catch up on it, it would be great if someone could sum up a little 🙈🙈

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/carajacksn 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

30 minutes in

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/eruditezephyr 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patreon.com slash tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one whose afternoon everyone welcome to the Magic the Gathering podcast today I have a very exciting player on Sunset hi he's done a lot in in the realm of the local circuit here local comic book stores he's just absolutely been dominating the all the local tournaments actually won a $500 tournament last week so congratulations thank you thank you yes so everyone who may please make some noise for Clyde klevens thank you so much Steve hey how do you how do you feel about a new booster pack season just feeling good I think he's gonna really change the game in a good way yeah I think it sorry my imitation carrier out just hold on give me one second I just have um what's your Mountain Dew residue stuff under top of my Invisalign give me one second yes welcome back to the podcast this week on [ __ ] Instagram firstly dudes captions I'm on his page right now I'm just gonna read you some I'm not I'm not think it's gonna say who it is yeah who it is doesn't really matter does n't matter it just this just picture this is every no what do you think every um any any dude with a with a 8 pack yeah a natural eight pack yeah who doesn't actually have a job and has never had a job before okay a dude who's gotten by just showing off his V yeah exactly then yeah he where he gets low-rise jeans mmm-hmm basically a dude who puts a space between every letter and thinks that's deep yeah all of a sudden yeah you know saying yeah paradise paradise but it's like double as long as there's the normal yeah paradise Gavin okay okay I'm gonna hit him with a hot one hit one a hot one it's a new day with boundless love and endless possibilities that's one of him she's just standing there shirtless yeah that's it yeah next picture oh no the end to that caption is the endless day and something possibilities and then at the resort that he stays yeah because their picture or which by the way not work yeah or on there are endless possibilities to the ways you could be sucking my dick is what he would say next caption streets of Bali leaf emoji life is crazy next get next one think the wild journey of life next one wild soul and the O is like that o with the cross through it Oh what does that mean dude what design crea Tyler oh you're so creative bro dude next next gap is they're all in a row on a different planet anything can happen that's the next one and it's just a picture of them on earth we're sick you can [ __ ] directly off with those captions [ __ ] insanely off dude it's like it's crazy learn you're another planet like anything could happen like if you're on Jupiter like you're [ __ ] you'd be crushed by gravity because it's just the pressure it's just insane try to honor can't about the cap cannot exactly scientifically accurate yeah absolutely on planet Earth absolutely I would have to agree it's just there's a certain level of this a lack of awareness but you know if it would just learn a little bit of positivity we could educate him how do you think look great do you guys do you think that guy got in science class that dude right there what grade did he get up to no you know that and and or what great like what yeah well in Canada we call them marks what Mark did you will marked it again I'm was that like a d-minus after he [ __ ] his teachers just want to say I think he's at I've got a [ __ ] his teacher so I think he'd actually be higher but it like a false positive you know it's like a no no she just barely passed him like he was on the edge shut up after class and he's like did miss like whatever like I can't like what she's off Jesus Wow I've never felt this way my husband hasn't made me feel as a way a long time Wow well you know what if we just [ __ ] what are we [ __ ] like dude paradise is [ __ ] nuts again dude no yeah just how did show yeah my in Sag is being speaking of [ __ ] sig yeah you had a hell of a week do we got a crazy-ass week um you guys when what like I know you've been you might have seen some tweets you know you leaving us some comments and you're wondering how exactly do we know post Malone album's lyrics front - that word for word how do we know that so and I know I know it's crazy that we would know those lyrics like that just bang on top we're ahead we've been practicing yeah tweeting them out letter by letter paste between each letter yeah okay I think it's important to say we're only bringing this up because there's something even funnier out of all this yeah that is the biggest full circle yeah we've ever experienced but we can't not talk about it because it's it's just so ridiculously absurd mm-hmm mm-hmm let's just say we went to Elon Musk's house on [ __ ] head Sunday night does something a hand to [ __ ] behind a [ __ ] guy in to God and to God on everything I love we were oh man if you told us when we were in here well it wasn't this room it was downstairs it downstairs in the old studio when we were making the song it was a long walk my wife you told us at that moment that we'd in however many months what's it been even just like threw it out there was like a man do you think you'll ever meet him no definitely had he's so off limits because I mean he's so there's no barrier to this guy because we will never meet this guy so far removed I've never like felt so many degrees of separation collapse like it was this guy probably has like teams of security like once you get through the initial guy yeah there's like a you know again once you get through that there's like a quarantine area where you have to be like checked for diseases and stuff and then once you get through that yeah it's like a guy with drug dogs and then once you get through that then you won't say no like hi what's up I'm you on yeah right well hmm what I gave him I mean I don't know it wasn't like that god dammit how does this okay so we were hanging out a post mm-hmm and super nice guy by the way awesome awesome dude yeah super super genuine every time I see people that are like I want to meet this guy he seems so genuine when he's like music videos and stuff absolutely true yes awesome dude great Aussie humor yeah a funny he hears up to get some drinks and we were like yeah let's do it so we were hanging out and roughly he goes I'm gonna go to Elon Musk's house and we're like nah we're like because of the song around he's like what song and we're like oh you're serious oh [ __ ] and that first of all it was just it was like confusion how the yeah yeah yeah why yeah it was also like two in the bird was a midnight or 1:00 in the morning yeah it was like midnight close to 1:00 a.m. those crazies it's close to 1:00 a.m. I didn't even realize that much time had passed yeah by the way that's the most drunk I've been in a while oh yeah we were smashed yeah yeah hammered yeah so he's like alright let's go and that's with all that water and the [ __ ] chicken parmesan pasta that AI was still gone probably never seen so you're in the you're in the zone where you'd look at me and you'd be like dude and you just like shake your water cup you like I need water and like fear in your eyes I don't know I don't know what this is what is this feeling never struck before now I've been I've been there I've been there I was like on that on that fine line to blackout yeah you know I could feel it like I would blink and it was like scenes from my life were missing but why am I in the bathroom oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm back outside like I'm just like teleporting and just like I can't feel my feet and [ __ ] so yeah you're seeing in 15 frames per second every things like hey she's skipping it's like an what so [ __ ] you blink in an hour pass yeah wait what what so what the [ __ ] have been did so and we were getting drunk off this is like it's like green tea shot yeah I taste a Vesta problem dude it tasted so sweet that you're like I was fine super sweet and we're never out of these things I'll do another post also you know you know how like yeah husband people be like I'll dude you know celebrities party man post likes to get down but we were like taking shots and when I was when I would like push one back like this is too much he just take it and drink it yeah he never wants to no one like shamed them for not drinking yeah which I found I don't know this is like a small thing without those kind of tight oh yeah no definitely no cuz like it you would what's I don't know how to explain it you know like you're a little intimidated by someone just forget like their social status I mean just like their party level yeah you know someone who can take it you're like I can't like someone who can hang when you know you can't yeah maybe that's just me I get that feeling often because I'm like oh [ __ ] me this guy's gonna put down like 20 I could put down half of what he's gonna put that and I'll look soft as [ __ ] I mean that's part of peer pressure yeah not only the person explicitly saying hey do this it's more like alright well there's like a social pressures just putting down 20 yeah what are you gonna do what are you gonna do if he's squatting 680 I'll [ __ ] plea that was quiet for just was being too afraid to tell a guy to pull off wait yeah you're gonna get in his brother yeah totally just you just get under you can't even get it up you're like yeah I think I'm you know I'm the or you managed to get it off and it just like a bunch of little balls marbles your eyes are just floating at the top of it like this little like like [ __ ] eyes that you glue on I don't know pumpkins or whatever just like I'm thinking about like going to Gold's with a girl or something that you're crazy and you're like I let's work out together whatever oh yeah this is my homie the guy is like wow look at that guy's look how much she's waiting squatting there's a 680 oh yeah that's actually my homie yeah over there yo what up Clive there you're doing brother yeah gonna see - bro what do you want you shuttin down up here oh you know just warm enough six eighty six eighty huh oh just oh yeah it started yeah I was just wrapping I was just wrapping like five hundred eight so I think I could go probably 684 one okay nice yeah yeah you want a spot I don't need a spot it's all good sure yeah it'll help good enough for the reckon maybe that but then but then you can stand back I'm totally good hold on Tony let's oversell this guy alright wait wait listen run it for let's go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] okay okay you got it yeah I got you you got it yeah I got it [Music] weights just go straight to the floor [Music] and then he's like you good I'm gonna let go one two three shot it off just like compressing a coke can it's just like busting out this side right after putting Mentos in it oh my god dude oh so anyway so okay all right so post is like let's go to Iran's and after we kind of you know like realize that it's for real I'm personally like [ __ ] man I'm starting to not regret but I'm like Jesus if I have to own up to any of my tweets yeah this is gonna be [ __ ] weird I'm you know even on the way there I was like there's no way that this is real that's what I was lay this was gonna work out yeah and then like we were having trouble finding it and I was like the he probably didn't answer we're not going in and then we just pull up to a house and the gate is sliding open and this now there's only way I could one way I could describe this guy's place it's the second Matrix Reloaded this do you ever watch the second one yeah I think so but I don't the [ __ ] weird French guy the Merovingian like he he's this weird villain he lived like in a house like that like that's where I felt like we were going okay as we were in a black SUV and I just thought oh [ __ ] it 15 agents are gonna pop out and we're just gonna get unjacketed then that's it we're dead yeah mmm are they like I catch you with some sort of gun that inserts a trap like anything but you don't know it so like it's like in the next [ __ ] [ __ ] all right you're go on inside it will naturally pass in 48 hours do the digestive system I don't worry about it just put in me I wouldn't worry about it yeah it might feel a little tough in the esophagus we don't worry about it yeah so we go in there and going out the driveway and it was like it was pretty dark but then you know and I'm drunk we were both drunk so I'm kind of like trying to look through the front and then the lights of our uber just like cast on to him and he's just standing in the middle of the driveway with Grimes and they're holding later in their squad - yeah and the little crew and they're holding lanterns with candles in them but the only thing that was illuminated to me was Ellen's face in darkness and I was like like I'm just like a little frozen I'm like he's there I'm here and I'm and then someone that cars like doing freaking out of freaking out I wanted to be like shut the [ __ ] up man this is infinitely worse for me I like hearing that you saying it yes sound like this is real yes swear to God yeah this sounds [ __ ] absurd yeah we drive it sounds like a story yeah on a weird copy yes a pot and copper pasta pasta yeah it's some way to Kappa pastor yeah type of thing let's go for Italian escape of pasta it like swear god this is real we pulled in the driveway and they're staying there with lanterns yeah yeah it was like what the [ __ ] and then we get out of the car and then everyone is you know just going down the line you know just and he's just gone hi I'm yuan hi I'm e1 and Cody goes hey what's up dude I'm Cody I'm not shaking this dude's hand there's no chance was just like a weird like I was staying in a weird place so he was like it was more natural for him to go to the next person I was like there's there's no [ __ ] way I'm not shaking his hand yeah hey what's up dawg I'm Cody steakhouse paradise my dog something endless possibilities for wild so like me in here dude that moment where he like looks at me goes hi I'm me one I'm like oh my fault yeah god I just wish someone could have taken a picture of just me shaking his hand and then just putting my tweet in the middle of us yeah just like that [ __ ] discreet [ __ ] snapchatted meeting just woke up from a wet dream of Elon clucking my wife oh my god I'm looking this full in the eyes yeah I know it's funny like oh sorry I just like a head a [ __ ] moment I'm like yo you're real yeah like you're not just this distant like billionaire figurehead yeah you're standing right in front of my [ __ ] face and we were joking like what if he was like so Noel do you really want me to [ __ ] your wife and just did you bring her it's funny like all all this [ __ ] we've talked and all the jokes and all of the Elan [ __ ] my wife and my wife is so confident in our studio alone Ilan [ __ ] my work this is so funny I should be listed I don't give a [ __ ] I give a [ __ ] pulling up the only thing I can muster is like hey love your car is so so then now the thing is I had drank so much water we just drank a shitload at the bar and I pissed many times I think we all did but then we get to Elance place and after like the moment of like hey like nice to meet you and all that I'm also like I'm gonna pee right now yeah I had to piss my pants in the pee right right here on the driveway yep so beers being unloaded from a car and I so I just think oh like we should grab this beer and then kind of motion like where can we put this and we grab the beer and nope yeah it was funny what is this other dude in the car mmm was was talking he like saying I love the Tesla Model X blah blah blah and you'ens talking to him and they're like there he's like thank you Baba and they're having this conversation Noel and I are just standing in the driveway with beer and it was like we we retrieved from the car and we turned around right as post went and like a cup all the people went in the door you heard the door closed we didn't see which one it was yeah so we're just stuck on the driveway because we don't know which door to go in and it's us holding beer and then Ilan and this other guy talking about the Tesla or whatever and this guy's kind of just like you know just just just talking his head off yeah get just winding them up yeah and I'm and then what was bad was someone else on the driver goes oh man like he's about to jump in and then I hold the case of beer up but that's that didn't do anything Elon is like I don't [ __ ] care what you guys want to do I'm gonna have this conversation yeah and so what did it was by the way his dogs are [ __ ] weird yeah okay that much I was like alright okay I know you got some [ __ ] we just we just can't discuss yeah so I'm not afraid to say is his talks freak me the [ __ ] out it freaked me the [ __ ] out if I was high I'd be genuinely afraid of those things they look like they were made in a video game like they don't look like normal things that exist so well what killed the conversation between Elon and this dude was one of his dogs it's this massive dog I don't know what kind of dog it is but the haircut on it it's so weird it looks like a foam roller like it's perfectly like puffed out it's just this big-ass head on the end of this it's like it just just it's too body goes [ __ ] bolting down the driveway and the other dude like he like seized up he was like talking he's like and then the other dude on the drive was like oh he hates dogs he's like uh-uh he Lonnie Lonnie like II can't I can't I can't I can't he starts like demanding you know yeah he started like demanding like Elon led us in the house right now he said I can't do dogs I can't do dogs and Elon goes oh he's the nicest dog you'll ever meet and he just didn't really move and the guy the guy just started moving like he didn't want to stick around cuz the driveway was [ __ ] pitch black it's like that dog just went into the darkness and that guy's fear really set in like that [ __ ] thing is gonna come out of the darkness and eat me dog yeah is a phobia yeah we control your [ __ ] around Elon Musk that is a phobia dude no he was legit terrified Wow he couldn't hang like Oh Ellen I love your cars but your cars are so sick I love your Rockets [ __ ] you you holding the [ __ ] in his pants dude so there was that dog with in the other his other little Shih Tzu that thing creep me the [ __ ] out too because it was so little it had like a fifth grader like Center part just [ __ ] me up give me that Elan yeah you want Shih Tzu look dude and that dog you know dogs like when you stand around them like they wag their tail they kind of like look up at you yeah this dog was weirdly still it freaked me the [ __ ] out his hair came over his eyes and he would just walk next to people but he wouldn't look up at them for interest he would just stand next to you oh like a robot it was probably a robot it was like a non-player character like in a video game yeah like just like a little thing that moves around the village like it does there's no interaction yeah like that's what it was doing I was just walking between people and would just stand still where it's legs even moving or was it just moving via wheels [Music] like a zoom by got a rumba rumba yeah zoom was the workout glass yes it was a room but with the haircut basically yeah freak me the [ __ ] out okay I felt like I was on drugs dose the nicest dog you over me dog so we go inside and uh the place is nice it's a nice place yeah and we just see him for a little bit we chilled you know we didn't we didn't really it was one of the situations where we were nobody so I don't like we didn't like explore like I might have a fly on the wall yeah we just we just had there and drank and just kind of were like the whole time were like holy what the [ __ ] was like us and like eight other people yeah and it's so we're just in Ilan's house just at his house blasting yeah I just jumped into the whole time the same song was playing the whole time we were there about an hour and a half two hours at some point at some point post is like know who makes this and is like this is [ __ ] sick like he's just like cackling at it and I was too afraid to laugh I thought I was gonna get hit with a laser yeah on my post can laugh at it it's fine mm so and then and then ok so then then we're like okay we got to get out of here cuz it's like 3:30 a.m. and I don't know where that what's going on anymore just going to go gas in my tank yeah just had to go so we're like all right post we're gonna leave either our no worries and we start heading out and we like went down we came from downstairs and we went upstairs so we just went back downstairs to try to get out to get try and leave and there's like this long hallway of like doors and we can't tell which door is the one to the outside we didn't want to like open up a door and all of a sudden it's like oh you know some giant rocket ship and were like oh [ __ ] dude welding a rocket ship a personal space yeah we just see a ship we just see eelain's escape pod yeah like oh he's like he's like yeah I gotta get the [ __ ] out here you gotta get the [ __ ] out here like the technician yeah yeah he's plotting a course to Mars a giant map and he's just looking back at us and there's a countdown on the wall an hour and a half yeah just like oh that's what you guys got it yeah he's like the three of us can go yeah I can make it leave right now the three of us can just go the planet is about to explode [Laughter] that's a great premise for a movies house stairs and then some dude is planning the escape like I don't want to go with you on yeah I'm the guy who designed this rocket I was I'm ejecting it right now I don't want to go with Elon I want to leave this planet it's about to explode my mana is really annoying I did all the work for this share that Elon gets to come you guys hop in the [ __ ] with me right now I don't want to be lonely let's go to Mars like like I mean I got a [ __ ] eye here I'll record the podcast tomorrow but yeah we could we could do that from let me text my girl right quick yeah apparently the plan is about to explode is it cool if I just differ with if shit's tight like I'll come back don't worry about it but I'm gonna dip like real fast yeah it's so like apparently honor this is what some of it I mean Toller right now the plan is gonna [ __ ] like explode and and say you mind if I just like kind of dig or was good uh no come home right now would you believe him would you believe a guy who said that to you look if there was a rocket there yeah fully fabricated yeah with a guy of the scientists who in a lab coat yeah and he's like dude it's this is real let's leave him well what if he goes you first I don't know man I don't know situation I just imagine like we both walk into that capsule and he just shuts the door and it's an incinerator and he goes psych and there's just [ __ ] that kills us but it works it works plasma it's works it works because thank you for taking care of those jokes so so whatever we go downstairs and I think it's it's key that I tell this from my perspective I think it's infinitely funny this way so like we go down this hallway and Cody's like it's just the door on my gases door so you open this to the garage but it's a six-car garage it's like a weird shape it's not just like a straight-line garage and then everything is closed and we're like [ __ ] mmm [ __ ] do we get in here so Cody kind of makes a face and I'm like we have to ask him I didn't want Dean and we go I didn't want to talk to him but we have to because we're just trying to get the [ __ ] out of there yeah it just didn't feel like our place so like we go upstairs Cody's in front of me going to the stairs and we last saw him in the kitchen so Cody kind of moat like he's heading into the kitchen and then he stops and he turns around and he just looks at me makes a face he's like it's like the it's like the white guy like like lips tucked in like - like one of those I'm like well what's up he's like oh he's just he's making out with his girlfriend right now and I was just started laughing I don't like it we just walk over there try to separate them like yeah dude can we [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here or like you guys are sucking face right now yeah thankfully one of her friends like walks by she's like it cuz it could you just help us get the [ __ ] out of here and then she goes yeah I just know so she like leads us to a door only leave and we watch it's like I always I always leave the lights on or I always forget to turn the lights off that down here whatever they do you live here yeah yeah yeah what's the situation situation what is yeah what's the deal because this is fusing is it a harem like what's happening I thought the richer you get the more people you live with you like go through you know you're saying you like you have roommates when you're poor and then you get rich enough to live alone and then and you get even richer and you start living with more people yeah cuz you start basically an apartment complex yeah because you have that much money yeah yeah and it's like your staff and then people that are just like I live with you like yeah [ __ ] it I don't wanna be lonely so yeah yeah come on lift ugh yeah so was the weirdest well I chose a weird moment for me walking upstairs and like peeking into the kitchen to see me just you want Musk and Grimes playing tonsil hockey you know so I can go I'm like oh [ __ ] it turned to you and I was like a little red laser on my head oh [ __ ] ground to me so so we leave and we walk down the driveway and we go outside to like wait for our uber and we're just sitting on the curb like hammered when we're just going man I like this is I know this seems fake but it's not like something oh yeah it's all true and I don't know maybe we didn't set it up enough like I don't know we're not too dramatic about it but like it was just man man you can tell a story like that I know people are I feel like you know having me is like well it's exactly you've been there dude actually you've been there no you people must house you can tackle you better no one's been there no you know [ __ ] wasn't not too good weird weird turn of events yeah and say I'm still thinking about his dogs yeah that's what I wish I took a picture of that little [ __ ] I'm gonna see that in my nightmares is this non interested Shih Tzu that thing freaked me out it's gonna be the the the face from my dog video shakes knee and had a deep voice like it first of all moves without moving his legs do this [ __ ] then I think what freaked me out is like I leaned over to it and I was like hey bud like to pet it and it just didn't do anything it just stayed still I was like whoa what the [ __ ] as I leaned lower and I touched it like I like rub the back of its head and it just like it didn't move when I did that like I don't just in my mind that's what happened I'm like is it physics don't apply alright [ __ ] they say are you having a dog what are you just looking at my hands like you know yawns like oh you must have walked through the acid mister came into the house I put acid in all the misters so you know it just makes everyone hornier that was crazy man yeah [ __ ] weird [ __ ] here last night so strange mmm yeah that guy I know I'm gonna sit and they just I just felt like some matrix [ __ ] dog was the decoration the attire of people huh him mm-hmm I'm like alright tight did yeah so that so that was a that was eelain's place mhm Wow yeah can't believe we just told that story on the podcast yeah can't believe we got the opportunity to tell that on the podcast yeah Elan thank you for all the material and the experience yes thank you were inviting us into your house we appreciate it even though I don't think he even looked at us after he that's right was like hey what by the way dude I'm Cody yeah I do it my friend was like why do you let you in do you think you were one of those Thai kids stuck in the cave oh my god and I was like I was like yeah he was actually telling me to go back in it so he could save me calling the I'll do I was reading about that last night so my understanding is he put out that video of the submarine and then one of the guys who actually went down to save the kids was like oh it wouldn't have worked and he was like all you know basically saying like thanks but no thanks she [ __ ] out-of-touch millionaire and then Elon just like spazzed on him and and was he just slipped in the word pedo he just was wow you pedo guy like something like that I don't know I like I don't really understand like what caused him to say that I don't know if he was calling him a pedo for like wanting to save the kids or I don't [ __ ] know hmm and then and then he followed up but someone goes IOU on just called the the cave guy a pedo and he goes bet you assigned dollar it's true I just Ilan said that yeah just weirdly weirdly aggressive towards this guy for no reason yeah hmm just seemed like [Music] seemed like a moment there yeah uh-huh yeah that's bizarre yeah can't really uh can't really call it anyway um in the [ __ ] news what else we got you see six 9s new chain speaking of pedos yeah boy Dan put that - yeah that [ __ ] was crazy I've never seen a piece of jewellery like that in my entire life with hair yeah yeah have you mm-hmm this dude got a chain with real human hair on it that's like died like it said it's shaped like a like a pony yeah you know it's like a unicorn oh dude it looks like a horse 6:9 is signaling oh he's a brony he's a poet no he's into the hoenn II play why yeah he's into the pony play damn yeah that actually makes a lot of sense yep makes a lot of sense yeah chain though man what is six-nine was a brony that'd be so [ __ ] funny my little pony right right it's all about friendship right Trey way Trey in a way in a way sizzler Oh No neigh wait [ __ ] blood no way no I we could get we get dramatic with the boy of foo see oh yeah yeah that should do because so many people are like you got to do that's crazy you out of that that's crazy and I started watching the videos and white dude this is sad this is just sad it's truly sad but I'll happily talk about it on the plane yeah the comedian to me has to get this out right like like it's very easy to laugh at you know Peter pie had a pretty good video about I didn't see his I watch it's pretty good and yeah so every I tweeted that thing when I was like I deleted it but I'm like Drake didn't acknowledge aside he's definitely not acknowledging food you know and I was like kind of like thinking of more jokes I'm like oh that foo see is texting and imaginary push a T number trying to get a shout-out on Daytona 2 and I just started like going on but then I started thinking about it I'm like this feels like one of those moment it feels like when [ __ ] Britney Spears shaved her head and everyone was just like getting a [ __ ] shot in dude he was like 17 videos on my homepage about this [ __ ] yeah so I like went and like from Cooper's video I watched like him doing like this [ __ ] straight-up like manic episode in this parking lot yeah he's standing on a console gaming and he's like rapping he's like doing acapella of this music video he just put out and I was just like wow so what what what is the whole story so he puts on this event hold on for people who don't know who few see tube is yeah it was like a a big youtuber like three years ago or some [ __ ] three or four a big prank youtuber I used to do pranks and then he started as a vlog channel where he was vlogging and he used to do like millions of views yeah and then he like faked some [ __ ] with rice come to get views and people just eventually started realizing he was just like a shitty not genuine guy yeah cuz he kept like he would he faked the thing with rice gum and then I think he like kept doubling down and then he kept trying to like bait people into clicking with like apologies and like drama and then she it became like he was like really unstable and it was very clear yeah he was kind of stop giving a [ __ ] about him yeah and so then he started streaming I guess oh really yeah he's like I think he's been on Twitch and like they're like doing stream stuff I don't really know why anyways like dreaming things yeah he's just like he's just like you know he came from this place of like being on top of the world in terms of like YouTube and you know having an audience you know - not doing that anymore mhm so then I guess he wanted to organize a concert yep in five days yeah five or seven or something like that for what reason um I don't know I think he was like trying to do this thing of like I don't [ __ ] know so you got on like no jump that no jumper podcast or like live stream that was after though those after yeah yeah I mean he's talking about what happened with the with the concert so this concert was like it like had a bunch of music acts that were just like no-name artists you know just whatever is kind of cringe some of it others whatever keemstar was very obviously paid to show up and he just this is awkward like shout out the the venue is like a quarter full and the whole time foo sees just like bragging about how oh it's full it's full the tickets are gone already blah blah and people was [ __ ] up is like team starts interviewing people and people are worst you know I just [ __ ] they were dumb enough to believe that Drake or Jake hole or any of these guys we're gonna be there window look have those guys ever been at a show for free and that when the whole point is there the whole reason why that happened or why people believe that is because fuchsia tube was like if you material area like if you leave it a little material yeah that hold them he was like if you're positive enough the energy will put Drake on stage it's like dude no no there's no world yes the wait you know saying yeah [ __ ] works the way it does for a reason he read the secret and was like okay I'm gonna materialize like all this [ __ ] yeah so it was all like the whole point of the event was to hype this song release like it Cape College July 15 July hidden and he like dropped this song which is just a rice come dis that's all it was it was he's like he was trying to do like some Kanye [ __ ] was like trying to be controversial trying to be annoying trying to stir the pot just to drop this diss on rice gum and it's like god I haven't even heard a rice gum diss track and forever yeah like a [ __ ] is a [ __ ] it's a very stale like and so when I saw it I'm like man this guy has he's really out of touch like I think he just doesn't understand YouTube like the community like I don't think he really understands it anymore there's a point where it fell off for him like in terms of interest in being able to grasp it I think he thought he's gonna do all this it cuz he says it he's like this track it's gonna be played everywhere it's gonna get clubbing or in this I think maybe Tizen is like materializing [ __ ] whatever but he puts out this track and it's just like but you could have just dropped this got the same views and did none of the antics and and maybe revived your channel a little bit but like it yeah it feels bad you know I'm saying and and like on one hand I feel bad the other part of me was like this is just a dude who didn't get why he was popular the only popular cuz you know he was like a Logan Paul mm-hmm like no one gave a [ __ ] like the whole like drama thing like he if he just kept vlogging and just shut like just said sorry and just kept being himself people probably would have got over it yeah but it's like because he took it so personally and I don't know man I don't know I don't follow this channel I'm sure someone will correct all this but it's probably ders more just what you're saying like just became one stable and just well I mean he's just very clearly in the interviews afterwards he was on November and he's just like yeah going crazy about the [ __ ] like yeah yeah and it's just very sad I don't know mm mm sad I yeah I could cause he does a thing dude is like entertainment it's such a [ __ ] privilege to just be in it in any capacity I know like people like how YouTube it's not it's whatever it's a it's a hack job or its I don't know whatever people want to say I don't give a [ __ ] it's just as difficult it's just as difficult to entertain online as it is and like traditional media and all that [ __ ] you guys huh no sorry nice one and I don't know so I get it like some people like it takes a toll on them but I think I just it's just I just feel bad looking at him yeah ultimately what I'm trying to say yeah you know it's I want to clown him but then on the other hand I'm like haha [ __ ] I feel bad like oh yeah for sure I'd like to feel something for that he's just yeah like he's clearly going through some [ __ ] like he's clearly like I keep using New Orlean stable but that's what it is yeah and it's like when someone goes from having a ton of like recognition and people people watching their [ __ ] and a [ __ ] has audience to people not caring as much anymore you know that is a [ __ ] hard thing to deal with for even a person who is stable yep so for a person who's like kind of bipolar like he is or whatever whatever it is mm-hmm I think you said in the interview that he was bipolar I think yeah like I mean it's just like you know yeah that's some help yeah well I mean it have you ever watched one of his like vlogs I watched one like way 20 years ago yeah years ago something like that I watched one and I was like I just remember thinking like yo this dude is gonna hit a max like he doesn't look like he's built for this [ __ ] yeah like he looked like he was just like his eyes just kept getting wider and wider like every [ __ ] video might kill this dude's gonna break yeah it's so yeah so I mean I can't yeah there's no real that's pretty kid can't like but yeah like I want to but it's just like yeah this this guy is really spiraling man mm-hmm but the thing that makes me sad is like usually when this [ __ ] happens there's like a jolting that kind of like reals people back in and the fact that he's like doubling down and tripling down and like he can't stomach it it's like I don't know if there's any fixing it like I think she might just be like in a rut and he might just like you know it's only gonna get worse mm-hm and it is crazy to think where he might like be in like a year mm-hmm he has 10 million subscribers on YouTube holy [ __ ] that's crazy and he gets like there's some videos to get like a hundred cabe you yeah I'm just like that must be so gutting man yeah reaction videos homie exactly dude that's where it is bro that's crazy yeah you should just [ __ ] cringe to [ __ ] yeah I did what the [ __ ] are you doing bro yeah man or just start reviewing food yeah food not Feud food see Tube feuds complete rebrand Cleary rent hi what is up everyone it is food situ here is wet wet puss puss to our boy mark lemans what's he doing see mark Wiens that that should be your model for YouTube yeah just like stone machine output yeah on the dot every day you know what you're gonna [ __ ] get every day he goes no no no it's like it's like once a week now his vid yeah I mean he's just full up doing like just TV [ __ ] yeah him and like this other dude they do 30 minute videos ter 40 Wow yeah that's the move now on YouTube dude people are hearing that [ __ ] yeah oh that's another thing is that [ __ ] now keemstar is posting like I didn't watch any of this chain to awesome videos on Tanic on but I saw people like freaking the best [ __ ] videos on YouTube whatever if this small [ __ ] did three half an hour long videos on tannic on that was supposed be unbiased but it was like people said they were great I didn't again I didn't watch them because I I don't know I don't really feel like there's that much to say about tannic on yeah it's [ __ ] up and that's what it is and just right yeah that's pretty much it and so I think I think I read someone's putting together a class action yeah I mean I wouldn't be surprised against good times yeah yeah or yeah her and the event company [ __ ] up and her team whatever right and she [ __ ] up okay yeah so now Jane did like three three-part series on this thing again I know people gonna crucify me for this because they said that were there were great videos I'm not saying there weren't great I'm just saying I didn't really think there was that much to say about it but again I haven't watched video so maybe I'm wrong okay I'll confirm that and and said I mean like it you know I appreciate what Shane does you know the lot goes into the editing to try to make it dramatic but it's like there are other people who feel this way and they dump videos on I'm not afraid to say it you know I take nothing away from him but it's just like you know it's not that big of a deal like he kind of he's great at positioning it like he's uncovering like all these facts I'm like yeah yeah yeah yeah I was like nah man like they oversold they kind of knew this guy really wasn't equipped to put on an event of this size it's just like a lot of [ __ ] er E and then it [ __ ] fell apart it's not a big deal yeah exactly it's only a big deal and I think people the people who are rightfully charged up about it are the people who like paid money flew out there thinking that they were gonna be like this thing that was promised to them and they they got [ __ ] for it that much I did so and now so the reason why I bring that up is because keemstar is not doing the exact same thing with this fusee concert thing because it go by the way the future concert got shut down because of a bomb threat yeah some somebody like called in a fake bomb threat and it got swatted was Ronnie it was Russ yeah he was like they better shut it down cuz I'm gonna blow it up with this [ __ ] mental we got to talk about his new song by the way I haven't heard it it's so so corny anyway anyway so now keemstar is doing the same thing and it's like this is why people hate YouTube and don't take it seriously is because you take things that traditional media does so well you know like uncovering things that are actually interesting and editing like all the sound effects and cool dramatizations like that you know that like that like keemstar uses in the thing are great when you're talking about like an actual mystery or something that's cool not the circle-jerk of youtube yeah but you can't make a three-part hour and a half long in total series about this [ __ ] concert that failed there's not that much to say about it yeah and it's a circle jerk no one else cares but youtube yeah oh it's funny is like the kid who's heading up good times oh man like I don't know why anyone listens to them talk and like not think it's [ __ ] but also you just look at him if you're like this is a guy putting on the event you're like of course it [ __ ] up yeah like this is yo around an event on a [ __ ] on a Segway yeah you know you know it like like concert event people sound like they're [ __ ] and they're all like 40 yeah I'm doing this [ __ ] a long time you know like nothing about him scream producer to me so Mike yeah of course this was bad yeah but you know I mean though about like no totally taking this [ __ ] and just like milking it for your news and order whatever it's like yeah it's like you're not actually doing you're not making real entertainment I don't feel like no I feel you on that like what what it is it's like you're saying it is a circle jerk but it's like it's dramatization about essentially kids I'm saying it's like to anyone on the outs who lives in like the real world who was not 1718 just like binging the [ __ ] out of YouTube it's like well yeah of course this went poorly and who the [ __ ] are these people and why do I care it's like it's not like so yeah it's not a major common you know I'm saying yeah it's like - any like functioning adult that's like that went to school or like is out of call it didn't even go to school is just like any functioning adult looks at the situation and it's like this is not drama these people are idiots yeah I feel Dumber for watching this yeah yeah essentially yeah Hey I kind of hate giving this commentary because it makes people feel like oh we're what we the [ __ ] holy grail of you to now or not but it's like it's it's the biggest compliment to me when someone is like oh my god like I've never really watched I've never watched you two but I was on your channel when I saw that one cringe video or whatever yeah and I thought that was really [ __ ] funny right yeah yeah that's dope yeah that's what I strive for you know yeah not like sure no one has ever gone on keemstar channel and been like dude i watch that half-an-hour thing you did about fusee tube another youtuber and that concert he threw which was weird and didn't things that didn't exist in the real world Contin documentary was dope yeah yeah you know and no one is not no one saying well I think that's the problem that's long been the problem with like digital content is like there's like bridging that circle-jerk getting like the crater like some craters to understand it like it has to go bigger than you yeah to get more people like into it and to understand it that's that's long been my problem with like do it like people like they want to see me do reaction videos when people have made the comment like oh I'm funnier on your channel cuz it's like yeah cuz when we're together like talking [ __ ] about something that's natural to me like to peep to aspiring comedians whatever you want to call us and like wanting to like you know just like be funny and like clap on something I like for me it's hard for me to like just push it out on YouTube because I feel like some pressure to like make things that are about YouTube huh and that's not what I want to make yeah you get I don't know yeah so I don't know man I feel like there's like that weird and what's funny for you it's funny about that is like the [ __ ] that is most engaging on YouTube it is in fact like it is like within like the community yeah you know and it's funny how like traditional stuff like it gets shoehorned in there like [ __ ] Conan no one cares for it yeah you know well I do but it's not the San yeah it's not the same I totally agree and so like I am a little bit of a hypocrite when I say this [ __ ] because it's also like I do like watching the YouTube Circle Jerks because I'm as part of the circle trip yeah we are yeah we are I just think like at that level to drag it out for an hour and a half and make a three part series ya know doesn't need to make a 10 minute video yeah you know yeah and and again not [ __ ] hating on Shane Dawson I know he does the he does that [ __ ] great with conspiracy videos I there is that that [ __ ] is like real entertainment I feel that's and that's what I mean is like it like for me it was Shane I think it here's the difference with Shane it's like something that like you could tell like he's crafting and trying to figure out how to be better at yeah you know I'm saying it's like he treats it like kind of like art like he puts in the work team is as long been a dude who's just like okay how do I stay relevant mm how do I stay like he is like fighting to just be in the YouTube community like he has to do anything and everything so like well it's like all right 4/9 poppin we're gonna do four tournaments Shane Dawson's videos are poppin okay let's do it yeah is that [ __ ] yeah it's that whole [ __ ] so whatever we've probably set a whole bunch of flagrant oh sorry uh Cody had answered the phone anyway we probably said a bunch of flagrant [ __ ] that was probably guest trouble with with the circle jerk yeah Rob Lee with the community I'm gonna stop that we don't care we do care but it's I get what you mean it's like it already like there's like that stigma to be beat to be a person putting content on YouTube like I don't know how you feel do you ever get apprehension when people like what do you do and you try to dance around that word of youtubers yeah I'm like well yeah I'm a comedian entertainer yeah man so I guys like guys like team and like this whole fuzzy [ __ ] yeah it just it makes it just it's like one of those things that Google can point out and be like this is why we want other creators and you have professional people on the platform because this is what you guys today yeah this is what you do this was fine two years ago yeah now we have a much bigger audience and this shit's not good for the business so whatever man yeah dude what the [ __ ] is up with your swaggin is good because away you're speaking of googly eyes fucking-a Senate clip in our little talking points and if this news was like some shitty news story about emojis okay like how a mode yeah way play that [ __ ] that was funny try play yeah play it and there's a specific part of this video that killed me I was like man you know just oh wait oh wait what before we get into that should we we should call back something else that happened earlier this week what something we can't talk about legally oh yeah what can we even [ __ ] say well we can't what we can't we can say the facts okay okay what effect we got invited to go to Dan Bilzerian house okay can I can I say the house was the biggest house I've ever seen yeah because that shit's public I got this online - its public yeah no that guy lives in a literal resort yeah it's I don't know we can discuss the contents okay yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say anything about these he made a sign of [ __ ] NDA yeah that's what we have to put we up you sign an NDA to go into that house I don't even know if you could say that our NDA is sometimes in India it says you can't talk about the NDA or the fact that you signed one mother dammit I think I got a copy of it in my email yeah look I'm scared look it up look okay I will uh napot unapologetically say you know I felt like an in cell in that house you know what I mean yeah dude like yo we we get in there and dan is mother that full as emperor Chad to the highest degree hundred percent it was some Roman like god [ __ ] like we get to this part of the house I don't know if I can say what part and it's basically like steps and he's got like this [ __ ] throne I don't know if you can say that he puts that thing on Instagram okay okay okay so some ways we walk in and he's sitting on this you can see one is insert when there's six like Egyptians holding him eyeing one of them is feeding him grapes yeah with leaves made of they're just they're like scented with basil vagina oil a little bit different no you can see it on his Instagram it's a picture with post Malone he's sitting on this throne with these girls around him but it's like the positioning of it when you walk in and when you see him and like the architecture like surrounding it you're like wow I'm a loser in here I'm a [ __ ] loser I'm no one [ __ ] beta beta yeah yeah yeah I immediately like created an insula count and started just posting about how women only wine you know oh by the way mr. mr. dan Bilzerian he's not a six-foot dude [ __ ] shredded though yeah he's yeah but it you know it does help to be ripped yeah you know I gotta be tall but it does help if he ripped I'm gonna look this [ __ ] up I'm gonna look up this this little NDA no did you have it ready yeah okay here we go can you even read this I don't know I was gonna read it in my brain yeah reading your brain can't even do that I don't know do not read yeah yeah it was a hell of an experience oh man I don't wanna get sued for this [ __ ] dude this is a long ass yeah it's a lot I mean just why don't you do a quick search like can I talk about it fine oh [ __ ] Cody is like the face he's making right now is like it's like concern genuine because so yeah we we were we were in his place and the thing that's funny to me about that is now it's gone full circle with two important thing Kody's lifting his eyes I'm just gonna do this like I'm going solo right now scared dude the thing that leads nobody nobody nobody tweet him yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah please don't just favorite thing ever when I see someone be like Oh Cody talked about you in the podcast no no [ __ ] um yeah don't tweet it Dan yeah I mean we've only complimented him yeah we've just called him like the Emperor Chad yeah we felt like beta's soon whatever what the [ __ ] is it thing this is this is a second full circle thing for me cuz he blew up my [ __ ] Instagram oh yeah posted one of my mind yeah and way back in what like three four years ago damn yeah I think I checked recently I think it's still there it's like it remains one of the only funny videos he's put on his Instagram that's crazy yeah huh yeah so she said that yo dude yeah so you might recognize me no sure well if I do I bring the hat and the shirt yeah or what if I say this who is this [ __ ] ring a bell no dude what who are you who are you yeah who wants to be a millionaire vine no you know that dude has piercing eye contact he's got alpha eye contact he didn't break we were standing in a group and he spoke to us I don't know if I can say what he said today he can't but what I can say is for the duration of those two sentences he stared me right in the [ __ ] eyes and he didn't break I felt I felt like a [ __ ] like you're gonna listen to me I'm like yes I am and I listen I listen to every word got it damn dude yeah so we went to Danny Danny Bill's house and I was not spent weird week it's been a very weird week not awesome week but very weird here's the thing now is I'm after watching fousey situation I'm terrified of just like falling off like hardest [ __ ] and we're on this high so I think I'm just going to commit suicide this week this cries dude like I need to beat me before life beats me you know what I'm saying I gotta take me out the game before the game takes me up I think there's like a graceful way to cuz I was thinking about like everyone I was thinking about earlier and like everyone gets older you know yeah yeah before it's like people people have like you know there's people like like what I don't know [ __ ] like Beyonce job well no she's still [ __ ] killing it no she's still kill who oh wait older and then I alright I have family yeah sorry I keep going no no I think at like in terms of no I think in terms of comedians what I get what you're saying as a comedian I feel like there's a there's there's more forgiveness and it's not easier but it's like it's more practical to stay in entertainment because as a comedian you can still offer insight and funny points of view as you get older I was more saying like with with music and stuff and with everything there's there's a way to fall off gracefully oh yeah sure sure there's that I would everyone does right it's an age where it's like ah I'm more focused on having a family and raising a family than remaining relevant in terms of true sure that's like yeah you know I'm always gonna do art but it's like it is if you're if you want to remain in the public eye especially now yeah it's there's such a high degree of like maintaining mmm awareness of what's going on around you figure out how you can capitalize on trends all that stuff you have to do that [ __ ] now right yeah you gotta do unless you're like an absolute legend then yeah I'm kind of just sit back and yeah yeah no I agree I think that's harder to do with with music it's harder to do with music I think with YouTube and all that it's it's pretty like it's taxing but you can stay dialed in and like when you're offering comedic points people are more forgiving of how you look obviously look at you I mean [Music] like with your hairlines bad and you're getting old like people don't seem to mind it right my hair lines not bad no but it's like you you'll always enjoy hearing like Bill burr and talk some [ __ ] yeah you know a 20 year old bill burr and a 40 year old bill burr are always entertaining yeah so four-year-olds better yeah right so like that's what I cross my fingers for is I hope I could be entertaining like through my life with music like if you're a pop star like your ariana grande it there there is a [ __ ] max on that yeah like JLo and then they always try to come back like when they're 40 and it's always like a really like sexy song and it's not hot yeah it's always like J Lo's back and this is really big [ __ ] PR push and everyone's like in like 45 yeah but it's like when you when you've done what they've what they've done you're like leave a legacy like that you can kind of just Coase on that [ __ ] you can but I'm just saying like I think it's harder to do yeah you can't be 45 dropping like Sexy's back again yeah I agree yeah you listen to Justin's doesn't release new [ __ ] yeah seriously oh man but he's now going on on big ass tour I mean yeah cuz he'll always have that brand yeah still just like it's not it's not the same yeah it's not the same so whatever anyways yeah it just it gets super depressing on everyone yeah we took a turn there yeah I had to be on it like I kind of felt I got to talk about the phousi thing because legit like scared the [ __ ] out of me yeah really above anything damn it scared the [ __ ] out of me so I'm like dang dude like I pray I don't ever take it that way you know man yeah I think h3 one time was like talking about in some video it might have been the podcast you did with PewDiePie for some reason I was watching that maybe and they were like why do people's channels die uh one of them was it was like because they let themselves become uninteresting yeah they don't push themselves they're doing the same thing over and over again yeah yes working I'm pretty sure even said they're not but it's like yeah yeah and I think that's definitely true but I also kind of think it's like sometimes people do do make a change that's unnecessary and that's what yep so who knows yeah you know I think you just gotta keep pushing yourself keep learning no I'm like I think the biggest thing is just acknowledging audience layout if they're like yo this [ __ ] is like it bill dude here on the podcast all the time is episode [ __ ] depressing like be funny no a lot of comments on this one yeah yeah yeah but it's like we need that and then like the next episode we'll come back with slug our [ __ ] big sheriff if I gained egg no yeah so it's just entertainment scary thing I mean I'm just kind of a lost soul you know I'm just a big ol Lhasa wild soul wild soul man yo wait I had a I think I had a bit in here I guess where we at also I wanna I 108 I hate I gotta go away hate to do this I guess I can go here it goes so I want to do I thought about this last time someone someone commented maybe maybe on patreon or something I won't expect you wanted yeah was it was to do someone comments hidden was like you should what did they say you should play our music on the thing it could be a cool fun like you know audience interactive segment where you play our music yeah so we get recognition and I was kind of like I was thinking I was like how can I how could I be like more involved in that I guess and I think what I want to start doing maybe is we'll see if it works [ __ ] it I don't know yeah play a beat like you know I usually make beats like every week and it's like how like I have to force myself to do it today like get better and practice in whatever I want to eventually be able to produce all of our [ __ ] moving forward not all of it but like a lot of centage of it yeah and so like you know obviously I just need to [ __ ] keep making beats to get matters it's you know regardless how bad they are so I kind of want to do something where every week I play a beat and then I link the instrumental and people who rap who listen to it can rap over it and then I'll play the best ones in the next episode yeah the patreon tape yeah and then eventually I kind of want to by the end of the year maybe or early next year like do like a patreon mixtape where it's it's just like my beats your guys's rapping they will do two or something in there or sing whatever you want but of course on it whatever we don't give a [ __ ] so here maybe for this one I'll play this beat this one's a little bit weird I don't really like it that much but it's the only one I made this week so um one second let me just find it please it's called awful beat truly bad let it dang my guy yeah oh yeah it's working well hey [Music] and freestyle go that [ __ ] suck my dick [ __ ] you gonna suck my [ __ ] dick [ __ ] dick you're gonna [ __ ] suck my dick yeah Elon Musk if I must Halon musk I don't want better alright [Music] alright there it is that's a beat bang bang bang bang oh well that I don't like it yo I'll link it on my stupid-ass beats SoundCloud and if you want to rap over that go for it [ __ ] with the boy who love to hear it who knows maybe this idea will crash and burn yeah we'll see and then that's gonna be the one that [ __ ] says tiny meet King [ __ ] sucks oh we didn't talk about the our rebrand oh yeah that's okay someone sent me okay this is bail bond Giovanni she commented on the patreon she said friends mom asked about TMG and when my friend tried to describe who y'all were to her mom she said they'd make a comedy podcast called the meat guys and the meat guys that is now what team G stands for the meat guys that's that's for all the all our 16 year old listeners who have no way of telling their parents about tiny meat you could also go I was thinking of some alternates a the manlet gang mm-hmm okay the man that like that yeah yeah yeah um too masculine guys too masculine guys yeah there you go don't Matt's out on my Instagram - marvellous guys - marvellous guys there you go there you like the meat guys the meat guys yeah this sounds like a butcher shop that's bad it sounds like a great show on the Food Network yeah oh we could get a Guy Fieri feature diners drive-ins and dives a guy future guy forgot future yeah um alright guys I got a [ __ ] dip I got a dip I got this video to edit so that it can be live tomorrow and it's funny you should watch it I got a video to shoot and [ __ ] and me too actually I got to shoot the first part and I wrote it last night but now I gotta shoot it same cuz I spent all of Tuesday all of Tuesday playing [ __ ] four night yeah but I made that beat while I was playing so I was a guy got something out of it yeah you did alright guys kind of alright guys see you next week a bonus episode coming soon yep next week probably no [ __ ] it will be next will be next week wait last minute housecleaning a next round of posters has gone out or will be going out okay yeah [ __ ] should be out by the time you hear this alright but ya love ya bye sorry sorry Shane Dawson I didn't I didn't mean it
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 277,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SXtsmO7wl4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 54sec (4374 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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